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Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Original Post - Apr 28, 2007 - 02:25am PT
So, I'm sound asleep and awaken to the sound of what sounds like my window breaking. My heart is pounding, I listen, and sure enough there it is again. And again at a different window.
O.M.G. - someone is trying to break into the house.
I leap out of bed and grab the phone. I can barely squeak out a voice to 911 "someone is trying to come in my house"
"We'll Be Right There"
I close the door to my bird's room (who knows why) and cower like the big chicken I am.
WHAM! WHAM! He keeps hitting the window.
Then I see him. Some dude. White male. Red Shirt. Walking around from the side of the house to the front door. He starts banging on the door.
I call the police again and barely am able to speak. Is that them at the front door? The dispatcher says she doesn't know and to ask the person (since I can't see out the front door). I don't like this idea. Sort of like that he doesn't necessarily know if anyone is at home. I relent and yell:
"Who is it"
He responds "Pizza Delivery Man"
I yell "The police are right behind you"
"The police are right behind you"
I am arguing with a criminal. I go back upstairs and peek out the window. The police come roaring up, lights on, come up on him and hand cuff him. He seems surprised. Dipsh#t.
They knock on the door to have me come out and see if I know this dork. OMG - It's a climbing acquaintance who I've not seen in OVER TWO YEARS AGO. And even then, we didn't know each other much at all. They didn't arrest him and suggested he find his way back home TO HIS WIFE or he can go for a ride with them.
Oh man am I still pissed. WHAT THE FECK IS HE THINKING? I'm so angry I can't sleep now. I barely know this person. Un-be-f*#king-lieveable.
Thanks for letting me vent. Thoughts?
Social climber
Davis, CA
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:28am PT
Ah the curse of being a hottie. attracting all sorts of crazy.
but the 2 year dormant trail stalker is a new one! hahaha
chico ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:29am PT
Creepy... Were your lights out?
Edit: Don't you have a bat?... A dog....
NoName City and It Don't Look Pretty
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:30am PT
As Jane Austen would say, Crimpie..."Forgive him as any good Christian would do. Then never ever speak to him again. Ever."
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 28, 2007 - 02:31am PT
YES! All lights were out.
I swear, my hair must be standing up on end and I must look like a really pissed off chicken. I am stomping around in my house talking to myself trying to burn off the adrenaline.
L Edit: True. I don't think I can even look at this person again without smacking him and saying "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?????" Given I have not seen him in eons, doubt I'll have the chance to do so though.
Trad climber
So. Cal.
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:31am PT
Good thing you didn't shoot him.
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 28, 2007 - 02:33am PT
I walked around and don't see broken windows, but it's so dark. I have the double paned super-duper windows so I guess they are extra strong. I'll have a look in the morning.
And no kidding Chaz. Man, if I had a gun, I would have had it out and someone would have gotten hurt. Probably me.
I have no bat, no dog, just the ability to dial 911 in the dark and cower like a chicken. Luckily, police response was FAST.
Trad climber
Durango, CO
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:36am PT
Congratulations! You now have your own personal STALKER!
Or maybe he was just drunk, sad and horny. Either way, I'm glad everything was OK.
BTW, 90% of those "someone's trying to break in" calls are just racoons. But you did the right thing in calling 911. Then cowering in the dark and waiting for the pros to swoop in and deal with him. Maybe you will actually sleep better now, knowing that you WILL wake up when there is a noise, and that the cops can come and save you.
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 28, 2007 - 02:37am PT
Haha! Funny thing is, we can't get pizza delivery in this zip code. This zip code is shared with a terrible part of town so pizza delivery companies won't deliver here. Do any deliver at 12:45?
I wish he had a pizza. I'm sort of hungry.
A stalker? I'll have to consult the literature on those. Haha.
I am glad I didn't shoot his arse. Or that I didn't have a man friend here who went out and whooped his arse. (a girl can dream). And I'm glad they did not haul his arse to jail. Hopefully he learned his lesson though and knows that this house and I am not part of his booty-call trail. Why would he think that? Think you are correct that drugs/alcohol are likely a bit part of his "thinking".
susan peplow
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:37am PT
Callie, 3 words....
Chinese Fightin' Dog
Trad climber
Durango, CO
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:39am PT
How about the attack parrots? I bet they would scare the crap out of an intruder.
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 28, 2007 - 02:40am PT
Bwhahaha Susan. That burst of laughter just removed a ton of my adrenaline. Bwahahahhahaaa. You guys are great.
You know, Climbrunride, my birds would kick ass on someone trying to hurt me. They are very protective. But at a whooping 300 grams each, they wouldn't win any battles. They'd go down noble-like though.
chico ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:40am PT
Maybe, he will read about this on.. Supertopo- tonight.
NoName City and It Don't Look Pretty
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:42am PT
Teach your parrots to bark and growl, Crimpie!
Edit: Speaking of which, did you watch the foul-mouthed parrot video I posted a while back? It was hysterical. You should watch it now to drain off that adrenaline and get some laughter going.
Trad climber
pacific beach, ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:43am PT
it sounds like you should have someone come over and spend the night with you, for security reasons.
where do you live?
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 28, 2007 - 02:43am PT
Gym rat.
Definitely not an ST. fellow.
But if he does read it - Dude you're on my sh#t-list now. You DON'T do that to a woman who lives alone. Or heck, you don't do that to a woman who does not live alone. You just don't do that. OMG.
