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Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Original Post - Dec 6, 2017 - 07:33pm PT
I know, people are going to say this is a climber's forum, people are going to say it is like flogging a dead horse, some people may say I am stooopid.
But as I look at the headlines over the past months, who dominates? The 'reality' TV guy. (And I am a very experienced media person, a journalist for some 44 years in five countries, working on nationals and TV, but then I am just "fake news" to some of you, All I can say is go fly a kite, or jump in a lake).
Like him or loathe him, he is the news. And he must love it.
And this person may to some extent, determine our futures.
And Donald is loving it. Even if he falls, or fails.
And Putin is smiling. Collusion or not, Russia wins.
Think about it and then spray.
And for those whose parents fled the post Germany Allied administration because their parents were active Nazi member party supporters, America welcomed some of you, but for some, couldn't Brazil or Argentina been better? There is enough hatred in the US without you people calling us stoopid.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Patrick, this is a climber's forum. I think you may LIKE flogging a dead horse.
But who am I to judge anyone, really, even though I judge them when I don't vote for them.
I sure never voted for this dingaling.
And you are not stooopid.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 6, 2017 - 08:12pm PT
Mouse, no, I do not like flogging a dead horse.
But unless this is not kept in the "public eye", unless it is let to slide under the stealth, read slime, then yes, maybe the dead beast needs to be flogged, because perhaps it is not dead.
Do you understand that?
I may not live in the US, but as an American, I feel its repercussions.
Are some of you Trump supporters happy? He boasts (what doesn't he) of some great legislative achievements.
What are they? Finally, a tax bill that will help all of Americans, but not him? Donald claims he is going to lose. Well, I find that difficult to believe, for a guy who claims he does not pay taxes and when he does (arm twisting) it is for the better of…
a) the nation and people
b) his children
c) himself
or his Russian 'bank' rollers (look it up, it is there).
So now, is this dead horse worth flogging? Does it perchance have life in it?
It is your future. You decide.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 6, 2017 - 08:29pm PT
And as cute and perhaps as true as they are, memes do not cut it. Reasonable discourse, now that I can deal with.
And in the previous years I have made an ass of myself on this forum. I have been abusive to some, apologies, perhaps one glass of wine too many, no excuse though.
I start a sincere thread about Mount Rainier, and the usual jokers and jerk offs want their say, their pathetic input. Okay I expected that, knowing this forum since 2005. Does it bother me? Well, it must, as I bring it up, but only like a pimple on the face (or butt). It is annoying, but just that.
NB You know where you can reach me.
Trump sucks. But I think most of you, even his supporters, know that. The bigger question is: How in the world did the US get to this point? There are points, milestones I suppose, that can lead to that, we are not the diverse nation as some of suppose.
Since the beginning of this 'great' nation, we have not been so great. I have mentioned it before, and been ridiculed on this forum, about my family's history. Sawyers stepped forth in 1640, the second signatory to the Declaration, yep, Bartletts are in my tree.
Did we kill the 'red man' as we crossed the plains? I do not know.
I know that Samuel Clemens is a distant relative (he took his cousin's name Sawyer for is semi-autobriography, we were in St Joe Missouri before hitting the Oregon Trail). Both of my grandfathers were well-respected judges (West Virginia and Washington state).
Papa Casey has a statue in Pittsburgh, PA, Grandpa Sawyer was a captain the Rough Riders, and his friend Teddy made him Postmaster General of Washington state (nepotism I suppose).
I have laid this out before and I have been ridiculed on this forum. But those are my stats. So, while I may live abroad, I watch and I care about my country.
I will discuss anything with anybody, if it is a reasonable discourse. Just don't catch me when I have I had a couple of glasses of wine. then I may be an ass.
Ice climber
hartford, ct
Patrick, shouldn't you be practicing your crevasse rescue skills? You know.... for something big and icy in the Cascades.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 6, 2017 - 09:03pm PT
Patrick, shouldn't you be practicing your crevasse rescue skills? You know.... for something big and icy in the Cascades.
Fear, if I make it to the family reunion, Rainier is off the schedule. I think Donini's suggestion of Mount Stuart is more in line with what I can do, as far as gear (I have the shoes, rope, rack, no partner though, and free soloing is best left to those who can, but I have free soloed at that level, a long time ago in a galaxy far away).
More important, the crevasses of a family reunion to be negotiated.
Cheers fears
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Patrick, lad, of course I understand what you say. Please check the last several days worth of my Flames thread and you will see what's there and how dedicated I and others posting there are tp this wannabe president's eventual fall. He and his whole gang are reminiscent of a bad pope, say John XXIII the first, not Angelo Roncalli, of course, but the one deposed in the fifteenth century.
His presence on the scene is indicative of a sickness here and we Americans are, in general, aware, embarrassed, and not happy in general, with some exceptions...the Nazi types you mentioned earlier.
My feelings are that the younger generation is not aware enough but then I would not be surprised if I were wrong. I have little contact with the so-called Snowflake Generation, the ones who will vote for the first time in the next presidential election.
I can do discourse. Try me.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 6, 2017 - 09:24pm PT
Mouse, I have never had any inclination to doubt you, as you are genuine, I see that in your previous posts over the years.
But Merced? My mother was suckered into buying land in Atwater, when she could had bought land in Ygnacio Valley (Walnut Creek, where I was born). A real estate gold mine.
Atwater? Does it still exists? hah hah, just joking.
My mother was a dentist, a widow, with four children, she was a sucker. She never remarried after dad's death. She never learned, as she spoiled all of us. Me, the youngest, what climbing gear I wanted, she bought. Palisades School of Mountaineering (I want you to be taught properly), flying lessons, at first but then too "expensive" unless "you are going to be a pilot".
Everybody, but everybody, neighbors, friends they loved my mom.
Mountain climber
Karkoekstan, Former USSR
Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's Capital and Orders US
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 6, 2017 - 10:22pm PT
The point I am I trying to make is…
What good is our country if we fall into a sort of totalitarianism, where people become afraid of others because the "leaders" deem it so?
Are we bound to hysteria? Jody, you are just one of the most obvious ones, sorry to single you out but your "us against them mentality will not work. And I could add all the other conservative, and yes some liberals on this forum.
It is about us against ourselves.
We are a diverse nation, a diverse world, a planet, unless I am mistaken and their are "aliens", we are this world.
Nothing new here, nothing that has not said before, but something to always remind us of who we are.
A reminder of humanity.
Take your guns, hunt, I will not kill but I will gladly eat elk meat. I have no problems with being a carnivore, I do have some problems with guns.
Tax my ass on a properly, if said property is a burden on the community.
Do we let people starve in the streets and freeze under bridges?
what sort of society, world, is that?
I have no problem with billionaires, as such, unless they deny the people who put them there.
I do have a problem with greed, when is enough an enough?
When you step over the corpses of fellow humans, with a smile on your face, what are you?
I can be an hypocrite in some ways, I can even contradict myself in minor ways, I recognize that. I am human. But I do try my best to be sincere. Sometimes I fail, and when I do, I look in the mirror and ask,"what could I have done differently?"
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Lots of people have strange views/ideas about the Central Valley and Merced, Patrick. Your mother was not well-advised in her decision, unfortunately. She is not the only one to lose out on investing here...witness the recession that lowered real estate values several years ago.
But town by town up and down this valley of tule fog and exhaust fumes, it is the same. Lump Atwater in with Merced, that's fine. I'm happy here, as happy as I've been elsewhere with the exception of Yosemite Valley and that is all that really matters to me.
Trump's influence won't last forever, just as the recent recession did not. Things are constantly improving in one way while degenerating in others, like always.
What is important is to continually seek to improve yourself and those in your immediate circle, but not at the expense of others. Avarice and greed stand out and are newsworthy, but the everyday life of the humble worker bees continues, provided that the queen is healthy.
I wish sincerely that a sense of peace will come to you eventually, Patrick. You seem changed from your morose self of several months ago, and this makes me happy. It is all we are called to do by the better side of our humanity: provide some measure of happiness for our fellows.
Merry Christmas. Stay off the sauce.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 6, 2017 - 11:03pm PT
And if I post twice, I may be accused of chain posting, as one person put it.
I sit here, trying to put a second draft on a novel and I get, frustrated. I hit a blank wall.
So I lash out on the one forum I feel comfortable on.
There is no climbing about, that eases frustrations in a way. To feel the rock on the hands or the crunch of ice.
So I sit here on a very cold yet clear Irish morning at 7am. No wiser, no better, no wealthier, that I was last night.
But I know, I can always make a fool of myself on the Taco Stand. Been doing it for over a decade. A constant in life. It helps, hah hah.
Best wishes to all.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 6, 2017 - 11:21pm PT
Mouse, I fell in love (briefly) with a gal from Atwater (It was in Yosemite Valley, she was 16, I was 17, and she was really cute, but… nothing happened, we flirted, still)
Atwater holds a place in my heart. Just.
Trevino, that was her name, her uncle was the golfer, gawd after all of these years, I never even thought about her. Until now.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 7, 2017 - 01:56am PT
Don't really know if the family is the same as your old flame's from Atwater.
Yeah, neither do I. I always thought Trevino was Italian in origin. Doesn't matter. Once you are an American, it is difficult going back, hah hah
That said, Donald Trump makes me wish like I was from Mars. The guy is a total jerk off, but he has fooled enough people. How do these ass wipes get away with it? He screws companies, he screws contractors and sub-contractors. He screws suppliers, he screws his own shareholders. He screws the United States of America ("I am smart, I do not pay taxes"). He boasts about sexually assaulting women ("grab them by the pussy".*)
And he gets away with it. He is not as dumb as he looks apparently.
He has used Chinese steel in his projects in the US, he and his daughter use "slave" labour to produce their goods (ties and such) in foreign countries, not the good ole USA. He has cheated so many people, if all the many (thousands?) of lawsuits claim, and he comes out smelling like an orange blossom.
The guy is an idiot, I see him as an idiot savant. But his money buys him good lawyers, and we all know, a good lawyer can work wonders, as well as good accountants.
Sad but true. He seems to love screwing people. Next for a butt ream (apologies for the vulgarity)? Sheep and the CHP guy who supported Cruz, and the neo-Nazi guy whose parents fled Germany to avoid prosecution. He will try and screw them too. Hey SAR guy, your beloved POTUS. just embraced your hated Israel.
Which leaves me to a sort of conundrum. If Trump hates "niggers" and Muslims, like many of his base apparently (Make America White Again), how does his embracing the Israeli state sit with his anti-Jew supporters? Where does one reconcile this stuff? Weird.
Totally weird.
Go figure.
* And after he acknowledges he said "grab them by the pussy", and half-heartedly apologizing, now he claims he never said those words. It was fake news. The fake news (read MSM) that faked that tape (which he had already claimed was his voice, but now crawling back into his rat hole).
Yes, this forum needs to have threads such as this, whether I start them or somebody else does. At this point, it is no longer about climbing.
How can you turn a blind eye? For me, it is easy, I live in another country, and will be getting dual citizenship, so Trumps' domestic disasters will have little effect (and affect, I know the difference) upon me.
But I pity those who will be affected. And I worry about the US environment. In part, I worry for most Supertopians. Enjoy your tax sunset.
I do worry. The USA is my country of birth and my many forefathers and foremothers. The damage that Trump and his cohort are doing will take a generation, if not more, to correct.
Just watch and see. For those of my age (61, but a spry 101 is my goal, why not, I live sensibly, sort of), us baby boomers, we will live to see the Trump disaster, but what about down the road and the long-term?
Will your grandchildren be happy, and safe? Will they breathe fresh air, walk on clean beaches, wander in pristine hills?
Will they have that chance? Do you care about your children and their kids?
TRUMP MAY "WIN", BUT YOU WILL LOSE. Just wait and see.
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Trump is only "winning" in the sense that Charlie Sheen was #winning! a few years ago, except that Trump is drunk on power, not cocaine.
He seems like a miserable sob to me. I can’t imagine he likes any of this very much.
Social climber
Southern Arizona
Patrick: Did we kill the 'red man' as we crossed the plains? I do not know.
Sure you do. It might simply be too painful to admit it.
Every culture has its own mythological archetype that it thinks it embodies. The U.S.’s might be democratic freedom, enterprise, and the rugged individualist. But, was it ever that way?
Honore de Balzac purportedly claimed, “behind every great fortune there is a crime.”
Recently, the irishman, pop star Bono was interviewed by a member of the Good Morning Football show on the NFL Network cable channel and said that America is the greatest invention of all time.
Every myth / image that’s held dear appears to have at least two sides to it. (1) The myth / image is an illusion. It just doesn’t really exist in practice—only in theory. (2) Images / myths are symbolic (non-verbal) expressions from a transcendent center of Man. They arise from the unconscious of individuals, from the experiences / histories of cultures, and from the species.
When we are young, we are idealistic and romantic. Toward our middle years, we see things a bit more comically and tragically. In our older age, we may finally come to understand and even embrace irony.
Be well.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 7, 2017 - 10:08am PT
MikeL, I suppose you are right in that my familial predecessors probably did participate in some atrocities as they pursued Manifest Destiny.
And I hate ironing. I will never embrace it.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
That's a sticking point for me.
Do we pursue Destiny?
Or does Destiny pursue us?
It might be a bit presumptuous to say it is manifested.
I prefer, by and large, fate, fickle or otherwise.
Fate has that ring of superstition, brought about by the fact that the Fates were a myth.
A destined nation, that's America.
Trump would have us believe we are destined for greatness.
American history will then be spoken of in the future in terms of the Trump Era, which is already happening in the media.
It's nice to have one's own era.
Wm. Henry Harrison's era lasted about a month.
Here's to an attenuated Trump Era.
Please give my apologies to Mr. JB Briggs.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
At what cost, Jody? That's not winning, not a bit.
Once something is gone, sacrificed on the altar of greed, it's gone.
The bottom line is not the end all, but then life is not really meaningful.
We are all just atoms constantly bumping into each other.
Do not argue. I'm right, you're being a clown puppet.
Dishing up some fate.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
We were destined to be each other's fate:
Two dangerous strangers in the Paradise of America.
Jody, I'm baiting you. Don't take it so hard. I like your photographs. I don't like your ideas. You can go ahead and say the same about me. In fact, I don't care if you don't like my photographs.
Dec 20, 2017 - 04:30pm PT
I have never written anything about politics on a forum..
But i´m just lost with words. As a professional i´m constantly aiming towards evidence baced practice. And how mr T cherry picks data and uses "fake media" to stay away from everything that doesn´t suit him...ahh. i could go on and on... How debating with reason doesn´t seem to get us anywhere but slogans, arrogance and bullying wins..
It´s just all over. everything..
As a guy from the nordic countries, our connection with USA has been good and with mutual respect for ages. Today Nikki Haley posted a letter to our government, notifying that Mr T will be paying close attention to all votes tomorrow from the allies of the US..... and then Mr Ts statement today.. What??? What kind of dictatorship tantrum is going on??
Ward Trotter
Trad climber
Dec 20, 2017 - 06:38pm PT
It's much much bigger than Trump.
The liberal orthodoxy of the last 50 years is collapsing under the weight of its own gathering irrelevance, unworkability, and insufferable arrogance--and it is not pretty.
American liberalism has progressed from a mob of spoiled pseudo intellectual counterculture radicals ,to a politically correct legion of federal deep state bureaucrats, to a disaffected gaggle of nattering nabobs of negativism and big government control freaks-- constantly bootstrapped by fake news propagandists.
And finally to a whining bunch of losers who think a billionaire developer/reality show host has done something unforgivable by kicking their collective asses.
Ward Trotter
Trad climber
Dec 20, 2017 - 06:50pm PT
gloating after the goon rich people used to buy off the opposition to robber barrons stood down when the robber barrons went for the nations throat
The above can be said to hardly even rise to the level of rent-a-mob speak.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Dec 20, 2017 - 09:03pm PT
•Private payrolls increased by 190,000 in November, ahead of analyst expectations of 185,000
•Manufacturing had its best month of the year with 40,000 new jobs. Service-oriented industries grew by 155,000.
•Moody's economist Mark Zandi says the jobs market is "red-hot".
If this is true, WHY would it be necessary to pass a massive tax bill "to improve the economy?"
Isn't changing a winning strategy very likely to produce a less robust outcome? I remember when interest rates were >20%
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Dec 20, 2017 - 09:15pm PT
WHY would it be necessary to pass a massive tax bill "to improve the economy?"
Ignoring the debate about whether the tax bill is necessary why wouldn't
anybody want a better economy unless they're a butthurt libtard nihilist
hoping for anything negative which could hasten Trump's departure? The
recovery from the last recession has been steady but unspectacular. Were
the economy to pick up another half point then the long stagnant wage
picture could conceivably benefit a lot of people.
David Knopp
Trad climber
Dec 20, 2017 - 09:24pm PT
Cosmic what exactly do you think is better? What do you stand to gain from the tax bill? maybe a bit for a few years, but you'll pay for it in many other ways. The expanding economy? More low wage jobs-and like Mouse said, at what cost? At the cost of clean air and water, of legitimate decisions based on sound science... i could go on and on. It's a scam.
Trad climber
No. Tahoe
Dec 20, 2017 - 09:27pm PT
He wins, you lose.
Ice climber
Dec 20, 2017 - 09:32pm PT
I would venture that most everybody wants a "better" economy.
Trump claims that the tax bill will provide it.
Many, many beautiful, beautiful economically inclined analysts disagree.
Let's all check in next year and see what's gone down.
Re-tread discredited trickle down leaves us with what ?
Retards v Litards
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Dec 20, 2017 - 09:46pm PT
Reilly! RE your thoughts on Trump & the Repubican Congress adding another 1.5 Trillion dollars (equals about $4,600.00 per American) to our National debt, to give the rich a tax break:
Ignoring the debate about whether the tax bill is necessary why wouldn't
anybody want a better economy unless they're a butthurt libtard nihilist
hoping for anything negative which could hasten Trump's departure? The
recovery from the last recession has been steady but unspectacular. Were
the economy to pick up another half point then the long stagnant wage
picture could conceivably benefit a lot of people.
The major U.S. tax indexes were down yesterday & today, which is proof of the old Wall Street saying: "Buy on the rumor, sell on the news."
The Trump tax-fuking of middle class America has been "priced-in" by the smart folks on Wall Street for months.
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Dec 20, 2017 - 09:54pm PT
WHY would it be necessary to pass a massive tax bill "to improve the economy?"
The tax bill was sponsored by corporations and very wealthy people, who paid for the lobbyists, Senators and Congressmen. The official GOP smokescreen is to pretend that the tax cuts will benefit the middle class. The reality is that corporations and wealthy people will be the primary beneficiaries of the new tax bill. Most non-wealthy people will see meager reductions in their tax bills, if that; some can expect their taxes to actually increase under the new bill. Also, the tax breaks, if any, for people are temporary (corporate tax breaks are permanent, or at least until a new tax bill is passed when Democrats control Congress and the White House in 2020).
The GOP is still flogging the trickle-down dementhesis (it's not a theory - it's a demented hypothesis) and saying that the corporations will use their tax savings to pay higher wages, and create jobs. The repatriated money that is currently stashed in offshore accounts, they say, will also be used in the same way. Nobody who is paying attention thinks that is going to happen. The corporations will use the tax break to benefit themselves and their shareholders, not their workers. The ultra-wealthy people are not going to stop being money addicts, just because their taxes have gone down. If anything, the new tax bill increase their addiction to money.
The last time there was a tax holiday for corporations' offshore money, in 2004, about 80% was used for stock buy-backs by the companies. This time, with stock prices at all-time highs, corporations are, instead, expected to pay down debt that they incurred as a result of not having cheap access to their offshore money. Again, the benefits of the tax cuts will go the shareholders, and to pay for obscene executive bonuses for "doing such a good job at reducing corporate taxes".
