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john hansen
Topic Author's Original Post - Mar 7, 2008 - 12:00am PT
I saw the classic photo of Bridwell ,Long and Westbay, after the NIAD ,in the Shield headwall thread..
There are not many climbing photo's as iconic as that.
What other climbing photos would make your top 10,, or top 100 list of the best ,,, ever.
'Separate Reality'?
Bacher, free solo .
Perhaps that one of Robinson , Leonard, and Eichorn on the top of Higher Cathedral Spire.
Maybe Chicken Skinner can pull out a few old gems..
And Largo,, who took that classic shot? ,,, or was it on a self timer setup?
That would be a good story just by it's self.
Trad climber
I think I've seen this one on ST before. Just scanned from "The Dolt - A Eulogy" in CLIMBING July - August 1976
edited to add:
Oops, not really a climbing photo, but I'll leave it up and look for something else. Give me a few days.
john hansen
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 7, 2008 - 12:14am PT
That,, is a great picture,,
Trad climber
I was born in August of 1976. Just sayin'
Gym climber
Mammoth Lakes, CA
Mark Powell on the left?
Trad climber
El Portal, CA
As much as I disagree with what he stood for:
Trad climber
El Portal, CA
Also, my dial-up can't find it, but the one of Lynn Hill freeing the nose in '94 is pretty iconic to me.
I LOVE the shot of Barry Blanchard in Alpinist, where he stares vacantly into the camera from his shack.
Jim E
Mountain Road
Not that I've ever aspired to climb Himalayan peaks but the National Geographic article in which this photo appeared is one of the ones that inspired me to take up climbing.
Gym climber
Mammoth Lakes, CA
Scary Larry
Trad climber
Las Vegas
Anybody have the old Dolt poster of the Traitor Horn?
Trad climber
How about some Hot Henry photos
Jim E
Mountain Road
Can't find the photo but there's one of John Stanard (jstan) on Foops that is definitely iconic.
Trad climber
Lake Oswego, Oregon
This series of Chappy working the Owl by Ed Boyles in the 1973 Ascent always did it for me. This last (top) pic with Mark looking around the corner just sort of calls out, "Look where we are and where we can take climbing."
I didn't crop out the list of thin cracks cuz I thought some might find it amusing if they had never seen the article. It accompanied Bridwell's piece entitled, "The Innocent, The Ignorant And The Insecure: the rise or fall of the Yosemite Decimal System."
Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
Since I *don't* disagree with what he stood for...
I own a copy of this too, btw. =)
While looking for a copy of it, I came across this! Very Cool!!!
Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
No sh#t...? You have all those? Whoa! That's badass!!!! I loved looking at those covers.
Trad climber
Boulder Colorado
great selections everyone!
Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
What's up, Ray? I haven't seen any art posts from you in a while...? Post up, buddy!
Trad climber
Lanham MD
I don't have either, but I'm thinking of Royal Robbins lounging on El Cap Spire during the FA of the Salathe, and either Chuck Pratt or Frost leading the headwall...can't recall which...
Trad climber
Anchorage, AK
Skinner and Piana freeing the Salathe
the Fet
Knackered climber
A bivy sack in the secret campground
edit: i don't have either, but I'm thinking of Royal Robbins lounging on El Cap Spire
Funny I posted that photo w/o seeing that comment. Defineatly iconic.
Jim E
Mountain Road
Mustn't forget this dude.
Trad climber
Denver, CO
Want to check out some iconic photos? Check
out the book 'Yosemite in the Sixties' by Glen Denny.
WOW! All the heros in this one.
Gym climber
Mammoth Lakes, CA
The Reeds shot is fuicking awesome!!!!!!!!!!
rick d
Social climber
tucson, az
someone needs to post Herman Buhl's photo from camp on Nanga Parbat.
of course, my all time fav is Karl and Max chopping wood the day before starting the Eiger (from Roth's book).
Trad climber
San Francisco, CA
It would be great to get a story about the nose in a day story from John, maybe he'll explain why he's wearing that one black glove. I believe that photo was taken before Michael made the one glove famous, perhaps he saw the NIAD photo?
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
taco bill
Trad climber
boulder, co
Definitely iconic:
Not so iconic:
scuffy b
up the coast from Woodson
I haven't seen it online, and I don't have it hosted, but...
Amy Fillin looking serene in the lower part of Midterm.
This was used as the cover for Learning to Rock Climb.
Sport climber
Buzzard Point, TN
Was that Harding on "his route" Keeler? Looks familiar...
Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
426 - Yes, that's Warren on The Harding Route, Keeler Needle. Of course, photo was by Galen Rowell.
Werner, do the rest of us wankers a favor and place some f*#king pro, dude! At least grimace a bit or something! Sheesh!
Seriously, when I see that shot of Werner on the Enduro Corner i"m in awe. Rad!
the Fet
Knackered climber
A bivy sack in the secret campground
Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
oh! GOOD call, Fet!!! That's one of my favorites! I wish I could purchase this print!
Jim E
Mountain Road
Adair By the Sea!
right here, right now
From an article on Middle Cathedral, Mountain Magazine:
Trad climber
Las Vegas
That 1st N.A Climber photo, is that Kaulk on 'Open Cockpit' ?
right here, right now
Kauk on Supercrack.
Trad climber
Las Vegas
I was all:
"hu'uh? With rock of that texture, stoppers and a small hex and what looks like fall colors in the BG ?"
But... SuperCrack of the Gunks, not IC yeah ?
right here, right now
Yes, Gunks Supercrack.
right here, right now
From the "The Alps I Love", photo by Michael Serraillier
right here, right now
"The meditation of the happy few":
Trad climber
Hollywood, CA
54 posts and THIS hasn't surfaced??
goatboy smellz
Greg Epperson photo!
Anyone have the one with Joe & Paul Stettner
by their motorcycles in the Rockys?
right here, right now
from CLIMB!
Trad climber
Lee, NH
Has somebody got a scan of the Godfrey/Chelton photo of Roger Briggs on the Diving Board?
