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Redpoint Climbers Supply
Terrebonne, OR
Topic Author's Original Post - Jan 17, 2010 - 01:46pm PT
I've posted this all over the place and figure it won't hurt to post here. Sorry if you've read this on other sites.
Hey everyone,
I'm letting everyone know this, just in case someone runs into someone that's selling gear that just doesn't sound right.
Last night my shop was broken into, and everything was taken and I really do mean everything. I haven't done an actually inventory yet. But ballpark, 50 draws, 100 carabiners, 14 ropes, 4 sets of cams, 5 sets of nuts, 10 down jackets, etc etc etc etc. So please, please, keep an eye out for anything suspicious if you're buying something second hand from someone. I would appreciate it.
If anyone finds out anything here is some contact information. You can either call me, 541-923-6207. Or the best bet is the local sheriff's office. Their phone number is 541-693-6911. The Sheriff in charge of the case is Gary Cima, but you can talk to anyone else there as well.
I'm working on the inventory right now, and will have a pretty long list of items stolen, so you know what to be on the look out for. Thanks for all the support.
Redpoint Climbers Supply
Terrebonne, OR
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 17, 2010 - 01:47pm PT
Alright, here's the list..... it's a doozy
Supercam Small and Medium
Master Cams 00, 0, 6, 7
Master Cams Offsets 00-7
Ultralight TCUs 00-4
Power Cams 00-8
Astro Nuts x 2
Ultralight nuts 10x 2, 9, 8, 7, 5, 4, 3, 1
BRD x 4
Freenut x 3
Extractor x 4
Enviro Rap Hanger x 6
8 step Aider
4 step Aider x 2
5 step aider x 2
Gear slings x 2
Double D Gear slings x 2
Grip saver plus
Big Wall Pants x 4
Big Wall Shorts x 4
Dyno Pant x 4
Dyno Shorts x 4
Nylon Daisy x 3
Monster Daisy x 2
Easy Daisy x 2
Superchalk half pound x 4
Superchalk quarter pound x 6
Tape x 6
Monster Slings 22” x 6
Monster Slings 46” x 6
C3s 000-2
C4s 3, 4x2, 5, 6
N-Force x 3
Firewire QD x 3
Hotwire QD x 2
Micro nuts x 2
Stoppers 1x 4, 2 x 2, 3-6, 9-13
Wired Hexes 1-11
Yosemite Hammer
ATC-Guide x 5
ATC XP x 4
ATC x 2
Super 8 x 3
Neutrino x 2
Livewire x 6
Dynotron x 4
Positron Straight x 10
Positron Bent x 10
Quicksilver Straight x 10
Quicksilver Bent x 4
Ovalwire x 5
Oval x 4
Light D x 4
Vaporlock x 6
Mini Pear x 6
Rock lock x 6
Rocklock Twist lock x 6
Livewire QD x 12
Freewire QD x 3
OZ QD x 12
Quickwire QD 18 cm x 12
Quickwire QD 12 cm x 12
Quicksilver QD 18 cm x 12
Quicksilver QD 12 cm x 12
Fifi x 2
RURP x 2
Variwidth x 6
Raven Ice axe x 6
Kids Tracer
Sabretooth Left Foot
Contact Right Foot
5 step aider x 2
6 step aider x 2
Padded Gear Sling
Forearm Trainger
Dynex Daisy Chain 115cm x 3
Dynex Daisy Chain 140cm x 3
Nylon Daisy Chain 115 x 3
Nylon Daisy Chain 140 x 3
Nylon Sling 30cm x 10
Nylon Sling 60cm x 3
Dynex Sling 30cm x 10
Dynex Sling 60cm x 6
Dynex Sling 120cm x 6
Ascension x 5
Croll x 3
Basics x 3
Mini Traxion x 2
Oscillante x 2
Rescue Pulley
Spirit Straights x 5
Locker SL x 5
William SG x 8
William Ball Lock x 10
William Triact Lock x 12
AMD SG x 5
AMD Ball Lock x 5
AMD Triact lock x 12
Freino x 5
OK Screwlock x 3
Attache x 3
Attache Hera x 3
Spirit Express 17cm x 10
Paw Small
Paw Medium
Coeur Coujon x 6
Tibloc x 3
Express 25 cm x 5
Nitro 1 x 3
Nitro 3 x 3
Elios x 2
Meteor III
Vasak Sidelock Right Foot
Cordex Gloves tan x 5
Cordex Gloves Black x 5
Cordex plus Gloves Tan x 5
Zephyr 70m
Nomad 60m
Nomad 70m
Zodiac 12mm QL x 2
Phantom QD 12cm x 12
Wallnuts 11x 2, 10, 9, 7, 3, 2, 1
Aluminum Offsets 7, 9, 11
Phantom x 4
Steel Bent Gate
Shadow QD 18cm x 4
Shadow QD 12cm x 4
Dogbones 12cm x 4 18cm x 10 25 cm x 10
Wild country
Superlight Rocks 1-6 x 2
Peanuts x 2
Rocks 1-8, 12-14
Variable Controller
Ropeman 1
Ropeman 2
Double Copperheads x 2
Z-pitons x 3
Shark x 2
Hubba Hubba x 2
Mutha Hubba
Whisperlites x 2
Whisperlites International x 2
Reactor Dragoonfly
Trail Pro x 2
Trail Pro W’s
Mountain Hardwear
Subzero Jackets Mens x 5
Paladin Pack x 2
Splitter Packs x 2
Dynaflex ball x 4
Dynaflex plus
Superclips x 4
Frisbees x 2
Gear Marking tape x 4
DVDs x 16
Onsight 60, 70, 60 arc, 70 arc
Ally 60m
Element 60, 70, 70 arc
Flashlight 60, 70, 60 arc, 70 arc
Red Chili Sunglasses x 36 $18 sunglasses, really?