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 28, 2007 - 02:44am PT
Zip, catch I-70 going east. Go about 30 hours. Turn right at exit 240. Go south one mile. Turn left, then quick right and right. I'll leave the porch light on. Hurry.
chico ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:44am PT
What time is it in -Misery?
Trad climber
pacific beach, ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:45am PT
what do you want on your pizza?
Trad climber
pacific beach, ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:47am PT
Oh, my bad. i assumed you lived in the Los Angeles area, being a super model and everything. sorry, my chivalry is reserved for same area code, gas prices, ya know
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 28, 2007 - 02:48am PT
It is ten to two a.m.
Dang zip. :) I'll get out of here someday! I will!
chico ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:52am PT
Tomorrow: get a bat...Tonight: Get a drink and put on some mellow music..... zzzzz.. I hope you have..* sweet dreams.*
Social climber
The West
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:53am PT
What Susan said; you should hear one of those "Chinese Fightin' Dog" 's get medevil on a mere threat like a jack rabbit posing as the easter bunny. You'd never be afraid again.
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 28, 2007 - 02:54am PT
I do like the bat idea. Can't accidentally hit myself in the head with it. Well, I wouldn't think I could anyway. And it is good to cower with. Good advice.
Russ Walling
Social climber
Out on the sand.... man.....
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:59am PT
Since you are of the school that thinks human life is not cheap, may I suggest you contact Piton Ron and get one of them there non-lethal beanbag cannons. Nuthin like the thump of beans at 340mph into a semi-erect peeping Toms soft underbelly.... give him a couple more while you wait for the cops to arrive.
Trad climber
pacific beach, ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 03:09am PT
speaking of shaking like a leaf..........i just had a scary experience too.
i live in the san diego area and am a boat owner. I keep my boats at the Sea World Marina, at the Sea World amusement park. I am in bed on my lap top updating my personal profile on that new dating site,(www.iammuchbetterlookingwhenyouaredrunk.com)when I get a call. I look at the caller ID and it is Sea World calling me. i am thinking this isn't good. The dockmaster is calling me and the first thing she says is your boats aren't sinking, but one next to you did.
The salvage and recovery divers are there and they want to start the recovery without me moving my boats. I ask them to wait and i rush down there and move one of my boats, but they have the second one blocked in, and won't let me move it. there is no damage to either of my boats prior to the salvage.
Fortunately i brought my camera and i take a bunch of pictures of the recovery. they are able to re float the boat they are all over my second boat, and there is bound to be some damage. i ask for an incident number or a on site supervisor and they all look at me like i am speaking another language.
finally someone asks me why i need this information, and why i am taking pictures. I tell them that i can see that there is damage to one of my boats. they guy tells me he is not going to pay for the damage, and to go after the owner of the boat that sank.
At this point Sea World management wisely suggests that i leave.
It will be paid for by someone, but i hate drama, and dealing with attorneys, and being in court.
Russ Walling
Social climber
Out on the sand.... man.....
Apr 28, 2007 - 03:15am PT
c'mon zip.... you are shaking like a leaf 'cause one of your boats (implying that you have more than just one) might have got a scratch on it??? Poor Maculated is shaking like a leaf 'cause gas went up .03cents last week and now she can't go cragging and might have to use public transport... talk about horror!
"at either end....."
Just honkin your chain zip... when we going out to get yellowtail on the back side of Catalina? I'll chip in for gas.
Trad climber
pacific beach, ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 03:20am PT
Dude, i would love to take you out fishing, but i don't fish.
I just bought a boat cuz i heard that Crimpy digs dudes that climb hard or have a boat.
Since i can't climb............well, you get the picture.
Apr 28, 2007 - 03:23am PT
Sorry..Crimpie. Hope I didn't break any windows. Dang cops took me around the corner and Tasered me...Twice. Took my pizza and drove off..eating it.
Trad climber
pacific beach, ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 03:24am PT
maybe, if it comes to the surface, and it is a real big gun.
Russ Walling
Social climber
Out on the sand.... man.....
Apr 28, 2007 - 03:24am PT
hahahaha! I'm a puker anyway.... tell ya what.... I'll chip in some gas money so Maculated can go out on your boat with ya....
Trad climber
pacific beach, ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 03:25am PT
thanks for the offer for gas money, but i don't need it, cuz there is no motor. it is a kayak.
Mountain climber
Apr 28, 2007 - 03:27am PT
Crimpy, might I suggest you teach your parrots to sound like a barking german shepard. Then after they finish barking, they can imitate the sound of a 12 gauge being racked.
Trad climber
pacific beach, ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 03:30am PT
i think we lost crimpy around 1/2 hour ago. she is probably having sweet dreams about all us st'rs that are so concerned about her.
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 28, 2007 - 08:47am PT
Hi all. I did decide to try and sleep. I am still recovering from the evil red eye flight back from SushiFest. Totally sleep deprived and last night's equivalent to 800 red bulls did not help. :)
Hahahahah on your boat story Mr. Zip! And OUCH!, I should have known it was you. Hope the taser barbs came out easily.
Apr 28, 2007 - 09:03am PT
Crimp, you need to add a nice gentle big dog to your attack bird arsenal.
