North Face: Movie About Competition on Eiger - Jan 29


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Chris McNamara

SuperTopo staff member
Topic Author's Original Post - Dec 19, 2009 - 11:13am PT
Just got this email about the "North Face" movie. Worth checking out the trailer, just to see the eiger footage (looks like they actually shot it on the Eiger).

*Coming to Movie Theaters FRIDAY, JANUARY 29th*

Based on a true story

NORTH FACE is a gripping adventure drama about a competition to climb the most dangerous rock face in the Alps. It’s 1936, and Nazi propaganda urges German Alpinists to conquer the unclimbed north face of the Swiss massif, the Eiger North Face – aka “Murder Wall” – before the Olympic Games begin. The legendary 1800-meter-high wall of stone and ice has been casting its spell for decades, and two young hot-shot Bavarian climbers, Toni Kurz (BENNO FÜRMANN) and Andi Hinterstoisser (FLORIAN LUKAS), are finally lured into the challenge.

Beginning their ascent, the German rope team initially makes good headway, followed closely by two Austrians. But after that auspicious start, the climbers lose their advantage over the mountain, and the race against time and the forces of nature begins. Realistically shot, NORTH FACE reveals the brutal struggle to survive on the mountain. Director/screenwriter Philipp Stölzl keeps viewers as breathless as if they were climbing the mountain themselves, rather than sitting comfortably in a theatre.

Few people may remember the story of Toni Kurz and Andi Hinterstoisser directly, but many will find their own reflection in these characters – not only Alpinists and nature lovers, but all who are still searching for their path in life.

Watch the trailer:

For more info & complete theater listings, visit:

Become a Fan of NORTH FACE!

Big Wall climber
A Token of My Extreme
Dec 19, 2009 - 11:15am PT
Wow, this is going to be in real theaters??


Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Dec 19, 2009 - 11:18am PT
My guess is that it will be total dog sh#t.

Social climber
Dec 19, 2009 - 11:32am PT
Ah, theres my daily dose of curmudgeon. Now I can have that BM I needed so badly.

Mountain climber
San Diego
Dec 19, 2009 - 11:34am PT
I don't know this looks like it could be a really good movie. Wow!

The trailer looks cool.

I hope they keep to the real story and have real climbers as technical advisers. I don't want any Selvestor Stallone scenes with bolt guns etc.

Keep it real at a climber's intimate knowledge level and it will be very good. How much harder could that be Hollywood? Make climbing movies realistic so that climbers can even buy into it and the story. Then you will have a smashing success of a movie.

Stewart Johnson

yo mama
Dec 19, 2009 - 12:02pm PT
whats the matter jim? is it raining down there?

Mountain climber
Monrovia, CA
Dec 19, 2009 - 12:42pm PT
I think Jim is just going with the odds.
It is Christmas so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Big Wall climber
A Token of My Extreme
Dec 19, 2009 - 01:12pm PT
Hey Jim,
aren't you supposed to be kicking some major wall down there instead of Scrooging around here? HA!!
What's up dawg?

Trad climber
Grass Valley Ca.
Dec 19, 2009 - 01:27pm PT
The Toni Kurz story, is one of the best and saddest Climbing storie's I have ever read ( The White Spider)..The "Eiger Sanction" used Toni's story..A rope of 4, one fell into the void, 2 hanging dead and Toni hanging alive above the gallery Window..Except Toni didn't get hauled in by George Kennedy, he died just out of reach of the would be rescurer's..I hope the Movie doe's justice to the story and I will go see it....Jacko

Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Dec 19, 2009 - 01:30pm PT
can ya eat dots 'n popcorn to it?

Trad climber
Leading Edge of North American Plate
Dec 19, 2009 - 02:10pm PT
Here's an excerpt from an interview with cinematographer Kolja Brandt...

First of all, to tell the story with the greatest possible realism! The film wasn't supposed to feel like a Hollywood mountain movie à la CLIFFHANGER or VERTICAL LIMIT, in which the mountain climbing looks totally unbelievable most of the time and many sequences look like they were shot in the studio. We sought our inspiration rather in films such as the documentary feature TOUCHING THE VOID, in which you have the feeling that the camera is climbing along with the Alpinists – almost like a war photographer embedded in the middle of the troops. This way of approaching the genre is obviously not new: the old mountain filmers Arnold Fanck, Luis Trenker, etc. took a practically documentary look at the mountains and, despite all the pathos and stylization of those films, they tried to capture something that was already there rather than inventing something artificial.

I'd like to see a realistic film about the 1966 Harlin II, Kor, Haston about a dramatic and tragic competition for a FA.

Trad climber
Dec 19, 2009 - 03:18pm PT
The movie Eiger Solo is great. The best climbing movie or video I've seen. The docudrama of the history of the Eiger climbs mixed in with a documentary of a man soloing it. The new movie will need to really good to even compare. I hope it is.
Ain't no flatlander

Dec 19, 2009 - 03:34pm PT
It'll be interesting to see how it compares to The Beckoning Silence. Joe Simpson's movie on the Eiger was one of the best historical climbing films so far.

Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Dec 19, 2009 - 03:43pm PT
I think a field trip is going to be in order.

Trad climber
Grass Valley Ca.
Dec 19, 2009 - 05:52pm PT
You can sign me up for that Field trip, Jaybro.....Jacko

Social climber
No Ut
Dec 20, 2009 - 01:52am PT
From watching the trailer it's possible to say the true story is fictionalized in this adaptation. For climbers it will be hard to beat Beckoning Silence for veracity. Even so, I look forward to this particular theatrical interpretation.

Leo Dickenson's Eiger Solo was a tour-de-force for the time, but by today's standards, the cinematography is primitive. See Catherine Destivelle's 2008 film, Beyond the Summits, for the current state of the art.

I'm interested in all this stuff because I'm currently involved in a film project that will re-create my 1991 climb of Metanoia on the Eiger. Next March I'll be sitting on the hotel deck at Kliene Scheidegg, watching through the telescope as Ueli Steck makes the second ascent of my route, dressed in the same clothing as I wore. He will be filmed from a helicopter with a cineflex camera with a special mount that essentially eliminates all evidence of the helicopter. We'll go back in the winter of 2011 and rig the whole thing to re-create particular scenes on the face, with an actor/climber. Jeff Long is doing the story/screenplay for the film, but absolutely nothing will be fictionalized.

When I did the climb I was trying to do justice to the boldness of the original pioneers. In order to get close to their level of committment, I chose the hardest unclimbed direct line I could find, went alone in winter, without bolts. In the end the experience was profound: I pushed my limits, danced and talked with ghosts, heard the song of myself magnified by that great concave wall, and generally emerged with a fundamentally different perception of things; ergo, the name - Metanoia.

In the photo below, the yellow line is the 1938 route, the red line is Metanoia, the green line is the 1969 Japanese Direct (approximate), and the purple line is the Czech Direct (approximate). I'm really excited about the project. It's as close as I get to climbing these days.


Social climber
Dec 20, 2009 - 02:45am PT
hey there all, say, thanks for the notes about this movie...

*back since the media jumped on the lane frost "situation that they understood nothing about, nor chose to"----i never trust a non-fiction movie to folks, to any true justice to... that is "hollywood" ...

lets hope that this will be very well done, as some of the guys made note of more "high quality things done alread" --lets hope...

say, i only learned about the north face, HERE... so, i was so ignorant... i would sure love folks in the movie theaters to see and learn the REAL folk stuff, not a "mess of fictionalized 'garbage' that will haunt the true-story forever" in folks mind... that would be very sad...

true life, kept as it should be, will also be a teacher, as to the emotions and gut-wretching things these men went through, far better, than if they ADD things that are "only for show-effect"... oh my...

say jello:
i am veryyyyyyyyyyy impressed about this project... this is spectacular stuff... say, are we allowed to share a TITLE thread here at supertopo, as to this, and add this link of yours, to it???

this is a wonderful on-going project, and perhaps off and on, you may want to add in a few notes for to cheer you on... ??
please let folks here know if we can start a title for you...

i love this project of yours... :)
and what i love most, too, along side it all is
I'm interested in all this stuff because I'm currently involved in a film project that will re-create my 1991 climb of Metanoia on the Eiger. Next March I'll be sitting on the hotel deck at Kliene Scheidegg, watching through the telescope as Ueli Steck makes the second ascent of my route, dressed in the same clothing as I wore. He will be filmed from a helicopter with a cineflex camera with a special mount that essentially eliminates all evidence of the helicopter. We'll go back in the winter of 2011 and rig the whole thing to re-create particular scenes on the face, with an actor/climber. Jeff Long is doing the story/screenplay for the film, but absolutely nothing will be fictionalized.
rick d

ol pueblo, az
Dec 20, 2009 - 11:14am PT
I've got a huge question.

Where did Sedlmeyer and Mehringer go as those two did take a direct line up the face and did not stay right as Kurz et al did?


help me out.

Social climber
No Ut
Dec 20, 2009 - 03:22pm PT
Rick d, the Sedlemeyer/Mehringer line is probably something like the orange line on the photo. There is a big diagonal ledge system going most of the way through the first band, as per the orange line. I think it would provide a pretty easy route to the first icefield. I'm not sure of this, and I'm not sure of the exact lines of the Japanese or Czech directs, either - the lines on the photo are approximate. The red line for Metanoia is exact, however, as is the yellow line for the 1938 route.

Neebee, if you'd like, please feel free to start a new thread. The Eiger is indeed a fascinating subject. The history of the north face is essentially the history of cutting-edge alpinism.



Big Wall climber
A Token of My Extreme
Dec 20, 2009 - 03:35pm PT
Hauling question.

How did you get your massive ballz up there behind you?

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