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John Barleycorn
Topic Author's Original Post - Oct 24, 2006 - 04:37pm PT
i've talked a friend into taking me to josh this weekend but he has to bring his dog with him. i checked the park regs and it says no dogs 100 ft off the road. we were planning on going somewhere off the beaten path but if you can't take your dog, what are you supposed to do with it? can anyone recommend an area in josh where it would be ok or "safe" to bring a dog. we're looking for some easy cracks, maybe some shade and some solitude. Any suggestions? I'm open to going someplace else if it's within 3 hours of LA. Thanks.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Oct 24, 2006 - 05:05pm PT
Echo Cove at Josh is in bounds I believe but not alot of crack, maybe Fun Stuff (5.8). There're alot of places just off the road to climb at Josh, and just out of campgrounds.
Trad climber
New Mexico
Oct 24, 2006 - 05:28pm PT
Yeah, it's a rule. I got yelled at by a Ranger while having my dog on a leash a couple hundred yards from the road. Our dog is pretty mellow, so we tied it up under a tree at our site while we climbed last Xmas. This isn't such a good idea if it's hot out.
Russ Walling
Social climber
Out on the sand, Man.....
Oct 24, 2006 - 05:31pm PT
ummm.... unattended dogs in cars, tents or tied to trees are also a bust. Bring a big wallet or look into plan B.
Matthew Fischbach
Sport climber
San Diego
Oct 24, 2006 - 05:33pm PT
Your best bet is Indian Cove. There's a ton of climbing and almost everything is within the campground where dogs are okay. If you go into the main part of the park you're going to be very limited and stuck with the crowds. Trashcan rock has some good stuff and is within a day use area (crowded). A few areas within Hidden Valley campground are good, but don't get too far from the campground. There are some climbs near the parking lot at Cap Rock that are okay.
Most of these areas in the park are going to be crowded as it seems that most climbers don't want to hike more than 100ft from any road either...
Trad climber
New Mexico
Oct 24, 2006 - 05:49pm PT
Yeah, well speeding is a crime too Russ, but I do it occasionally. I have tied the dog under a tree (during winter months with plenty of water and a chew toy of course) many times in the past and not had a problem. We have also taken the dog cragging cause the Rangers seldom venture far from their vehicles.
Trad climber
places you shouldn't talk about in polite company
Oct 24, 2006 - 06:12pm PT
Trad climber
So. Cal.
Oct 24, 2006 - 06:21pm PT
I've taken one of mine all the way to Carey's Castle on the other end of the Park, but that's not exactly a heavily patrolled area.
Looks to be tons of FA's just waiting for someone to make the approach out that way though.
susan peplow
Desperately Seeking Climbing Related Topic!!
Oct 24, 2006 - 07:26pm PT
Direct from http://www.nps.gov/jotr/parkmgmt/dogs.htm
Although many national park visitors enjoy the companionship of their dog pets when on vacation, dogs are not a beneficial addition to natural ecosystems such as those found in Joshua Tree National Park. While dogs, when accompanied by their owners, are allowed in the park, their activities are restricted by the Code of Federal Regulations:
Pets must be restrained on a leash that does not exceed six feet in length, or otherwise be physically confined at all times.
Leaving a pet unattended and tied to an object is prohibited.
Pets are prohibited on trails and beyond 100 feet from legally open roads and campgrounds.
So basically to answer you question. The Parks in general are not pet friendly. The Valley is just as bad or even worse. If they catch you there you get two choices, leave or kennel.
Lamedra is correct. Best I can tell, THEY don't go more than 100 ft from the road. Consider the Astro Domes or Big Horn Mating Grotto. If the Rangers venture that far, the deserve to bust you.
Alternative location of Holcomb Valley at Big Bear. Russ and I went a few weeks ago, great fun, less crowds and pet friendly.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Oct 24, 2006 - 07:45pm PT
I've had dogs out at Atlantis, but you come close to a Ranger Station. Also to Astro Domes area. Either stay by the road or go deep. I've never been hassled but I hear the Rangers can be pretty strict. Basically, if you are prepared to go off trail, be prepared to pay a ticket and don't bitch about it. I do.
Nice pic Matt. I feel the same way as your dog.
Trad climber
places you shouldn't talk about in polite company
Oct 24, 2006 - 08:13pm PT
whatever you do, if you go to JT w/ yer pooch, just plan accordingly...
like for example, don't take your dog too far off the road-
and if you plan to take the guy out slab climbing, mqake sure you get him some 5tennies w/ stealth rubber, just like you've got...
oh, and be sure to keep him cozy on those chilly JT nights!
fines are just user fees pal.
pay the kennel or pay the tool?
no brainer.
edit- i think this year i'll just buy him a saddle, will someone lend me a 4 year old?
Trad climber
joshua tree, ca
Oct 24, 2006 - 08:38pm PT
matt, you are an ass. if i saw you on ryan with a dog, i would have kicked it. do you realize that your dog is a big stresor on bighorns, which are a species under more and more pressure.
so if it is ok for you to break the rules with your dog, is it ok for me to go chip holds on some of the classics?
think about it as#@&%e. leave your dog at home.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Oct 24, 2006 - 09:03pm PT
Doghater, you're either a ranger, a cat, or a mouse. I just think the dogs aren't as bad as said.
Trad climber
joshua tree, ca
Oct 24, 2006 - 09:12pm PT
none of the above.
but national parks are national parks. take your dog where its allowed. the more people break the rules, the sooner it will be that dogs will be banned completely. matt is a retard. i hope his dog gets hit by a car.
james Colborn
Trad climber
Truckee, Ca
Oct 24, 2006 - 09:36pm PT
Anonymous dog hater, kick a dog in my presence and you'll be doing some boot licking yourself. The hit by the car comment grants you status as supreme a$$hole.
Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
Oct 24, 2006 - 09:41pm PT
It definitely is a pain to worry about where you can/can't take your dog in a park. The rules aren't always clear either, especially when it comes to campgrounds. Some allow them, some don't.
Wow! Trying to take my dog or kicking my dog.... You bes' be prepared for an ass whuppin' for either. Straight up.
Trad climber
joshua tree, ca
Oct 24, 2006 - 09:49pm PT
Youve got 3 chances to knock me out. slim chance, fat chance and no chance.
Trad climber
joshua tree, ca
Oct 24, 2006 - 09:58pm PT
You are right locker, it is childish. BUT so is breaking rules when you know what the rules are, just for a pet. Leave it home, or stay away. Why do dog owners ASSume that everyone likes dogs?
Maybe i will be childish when matt is down for turkey day. A few bowls of radiator fluid left around the crags. A few "special" meatballs. Some delicious chocolate....
John Barleycorn
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 24, 2006 - 10:20pm PT
doghater, based on your comments you must be a sad and sorry excuse for a prepubescent boy.
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