Sacrameto Police Seize Child From Parents (OT)


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Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 9, 2013 - 12:27am PT

If one physician says the child is fine, but a nurse sees the father brutally beat the infant, does CPS ignore the nurse's information just because a physician said the baby is safe?

I know, but that didn't happen here. It was clear the 2nd doc cleared them.

Now the ironic thing is this is just a talk show bullshit topic designed to do one thing - enrich the host of that talk show by inciting ignorant and easily duped people into emotional reactions by stoking their fears of being held accountable.

What talk-show covered this?

If the CPS erred in removing that kid, we'll get it figured out. At least there is a kid to fight over...

Really? Who will decide? And who will police the CPS from this brownshirt behavior?
Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
May 9, 2013 - 12:28am PT
At least there is a kid to fight over...

Well said.
Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
May 9, 2013 - 12:30am PT
It was clear the 2nd doc cleared them.

It's still irrelevant. There is no such thing a "clearing" parents, and a physician's attestation expires the seond it is signed. Child protection is an on-going process. The ultimate authority rests with CPS, not the physician.

Good night, it's after midnight and I'm going to bed.
Have fun arguing!

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 9, 2013 - 12:36am PT
The ultimate authority rests with CPS, not the physician.

And isn't that the problem? What basis did CPS seize that child on? They never stated while seizing him. Still haven't!

You want that world?

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 9, 2013 - 12:51am PT
They are doing what their taxpayers expect of them. Now folks may choose to throw the children of others under buses in the name of personal freedom and maybe that flies as a majority opinion in Oklahoma or Mississippi, I dunno. But this is California and we expect more from our government. There damn sure ain't no one else lining up to save those kids.

Wha???? You always try to come off as a libertarian-type independent, but this just outs you as a mindless gov't liberal. Nice job throwing Okies and Mississippians under the redneck bus too, bigot! They must all be mindless idiots who could never be more wise than the almighty Dingus.

Yeah, in California we must always do everything better, just because we are arrogant as#@&%es.

How long have you lived here? You come off as an arrogant transplant and not a native of the state.


A taxpayer of Sacramento County

In case you think I'm unduly infringing on your precious, righteous county, I'm being invited by the the event coordinator, and you may know him if you are a resident of the county. He ran for Gov and city council seats in your area. Libertarian dude.

Gym climber
South of Heaven
May 9, 2013 - 01:59am PT
The irony of it all is that this is just a talk show bullshit topic designed to do one thing - enrich the host of that talk show by inciting ignorant and easily duped people into emotional reactions by stoking their fears of being held accountable.


I get the feeling blurring doesn't really belong in CA. Doesn't seem like his kind of people round these parts. They aren't going to change so why not do everyone a favor and find your tribe? Make the Exodus. I'm sure there are plenty of folks out there who feel a few abused/killed kids are an acceptable price to pay in order to ensure our freedom from these atrocious acts of tyranny. I'm thinking Texas.

In case you think I'm unduly infringing on your precious, righteous county, I'm being invited by the the event coordinator, and you may know him if you are a resident of the county. He ran for Gov and city council seats in your area.

There goes his political career.

Mountain climber
Olympia, WA
May 9, 2013 - 02:12am PT
I chimed earlier and I’ll chime in again. Despite what he says and his tone, it is disingenuous to pigeon-hole Bluering as being “anti CPS” and how he is all wrong; that’s not what this is about. We, including Bluey, all agree that abused and neglected children need to get rescued out of their bad situation. But, Bluering is aghast at the lack of due process and the appearance, if not fact, that this child was removed unnecessarily and under nefarious circumstances. Based on the facts presented in all of the news reports, both domestic and international, it jumps out that there was an ego battle between doctors over this child by the different hospitals, and that’s where all of this started.

CPS social workers are underpaid, overworked and have an incredibly stressful job busily checking out abusive homes, arranging visits for kids and their birth parents, court appearances, and all of the paperwork that keeps piling up to document everything . Unfortunately, case workers also want to load up their plate with easy cases and not ones that need sheriff escorts into scary neighborhoods and homes. That’s where corruption or “over interpretation” comes in. It is very easy to inflate a few facts or stories into a full-blown case, and that’s what this one appears to be. Had the Russian Consulate and the media not got involved, all would have been sweet for whoever got this case because it doesn’t seem as if the parents are at all bad people; rather they appear pretty normal and likely cooperative. They are also devoted and protective parents who are not going to sit idle while the government takes over their primary job – parenting.

Rather than bash Bluey for appearing to oppose CPS in general, I applaud him for standing up for due process. It is well documented that the “fine line” mentioned above between constitutional rights and protecting children has been grossly abused by over-ambitious CPS social workers nationwide. Underpaid and understaffed social service agencies are on the budget-cutting edge of deficit reduction – the budgets of these critical programs are being slashed “left” and “right.” But, I stand by the notion that removal of children from their natural family should always be the last and final option, not the opinion of one doctor over another, or the first option to go for. Sort it out later? Yeah, after a year in foster care and a stigmatized family and childhood tainted forever.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 9, 2013 - 02:27am PT
Well, thanks, Jesse.

