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Jun 11, 2006 - 11:39am PT
I don't understand why they can't dynamite the mountain down. I own a business in Fish Camp, and we are making a donation to the Chamber of Commerce so they can begin a "Mariposa is open" type of campagne like they had in 1997 when the floods hit. We will also be donating to the food bank there. It would be great if all the businesses on this side of the mountain would donate a bit of their profits to the other side of the mountain. I don't want to make a profit at the demise of a whole town or even 1 other business like the hostel. I'm also going to be contacting some of the corporations that have franchises there (Chevorn, BP, Choice hotels, etc.) asking them for gift cards to donate. Don't know if it will work, but at least it's worth a try.
Boulder climber
Back in the mix
Jun 11, 2006 - 05:31pm PT
Barbara wrote:" because Pizza Factory (my favorite) was closed a couple of months ago due to a collapse of the historic Trabucco Wherehouse"
What a bummer. They sponsored my fifth grade baseball team and used to give us free pizza after games, win or lose.
Hope this disaster comes to a resolution faster than the time frames being thrown out here.
Trad climber
Jun 12, 2006 - 02:50am PT
"...unless the slide is greater than 510', El Portal is in no danger, whatsoever."
I think it depends on your definition of El Portal and danger.
Also, did you take into account the current peak runoff continuing to flow into the river/possible lake?
I was in El Portal during the '97 flood and I remember seeing the frothy-chocolate water raging above the bank, and saw the damage it did to the hwy. that is my main concern with E.P. If the river does dam, there is going to be extensive hwy. damage, and I imagine this would once again take out Incline Road, and possibly the trailer court (yes, there are still people living there), and any other low land dwelings. It must be an eering feeling wondering what is going to happen and not knowing when. We've had so many "sympathy" calls from friends in E.P. offering a place for us to stay, so our family can be together during my husbands work week. I just hope everything stays okay with their town.
Being cut-off from El Portal and Yosemite is a strange feeling.
Barbara Milazzo
Jun 12, 2006 - 01:45pm PT
I agree that the highway near the slide, and for a distance up canyon, would probably be damaged. It is on average 30' above the river. It would be under water in a damming scenario. The bridge at Savages would probably suffer too as would Incline Road in that immediate area. But I am certain that the water can NOT back up to EP. The only conceivable possibility requires the dam to be over 510' and so firmly compacted that it can hold back the shear force of the huge volume of water. The physics of this is sooooooo unlikely as to be a mute point.
It is when the dam gives way that the destruction will be greatest.
My friend proposes an interesting couple of scenarios. He suggests that "they" set water proof blasting charges in the river in anticipation of a potential dam. If it happens "they" can detonate the charges and prevent a significant build up of water. He even suggests that they set the river charges then blast down the mountain THEN blow the dam open. Cool concept! I don't know a thing about the specific behavior of blasting materials and I know blasting won't make the volume of rock dissapear so it might not be feasible at all. I bet it would work in Hollywood !
Trad climber
Jun 12, 2006 - 03:22pm PT
Blow the mountain down into the river, then have the USAF come in and open up the river with a bunch of laser-guided 10,000lb bombs.
Sell tickets, make it an occasion.
All proceeds going to the buisnesses in town...........
Flagstaff, AZ
Jun 12, 2006 - 03:56pm PT
I wonder if AAArnold is going to petition the Feds to lift the wilderness area designation applied to that river (or maybe just part of it). All these ideas of how to combat a potential damning or speed up the mass wasting processes are great... except well... except that it's completely illegal under the Wilderness Act designation.
Trad climber
Jun 12, 2006 - 07:22pm PT
Jody are you talking about the Yosemite Bug Hostel?
Trad climber
So. Cal.
Jun 12, 2006 - 07:32pm PT
Let's hope a family of Perigrine Falcons doesn't decide to set up house-keeping on the slide face or 140 might be closed for good.
Trad climber
Jun 12, 2006 - 08:29pm PT
It's all very interesting. Do you have a computer model at the discovery center? maybe I'll stop in this week to see. I'm still concerned about the hwy., because things things upstream can be affected by what happens downstream. and the shock wave could do some major damage to the course of the river as well.