I actually watched Roger make the FFA of that route, the only witness I think, and their later
photo sure seemed iconic to me.
john hansen
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 7, 2008 - 10:45pm PT
I took a picture of these from Chris Jones, Climbing in North America.
And the new guy..
right here, right now
Pat Ament, from CLIMB!
Trad climber
Lee, NH
Tarbuster, that's the one. If you've led that pitch, you know the reach.
I like this one because in the next frame you can't see here is he slides off .......eeeeeeeaaaahhhhhhHHH
right here, right now
Yes Chiloe,
I led that Diving Board thing...
I got up to that reach, 'felt like a stretch.
So I slithered down a few moves in the offwidth (didn't weight any gear) thought of Werner soloing in the Valley Wide arena and charged back up for the finish.
Trad climber
Lee, NH
I had my own sequence for that crux, different from Roger's ... left jam low, step high, torque up and reeeeach with your right ....
Worked for me. I loved Diving Board, for a while.
Back before the Naked Edge went free, Bob Culp's shop sold a postcard of two aid climbers, with pigeons flying around behind them. I've forgotten who took that picture, which was inspiring as well.
Jim E
Mountain Road
You seem to have lots of scans of early issues of Climbing. Would you happen to have the cover shot of a certain blond kid on Rosy Crucifixion? Probably on one of the first 5 or 6 issues.
edit: maybe not iconic to some but certainly to me.
Trad climber
San Fernando Valley
I have that book, and that shot is by far the most memorable one in it. I remember it hanging in the Yosemite climbing shop about 20 years ago or so. The rope hanging below him completely makes the shot.
Trad climber
Lee, NH
edit: maybe not iconic to some but certainly to me.
Hah! I heard last week from a certain guidebook author who is trying to get Eric A to unearth the
original of that photo from somewhere in his garage, where allegedly it was last seen.
right here, right now
Jim E,
No, I do not have that issue.
...Now hanging my head low in shame.
Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Larry on Rosy...
john hansen
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 7, 2008 - 11:38pm PT
Bestor Robinson, Dick Leonard, and Jules Eichorn. Higher Cathedral Spire. 1936
Trad climber
Lee, NH
Useta be young ... cool, Greg.
Mighty Hiker
Social climber
Vancouver, B.C.
This one was iconic in 1975, and still is. So iconic that I've seen several derivative commercial versions in the last while. Take as the American K2 expedition first got to greenery on the way home.
Taken by Galen Rowell, and an evocative photo of a good friend.
That one pretty much sums it up MH!
Big Wall climber
Hollywood, CA
Nanga Parbat, July 4, 1953. Buhl returning to camp, shattered after an open-air bivy (standing up, no food, no O2, and his sweater (!) left at the tent) on descent from the only solo FA of an 8,000 meter peak.
Michael Hjorth
Trad climber
Copenhagen, Denmark
There is a natural bias toward the US in this fine thread. Allow me to put in a few icons from this side of the pond.
I recieved my first climbingbook in 1966 at the age of 11.
When I saw the picture of Buhl it scared me to the extend of not daring to look at that page for several years
(but I still have a pair of that type of goggles in a box somewhere...):
Herman Buhl, 1953
This is a great shot after a great climb.
Southwest Pillar of Petit Dru, Bonatti, 1955
Whillans and Bonington on their first ascent of Freney Pillar, Mont Blanc, just a few weeks after Bonatti's catatrophic descent, 1961
And one of the most iconic pictures from Scandinavia:
The introduction of pitons to Norway in 1930 by Professor Arne Næss
I took a picture of Arne Næss last week in Oslo at the Norsk Tindeklubb (=Norwegian Alpine Club) 100 year anniversary.
The professor has just turned 96. He stopped climbing and
bouldering at the early age of 92 (!)
* * * *
Not exactly iconic. But maybe we should start an Sheridan appreciation thread?
I was trying to find the pic of Whillans hiking into a Himalayan base camp shirtless and carrying an umbrella on his pack while passing a tribesman. Does anybody recall that one?
Big Wall climber
Hollywood, CA
Nice post, Michael. That photo of Buhl in your post is my favorite. If I'm not mistaken, it was taken on the same day (or one day later?) than the photo I posted, when he returned to high camp from the summit of Nanga Parbat.
Amazing to look at his face and realize he's 29 years old at the time.
rick d
Social climber
tucson, az
Michael Hjorth-
that is the one. he looks cooked!
The other inspiring photo is Hugh Herr on Stage Fright on Cathedral (cheating with those stick legs).
Michael Hjorth
Trad climber
Copenhagen, Denmark
Sure, how could we forget?
From Greg Childs book, Thin Air:
Whillans strolls along the trail, shielding himself occasionally from the beating sun with a red umbrella.
As he rounds a bend on the path he confronts a gaunt, ash-covered yogi. It is a meeting of the worlds.
They stare at each other for a moment, then the yogi raises his open palm for Whillans to drop a coin into.
'Hmm,' Whillans says. 'Are you on some sort of sponsered walk?'
Whillans then grasps the yogi's hand firmly and shakes it, utterly confounding the Indian.
Whillans, 1981
Michael Hjorth
Trad climber
Copenhagen, Denmark
Don Whillans is ofcause a true iconic character.
As a young climber I attended a lecture he gave in Copenhagen. After the public lecture (about Annapurna Southface) there was a small private gathering for the club VIPs (of which I certainly was not).
But I managed to squeeze in. Here Whillans told all the old stories and showed pictures from his youth.
’This is me on the Bonatti Pillar!’ showing himself leading with a flatcap, a shouldersling with 5-6 carabiners and pegs.
Hammer in pocket and rope around his waist.
’It reminds me of the climber we saw on Kullen [”Danish” outcrop in Sweden] on Sunday, with 30 different chocks and friends for a 10 meter route!'
(In fact the route ’Fingerjam’ Chiloe had a picture of on S.T. two years back...)