Corporations are seeing record profits right now, but they aren't paying higher wages. Even with the competitive pressure of low unemployment, American wages are flat, or decreasing.
Adjusting for inflation, the productivity of American workers has risen exponentially since the 1970s, but wages have remained flat, or have even decreased since then. The difference between productivity and wages is profit, and that has directly led to all-time highs in the stock market. The stock market overwhelmingly benefits the wealthy, and they and the corporations have used some of those profits to buy political power to further increase their profits, and further increase their political power, and so forth, in a positive feedback loop malfeasance cycle.
Today's American business climate is all about increasing the wealth gap, not closing it. The GOP tax bill will increase, not decrease, that gap. It will further increase the ability of wealthy people and corporations to spend even more money, in order to get even more legislation passed that benefits them at the expense of the public.
This will go on until the disproportionate influence of big money in politics comes to an end.
And, good luck with that, millennials.
Majority of US corporations don't intend to use tax savings to increase wages or create jobs.
Corporations expected to use repatriated offshore money to pay down corporate debt, not increase wages or jobs.
Very few corporations intend to use tax savings to invest in their businesses. They don't need money, but they'll take it, anyway.
A surprise denouement of the Trump and GOP power grab for the very wealthy may be that disaffected and disenfranchised Republican voters may, finally, see the GOP for what it really stands for, and who it really benefits, and they will vote Democrats into office. The anti-Trump, anti-GOP backlash has already started, and it will only accelerate because the Republicans are not just tone-deaf, they are completely deaf to the needs of their voter base.
Hopefully, Trump & Co. will fatally injure the GOP with their 1%-centric agenda, and after the GOP becomes irrelevant and obsolete, and dies, the American public will loudly declare,
And they will build a Democaust Memorial in Washington D.C. to remind people in the future of what can happen when evil is allowed to take control and run amok.
Trad climber
Dec 21, 2017 - 02:50am PT
Now they can start drilling in the ANWR. Yeehaw.
Sierra Ledge Rat
Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
Dec 21, 2017 - 06:35am PT
I agree that Trump won this battle.
But he will lose the war. Trump has ignited a grassroots backlash that will finally put the last nail in the GOP's coffin.
Stand the f*#k by for the obliteration of the GOP.
Mountain climber
Timbers of Fennario
Dec 21, 2017 - 07:36am PT
Man I hate to be vindictive buuuut a couple of you guys are dovchebags! And one of you is a pig. The level of gloating is disgusting. Reilly seems to be the only voice of reason from the republican side, from what I can tell. At least he applies some logic, something lacking from some of you savages.
Boulder climber
Dec 21, 2017 - 07:40am PT
I walked by this car the other day. My normal response would be that I'm glad this person has the right to voice their beliefs in public without the fear of retribution.
Not so this time because I now assume this person is a supporter of Thrump, Fox News and a growing number if Republicans conspirators working to consolidate power for the Presidency and circumvent our constitution.
My brother- the retired Army Cobra Pilot, My Dad- the decorated Navy SEAL, my father-in-law- the veteran Naval carrier pilot are all shocked by this Presidency and his collaborators.
My son's and family are prepared to hit the streets if Rosenberg or Muller or fired.
Mountain climber
Dec 21, 2017 - 07:50am PT
But he will lose the war. Trump has ignited a grassroots backlash that will finally put the last nail in the GOP's coffin.
I heard trump say that he would go out and campaign for GOP candidates in the midterms.
I would venture to guess that those are safe seats.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Dec 21, 2017 - 08:00am PT
I got a Christmas card from my congressman Dana Rohrabacher. That's a first. He must be running scared.
Ice climber
Dec 21, 2017 - 08:01am PT
Opioids now kill more people than breast cancer
The states with the highest rates of overdose in 2016 were West Virginia, Ohio and New Hampshire, the report said. The rate of overdose in West Virginia was over 2.5 times the national average of 19.8 overdose deaths for every 100,000 people.
Trump won two out of the three. Draw your own conclusions, but bear in mind that:
Donald Trump easily won West Virginia with 68.7% of the vote, giving him his largest margin of victory in the country. .
Mountain climber
Dec 21, 2017 - 08:07am PT
I got a Christmas card from my congressman Dana Rohrabacher. That's a first. He must be running scared.
he's a nut, but he did vote against the tax bill.
Dec 21, 2017 - 08:08am PT
We’re so much better off now that the threshold for the estate tax has been raised.
I’m happy that my tax dollars will be able to subsidize the Jared Kushners of the world, rich kids born into rich families, who will be able to live lavish, idle lives, tax free. I’m happy we’ve taken another huuuge step towards subsidizing an aristocracy. Good job.
Dec 21, 2017 - 08:17am PT
Oh, and our MAGA Man will benefit nicely from this tax bill. Meanwhile, our debt will balloon, the arctic will be drilled, and health care premiums will likely rise because of the repeal of the individual mandate.
But trump wins. Bless him. As long as we are sucking his dick we might as well swallow too.
Again, good job republicans.
Sierra Ledge Rat
Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
Dec 21, 2017 - 08:51am PT
Donald Trump easily won West Virginia with 68.7% of the vote, giving him his largest margin of victory in the country.
What does that prove?
The people of West Virginia have the lowest average education in the USA, and they are amongst the poorest and the most obese in the USA.
So it proves that Trump supporters are stupid fat poor people.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Dec 21, 2017 - 10:15am PT
he's a nut, but he did vote against the tax bill.
He's a nut, but Rohrabacher does vote to support funding for the Pacific Crest Trail.
state of being
Dec 21, 2017 - 10:18am PT
Contrary votes are often allocated to help politicians for political reasons. If push came to shove, you can bet he would have voted yes.
Dec 21, 2017 - 11:35am PT
Well.. Despite Trumps/Nikki's letter notifying allied nations that the US would closely watch their votes today in terms of Jerusalem. Also giving a statement yesterday that nations who would not vote with the US would be cut of in money flow ( without further explaniations). Out of 193 nations, 9 voted with the US.
-so it seems that not all his tactics work out.
And just to be clear, i´m not going to talk about Palestine/Israel. My original comment on this thread an now the follow up is due to how shocked i am how he makes his arguments and makes decisions. For example, with money flow to different nations, reduce it, stop it. OK, but sending letters and giving those statements trying to coerce complience within the UN are very very weird tactics.
Boulder climber
Dec 21, 2017 - 11:47am PT
T Hocking- I'll see you on the streets if El D#@&%e' makes his move☮️
Ice climber
Dec 21, 2017 - 12:43pm PT
So it proves that Trump supporters are stupid fat poor people.
... and apparently heavy opi0id users.
Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Dec 21, 2017 - 12:51pm PT
For example, with money flow to different nations, reduce it, stop it. OK, but sending letters and giving those statements trying to coerce complience within the UN are very very weird tactics
Why would you expect the U.S. Government to treat foreign countries - whether they support our interests or not - better than they treat our own states?
Money from Washington ALWAYS has strings attached. For example, states whose drinking age is under 21 get no Federal highway money.
I hope Trump is serious. Maybe your country will make up the difference, once U.S. money is cut off.
Besides, we're broke. I don't know if you saw this week's American news or not, but we have a king hell budget deficit, and it matters now.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Dec 21, 2017 - 12:59pm PT
Chaz, as Orwell might say, "Republican deficits good! Democratic deficits bad!"
Dec 21, 2017 - 01:18pm PT
You are missing the point completely. I´m not arguing money here, "my country" as you state is not dependent on US money if that makes you at ease. But like i said i´m not arguing money.
I´m sad how poor debates are, how decision making is generally not data based or evidence based. It is not just Trump, many other politicians all over the world doing the same but he seems to be in the forefront of working this way. And the "threat letters" i mentioned is one example. and "cutting money" threats as well. I know nothing about that money that he mentioned but i would imagine that it is based on all sorts of agreements, contracts, mutual interests and so on. And to limit all those interest into one subject/votes in the UN seems very odd to me. But that is just one example of this we could find many many more.
-so I´m not going to comment more here, don´t like the way this conversation is heading and i´m pretty sure that we need to sit down with a cup of coffee to talk properly and make our arguments in a calm way with some more time to discuss further.
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Dec 21, 2017 - 01:29pm PT
Trump has shocked the nation because he is Caligular.
For example, he appointed an old nag to a government post: Secretary of Education.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Dec 21, 2017 - 01:39pm PT
Trump went one step further. Caligula never did appoint his horse consul.
Boulder climber
Dec 21, 2017 - 02:29pm PT
But Caligula was known to favor prostitutes and golden showers.
Mountain climber
Timbers of Fennario
Dec 21, 2017 - 02:58pm PT
^^^ Boom. Mic drop.
Edit to add. Not trying to insult prostitutes. Would certainly rather hang out with some women working the worlds oldest profession then to have to read and hear about the current bag with which one dovches every day.
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Dec 21, 2017 - 03:15pm PT
For tRump, nothing beats a reach-around while Putin whispers sweet nothings in his ear.
Dec 21, 2017 - 03:40pm PT
A system of government created by a small pathological minority that takes control over a society of normal people.
Yep, that's it Studly.
We actually see it in the responses here (brainwashed st00pid politards).
They all focus on the wrong people as the source (Trump)
Trump is only a puppet.
The real pathological psychos in DC are never out in front for the people to see.
They remain far in background unseen all while the st00pid brainwashed fools remain fixated on the expendable puppets ......
Ice climber
Dec 21, 2017 - 03:52pm PT
Adelson, Koch brothers & son, Mercer, Scaife, Olin ...
Who ya gonna call, ghostbusters?
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Dec 21, 2017 - 04:03pm PT
Skull and Bones
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Dec 21, 2017 - 04:15pm PT
Gym climber
the inferno
Dec 21, 2017 - 08:23pm PT
Mussolini was probably twice as smart as drumpf, though
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Dec 22, 2017 - 12:22am PT
Trump just scored a major victory in a United Nations vote regarding his decision to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and move the US Embassy there as soon as possible.
Trump got nine votes validating his Jerusalem decision. Press Secretary Sarah Sanders declared it an "overwhelming victory" for Trump's foreign policy agenda.
Sarah Sanders had no comment regarding the 128 U.N. votes condemning Trump's decision as recklessly dangerous to peace worldwide.
United Nations vote rejects Trump's Jerusalem decision, 14 to 1
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Dec 22, 2017 - 05:37am PT
Never let 'em see you smile. You'll appear to be weak as well as stupid.
Il Presidente smiles way too much over the dumbest things.
As reported this morning in The Guardian, the vote came after a redoubling of threats by Nikki Haley,
the US ambassador to the UN, who said that Washington would remember
which countries “disrespected” America by voting against his unilateral
recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
Dec 22, 2017 - 06:48am PT
10x smarter,
at least Mussolini imprisoned all of Italy mobsters. kept them out of business till bushes pappy got em let out on the promise they would kill all the labor activists...
More disciplined too.
unlocked gait
Gym climber
the range
Dec 22, 2017 - 07:23am PT
maturity or f*#king wisdom; probably just experience has taught me that though some horizons appear horrible at the journey's outset, through commitment, determination and less organized emotions like folly, i traverse the daunting landscape and in the process rearrange it so's that it's less ugly and i come out the other side of the experience rewarded and better for my struggle.
immediately i'm thinking of two parking garages on my desk; both are quite challenging engineering wise, and the time constraints are totally unrealistic. i walked into the projects intimidated. i kept my head down and chipped away at the process. an now, both are complete and submitted and i'm a better designer for the struggle.
1 year behind and 3 more ahead with the devil in charge has me angry and moderately hopeless. let's just keep our heads down and march out this forced battle. wading through white shite, with grey hairs in it. oh and it has a slight citrus hue to it.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Dec 22, 2017 - 08:04am PT
Mussolini visits Milan:
August West
Trad climber
Where the wind blows strange
Dec 22, 2017 - 11:25am PT
Trump got nine votes validating his Jerusalem decision. Press Secretary Sarah Sanders declared it an "overwhelming victory" for Trump's foreign policy agenda.
It's good to see that respect for American leadership has been "restored" and we don't have to suffer under that laughing stock known as Obama.
Mountain climber
Dec 22, 2017 - 11:31am PT
I think by signing the tax bill this year, drumpf just screwed the republicans.
unlocked gait
Gym climber
the range
Dec 22, 2017 - 11:32am PT
take another shot of poison, sir.
you've spent half your life stumblin around drunk on fear.
maybe all of it.
trump is a murder weapon; world wide.
the terrorists know that he does more damage alive
than the prize he would fetch dead.
he's so stupid though, and so are his coward followers,
that he does not realize he's working for the worst people in the world.
despite your lob of faux confidence,
your hollow constitution is glaring.
edit, not you, 10b. mine was in response
to the third class thinker two up.
Fossil climber
Trad climber
Atlin, B. C.
Dec 22, 2017 - 12:29pm PT
Right - Benito was far more intelligent than DT, but look what it got him anyway.
I'm desperately worried about the situation. When a would-be autocrat starts losing power or is threatened, as by the investigation, his response is often to find a reason to declare a national emergency and suspend civil liberties (including protests), and lock in power. In the past this has often been by starting a war. One day you are in a sort of democracy, the next your civil rights are gone and you are stuck with it.
How to hobble this fool? An outright revolution could be catastrophic. Perhaps a few million-person marches would convince his republican supporters to back off and swing the house and senate back into Demo hands. Yeah, I know, Demos aren't lily white either, but one hell of an improvement. Not an idea solution, but those are the parties we've got. Or perhaps a general strike, or series of them, might get the idea across. There's one being planned already: Google Strike4Democracy.
It's impossible not to laugh at that narcissistic simpleton, but we are on thin ice and MUST do something about it besides laugh and groan. The US, despite being on an economic high (and why not since corporations have few controls any more) is slipping rapidly into a far-right autocracy.
Or oligarchy, or kleptocracy, or some combination.
I'm an American (dual, actually) but am awfully glad I'm living in Canada. Except that it's difficult to be an activist from here.
And Merry Christmas to all!
unlocked gait
Gym climber
the range
Dec 22, 2017 - 12:44pm PT
uh, i think mr. west's reply up thread was sarcastic.
god i'm humiliated. my mistake is glaring.
i apologize, August. you just did time for someone else's crime.
Social climber
I'm Lolli.
Dec 24, 2017 - 01:13am PT
Times' Square, New York:
unlocked gait
Gym climber
the range
Dec 26, 2017 - 08:27am PT
russia loves you cosmic. putin loves all republicans.
but it is not a sincere love, the kind that warms.
no. he loves you because america is only as strong as it's weakest
team member.
that's why he's promoting your ass-man in charge.
because your fear weakens what could be a great and thus competitive nation.
ignorant and scared prey are simple targets.
and putin is a smart man. he chooses the
easiest path to his personal gain.
Trad climber
Dec 26, 2017 - 08:42am PT
"How to hobble this fool" - Pray for indictments. Pray hard. Because, yes, the stress is ticking away at his timer.
How to mitigate the damage already done on the world stage is another matter, and not one limited to the US. It's been shown that the same strategy that swung the 2016 election was behind Brexit and the Catalonian separation. And the workings behind that strategy has come from Russia.
But back to hobbling the fool in our corner, and the McNasties who are the secret sauce of his Big Nothingburger, this guy has been doing a great job of driving donations and support to Blue candidates. Sadly, it is money that makes the difference, so the ore of it they have to sling the mud and present themselves as outfitted with a golden halo, the better. Look for his Go.Fight.Win posts to see what's happening
Dec 26, 2017 - 09:10am PT
Elections are ten months and some change away. Flip congress, control committees, and stifle appointments: that’s our best hope for change.
Trad climber
Dec 26, 2017 - 09:42am PT
Going to need a combination of fresh perspective and youthful energy AND people who have been there, done that, and know how the hellhole is put together. And people who are able to see what the GOP is gong to do to remain in the lead. You can bet it is NOT going to be any same old, same old OR "Follow the footsteps of Dear Leader."
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Dec 26, 2017 - 09:56am PT
Damage control is about the only goal the Dems can hope to accomplish if they regain a majority.. it's going to be the same power brokers dictating American social and economic policy regardless of which party is in power...The only difference being the dems won't screw it up as bad as the repubs...
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Dec 26, 2017 - 03:24pm PT
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Dec 26, 2017 - 03:24pm PT
Sadly, it is money that makes the difference, so the ore of it they have to sling the mud and present themselves as outfitted with a golden halo, the better. Look for his Go.Fight.Win posts to see what's happening
It is easy to forget that money is a surrogate. A billion dollars does not buy an election. Money buys volume of VOICE. However, it is VOTES that determine elections. Focusing solely on money, misses the lesson of Alabama, where it was community organizing by non-traditional players that won the election, not money.
Mountain climber
Dec 26, 2017 - 04:08pm PT
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Dec 26, 2017 - 05:39pm PT
The sordid cycle of history necessitates that Trump be recognized as a recycled version of Petronius Maximus.
For starters, compare the cognomen, Petronius Maximus, with its cognate:
Trumpianus Maximus - - - which literally translates as, "Trump is the world's biggest as#@&%e"
Like Petronius, Trump came to political power through inherited wealth, deceit, skullduggery, a gullible public and old-fashioned palace intrigue. Petronius fabricated imaginary plots against the Emperor Valentinian III, and used the subsequent executions of high officials to goad their supporters into murdering the emperor himself. Trump's rise to power depended on fabricated campaign lies, imaginary plots and deceiving the public regarding his true intentions.
Both Petronius and Trump were unqualified for the highest office in their respective lands. Both committed astonishing blunders that were of the greatest detriment to the citizens they were supposed to be protecting.
In a manner surprisingly, and alarmingly, similar to Trump's foreign policy decisions, Petronius unilaterally canceled an important political treaty with a foreign leader - Vandal King Genseric - which directly led to the death of Petronius at the hands of enraged Roman citizens, and with the Vandals sacking and pillaging Rome.
Before King Genseric and his marauding troops left Rome with everything of value that could be carried off, Genseric ensured that the Petroniusly-cancelled political agreement would be fulfilled as originally agreed upon: Genseric's son was married to Valentinian's daughter.
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Dec 27, 2017 - 07:50am PT
Gym climber
Dec 27, 2017 - 08:45am PT
A few weeks into the new presidential term, Stephen Colbert said in his monolog, "The news from each day makes me feel like I'm riding on a roller coaster, where every morning I wake up and I want to throw up."
That pretty much sums my last year.
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Dec 27, 2017 - 03:39pm PT
Just wait.
Trump hasn't even gotten his boner on.
Next year will be more of the same, but even worse.
Unless he is stopped, Trump's hubris and sense of omnipotence will increase, and he will become more and more Caligular.
There has to be a nationwide effort for citizens to gain control of both houses of Congress, so that the options of impeachment and removal of office are available. Right now, those options are unavailable, because the GOP has no concern for the nation, outside of their own tiny group of campaign financiers.
We need to do this now, before Trump successfully achieves his demented fantasy of becoming an Armeggedon-igniting Anti-Christ character, as depicted in the New Testament.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Moosenuke....Yeah , hilarious...Until your antlers fall off from the radioactiv fallout...
Well it’s a good thing hillary isn’t in charge.
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Having a junior high locker room sword-fight with a petty dictator over twitter.
How much greater can this country get before the war starts?
Trad climber
Orange Murica!
