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Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Original Post - Mar 24, 2005 - 12:38pm PT
Put a post here and the quantity you'd support...
We don't know anything yet - like:
* whether Ajax still has the molds
* does OP Link still have the handles
* Don't know about the Tangs (yet)
* Who would finish the heads (and drill the funk hole)
* Who would heat treat the heads
They'd probably come to you unassembled (and we should come up with a stamp for them...). Lot's of questions before this gets off the ground but we need folks to commit for at least 150-200 of the 250 minimum order before I'd go too far with this...
P.S. John - if that name is too presumptious we can change it...
I'll take 2 - Nature says he'll take 1 - that's 247 too go...
John F. Kerry
Social climber
Boston, MA
Mar 24, 2005 - 12:40pm PT
I'd be in for 1 hammer kit.
Mar 24, 2005 - 12:54pm PT
I'm in for one and can do some legwork for the project if ya'll need help. just let me know.
Flagstaff, AZ
Mar 24, 2005 - 01:12pm PT
yup... i'm in. I'm asking a couple friends if they might be interested - my guess is i'll up my order.
and unless Deuce objects I like the name "Deuce5".
Social climber
Oregon, but now in Europe
Mar 24, 2005 - 01:15pm PT
I am in for FIVE.
My guess is this could go up as I get a feel for interest over here in Europe.
Rock on.
Also I like:
Da Deuce5 (DD5)
Trad climber
So. Cal.
Mar 24, 2005 - 01:29pm PT
Well, healyje, I guess you got to Ajax before me!
Damnit! I had to actually work this morning and couldn't call till just now.
Vicki @ Ajax says she working up the quote and should have it for you in a matter of minutes!
I'm guessing $3000 to $3750 for a run of 250.
$3750 = $15 each they could be more though cuz steel has almost doubled in the past 18 months and will go up again
in a couple months.( it's cyclic)
Trad climber
So. Cal.
Mar 24, 2005 - 01:40pm PT
Joseph, Let me know what Vicki says when she calls you back.
Flagstaff, AZ
Mar 24, 2005 - 01:46pm PT
Wow! Sounds like you guys are on a roll. $15 is a nice starting point. I'm curious to suggestions of how me might finance the order if'n it can happen.
Let us all know what Vicki says, please!
Mar 24, 2005 - 01:47pm PT
I really don't think it would be too hard to sell 250 of them! Bring these to the valley and sell them!
Anyone gonna check about the beaks for quotes?
Mar 24, 2005 - 02:25pm PT
I'd be in for a hammer as well.
I'll also be working on a blue print for the beaks tomorrow as time permits. I do a lot of work in sheet metal, but we don't do any stamping in house or use any 4130 material. If anyone is interested in a print, let me know I'll send it once it's done.
Trad climber
Santa Barbara, CA
Mar 24, 2005 - 02:50pm PT
I'd be in for a couple.
NOT Fresno
Mar 24, 2005 - 02:53pm PT
Two hammers and a couple baker's dozen beaks, please.
I love the D5 name, BTW. It seems important to give this batch its own identity. The old ones are cool because they're discontinued and no one can get one. Just making more makes them vastly less cool in no time. But making a new batch that's actually new in some key way is also cool.
Social climber
Oregon, but now in Europe
Mar 24, 2005 - 03:11pm PT
I am open to going in on this as a partnership (both in terms of money and time).
Healyje is definitely heading the charge but I am willing to extend some project management and finance control to mix.
If a small group is willing to pony up the cash and time we can commit to the feasibility study to make a great one of a kind product.
So Healyje, and other potentially passionate project partners, do you want to pool some resources and get this thing of the ground?
Let me know!
Social climber
N. California
Mar 24, 2005 - 03:22pm PT
$15 for just a part of the hammer?
But if the total price is right, I'd be in for 1 also.
Trad climber
So Cal
Mar 24, 2005 - 03:42pm PT
I'm in for 2 heads.
I am also in the LA/Burbank area, and am willing to shuttle materials between forging, machining, heat treating, locate a heat treating vendor, store materials, etc., up to ~ 10 hrs. of time. This has the makings of a good co-op project. I would reccomend establishing a treasurer and project manager to pool financial information, interested parties, materials needed, etc. Perhaps a separate webpage?
Some details to be compiled:
1) who is interested (running tally)
2) How many heads total (running tally)
3) forging cost
4) machining cost (will be greater than #3)/vendor
5) heat treating cost/vendor
6) tangs - cost/vendor
7) handle cost/vendor (direct from mfr. or?)
8) assembly of finished product to be done by? - cheapest way is to supply each individual with the parts necessary, and have him/her put it together.
9) one last detail to be sourced - sling/w rap-ring sewn on it for a leash - one of the nicest details on the hammer. For the ultimate in irony, get a quote from Russ?
Social climber
Pagosa Springs CO
Mar 24, 2005 - 03:47pm PT
you all might want to see if Ajax can make a slight modification to the die, to change the A5 to D5 (located on the bottom front of the hammer head).
Not sure if that's possible, or how much they would charge.
Funny, D5 is the name of an old fellow dirtbag who used to live in Flagstaff....
I will look for my old notes at some point in the next month or so.
Mar 24, 2005 - 03:54pm PT
Would anyone care to explain what makes these particular hammers superior to the products currently available? We're talking about blobs of metal that yo use to smash things, right? Educate me.
Flagstaff, AZ
Mar 24, 2005 - 04:17pm PT
I can't be of much assistance in terms of project management or financial backing. If the web page idea becomes reality I can help out there. I can host any information on my web server as well as provide any programming or design work.
crotch - have you ever worked construction or with tools to the extent that you started to prefer one brand/type over the other? Not sure I can explain exactly why they are preferred. I know I prefer a Ewing metal framing hammer vs a hickory handle. *shrug*
Trad climber
the south
Mar 24, 2005 - 04:44pm PT
I'll take one.
While the subject is hammers, does anyone have an old forest mountaineering Molinjar?
Trad climber
cayucos california
Mar 24, 2005 - 05:38pm PT
i really want one !!
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