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Big Wall climber
Smartsville, Ca
Topic Author's Original Post - Aug 26, 2010 - 12:32am PT
I have found am amazing granite wall that is 2000' tall and half a mile wide that has never seen an ascent. I have a line pushed 3/4 of the way but having trouble keeping partners. Something about I'm crazy and they don't wanna die. Serious only please! This place is the real deal and although it only has a 15 min approach it's still very isolated. All first ascents. You can probably climb here exclusively for the rest of your life and not repeat the same route. It is located in northern California about a hour and a half from Sacramento.
Trad climber
fresno, ca
Aug 26, 2010 - 12:38am PT
Is this it?
Delhi Dog
Good Question...
Aug 26, 2010 - 12:42am PT
I don't believe you.
No 1st ascent?
How can you be sure?
...and are you stating a fact or asking a question?
Not that I believe there aren't anymore unclimbed walls left in N.Cal...
Trad climber
Aug 26, 2010 - 12:52am PT
Is a Nigerian Prince involved in this project in any way?
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Aug 26, 2010 - 12:59am PT
Define "granite." There are "walls" that tall left unexplored for a reason.
Trad climber
The land of Fruits & Nuts!
Aug 26, 2010 - 01:02am PT
I'm crazy and they don't wanna die.
Haha! I get that same response on a regular basis. Accept it's "your crazy and I don't want to belay".
2000' are you sure? Must be a slab, which happens to be my cup O tea.
Anyway, if your for real, email me and send pics.
I've put up 5.12 on lead drilling by hand.
Trad climber
Dallas, TX
Aug 26, 2010 - 10:28am PT
Was this your ad on another site?
Seriously though, could be epic!
Tony Bird
Northridge, CA
Aug 26, 2010 - 10:29am PT
the warren harding timewarp troll.
we got one in socal called topatopa cliff. i think they shoot climbers there. they would be flies in the ointment of ojai's precious pink moments and people would stop paying $30 for a glass of chardonnay.
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Aug 26, 2010 - 10:41am PT
done it, not as good as it looks...
Aug 26, 2010 - 10:44am PT
I want to die. PM me.
nice first post.
Trad climber
Nor Cal
Aug 26, 2010 - 12:14pm PT
I would be interested too. Sounds good.
Big Wall climber
Smartsville, Ca
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 26, 2010 - 01:40pm PT
Here's a little teaser. I understand all the skepticism, but there is one sure fire way to find out if I'm full of sh#t or not. It has slabs, steep faces, and sweet cracks. The picture does not do it justice and is only a small portion of the rock. It is hard, solid granite...not a choss pile. First come, first climb!
tom woods
Gym climber
Bishop, CA
Aug 26, 2010 - 01:45pm PT
very cool. I know my California pretty well, and I can't seem to place that one.
I'd join you, but I have kid, so I'm going to be busy for a while.
Trad climber
Lander, WY
Aug 26, 2010 - 01:48pm PT
Geez, don't tell everybody about it until yer done!
tom woods
Gym climber
Bishop, CA
Aug 26, 2010 - 01:51pm PT
Unclimbed big wall in CA, bumped by the f-in republican thread. This will not stand. You have to draw a line in the sand.
tom woods
Gym climber
Bishop, CA
Aug 26, 2010 - 02:02pm PT
Bumped by the thread about the mosque that isn't really a mosque, nor is it at ground zero, and whose cancellation would violate private property principals of the people who hate it.
Nate D
San Francisco
Aug 26, 2010 - 02:10pm PT
I'm a guessing you're rapping in from above. 15 min. walk to the top?
Tony Bird
Northridge, CA
Aug 26, 2010 - 02:19pm PT
stonewalker has no other photos posted, a strong indicator of trollitis.
the photo he shows is NOT an impressive wall--could be from any of a number of nondescript westside entry canyons--up from springville maybe or coulterville. we're looking at three pitches here. however, to his credit, the pale whiteguy forearm does not look photoshopped, and he musta bushwhacked his sorry ass up there for this nonsense.
jaybro--post me a bit on your topatopa experience--looks like a damn pretty wall, yea, no more than 4-5 pitches, but interesting limestone. i'd do it just to create a disturbance in the force around ojai.
i understand that topatopa is one of the few "inverted" mountains in the world, where the strata have been flopped over by tectonic action--the older strata are actually at the top of the mountain, not at the bottom.
Gym climber
Aug 26, 2010 - 02:32pm PT
The rock looks solid, what's wrong with your partners thinking it's a suicide mission?
Now that the weather should be cooling, um, can I come along?
[edit] Tony, 3 pitches? Heck, that wall looks much bigger that the 3-pitch East Wall at the Leap. Come on now!
the Fet
Aug 26, 2010 - 02:37pm PT
I understand skepticism, but what's with all the cynicism?
Troll or not, good post.
Stonewalker, email me thru my profile. I'm really busy right now, but my time will free up in a few months.
I'm wanting to put an FA up a pretty much unclimbed (or at least unreported) 2000 foot wall hiding in plain site.
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