HUGE button!!!!!!!!
pray to Trump to forgive sinz
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Bannon called meeting with Russian lawyer ‘treasonous’ and other claims from new Trump book
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Trump’s my-button-is-bigger brinkmanship with North Korea again shows his fixation on size
North Korean dictators have been insulting U.S. presidents for seven decades. But President Trump is the first to let their taunts get under his skin, and some foreign policy experts are pained by his naivete.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Israelis voice warnings, Palestinians talk of ‘blackmail’ in wake of tweets by Trump
The Trump administration’s threat to cut aid to the Palestinians to force them into a peace deal may have dire humanitarian consequences that could backfire on Israel, Israeli security officials and analysts warned.
Grey Matter
"Like Petronius, Trump came to political power through inherited wealth, deceit, skullduggery, a gullible public... Petronius fabricated imaginary plots... Trumpianus Maximus - - - "
Another striking similarity:
Circus Maximus becomes Circus trumpulous, a daily alt-reality show of golf, twits, leaks, firings, fakefacts, corruption, and belching.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
(CNN)At a time when people are battling over whether to take down Confederate War statues and memorials, a pair of state lawmakers in South Carolina want to put one up.
And it wouldn't be just another Civil War monument. It would be a monument to honor the sacrifices of black Confederate troops from South Carolina.
Problem is, historians say there weren't any black Confederate soldiers in South Carolina.
The lawmakers, South Carolina state Reps. Bill Chumley and Mike Burns, filed a pair of bills late last year for the 2018 legislative session that would form a commission to create a monument to South Carolina's black Confederate troops.
"This monument can help educate current and future generations of a little-known -- but important -- part of South Carolina history," Burns said back in October in a statement to CNN affiliate WIS. "These African-Americans, like many of their Caucasian contemporaries, stepped up to defend their home state during a tumultuous time in our country's history. Their service has largely been overlooked or forgotten."
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Manafort is suing the justice department...Too funny....A good defense is a strong offense...
Trad climber
Trump's Lawyer sends a Cease & Desist letter to Bannon
"Lawyers on behalf of President Donald Trump sent a letter Wednesday night to former White House Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon demanding he refrain from making disparaging comments against the president and his family."
Ummm, can The Donald BE as stupid as to think commanding Bannon to shut his mouth is going to make that book disappear?
Excerpt from the link above:
"Trump attorney Charles J. Harder of the firm Harder Mirell & Abrams LLP, said in a statement, "This law firm represents President Donald J. Trump and Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. On behalf of our clients, legal notice was issued today to Stephen K. Bannon, that his actions of communicating with author Michael Wolff regarding an upcoming book give rise to numerous legal claims including defamation by libel and slander, and breach of his written confidentiality and non-disparagement agreement with our clients. Legal action is imminent." "
Uhhh, yes it is. But not the legal action you think!
John Schindler (20Commitee on Twitter) has All. But. Declared. in writing that Bannon(or Whiskey Steve, as he referred to him) was acting as a mole in the WH.
Personally, I find it hard to believe that that, that...that "man" was capable of working the DT insiders to give up the goods, and not an integral part of the sh#t show, but apparently it is so. Maybe he was screwed, and "politely asked" by the FBI to do them a favor ad help with this little problem called Donald Trump." But whatever the case - this seems to be the finger taken out of the leaking dyke that will FINALLY get the Trump Loyalists to "GET IT."
I mean really, now. If even STEVE BANNON has turned on the Trumps like a hyena on a crippled newborn Caribou, I don't know how any "just regular GOPer" can remain bolstering the Trumps.
My god - what a strange, strange year it has been. And it's only day THREE!
Boulder climber
My wife and I have a very special bottle of Champagne reserved for Impeachment Day- can't wait!
Mountain climber
If the excerpts from the book are true, trump will not seek reelection. If he does(to massage his ego), look for a divorce from Melania.
Trad climber
But if he signed the non-disclosure and anti-defamatory contracts I think he and any publisher will definitely have a challenge on their hands.
How do you think the Discovery process is going to go on that suit? I guess that going forward with it will prove one of two things beyond any doubt. Either 1) Donald Trump is innocent(as claimed), or 2)Donald Trump's balloon has seriously snapped its tether to reality.
Also, IF the damned near claim he was moled up is true, I think the suit against Bannon will be a bit far down on the "to do" list for the Trump legal eagles(or vultures, depending on your perspective).
Also, the publisher signed no such agreement. Book is set to come out on Tuesday, 1/9. Only five days away, and includes a weekend. But, there'e supposed to be a web drop today. Maybe it's already come, though I don't see it when I Google. I'm pretty sure it would be there.
Ice climber
hartford, ct
I see a brilliant advertising effort.....
Trad climber
His legal eagles have told publisher "STOP THE PRESSES!"
Problem is - the book has already been placed into the hands of public. There is really no way to stop every salicious detail to come out now. None.
May be that the book never comes out in numbers, although I have the feeling that it will, but it only takes one. And that one is out there, among the early release numbers.
Yeah - If Callie wrote a textbook on Creepsters, Steve Bannon's image would be the defining one - but (IF it is true he was sent in as the canary in the coal mine) he's being handled. You play with politics and world class crime, they're gonna make you walk the plank when they catch up to you. Most don't have the sack to refuse. They walk the plank, dance the dance, drink each night to run, run, run, as fast as they can. But every morning they wake up to the knowledge they are still on that plank; that their nightmare existence is not just a bad dream.
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Another story that is in the book is how Trump like to try get his friends wife's into bed. The book is number 1 on amazon.
state of being
Hum, I guess the cons really don't care about states rights.
No one really care about states rights. We pretend to care when it suits our interests.
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Hard to imagine that publicly trying to stop the book from being published is a good PR move. Makes tRump and his clown car look even more desperate. Either he just won't listen to his advisers, or they are just as clueless has he is.
It will probably ensure yuuge sales.
Bernie cares
About decriminalization of marijuana? Prolly.
About states’ rights per se? Prolly not.
Trad climber
Hum, I guess the cons really don't care about states rights.
It's about inconsistency. Selective disregard of federal laws, as it suits the sitting President..
Jon Beck
Trad climber
To a great extent the whole states rights theory is made up by the right wing to push their own agenda, as is convenient. There is no actual broad "stares rights" spelled out in the Constitution.
Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Sanders called on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to reverse an expected decision rolling back an Obama-era policy giving states leeway to legalize recreational marijuana use.
Sanders has been in Congress a hell of a long time. He was there when Democrats ran the show, and he was there when Republicans ran the show.
When did Sanders ever introduce legislation to repeal the Federal marijuana laws?
Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Regulating marijuana and repealing the Federal marijuana laws are two different things.
Sanders' "Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act" would just trade one set of bad laws for another.
Ice climber
So what's the status of synthesized THC and/or lookalikes?
Mountain climber
Either he just won't listen to his advisers, or they are just as clueless has he is.
From what I've read, people like Mattis, Kelly, McMaster, and Tillerson are very aware of what trump gets himself into. They've given up trying to advise him, and don't want to be tied to his actions.
Jeff Sessions is the brainwashed nutcase that watched "Reefer Madness" and believes every word of it in that horseshit movie.
Face it, they're gonna let you keep your guns but take your bongs away and send you to FEMA camps where you get Prozac IV drips all day long ......
Gym climber
A dingy corner in your refrigerator
^^^^^ a post by the duck I fully agree with
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Sanders' "Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act" would just trade one set of bad laws for another.
Perhaps you could elaborate?
You favor DUI? Selling on school campuses? To minors?
Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
You favor DUI? Selling on school campuses? To minors?
Laws on the books right now that don't mention the word "marijuana" already address those problems. Those are not the type of problems the Feds would handle anyway. Those are local concerns.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jeff Sessions , brainwashed nutcase..!! Reefer madness..LMAO...
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
To a great extent the whole states rights theory is made up by the right wing to push their own agenda, as is convenient. There is no actual broad "stares rights" spelled out in the Constitution.
10th Amendment:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Sanders' "Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act" would just trade one set of bad laws for another.
you state that the laws regulating alcohol are bad. Please elaborate?
Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
you state that the laws regulating alcohol are bad. Please elaborate?
I tended for 19 years, in three states (CA, AZ, AK)
If there is a more illogical, arbitrary, inconsistent, and just plain stupid category of laws than the liquor laws, I'm unaware of them.
The liquor laws are so illogical that often I would make up my own "liquor laws" to keep the joint running as I thought it should. Even my bosses would sometimes fall for the "I can't. It's a liquor law." line of bullsh#t.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
That green sh#t will rot your brain and make you think your sprinter van is getting 24mpg...rj
Ice climber
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Trad climber
Tribal Base Camp (Riverkern Annex)
Let's see......Orange Skeezer scrambles his minions for a mass book burning?? Too late, the noose only tightens. :) Bought my copy today!
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Cosmic has already burned his autographed copy...
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 5, 2018 - 03:10pm PT
Wake me up when the nightmare is over please.
Trump is not going to be impeached. Not going to happen, it should but won't if Congress is controlled by the Republicans. I can only hope he sees out his term without causing any more damage to domestic, foreign and environmental policies.
And the scary thing is, he could be re-elected.
He will never resign, his ego is too big for that, and Mueller will probably get shot down (figuratively), some people may burn, but not Trump. He may be an idiot savant but he is sneaky.
He is not going to go, as much as we would like it. Trump is there and he is covering his rear end, he is not as stupid as we think or hope. He may be a sociopath, but then sociopaths can actually be very smart people, not that Trump is smart, but he does seem to know how to play the game. But that smirk of his, I have never hit anybody in my life, never, but I'd like to punch that face. Sigh...
But more troubling, is that his base does not care. During the campaign when he said he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and his supporters wouldn't care... He could go on Reality TV and roast kittens or cook puppies in a microwave, and his supporters would cheer him on. Sick.
Trump has gotten his base, his supporters, to think that the establishment and media is against him, and hence them. So they close up shop. By the way, Fake News is a term from the early 1900s (see Yellow Press), Trump has just hijacked it and popularized it for his own purposes.
I only hope he is not assassinated, the last thing we need is a nutcase martyr, and you know his base would make it so. St Donald. A lot of conspiracy theories out there. Why just yesterday, Elvis and Donald were seen having lunch, hah hah. It is a crazy world.
Wake me when it stops spinning.
My two cents from the outside looking in.
It’s easy to despair, Patrick.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 5, 2018 - 04:02pm PT
Dirtbag, my despair is not for myself. I live abroad, this year I get my Irish citizenship, I will still retain my US citizenship (as I have boringly mentioned before my father's family has been in America since 1640).
My despair is not for me as Trump's domestic nightmares will have little affect on me. I am selfish in that way. I could not care, but I do.
I despair for those people in the US who will feel the burden of his policies, the "underclass", the working class, the middle class, the average person. Some may receive a (fading) halo in the short-term, but only the very wealthy will wear a shining halo in the long term.
Trump is enriching himself. It is no secret. The facts are there. The emoluments to begin with. He claims the new tax bill/regime will hurt him. Pull the other leg, please.
Most of us on this forum know this.
My despair is what may happen globally, with the US foreign policy in disarray. We have two first grade nut cases exchanging infantile insults.
Only in America? No this is the world, the planet, earth.
It almost make me laugh… but it is not that funny.
Yep—I hear ya, man.
Mountain climber
Patrick, drink less - think more!
Trump is not a problem.
Trump is a symptom.
American people are the problem.
Do you really expect more peace and more cooperation under next Democratic president? I do not.
Polarization will be even greater under the next Republucan president.
When exactly do you want to get awakened?
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
юроч, well put. Democrats kicked the N Korean can down the road ad nauseum. Obama never did a thing in Africa, didn’t get us out of Afghanistan like he promised, and signed a lame deal with Iran. Yes, stoopid Americans get what they deserve. I would move to Norway or Suisse but The Wife is too tied to her family.
Mountain climber
Good observation Yury. Ironically, Michael Moore nailed it before the election when he said:
"People are upset. They're angry at the system and they see Trump — not so much that they agree with him — but they see him as the human Molotov cocktail that they get to toss into the system with Brexit and blow it up, send a message,"
Trump is not a problem.
Trump is a symptom.
No—he’s both.
Mountain climber
he is not as stupid as we think or hope. He may be a sociopath, but then sociopaths can actually be very smart people, not that Trump is smart, but he does seem to know how to play the game. But that smirk of his, I have never hit anybo
which is it, sheesh
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Of course, Cosmic won't believe he is once again posting rightwing lies, since he enjoys posting rightwing lies.
From Snopes.com
A supposed list of Saul Alinsky's rules for 'How to Create a Social State' wasn't written by him at all.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 6, 2018 - 02:14am PT
Yury, do you think I am that stupid? Of course Trump is a symptom, but he has also become part of the problem, big time.
You seem intelligent, so you must realize that.
Patrick, drink less - think more!
Thanks for the insult, but you are wrong.
which is it, sheesh
10b4me, why do you think I called him an idiot savant?
Of course, that is really not the proper term for him, but it will suffice in lieu of a better more accurate description.
He may be incompetent in many ways - business (bankruptcies, lawsuits), empathy (lack of, typical of a sociopath or psychopath), articulation, class (lack of), and other things - but he is good at marketing, branding and being a demagogue.
The state of quantum flux
He’s Your Champion Now
It’s not just the lack of humility
Or the lewd snarky insults
Or lack of compassion
Or disdain for humanity
Say nothing of a total reckless disregard
For the natural world
That marks the man-child
This Groper in Chief
Who’s been placed at the head
Of our nuclear power
For this emperor sporting invisible clothes
Half America’s told themselves
There’s nothing to see here
Yet he’s been stewarded on
Erasing all traces
Of every trace of national integrity
All those who’ve supported him
Now have their champion
Their bully thug a-hole
To lead all the lesser bully thug a-holes
Representing the deplorables
The spiritually misguided
And angry vindictives
Their champion resides
Flips the world on it’s head
Praise be to he
Little hands and small mind
With that massive behind
Playing tit for tat
With the world on a string
He can’t find many words
Yet he knows how to sing
To the hearts of the many
Who believe like they’re told
That they’ve lost everything
Behold the great trumpeter
With his minuscule horn
Braggadocio and deception
He’s honed to a tee
From the day he was born
He’s your champion now
Don’t wait for history
And certainly don’t waste time
Reading history at all
He’s your champion now
And like all of his body snatched
Voters and motorboaters
He’s taken it on a dare
And has answered the call
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Just when you thought SNL was running out of material the grabber with tiny hands comes out and claims he's a very stable genius...
^^^Whew...that’s resssuring. I was worried.^^^
The state of quantum flux
I’m sorry but poetry only goes so far in expressing opinions, sometimes.
The reality, as I see it, is that the United States is susceptible of going through something similar to what Nazi Germany went through leading up to and during World War II. History doesn’t repeat itself precisely, but mimics itself in variating loops.
Fact is, most people don’t believe it is possible, which is severely troubling. The shocking part is that out those of us who do believe it, we are not more alarmed or willing to do more about it.
I would be satisfied to see Donald Trump impeached, tried, and imprisoned for treason, along with Mike Pence, and Paul Ryan. The sooner the better. The likely hood of this not happening is greater than the likelihood of Donald Trump, and his followers, becoming responsible for the apocalyptic and human species ending event that no one will be left to call World War III.
Americans are too spoiled and ‘had’ (as Werner might put it) to see what has really happened to us. We have now been subjugated on a whole new level. This is the new level of ‘numb’ which I believe we are all suffering.
The criminals run the show.
There will be no impeachment until they have another criminal puppet to take his place.
You people are unbelievably st00pid ......
Trad climber
All these comparisons of Trump to Hitler and present day America to Nazi Germany come across as leftwing paranoia. Seriously. Reminds me of the often repeated claim of Dubya imposing martial law. It's nonsense.
I don't like Trump. He's unsuitable for the job in so many ways. And he's doing a swell job of executive overreach. We can thank the last POTUS for dramatically extending that authority. But all this talk of Trump rising to supreme leader. It ain't gonna happen.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Skip...You have a good point just as Bushman ( Tim ? ) does...But if the " very stable genius " gets " rocket boy " to launch a nuke " we'll all be goose stepping thru the nuclear fallout...
Mountain climber
Bushman as much as I despise Paul Ryan and his politics I guess I don't see impeachment in the cards. Under what legal definition of treason to you think impeachment is warranted?
Obstruction of justice, but I digress.
I heard an interview with Arizona senator Jeff Flake. He said he doesn't see trump being impeached, but he thinks trump might not seek a second term.
Flake said, as of today, he will not run for president.
Wade Icey
Trad climber
We fight, get beat, rise, and fight again.
― Nathanael Greene
Mountain climber
Re Wade and his desire to resurrect the guillotine. Please, Wade, tell me how that's going to work. Would love to hear your plan for revolution. Are you in charge? or do you have help? And who's gonna get whacked? Conservatives? (You know, the ones with all the guns.) :rolleyes:
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
There may be no impeachment but that's only due to the majority republican congress weasels putting their financial interest before the good of the American people...Nothing new here...
August West
Trad climber
Where the wind blows strange
Trump is a long ways from a Hitler, but it's not from a lack of desire or a lack of trying. We still, mostly, have the rule of law in this country.
But Trump has, and is, doing tremendous damage to our institutions and political norms.
Hitler became chancellor within the bounds of German law. One of the most educated and advanced societies of its day.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
All these comparisons of Trump to Hitler and present day America to Nazi Germany come across as leftwing paranoia. Seriously. Reminds me of the often repeated claim of Dubya imposing martial law. It's nonsense.
Or Obama is going to seize all the guns. Or Obama is going to impose Sharia Law. Or Obama was born in Kenya. Or Obama is a muslim.
Lots of BS, just so people don't start thinking about more important matters.
The state of quantum flux
Bushman as much as I despise Paul Ryan and his politics I guess I don't see impeachment in the cards. Under what legal definition of treason to you think impeachment is warranted?
Impeachment would be warranted for violating the emollients clause, but more probable if obstruction of justice is proven by the Mueller Investigation. A trial for treason could be likely, but only for proof of collusion, and only after removal from office by impeachment first.
Whether Congress has the courage, the integrity, or the stomach for that is another question.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Congress had the stomach to impeach Clinton for lying about cuddling with Lewinsky and that was a very serious matter...
The state of quantum flux
If Russia had an ounce of dirt on DJT this would not have happened:
"Trump administration approves lethal arms sales to Ukraine"
This might be just a bone tossed to Congress and the pubic to show that Trump’s administration is legit. If so, it’s an obvious ruse.
Boulder climber
Considering Putin made a puppet out of our president, I'd say it's safe to assume he has a plan to infiltrate the Ukrainian Government making those Putin's weapon's.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Poo in a tin has lots of petroleum to sell...This can keep him number 1 boss in Russia and maybe world... Enter Tillerson/Exxon and the very stable genius formerly known as tiny hands...there is no collusion...repeat over and over...
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
I'm sure Sir Tweets-a-lot got Put-ins blessing before making the sham sale.
Enter Oprah.
state of being
Are we ready for another celebrity president, or did Trump put an end to celebrity presidents?
Mountain climber
Enter Oprah.
away from the ground
Oprah? Really?
Circuses aren’t doing the trick, so now we’re going to try bread? Hasn’t this been tried already?
The end is near.
Too bad the American proletariat isn’t more Swiss and less NASCAR.
Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Run, Oprah, run. (and do a few push-ups, too)
Trad climber
I'd take Oprah over Trump, any day.
I'd prefer her over Hillary or Elizabeth Warren... or any of the Republicans who ran on 2016.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Why ‘executive time’ is a particularly bleak scoop about Trump
A report indicates President Trump has significantly curtailed his official schedule — to the point where his first meeting is often held at 11 a.m.
Now we're getting our money's worth!