While staying a week at our chaimans place, he emptied a box of beers (24 bottles) per day, and toured with him around town (and to Kullen) on the passengers seat of his motorbike in midwinter with the same bare chest straight under his coat. Ofcause without helmet.
He gave me a copy of his book. I was proud.
goatboy smellz
Michael is breaking out the good stuff.
If you look at the sadhu in the above photo as Whillans is approaching you can see he has an ax in his right hand.
The smart ass Whillans was just a few more words away from getting his head chopped off.
Mighty Hiker
Social climber
Vancouver, B.C.
Thanks, MH, for the pictures of Arne Næss! Very nice.
Was the picture from the 1930s taken at Kolsås, and if so, which route?
The photo of Leif Patterson is from "In the Throne Room of the Mountain Gods", which includes many good historical photos.
Michael Hjorth
Trad climber
Copenhagen, Denmark
Kolsås just outside Oslo, yes.
But I am not a local of that crag, and do not know which route, sorry.
Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Werner - my money was on the bar-brawler Whillans dropping that axe-wielding beanpole like a bad habit. :-)
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
^^^^^^^^^^ isn't that Roger! ^^^^^^^^^^
Mighty Hiker
Social climber
Vancouver, B.C.
Ouch! channels ihateplastic. Who is that mystery man in the photo?
Edit: The climber is wearing EBs, which suggests the photo was taken in the 1970s, or early 1980s. Was Royal white enough on top at that time?
right here, right now
I am going to guess wild and say it is an older Royal Robbins.
Michael Hjorth
Trad climber
Copenhagen, Denmark
No, no, Mighty, look at the gear loops on the harness. Stiff plastic. And a small closable chalkbag. No such things in the seventies.
Either the person hasn't worn out his old EB's (unlikely as he looks capable with a powerfull twist of the shoulders) or he has borrowed the hole lot from Ouch!
A visiting euroclimber...?
right here, right now
So, which icons inform our icons?
Trad climber
Lee, NH
Tarbuster has a fine sense of icony.
right here, right now
You're such a hold out!
Made the cover and everything.
Well, moving along, I think we need a picture of those guys on top of the Eigerwand after the first ascent.
Trad climber
Tel Aviv
Hobo Ledge, circa 1980
Trad climber
Lee, NH
Made the cover and everything.
Must have been my 15 minutes. I gotta say it was a total surprise to me when
that came in the mail. As Jim's finding indicates, not a collector's item!
Yo Jim, are you gonna break the middle-marker story, or break some more perlon first?
Jim E
Mountain Road
Gotta break more. I think all I found is that I have to break a lot more. Drops too, I suppose.
Mighty Hiker
Social climber
Vancouver, B.C.
Chiloe: "Tarbuster has a fine sense of icony."
I con't take it any more!
Mountain climber
great thread
john hansen
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 8, 2008 - 09:35pm PT
Some more pictures of pictures,,
Mountain climber
Buhl's final steps..
Dragon with Matches
Bamboo Grove
morphus: Kasparek on the Hinterstoisser Traverse?
The Chogolisa photo is chilling. I once attended a presentation by Kurt Diemburger and he was discussing this day. Maybe Buhl, who had written that he felt his sole mission in life was to climb, somehow knew that he had created his masterpiece or reached his pinnacle on NP. Seemed like such a careless mistake by a guy who was superhuman.
Trad climber
Denver, CO
Tar, those icons were GREAT! The only real Bond. Shaken, not stirred.
chica from chico, I don't claim to be a daisy
I always liked.. Mr March 1986, is this pic to big? To funny Cosmic!
Santa Fe, NM
Dwayne, you look a little like Billy, or maybe The Bird. Locker, you look a little like....
Largo in fine form.
Henneck, NA.
Charlie Fowler, Fang.
Bev Johnson, Nose.
Hugh Herr, Stage Fright.
Ron Kauk, ?
Skip Guerin, Wendego.
Trad climber
Lee, NH
Fine collection, Mimi. The Hennek cover is one I haven't seen in a while. Herr climbing Stage Fright is a "Wow" image that comes to mind every time I walk past that wall. There never seems to be someone on it.
Roger Breedlove
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Old EBs, old climber, new harness, new caulk bag, tight top-rope, new picture = truth
“…a powerful twist of the shoulders” = internet magic
Older than Royal! ouch!!!
PS: Kirk, Raquel, Sean…proof that there is hope and goodness in the real world outside of climbing.
Trad climber
Hollyweird, CA
Now I know that this will not be considered 'iconic' by many of the old gaurd, but with all due respect, many of my generation and those coming up now find this cover shot of Sharma to be exactly that.
I know, I know, not in the Valley, not prior to 1990... still, this pic inspired me to find out more about how this guy came to be hanging upside down on his fingers and a whole new world of heroes, people like Bridwell, Robbins, Tobin and Long to name only a few, was revealed because of it!
J. Werlin
That's the stuff Cosmic!!!
72h-something: no excuses, Sharmas in.
Gym climber
Mammoth Lakes, CA
J. Werlin
who is that traversing the Rippper? Bachar?
Gym climber
Mammoth Lakes, CA
Off White
Tenino, WA
No, that shot Tarbousier posted awhile back of the Ripper Traverse is John Long, replicating a classic shot of John Gill I think. In that one post the Tarbaby hit the two I had in mind, that Ripper shot and the one of Jardine on Separate Reality, which I think of as the definitive picture of that climb.
It's interesting that many of the iconic photos used to be magazine cover shots, but the modern mags cover up their photos with blurbs and copy, as if it was some version of People magazine, and the potential for iconic status vaporizes, it's just another advertising vehicle. When was the last time anyone cut up a climbing mag cover and framed it? The Sharma shot offered up by the new wave is great in the sense that the mag left a little dignity to the image.
right here, right now
This photo of a chap topping out on the Walker Spur, Grand Jorasses, may not be iconic in the sense that we saw it a lot,
But to my mind, it is nonetheless quite iconic,
Because he's in that sweet spot way up there off the deck, completing a treacherous route:
He's cold, tired, exhilarated, and savoring those final edging moves.
