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Boulder climber
San Diego
Topic Author's Original Post - Dec 16, 2012 - 09:02pm PT
Truly engaged leader.
Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Dec 16, 2012 - 09:04pm PT
Yep. Class act. My poor old Goldwater Republican right-wing nut dad is squirming 'cause he wants to h8 on this but can find an approach angle...yet. Given enough time he'll claim Obama was the shooter.
Trad climber
4 Corners Area
Dec 16, 2012 - 09:15pm PT
Sniff . . .
Yeah, he did what he had to do. But, did he have to play the gun card at the memorial?
Ricky D
Trad climber
Sierra Westside
Dec 16, 2012 - 09:20pm PT
^^^^Because I think the man is getting sick of the sh#t.
Too many memorials for dead little kids will get to you after a while.
Social climber
An Oil Field
Dec 16, 2012 - 09:20pm PT
I have never seen the number of utter nutjob conspiracy garbage lies actually getting airtime over Obama.
Well, the Clinton's having a secret drug running airbase in Arkansas, with bodies buried everywhere.....that was a good one.
I have come to the conclusion that all of this rabid brain loss over Obama is because he is black. People that really aren't racist are eating up stuff produced by people who are kind of racist without being aware of it.
Obama isn't that bad. Everyone in the oil business thought he was going to cut our throats, but he has been quite good. Reagan stood by while the U.S. oil companies were cut off at the knees. The Saudis flooded the market back in the early eighties and Reagan allowed a whole generation of sience and technology wither. We actually call it the missing generation. All of the geologists got laid off and nobody got hired. My class went from 400 as a freshman to 20 when I graduated. No kidding. Reagan was quite happy if gas prices were low.
I have no idea why that dipshit is so beloved to this day. It is a big deal if a consulate got wiped out and 4 killed under Obama.
Out of Reagan's cabinet, about half of them were convicted of felonies. Bush later pardoned almost all of them. Even his chief of staff and defense secretary were convicted.
To call the Obama administration the most corrupt ever is propaganda that the Nazi's would approve of.
Mountain climber
honeoye falls,ny.greeneck alleghenys
Dec 16, 2012 - 09:25pm PT
really,gun card,did you have to play the db card at this forum.if you cannot get behind what that man said ,you are more than part of the problem.......obama is a man.the next thing you are going to say ,i know ,guns did not kill those kids.
Trad climber
4 Corners Area
Dec 16, 2012 - 09:28pm PT
On the other hand, Obama does seem to get a free pass on stuff Bush received much criricism for, like signing statements, for example . . .
Wilbeer, I simply was surprised that he brought it up. Didn't think he was going to at first. I think it was a delicate decision. I'm sure he thought hard about it. I really don't have strong feelings about the gun control thing.
Frankly, I have been trying to do a little research about gun violence and gun laws, get some facts instead of just relying on knee-jerk reactions which may not be based on fact.
Obama is alright. We could have done worse. I think people put too much on the president. They aren't all powerful.
Social climber
An Oil Field
Dec 16, 2012 - 09:36pm PT
Nah. Bush got away with so many signing statements.
That was after 9-11, and Bush got a lot of bad advice from Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz and most of all, Cheney. They took advantage of 9-11 and did a lot of stuff that would have never happened otherwise. Take the war in Iraq and the Patriot Act as two examples. Colin Powell's speech at the United Nations, outlining Saddam's WMD baloney will be in every American History book for the next 200 years.
I believe that Cheney will go down in history as an evil man. As for Bush, well, nobody exactly asked for his endorsement in the last two elections. That should tell you something.
Trad climber
4 Corners Area
Dec 16, 2012 - 09:37pm PT
Obama said he would not use signing statements. But, once in office, he just couldn't resist.
Cardiff by the sea
Dec 16, 2012 - 09:38pm PT
In regards to the orignal post, Obama proves to be a class act imo.
Ricky D
Trad climber
Sierra Westside
Dec 16, 2012 - 09:39pm PT
The man is between a rock and a hard place.
What "LAW" can he possibly sign that will eliminate crazy and evil?
Taking guns away - neither likely nor effective. You penalize the 260 million gun owners who don't shoot up kindergartners in hopes that you get the one nutjob who will?
Not likely nor feasible.
The sad truth is that this kind of craziness will continue to be a part of Our American Experience.
rick sumner
Trad climber
reno, nevada/ wasilla alaska
Dec 16, 2012 - 09:41pm PT
Maybe our dear leader is right. Perhaps we, as a national experiment, should enact some of the strictest gun laws in the nation in our leaders hometown of Chicago.I bet the murder by gun rate would plummet and he would no longer have to mourn the innocent children lost in the crossfire-right?
Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Dec 16, 2012 - 09:46pm PT
"did he have to play the gun card at the memorial?"
It's about time he (or any politician) stood up and took action on this.
Time will tell how much progress he makes, but it sure sounds like he's gonna take this on.
That's a good reason to be proud of him, in my book.
Mountain climber
honeoye falls,ny.greeneck alleghenys
Dec 16, 2012 - 09:49pm PT
well i misunderstood,and a bit emotional about this ,whole thing.i have become a stearn obama defender.especially after this speech. and i have not seen him get any free passes.
Trad climber
4 Corners Area
Dec 16, 2012 - 09:52pm PT
Jeez People!
I just said I was surprised he brought it up at the memorial.
Of course this issue will be moving up on the priority list. Perhaps some new legislation will be put forward. But, the 2 party system we are stuck in ensures that any reform to current gun laws will be watered down and meaningless. There's a good chance the legislation will be hijacked by special interest groups and loaded with loop holes and sweetheart deals for said groups, who will make a killing.
God Bless America!
Social climber
the Wastelands
Dec 16, 2012 - 09:55pm PT
how clever to throw the word "worship" when talking about Americans who preferred Obama to either John McCain or Mitt Romney!
nice little insult!
oh wait!
by "worship" you mean the huge crowds of screaming and adoring "fans" that Sarah Palin drew during the campaign?
Or maybe by "worship" you are talking about how John McCain was such a media "celebrity" for 30 years, 89 times on Sunday shows, war hero and all
but let's take a quick look at "just another average Democrat"
another cute little insult
I'll stop on this now, it's like talking to a third grader
Karl Baba
Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Dec 16, 2012 - 09:56pm PT
If Obama mentioned Guns in the memorial, it wasn't overemphasized. I think I missed it.
But he did speak profoundly and from the heart, and in contrast to the droning platitudes of the speakers before him.
Some members of the Westboro Church are blaming Obama for the Massacre because of his support for Gay marriage. You had to figure somebody was going to find a way to scapegoat Obama.
I don't agree with Obama on many things, but I think he's the best guy that the elite power and money would allow to be elected, and at least he does the unfortunate things that Bush started in a smarter and more efficient way.
Trad climber
4 Corners Area
Dec 16, 2012 - 09:56pm PT
^^^^ That's what I call Obama worship.
Ricky D
Trad climber
Sierra Westside
Dec 16, 2012 - 09:58pm PT
There are two ways we can go with this shithole of a country -
One is to just man up and admit that we really are at our core a hateful, war mongering, violent, gun obsessed collection of wanna-be-warriors and run with it like the Trojans or the Spartans. Just fukin kill everything that we don't like and end up ruling the world.
Or do we say "QUIT" this crazy sh#t - quit watching the damn cop shows and the CSI gorefests, screw the exploding cars in our movies, no more first person shoot-em-up video games for our 3 year olds, quit being mean goddammit!
Trad climber
4 Corners Area
Dec 16, 2012 - 09:59pm PT
Nothing personal Norton . . . Touchy!
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