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Oprah's as opposite from Trumpah as it can get.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Trump's work day begins at 11:00 ? Unlike the slacker Obama , Trump's probably up at 6:00 re-arranging the White House sandbox with his Tonka Toys and then onto the Play Doh work station at 9:00... Cartoons at 10:00... Grueling work pace...
in the land of the blind
I like Oprah well enough, but I wouldn’t want the likes of Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Jenny McCarthy, Suzanne Somers, or Rhonda Byrne, who she promoted on her show, as cabinet officials.
in the land of the blind
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 8, 2018 - 04:41pm PT
I would reply with witty comment, so I think, but it is late.
I have not been drinking, but if I was to reply, some who my disagree with me would claim I am drinking, which tonight, is not the case (the case of whiskey went yesterday, I wish).
So I write something another Supertopian does not like, and I am accused I have been drinking? Hmmm… should I care?
Bannon is an ass, sycophant, now kissing to his lord. Trump and Bannon deserve each other.
On another note, Trump is not the idiot some of us thought. He is no genius, as he claims, but he, or his handlers, and I think it is he, he may have some smarts. After all, he is POTUS, by hook or by crook.
Do not underestimate Trump. At the bus stop today I chatted with Bernadette, two years my junior and I have know for some time, we chat (not attraction), she is beginning to like Trump after despising him. Perhaps the first Irish person I have met that likes Trump. She feels sorry for him, "he has a tough job", she says. "And he is being picked on."
"Bernie (Bernadette), I… okay if you believe that."
Why argue? Like my sister-in-law in California (my late brother's wife), like a sister to me for some 45 years years, a die-hard Trumpite, I love her like a sister, I avoid politics with her, and her sons, the elder, Benjamin, my godson, two tours of duty with the Marines in Afghanistan (under fire as a point man, fact, "Uncle Patrick, the bullets do not sound the same as in the movies), now a junior at UC Davis (civil engineering, like my dad), he is apolitical, just wants to graduate and married his high school sweetheart and has two kids. (And they are very happy, she is a bit of a Catholic religious uh, person, and they want to home school the kids, but…) They find 'liberal' Davis a bit of a challenge (he academically, severely dyslectic and amazing, truly amazing, and she has found a lot of female/mother mates on campus {family housing} who do not care about politics. See university campuses are not that bad.)
Politics suck.
EDIT what annoys me is that, and I am only reading from stories on the BBC, New Yorker and The Atlantic, unbiased stories as far as I can tell, heaven knows what the right-wing press has to say, on many American university campuses, conservative, right-leaning students, feel ostracized. I do not know how accurate or true that is.
If so, that is not right. I am an idealist. Colleges and universities are about learning, expanding and expounding ideas, sure politics come into play, but within reason. Call me naive if you wish.
Where is the balance in America? Pendulums swing, but it could so be too easy for a pendulum to be stuck on one side if the conditions dictate it.
"A couple of bullets whizzed by me head, I was so scared, but I gave covering fire none the less."
Why should my nephew and godson have to go through that?
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Politics do NOT suck. Politics is the alternative to "might makes right", the primary force throughout human history.
With no politics, if I want your house, your woman, your car----I take it.
Politics gives us a way (potentially) to regulate and mediate such issues, and for a community to pursue methods of accountability for actions.
NO, they do not suck, and be grateful, or you'd be writing in Russian.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 8, 2018 - 05:34pm PT
Okay Ken, I get your point. I have been around, not as a doc as you have been, but some 45 years in five countries as a writer and journalist. And zoologist, sometimes.
Politics do not NECESSARILY suck, politics are part of the fabric of human society. But I hope you get my point. And as far as I can see, stinking dirty rotten politics have taken over America. As some have said, Trump is a symptom. If people, the electorate, really believed, they would not have elected a con man, but they did (Electoral College).
But the faith in the present political system is the one on trial. Hell, you all living in America should know that more than I do. I have not lived in the US for over 22 years and since 1982, only about eight years in total.
The pulse of America I feel is not the same as many of my fellow Supertopians.
And f*#k you any of you as#@&%es who think I write by drink. I sit here alone in a house in the sticks, I miss my partner Jennie (in a nursing home) and whether I drink or not, I write what I think. I have not had a glass tonight, but I am feisty. Tear into me if your want. I am good for a battle. Though I'd rather hit the sack. Arguing is so passé.
I write what I think. And I think and research a lot. And cross research, and look at a variety of media, I would gamble, more than many of you do.
Because I am very smart, like, really smart. I am a 'Stable Genius". Hah hah
(Fake News is a term from the early 1900s, but Stable Genius, I think we can attribute that to The Donald, but will it enter the Oxford dictionary or lexicon?).
And f*#k you any of you as#@&%es
I should 'knot' let some posts get to me. Yury, Reilly or Dwain Cosmicman get to me (congrats I'd imagine) , but… Yury I have little clue about, Reilly sprays more than a summer lawn sprinkler, and Dwain, back pain can make one ornery, I know.
The above three have had their digs at me, so it is only fair in kind. And Dwain may post the photoshopped image of me on the beach with the dog, as he has done several times, how sad. `let's see it again cosmic face.
Ben Harland
Gym climber
Kenora, ON
Ken M - thanks for that perspective:) I came of age with Clinton, so I never really had to think about things quite like that -- I'm curious: if you try to categorize events where there has been a crisis of confidence in American leadership, does it go Nixon, W, Trump? When Nixon had his struggles, was it similar in severity to what's happening now?
The closest I can relate to directly is when the Czechs briefly ruled international hockey ca 2001 and I remember feeling that Canada would never come back from it.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
When Nixon had his struggles, was it similar in severity to what's happening now?
According to Hunter S. Thompson Nixon was the Apocalypse. He was in every issue of Rolling Stone covering the '72 election. It was brilliant writing. The book version is Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72, well worth reading.
"Those who fail to learn from the brutal stompings visited on them in the past are doomed to be brutally stomped in the future."
When it comes to Trump, he was way ahead of his time. He wrote this about the possibility of Nixon winning re-election: this may be the year when we finally come face to face with ourselves
finally just lay back and say it
that we are a nation of 220 million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms at all about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable
The best thing ever written about American politics:
“At the stroke of midnight in Washington, a drooling red-eyed beast with the legs of a man and a head of a giant hyena crawls out of its bedroom window in the South Wing of the White House and leaps fifty feet down to the lawn...pauses briefly to strangle the Chow watchdog, then races off into the darkness...towards the Watergate, snarling with lust, loping through the alleys behind Pennsylvania Avenue, and trying desperately to remember which one of those four hundred identical balconies is the one outside of Martha Mitchell's apartment....Ah...Nightmares, nightmares. But I was only kidding. The President of the United States would never act that weird. At least not during football season.”
I couldn't vote in '72, but I worked for the McGovern campaign. It was small band of kids, the leader was still in college. We worked out of an old house in downtown Evansville. The only support we got from the Vanderburgh County Democratic Central Committee was a case of Double Cola. We walked the black inner city districts to get out the vote. They were behind us all the way.
When McGovern lost I was disillusioned beyond belief. It affects me to this day.
BTW, Nixon campaign committee was The Committee to Re-Elect the President. Better known as CREEP.
Ben Harland
Gym climber
Kenora, ON
So I gather you mean the present situation is "not as bad as Nixon", Gary. (I do remember some of Hunter's writing about Nixon - especially his scathing obituary:))
I confess that I have a particular interest in this: I have a $5 bet with my dad that Trump doesn't make it through his term. Admittedly, this was partly made to recoup the money I lost when I bet him that he wouldn't be elected.
We Canadians have a situation that isn't completely dissimilar. I thought of this especially when reading what the NY Times was saying about Oprah's Golden Globes speech this morning. Our leader is also a populist with very little experience in government.
To be more serious, I'm having a hard time getting a good, objective idea on how bad Trump's behaviour is (and it's certainly bad) and how it will fit in the history books.
While you poor fools have your eyes distracted on the st00pid Trumpinator all sorts of heavy sh!t is going down that your st00pid main loon media is NOT reporting.
You clueless loons will soon find out ......
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 8, 2018 - 07:16pm PT
Jaysus Gary, I birddogged for McGovern too, I was 16. I went from door to door. I was so turned off when the Eagleton matter hit. Like, Nixon had also psychiatric treatment as well prior to his election in 1968. Losing to Kennedy and then Pat Brown, did Nixon's head tricks.
And then the crap about Eagleton. It totally made me rethink politics as a young naive 16 year old.
Go eff off Werner, you have nothing to contribute to an honest discussion.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
So I gather you mean the present situation is "not as bad as Nixon", Gary.
Ben, I don't think it is any worse. Nor any better.
Werner, Trump is just another puppet that they will indulge as long as he doesn't get too far out of line. They perfected this technique with Reagan and W.
Patrick, I was 16 as well. Working for McGovern was one of the best things I ever did.
Trad climber
There's Cosmic and his Go Tell It On the Mountain Christianity showing him for what he really is.
I'm sorry Dwain, but how would you feel if people inferred that you are addicted to painkillers and using pot for the buzz instead of the medicinal purpose you say? Difference being, those who might infer such a thing probably would not have publicly declared themself to be trying to live as Christ would, as you purport to be.
Is it really that hard to refrain, if you ask yourself WWJD, after reading "libtard" posts?
Can you really see Jesus, were he born in 1990, posting "Drunk-o-Meters on a discussion board? I can't.
Trad climber
And back to the Trumpocalypse, people who have been "on the case" have said for some time that this is legions worse than Watergate.
Trad climber
Are you saying Jesus Christ didn't smoke pot? How would you know? I'm not saying he did, but its impossible to be definitive on the subject. It was a medicinal plant back then as well as well as the fibers being used for many purposes.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Nixon didn't have the Russians helping him throw the election..Trump did..Dwains a Jack Christian...Cut him some slack...
I am only reading from stories on the BBC, New Yorker and The Atlantic, unbiased stories as far as I can tell
I have been subscribing to the New Yorker for many years. On their daily e-mail articles they have castigated Trump relentlessly. Their approach is to belittle him, demean him, and sneer at him with virtually nothing unbiased appearing in print.
I'm not defending the Donald, but the New Yorker is hardly neutral.
Trad climber
Are you saying Jesus Christ didn't smoke pot?
I'm saying Jesus wouldn't try to minimize another person's opinions, nor take jabs at them for having an opinion that varied from his own. We can be pretty sure that the Jesus as described in the Christian religions didn't pick on people.
Nor do I think Jesus would have nodded his head in understanding to the person who repeatedly did such a thing but used the "I'm not perfect, and will fall short" excuse for continuing behavior that Jesus had already given him the stinkeye over.
Trad climber
Somebody's got her b!tch on tonight. 🙄
Boulder climber
I'm not defending the Donald, but the New Yorker is hardly neutral. When a President is constantly probing for weaknesses to establish an autocracy, the Free press should have the latitude to increase editorial scrutiny- the reader will
ultimately decide .
Without a critical press, who's to sound the alarm that a dictatorship is in the making? Germany knows this all to well.
away from the ground
^^^ Tonight...?
Jesus was a reefer smoking black woman liberal snowflake. I thought that was common knowledge.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Ken M - thanks for that perspective:) I came of age with Clinton, so I never really had to think about things quite like that -- I'm curious: if you try to categorize events where there has been a crisis of confidence in American leadership, does it go Nixon, W, Trump? When Nixon had his struggles, was it similar in severity to what's happening now?
I remember Watergate well. I watched the hearings daily, and found it captivating.
I would actually rate this situation worse than Nixon, although to be fair, we are only part way through this. In Nixon's case, there were competent people around him---that is not so clear this time.
In W's case, he led this country into a bogus war that we are still in, that cost thousands of American service lives, and probably hundreds of thousands of Middle Eastern lives, and destabilized the entire region, this is not small stuff.
I think it will take a few decades for this to clarify itself....but they are all very bad.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
I'm not defending the Donald, but the New Yorker is hardly neutral.
I'm not so sure your example demonstrates that, if one agrees that a President should be accountable for their actions.
I'm reminded of what I learned in the case of Sam Donaldson, a reporter at the White House during and after Nixon. He was a bulldog, asking relentless questions, and being somewhat obnoxious. It was clear that he was a Democrat, doing the business of his party.
years later, he was a regular panelist on "This Week", and I was a regular watcher. One week, he did not appear, due to a conflict. He had one of his best friends appear in his place.............Rush Limbaugh. I couldn't believe it. All those years, he was just doing his job, it didn't matter to which party the President belonged
Nixon didn't have the Russians helping him throw the election
I thought it was recently revealed that Nixon did something similar. He worked behind the scenes with the S. Vietnamese government to mess up Johnson's peace talks in '68 to sway the election, and it worked. Johnson had the goods on him but didn't come out with it.
Mighty Hiker
Outside the Asylum
Let's just say that the New Yorker knows Donald Trump better than us, having had to put up with him for 40 years.
A main difference between Nixon and Trump is that Nixon was a professional politician, as were most of his aides and appointees. They were competent, however sleazy, and well knew that what they were doing was unconstitutional. Trump and many of his circle don't know right from wrong, or legal from illegal.
Bruce Morris
Trad climber
Soulsbyville, California
Trump and many of his circle don't know right from wrong, or legal from illegal.
Exactly, they're a bunch of crooks. You just can't engage in a constructive rational dialog with people like that. We've seen signs in Fire and Fury that they're capable of falling out (like thieves have a habit of doing) and going after each other. Such traits are to be strongly encouraged.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 9, 2018 - 02:42am PT
John, I was referring to how conservative students feel on campuses. From what I have read (and seen a video on the BBC interviewing conservative students), they feel ostracized. But then it just may be a small minority making a loud noise, I do not know.
As far as Trump is concerned, I read all sorts of media, left, right and center.
And yes, the New Yorker is not neutral, I get their email feeds. But in my opinion, their articles make more sense than Trump does.
Perhaps I should not have written that Dwain/Cosmic bugs me, not so much as he is a little immature brat but he bugs me in the way that one gets annoyed by stepping in dog sh#t. Ewww.
That reminds me of an old saying (actually I just made it up): A wise man knows where his next step is… and it is not in dog poo.
Call me an idiot, because I have stepped in dog feces more than once. Ewww
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 9, 2018 - 04:56am PT
"go forth in love and peace — be kind to dogs — and vote Democratic". Tom Eagleton
I like the dogs bit.
I do not mind making a fool of myself on this forum, I certainly have done it enough. Despite my grievances with life, I am quite happy. I wish Jennie was back in my life, but dementia is dementia though I will find way to fight that dreadful condition, but as my landlord says: "You are comfortable Patrick, are you not?"
Yes I am. I struggle like most, I chase my financial tail like most, but I do count my blessings. I think of all those less fortunate, and I reflect.
The Taco Stand is perhaps the only (okay HYS on BBC football forum, I occasionally dip my toe in) forum I express myself in on a 'regular' basis. I find that most Supertopians are interesting people to engage with.
I wish I could climb more, I see some of the TRs, especially Jim's (Donini) and I wonder, what the hell am I doing in a place with no climbing, sort of like Cleveland, Roger, hah hah (at least you have my mom's West Virginia next to you). But I am where I am. Once one novel sells, the rest will fall like dominoes, and then I am in the money. Not.
I like you all, with some exceptions, may the Taco Stand… stand.
There is some rock in Wexford, I think the geologists have found it.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
John, I was referring to how conservative students feel on campuses. From what I have read (and seen a video on the BBC interviewing conservative students), they feel ostracized.
Of course they feel ostracized. Nobody can stand those little brown-nosing Young Republicans
Mountain climber
So I gather you mean the present situation is "not as bad as Nixon"
I will answer this as well. 1972 was the first time I voted.
I think the situation today is worse than it was during the nixon presidency.
At least nixon wasn't screwing over the country like trump is.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 9, 2018 - 07:50am PT
Gary, I was wondering about students like my nephew, not some privileged brats. My nephew Benjamin is privileged, in that he was diagnosed severely dyslectic at six, "never to be able to read" so Mac and Kathleen were told, but Kathleen took on the Napa school district and got them to change. Kudos to her.
He did two tours in Afghanistan with the Marines (under fire, fact), and he is now a junior in civil engineering at UC Davis. Married very happily with his high school sweetheart with two kids (Millie and Bruce) . But Kathleen (who is a diehard Trumpite, sigh, but she is my sister in life) she says Benjamin feels a bit of an outsider at Davis, being a conservative, and BTW he is not really a conservative he is very open minded, he just sorts of leans to the right. And I love him.
My point is, colleges and universities should be about open minds. Sigh…
And I have asked him, what was Afghanistan like? He said it was horrible and that he never did anything wrong, he was just there. So, I trust him, I trust he did not pee on Taliban corpses, he is a good kid, he would not be swayed by his "comrades in arms".
Why do we ask our children (well, I have none, I think) to go to war? WW2 was worthwhile, in the scheme of things. But now?
Despite my learning, education and experience, I still scratch my head.
August West
Trad climber
Where the wind blows strange
Comparing Presidents Trump and Nixon is hysterical in the literal sense. Give me a break. Might as well compare Presidents Obama and Washington.
Really DMT?
There is plenty that is completely different including the norms of the day.
But what is so hysterical about comparing Archibald Cox with Mueller, the investigation of possible coverup/obstruction, and the possibility of impeachment (or resignation because of)? And how the checks and balances for which this country is so famous actually work or not?
Grey Matter
"Their approach is to belittle him, demean him, and sneer at him with virtually nothing unbiased appearing in print."
"I'm not defending the Donald, but the New Yorker is hardly neutral. "
A completely neutral position would be to add up the following by trump:
Total number of lies told by trump.
Total false claims of fake news ( a term that accurately refers 90% to quacks like trump).
Total of False promises by trump.
Total False credit & praises for himself.
Total Idiotic insults told by trump.
Total number of times his own people have admitted he is unqualified or incompetent.
Total acts of fraud, non-payment, and declarations of bankruptcy.
Total associations with major criminals.
Total number of lawsuits against and by trump, and number lost or settled.
Total Days spent golfing and twitting by trump.
Grey Matter
Assange played a role in helping get trump elected. He shares trump's disease of malignant narcissism. I would not expect any effort by him to help improve government, except incidentally.
Trad climber
Assange is about to get shown the door, and the moment he does, I have the feeling he's going to disappear from the radar for a long, long, while. Who gets to him first is the question.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Thanks Hapi for the article...Geeze Loueeze....
Mountain climber
Bannon is out at Breitbart.
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Speaking of, I think my snake just ate a rat!
Bruce Morris
Trad climber
Soulsbyville, California
Stay tuned for more incidents of cannibalism to come. No honor among thieves.
Jan 10, 2018 - 05:52am PT
F*#k Julian assange. Despite all his huffing he’s just a wanna be kingmaker like anyone else.
Jan 10, 2018 - 07:31am PT
To a degree I get that, dmt, although a lot of the info he released was likely obtained illegally from nefarious sources. But the Assange worship in the past was very misguided, and selective release of info, which is what he did, is manipulative and damaging.
Trad climber
Jan 10, 2018 - 07:33am PT
Speaking of, I think my snake just ate a rat!
Sure he or she didn't just ball it up and hide it behind the water dish?
Congratulations - I know you were concerned.
Mountain climber
Jan 10, 2018 - 08:00am PT
why hasn't the #metoo movement gone after Assange? He is assumed to be guilty of rape.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jan 11, 2018 - 11:23am PT
Purged from voting rolls while deployed, Ohio vet demands answers
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jan 11, 2018 - 11:36am PT
Trump lauded delivery of F-52s to Norway.
The planes only exist in ‘Call of Duty.’