And …he is STILL (and oh so) ALIVE, he has, save the descent, survived the climb:
From Gaston Rebuffat’s “The Mont Blanc Massif, The 100 Finest Routes”
J. Werlin
Nice one Tar.
I'm thinking of the great soloing shot of Bachar high on the corner pitch of Oz, the little triangle of snow at the base. Once upon a time, you couldn't go into a climbing shop without seeing one of those Boreal posters.
Anyone have that one?
From Climbing in North America:
Don Wilde, Fred and Pete Schoening
Dick Williams on Shockley's, the Gunks
Trad climber
Lee, NH
Surely Leo Dickinson's Dream of White Horses qualifies as iconic.
How many people have climbed the route because of this photo?
Jay Wood
Trad climber
Fairfax, CA
Mar 10, 2008 - 10:15pm PT
Oakland: what's not to love?
Mar 10, 2008 - 11:17pm PT
Who's got the pic of Yaniro's log-sized forearm in Joshua Tree?
Long pressing out a mantle with cigarette?
right here, right now
Mar 10, 2008 - 11:25pm PT
right here, right now
Mar 11, 2008 - 12:33am PT
Hey Mimi,
You're on deck sweetheart:
Crack that Climbing #59 and scan us the Largo mantling with the ciggie...
Pretty please?
Trad climber
El Portal, CA
Mar 11, 2008 - 06:37pm PT
scuffy b
up the coast from Woodson
Mar 11, 2008 - 07:05pm PT
Can't anyone post up the shot of Amy in Midterm?
Trad climber
Northern, Ca.
Mar 11, 2008 - 07:22pm PT
Maybe not iconic, but definetly an icon..
Galen, never without his camera.
Trad climber
Northern, Ca.
Mar 11, 2008 - 07:32pm PT
Great pic of Beckey. Just talked to him last two weeks ago and he was skiing in Utah (said he hates the rain in Seattle...Go figure)
right here, right now
Mar 11, 2008 - 09:33pm PT
From "Royal Robbins, Spirit of the Age", by Pat Ament
Gym climber
Mammoth Lakes, CA
Mar 11, 2008 - 09:34pm PT
Tobin & Mike on Insomnia.
Bob Kamps on Fairview.
John Yablonski. Photo: Bullwinkle.
Peter bouldering on the Rostrum.
Michael highballin' in Josh.
john hansen
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 12, 2008 - 12:32am PT
Roy, that one with Liz and Royal is classic...
Bacher's are incredible, as usual.
Great pic's everyone. Lets see some more.
right here, right now
Mar 12, 2008 - 12:13pm PT
From On Edge, the Life and Climbs of Henry Barber, Chip Lee
Hot Henry:
Berndt Arnold:
Devils Tower, Dresden:
Trad climber
Denver, Colorado
Mar 12, 2008 - 12:50pm PT
I love the one of Dream of White Horses! Does anyone have the pic of Henry Barber free-soloing the Dream?
Trad climber
Boulder, CO
Mar 12, 2008 - 12:59pm PT
Can't believe no one's posted this one:
Thank you John for all you've done.
Trad climber
Denver, Colorado
Mar 12, 2008 - 03:02pm PT
Rusty Baillie FA Old Man of Hoy
Gym climber
Mar 12, 2008 - 04:59pm PT
Speaking of...thanks for that great photo of Lynn on the Nose.
Also, of Kamps. look at that guy's arms!!
Keep rippin'
Mar 13, 2008 - 12:51pm PT
Any pictures of Charlie Porter in action, anyone?
Big Wall climber
Hollywood, CA
Mar 13, 2008 - 02:43pm PT
Thanks Malcolm-- that picture of JB hiking the lamb is killer.
Very inspiring, as so many shots of John are. F*#KING BADASS.
Mar 13, 2008 - 02:58pm PT
CP on the FA of the Shield.
Gym climber
Mammoth Lakes, CA
Mar 13, 2008 - 09:20pm PT
Great shot of Porter...THE FA of the Shield. Damn.... The cracks above him aren't pinned out yet (weird thought, sorry).
Thanks for posting that one.
right here, right now
Mar 13, 2008 - 10:18pm PT
Never seen that particular Shield photo!
I think another real Iconic Shield shot is the color pic looking down at maybe Sutton, cleaning.
Mar 13, 2008 - 10:24pm PT
That photo was lifted off the Taco beta page for the Shield.
right here, right now
Mar 14, 2008 - 01:07pm PT
Hot Henry soloing...
The Strand:
Dream of White Horses:
photos from "On Edge, the Life and Climbs of Henry Barber", Chip Lee.
Trad climber
Boston, MA
Mar 14, 2008 - 01:42pm PT
Beth Rodden "Queen of Rock"
Trad climber
Lake Oswego, Oregon
Mar 14, 2008 - 02:54pm PT
If there is anyone out there that does NOT own a copy of the George Meyers book, "Yosemite Climber" I suggest you drop your knitting and find one. It is a wonderful source for wintertime drooling. There are perhaps too many iconic images in there to post now, but here are a couple that just reek of Valley days gone by.
First, Dale Bard at the Rurp belay on Sea of Dreams (photo Diegleman.)
Next, the man, the myth, the legend... Werner wonderin' why it is he does walls. PO Wall.
For those wanting more Shield shots... This last page is lifted from Mountain 44. The pictures show Chuck Pratt during the third ascent and were taken by Steve Sutton.
Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Mar 14, 2008 - 03:04pm PT
That Beth Rodden - cheeky!
Social climber
The West
Mar 14, 2008 - 07:24pm PT
a truly Iconic image (it was in my head between decades of actual
viewing) From Scuffy B;
Anyone here, that calm & collected, at the lower crux of Midterm?
I'm also partial to the one the Colonel has (in his enclave) of me, cleaning the triple cracks.
right here, right now
Mar 17, 2008 - 10:59am PT
Minneapolis, MN
Mar 17, 2008 - 01:54pm PT
RE Bard on Bridwell's 4 Rurp belay:
Is that all there really was? Could they haul on that?!