Oh, Jody,
The Yosemite Bug Hostel is located in Midpines off hwy. 140, a few miles East of the Midpines Post Office. It's a cool place for dinner, you should definitely check it out. Although, most of the appeal is the Euro feel from all the foreigners...oh, well, still a cool spot. (It's also close to some swimming holes and the North Fork of the Merced River/Briceberg)
another great place to eat in Mariposa is the River Rock Inn. they serve a variety of gourmet sandwiches and will be having music and bbq on Wed. and Fri. night starting the first day of summmer.
For a more of a dining experience try Savourys. I love the Panne Cotta (sp.?).
thanks for visiting Mariposa
Barbara Milazzo
Jun 13, 2006 - 02:11am PT
You asked, "Do you have a computer model at the discovery center?" No unfortunately I don't. I did a brute study of topo maps on the USGS web site. Soon I hope to have GIS maps of the river canyon that show habitat and endangered species that will be effected.
We (a collaborative) are applying for a grant to purchase new computers for the Discovery Center that will be able to handle ESRI GIS. Then anyone can model a variety of interesting scenarios. Maybe next Fall I could model such things.
Ice climber
Ashland, Or
Jun 13, 2006 - 02:27am PT
I studied GIS in college, this would have been the perfect capstone project. I'd contact the nearest University Geography department and ask if there are any students interested in a project.
The software liscense for ESRI is much more expensive then the hardware needed to run it, but ESRI is pretty good about donating to non-profits, you should go to them directly.
Barbara Milazzo
Jun 13, 2006 - 09:41am PT
I took GIS in college and I loved the class. I see the relevance to many career opportunities, even recreational climbing. We have a number of software packages and fortunately it turns out that we(school district) already own the licenses too. I know ESRI is pricey, they are the best. The Discovery Center has been offered data from various sources too. We just don't have a computer powerful enough to handle it yet. If we get the grant we are good to go. Well, after I brush up on my skills that is. Then students and the public can learn to query and model too. We will have classes in due time.
pony girl
Mariposa, Ca
Jun 14, 2006 - 10:15pm PT
For those of you who have been involved in the threads regarding Mariposa and our "economic troubles" due to the landslide on 140 and have talked of helping here is your chance. At the last Merchants meeting the prospect of bringing our Farmers Market down from the park and into the downtown area came up. It has progressed over the past few weeks and is coming to fruition next week, along with a weekly "Street Fair" every Wednesday night from 5 to 8. I'm sure it will have a growing process but we have to start somewhere, right? The Market will be on the corner of Seventh and Bullion with street vendors set up along Seventh, between 140 and Bullion. If you are a vendor and would like to rent a space (We Need You!) it is $10 per space and you can contact Dell Knell at 209-742-5522. Tell her I sent you. Our Board of Supervisors has given us a generous check and it will be used for advertising in the Fresno area as well as the Merced side. There is talk of getting some local car clubs out there to display their automobiles in the future as well as some other fun stuff. We'll have music in the Art Park on Wednesdays and I myself am trying to hook up with a local musician to play on my deck outside for a couple hours on Wednesdays, too. I am on the corner of 7th and 140. My shop, The Pony Expresso, will be open late with music going, River Rock Cafe will have a BBQ dinner going as well as other activities. We need a varity of vendors and we need people to stick with it and not give up after 2 weeks. I know it is a haul to come over here for some and gas prices are high but if you are local and want to help this is where we need it. Also, if you are not a vendor/artist or interested in selling just come up and wander around for the evening. Maybe do your organic shopping and then have a dinner out over here? My husband and I have agreed to go out to dinner once a week for the summer just to help our community. That may not be a big deal for some but we NEVER go out, lol, so for us it is ;0) Hope you can come!
Amy Eaton
The Pony Expresso
Jun 15, 2006 - 12:48pm PT
I went to Mariposa on Tuesday, dropped off checks and hugs of support at the Chamber and at Manna House, filled up my tank and tummy, visited the museums, did some shopping and had a great time. We went to the Bug for lunch, but parking lot was busy, so we went back to Mariposa and had lunch at the Red Fox, which was quiet. Lovely day but town was quiet. I'll be visiting the Farmer's Markets when able.
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Mar 21, 2009 - 02:55am PT
Flouride, any chance we can see the tape of the slide in action?
Trad climber
Mar 21, 2009 - 10:49am PT
Ah dang it.....that is bad
Boulder climber
Mar 21, 2009 - 12:09pm PT
Luggi, Munger did a Dredge Job, look at the date, 2006.
Scared the sh#t out of me, I have a trip on the Merced this weekend.
Anybody need a ride to El Portal?
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