Cliff bars x 14 boxes
Yes they stole cliff bars, frisbees, gear marking tape, climbing tape and chalk
Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Jan 17, 2010 - 01:51pm PT
Ughhhh, that sucks. Sorry to hear that.
Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Jan 17, 2010 - 01:56pm PT
Did they leave anything?
That stinks. Being new, I don't suppose any of it was marked or *customized* for identification.
Hopefully, new stuff selling for insane low prices on Craigslist will raise a red flag. Good luck.
Social climber
Across Town From Easy Street
Jan 17, 2010 - 01:58pm PT
Sorry to hear about the break-in, Eric.
Erik Wolfe
Steve Grossman
Trad climber
Seattle, WA
Jan 17, 2010 - 02:05pm PT
I hope that you land in the rocks as#@&%e thieves! Ripping off other climbers should sink your luck for good! No excuse for it.
Redpoint Climbers Supply
Terrebonne, OR
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 17, 2010 - 02:19pm PT
Hey Erik,
I'm the new owner of the place, I bought it from John and Carol in August. But it would become John's shop again if I can't recover from this...
Thanks for the support though!
Mark Hudon
Trad climber
Hood River, OR
Jan 17, 2010 - 02:23pm PT
That's sickening.
Bend, OR.
Jan 17, 2010 - 02:29pm PT
Hi Eric................I've sent e-mails out to most everyone I know here in Bend and to folks in Portland as well with a link to this thread. We'll be on the lookout for anyone trying to offload your gear.
If there is anything I can do locally..................
Alex Baker
Jan 17, 2010 - 02:43pm PT
That's awful. The redpoint shop is the best climbing shop I've ever set foot in. I really hope you can recover I'll do what I can to spread the word.
Trad climber
Jan 17, 2010 - 02:50pm PT
I am really, really sorry to hear about this ripoff. Unbelievable. Your shop is fantastic, and i hope the thief (probably thieves) are found soon with gear in hand. Very sorry, man.
Trad climber
Jan 17, 2010 - 02:59pm PT
That's totally insane! Must have taken hours.
I really liked that shop as well. When I checked out Smith on my travels many moons ago, the staff there was very friendly and gave beta freely. Can't remember the guys name.
That's where I got my super huge, 123 camalot-sized Rocks. Love those pieces!
Hopefully there was some kind of insurance?
Special corner of hell for thieves...
Jan 17, 2010 - 03:56pm PT
I am posting this on Alaska Mountain Forum as well. That sucks! That sounds way to sneaky to be an outside job. Any old employees or new ones not happy with something?!
Trad climber
Portland, OR
Jan 17, 2010 - 04:11pm PT
Dude -
I am in Portland and will spread the word.
You are the shop I go to when at Smith.
Hope this incident has a happy ending.
This sucks. I got all my gear stolen out of my car two years ago.
I am still sick about it. Just got my rack replaced in full. It took time.
I feel your pain.
We will keep a look out in Portland.
If it shows up here we will contact you and the police.
lars johansen
Trad climber
San Francisco, CA
Jan 17, 2010 - 04:30pm PT
Drove by your shop on a recent trip to OR with my wife, no climbing involved. Looked like a nice place, so sorry to hear of your misfortune. I hope you do have some type of insurance? If not we will step up and buy from you asap, as soon as you can get some inventory.
Good Luck!
Big Wall climber
A Token of My Extreme
Jan 17, 2010 - 04:45pm PT
Hangin' Tree
Hangin' Tree
Hangin' Tree
Hangin' Tree
Hangin' Tree
Hangin' Tree
Hangin' Tree
Hangin' Tree
Trad climber
mt. hood /baja
Jan 17, 2010 - 04:53pm PT
That just sucks ! plain n simple ..... can't believe climbers would do
something like that.
Mountain climber
Anywhere I like
Jan 17, 2010 - 05:05pm PT
if there is any justice in the world, they will die, from lots of gear pulling.
Trad climber
primordial soup
Jan 17, 2010 - 05:11pm PT
Social climber
Flatland, Ca
Jan 17, 2010 - 05:20pm PT
I'm with that last guy....
they will attempt to use the gear for a massive ascent and they theives will fall to their deaths....
That is fricken tragic.
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