Trad climber
Jan 11, 2018 - 12:11pm PT
I didn't vote for either scumbag, but I don't understand the hate towards Assange. He has a better track record than every other media outlet: it's flawless. He has also exposed a lot of the politics behind corporations like Google:
Assange has been courages and he has paid heavily for it. Regardless of whatever politics you may THINK he espouses (he seems quite liberal in the traditional sense of the word, and gives lip service to some anti-fascist organizations), he earns respect by fighting courageously for the truth and speaking it to power.
Trad climber
Jan 11, 2018 - 12:13pm PT
why hasn't the #metoo movement gone after Assange? He is assumed to be guilty of rape.
Maybe because he's innocent?
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Jan 11, 2018 - 05:48pm PT
Trump is turning the White House into a shithole.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase
Out Of Bed
Jan 20, 2018 - 12:39am PT
A Putin win
1 year in; a grubbyment shut it down ?
yer fired,
there is no reason to celebrate,
unless this was the plan from the quid pro?
The shjthole comment? that was a way to distract, a common occurrence.
govern by failurez to lead. govern'd by greedy foolz,
we are watching the demise of the democratic experiment that was once the shinning light of hope in the world
Putin winz
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 20, 2018 - 04:52am PT
I agree Gnome
I, along with others, have always said that Putin must be laughing. To iterate, regardless if there was collusion with Trump's campaign and the Russians, or if there was not, Trump's actions (and those of his administration) still play into the hands of Putin.
The polarization of the US, the divisions, is what the Kremlin desires, and why not in their eyes, as they feel the US was a major player in the breakup of the Soviet Union.
Some may argue that the actions of anti-Trumpers also play a part in the polarization, and there is a point there, but in the overall picture, in my view, such actions are reactions to an authoritarian agenda by Trump and company.
I have nothing against Russians but I do against Putin and his agenda to destabilize the US. The Kremlin is not a friend of the US, this has been pointed out by numerous "experts" it the field of foreign policy, on both sides of the left-right "divide".
A return to the Cold War is not desirable, to be on better terms with Russian and China, to work together is desirable, but it is not going to happen, not in the short term, as those two regimes are not democratic, that said, is the US turning away from democracy?
How much Trump has benefitted from it, is to to be seen. He certainly has benefitted from financial help from Russian financial sources. Look it up.
Jan 20, 2018 - 08:17am PT
Let's face it.
Most of you are just plain brainwashed idiots by the US propaganda machine spewing its daily horesh!t into your tiny brains ......
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 21, 2018 - 03:47am PT
At least some of us have brains, even if they are tiny.
Mountain climber
Jan 21, 2018 - 03:00pm PT
Patrick Sawyer:
The Kremlin is not a friend of the US, this has been pointed out by numerous "experts" it the field of foreign policy, on both sides of the left-right "divide". Patrick, you make so many unsubstantiated proclamations, that I do not have time to comment on all of them.
My only comment is about Kremlin being an enemy of the US.
Of course, Russia is an enemy of the US.
Let’s take a look how this happened.
After capitalist revolution of 1991 leadership of Russia (Gorbachev etc.) has fallen in love with the US and has showered US with expensive gifts.
Let me remind you about two of them ($10 billon plus each):
1. Transfer of 500 tons of highly enriched uranium from Russia to US.
2. Transfer of know-how of long term space flights.
Prior to start of cooperation with Russia, longest US space flight was 84 days vs. about a year for Russia. Without such help US would have spent a lot of time and money to acquire this knowledge on their own.
US government rejected all such advances and decided that Russia should be an enemy.
US government broken a promise not to advance US/NATO troops into Eastern Europe and started creating military bases there.
The latest hostile steps were US sponsored and managed Ukrainian coup of 2014 and subsequent sanctions.
So US government decided that Russia should be an enemy.
They just did not bother to explain why they made this decision.
Trad climber
South Pasadena, CA
Jan 21, 2018 - 03:55pm PT
^^ Yuri, thanks for sharing that perspective. I'll have to set aside some time to research it more.
It's a good segue to what I came here to post about. If what Yuri is sharing is accurate, it has echoes of how the Allied Forces treated Germany at the end of WW1. My son is studying WW1 history right now (literally as I write this), and learning about the Treaty of Versailles, and he just had a light bulb moment: "Oh, Hitler could rise because the other countries were so harsh to Germany!" I offered something like "yeah, Hitler appealed to Germans wanting to get the boot off their faces, to start feeling good about themselves again."
Within the last hour I had regurgitated "those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it". So after this exchange about Germany, I made the obvious current events mental association and said it out loud:
"Make America Great Again!"
My son then said, "that's what my history teacher said last year, and he got fired." I apparently was not tuned in at that moment. Here's what I just found:
So my son was in his class when this all went down. At a time when history teachers would of course draw parallels between past occurrences, the circumstances leading up to them, and current events that have obvious similarities... a teacher is fired for helping children to think in a critical fashion and identify commonalities in methods and circumstances? How far screwed up is our society by partisan politics?
I'm talking to my son just now about this teacher. Apparently he was a good teacher, didn't normally talk politics. But every Friday he had a section on current affairs for the kids to discuss and he typically didn't take any sides or try to influence the conversations. As for the issues that got the teacher fired... here are my sons words:
"He didn't say Trump's and Hitler's ideas were the same... just that the methods that Trump used to rile people up were similar to the methods that Hitler used to rile people up. They would focus on people in some state of shock or desperation, and give them a false sense of nationalism as a way of gaining support. And that's why so many people believe him. People don't listen to what Trump says so much, they just focus on the Make America Great Again. They just want to be part of something."
And so there you go. An early casualty in the current assault on the intellectuals that will surely ramp up as time progresses. Apparently the teacher was reinstated because of public outrage, but that was his last year (don't know if it was retirement or asked to not come back, etc.)
TLDR: My son's history teacher was fired last year for introducing ideas that some people find uncomfortable for partisan reasons but a rational person can hardly deny; he was reinstated because of public outrage; he quietly disappeared at the end of the year.
Edit: Correction - "paid administrative leave" not fired - thanks EdT. And the reinstatement was "after school kids deemed safe", time the school had received much external feedback. I unintentionally sensationalized a bit from lack of research and taking my son's simplified version (from the perspective of a kid in the teacher's class) at face value.
Trad climber
Jan 21, 2018 - 04:55pm PT
The teacher wasn't fired. He was on paid leave. He missed an hour of classroom time.
Definitely looks like he was mistreated. But sensationalizing the story is counterproductive.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jan 21, 2018 - 07:19pm PT
This teacher was the most dangerous sort of person to Edward t:
Navarro is an expert on the Holocaust and has studied at the International Center for the Study of the Holocaust in Jerusalem. The 65-year-old was also named a Mandel Fellow for the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.
An actual expert.
Also, unlike Edward, this teacher has an actual sense of professionalism, and understands, as does Edward, that because there was not a clear, public clearance of his actions, he remains professionally smeared. That was the goal---smear an expert who points out the historically obvious, and teach all similar experts what they can expect coming at them.
And what does the public lose, a highly proficient teacher.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 22, 2018 - 02:51am PT
Yury, I see your point. But you know dang well it takes two to tango. It is not just a one-sided debate or issue. Both sides have policies and have committed actions that the other side reacts to. You must know that.
So are you trying to tell me that The Kremlin is the friend of the US? Or that the US is a friend of the Kremlin? To iterate, a return to any sort of Cold War is not desirable, but there are elements on both sides who desire it, for several reasons, you know that as well as I do, probably more.
And I do not make that many unsubstantiated claims, but then I admit I am no expert on US-Russian relations, as you seem to be. I have no ties to Russia, but I do not like Putin. Nor Trump. Nor Clinton, etc etc etc.
I do try and keep up with international relations and foreign policy, if I sound one-sided, I do not mean to be, I try to be objective. But I believe I am stating the obvious, Russia and the US are not friends.
Mountain climber
Jan 22, 2018 - 09:11am PT
Patrick Sawyer:
Yury, I see your point. But you know dang well it takes two to tango. It is not just a one-sided debate or issue. Both sides have policies and have committed actions that the other side reacts to. I agree.
It's also Putin's fault.
Instead of just surrendering he is trying to resist.
So are you trying to tell me that The Kremlin is the friend of the US? No, I wrote that Kremlin was a friend of the US around 1991.
Or that the US is a friend of the Kremlin? No, the US never was a friend of USSR/Russia.
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jan 22, 2018 - 09:53am PT
Good editorial in today’s LA Times by Eugene Rumer - senior fellow at Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace.
“It’s unclear, then, if Russia is even worth obsessing about in this manner. If Clinton could not
prevail over a vulgar, dishonest, misogynist, ignorant political novice running a campaign full
of racism, xenophobia and patently unrealizable promises, all of which were widely covered by
the media throughout 2016, perhaps the Russian meddling really didn’t make that much of a
difference on the election outcome.”
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 22, 2018 - 10:06am PT
That's some pretty stupid speculation
I'm sure Mueller has a very different opinion
Quid Pro Quo Russian sanctions are some serious allegations for getting help from a foreign country
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jan 22, 2018 - 10:13am PT
That's some pretty stupid speculation
Yeah, the Carnegie Endowment hires nuthin but retards.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jan 22, 2018 - 10:36am PT
Trump is tearing up fracking rules on federal lands. Be alarmed.
----Editorial Board
So here's a thought: what would be the impact of contamination of the Central Valley groundwater with chemicals that were dangerous/noxious, from uphill fracking activity on federal lands?
Destruction of the breadbasket of the United States? What would be the effect on the State? The Country?
Toss the dice and see what happens?
I speak as a person who lives over one of the largest groundwater aquifers in the US, contaminated and unusable due to contamination by federally contracted aerospace industries of the 40's-50's-60's, here in the San Fernando Valley.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jan 22, 2018 - 10:39am PT
So are you trying to tell me that The Kremlin is the friend of the US?
No, I wrote that Kremlin was a friend of the US around 1991.
I don't think so, but there were possibilities, and I think we squandered them. I think that happened because of neocons on BOTH sides, who still maintained the Cold War mentality (and there are a lot of those left).
Opportunities arise, and those in charge have to be prepared to act on them. We did have an opportunity, and we let it pass to bring us to where we are.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 22, 2018 - 10:51am PT
The BS non-stop propaganda against Hillary tipped the scales
and that was done with the help of RUSSIA
They were calling Hillary worse than Hitler, she was a baby killer and hated puppies, pure lies
she gave Russia Uranium, she had a private e-mail server which were high crimes according to the Cultists
the stuff they did before the election tipped the scales, not the truth about Hillary or Trump
The Russian's stole the DNC e-mails, they worked with Trump and against the Dems and Hillary, they worked to strip voters from the voter rolls, the gave the NRA money for the election, who knows how much Russian money was pocketed to help Trump win
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jan 22, 2018 - 11:37am PT
Comey's ill-timed release surely didn't help Hillary...Can't wait to see what Muellar has to say...
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 22, 2018 - 01:43pm PT
Yury, perhaps I am mistaken, but you almost sound like a Putin/Kremlin apologist.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 22, 2018 - 01:44pm PT
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 22, 2018 - 02:49pm PT
And Yury, I do my homework, but sometimes I speculate on forums (this is about the only forum I waste my time on, but I have fun doing it).
Despite one arse wipe on this forum who wants to take a swipe at me all the time, just some turd in California who lives on welfare and does not pay taxes, and begs from people, most Supertopians are good people.
I cannot help but speculate that with an handle like Yury, you may have some Russian influence, but then for a while I was posting as Vlad (I had my reasons, right or wrong, and I came clean, and I did not fool most people on this forum, I knew I wouldn't) and Vlad in not exactly an Anglo-American name, is it.
Dude, some 45 years in five countries, living and working as a journalist (and zoologist by avocation), interviewing the likes of Maggie Thatcher and Tony Blair, sitting down with Bill Clinton, interviewing presidents, prime ministers, captains of industry (Richard Branson, Denis O'Brien, etc etc etc), working on nationals (papers) and TV… and I know sh#t. Just a typical fake news hack. If it was so easy.
Right. You are right, I am wrong. There, that was easy.
Yury, according to you, I have posted loads of unsubstantiated BS, and you.. I have seen errors and misinformation in what you have posted. Shall I take the time to dig and call you up on them? I do not have the inclination, but if you invite me to do so, gladly.
Are we any different?
I am having fun, no whiskey (who can afford it) and no wine, just a good time. And the forum arse wipe can go stick his head in the toilet where it belongs. Not you Yury, just some ST jerk. He knows who he is.
And I use my real name, with the exception of Vlad, and I left so many clues, people knew I was Patrick, I have used my real name since 2005 on this forum. I have nothing to hide.
And I do climb, there is just eff all rock here in Wexford, and I do miss certain places I have lived on this planet (my native California and Alaska comes to mind) where there is so much rock,it is sick.
There, my rant, my two cents and my sign off for this evening. Cheers.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 22, 2018 - 03:46pm PT
And… as much as I would love to post articles or links to what I have written (Maggie, August 1989, when I was editor of a magazine in Wembley, and others) writing this post just pisses me off the more.
I think I still have some interviews in publications I edited and worked on, with Tony Blair, Michael Howard… I still have some stuff in my physical, paper, portfolio, but…
F*#king thieves. I was moving, I had a box on the moving van, it had my laptop, the clarinet that my brothers Casey to Mac to me, academic papers and documents, financial documents, family photos, and I think some DVDs… it was in Dun Laoghaire, Clarinda Park, I only went inside my flat for about five minutes (I was moving out).
Gone. The box was gone.
Nowadays and for the past 20 or so years, I backup digitally, but not then. Who would have thought.
I was so stupid. I think these people see that somebody is moving and then they strike.
I reported it but the Gardai, but what could they do? Just advised me to be more careful next time.
Yeah, next time. Stupid me.
For years, I kick myself. If only I had done this, if only I had done that, if only. People say "get over it Patrick." But I had stuff in that box I'll never get back. Sort of like my care for Jennie, "if only…", years of being a carer, and it may have come down to, "If only". I am such a fool. Losing a box of stuff is one thing, but losing the love of my life to the system, is unforgivable.
The flat I was moving out of was the same one that was burgled several months before… my (basement) flat was a mess, they tipped over/out both of my four-drawer filing cabinets in my office, they did not take my Mac Performa (and I had my laptop with me that day), but they took my Mamiya-Sekor 1000DTL that my mom bought for me on my 14th birthday, they did not take my US passport (but my landlord above was also burgled by the same pair - yeah the au pair next door perhaps saw them - and his US girlfriend had her passport taken, and jewelry and his Nikon he had for years).
F*#king thieves. I do not know how many of you Taco Standers have been burgled, but it is really like having your castle violated. Albeit, a small two-bedroom flat, but it was my castle. It is a shitty feeling.
They tried crowbarring Des's (landlord) front door (the marks were there) and then came down stairs and kicked my door in, and then left out my backdoor to the garden and shimmied up the pipes to the open window in his lower bathroom (good climbers, I guess, I'll give them that much). These old Georgian houses. (the Guards - police- said that they were probably drug addicts, well, they were good climbers, hah hah).
And can I pre-empt that turd who will probably post a bottle of whiskey with my name on it, or something like that, I have not been drinking, I cannot afford it.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 22, 2018 - 05:22pm PT
I have been on this forum since 2005. I have calculated that 46% of my life has been living and working outside of the US to date. I am studied in international relations and affairs, both at university and in life, in practice.
I try to write what I believe, and what I see. I can write some shite, hence one reason I took a "furlough" as Patrick and became Vlad, now who did I fool?
I am not insulted by childish antics of the likes of the California turd, though I admit it does bug me, but not much. But when somebody claims I post a number of unsubstantiated claims, and yet this poster has some posts of question, well, pot calling kettle black perhaps.
This forum is the one I engage in. Sometimes I cry, sometimes I laugh, sometimes I bitch, sometimes I agree, other times not. But I am a climber, always have been, always will be.
Can I just add, I write this stuff because I live alone, in the sticks, missing my love in a nursing home. I have a great dog and a brat cat, but I get lonely. Sure the beach is about 70 meters away and I meet a lot of people, but there is no rock down here in Wexford, at least when we lived in Dalkey there was the quarry, good granite, good routes.
The Taco Stand is my relief. I have made an ass of myself on ST at times, but…
Another EDIT (I cannot stop it, ignorance knows no bliss)
And for the heavens, Yury is going to post some "facts", substantiated of course (by whom?) and the turd will post some sort of anti-irish whiskey bottle meme, as night is day.
I love it.
Now, it is cold, by Irish standards and I just finished an article for a former editor, so I am going to get ratty, says 'Patty'.
Hey Dwain cleaner, do you even climb? I can still lead 11, scared to sh#t but I can still do it. Ice is nice, but I'd rather have it in an Irish whiskey that you are so fond of posting with stupid images.
I am in a fesity mood. Anybody can throw anything they want at me. I have not been drinking, turd from the Sierra foothills, I am just tired, and tired of the BS some on the Taco Stand has to present.
There are some great posts here, I'll name two that I have always admired, and apparently from different "political camps" if I understand it correctly.
John Stannard and John Gill. I grew up with those names, from the late 1960s to now. Sure,one was East Coast, the other a renowned boulderer. But names I know. And admire. And respect, like so many on this forum. Pat Ament, Jello, Werner (a gobshite but I like him), Tom Higgins… gosh, I could go on and name the people who have made their impact on climbing in North America (and beyond), Donini does not count, as he has done far too much for me to be beyond envious.
This is a good forum. I love it.
Russ Walling
Social climber
from Poofters Froth, Wyoming
Jan 22, 2018 - 07:10pm PT
There, my rant, my two cents and my sign off for this evening. Cheers.
G'damn... if only....
The Wastelands
Jan 22, 2018 - 07:28pm PT
"Frankly my dear, ..........no one really cares"
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 22, 2018 - 07:30pm PT
Yeah Russ, I know, but when have I ever been mean to you? Probably have. Not worth looking up, but...
You have over 8,000 posts on this forum, not bad.
Norton, yeah. Who gives a sh#t. Thanks for your input, like Russ, I guess you people would just as soon as hear me… nothing.
Norton you have almost 12,000, wow, all real smart and intelligent like Russ's.
Coolaboola, I can live with that.
Russ Walling
Social climber
from Poofters Froth, Wyoming
Jan 22, 2018 - 07:44pm PT
I can still lead 11, scared to sh#t but I can still do it.
Bull f*#king sh#t.... let's see it.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 22, 2018 - 07:56pm PT
We all have our reasons what we do in life. I have learned that.
Sometime I can be judgmental, other time be judged. Some choose to eschew the granite of California, and look past that, others embrace the seemingly boundless of rock in California and the West. The limitless, in some words, of the world. But not a world without limits.
I have not tasted the world like some have, Jim Donini comes to mind, but what I do, I revel in however simple.
But I do climb, when and where I can. Norton and Russ may try and diss me, I do not care (well, I must to some degree as I mention it, but…).
I know who and what I am… imperfect.. A lot to be desired, but I have never hurt anybody.
So Russ, I guess that previous not was not my final two cents.
"If only" you wrote, well not quite yet, grasshopper.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 22, 2018 - 08:02pm PT
Bull f*#king sh#t.... let's see it.
Hah hah, okay dude, you pay and I will produce. Don't be an as#@&%e. I am hoping to make a family reunion in Washington this July, if I can afford it. If I am there, meet me at some place, Town Wall, Leavenworth, Liberty Bell, whatever, I will prove it.
I like you Russ, I like your posts, somehow I have rubbed you wrong. Well, c'est la vie.