But he should have a serious side:
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 28, 2007 - 09:51am PT
If I saw that mouth charging at me, I'd drop dead of a heart attack before the dog consumed me.
mark miller
Social climber
Apr 28, 2007 - 10:57am PT
Howdy Crimpie, Sorry this creep is troubling you, maybe we should have a sushi fest in your town and pay him a visit. If he is really "interested" the minor hand slapping the authorities gave him will only provoke this sick F#ck into a more committed path. I strongly suggest that you get a restraining order on this individual, that way his wife and the authorities can try to keep an eye on him. Dogs, (got 2 myself) are effective at keeping random acts down but a committed individual can easily deal with canines. I know you're not comfortable with firearms but a good instructional course from your local police department and a lot of practice will definitely empower you.
Trad climber
Boulder Colorado
Apr 28, 2007 - 10:59am PT
Crimpergirl -
if you are ever seriously considering canine security may I humbly suggest
the incredible English Bull Terrier
best personal protection money can buy IMO, they are expensive and
high maintenance but are great pets and insane guard dogs -
If I needed a canine for personal or estate security I wouldn't bother with anything else, ever.
Las Vegas
Apr 28, 2007 - 11:03am PT
Last summer we had a home invasion at 10am with my teenage daughter in the house,two guys kept ringing the front door bell
she didn't answer the door but called me and my husband so we headed home as fast as possible she thought they had left so didnt call 911
Well they went to the back of the house, tried all the windows
and then kicked in the back door in,my husband comes home with 2
of them in the house 2 in a get away car out front and our daughter hiding in the closet talking now to the 911 operator
We have no guns and even if we did they would have had them in the house, so my husband makes as much noise as possible going in the front of the house to flush them out back.
They get away in a car with no license plate.Nobody was phsically hurt
Luckily the same crew picked on the wrong guy the following week who chased them with his car cornered them in an apt complex and when they tried to run over the police they blasted them ,made us sleep a little better
Trad climber
Boulder Colorado
Apr 28, 2007 - 11:16am PT
thanks LEB, my folks had one from the mid '09's to about 2002 - it was an amazing animal, a 40 pound white female named Penny. She was good company for them and an explosive watchdog. Hyper-intuitive, scary even.
Trad climber
Boulder Colorado
Apr 28, 2007 - 11:30am PT
I know what you mean LEB,
the documented stories of heroics performed by the English Bull Terrier seems impossible or at least very hard to believe unless you've spent time with one, the downside?
Cost (about $1800), training (difficult) and liability - known to dust off other (any and all) four legged domestic creatures in about 30 seconds. Sad but true.
Still, little white spuds dog will lay down it's life for you and protect it's owner to the death no question.
Russ Walling
Social climber
Out on the sand.... man.....
Apr 28, 2007 - 11:33am PT
That rig there is one good looking dog Ray! Love those things! Might be my favorite style of dog.
(except for the Chinese fighting dog mixes)
Trad climber
Boulder Colorado
Apr 28, 2007 - 11:35am PT
can't resist...
aren't they great?
Russ Walling
Social climber
Out on the sand.... man.....
Apr 28, 2007 - 11:37am PT
kick assssss™™™™™™
Trad climber
Boulder Colorado
Apr 28, 2007 - 11:37am PT
I'm sad I never got any shots of Penny, she was so awesome, it's so sad when they pass...
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 28, 2007 - 12:46pm PT
Such adorable dogs! I won't be getting a dog though. I have parrots so that is not a good mix in my opinion. Others do it, but I won't take the chance.
Also, this isn't some man from my past, this is just some guy who climbs at the gym here! Haven't seen him in eons. Still weird, and lucky he wasn't hurt. I think it must be a drunk moment for him. Crazy. I'm still lounging in bed. I'll get up now and make sure he didn't bust any windows or futz up the house. He better not have or I'll be super-pissed all over again.
Apr 28, 2007 - 12:50pm PT
Crimpie must get big steel toed boot.
She opens front door and presents her smiling charm.
The guy at the door becomes all gushy and soft.
Crimpie with one swift hard kick in his nuts cures the guy from future visits.
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 28, 2007 - 01:03pm PT
All I see outside in the driveway (he was jacking with windows on the side of the house with the driveway)is a broken STL Cardinals coffee mug. That must be what he threw at the window for the initial crash that woke me up. It definitely involved the sound of breaking glass. The windows survived, the mug did not.
I've not been to the gym in I don't remember how long. Weird thing is that I wanted to go today since I'm in town. Now I don't want to because I don't want to run into him.
I like your suggestion too Werner!
Social climber
Land of Green Stretchy People
Apr 28, 2007 - 01:08pm PT
All in all sounds like a very wierd night for you. Go with the steel toed boots, I say!
I'm gunna go plant some flowers, cya!
Russ Walling
Social climber
Out on the sand.... man.....
Apr 28, 2007 - 01:08pm PT
Seriously Crimp... if this is not some wild firing of post huffing braincells on your part, call the cops again and file a real report. A shake up in this creeps life just might put him back on the right track. Nothing like the cops showing up at your pad and taking you "downtown" in front of the wife and kids as a sobering agent to some would-be lothario.
NoName City and It Don't Look Pretty
Apr 28, 2007 - 01:15pm PT
I totally agree with Russ here, Crimpster.