Double D
Mar 17, 2008 - 01:59pm PT
Barto: No, there was a 1.5" bolt and a 1" bolt (or rivit???) ...I broke the last drills that I had, the rock was super dense and the rurps were A-1. We didn't haul there but just climbed through.
Minneapolis, MN
Mar 17, 2008 - 04:05pm PT
Interesting. This is still one of my favorite photographs of all time. That grin coveys the elation that I've felt when things get outrageous.
right here, right now
Mar 17, 2008 - 09:55pm PT
The Naked Edge:
Rosy Crucifixion:
All photos from: Climb!
Social climber
Mar 18, 2008 - 10:42am PT
These are good BUT the best photo EVER is Dave Diegelman grinding his teeth while try to get the clip on Seperate Reality!
I don't have a scanner. I remember stumbling into the local climbing shop and looking at the book section- There was a picture of Devils Tower and it blew me away to think that it could be climbed-Thirty plus years later I can still remember how amazed I was
In Vertical world of Yosemite there is a picture of El Cap with a little red dot showing some climbers-
From the Chouinard catalog Tobin Sorenson buckling his helmet on the Eiger
TarBuster thanks for the Birds shot on Naked Edge- is that from "Climb"
Great thread
goatboy smellz
Mar 18, 2008 - 10:58am PT
Beth on Meltdown
photo by Corey Rich
Michael Hjorth
Trad climber
Copenhagen, Denmark
Mar 18, 2008 - 11:44am PT
right here, right now
Mar 18, 2008 - 12:06pm PT
Now we're talkin.
Michael, how about posting the iconic photo of Yablonski on Wheat Thin for us?
right here, right now
Mar 18, 2008 - 03:43pm PT
Gotta get this one in before the thread sinks back into the quick sand...
Trad climber
Denver, Colorado
Mar 18, 2008 - 03:50pm PT
What the heck are those shoes? (great pic) Almost look like cut-up EB's
scuffy b
up the coast from Woodson
Mar 18, 2008 - 04:02pm PT
They're cut-up EBs.
Trad climber
Up the 'Creek w/out a Prada
Mar 18, 2008 - 05:12pm PT
This thread made my day.
Trad climber
Mar 18, 2008 - 05:14pm PT
Largo......how about those socks!
right here, right now
Mar 19, 2008 - 01:56pm PT
The Kloberdanz Kid:
right here, right now
Mar 19, 2008 - 02:22pm PT
Trad climber
Denver, Colorado
Mar 19, 2008 - 02:24pm PT
Breashears!! I remember standing at the bottom of Mickey Mouse Wall looking up at Krystal Klyr and Perilous Journey. Man!, I could not even get my head around what it would take to lead those!
Mar 22, 2008 - 07:03pm PT
Seb Greive on "Meshuga", E9.
Trad climber
Mar 22, 2008 - 07:27pm PT
Double D
Mar 22, 2008 - 08:34pm PT
GDavis: Love that Yabo shot...that's so...Yabo!
Gym climber
Mammoth Lakes, CA
Mar 22, 2008 - 10:51pm PT
Gill on the Fatted Calf double...
Suzuki on Grand Illusion...
Kauk on Kauk's Corner...
Wellman on the Nose...
Edit: Wellman's way bigger than that.... it's just a small image of a big man.
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Mar 23, 2008 - 02:01am PT
Every single photo in Yosemite Climber book.
talk about a thread killer post.
in particular the Quicksilver pics, Camp 4 pic, and Bircheff-W dihedral, fired my imagination on many occasion.
Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
Mar 23, 2008 - 04:34am PT
Can someone please post more photos so we can get to the next page...? I'm tired of seeing Beth each time I load the thread! Time for change!
I'll get things going...
This image is iconic to me, for during the time this was going down, I was living in the valley and shared a camp with Alex and Thomas for a few months. Good times and a badass send, for sure!!!
Alex and Thomas on Zodiac
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Mar 23, 2008 - 12:45pm PT
perhaps this is helping you get past it Nef, but what have you got against Beth? I have no problem seeing that photo (even though this post might push it off the top post in the next 20)...
...I'm happy that some of the development in the Valley is being reported at all. One could get the impression that it is a museum of old climbs instead of an active climbing area... with route development happening on very public cliffs. Just got a bunch of topos from Eric Gable on stuff he has been doing, with some help from his friends (I'm learning how to be a superior subman). On three pages I have 16 new routes from 5.7 to 5.10d... most of these have been submitted for inclusion in the next edition guide book, but right now who knows if and when that will ever be issued. A month ago we started up a line right in the middle of Reed's Pinnacle area. It was sweet to have the "peanut gallery" down at the turnout puzzling through their guidebooks trying to find the stellar 5.8 line we were on. Eric finished it up with Ian, and I think that Clint has actually done it. Eric and I and Brent had completed a 9 pitch climb on Reed's which goes at something like 5.10c and is a great climb. Few will learn about it, fewer will climb it.
The Valley is seeing a great deal of route development throughout the grade range. I'm glad that people like Beth are interested and active. Climbing's article by Doug Robinson on Sean Jones was yet another indication of what is happening. These reports are only the very minor tip of the iceberg...
It's happening out there, I don't regret any reportage of it... there are some truly great climbs, classics, that few people know about.
Trad climber
Lake Oswego, Oregon
Mar 23, 2008 - 03:55pm PT
Here are a couple that are an interesting view of "then and now"...
Both inspiring in their own right.
1972 on the Nose. Tony Lampert getting ready for the pitch above camp 6 (Ruedi Hombrger.)
Then we have Mr. Shipoopi with a slightly smaller rack on the 7th pitch of Excalibur. This is from Arce's book, "Defying Gravity." (NOTE:Hard to decipher the image's author, but I believe credit goes to Galen Rowell.)
