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Scott E
Sport climber
Bend, Oregon. By way of Orange, Ca
Topic Author's Original Post - Mar 1, 2018 - 04:29pm PT
For those who new Howard King my best friend and climbing partner passed on Tuesday from complications of cancer. Howard and I had a great time doing new climbs in J-Tree back in the 70s. I will miss him greatly.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Damn...Sorry to hear this...
Social climber
hey there say, scott... my condolences and prayers to you, his loved ones, at this sad hard time...
may the memorial be sweet and kind, and good fellowship for all...
looking sketchy there...
Social climber
Lassitude 33
I first met Howard not too long after being introduced to climbing and it becoming the center of my young life. Howard worked at the Backpacker Shop in Santa Ana, one of the local “hangs” for a young group of climbers, that included Dave Evans, Matt Cox and later (the not so young) Jim Dutzi. It was through Howard and the “shop scene” that I connected with some of my first climbing partners and in some cases, life-long friends.
Howard was involved in number of first ascents in Joshua Tree and a regular fixture in the 1970s Southern California climbing scene. Even at that time, Howard was an avid birder (perhaps even more so than climber) and after accompanying him on a variety of birding (and climbing) adventures, climbing and birding became passions.
Howard’s love of birds was infectious. After graduating with a degree in Biology, I even considered Grad School to study Ornithology.
But, Howard’s passion for our avian friends never waned. He traveled far and wide, throughout North and South America, in pursuit of new species to add to his life list and his extensive knowledge base. Howard was well known, respected -- and even renown -- in the Southern California birding community.
Thank you Howard for the great times.
Sport climber
The Big Wide Open Face
Howard was one of the people who made up the tribe, always there, always engaged in whatever was going on. Sorry to all who knew him. Sad to realize the rate at how the old landscape is thinning out.
Ice climber
mogollon rim
Really sorry to hear this
Social climber
hey there say, looking sketchy there...
as to your quote:
But, Howard’s passion for our avian friends never waned. He traveled far and wide, throughout North and South America, in pursuit of new species to add to his life list and his extensive knowledge base. Howard was well known, respected -- and even renown -- in the Southern California birding community.
thank you for sharing this!
i never knew him, of course, but-- NOW, i know a precious part of him,
that will live in my heart... thank you... thank you very much...
dee ee
Mountain climber
Of THIS World (Planet Earth)
Howard was one of my good friends when I was climbing in high school. We lost touch over the years but were reunited when I became a hard-core birder and started chasing the rare birds in Orange County about six/eight years ago. I am grateful that I got to share a number of memorable and hilarious birding adventures with him, notably the epic search for the mega rarities, Hooded Warbler and Red-Eyed Vireo in Huntington Beach's Central Park.
He was an icon in the birding world and became a mentor. He was the Ebird moderator for Riverside County for many years.
He was loved and respected by everybody in the birding world and will be missed.
He was a super unique individual with a sense of humor and knowledge of ornithology that couldn’t be matched.
Thank you Howard and rest in peace.
This was the best shot I could get of the Hooded Warbler on that day.
dee ee
Mountain climber
Of THIS World (Planet Earth)
I hope that Howard’s good friend Lori Conrad won’t mind that I shared these lines from her comments on Facebook.
“But I'll never forget that time in Mexico, when he saw the beautiful male Red-breasted Chat with us & uttered the infamous line: "Ohhhh God…..kill me now. I can die a happy man!" Well Howard, we're so happy to have shared your life in so many ways, & to have been a part of making you a happy man. RIP Howard King, & as Mark liked to refer to him, the kingliest of Kings.”
Red Breasted Chat (not my photo)
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
My condolences to Howard's friends & family. Judging from the comments posted here, my life is poorer for having never met him.
dee ee
Mountain climber
Of THIS World (Planet Earth)
Once again, I hope Lori doesn't mind that I share a photo.
Trad climber
Sorry to hear this, condolences to friends and family.
The 70’s were the best at JT
ron gomez
Trad climber
Oh Man, is this the same Howard that worked at Rock n Ice in Fullerton with Randy and Maria?? I use to hang with a Howard King, road tripped to Josh many times in my Porsche. We hung a ton, then lost total contact with. Hope it’s not the same Howard.... toooo many loses lately. Preparing to go to Royal’s Memorial, two weeks ago, Bridwell and helping planning his Memorial, now Howard!!??? Can someone confirm, Randy
looking sketchy there...
Social climber
Lassitude 33
Yes, Ron. Same Howard who managed Rock & Ice in Fullerton. What a great store, vibe and climbers' hang.
ron gomez
Trad climber
Thanks Randy. So sad, he was truly a close friend back then. You know Randy, don’t need to elaborate, but me n Howard would go on escapes in the desert. Glad I had my time with him. Last we talked, i remember him saying, he would be gone for a while, but we would meet up again! I had a bad feeling then. Crap!
Ice climber
Post up a jt day with this man please
Trad climber
Jul 15, 2018 - 08:52pm PT
Thanks for posting Howard kings life I've trying to get info on what happen it was when I heard about it from a fellow climber. This is Matt cox from Santa Cruz .howard king , Bruce nyberg spencer Leonard , and randy vocal all starting climbing at about the same time and our hangout was the backpackershop owned by Steve McKay another climber from our group. Howard was the best , funny , took nothing to serious like some of the rest of us .i have many good, funny, and exciting memories like pudding his old ford 4 miles on 395 to lone pine we ran out of gas at 2 in the morning. I left the group in the late 70s and now I wish we had another time together , I'd like to talk with the rest of the gang before it's to late. I haven't seen him for along time I'll miss him like I saw him yesterday. There's a lot of birds in heaven to keep him happy. Matt 831-227-5418. R . I .P Howard you were a blast to be around.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jul 16, 2018 - 09:16am PT
Matt...I climbed with Steve Mackay doing several week long trips into the Palisades and other Sierra peaks back in the 70's and then of course Tahquitz and suicide.....Steve had a few stories about Matt Cox...I ended up doing some trips to Josh with Bruce although i wasn't up to his level of climbing ability .... I remember Howard , his hand rolled ciggys , his comical outlook on life and the pleasure of hanging with him at the local crags...I think Bruce is currently living in Wyoming...cheers
Lynne Leichtfuss
Sport climber
moving thru
Jul 16, 2018 - 05:09pm PT
So very sorry to hear this. My sincere thoughts of love and peace go out to family members, friends and all his loved ones.
Trad climber
Little Rock and Loving It
Jul 16, 2018 - 05:14pm PT
Missed this the first time. Never met him or heard of him before. A lot of good climbers fly under the radar.
Social climber
From the Time Before the Rocks Cooled.
Jul 16, 2018 - 09:13pm PT
Sorry to belatedly read about this…
My condolences to all those who knew Howard. Sad.
Trad climber
Fresno CA
Jul 18, 2018 - 02:52pm PT
Very sorry to hear this. Condolences to friends and family.
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