The guy was trying to break a window into your house! He was doing something not only inappropriate, but illegal. To let him get away with it with no repercussions is allowing him to do it again next time he drinks (or not), and things might be a lot different then.
You really can't worry about hurting his feelings in this situation...a normal guy would've come by at a decent hour and knocked at the front door if he wanted to see you. Or left a note. What this fella did was borderline criminal...and it wrecked your night of sleep, also. Follow Russ' advice. Seriously.
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 28, 2007 - 01:22pm PT
I promise, this is 100% true. I will go down to our city hall (that is where our police officers are) and talk to him about it.
WHEN will I get out of this crazy city???
Russ Walling
Social climber
Out on the sand.... man.....
Apr 28, 2007 - 01:34pm PT
Not that I'm an attorney in this state, but, lets start with:
assault on a house
attempted breaking and entering
quiet hours
willful destruction of property (coffee mug)
destruction of personal property (plants under window)
malicious mischief
terrorist threats
lying to a girl (pizza man? c'mon!)
attempted weird stuff with a nude girl you met at the gym 2 years ago (good for a psyche exam, minimum)
attempted forcible entry (fill in your own blanks)
blatant disregard for fashion (he was in pajamas right??)
being a total ass after 3am (limit is 2:30 in most states)
Probably dozens more. Bring the DA a 12'er and let him dream some stuff up.
Wild Bill
Apr 28, 2007 - 01:42pm PT
Crimpie's magnetic charm, I guess. I'm with Russ and L on this one - light him up.
And I'm TOTALLY against the idea that your self-defense should involve opening your door to him and trying to get him. Way too much risk, esp. when sleepy and startled in the dark.
God gave us handguns for a reason.
Chicken Skinner
Trad climber
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:09pm PT
He wasn't from Vegas was he? Sorry, I couldn't resist. I am glad you are O.K.
edit: That guy should be arrested.
East of Seattle
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:14pm PT
Jeez! Scary indeed. Glad you're okay.
Try a #9 Tricam on a 2' runner. Medieval.
Is he a Tocoan by any chance? Out the f*#ker!
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 28, 2007 - 02:18pm PT
Haha on the tricam - I like the medieval approach. No, not a fellow-taco. I've dealt with some odd stuff from some tacos, and kept my mouth shut (and will continue to do so). However, if this were a taco - he'd be whooped by now after I told on him.
Actually, I'm surprised the police let him go too. I have to assume he was DUI at a minimum. When I saw who it was and said "XXX?" I just went back into the house. I was so angry. Only after he left did I go back out to talk with the policia.
edit: And Chicken Skinner - that waw positively hysterical!
Hardman Knott
Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:25pm PT
I have used the following product with spectacular results...
(we're talking really spectacular; the "tough guy" instantly
fell to the ground and screamed like a sissy with a high-pitched wail)
Revolutionary new defense spray that combines 10% PEPPER and FOAM to produce a powerful deterrent against attack. The thick pepper foam covers an assailant's face, making it difficult to see. When the attacker attempts to wipe away the foam, the pepper is ground into the face and eyes. Also includes UV DYE for easy marking..
I had the larger size. Look around online for the best price. Best of all, you use your thumb to fire it...
I've also been looking into getting one of these...
Guard Alaska 20% ultra hot pepper spray has proven so effective repelling bears, it is the only one registered with the EPA as a repellent for ALL SPECIES of bear! 9 Ounce Supersize with Shotgun fogger delivery. Range of spray: Approximately 15-20 feet. Dimensions: Height: 8-3/4" x Width: 2" An invincible 20% ultra hot pepper spray. Absolutely the most effective and powerful bear defense spray available today. This product has proven so effective that it is the only one registered with the EPA as a repellent for ALL SPECIES of bear! Environmentally safe! Does not contain flammable or ozone depleting substances. Our formula is scientifically proven superior, and endorsed by the Alaska Science & Technology Foundation. Six years of extensive testing in the wilds of Alaska.
It's a jungle out there - do KNOTT become a victim!!
Trad climber
San Luis Obispo, CA
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:26pm PT
Wow, that is so totally f*#ked up. Something similar happened to me, which is why I no longer live in Mammoth. Sometimes dudes are right crazy.
This is why I now have an evil little dog that would sic balls if anyone tried sh#t like that ever again. I have no qualms about letting her out when she tells me something bad's happening.
Chicken Skinner
Trad climber
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:35pm PT
At the very least he needs a good licking.
Social climber
Flatland, Ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:36pm PT
Crimpie - You were perfect. A suspected predator was attempting to gain entry to your home in the middle of the night. Your call to 911 was the right move.
Glad to know that you're alright and safe.
People are crazy.
Penn's Woods
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:43pm PT
Damn. Maybe a few hours in a holding cell would've done him some good though. "pizza delivery man"? WTF? If he'd at least said his name, even if he was wasted and unwelcome, you would've known what was going on and been able to deal. Kind of thing that makes me worry for my hottie daughter in a few years from now. F*#king idiots out there. No one deserves that kind of harrassment. He invaded your persoanl space, dudette, even if he didn't pee on your rug. This will not stand.
