Niels Tietze


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Trad climber
La Cochitaville
Topic Author's Original Post - Nov 18, 2017 - 10:47am PT
“Silence buries someone deeper than dirt.” Niels told me after another friends fatal climbing accident. So here I am, shouting at the internet:

It is with the deepest of sorrow that we share the loss of Niels Tietze.

A self professed Luddite, he wasn’t much for the internet but those of us that knew him and climbed with him will forever feel his absence.

Thank you to YOSAR for bringing one of their own home last night.

Those if you who didn’t know him can get a glimpse of his light in this short film by Chris Alstrin

I will write more when time and sadness allow.

Nov 18, 2017 - 11:39am PT
This makes me really sad. Niels energy was off the charts. He really was a special man.

I'd always hoped to roped up with him at some point.
Ed Hartouni

Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Nov 18, 2017 - 01:11pm PT
Let's remember to tell those we love that we do,
make the most of every moment we have, (we have few),
and celebrate in that making our friends who would be with us if they could.

Ice climber
mogollon rim
Nov 18, 2017 - 02:38pm PT
what happened? I was jus cillin with nils about a month ago.
one of the nicest guys ever
safe travels over the rainbow bridge friend

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Nov 18, 2017 - 02:48pm PT

NO, so tragic so much potential, so strong & young ` O-;

Some one who knows her,(Libby/Velvet!) reach out: check in, be there for each other.

Nov 18, 2017 - 03:29pm PT
Yep. Been talking to Libby.

F*#k 2017!

Nov 18, 2017 - 04:27pm PT
Neils was a very good man ....


Social climber
So Cal
Nov 18, 2017 - 05:39pm PT
Totally unaware of Niels passing, I put in a call to my ranger son this afternoon. He returned my call but by the tone & cadence of the “Hello, Mom. I .. “ spoken by him, I knew something close to his heart had happened. He went on to share that a ‘climbing buddy’ who had served on YOSAR WITH & FOR him had lost his life and that he and his wife, who has also worked YOSAR as medical staff, were on their way to bring him to the valley. “You know, Mom, he was at our house last week, hanging out, just chillin’ and talking world, climbing & SAR stuff. And now.... gotta go... we’ve got to get on the road and get him down here...”
My sincere and most heart felt condolences to Niels’ family, loved ones, climbing cadre, friends, buddies, and admirers. And especially his mother and dad if they are still with us. No family should lose their three sons to the granite and the chalk dust.

PS - Ed, Thank you for reminding us what is the most important part of our lives... there is the secret of life wisdom in your monologue, advise, admonishment .... if only that was somehow embedded in our genetic material so that it would be a natural daily occurance instead of a conscious have to be reminded part of who we are & what we do.

To all who climb, to all who love climbers and the sport may you be well, be safe, be blessed. Mom
Slim Bob

Trad climber
Nov 18, 2017 - 05:58pm PT

Here he is on a run up to El Cap Spire, smiling, positive as ever!!


Nov 18, 2017 - 06:45pm PT
damn...dude was an inspiring climber

Heart goes out to all who loved that guy

Trad climber
La Cochitaville
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 18, 2017 - 09:04pm PT
Slim Bob - that photo is perfection. He loved that route best of them all.

Trad climber
West Slope of Powell Butte, Portland, Oregon, USA
Nov 19, 2017 - 01:33am PT
Damn! I owed Niels a huge debt as he bailed me out of a huge epic a few years ago. I’ll just have to pay it forward now by helping someone that’s in trouble.
Sure loved that guy. He will always be one of my heroes.
Thx Niels. You will be in my heart and live on in stories forever!


Gym climber
sawatch choss
Nov 19, 2017 - 05:34am PT
Humble, encouraging, and wise. I am so sorry.

Bogota, Colombia
Nov 19, 2017 - 05:37am PT

I wrote this blog post about the Ethiopia expedition, which those who knew the man will definitely recognize him here...!prettyPhoto


Mountain climber
Nov 19, 2017 - 07:09am PT
Niels and I met in the Silencio Valley in Patagonia and became close friends. He was a rare soul, kind and true.

His quote "Silence buries someone deeper than dirt" comes from one of his favorite poems by Gegorgy Orr he shared with me once:

"Silence. Does silence
Make things vanish?
Or confirm
their disappearance?
Is the beloved
Who has died
Buried more deeply
By silence
Than by earth?

Even closed
And locked away
The Book whispers
About the beloved
In dreams. Still,
It's a whispering
Difficult to understand,
Impossible almost.

But if we find
The Book and open it,
If we find the poem
That is trying to find us,
The poem the beloved
Wrote and sent out
On the long journey
Toward our heart- if
We find that poem

It all makes sense
And the silence recedes
Before the beloved's
Quiet voice speaking to us."

Silence will not bury him, and he will be deeply missed by all who knew him.

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Nov 19, 2017 - 07:51am PT
As a passing gust of wind , a schoking thing is here;
The resovior is empty, There are no more tears to shed
Agreat Man is dead
His heavy heart'd friends must trudge on
Heads bow'd against the torrent in saddness,
Against the torrent feet like clumps of lead
The paths shared now clouded, by shared memories and dread
How could one so bold and Vital
So stong of will and moreHow came this Tradgedy
Why is this ala' ways so hard to justify?
A climbers world is full of ghosts
Whos mortal coil shed,
we must always hope
Gone on to fly among us as we balance on the edge.

Trad climber
Nov 19, 2017 - 08:07am PT

Trad climber
Nothing creative to say
Nov 19, 2017 - 08:23am PT

This sucks.

Niels was the "strong back, weak mind," that he said in a self deprecating way, that met us on top of Zod. Generous of spirit immediately extended an invite to beers.with the locals.

Had return the favor one day as climbers do.

Rest well dear Valley Spirit
SC seagoat

Trad climber
Santa Cruz, Moab, A sailboat, or some time zone
Nov 19, 2017 - 08:31am PT
Absolute heart ache.

This has been a horribly tough year.

May his family and friends find peace and serenity through their grieving.


Trad climber
New England
Nov 19, 2017 - 08:37am PT
Very sorry to hear this.
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