Bald Eagle Peakl - S. Sierras - Beta wanted


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Big Wall climber
So Cal
Topic Author's Original Post - Nov 9, 2012 - 06:57pm PT
Has anybody here ever climbed at Bald Eagle Peak, near Lake Isabella? There is scarce info available on & I know Herb Laeger has done some 75 routes at this overlooked granite monolith but does anybody here have any additional info?

With the cold snap we are having now, it seems like a good place to visit as it is at only 6,000' elevation & it's south facing.

Bueler, Bueler, anyone???

Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Nov 9, 2012 - 08:31pm PT
South facing or not.....

it will be cold, this weekend.

Go to Rincon.....

the trail got worked on some, last winter


Trad climber
Monrovia, California
Nov 9, 2012 - 08:39pm PT
The road up there is cut into a huge steep hillside and is very exposed in places. If there is any snow, or even if the slippery clay sections are wet it will be a very dicey drive with unthinkable consequences if you slip off the edge.

You can always call Herb, I'm sure he'd love to give you the tour. And in any case he'll know if the gate is open and what the road conditions are. Call me if you want his #...

I was thinking of a day trip to cpr Sunday myself.


Nov 12, 2012 - 12:33pm PT
'Did a few things there & didn't require BETA...


Big Wall climber
So Cal
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 13, 2012 - 10:58am PT
I went up there this last Sunday & Monday. As Kris mentioned, the road leading up out of Bodfish had snow & could be dangerous but we drove my Subaru so we were fine. The weather was cold but it was perfect at the rocks. Here's an overview of Bald Eagle Peak.

Amazing featured stone up here! The rock has all kinds of jugs, rails & cool features. It gets lots of sun & even though the overnight lows were in the 20's, it was warm at the rock. In fact, I'll never go back without shorts & a white shirt to keep the heat at bay.

Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Nov 13, 2012 - 11:28am PT
Bill.... cool deal.

It is a nice place, you know Herb has a printed GB for the place.

Did you camp out at the road top?


Nov 13, 2012 - 11:32am PT
I remember having tons of ticks get on us during the approach, but not at the cliff. Not surprising to see the place with so many routes now. I could only get a few people to go out there BITD.

Nov 13, 2012 - 12:27pm PT
Contour over from the road, maybe 20 minutes max. Piece of cake.

Big Wall climber
So Cal
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 13, 2012 - 01:23pm PT
Guy, We did not camp out at the trailhead. It was way too cold. We camped at the Rincon place & commuted to Bald Eagle Peak.

Kevin, It is very similar to Eagle Peak or El Cajon Mtn but the rock is even better & has fewer blocky fractures. Like both of the above mentioned places, it has a short window of opportunity weather wise. Summers are obviously too hot & mid winter, it may be a chore to get up ther if the road is gated. Currently you can drive up to the trailhead but if much more snow accumulates, it will be closed & then you will have a difficult approach to deal with. It was perfect on Sunday & almost too hot on Monday.

I have to disagree with EC, the approach takes 30 to 35 minutes but it is on a nice trail for the most part. The last 5 to 10 minutes, is on a scrambling path that is currently kind of hard to follow & a bit brushy. I look forward to getting back there soon! There is a lot of recent acivity. Lots of lines of bolts & many sets of anchors on the wall but it was tough to match up the scarce info I had with what we saw.

Trad climber
CA Central Coast
Nov 13, 2012 - 03:08pm PT

edit: Levy's pictures don't show up for me...lame browser or the fact that I'm at work and work blocks that kind of fun.


Nov 13, 2012 - 03:15pm PT
My bad...

Trad climber
the middle of CA
Nov 13, 2012 - 03:32pm PT
Looks like a fun spot, thanks for posting pictures.


Trad climber
Monrovia, California
Nov 13, 2012 - 03:41pm PT
Regarding the approach, Herb Laeger did a lot of work on that trail, so if EC went in before that it would have been pretty rough I suspect...

How about hiking up from the lower road when the dirt road is closed? That would be a real deal!

Big Wall climber
So Cal
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 13, 2012 - 04:08pm PT
The scale of the main cliff is huge! It's over 500' tall and much wider than the photos might suggest. The 2nd photo is the far left side of the wall, to the left of the cyclops eye, the dark intrusion of diorite you can see in the 1st photo. From the angle the photo was taken you cannot see just how much rock is up there. I'll post up some more photos when I have some free time this evening.

Hiking from below would be reminiscent of the Scodie approach. Ugghh. :(

Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Nov 13, 2012 - 04:12pm PT
So Bill, is the road gated down below, right at the start like before?

It is a nice place to climb and like you pointed out, it has a short season.

And are you the one who has been moving the fire ring at Rincon camping around??


Big Wall climber
So Cal
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 13, 2012 - 04:37pm PT
Guyzo, The dirt road is gated just 150 yards past where it leaves the paved Bodfish / Calliente road. From the looks of it, it is seldom closed, but I can see how the USFS might want to have it locked when the snow is heavy. It would really suck for them to have to patrol the entire area over to Kelso Valley to check if anybody got snowed in.

As far as Rincon goes, we used the fire ring but didn't move it. We did however roll the rocks onto the center of the ring, to keep any embers we might have missed from getting any dry leaves that might blow into it. Lots of fire wood to be had this year! Lots of downed trees from a wind & thunder storm earlier this year.

Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Nov 13, 2012 - 06:11pm PT
You know sometimes the gate is gone!!!!!!!

A few years ago some local Hooligans, using heavy equipment, removed the gate and the posts..... gone, just gone one nite!

It took about 4 -5 years to get it replaced.

Cool about the firepit, no worries with the stones in the center. Its when the whole thing gets moved to where I like to bed down, right under the trees, that gets my panties in a wad.


Trad climber
CA Central Coast
Nov 13, 2012 - 08:34pm PT
epic shots Levy! Looks worth the hike.

(...damn work blocked it this morning.)

....removed the gate and the posts..... gone, just gone one nite!

those gates are buff. That's efficient monkey wrenching.

Big Wall climber
So Cal
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 14, 2012 - 11:06am PT
Some more photos from Bald Eagle Peak for your viewing pleasure.

Trad climber
Mar 19, 2013 - 11:42pm PT
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