Standing Strong
Trad climber
under the sun moon and stars
Apr 28, 2007 - 02:50pm PT
once a guy i dated showed up on the doorstep out of the blue a year later. i was totally freaked out by it even tho it wasn't late and at least he knocked on the door. it would be terrible to have to go thru what you did - i would have been terrified. that sucks bigtime.
i'd go for the pepper foam! that is a pretty smart idea. cuz otherwise unless you're downwind when you spray the otherkind, it might affect you, too.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Apr 28, 2007 - 03:21pm PT
Wow, just got on and saw this. Bummer Crimp! Sorry to hear you had to endure such a thing. Could happen anywhere, but hey, you're good looking, blonde, and living in urban STL - you should probably have some spray handy on your person, in your car, and by your bed. The foam sounds good for person and car, and the grizz stuff for home use.
Good thing you're so damn tough.
Trad climber
Boulder Colorado
Apr 28, 2007 - 03:30pm PT
"Bring the DA a 12'er and let him dream some stuff up. "
:) :) :)
Karl Baba
Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 03:41pm PT
Best case scenario:
Guy is a bit deluded with love or drugs, and things you'll be happy with him paying you a surprise visit! Thus the "Pizza Delivery"
Worst case scenario:
Let's not go there
Sound like things turned out reasonably well. If you shot him or something, it has a way of tying you legally or karmically to him and who needs that. It might even be worth it for the "Pizza stalker" story, which will never die now.
It would be nice to find out if he's got a presistent fixation on you so you know he's likely/unlikely to reoffend. How to find that out without increasing the fixation? Does his wife find out about this.
Glad you're OK. I've had drunk folks try to enter former residences a few times in the past. Mostly thought they were somewhere else.
Fatty's got a GF now? No wonder he's mellowing in a way. Go Fatty
Social climber
Apr 28, 2007 - 03:55pm PT
" I have used the following product with spectacular results... "
Awhile back Fox 5.3 seemed to be the highest regarded pepper spray online. That doesn't mean it's better than other choices, but it means it is good. My impression is a cone spray pattern is best for self defense, and Fox is available that way. Fortunately I've never actually used it.
The worst defensive option seems to be those handheld "stun guns". I've heard and read more stories where they mildly tickle or slightly annoy than stories where they have the desired effect--unless you count the testimonials on the sites that sell them.
Penn's Woods
Apr 28, 2007 - 04:03pm PT
Hold on, maybe he was a land shark. "Pizza delivery....candy-gram, maa'm" Still not cool... but more lame.
Social climber
Apr 28, 2007 - 04:06pm PT
"i'd go for the pepper foam! that is a pretty smart idea. cuz otherwise unless you're downwind when you spray the otherkind, it might affect you, too. "
I remember reading about the tradeoffs. In addition to the wind thing you mentioned, I think the cone spray pattern had longer range than foam, and more likely than stream to get into the eyes and breathing areas.
Standing Strong
Trad climber
lucky under lucky sky
Apr 28, 2007 - 04:08pm PT
wait, what? the foam? or the regular spray is more likely than your fox thingie to get into the eyes?
Social climber
Apr 28, 2007 - 04:16pm PT
I only got info from web search. Since that was awhile ago, I tried again.
This was interesting:
Many of them in the discussion use stream, and I think cops prefer it (I think to help avoid bystanders), but I don't think it's ideal for the rest of us.
Standing Strong
Trad climber
lucky under lucky sky
Apr 28, 2007 - 04:18pm PT
thank you :)
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California now Ireland
Apr 28, 2007 - 04:31pm PT
Geez, Crimpie, sorry to hear that happened to you. I agree with the others that you should file a proper police report and see what you can do about ensuring that this creep won't bother you again, and hopefully no other women.
And the foam pepper spray and bear spray seem like good ideas.
Best Wishes
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 28, 2007 - 04:39pm PT
I do like the foam pepper spray idea. I'd worried about the other stuff and shooting myself in the face.
Have you seen that episode of "My Name is Earl" where the guy shoots himself in the face with pepper spray? Friggin' hilarious!
Trad climber
So. Cal.
Apr 28, 2007 - 04:41pm PT
Good for you, Ms Crimpie, following through with a visit to your local Cop Shoppe. A trip through The Criminal Justice System will do Dude a world of good. Maybe he can rehabilitate himself and start considering the feelings of others besides himself. Or not, then he can just stay in The System.
Dude was not just out of line, but like Fattrad said, a criminal if he had tried that stunt in California.
My doors are always open, and all my friends know if they need a place to crash or whatever they're welcome here. Whether I'm home or not. Even at 3:00am on a School Night. But they also know they need to be calling my name as soon as they think they're within earshot.
I like RayDog's advice. An English Bull Terrier was good enough for General Patton.
Hardman Knott
Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 04:47pm PT
Tahoe climber
Trad climber
a dark-green forester out west
Apr 28, 2007 - 05:04pm PT
Hi Crimpie,
Sorry to hear this happened to you. That stuff can be scary, and it sounds like you did the right thing: kept your head and acted.
Good qualities to have - for climbing or real life.
Here's hoping that he apololgizes once he sobers up and realizes what he's done.