And I normally totally support both groups, CPS and LEO (cops). But they need to be checked when they cross the line.

That's all we're doing here. And it will be a peaceful, seemingly futile demonstration. But we'll simply let them know that we disapprove of this action.

And we'll support the immigrant family here.

Again, this sh#t should be non-partisan.

Big Wall climber
Seattle, WA
May 9, 2013 - 02:31am PT

+1 TMJesse
John M

May 9, 2013 - 02:56am PT
But, I stand by the notion that removal of children from their natural family should always be the last and final option,

I disagree. There are too many case where CPS didn't act quickly enough and the child died. Thats why we have judges overseeing these cases. There is a difficult line between protecting children and protecting parents rights.

Jesse, What are you going to say if a child is left in the parents hands after a report of potential abuse and the child ends up dead? I say err on the side of the child's safety. I'm sorry if that means that occasionally a parents rights get trampled. Better that then a dead or molested child.

I wonder if any of you have tried to understand it from the perspective of CPS. You decide and if you make a mistake and a child ends up dead, crippled, or abused, then what will you say? I have made errors in trusting people to do the right thing, and ended up being fully wrong. Thats made me much more cautious. Its easy to armchair these decisions. Its another thing entirely when you realize a child's welfare is at stake.

The problem with the cases where CPS didn't step in and should have is that they often don't get reported. The child lives a life of abuse and we only find out if they die or later when they are an adult and can tell their story. I wonder how many children have slipped through the cracks.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Topic Author's Reply - May 9, 2013 - 03:10am PT
John, that wasn't the case here. And is why I'm protesting this.

They f*#ked up this time, and did damage to a caring, innocent family. That is counter to the mission of CPS. Plain and simple.
John M

May 9, 2013 - 03:17am PT
Go volunteer Blue. Lets see you stand in the fire and make a decision about what to do about a child. Its easy to monday morning quarterback.

May 9, 2013 - 09:51am PT
why are you guy's trying to spoil blurrings weekend?

Mountain climber
Olympia, WA
May 9, 2013 - 11:04am PT
There is a difficult line between protecting children and protecting parents rights.

I wonder how many children have slipped through the cracks.

I don't disagree. My central issue here is corruption. Foster care is big business and a cash cow for state and local governments, social service organizations, private consultants, etc. I see big advertisement banners hanging on big buildings that say "foster parents needed - call 123-4567." These support services and private consultants want business so they can survive. Under the guise of "protecting children," corruption in the system is rampant. It is akin to human trafficking. Read just one of hundreds of articles on it:

The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services, By Nancy Schaefer, Georgia State Senate, 50th District:

Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
May 9, 2013 - 11:20am PT
Bluring wrote:
Who's the ingenius, he who judges after reading all of the facts of the story, or he who just makes judgements off one line of the story?

Ask yourself that...genius.

O! the irony!

Social climber
Joshua Tree
May 9, 2013 - 11:35am PT
Hmm, should I listen to the cynical guy with a doctorate (or close enough)in a hard science...or a reactionary Teabagging moron who claims Mexico is in South America and when gently corrected doubles down INSISTING that anything south of the US border is "South America"?

Well, that Wes guy sure is a meanie, so I guess I'll go with the alcoholic ignorant hillbilly and his impotent raging against a wide array of imaginary boogiemen.

CPS!! Fast and Furious! Benghazi Benghazi Behghazi! Alien Anal Probes!!! Black Helicopters, New World Order, Vince Foster in the library with the candlestick, oh my!

Gym climber
South of Heaven
May 9, 2013 - 11:36am PT
Take ANYONE out of a hospital WITHOUT properly checking out and you SHOULD have cops on your ass. If it is a child with a heart condition, yeah, you could very well be endangering that child's life. Endangering a child's life = CPS gets involved, that's the law! Blurring is an idiot.

Full disclosure, I'm only (nearly) a Dr of Rocks and Water.

Social climber
Joshua Tree
May 9, 2013 - 11:45am PT
Dr. Rock, you say?

Don't mind if I do:

[Click to View YouTube Video]
John M

May 9, 2013 - 11:58am PT
Hey Jesse, I read that link. I'm familiar with the problems of CPS. Your link says that CPS is broken beyond repair.

So what is your solution? It is an under funded system that is fairly easy to corrupt. Oh.. and those adds are because it really is tough to find foster parents. Few people want to do it. Are you going to volunteer to do it? Will you want to get financial help if you take a child in? Whats your solution to when a child really is in danger and needs to be pulled from a home?

Please go volunteer and find out just how hard it is to make these decisions. There is currently a petition to hold CPS staff criminally responsible for any mistakes they make. I wonder how many will quit if that happens.

Here is a link that says the highest paid case workers make 25 to 30 thousand a year. After 10 years you can make 40 thousand. Thats in the large cities.

My brother is an air traffic controller. He topped out in pay at 154,000 dollars a years. So everyone is safe to fly, but are our children safe?

Mountain climber
Olympia, WA
May 9, 2013 - 12:01pm PT
Endangering a child's life = CPS gets involved

Yep, that is sure true. Kids taken away by CPS are definitely in danger, alright.

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