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Social climber
Orange, CA
Topic Author's Original Post - Jul 31, 2011 - 08:02pm PT
In the last months of Paul Humphrey 's life, AKA "Disaster Master," the cancer pain in his body kept him from climbing. He was sad to think he'd never climb again. Of course he was always climbing in his mind. Last month, as we remembered good times, Paul had an idea, "What if we sprinkled some of my remains into chalk? I could continue to climb all around the world! Paul's chalk balls? No, I've got it PAUL'S BALLS!"
And so became Paul's last wish. We will honor him and make Paul's Balls by adding a pinch of his ashes to a Metolius chalk sock. One of Paul's climbing friends was so excited. "Yea, if I climbed with "Paul's Balls" I'd never fall." Join the celebration of Paul's life by climbing with him.
We request that you take a picture of where Paul has been climbing with you and post it. In each "Paul's Balls" there is a litlle bit of Paul. Remember, a little bit of Paul goes a long way.
(Rev. 11/2014) The Paul's Balls are all dispersed, so we can't send out anymore of Paul's remains... but he is always in our hearts, in the adventures we set out on. May his legacy continue as we set out on new adventures. "Climb on!" And God bless. It truly touches my heart to visit this thread and see that people are still remembering him and taking him with them wherever they climb. His life has not ended, even in death his spirit and vitality can't be stopped! -Anna (Paul's 'lil Sis)
To read more about Paul's journey go to this discussion thread: http://www.supertopo.com/climbers-forum/1239624/Malignent-Melanoma-Survivors-who-climb
Mountain climber
Okinawa, Japan
Jul 31, 2011 - 08:51pm PT
I think on this issue as so many, Paul was way ahead of most of us, with much more courage to face the inevitable than we are. I do have some experience of honoring a climber's remains however, since just last year my husband's ashes were placed high on a ledge above Yosemite where tourists will never go and overlooking his favorite climb. They will be reabsorbed into the roots of a tree there and nourish life in a place that he loved.
Given my experience, I'm thinking it might be easier for Paul's friends and still in the spirit of things, to have be a pinch of Paul's ashes mailed to different climbers, including maybe some tree climbers on the coast, and the ashes sprinkled, or buried on a belay ledge on different climbs around the country. His vision was vast and it's fitting that we pay tribute to it out of doors in places far away, including places that he never climbed.
I live in Japan but am making an unexpected trip to Wyoming this summer and I'm sure I can place some of the ashes on one or several of the wonderful climbing areas there. Since I'm a really old trad climber, I don't anticipate using chalk and I'll also admit I'm squeamish about the idea of ashes mixed with chalk. I'll be happy to volunteer however, to take some of Paul's ashes some place interesting in that state where he's probably never climbed before.
After I'm done, I'll post up photos. If everyone does the same, we can think of it as the tribe sharing Pauls's final climb.
Trad climber
BIG ISLAND or Vail ; just following the sun.......
Jul 31, 2011 - 09:37pm PT
Ditto to Jan's thoughts.............
Trad climber
Las Vegas, NV.
Jul 31, 2011 - 09:42pm PT
I think it's one of the best ideas I have heard in a long time.
I know some may be put off by it, but carrying out someone's final request would be an honor. Especially someone as inspirational as Paul. I never met him, but his stories here are some of the best the Taco has to offer. If he wants to ride in my chalk bag, I have no problem with it. And being as I hardly ever use chalk, he would see plenty of rock and good times.
back in Tuscon Aridzona....
Jul 31, 2011 - 10:02pm PT
my $10 is sent.
I would like both the ball an a small pinch if that's ok. if not no biggie.
love you, Paul!
Jul 31, 2011 - 11:59pm PT
Without meaning any disrespect to those with other ideas, I think it wrong to change a person's last wish. If you feel squeamish about Paul's Balls, don't participate.
Paul's idea is a beautiful one...he only wants to be with others of like mind.
Trad climber
Santa Cruz
I'm in...if Paul taught me anytging it was that even a girl fighting cancer can have "balls". We talked about naming a climb "Forever Remission"... I hope that will happen someday. Susan
Susan, I've followed your posts along the way and although I don't know you, I really wish you the best in your battle. Keep up the fight, and yes, girls have balls :)
back in Tuscon Aridzona....
the only part that bugs me about this whole idea is that I prefer Endo chalk loose.
WTF Paul? You're gonna make me change the way I climb?!?!?!?!111169
Yeah.... m'eh! ;-)
Trad climber
Las Vegas, NV.
Money sent.
If the package gets here in time, we will take Paul to Germany with us.
God bless!
Social climber
Orange, CA
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 1, 2011 - 01:33am PT
Tami hit the nail on the head.
...PAUL'S BALLS was the man's idea so it's also difficult to find anything but big fun in the idea and that Paul will be on many-a-crimp, deep in hand cracks, smeared on the sides of chimneys on crags, alpine, gyms........sheesh. Paul Is Everywhere!!! It's as hilarious as it is godly.....
That is exactly what Paul wanted. He wanted us to have a little fun and not take his death too seriously and to be part of people's climbs everywhere. It is truly hilarious and somehow godly at the same time. I think it is an amazing idea and I am happy to be a part of carrying out his wishes.
Pastor Dave
Social climber
Yucca Valley, CA
Here is a picture of the Package designed by Paul's Sister Anna
Social climber
can't pass this one up. whats 10 bucks to give the man a dying wish come true.
I took some of mom with me all kinds of different places she'd never have been able to go so she could see what I've seen.
ß Î Ø T Ç H
Boulder climber
Just some constructive comments. Creepy, one. And saying somebody's balls isn't cool, two. Admirable effort all the same. Best of luck.
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
I love this concept, what a gift to the living!
The Granite State.
I'll buy one. If my life was defined by climbing, I'd like to see my ashes chalking the holds of a route that defines another climbers pleasure.
Count me in.
John Butler
Social climber
SLC, Utah
Brilliant idea that captures to yearning we all feel to get on rock. It will be an honor to implement.
Trad climber
Las Vegas, NV.
Bumping for Paul and his Balls.
Who else will climb with him?
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
I had somehow missed the other thread of late and entirely missed the notice of Paul's passing. We've lost a real creative spirit as he now joins some of our other colorful brothers and sisters. Glad he got to swing his D5 a few times before leaving...
hanging from an ice pick and missing my mama.
I didn't know he passed away... In shock.
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