Trad climber
Talladega, Al
Apr 28, 2007 - 05:44pm PT
I agree with Jiggy that you did everything right - 'specially that thing about don't open the door. Also second RusW on the file a police report issue. At some point you may have to blast him and you want as much of a paper trail as possible to show your efforts to work from within the system. Also you might want to get motion sensor switches on your yard lights so when somebody is going round the house the outside lights come on. It helps you to get a fix on the target and also scares them away sometimes. They're available at WalMart for under 10 bucks and not too hard to install if you mess with 'electricity at all - if not then I'm sure you won't have trouble getting a volunteer. Final advice - acquire a short 12ga shotgun - double barrell is fine or pump possibly then practice bringing it into play. It's the best defensive weapon period. You won't have to be particularly accurate when the boogey-man is standing in your house but when you drag it out you need to be blasting 'cause it can be taken from you.
At least you didn't kill somebody that you sorta knew and I'm sure he realizes that he has been unmasked as an ar$$hole. Also - don't alter your life due to the actions of this or any other ass - go wherever you want and if he doesn't want trouble then he should get out of your face. If he wants to make nice tell him to fvck-off - then give him the Werner kick.
Once again - nice job - buy yourself a beer
NoName City and It Don't Look Pretty
Apr 28, 2007 - 06:50pm PT
Hardman--Pepper Spray-n-Form to the rescue! I love it! That's without a doubt the best self-defense advice on this thread.
Since Crimpster's already admitted she'd probably shoot herself by accident if she had a gun, and a dog is not an option, the pepper spray is perfect. I used to carry a small one when I'd hike in Alaska--never had to use it on a griz, but the feeling of protection and confidence it gives you is priceless.
You might want to get some Crimpie...after you've filed a report on this guy.
Edit: HK--Where'd Foam-Face go???
Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Apr 28, 2007 - 06:59pm PT
This has me very concerned.
Crimpie, you need to be better prepared for such a situation.
Pepper spray at the very least.
Add a bat...better.
Add a 9mm and a little training....much better.
Add a 12 gauge shotgun...prepared for any scenario.
If that weirdo had really wanted to, he could have broken the window and been all over you before any police would have been able to get there.
"It's better to be judged by 12, than carried by 8."
Check these out. Pepper spray keychains!
Made from Aluminum, you can also whack someone pretty good
with it too! (I keep one in my car)
J. Werlin
Apr 28, 2007 - 07:21pm PT
Sorry you had to go through that BS Crimp--that kind of fear is no fun.
Hardman Knott
Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Apr 28, 2007 - 08:03pm PT
L wrote:
HK--Where'd Foam-Face go???
Here's the little darling:
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 28, 2007 - 08:25pm PT
The motion detector lights are awesome. I have none on my own home, but by neighbor does. In fact, that it was illuminated after the first glass crash was part of the reason I knew something was WAY wrong. I get paid on Tuesday so I see a fun trip to the Home Depot to get a few additional lights for my own house. I'll light the place up light a landing strip.
Social climber
Apr 28, 2007 - 08:57pm PT
That guy deffinatly needs a trip through the system. That's total bullsh!t. No body with good intention visits a person they barley know and haven't seen in two years in the middle of the night by trying to get into a window!
Hey, arn't most Rapes done by someone who knows the victim?
Sorry you had to go through that!
I like the shotgun idea. Easy to operate, point and shoot!
Mighty Hiker
Social climber
Vancouver, B.C.
Apr 28, 2007 - 09:01pm PT
1. Move to Canada.
2. Bear spray, though not much use if the person doesn't know you have it/can't see it, or has a gun. (Spray in face - trigger finger twitches - blam! No telling who/what gets hit.)
3. As below.
Trad climber
Boulder Colorado
Apr 28, 2007 - 09:09pm PT
That foam mace is new to me and looks like a really good idea.
When firearms get mentioned my first thought is the ease with which one can err (especially in darkness/sleepiness/fearfulness etc).
Defending oneself with a firearm is - obviously - serious business, and it would be a bummer to have to justify one's actions in court.
I have no experience with rubber bullets - generally considered non-lethal - but, based on the specs would certainly consider using them if I were in a situation that required home/personal self defense with a gun and I had no other alternatives.
Trad climber
So. Cal.
Apr 28, 2007 - 09:20pm PT
The motion activated lights are a good idea.
I put two solar powered ones in the avocado forest after somebody ripped off my neighbor's avocados last year.
I put two fake video cameras on tall posts too, illuminated by the motion lights so whoever may be up to no good can see them.
The *cameras* are just hollow camera housings with blinking red LEDs. Got them for ten bucks each. I put a length of irrigation hose in the back of the *cameras* and buried the other end in the dirt for added realism.
Whole security system didn't even cost a hundred bucks.
I don't need anything real sophisticated. Word on the street says the folks ripping off avocados around here after dark are the same Mexicans who do the legitimate picking in the daytime.
mark miller
Social climber
Apr 28, 2007 - 09:25pm PT
Yeah my home protection .40 Baby Eagle has epoxy funkness in every round just in case the intruder is more redKneck then I. Do you want to play with spray and rubber bullets, This is not the movies, this is your life and if anyone infringes upon that they deserve to be removed from the gene pool.* Anyone having any questions about this is BAIT.......
Trad climber
Boulder Colorado
Apr 28, 2007 - 11:44pm PT
"Anyone having any questions about this is BAIT......."
I just wanna see a pic of the Eagle :)
Trad climber
Apr 29, 2007 - 02:14am PT
that's crazy schit crimpie!!! I'm with russ and everyone else pursue charges!!!
Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Apr 29, 2007 - 02:15am PT
You mean this Mark?
This is the "Baby Eagle"...I have the 9mm of this...