You do not know me, outside of what I have posted on the Taco Stand, you are too young to know me from C4, you have people who know you and what you have done, I do not, I never wanted to, I climb because I love it, one reason I left C4 in 76 ( I guess I could not cut it could I, the BS).
Call me bullshit if you want Russ, I am not going to lose any sleep.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 22, 2018 - 08:32pm PT
And anyway this has gone off topic, I started this thread because Trump is looking like a king. In more ways than one.
He still has his earnest followers. He still goes against the norms, which some people like.
He is still a moron. Which some people like.
Go figure, he has the pulse of many Americans (though not the majority).
He still ignores the Constitution (does he even know what it is, and yes I can more or less recite the body of it), and he still caters to…
his base. In case some of you do not know, the POTUS is an elected paid job whose duty is to all the people, not a select few. He is not our boss, we are his boss (yes, I live abroad, for years, but I am still an American).
So the slipping into non-politics, into climbing (well, it is a climbing forum, so…), is not what i intended this thread to be, but instead a look at the state of affairs.
We are climbers, we are humans, we have opinions.
And truth be known, I am sick and tired of you as#@&%es who try and to paint me in your own eyes. You will never paint me. Likewise.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 22, 2018 - 08:38pm PT
Poor snowflake Patrick. Yeah. And what are some of you?
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 22, 2018 - 08:45pm PT
Dwain, I know you are having it sorts with you body. And I do wish you the best, even if I do not know you. If slagging me is a way for you to… I do not know, to have a bit of a laugh (they say laughter is the best medicine), I really do not mind at the end of the day. I slough it off, sort of.
Best wishes, I have never wished anybody ill in my life, not even Trump. (Well, maybe.)
Take care and there are back exercises, which you probably know of.
Trad climber
Jan 22, 2018 - 08:56pm PT
Maybe its Dwain's addiction to painkillers that has got him so huffy with you.....
Yeah - Dwain - Every time I see you post the "drunk" photos, I am going to suggest that you are an addict. What? It's "different???? How's that?
In other news, some shitstain has been arrested for making threats to come and "gun down" people at the CNN headquarters, because they make "fake news."
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 22, 2018 - 08:59pm PT
Sort of cute Dwain, but haven't you been there before with that graphic?
Listen, it is way past my bedtime, going on 5am.
I started this thread to make people sit up and take notice. Not that other threads have not had the same goal and/or purpose. I am nothing special (except in my own eyes.)
But I sit out, looking in. A different perspective than some.
Where, as a nation, is the US headed?
And Russ, do not be so disingenuous, it does not suit you, from what little I know of you.
in the land of the blind
Jan 22, 2018 - 09:28pm PT
If a thoracic spinal injury, not cervical in the study, can affect the brain, why not lumbar or sacral?
It would explain a lot.
in the land of the blind
Jan 22, 2018 - 10:01pm PT
Yeah, just being in that much pain would be depressing, but clinical depression involves changes to the brain.
I used to enjoy your sense of humor.
Seeing you attacking Patrick is sad.
Even though I agree with his politics, his dramatic self-referential posting is too much. But he also seems like someone who is like an open wound in need of cauterizing.
Why pour salt. Make a funny harmless comic of one-eyed climbers or something.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 23, 2018 - 05:38am PT
his dramatic self-referential posting is too much. But he also seems like someone who is like an open wound in need of cauterizing.
Yeah Lennox, ain't that the truth. I am trying to deal with the crap that has happened over the past few years. Crap I brought upon myself.
I was seeing a counsellor, David, at Family Life and Services in Wexford, I consult with friends (here from the Taco Stand, people I have never met in person, just cyber friends, and climbers), I consult with a dear cousin in LA, a well-respected doctor of psychology, I run my angst by others I consider dear to me. And at the end of the day, I may be a pain in the ass.
Melodrama, that's me. I have good intentions though, but to quote my mother (and others): "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
"I am on the highway to Hell", was that Van Halen or Bon Jovi, or Little Richard? Meat Loaf? Chopin? Not Bob Dylan, I know that much. I'll look it up, good song though.
AC/DC, funny I should have known that. My landlord has an AC/DC book among his things in the loft (I think for one of his sons, I cannot imagine Graham being an AC/DC fan, perhaps, maybe).
his dramatic self-referential posting is too much.
Well, don't read them then, nobody is twisting your arm. Would you wish me to delete my self-referential postings?
Trad climber
Jan 23, 2018 - 06:07am PT
Cosmic - Did you have your back surgery?
Ice climber
hartford, ct
Jan 23, 2018 - 08:04am PT
...I've been off the pain meds fo 5 months now
because of all the new laws....
Man that pisses me off... all of this "Evil Opiates" crap spewed now 24x7.
People in legitimate pain can take boatloads of properly dosed pharma-grade opiates to ease their suffering without any danger.
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jan 23, 2018 - 09:28am PT
It’s crazy what you have to go thru now to get some decent pain meds. All because there are
so many weak-willed loozers out there. After DR Frankenfurter effed up my recent surgery
I was at 10/10 and all he sent me home with was Norco! They made me come in just to
torture me some more and see what kind of pain I was in before they gave me only Percoset!
JEEZUS! I shoulda been on a morphine drip!
Jan 23, 2018 - 09:28am PT
I’m sorry you are suffering.
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jan 23, 2018 - 09:33am PT
Thanks, Dirt, don’t let it happen again, mkay?
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 23, 2018 - 09:43am PT
There must be a better way. I suffer from aches and pains of injuries, accidents and stupidity. But nothing that great, some Vimovo a couple of times a week.
Dwain, despite what differences we may have in other areas and walks of life, I hope you get some help and relief. Pain is not fun, is it, unless one is a masochist, and I don't think any of us Taco Standers are that.
Then again, maybe I am wrong. Who else but a masochist could sit in a butt chair belaying somebody for hours upon end, or freeze their tootsies off in sub-zero temps while climbing, risking life and limb and frostbite to boot. Who else can take a screaming fall, and end up with just bruises and scrapes?
Masochists, the lot of us, and don't we love it.
Ice climber
hartford, ct
Jan 23, 2018 - 09:48am PT
All because there are
so many weak-willed loozers out there
There have always been people prone to addiction who will continue to abuse whatever substance is available. Nothing will ever change that.
The media is to blame for this recent anti-opiate frenzy which have left many people I know in pain for absolutely NO REASON.
How many people a day does alcohol kill? Thousands? Yet there's a super-sized liquor store on every corner. It's so absurd it makes me want to tear my hair out.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 23, 2018 - 10:04am PT
The media is to blame...
Fear, is that the true story? Why always blame the messenger, but I do know the power of the media (heck I will stick my neck out and say I probably have more experience working in the media than anybody on this forum), so your point is well taken.
In some ways, blaming the media is blaming ourselves. Hmmm.
John M
Jan 23, 2018 - 10:11am PT
Have you seen a pain specialist? I had one in Fresno who specialized in addiction, so when he met me he said I was not addicted and was on the wrong pain meds. 10 minutes with him and I had the proper script. Thats what I had to do to get serious pain meds when my back was giving me fits. It might have helped that I was also seeing a well respected psychiatrist at the time. But I did not realize that he could also deal with my physical pain. The pain med doc knew my psychiatrist. So they worked together and after that my psychiatrist prescribed all my pain meds.
Ice climber
hartford, ct
Jan 23, 2018 - 10:24am PT
Fear, is that the true story? Why always blame the messenger, but I do know the power of the media
The 24x7 news cycle needs constant fodder even when there is none. So no longer are there any reporters who actually think and research. Bad human behavior gets blamed on things (opiates, weed, guns, "Muslims") rather than digging deeper to find the root of bad behavior.
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jan 23, 2018 - 10:51am PT
John M, my bro-in-law used to head the U of Washington Pain Clinic.
Thanks, but I was mainly ventilating. Although at my worst I was hyperventilating! 😖
John M
Jan 23, 2018 - 10:55am PT
Reilly... I was mainly talking to Cosmic. I figured you didn't have a pain med problem now.
When pain is going full fledged, you want pain relief right now. When its chronic, thats bad too. Been there and done both. I did a lot of work to get my back into a better place.
The Wastelands
Jan 23, 2018 - 10:57am PT
The CDC has just announced its new protocol for Doctors prescribing narcotics.
Cancer patients stay outside of this new regulation
while all other chronic pain patients must reduce their daily"morphine equivalent" pain medication to no more than 90 "units" a day whatever that means
this is in direct response to the do something about the overdose deaths outcry
Jan 23, 2018 - 10:59am PT
Finally, someone Locked in with the answer.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 23, 2018 - 11:15am PT
"G'damn... if only..."...
49,986 indeed. LMAO
Trad climber
Jan 23, 2018 - 11:34am PT
People were getting opioids from the doctors, going to one to another and another. Then they made the database law, which I would expect most people think is a GOOD thing, where doctors must register when prescribing patients certain drugs.
But addicts are good at "the game," and how is a doctor, really, supposed to measure pain level when the patient says they need more" to counter it?
Many, many heroin addicts made the switch when unable to get either prescribed drugs from doc, or buy on the street drugs inadvertently prescribed by doc to someone abusing the system.
Addiction is not a "week-willed, loser" condition, and a BIG part of what KEEPS people from seeking help when they find themselves in the throes is good old-fashioned shame. There ARE people reading this forum who may have become addicted and are scared, and reaching out for help becomes that much harder when their "community" blames them.
For those who insist it's a choice - I hope you thank your lucky stars for your ignorance, that you have never known the hell that addiction is. But do yourself a favor and get educated on the topic rather than obstinately clinging to a myth that was debunked decades ago.
And Cosmic, I am sorry you are in pain. I just get so up in arms when I see someone bullying another, and that's what you do to Patrick. He's an easy target, as he doesn't have the list of FA's, or the witnessed C4 antics, that insulate some people here who, if less well-known, would definitely be less highly regarded. Nobody is going to come to his defense and say they'll defend their friends to no end....like EKat did in another thread when someone made a disparaging, albeit true, comment.
So - you say you've been off the meds, and Patrick says he hasn't been drinking. Suppose I continue despite your already telling me what's what, to crack remarks about you and pain meds? Especially since, as you have said, you are suffering pain without them. Can you not see that that would be a torment you don't deserve to endure? So, why treat another in such a way? Whatsoever you do.... and all.
John M
Jan 23, 2018 - 11:35am PT
Most likely the people on this forum don't fit into the norm.
At the height of my problems with neck and shoulder and lower back pain I had 3 percent body fat, weigh 173 pounds and was running 5 to 10 miles a day on mountain trails, with the occasional 20+ mile day. The running was one of the ways that I managed pain. Now, do to other health problems, my weight has sky rocketed and I am seriously out of shape, yet have less back pain. Mostly because of the physical, mental and spiritual work that I did. It took all three. Now I just have to work on healing these other chronic issues. One is fibromyalgia which is chronic muscle pain with chronic fatigue. I exercise when I can, but exercise aggravates instead of relieves this pain, and if I do too much then I can end up bed ridden. Thats one of the tricky parts of auto immune diseases. Of which I have had 3. Fibro, Crohn's, and arthritis. Its hard to imagine at my current weight that I once weighed 115 pounds, I'm 6'1", and the docs gave me less then a year to live and at that time wanted to remove most of my intestines, which was the treatment for Crohn's back in the day. The current thing that I am working on is healing PTSD. There are reports that relate PTSD to issues like Fibro. They also connect it to back pain.
The body, mind and soul are such complex things. I know I know, some of you don't believe in the soul or in God. Well, guess what... I do and have found profound relief from working to understand the soul and working to know God.
The Wastelands
Jan 23, 2018 - 11:52am PT
More on the now CDC required prescribed narcotic protocol -
of which I have been a part of for over 15 years now with four spine surgeries
every 30 days I have to go to my pain doc's office and bring my pills with me
so that they can be counted and the math done to insure I am taking them in compliance
in addition, every 4 months or so I have to pee in a bottle which is sent to a lab
the lab reports back if I do or do not have narcotics in my system
a lack of narcotics would show I am not taking them but instead possibly selling them
this stuff is very regulated nowadays, I have to jump through a lot of hoops
the few often wreck things for the many.....
John M
Jan 23, 2018 - 11:55am PT
wow. I had no idea that it had gotten that bad. I knew it was getting bad, but wow. That sucks. I am so grateful that I was able to get off the hard pain meds.
Jan 23, 2018 - 11:59am PT
Everyone always says "believe".
Well God and soul is NOT believe, as they are absolute facts.
Modern cavemen gross material scientists and clueless atheists are totally clueless about God and soul.
Thus they are useless to the facts of God, soul, and the absolute spiritual realm ......
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 23, 2018 - 12:23pm PT
I just get so up in arms when I see someone bullying another, and that's what you do to Patrick. He's an easy target,
Thank you Happiegrrrrl for the perspective on drugs (alcohol being the worst, in moderation it's okay but still a toxin, my GP Mary and I were discussing that yesterday).
But I do not need help standing up to the rabble on the forum, as I am one of them. FAs? I have them, just never listed them (primarily along both Highway 108 and Castle Crags) as my goal as a climber was not to huff my chest. I have FAs that others claim and I do not give a flying…
The issue about drugs, meds, opioids, PAIN, is not what this thread was meant to be about, but perhaps in some perverse way it is tied with Trump, he is a pain.
I have to add, using the public phone line to the White House to promote partisan messages is a new low. But then Trump and his supporters pride themselves in lowering the bar as far as it can go.
And as far as this forum is concerned, I have always bared my soul and heart, so if such honesty, or whatever one wants to call it, comes back to bite me, so be it, I probably asked for it.
I have never and never will lose sleep over anything posted on this forum. Outside of the climbing content, it is a lark.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 23, 2018 - 12:44pm PT
Outside of the climbing content, it is a lark.
Let me rephrase that, in addition to some outstanding posts on the forum dealing with climbing, there have been some fine posts dealing with other issues. Some posts and links that I have followed that have educated me.
On the other hand, there sure is a lot of shite, some of which I contributed to. I am not a cyborg, hah hah.
some eastside hovel
Jan 23, 2018 - 12:57pm PT
I really want to see this 5.11 smack talk backed up. This is a climbing site, right?
Mountain climber
Jan 23, 2018 - 01:11pm PT
Well God and soul is NOT believe, as they are absolute facts.
fake news, Werner.
Trad climber
Jan 23, 2018 - 01:45pm PT
I like you too, DMT. Without qualification as well. But don't ever post a video where your voice is on, unless you actually do sound just like either Jed Clampett or Andy Taylor. I just can't read your posts without hearing it in one of those voices! hahahah
Jan 23, 2018 - 01:59pm PT
I am a firm believer that diet and exercise as being the #1 best "Cure all"...
True dat, yo.
Yer still gonna die!
Mountain climber
Jan 23, 2018 - 05:25pm PT
Patrick Sawyer:
Yury, according to you, I have posted loads of unsubstantiated BS, and you.. Patrick, I apologize for my exaggeration.
Patrick, you make so many unsubstantiated proclamations, that I do not have time to comment on all of them. I was wrong when I wrote this.
You made only a few such proclamations in that post (about Kremlin, Putin and Cold War).
I will try to be more specific next time and will try to avoid unnecessary generalization.
from out where the anecdotes roam
Jan 23, 2018 - 05:27pm PT
can't remember which pundit allowed as how the white house claim was ever so close to valid:
"the largest number of inauguration celebrants ever assembled" ... of russian assets
Fossil climber
Trad climber
Atlin, B. C.
Jan 23, 2018 - 06:00pm PT
Cosmo, hang in there. You'd be better off in Canada, but I guess you gotta go with what's dealt.
I wonder if Melania knows what a huge hammer she's got. She could divorce that A-hole, get enough settlement to finance her own country, and could ghost-write a book about DT which would be off the charts. (Hey Ghost - opportunity!) She'd be wildly popular by maybe 60% of the population. And she wouldn't have to be paraded around as a trophy by a fool who is going to go down, big time. She's been awfully quiet - wonder if that has occurred to her?
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jan 23, 2018 - 06:07pm PT
Wa Post:
Trump asked acting FBI director whom he voted for
In an Oval Office meeting, acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe told President Trump that he didn’t vote in the election, officials said. Trump also vented his anger over donations that McCabe’s wife received for her failed 2015 Virginia state Senate bid from a PAC controlled by a friend of Hillary Clinton.
So now it's ok for a person's boss to require their employee to disclose how they voted?
And it's ok to browbeat an employee because of what their spouse (legally) does? And attempt to fire them?
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Jan 23, 2018 - 07:05pm PT
For the GOP there is no right and wrong anymore. There is only covering for tRump, the worthless POS they helped make POTUS.
Jan 23, 2018 - 07:10pm PT
So now it's ok for a person's boss to require their employee to disclose how they voted?
And it's ok to browbeat an employee because of what their spouse (legally) does? And attempt to fire them?
It's none of his God damned business.
Ice climber
Jan 23, 2018 - 07:16pm PT
At twelve o'clock a meeting round the table
For a seance in the dark
With voices out of nowhere
Put on specially by the children for a lark.
Cry baby cry
Make your mother sigh
She's old enough to know better.
So cry baby cry cry cry cry baby
Make your mother sigh.
Bruce Morris
Trad climber
Soulsbyville, California
Jan 23, 2018 - 10:52pm PT
Sure sounds like hatred and fear of immigrants and immigration is going to keep the Repugs in there a long, long time. Of course, there's always been hatred and fear of the American negro. Combine the two hatreds and you have a sure fire way to get elected and stay in office. More social and economic change, more fear and hatred. What do you want?
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Jan 24, 2018 - 07:32am PT
Sounds like Trump's tax cuts are a home run.
"Deficits don't matter."
Mountain climber
Jan 24, 2018 - 07:37am PT
Sounds like Trump's tax cuts are a home run.
and some thought Nero was good for the Roman Empire.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 24, 2018 - 08:11am PT
Sounds like Trump Tax's cuts made Paul Ryan a rich man
He's the Koch Brother puppet in charge of keeping the masters happy
Paul Ryan Collected $500,000 In Koch Contributions Days After House Passed Tax Law
That’s peanuts compared with what the Koch brothers will save.
Just days after the House passed its version of the federal tax law slashing corporate tax rates, House Speaker Paul Ryan collected nearly $500,000 in campaign contributions from billionaire energy mogul Charles Koch and his wife, according to a recent campaign donor report.
Koch and his brother David spent millions of dollars to get the tax law passed and are spending millions more in a public relations campaign in an attempt to boost support for the law, The Wall Street Journal reported.
Koch Industries, one of the largest private corporations in the nation, operates refineries and manufactures a variety of products. The new tax law — which slices corporate tax rates from 35 percent to 21 percent, slashes estate taxes and includes a special deduction for oil and gas investors — is expected to save the Koch brothers and their businesses billions of dollars in taxes.
Just 13 days after the tax law was passed, Charles Koch and his wife, Elizabeth, donated nearly $500,000 to Ryan’s joint fundraising committee, according to a campaign finance report filed Thursday.
Five other donors, including billionaire businessmen Jeffery Hildebrand and William Parfet, each contributed $100,000 in the last quarter of 2017, according to the records.
man these Republicans are idiots, they vote for this sh#t and are happy about it
they vote to rob their own pockets and health so the rich can have more
mind boggling
We could have had Medicare for all if it wasn't for the Republican rule, they are killing us with their greed
August West
Trad climber
Where the wind blows strange
Jan 24, 2018 - 10:19am PT
I don't care if some billionaire gets millions in tax breaks. I am going to save about $3500 in taxes this year.
What about the hundreds of thousands of employees getting $1k bonuses because of this? What about the infusion of foreign money coming into our economy instead of the constant flow out?
You guys are something else.
