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Topic Author's Original Post - Aug 26, 2011 - 01:04pm PT
A newly released video supposedly containing footage from 9/11 shows a cruise missile, painted to look like a small American Airlines plane, and other footage of a missile hitting the Pentagon. The footage of the missile striking the building also apparently shows an illuminated laser spot on the wall of the Pentagon into which the missile strikes, exactly like we see in the World Trade Center videos. Although the video may very well be fake, partly or completely, if it is genuine it would only further disprove the government version of what happened at the Pentagon.
Where's Klimmer and Rocky?
Aug 26, 2011 - 01:47pm PT
If it were a cruise missle, where's AA Flight 77?
Trad climber
The Illuminati -- S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Division
Aug 26, 2011 - 01:51pm PT
hahahahah, cruise missiles don't use laser illumination to hit the target. They use GPS and their own internal guidance systems.
Mark Hudon
Trad climber
Hood River, OR
Aug 26, 2011 - 01:55pm PT
If it were a cruise missile, where's AA Flight 77?
That's one question the "missile hit the pentagon" crowd always avoid.
Ideeho-dee-do-dah-day boom-chicka-boom-chicka-boom
Aug 26, 2011 - 01:57pm PT
That's not the Pentagon.
That's Stonehenge.
As Werner might say, fukking wankers.
Social climber
Newport, OR
Aug 26, 2011 - 01:58pm PT
Yeah and there was no wreckage to be found of an immense airliner...
Trad climber
The Illuminati -- S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Division
Aug 26, 2011 - 01:58pm PT
I heard that it was a drug-laden Lockheed Lodestar that was radio controlled by rogue elements of YOSAR. The purpose was to divert attention away from the Wings of Steel controversy. Werner, can you confirm or deny that there was a secret meeting in one of the YOSAR tent cabins at Camp 4 on the evening on September 10, 2001 where the attack was planned?
Mountain climber
San Diego
Aug 26, 2011 - 02:04pm PT
One thing is for sure, no 757 hit the Pentagon on 9-11-2001.
Even the official video that they did release shows something else hit the Pentagon and not UA flight 77.
Is this video real? I have no idea. Funny this comes out just before the 10 year anniversary of the biggest false-flag operation in all history.
Release all of the video that was confiscated by the FBI and we can see for ourselves what really happened. But as it stands now the OCT has been invalidated time and time again. We know it didn't go down as they say it did.
Investigate 9-11 completely.
By the way, we don't have to prove what happened to flight 77, only that it didn't hit the Pentagon. That has been done many times. The OCT is 100% USDA Bovine Dung. It has been invalidated time and time again. That is how science works. That is how forensic science works. We can invalidate the OCT and we have.
Trad climber
The Illuminati -- S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Division
Aug 26, 2011 - 02:06pm PT
Roxjox, that's a lie. You know that Lockheed Lodestars do not have jet turbine engines.
Trad climber
The Illuminati -- S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Division
Aug 26, 2011 - 02:09pm PT
the 10 year anniversary of the biggest false-flag operation in all history.
Only YOSAR would have the technical expertise to pull off an operation that big and get away with it.
State of Mine
Aug 26, 2011 - 02:13pm PT
that video clearly shows Elvis riding the missile into the Pentagon...but his body was never found.
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 26, 2011 - 02:19pm PT
Sheep wankers and graniteclimber leg humper
Just the fact that they showed some hundreds of videos on the web of planes or whatever hitting the trade center and NEVER releasing the videos from the cameras at and around the pentagon except some frames with missing frames from one camera shows deception.
If you and they are so sure it was an airliner hitting the pentagon then those videos would have been available for years to collaborate what the govt. claimed.
But of course .... modern science does not seek the truth.
Just theorizes endlessly like internet wankers.
This is why all you sheep have been owned.
Watch em get mad now Heh heh
Trad climber
San Diego
Aug 26, 2011 - 02:22pm PT
Props to Werner for stating his proposition as a question. At least he has an open mind.
One thing is for sure, no 757 hit the Pentagon on 9-11-2001.
More drivel from the clueless. Remember, its the same guy who believes in Aliens and a Space Ship on the Moon.
State of Mine
Aug 26, 2011 - 02:26pm PT
Trad climber
San Diego
Aug 26, 2011 - 02:37pm PT
I don't know what it is, but I have a hard time when morons, who think they have all the answers, spew their B.S. It gets me riled up.
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 26, 2011 - 02:52pm PT
Modern science --- hypothesis, theory and experiment.
Sheep -- hypothesis, theory and no experiment.
Fly the fuking airliner into a replica of the pentagon wall in the exact same speed and pattern you say it's possible or else STFU.
Trad climber
San Diego
Aug 26, 2011 - 02:54pm PT
By your definition, Werner, Klimmer is a sheep. He's done no experimentation.
Mountain climber
San Diego
Aug 26, 2011 - 02:56pm PT
What we were shown officially:
Where's the 757? Where is UA flight 77?
What we should have seen, but didn't because it didn't happen. (Not this is CGI, not real, of what we should have seen if it went down like they said it did.)
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