It's my favorite!
It holds 15 rounds,
polygonal rifling
single/double action w/ decocker/safety,
so it's super safe to carry.
Trad climber
So. Cal.
Apr 29, 2007 - 02:31am PT
Baby Eagle should be OK with Crimpie.
She likes birds.
Or maybe a RedHawk or something.
the last bivy
Apr 29, 2007 - 03:30am PT
oh Crimpie! just saw your post and I'm too drunk to get full on here but hey, the as#@&%e! How DARE he do such a thing? Karl is right. if you shot him he'd be on your mind forever. ON the other hand. if you shot him you would be less mad. hmmm. Best wishes to you darlin'.
Happy and Healthy climber
the Gunks end of the country
Apr 29, 2007 - 10:30am PT
How would a bat be any more protection than a bird?
Rabies doesn't kill instantly.
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 29, 2007 - 11:10am PT
I'm still riled up about it. Grrrrr.
Trad climber
Nowhere special
Apr 29, 2007 - 12:09pm PT
As well you should be Crimpy. I'm really sorry that happened. Violating someone's feeling of security in their own home is not OK, even if it a misguided amorous advance. If the guy had thoughts that stopping by in the middle of the night pretending to be the pizza man would get him laid, he's probably been watching way too much porn (and has obviously never been an actual pizza man).
Happy and Healthy climber
the Gunks end of the country
Police Can Kill Fleeing Suspects: US Supreme Court
Too bad this didn't come out a couple weeks ago! Could have had pictures and everything!
NoName City and It Don't Look Pretty
Crimpie--Did you file a police report yet? (Nope, not gonna let you off the hook, Cuz!)
Desolation Basin, Calif.
This is terrible, file charges on this idiot if at all possible.
A gal I worked with had a taser in her car. She never had to use it, but she liked having it around.
Good luck with this creep.
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - May 1, 2007 - 06:31pm PT
I've got a call in to the police officer. Waiting on him to call me back. Hopefully I'll hear from him tonight.
I talked with a friend who I don't see much anymore today and asked her (among other things) what this dugus individual was up to. She still hangs with him and a crowd it seems. I told her what happened. She was surprised, said she saw him this weekend and he said nothing about it. (Duh). Then she said that he and I should have a drink and clear the air. Hahahahahaha.
That is not a funny hahahahaha, but a you-gotta-be-kidding hahahahaha. I made it crystal clear to her that he best stay COMPLETELY away from me.
Tom the Cop
Sport climber
Northern Virginia
If you do get a restraining order against him (and it sounds like you should), make sure you contact the campus police also.
Big Wall climber
crimpy you'll never put in the time to get properly trained with a handgun, and might not be able to ever shoot anyone. go with a taser.
if you accidentally shoot some guy that ends up being cute you can just do the blonde eyelashes and flip hair thing instead of the whole police, coroner, death thing.
Tom the Cop
Sport climber
Northern Virginia
A really bright flashlight or spotlight can work too. Think 2 or 3 Million candle power. I take mine with me whenever I find an open warehouse door. Even in the daytime, a bright light can stop someone in their tracks. If it doesn't, it also makes a handy club. At the very least you will slow them down.
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - May 1, 2007 - 06:51pm PT
Bwhahahahaaaa mdavid - that's funny!
Social climber
The West
scary sh#t, in any case.
Happy and Healthy climber
the Gunks end of the country
What about hot oil or boiling water?
Too old school, I guess. Worked before lawyers though.
"It turned out my intruder was a [guy] I didn't know who was just f-ed up on drugs and was having a bad wandering trip"
This is precisely why i believe we need gun control. Some people would have shot him.
Happy and Healthy climber
the Gunks end of the country
Get one of these for your door!
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - May 1, 2007 - 07:56pm PT
Much much more scary than an attack rabbit would be a sign to warn of "BEWARE, REALLY PISSED OFF FEMALE INSIDE"
Happy and Healthy climber
the Gunks end of the country
And yell out the window for the whole neighborhood to hear...
Who the F took my Xanax?!
Also ask the guy if he can spare a dollar.
If you don't think that will work, take the NYC subway sometime.
Big Wall climber
Reno NV
"This is precisely why i believe we need gun control. Some people would have shot him."
Possibly the most asinine thing I've read in a long time.
Toker Villain
Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Mark and Shack, you guys surprise me. The late model IMI pieces you got have upside down (appease the now Italian side-armed military) safety/decocker.
The old frame mounted jobs are far superior.
But I have a fair idea that Crimpie is just not a gun person. Some aren't. It would freak out the birds anyway.
Still the twelve bore might not be so inappropriate. Besides beanbags other less-than-lethal loads include rubber buckshot and (my favorite) flat rubber discs that decelerate rapidly making them harmless to bystanders.
And few people realize that twelve bores can be used to launch emergency flares.
Glad you're OK Callie. Probably the best outcome considering. You should have come to ClimbFest in Ogden. There were quite a few Tacoans there.
I suppose along with the pooches an attack monkey is a nonstarter too huh?
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - May 1, 2007 - 08:27pm PT
ClimbFest sounded like it'd be a blast. Wish I could have gone. But I do actually work a little now and then.