But one thing is true: These days there’s a lot of cross-border investment. In particular, as Steven M. Rosenthal of the Tax Policy Center notes — in a paper I found revelatory — around 35 percent of U.S. equities are now owned by foreigners, triple the level during the Reagan years.
What this means is that around 35 percent of a tax cut from an administration that proudly uses the slogan “America first” — $700 billion over the next decade — wouldn’t even go to Americans. Instead, it would be a windfall to wealthy foreigners, who would probably gain a lot more from the tax cut than U.S. workers. Oh, and it makes all that talk about allies not paying their “fair share” sound kind of silly, doesn’t it?
So you get a $3500 savings that expires in a few years. But those cuts for the billionaires don't expire.
And of course, it won't matter if the tax cut, that mostly goes to the wealthy increases the debt by a trillion dollars or so. Nobody ever has to pay that money off, right? The republicans would never use the debt as an excuse to slash social security or medicare, or slash funding for social program or slash funding for national parks, or slash...
Hey, the R's threw the working stiffs a bone that they can chew on for a year or two. They should be thankful.
state of being
Jan 24, 2018 - 10:49am PT
I wouldn't put much confidence in Jody's ability to make a fair tax comparison.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jan 24, 2018 - 03:44pm PT
I don't care if some billionaire gets millions in tax breaks. I am going to save about $3500 in taxes this year.
What about the hundreds of thousands of employees getting $1k bonuses because of this? What about the infusion of foreign money coming into our economy instead of the constant flow out?
Except that your $3500 comes from where? It comes from the gov't borrowing money to pay it. your team is dedicated to borrow and spend, exploding the deficit, then complaining that dems can't spend any money on infrastructure because they made your taxes too high.
The Wastelands
Jan 24, 2018 - 05:13pm PT
Trump’s approval plummets in Michigan, key swing state
Voters in the key swing state that Trump unexpectedly won in 2016 now overwhelmingly disapprove of his performance after his first year in office, according to a new poll.
Trump's approval rating in the Great Lake States has dropped to 39.5 percent while his disapproval rating has risen to 54 percent. Women in Michigan voiced the loudest opposition, with 66 percent saying they "strongly" disapprove of Trump and 39 percent giving his first year in office an "F" grade.
"His approval ratings are terrible, it's that simple," Rich Czuba, who completed the study and founded the Glengariff Group, told The Detroit News. "We are the bellwether state at this point. Michigan is going to reflect what is occurring nationally."
The Wastelands
Jan 24, 2018 - 05:18pm PT
LOL! Seriously!? You are so wrong. That money comes from MY hard-earned money that they will no longer be taking from me. Why is cutting spending so hard for you libs to understand? If they didn't spend so much, they wouldn't have to take so much. No, that is MY money that I am keeping more of.
Jody, Jody, Jody
you are embarrassing yourself again
try to follow this simple concept - when taxes are cut that same money does not come into the Federal revenue stream anymore
that missing money results in both the Deficit and National Debt growing larger
the non partisan CBO has stated that the loss of tax revenue will add 1.5 trillion dollars to the national debt
really Jody, stick to commenting only about retired police leasure activities, you are way out of your league on anything requiring fact (truth)
Boulder climber
Jan 24, 2018 - 05:31pm PT
Jody-So what, I'll just fight harder to make my tax cut permanent. I am not jealous of what someone else gets, I'll just work harder to get what they have. Jody, Trump will never give someone of your means a permanent tax cut- he needs you to pay for his tax cut.
I estimate, combined with your pension, you'll need to install approximately 127,000 cat doors a year to qualify for Trumps permanent, corporate tax cuts.
John M
Jan 24, 2018 - 05:38pm PT
Jody wrote,
Why is cutting spending so hard for you libs to understand?
A tax cut is not cutting spending. Why is that so hard to understand? Cut the military 40% and you might be on to something. Until spending is actually decreased, then the tax cut is just increasing the national debt and putting your friends and family further into debt.
Bruce Morris
Trad climber
Soulsbyville, California
Jan 24, 2018 - 05:48pm PT
I am going to save about $3500 in taxes this year.
What about the hundreds of thousands of employees getting $1k bonuses because of this?
That's chump change. Now, a $10K bonus every quarter, that makes sense.
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Jan 24, 2018 - 08:37pm PT
Ah Jody! You are so happy with your $3,500 tax cut, which is likely a big exaggeration.
Per your latest defensive whining:
Why is me keeping more of MY money so wrong? You folks really do need to get a clue. The simple solution is cutting spending. You folks say I am clueless in this when it is you folks who are in lala land.
Give me a tax cut...cut spending. Very simple. Sorry you libs can't grasp that concept.
It sounds like you have a guilty conscience about your Republicans fuking America, so the rich & corporations will keep donating to the Republican party with their extra-wealth, thanks to the Republican tax-cut, while our national deficit goes up more & the poor get fuked some more.
And yes! Your tax-cut does go away in 2025, but corporations and the very rich, keep their tax cuts.
Enjoy, while the America I love suffers, thanks to those tax-cuts.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jan 24, 2018 - 08:52pm PT
Jody...Nothing wrong with that at all but keep your eye on the money Trump launders without paying taxes..
John M
Jan 24, 2018 - 08:52pm PT
Not if they cut spending. Sheesh you libs love to spend.
Its your party that is in control. Why haven't they cut spending?
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Let me know when they are ready to cut the military.
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jan 24, 2018 - 10:56pm PT
Let me know when any party machina is ready to cut the military.
The “any party” clause is key. Dems are too chicken sh!t to vote agin the Pentagon,
especially if it will cost jobs in their district or state. We know why Repubs won’t.
It takes two to tango.
Bruce Morris
Trad climber
Soulsbyville, California
Jan 25, 2018 - 12:01am PT
Face it: the American economy has been dependent on defense spending to maintain employment since the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7th, 1941. Nobody's gonna vote to cut military spending because that means going back to the Great Depression. I've worked in a defense plant on top-secret microwave antennas to confuse enemy radar. That's where the good times roll and the benefits are ladled out. Working conditions are pure socialism without any glance at the profit motive. No hassles at all, like in a place where you have to make a profit. No tension. Everyone cooperates. Cutting back military spending just ain't gonna happen anytime soon. And now we have North Korea to worry about too. Personally, I'd like to see people studying more useless things like Etruscan pottery shards and Abstract Expressionist art. That's where I want to money to go. The pursuit of the useless. Better than paying for some dumb f_ck prison guard.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jan 25, 2018 - 01:39am PT
I never said it was. How could you have gotten that idea? Take a breath and try to comprehend here. I said cut taxes and cut spending to "pay for it".
But I've seen no significant cuts. I don't think you actually support cuts, but only support the gov't borrowing to pay you more money. You are interested in GETTING America, without PAYING for America.
I think the budget deficit will be there this year and next, and the debt will continue to increase. It has only gone down in our lifetimes under a democrat.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Jan 25, 2018 - 07:04am PT
Ken, everybody wants government services, they just don't want to pay for them.
Gym climber
A dingy corner in your refrigerator
Jan 25, 2018 - 07:46am PT
not so sure about the YOUR freeking money idea: your money is under one of the shells on the table in front of you. The government is the one whom put the money there. It's NOT your money so much as you think. They(1%) pull the strings on the economy. How would you do in another depression when the gub takes away your pension? We are pawns,owned by the 1%. JMO
To the many of the I have mine folks..... it's not inconceivable that they are not coming for it, and it's NOT going to be through higher taxes; It's going to be through predatory economics made possible thru associated predatory deregulation. They're coming for your money too.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 25, 2018 - 08:04am PT
The difference between a liberal and a conservative is that liberals want to live in "We" society, the conservatives only care about a "me" society
There is no room for a "we" society if the Government can't fund it because of the tax cuts
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Jan 25, 2018 - 08:08am PT
Jody, the Republicans want to gut your pension. They will, too. It's only a matter of time. They've managed to turn everyday working Americans against the idea of pensions for everyday working Americans. Say what you will, the right wing is brilliant in that regard.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 25, 2018 - 08:11am PT
Everything the Republicans do is scam against the middle class
So it's not news that Jody has fallen for the con job,
Trickle down has one final outcome, increasing wealth inequality
you lose while they gain, it's slow and subversive
The Wastelands
Jan 25, 2018 - 08:20am PT
Jody stated:
When the Democrats were in the WH, they refused to release the reserves that each department had so the shutdown would be disruptive
the last shutdown was in 2013 when your Republicans controlled the House and thereby all government spending, your above statement makes no sense at all, prove it
prove it Jody, show your credible sources, prove you are not lying
also Jody, for the now 5th time request prove your statement that
"the Dems support and people and countries that support Sharia Law"
prove it, Jody
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jan 25, 2018 - 08:37am PT
Jody, the Republicans want to gut your pension.
I think it is more accurate to say they want pension obligations brought under control.
The Democrats’ poster chile for outta control pensions, among other things, is Illinois,
which put the ‘b’ in bankrupt.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 25, 2018 - 08:41am PT
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Jan 25, 2018 - 10:21am PT
I think it is more accurate to say they want pension obligations brought under control.
You say potato, I say potahto.
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jan 25, 2018 - 10:32am PT
Well, Gary, at least you are civil about it. But who can deny the extreme fiscal recklessness of
the myriad city, county, and states who have put their citizenry under the cloud of roughly
$16 TRILLION in questionably funded pensions that likely will engender yuge new taxes and/or bond issues?
John M
Jan 25, 2018 - 10:40am PT
I think it is more accurate to say they want pension obligations brought under control.
You say potato, I say potahto.
I would agree that some want pension obligations brought under control. Yet others seem to want them done away with entirely. The problem is that the rhetoric they put out demonizes people with pensions and demonizes government and thus it becomes very difficult to have any reasonable discussion. Both sides do this.
Liberals "only" want to spend.
Conservatives are "all" war mongers.
When we resort to these kinds of characterizations, then conversation becomes contentious and little to no progress is made.
I have no problem paring down many government programs, though really I would like the push to be towards wiser leadership. But at this point, our country has become so contentious that the people with wisdom and discernment and who are able to make compromises, don't want leadership positions. So we end up with snakes in the grass leading our country. And then programs become insane and then people want to do away with the program, rather then fixing it.
For instance, I like having clean water and clean air, and safe food to drink and safe buildings, but the departments who are supposed to work to protect those things have created some poor situations, and so lots of people don;t trust them so that they then want to cut them, rather then attempt to fix them.
The solution is going to be a spiritual one, but our country is not ready for that. So we are in for rough times ahead.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Jan 25, 2018 - 10:51am PT
Well, Gary, at least you are civil about it. But who can deny the extreme fiscal recklessness of
the myriad city, county, and states who have put their citizenry under the cloud of roughly
$16 TRILLION in questionably funded pensions that likely will engender yuge new taxes and/or bond issues?
If you look into the figures, you'll see that the biggest pensions are going to politcos, like Ratso Rizzo. Until he got busted, he was in line for over half a million per year in pensions. Or America's sheriff from Orange County Mike Carona. After that crook got out of the federal pen he started getting his $215,000 per year pension.
But who is going to get their pension whacked? The state highway maintenance worker who after 30 years was in line to make $1400 per month.
Trad climber
South Pasadena, CA
Jan 25, 2018 - 11:20am PT
It seems there is a general epidemic of politicians supporting things that give immediate political benefit, things that people say they want, while not having to make the hard financial decisions of what else to give up to get it. It all gets kicked down the road to a general mixed up indebtedness and everyone can wipe there hands saying "yeah it's a problem, but it's not my fault." It's sort of like families that treat a credit card like money in their pocket.
Anyone with a backbone to make tough trade-offs will get voted out.
That said, I'm not a "government spending is bad" dogmatic person. I very much believe in using the government to manage spending for services that benefit society when an immediate profit motive will not trigger private industry to handle it. That might lead to quite a lot of government spending, but in the end there does have to be fiscal responsibility to work within sane parameters. A budget doesn't always have to be balanced in a given year if a chunk of that spending will lead to future growth of tax revenues (either through job creation or technology-based cost reductions or efficiencies), which will bring a future balance, or avert some short-term disaster. A balanced budget is one of a government's goals, but not necessarily the most important one in any given year.
I would aggressively explore reducing future pension commitments, but I would not cut existing commitments. People build their lives around those commitments, and have very few options when the commitments are not met.
Trad climber
South Pasadena, CA
Jan 25, 2018 - 12:29pm PT
Jody, I think the point that you are not latching onto, is that your ability to make money and have a good life is because of a fabric of society woven together from many pieces that are paid for by government services. Some are easy to see an immediate value for, such as roads and defense from international armies. Others are more difficult because they relate to the sociopath-economic wellbeing of a majority of citizens, a mechanism for the marginalized members of our society to be managed in some fashion, and in general to promote a law-abiding society (which requires fewer people to be living in desperation where they disregard laws and rights of others, and it requires more educated people to stand up against the rising tide of robber-barrons that take advantage of ignorant (not necessarily stupid) people).
The steel in your guns, and the machining tools to make them, and the oil to lubricate them, and all the things in your comfortable life were created at a price you can afford in part because of the good things of capitalism and greed, but also in part because of the counterbalancing forces of unions and government regulations that created a middle class that created a market for luxury items you enjoy at a modest price. The world is interconnected and interdependent, and the more we try to pretend that our personal success is the result of our own industry without recognizing the contributions of others, the more our guiding map diverges from reality and creates a gap that will some day be closed in a violent manner.
Relying on small government and personal magnanimity for taking care of the struggling/incompetent members of society isn’t enough. But we all have our views, and can talk around them for ages without shifting perspectives. Sometimes I forget and still try.
Gym climber
A dingy corner in your refrigerator
Jan 25, 2018 - 12:35pm PT
^^^^^^^ x one thousand
edit : nut again .....You could flop at my place Friday eve if that need arises. I'm 7 miles south of I-40
John M
Jan 25, 2018 - 12:43pm PT
BTW, way to address the content of my post.
you didn't acknowledge my last post where I clearly stated that I didn't mind trimming things besides the military. But if we are going to trim things then should include the military. So why should anyone pay attention to what you say?
Edit: great post nutagain
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Jan 25, 2018 - 12:56pm PT
I do thank the DEMOCRATIC governor...
Don't be so fast, Jody.
California Governor Jerry Brown said legal rulings may clear the way for making cuts to public pension benefits, which would go against long-standing assumptions and potentially provide financial relief to the state and its local governments.
Brown said he has a "hunch" the courts would "modify" the so-called California rule, which holds that benefits promised to public employees can’t be rolled back. The state’s Supreme Court is set to hear a case in which lower courts ruled that reductions to pensions are permissible if the payments remain “reasonable” for workers.
"There is more flexibility than there is currently assumed by those who discuss the California rule,” Brown said during a briefing on the budget in Sacramento. He said that in the next recession, the governor “will have the option of considering pension cutbacks for the first time.” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-01-10/california-s-brown-raises-prospect-of-pension-cuts-in-downturn
Please note that when the judges strike down pension benefits, they exempt themselves from those cuts.
The case that could weaken the California Rule stems from a “pension reform” law state legislators passed in 2012.
The law cut pensions and raised the retirement ages for new government employees and banned “pension spiking” for existing workers.
Judges, who generally have benefited from past public pension rulings, were exempted.
“They stuck it to pretty much everybody except the judges,” said Gregg McLean Adam, who is representing unions in the case. http://www.latimes.com/projects/la-me-pension-legal/
The Wastelands
Jan 25, 2018 - 02:52pm PT
Jody, for the now 5th time request prove your statement that
"the Dems support and people and countries that support Sharia Law"
prove it, Jody, in detail and with credible source links to show how you made this up and lied
John M
Jan 25, 2018 - 03:15pm PT
3. Socialist Sponging off working people
Its not socialism to work for the government.
I don't believe that Jody is lazy. He does in my opinion behave in ways that are antithetical to being a Christian, but I will leave that one.
I wish that everyone would try a little more to deal with the issues, rather then the person. Otherwise we will just keep going round and round.
Fresno, CA
Jan 25, 2018 - 03:24pm PT
These forums are god damn echo chambers. Everybody is always trying to be the benevolent moral authority on every subject by regurgitating last nights CNN segment.
In 2020 Trump will win...again. Get over it.
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Jan 25, 2018 - 03:26pm PT
John M! Re your thoughts:
Otherwise we will just keep going round and round.
I thought that was the nature of political threads on ST, until the name-calling gets ugly & the thread gets nuked by ST management.
Then someone who appears to be bored & has an axe to grind, starts a new one.
John M
Jan 25, 2018 - 03:35pm PT
Its currently the nature of America.. Thats too bad. It means we have some more ugliness to go through as a country.
Change begins at home. It begins in the heart. Thats part of what I meant about change requiring a spiritual impetus. Thats one of the things Jesus was teaching. Another is love your neighbor as yourself. We don't appear to do a very good job of loving ourselves, so its not a surprise that we don't really love our neighbors. When I say "we", I don't just mean the taco, but the taco is a microcosm of America. The trolls rule the house.
Edit: some will say that they love themselves, but is a person really loving themselves if they hate on their neighbor, thus putting themselves in a neighborhood of hate.
Trad climber
Marshell islands atoll
Jan 25, 2018 - 04:26pm PT
Same old Supertopo I haven't missed much it looks like?
Jan 25, 2018 - 04:30pm PT
These forums are god damn echo chambers.
Everybody is always trying to be the benevolent moral authority on every subject by regurgitating last nights CNN segment.
Yep .... nothing but st00pid brainwashed idiot politards here like cattle eating grass outside the slaughterhouse.
Brainless idiots believing all that horsesh!t they are fed every day by that st00pid brainwashed controlled mainstream media ......
in the land of the blind
Jan 25, 2018 - 07:57pm PT
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jan 25, 2018 - 08:31pm PT
The prez says he's not afraid to testify under oath but last June he ordered Mueller to be fired...So brave and confidant...
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Jan 25, 2018 - 08:37pm PT
RJ! I agree! There's nothing like Trump!
in the land of the blind
Jan 25, 2018 - 08:40pm PT
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Jan 26, 2018 - 07:15am PT
Gary, DEMOCRATIC governor(Gray Davis) and DEMOCRATIC legislature passed the law in the first place.
Jody, true enough, but as noted a Democratic governor is now on the side of cutting promised pensions.
I've already been through this with my baker's pension. Due to the greed of the owners of Hostess brands, who took a profitable company and ran it into the ground while lining their pockets, while at the same time screwing over workers and the owners of other bakeries in the system.
Don't count on your pension, Jody. They'll steal it and not think twice about it.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 26, 2018 - 08:02am PT
in the land of the blind
Jan 26, 2018 - 08:22am PT
The individual tax reductions are measly and temporary, and only meant as a diversion from the congressional Republicans true aim of rewarding their wealthy benefactors.
The corporations have little intention of using their huge and permanent tax reductions for job creation (as the tax bill was touted by Republicans) and so to avoid blowback they create their own diversion of trumpeting their generous one-time bonuses to current employees.
And of course tools like Jody just lap it up and even go out and promote the benevolent generosity of our corporate overlords—idiots.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 26, 2018 - 08:29am PT
No liberal is gripping about pensions, I wish everyone had one.
We are gripping about the hypocrisy of the conservatives that set the system up to fail, and are just saying too bad, you lose.
They should have put that money in "Lock Box" so it was there when the time came.
And the hypocrisy of the conservatives bashing public service/Government jobs, liberals have no problem with them and we think the rich should pay more in taxes to fund Government Jobs and programs
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 26, 2018 - 08:34am PT
Restoring confidence in and respect for America WRONG
so we have another paid troll
with a list of Fascist propaganda
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 26, 2018 - 08:39am PT
a BS answer for everything
and they should keep paying your pension, right?