Trad climber
Lake Oswego, Oregon
Mar 23, 2008 - 05:46pm PT
Is there any photo of the Bird that is NOT iconic? Photo Edgar Boyles.
Trad climber
Lake Oswego, Oregon
Mar 23, 2008 - 05:49pm PT
And finally, well... for now, this always made me want to get out there and something, anything.
Dennis Hennek topping out on the NA Wall. Photo by Robbins.
Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
Mar 23, 2008 - 08:54pm PT
"but what have you got against Beth?"
I think what Beth did is amazing, Ed!!! Fo' shizzle. And all of the new development in the valley is amazing. I've been amazed at some of the stuff I've seen/photo'd going up and have helped put up myself, recently. Simply amazed that it was SO close to other things, such as parking lots and highly developed areas. Just goes to show how much potential is still out there.
Seriously, it's a personal thing. You ever have someone who's laugh just bugs the f*#k out of you? You think they're plenty nice, and you feel bad cause their laugh, of all things, is like fingernails grating on a chalkboard to you. Well, some things about Beth are like that for me. Other than that, she's nice and pleasant, climbs super hard, etc. =)
Carry on.
goatboy smellz
Mar 23, 2008 - 09:31pm PT
Charlie Fowler
photo by Alex Lowe
the one & only Alex Lowe, Annapurna III
photo Conrad Anker
Anyone have the shot of the Vulgarians rolling around in the mud naked in the Tetons?
Trad climber
Varied locales along the time and space continuum
Mar 24, 2008 - 02:25am PT
The Charlie Fowler photo is awesome... right in the maw of it all! And Alex Lowe... well that is so Alex Lowe.
Thanks to all for making this another "best ever" taco thread. I'm enjoying it immensely.
Trad climber
San Francisco, CA
Mar 24, 2008 - 03:16am PT
Where does that Charlie photo come from? What's the story of the "fall"?
goatboy smellz
Mar 24, 2008 - 10:24am PT
From Climbing #139
by Michael Benge
Trad climber
Denver, CO
Mar 24, 2008 - 04:33pm PT
That picture of Charlie was a Patagonia ad I think, too.
Something like Charlie climbing in 'full conditions'
And I guess that wasn't his biggest fall either. I'd read he
took a 4000 footer over in the Himalaya at one point too.
Trad climber
Denver, CO
Mar 24, 2008 - 05:22pm PT
JSTAN on Foops!
right here, right now
Mar 24, 2008 - 08:44pm PT
John Bragg in the Gunks:
Mar 24, 2008 - 09:13pm PT
Looks like Jstan is free soloing FOOPS, while holding the coiled rope in his hand, all while his friends below look on in awe.
Whoa man, you da man jstan ....
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Mar 24, 2008 - 09:52pm PT
jstan, whatever happens at the 08 FaceLift it would be nice to get out on a route with you...
Trad climber
Mar 24, 2008 - 10:03pm PT
What is that photo of, i think eldo, black and white... guy leading some heinous crack and you see the haul line go plumb down to the belay... I think early 70s... meh.
right here, right now
Mar 25, 2008 - 01:10am PT
I think you're talking about Roger Briggs on the Diving Board in Eldorado Canyon.
You'll find that up thread.
john hansen
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 25, 2008 - 01:37am PT
here is one more to get it to 200..
Trad climber
Varied locales along the time and space continuum
Mar 25, 2008 - 02:58pm PT
Was that Half Dome team representing the Sharks or the Jets????
Mar 25, 2008 - 02:59pm PT
I don't know how ST manages to keep generating these mind blowing threads, but it does. Looking at all the youngsters pictured here I asked myself if I had it to do over again would I change anything. No.
Last year at Facelift I thought briefly about going nostalgic and touching the rock. But then I got involved doing the hardest route I have ever done. Rt.120. Was a great party on that one. Ed, Crimpie, Eric, Jingy, and many others. Maybe this year.
You can't get there from here
Mar 25, 2008 - 03:18pm PT
Warren Harding in loafers and cuffed jeans.
I mean...what's wrong with that picture???
Trad climber
Denver, CO
Mar 25, 2008 - 03:21pm PT
L Are those loafers, or boat shoes?????
Look at the white soles!
You can't get there from here
Mar 25, 2008 - 03:32pm PT
Booooooooooaaaaaaaaaaattttt shoes! Oh yes, that's so much easier to believe....
right here, right now
Mar 25, 2008 - 04:36pm PT
Fletcher wrote:
"Was that Half Dome team representing the Sharks or the Jets????"
Here, perhaps I can assist your decision:
right here, right now
Mar 25, 2008 - 04:40pm PT
These boys look pretty formidable too:
rick d
Social climber
tucson, az
Mar 25, 2008 - 04:48pm PT
Buhl looks pretty big for an infant.
he was born in 1924.
right here, right now
Mar 25, 2008 - 04:59pm PT
Yes I was wondering that myself.
That's from an article on Albert Ellingwood, from Climbing number 70; I didn't see any mention of Buhl in it, so I'm thinking that's a Coloradan or American of the same name.
Michael Hjorth
Trad climber
Copenhagen, Denmark
Mar 26, 2008 - 04:44am PT
And Albert Ellingwood is looking like an ancestor to the Huber Bros...
I am searching the net in vain for the barechested Comici photo (have to scan it when I get back home). For now I have these:
Emilio Comici, 1901-1940:
Gym climber
Mammoth Lakes, CA
Mar 26, 2008 - 09:59am PT
Nice pics. Dude had some style too. Check them shooz! and pants!
Trad climber
Denver, CO
Mar 26, 2008 - 10:37am PT
I know it's not the Hermann Buhl of
Nanga Parbat fame. No relation to him either.
I can't remember where I read it, but if I find
it I'll put it in the link.
Trad climber
Lanham MD
Mar 26, 2008 - 10:42am PT
Those are great shots of Comici. Talk about getting the rope behind your leg!
Those guys were heroes.
Michael Hjorth
Trad climber
Copenhagen, Denmark
Mar 26, 2008 - 05:55pm PT
Great Comici film!
