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Trad climber
Someplace F*#ked!
Oct 20, 2004 - 01:18pm PT
Let the people police themselves, lest the impoverished of ST land start referring to you as a “Tool”. You’ve created a monster you cannot destroy!
Greg Barnes
Oct 20, 2004 - 01:33pm PT
Sure, leave it, it's not worth the effort to try to censor anything.
Gym climber
san diego, ca
Oct 20, 2004 - 01:43pm PT
Well if you want to call this place a forum then you must allow any topic to be discussed. By definition a forum is a public facility to meet for open discussion. Its up to you in the end...I prefer to keep it a climbing / spray related website, but we then cant call it a supertopo forum.
can't say
Social climber
Pasadena CA
Oct 20, 2004 - 01:44pm PT
I agree that self policing maybe the best way to do it (even if I am guilty of said political sins) But I also think sites like this that provide a forum for its members to post on, should not use censorship except in extreme cases. That being said, perhaps a separate forum for political spray etc. like Summitpost, rc.com and many others have on their sites.
Trad climber
Tucson, AZ
Oct 20, 2004 - 01:45pm PT
So far, the political stuff seems to mostly be staying in well-marked threads, so I don't really care that much. If it were to start hijacking too many actual climbing threads, that would be obnoxious.
Oct 20, 2004 - 01:45pm PT
i would think the political banter will slow down a lot after the election cycle, but whatever you decide, be careful that you don't set yourself up for some sort of slippery slope, you may end up having to police all sorts of things...
maybe you should just outlaw ST users from sending you whining emails about anything at all!
Ice climber
Oct 20, 2004 - 01:46pm PT
Ban Matt and the political threads will stop being started, that will take care of most of your problem. I just jump into threads taht were started by someone else.
Josh Higgins
Trad climber
San Diego
Oct 20, 2004 - 01:57pm PT
What he said ^^^^
Trad climber
Oct 20, 2004 - 01:57pm PT
All subjects should remain open for debate on ST, ban censorship...
Oct 20, 2004 - 02:03pm PT
i think you should ban the practice of setting up a bogus email address in order to register on ST, then spraying and offending as often as possible while not standing there to back it up- coiler keeps telling the world that climbing is dangerous, so why is there so much spineless behavior by these 'climbers' on ST?
care to comment, tough guy?
Trad climber
Oct 20, 2004 - 02:03pm PT
I agree with Forrest, Chris. The day I start clicking on topics that are untrue, I would FULLY support censorship. My computer is too damn slow to deal with that.
NOT Fresno
Oct 20, 2004 - 02:05pm PT
Watch out Mac, you'll become the SouperTopo Nazi. Get out of my forum! No topo for you!
Seriously, tell the whiners to shut up, not the posters. We're not running a cable show here. If you have a problem with the programming, open your mouth and post something else. Don't whine to teacher.
BTW Matt's right, come Nov. 3 it will all go away. If Bush wins,, most of us will have hanged ourselves. (Predictable Nazi reply: Good! Hee hee!)
Now I'm gonna hijack this thread: Bush is a dumbf*#k and a mass murderer and Flash dropped out of the eighth grade.
Oct 20, 2004 - 02:16pm PT
yo- i like it!
say, FRATrad and flush, why don't we 3 put our money where our mouths are?
i will pledge not to ever post on ST under any name for at least one year, starting on the day the next president is sworn in, if that president is george w. bush, so long as both of you do the same if john kerry wins- DEAL?
Oct 20, 2004 - 02:23pm PT
FOUR MORE WARS$$$$$$$$FOUR MORE WARS$$$$$$$$$$$$$FOUR MORE WARS$$$$$$$$$$$FOUR MORE WARS$$$$$$$FOUR MORE WARS$$$$$$$$$$$
Wade Icey
Social climber
the EPC
Oct 20, 2004 - 02:24pm PT
"on the other hand, i hate moderating or sensoring anything. mainly because it just takes away from my climbing time. "
seems you've answered your own question.
If you start filtering political threads people will just use climbing related topics to slander, name call and argue...oh wait, they already do. Might as well go climbing.
takes all kinds,
Trad climber
Oct 20, 2004 - 02:45pm PT
Censorship?? No Way!! Thats what makes this site the best for open discussion AMONG CLIMBERS. The discussion may be away from climbing but all the people are CLIMBERS!! So essentially we always are on topic.
I want to hand it to you Chris, this site setup is awesome, the forum is even better, it is the easiest one to navigate and find the topic your interested in. Go to any other other site with forum and get lost in the catagories, subcatagories, whats the difference between trad or sport or bouldering when your talking about random things? You want beta? Go to beta? You don't like a topic? Such as: Bush is a moron!!! Who making you read??? Go back in time and bring up an old "more climbing related topic or like others said, Start one yourself, if your sick of the politics, this is just a computer campfire, lets here what you climbers have to say, I will never allow censorship in my camp, and any censorship will mean I will have to ban supertopo and just copy my friends books.
Trad climber
Oct 20, 2004 - 02:50pm PT
If the forum software allows it, have seperate sections, for rock climbing, ice, and an "anything goes" section, where people can discuss politics, war, the environment, Avril Lavigne etc etc.
Better than having heavy moderation, in my opinion. Topics that turn political can just be moved. I'm not in favour of banning or censoring people
Big Wall climber
oakland, ca
Oct 20, 2004 - 03:00pm PT
Would it be too big of a hassle to have a climbing section and a seperate everything else section?
I'm not into censorship, but I also understand that you're running a business, and having your business site full of political rants is probably not helping you to sell guidebooks.
Oct 20, 2004 - 03:10pm PT
Yes... yes, it should be allowed.
Seperate "climbing" and "everything else" section won't help sell guidebooks either. I highly doubt that an occasional political thread (2 of 25 threads on the current front page) keeps people away from the site, The part that I imagine does help with sales, the "Route beta" section, is seperate anyway.
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