I think aside from a dog, or a gun, or an attack rabbit, what i really need is an attack man. A nice man, a strong man, one that climbs, is interesting, smart, has no serious mental defects or chemical addiction issues. Oh, and one that works and can support himself. ;)
Happy and Healthy climber
the Gunks end of the country
She found her xanax!
Trad climber
Talladega, Al
negative on the "drink and clear the air" idea. Witness: "yes I saw them together having drinks two days before she laid him out in the living room". Hmmm?? Whaddaya got to say about that miss Annie Oakley? Sounds like a domestic thing rather than a stalker situation, doesn't it? Get your paperwork in order. If he comes back and is just in the yard then call the police. If he's in the house then he should have called the police. There's only going to be one story told in that situation so be sure that you're the one telling it.
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - May 1, 2007 - 10:51pm PT
I looked into the restraining order. It *only* costs $245 and I just need his full name and address. Yikes.
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - May 1, 2007 - 10:59pm PT
Agreed. I got one light tonight. Need to install. Nothing but thunderstorms/lighting all afternoon and evening.
Wild Bill
No, don't save the money. IMO That would be false economy. Get a TRO to put this wierd situation 'into the system.' It's not an over-reaction because, well - YOU NEVER WANT THIS GUY AT YOUR HOUSE AGAIN AND HE'D HAVE NO LEGIT REASON TO BE THERE.
The cops who took the report will tell you his name/address. Or you may have to go to the station ot obtain a copy of whatever report was generated - which you should have a right to get.
Crimpie, listen: you were on this guy's mind. You may STILL be on his mind (since he hasn't been distracted by being beaten/shot/stung/burned yet). YOU want to forget about his visit, but he's still thinking about it. Maybe he figures things will go better next time because he'll be more sober, and won't have been up for two days tweaking. Yeah, just one more try.
You get my drift. Crimpie, some say you are just plain not a gun person. Some aren't. But likewise some folks are not dog people. And contrary to some silliness spouted above, a gun is WAY easier to learn and control than a dog. Cheaper by far, in terms of investing time and money.
I mean, what? - you bond with this dog, make him your pal and family member, and THEN you're going to send him out to do your dirty work of self-protection?! And you're going to open your door to do it?! Crazy on both counts. When the creep has a gun, your dog loses and so do you, because creep's not done yet.
I like THESE 'motion sensor lights'
Taurus 617 .357 seven-shot
chico ca
Don't forget your... bat and pepper-spray-foam..
Big Wall climber
Reno NV
For the same price as the restraining order...
(OK...a few dollars more)
I once saw a study of people who bought guns because they were frightened. Some stuck them in a drawer and seemed to gain confidence and take comfort in the availability. A few sat around playing with them, hoping for something to happen so they could use them. This latter group would make me nervous to have for neighbors.
Seems to me respect for guns varies greatly between people who grew up with guns and see what they can do to large animals and people and those who suddenly got them as adults.
Toker Villain
Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Nobody would dare consider breaking into Ouch's place because they'd be afraid of what he could do to them in a taco picture.
Trad climber
So. Cal.
Ron writes:
"Nobody would dare consider breaking into Ouch's place because they'd be afraid of what he could do to them in a taco picture."
That, and Bear 46 has Ouch!'s back.
Trad climber
Talladega, Al
never mind a restraining order. Check with the police about a trespass citation or warrant - anything to get his name in the books. Most places you will have to swear the warrant and then attend the trial but it shouldn't cost anything. Your incident could in fact be a recurrence of what would otherwise be viewed as aberrant and uncharacteristic behavior on the part of young Romeo. He may also be encouraged to repeat if he doesn't get a kick in the nuts right now (we call that "avoidance conditioning" down here.)
Agree with the comments on the false sense of security in just possessing a weapon. It's just one tool in the box and you really really need to be comfortable with it. Did you buy a rack and immediately start climbing 5.11 trad? If so then give me a call 'cause I need a rope-gun. The most effective non-lethal tool is your telephone - as you have discovered. That being said I reiterate - go with the 12 ga for the last line of defense in your home - load with #1 or #2 for lots of stopping power and plenty of allowance for aiming error.
BTW those motion sensors can be rigged to activate all sorts of bells and whistles inside the house in case you are a sound sleeper. You'll likely need the services of a local killi-watter to hook up the more complex arrangements.
I have to weigh in with OUCH! on this one. We used to butcher regularly when I was a kid. When the time comes to pull a trigger and kill all you can think of is how irretrievable the action will be. If you are pointing a gun at a creature who knows they have one half a second to act, you don’t have the time to ponder irretrievability. Clearly guns can have their time and place. But such a decision rests on a person being fully intentioned, prepared legally and emotionally, and thoroughly trained. All of which can and should be done when the situation warrants.
A further comment on this public forum discussion. Imagine the worst has come to pass and somebody’s lawyer needs to show another person’s intention. Does an extended public discussion such as this help matters?
Trad climber
new york, NY
Where can one get one of those bean bag cannons??
perhaps its just coincidence that you knew him.
Social climber
Hell on earth wondering what I did to deserve it
Topic Author's Reply - May 2, 2007 - 03:00pm PT
*begin dork alert*
The evidence is very clear that females are overwhelmingly victimized by someone they know. That is part of what makes this incident totally unremarkable. Men are victimized about 50/50 by strangers versus known assailants.
*/end dork alert*
Trad climber
new york, NY
well im sorry to hear that. should have thrown a lamp at him.
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