I like the comment after running out a pitch:
"The most important thing in climbing is the mutual security...!"
I am not sure, though, that his dynamic footwork would earn him style points today.
Trad climber
Denver, CO
Mar 26, 2008 - 06:33pm PT
This article was in the current issue of the Trail & Timberline, from the Colorado Mountain Club
Trad climber
In the mountains... somewhere...
Mar 26, 2008 - 07:52pm PT
Wow! Thanks for the Comici stuff Michael. He sure had style and grace. Looked like a little dude. Too bad he died at such a young age.
scuffy b
up the coast from Woodson
Mar 26, 2008 - 08:09pm PT
some interesting belaying there, to someone who often uses a hip
belay without anchor.
right here, right now
Mar 26, 2008 - 10:44pm PT
Nice detective work on that Herman Buhl stuff there Steve.
Michael! Those Comici images are top-notch and very iconic to be sure. Super fun.
Social climber
Flatland, Ca
Mar 27, 2008 - 10:39am PT
Looking at that photo of the guy in the white sox, converse style shoes, with the rope secured to the waist...
How did climbing become the great fun it is today on the shoulders of that for safty?
Great photos... Keep 'em comin!
Did I hear Facelift?
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Sep 20, 2008 - 05:47pm PT
Chris Jones and Joe Faint retreating from Hetch Hetchy, Galen Rowell photo
Nancy Feagin sending 5.11 on Half Dome, Galen Rowell photo
Michael Hjorth
Trad climber
Copenhagen, Denmark
Jan 15, 2009 - 01:52am PT
Arne Næss, iconic Norwegian climber and thinker described above, died Tuesday at the age of 96.
He was the uncle of Arne Næss, the shippingman, Everestclimber and former husband of Diana Ross.
1930, Oslo
2008, Oslo
Mountain climber
Monrovia, CA
Jan 15, 2009 - 02:42am PT
Takk Michael, plus didn't he do the first route on the Troll Wall-the ridge to the left?
Michael Hjorth
Trad climber
Copenhagen, Denmark
Jan 15, 2009 - 03:18am PT
Hi Reilly,
Trollryggen was climbed in 1958 by the almost-as-iconic Arne Randers Heen (53) and Ralf Høibakk (21).
I fail to remember any specific rockclimbs pioneered by Næss. But the two first ascents on Tirish Mir in Hindu Kush stand out.
Troll Wall with Trollryggen (72 piches!) on the left.
This summer Trollryggen was reclimbed by first ascentionist Ralf Høibakk at the age of 71, a 50y anniversary, together with Odd Eliassen and Stein P. Aasheim:
Høibakk (left) and Eliassen
Photo: Stein P. Aasheim
Trad climber
Raising Arizona
Jan 15, 2009 - 03:34am PT
Nice bump.
The perfect place for Steve and his Lucky Goes To the Creamery ascent:
Mighty Hiker
Social climber
Vancouver, B.C.
Jan 15, 2009 - 03:35am PT
Thanks, Michael!
I see Odd still likes purple.
Trad climber
Jan 15, 2009 - 11:13am PT
Yvon Chouinard,Elliot glacier,Mt. Hood.
goatboy smellz
dirty south
Jan 15, 2009 - 11:32am PT
From The Stettner Way-The Life and Climbs of Joe & Paul Stettner
Trad climber
Jan 15, 2009 - 12:39pm PT
Good thread!
I think one that belongs is shot of P. Croft. on ffa of "The Shadow"
Trad climber
Jan 15, 2009 - 07:31pm PT
Henry Barber on first ascent of True Grip,Gunks.
Big Wall climber
Sedro Woolley, WA
Jan 16, 2009 - 03:47pm PT
Hell Yeah, great shots!
Big Wall climber
the range of light
bump to get rid of ptcjf001
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Sep 20, 2010 - 02:45am PT
London, UK
Nov 21, 2011 - 04:48pm PT
One of my favourite threads
Sport climber
Nov 21, 2011 - 06:13pm PT
Sport climber
Nov 21, 2011 - 06:23pm PT
ß Î Ø T Ç H
Boulder climber
Nov 21, 2011 - 06:52pm PT
Sport climber
Nov 21, 2011 - 07:01pm PT
Habakkuk 3:19 Sozo
Nov 21, 2011 - 07:06pm PT
1977 Doug Scott, crawling down the Ogre with two broken ankles!
Trad climber
Leading Edge of North American Plate
Nov 21, 2011 - 07:18pm PT
from where the anecdotes roam
Nov 21, 2011 - 08:07pm PT
though it is not my photo, it is my privledge ...
to nominate this image as iconic, at minimum
Sport climber
Nov 21, 2011 - 08:16pm PT
Then let's add a couple of pictures more.
Sport climber
Nov 21, 2011 - 08:20pm PT
And the one more.
john hansen
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 22, 2011 - 12:13am PT
I had forgotten about this thread,, pretty fun.
lots of good stuff here.
It is interesting in the picture above Rube seems to be hanging from the middle biner with the rope around his waist. I guess this was how it was done back in the day...
he seems to be bypassing every other placment.
Sport climber
Nov 22, 2011 - 05:12pm PT
Sport climber
Nov 22, 2011 - 05:19pm PT
Trad climber
Anchorage, AK
Nov 22, 2011 - 05:29pm PT
Trad climber
Anchorage, AK
Nov 22, 2011 - 05:44pm PT
Sport climber
Nov 24, 2011 - 02:38pm PT
Climbing icons
Freedom climbers - just sayin!
goatboy smellz
May 14, 2012 - 04:42pm PT
That right hand has a thank god ledge grip to it.
Social climber
Lakewood, CO
May 14, 2012 - 06:52pm PT
Seeing Mimi's photo of Hugh Herr reminded me that I had these three photos. Here is Hugh on Hueco Crank, with his "extendo-Legs"... With these he was like 8 feet tall!!!
I think Fred Becky wins the Internets!!!
