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can't say
Social climber
Pasadena CA
Topic Author's Original Post - Jun 1, 2005 - 01:14am PT
Just got the word about the recent passing of Shawn. Condolences to friends and family. There will be a memorial service is August at Mt. Shasta. I don't have the details but will post them as soon as I hear anything.
Shaun was the man when it came to mantles and when it came to searchin for the perfect Martini.
can't say
Social climber
Pasadena CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 1, 2005 - 09:15am PT
Leroy..that he was..plus he was a talented musician and photographer.
Mountain climber
Tustin, Calif.
Shawn was one of my early climbing partners. I still have a color print that he made of me bouldering in 1975, he had printed it in his own home color photo lab. Shawn was a exceptionally gifted boulderer, a master of mantles and the thin crack. Condolences to family and friends.
Trad climber
Shawn was really an enthusiastic person when it came to anything he was doing and shared his enthusiasm with everyone, he new how to live life to the hilt. Sad news to lose Shawn at such a young age he was a genuinely positive person, I can remember only fun and good times even when things weren't going to well. Rest in peace brother.
Sport climber
Venice, Ca
Curtis, gone? Wow, that bolws.
How did he go? I had no idea . . .
Social climber
Joshua Tree, CA
Yeah my phones been ringing off the hook with folks trying to find out about Shawn. If you have to get the particulars, e-mail me and we can talk. I won't post much here! Shawn was one of my best friends and I'll really miss him!! I climbed, played music and partied with him for decades!!
Yo Largo!! How've you been? (...it's "Little Mike" from San Diego...)
Russ Walling
Social climber
Bishop is DEAD, long live JT
WOW! Unreal man..... There was nuthin' like the good times we had cruising that Volvo around the Eastside with Shawn at the helm. See ya on the other side man.
Social climber
Joshua Tree, CA
Yo Mussy! Been on the blower with my brother in Shasta and it looks like in august there will be a memorial/wake and the like there! Those were some great times at deadman's with Shawn, and Skip and Richard and Swiss Michi!! Oh yeah and El CID!!
looking sketchy there...
Social climber
Latitute 33
Sad news..... Shawn was a very talented guy and a excellent boulderer.
Sport climber
Venice, Ca
I also have a color print Shawn "processed" in his bathroom sink. Ever see the pics he took at the San Diego zoo? He had a great eye.
Cardiff by the sea
RIP Shawn!
Very sad news about a very talented person. Seemed like what ever Shawn did (climbing, music, photos) he did better than average. I feel sad I will not get to see him again.
Tommy T
portland, Oregon
Shawn was an ultra talented guy. I will miss him. I'm sure he is tickling the ivories in a better place. Anyone who heard him play his tune Toulumne knows.
Trad climber
Moorpark, CA.
Shawn was allways gung-ho for everything, partying, climbing, music or a good old desert "moonlight run". See ya later.
ron gomez
Trad climber
I wish I had only one of Shawns talents, a great friend, musician, photographer, climber, brother and person. I can't remember if I laughed harder when the fish was talking or Shawn, He did have some great one liners. Those of us who were lucky to have known him will greatly miss him.
see ya in the next one Shawn
Social climber
Joshua Tree, CA
To all concerned...Please give me a message if you are interested in attending Shawn's service this august. I can give you info. directions whatever. Here's a photo I came across.
Social climber
Joshua Tree, CA
Just posting to keep this one in the public eye! Shawn deserves as much!
Social climber
Joshua Tree, CA
I must post a picture that I think my man Shawn would have gotten a hoot from! It's from a good mate from England named Spaceplant and is entitled "Sharing a joke with Buddha"
Social climber
Joshua Tree, CA
Aug 13, 2005 - 12:09pm PT
I'd like to give a shout out to everyone who knew Shawn to send out your prayers or good vibes today! It's his birthday and his ashes will be spread at Mt. Shasta today, it was his spiritual home!
Big Wall climber
Long Beach, CA
Aug 13, 2005 - 02:33pm PT
I am guessing that this isn't Metolius Shawn?? I'm sorry to hear of the passing of another great climber eventhough I didn't know him. Condolences to all his family, loved ones, and past partners!!
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