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
May 15, 2012 - 12:20am PT
From the first guidebook I ever peered into
Steve Grossman
Trad climber
Seattle, WA
May 15, 2012 - 08:12pm PT
Crump- Those shots of Hugh The Mechanical Boy are killer!
Social climber
somewhere that doesnt have anything over 90'
May 16, 2012 - 01:46am PT
kracken! welcome to the taco!!!
May 16, 2012 - 02:55am PT
Richard Harrison
May 16, 2012 - 07:23am PT
Johnny Dawes on Indian Face
mouse from merced
Trad climber
merced, california
May 16, 2012 - 07:58pm PT
"Icon doit, Icon doit, Icon doit, Icon doit. Here goes nothing."
--The doltster's thought process as he moved on Traitor Horn.
A similar Dolt Mfg. Co. poster with a Traitor Horn shot featuring the Man Himself was posted in the Mtn. Shop in 1971, but it did not help in moving a lot of Dolt hardware, unfortunately. I believe Bill had on a ball cap of weird shape in the photo. Bill's ball cap bill was looong. Not extendo-leg long, but close. It put Da Brim in the shade!
Marlow: nice shot on the GGB. Not very good bridging technique. Shoulda got Hugh in on the action.
I got to the summit of the South Tower in the '70s, but via the elevator. It was a free ascent, though--no guiding fees.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
LilaBiene showed me the print of this shot Mrs. K had sent to her.
This is one she liked especially well.
Thx, Hossjulia.
Is this a Glen Denny photo?
Ice climber
dingy room at the Happy boulders hotel
those pictures of Werner, especially of Astroman, are iconic; and as someone else said on another thread, but a damn piece in Werner.
we need more threads like this
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
"More iconic than iconic photos"
Iconic, iconicer, iconicest?
Iconincest, certainly.
Telling it like it was in the Legs.
Social climber
Eastside (of the Tetons)
Thanks to me? What do I have to do with it? I do have that scanned on my 'puter, but I thought I grabbed it off of here. No idea who took it.
Mountain climber
Anchorage AK, Reno NV
gonzo chemist
Fort Collins, CO
this thread is incredible!
photo credit: John Bachar
Ice climber
dingy room at the Happy boulders hotel
Gonzo, that one is in the top ten
from out where the anecdotes roam
Dec 17, 2013 - 04:40pm PT
Sport climber
Dec 17, 2013 - 05:01pm PT
Sport climber
Dec 17, 2013 - 05:08pm PT
Trad climber
Durham, NC
Sep 30, 2014 - 09:10am PT
does anyone know what photographers took some of these iconic photos, if they're still alive, and where I might track them down? Looking to do an exhibit and auction to raise funds for Carolina Climbers Coalition's 20th anniversary. Please reply to wolsrh@yahoo.com.
Sep 30, 2014 - 08:14pm PT
Tobin Sorenson on the Eiger Direct, October 1977.
Balcarce, Argentina
Sep 30, 2014 - 10:01pm PT
Sep 30, 2014 - 10:13pm PT
mouse from merced: that is an epic photo. to think natgeo probably picked some posed shot when they could have gone with a photo that actually documented real life of that era... and what a simian to catch a shot of in the wild... hahaha.
in general what a great thread... i'd never seen it before.
here is prob one of the more famous canadian shots:
and i bet we could have a thread devoted to just lynn hill's iconic climbing photos...
and finally climbing's answer to clint eastwood:
Sep 30, 2014 - 10:54pm PT
The one and only Bill Denz.
Hey naa000, that pic of Cheesmond is a classic!
goatboy smellz
Trad climber
Durham, NC
Sep 30, 2014 - 09:10am PT
does anyone know what photographers took some of these iconic photos, if they're still alive, and where I might track them down? Looking to do an exhibit and auction to raise funds for Carolina Climbers Coalition's 20th anniversary. Please reply to wolsrh@yahoo.com.
Most of the photographers are credited in these posts or the book, which the photos were lifted, was listed. If they are not credited you could either PM the poster that posted the photo or do a reverse image search via google to track down the photographer. Or just ask here which photo you want to use and someone will probably answer your questions.
Michael Hjorth
Trad climber
Copenhagen, Denmark
BUMP a good thread!
Haven't seen that Captain Kirk video before. Made my day!
That could have answered all public questions during the Dawn Wall climb...!
jeff constine
Trad climber
Ao Namao
Jul 22, 2016 - 03:02pm PT
Beverly Johnson 1993 Climbing at the Devils Punchbowl with me. R.I.P Beverly.
Sport climber
Jul 23, 2016 - 11:30am PT
Iconic suffering. Reminds me of the post NP Buhl photo...
McHale's Navy
Trad climber
From Panorama City, CA
Jul 26, 2016 - 04:14pm PT
This is Beverly Johnson looking up though a crack on the Leaning Tower in 1977. We were both soloing the route. I've been searching for this slide for awhile and finally found it.
Social climber
State of decay
Oct 28, 2016 - 10:54am PT
Social climber
Wise Acres
Oct 28, 2016 - 05:05pm PT
Five Days One Summer
Charlie D.
Trad climber
Western Slope, Tahoe Sierra
This photo has become iconic in less than 3 days....
Trad climber
Wolfeboro, NH
A few of my own from the early 70's:
Trad climber
Wolfeboro, NH
Sport climber
The Big Wide Open Face
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
While unsuccessful in reaching the summit, Norton’s climb was heroic, and record setting. His final altitude was roughly 28,126 feet, climbing in woolen knickers and a tweed coat and without oxygen. To give an idea of how remarkable this was, no one would climb higher than Norton without using oxygen until Reinhold Messner and Peter Habeler climbed Everest by the Southeast Ridge without oxygen in 1978.
Social climber
Cat Box
Mar 24, 2019 - 06:37am PT
Trad climber
Here and there
Mar 24, 2019 - 11:01am PT
Old Wastach icon
This would be iconic if a 16 yo me was an icon...
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