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Jan 26, 2018 - 08:48am PT
Increase of the GDP above 3 percent.
The U.S. economy slowed at the end of last year, once again unable to sustain 3% growth for very long in a trend that has plagued the recovery from the Great Recession.
The 2.6% figure for the October-December period reported Friday by the Commerce Department — the first of three estimates in the coming weeks — was down from 3.2% in the previous quarter and below analyst expectations.
Jan 26, 2018 - 08:56am PT
St00pid looker has no clue.
CHP never used those dumb azz Streethawk lightbars in the above photo.
St00pid looker is an internet mental speculator troll with zero clues on anything .....
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 26, 2018 - 09:52am PT
The pension money was spent already, Republican policies would not allow the money to be put in a lock box
the Dems are just trying to salvage what they can by restructuring pensions
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jan 26, 2018 - 10:33am PT
Any contract is just a work order for a good lawyer.
Grey Matter
Jan 26, 2018 - 11:05am PT
"BTW, I paid plenty into my own retirement fund over 27 years."
1. What percent of your pay went into this fund, each year of those 27 years?????
2. Did you backpay for all the years before 2001 when Gray Davis the corrupt moron RETROACTIVELY increased your pension 50% ?
No, I didn't think so.
3. Why were CHP pensions fine at a 2% per year formula for the previous many decades,
but suddenly in 2001 CHP deserved a 3% per year formula?
Answer: Corrupt ripoff by "fake" unions. (State & local government lobbyist gangs who have no opposition)
4. What percent of your CHP pay was deducted to go into OASDI, (Social security + SSI + Disability) compared to the 6.2% employee + 6.2% employer that everyone else in the country has to pay? (12.4% OASDI + 2.9% Medicare)? Or even what percent went into a separate state fund to pay the outrageously high number of state safety personnel who retire on disability? (Don't give me some standard fake union tripe about how Social Security pensions are the equivalent of Cal state/county/city pensions when we all know that for middle class seniors, Social security benefits are about 1/4 as generous.)
answer: ZERO.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jan 26, 2018 - 11:30am PT
Russians got tens of thousands of Americans to RSVP for their phony political events on Facebook
The Wastelands
Jan 26, 2018 - 01:07pm PT
in the land of the blind
Jan 26, 2018 - 01:14pm PT
2018! Biatches!
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 26, 2018 - 01:15pm PT
Yes, Satan does live it well
But to be the most hated man on the planet!!
and the most vile, ignorant, moronic, ugly hateful and so many other adjectives....
a King only the fascists can admire
He will fall soon
Trad climber
Jan 26, 2018 - 01:15pm PT
How's that Trump guy working out for you?
(proceeds to list a bunch of sh#t that doesn't effect anyone)
First you list a literal non-event.
Banging porn stars? Oh noes! That means less porn stars for the rest of us!
3 wives? Oh noes! He doesn't have a fake political marriage like Billary!
Bankruptcies? Oh noes! He stiffed a bank who tried to screw him!
"dozens of sexual assault charges" yeah except that never happened. A charge is, well let's quote a legal dictionary:
To impose a burden, duty, obligation, or lien; to create a claim against property; to assess; to demand; to accuse; to instruct a jury on matters of law. To impose a tax, duty, or trust. To entrust with responsibilities and duties (e.g., care of another). In commercial transactions, to bill or invoice; to purchase on credit. In Criminal Law, to indict or formally accuse.
An encumbrance, lien, or claim; a burden or load; an obligation or duty; a liability; an accusation. A person or thing committed to the care of another. The price of, or rate for, something.
So, as to how well Trump is working for us, how about talking policy instead of this bullsh#t?
Trad climber
Jan 26, 2018 - 01:17pm PT
2018! Biatches! Oh boy, here we go again.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 26, 2018 - 01:19pm PT
you're a real sh#t spewer aren't you
all that stuff you post is pure right wing State Propaganda Fed Fake News
If we already know the facts, and you post lies opposing the facts, then it makes you look like Russian bot here to spread lies
The very mention of Hillary at this point is a really revealing
Fake marriage?? are you serious!
You must really love Trump, that makes you one of the 34% of the population
that are true Authoritarian followers, read John Dean "Conservatives without Conscience"
Deflection of the many TRUE allegations by posting BS
Name one Republican policy beside tax cuts that has helped you personally?
There are none, that's fact
The only policies that help real people are from the other side, the Republicans work to block them.
His polices suck as much as he does
But that's the same with all Republican policies, they are all bad
in the land of the blind
Jan 26, 2018 - 01:22pm PT
Trad climber
Jan 26, 2018 - 01:28pm PT
Fake marriage?? are you serious!
LOL, are you? It's a marriage of convenience if there ever was one. You can't get anywhere in politics single. The social conservatives won't go for it.
You must really love Trump
This is the world you live in: either you're with us or against us. Here, look in the mirror:
Trad climber
The Town, CA
Jan 26, 2018 - 01:28pm PT
for any devs out there...as a consumer, i would GLADLY pay $50-$100 year for an app that deletes all mention of the rapist-in-chief from all sites i visit.
there has got to be a way to do this and the reward would rock~
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jan 26, 2018 - 01:28pm PT
As usual, some erudite takes on the issues affecting us.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 26, 2018 - 01:30pm PT
I'm against you and Trump
Is Trump's marriage a marriage of convenience as well?
Must be
Trump has proven to fail at everything he has done, but he lies about so people believe he is a success, it's as simple as that
Trad climber
Jan 26, 2018 - 01:35pm PT
I'm against you and Trump
LOL, why would you even state this? Why would anyone care? Woop de dooooooo
Is Trump's marriage a marriage of convenience as well?
Must be
Wrong: here's the correct answer: NOBODY CARES!
Trump has proven to fail at everything he has done, but he lies about so people believe he is a success, it's as simple as that
Objectively untrue, but more to the point: Trump is living on your head rent free. Why?
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 26, 2018 - 01:39pm PT
everyone cares about what our President does and says
and he lied more than 2000 times during his first year
he lies about everything
that makes him the worst f-ing president EVER
and a LIAR
and a adulterer
and a mobster
and in cahoots with Russia
I don't give a sh#t what you may have gotten from him, because I'm sure it's some scam that screws some one else down the line
Trad climber
Jan 26, 2018 - 01:40pm PT
LOL, seek help, Craig. You're obsessed like a jilted lover, except Trump doesn't even know you.
Again, why not talk about policy instead of all this buuuuuulllshiiiiiiit
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 26, 2018 - 01:42pm PT
Why don't you address the TRUE allegations
we already said his policies suck
Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Jan 26, 2018 - 01:44pm PT
and in cahoots with Russia
Is Russia really that dangerous?
Trad climber
Jan 26, 2018 - 01:44pm PT
Why don't you address the TRUE allegations
'cause they're allegations, and 'cause it doesn't affect me.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 26, 2018 - 01:49pm PT
If Trump is lying, then it affects you
Because your president is a Liar and will have to step down
The law is the law
It's unlawful to have foreign Nations help your campaign
The law is pretty straight forward
Trump broke that law
and the laundering Russian money is against the3 law as well
Trad climber
Jan 26, 2018 - 01:51pm PT
Because your president is a Liar and will have to step down
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 26, 2018 - 02:00pm PT
The Clintons did not lie 2000 times in their first year
so it's going to be the "what about Hillary" defense for all questions?
so lame
The new Godwin's law is;
The first person that brings up the Clintons loses
You lost
I can care less about what the Clintons did, but I do care about the lies you guys repeat about them, it makes you liars
It's pathetic
Trad climber
Jan 26, 2018 - 02:04pm PT
Oh, I lost by the rules you just made up?
The point of my post, since it went over your head, is you have no principles. You're just whining about sh#t that doesn't affect you.
The first image shows Bill Clinton when he lied about a bunch of bullshit I didn't care about, but somehow this lie doesn't fall under your rule of "Because your president is a Liar and will have to step down" (funny how you also labeled him *my* President as if he isn't either OUR President or neither yours nor mine since neither of us voted for him).
The second image shows Hillary Clinton, supposedly the MUCH better POTUS choice, saying "What difference does it make?!"
Jan 26, 2018 - 02:13pm PT
The whataboutisms are a fool’s trap. It’s not worth playing along.
Keep your eyes on the prize, the man with the power now.
Trad climber
Jan 26, 2018 - 02:17pm PT
the man with the power
Who is the man with the power? Politicians don't even draft legislation in this country; lobbyists do. They don't run the country; the service sector does. They don't interpret the law, either.
The most important person you'll ever vote for is your local Sheriff.
in the land of the blind
Jan 26, 2018 - 02:21pm PT
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Jan 26, 2018 - 02:24pm PT
I have realized that liberals do not want anybody to have more money than what they deem necessary for that individual to have.
Jody, you got that backwards. The plutocrats running this country want you to have no more than is necessary for you to serve their purposes. As a matter of fact, they like it when the government subsidizes their employees for them, like Walmart, for instance.
I can't figure out why Americans think that it is OK for someone who works 40 hour weeks to need food stamps and section 8 housing to survive.
And for those wondering, Jody contributed about 8% of his pay towards his retirement.
in the land of the blind
Jan 26, 2018 - 02:32pm PT
Jan 26, 2018 - 02:35pm PT
Jan 26, 2018 - 02:17pm PT
the man with the power
Who is the man with the power? Politicians don't even draft legislation in this country; lobbyists do. They don't run the country; the service sector does. They don't interpret the law, either.
The most important person you'll ever vote for is your local Sheriff.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Jan 26, 2018 - 02:35pm PT
The most important person you'll ever vote for is your local Sheriff.
Because only the local sheriff has any constitutional power?
Today, under a national emergency the Sheriff is both the first and last line of defense should our government go rouge;
Interesting. What if the government goes orange?
John M
Jan 26, 2018 - 02:41pm PT
I have realized that liberals do not want anybody to have more money than what they deem necessary for that individual to have. Kingslut and splatter and others have demonstrated that ONLY the government knows how to spend my money for charitable purposes and they resent the fact I think I can do more good for humanity by having the government take less of it.
Unbelievable the childish jealousy they are showing. Embarrassing really.
aw Jody.. I don't know why you come to these conclusions, except you have judged liberals falsely.
Liberals don't care if you have money. They want money too. The reason that they want government to be involved in helping people is because they do not trust every person to give liberally. Your argument that you could do it better as an individual is the same argument that those people who oppose social security use. They say that they can invest their money better then the government can. They ignore the hard truth that most people could not and would not be disciplined enough to invest and save for their retirement. So if we did away with social security, then people would starve. The same would be true if we as a people stopped funding such programs as food stamps. People would starve. Because while you may be generous, most people either aren't or are not disciplined enough to save enough money to be able to donate on a regular basis.
The basis of this truth is easy to see on the taco. Popular people who are well know have come here needing money for health reasons, and they raise a decent amount of money. Less known people, or people who are shy about interacting with others have shown up and raised much less money. These people often end up doing without the help that they need. The givers are the same group of people. The need is just as great, but the outcome is much different.
Liberals want to try to balance that outcome.
Does their effort go too far at times and become out of balance?
Yes of course.
Just as many of the important things that conservatives hold dear, such as security, also get out of balance.
I believe that you have said in the past that you would not mind cutting the military. So perhaps you can see what I mean when I say that conservatives desires also get out of balance. Should we just give everyone their money back and let each individual decide how to spend their money on security and defense? Of course not. The collective can do it better as a whole. Liberals believe this about social concerns.
Edit: Even capitalism supports this understanding. Mass production reduces costs and produces more outcome. Sometimes mass production produces some poor outcomes and individuals can do it better, but on the whole mass production produces more good for everyone.
Trad climber
Jan 26, 2018 - 02:49pm PT
Interesting. What if the government goes orange?
I'm not even sure what this means. Trump is one man who probably garnered most of his support simply by not being Hillary.
Jan 26, 2018 - 02:57pm PT
The whataboutisms are a fool’s trap. It’s not worth playing along.
Keep your eyes on the prize, the man with the power now.
The CA home turf of the MAGA man are lit up on Hillery on my FB. Quite a few have posted something crooked about what Hillery is said to have done. This has essentially been going on since the news was broke that Mueller would question the MAGA man. Bako is essentially a fool's trap...
Mountain climber
Jan 26, 2018 - 10:08pm PT
aw Jody.. I don't know why you come to these conclusions, except you have judged liberals falsely.
come on John. You should have figured out by now that jody, like most conservatives, is paranoid. they are always afraid of their short comings, so they have to blame it on someone else.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jan 26, 2018 - 10:21pm PT
U.S. economic growth slowed in 2017’s fourth quarter, missing Trump’s targets
This has important implications for conservatives. They have bet the economic stability of the US on the concept that we will grow our way out of our deficit. Guys like John E. told us, and signed public letters of support, that the economic growth rate will be in the 4-6 percent, which will be necessary to pay the way.
the liberal economists said it would not happen, and the country would be saddled with more debt, and potentially pushed into a recession.
Watch out!
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jan 26, 2018 - 10:22pm PT
A mostly benign report on the U.S. economy does have one big red flag
The savings rate has been this low only one other time in history, when the popularity of home-equity lines of credit soared in 2005, at the peak of the housing boom.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jan 26, 2018 - 10:26pm PT
Will RNC return Steve Wynn’s donations after calling on DNC to return Harvey Weinstein’s?
The bombshell report sent shares of Wynn resort tumbling more than 10% and the company’s board said it was forming a special committee to investigate the allegations.
The article also shined a harsh spotlight on the Republican Party.
A top GOP donor and close friend of President Trump, Wynn is the chair of the Republican National Committee’s Finance Committee.
The Las Vegas icon’s 2005 encounter with the manicurist led to a $7.5 million payoff, according to The Wall Street Journal.
The incident was one of several sickening episodes described by more than 150 current or former Wynn employees.
Grey Matter
Jan 26, 2018 - 11:18pm PT
"Will RNC return Steve Wynn’s donations after calling on DNC to return Harvey Weinstein’s?"
What would you expect from the Repo-hypocrit party?
They will claim Clinton forced Wynn to do it.
Bruce Morris
Trad climber
Soulsbyville, California
Jan 26, 2018 - 11:33pm PT
CHP has pretty good benefits funded by the taxpayers of Cali. Odd, when members of a public employee union with excellent medical and retirement benefits attack the government that pays them. Sort of like members of the Prison Guards Union who voted for DT. Are cops and prison guards the only ones entitled to "Rockin' Chair Money"? I hear where Governor Brown is going to nail those prison guards pretty soon. Make them work till they're 57. Rough life. Maybe CHP officers should patrol the freeways till they're 70? You want to get some value out of those cheap SOBs.
John M
Jan 27, 2018 - 08:32am PT
A lot of jobs are dangerous and have their difficulties. See how many guys who do construction have messed up backs. Try living in old age with a messed up back. Try earning a living with a messed up back. Oh.. and plenty of construction workers die on the job. So its dangerous also. I had a backhoe rock 3 inches and it split my helmet, knocking me out cold and wrecking my neck. No benefits for me.
I know.. I know.. you will say thats my fault that I took a job without benefits.
But not everyone can get a job with benefits because not every job comes with benefits because... and thats the rub. Why don't they have benefits? Why did you get benefits? Do you even know? I'm betting that you just blow by that one without even acknowledging the reasons you have what you have.
Edit: You have a serious problem with acknowledging the past and the things that helped get you what you have. Like a caring public that wanted its workers to have a decent life. And would like all workers to have a decent life. But you don't give a sh#t about that. You got yours and now you want to keep others from getting theirs by doing away with things like unions, which helped you get what you have. Ungrateful is the word that comes to mind.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jan 27, 2018 - 08:38am PT
Morris....Jody would never make a living in the NBA...The guy can't spell basketball....Let's be glad he's got the calpers pension...
John M
Jan 27, 2018 - 08:43am PT
I stopped a mugging once. I must know what its like to be a cop.
Wade Icey
Trad climber
Jan 27, 2018 - 08:54am PT
Jokey, What was it that Jesus said about gun control?
Oh yeah, was it Matthew 25:34-36
Then the king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’?
What was it that Jesus said about dealing with idiots on the hiways?
Mark 12:41-44
He sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny. Then he called his disciples and said to them, ‘Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.’
We Libs are getting pretty tired of picking up the slack for you Zombiephiles.
Wade Icey
Trad climber
Jan 27, 2018 - 09:16am PT
"They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind"
Hosea 8-7
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 28, 2018 - 06:28am PT
Longnut Jan 26, 2018 - 08:31am PT
Re: Trump's First Year Accomplishments
Smoke and mirrors.
I’d be curious where you got that list from, as I am sure many of the items/issues could be reasonably disputed. And remember executive orders are not legislation, and in some cases not enforceable, just for show.
For one, economies are their own beasts, and look at it objectively, much of the upswing in the past two or so years are due to policies that Obama initiated, Trump is just reaping the benefits, so to speak.
I also agree with some posters that the bonuses many companies/corporations are dishing out to employees are nothing short of a PR stunt, and will not hurt their bottom line, whereas the tax cuts will certainly help their bottom line, big time.
Take a step back and look to see what Trump has really accomplished, if you dare to.
On another note, how does one bankrupt a casino? I would think that it would be quite difficult, that any competent businessperson would make a profit on a casino. I don’t really know, I do not gamble, I pulled a slot machine handle once somewhere in some small burg in Nevada in 1985, and that was it.
As well, let us take a hypothetical situation. What if the president of the United States had, in the past, been found to be laundering money for the mob – American mob, Russian mob, Mickey Mouse mob. How would you feel about that?
Just asking.
Back to the original question, where did you access that list of Trump’s “achievements”?
Wade Icey
Trad climber
Jan 28, 2018 - 09:29am PT
The Wastelands
Jan 28, 2018 - 09:37am PT
yet he got 85% of the hard core Christian evangelical vote....go figure
oh yes I forgot, the three G's..
God, Guns, and Gays gets em to vote Republican all the time
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jan 28, 2018 - 10:23am PT
The 3 G's and i'll add A+T , abortion and taxes...The conservative voters , some that are drawing SS , medicare , or using social services unwittingly demand that taxes be lowered foolishly thinking the cuts are for them...
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jan 28, 2018 - 08:57pm PT
The best line I heard today was that it will not be the Deep State that gets Trump, but he might be hit by the Deep Fryer.......
Mountain climber
Jan 28, 2018 - 09:51pm PT
Jealous any?
I argue that my job is at the top of the list for DESERVING the pay and benefits we got.
free donuts?
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Jan 28, 2018 - 10:03pm PT
RJ! Per your retort about Trump's supporters:
The 3 G's and i'll add A+T , abortion and taxes...The conservative voters , some that are drawing SS , medicare , or using social services unwittingly demand that taxes be lowered foolishly thinking the cuts are for them...
Don't forget to add a R for Racist & a BIG L for Losers!
I wish I could believe Trump supporters will be sorry, but with their beliefs & culture, they think they have a HUGE victory. (Maybe the only one since their High School football team had a winning season.)
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jan 29, 2018 - 08:45am PT
Trump has flip flopped about his account on trying to fire Mueller... When asked by reporters if he was considering firing Mueller , Trump stated it wasn't even a consideration...Now the truth has come out that Trump tried firing Mueller...Trump backed off when his attorney threatened to resign creating another PR disaster for the president... Kenneth Starr has called this an impeachable offense...
Grey Matter
Jan 29, 2018 - 10:40am PT
Here's how bad a republican gerrymander has to be before anything is done about it.
This particular gerrymander even has a name. Goofy kicking Donald.
"the Republican-controlled State House drew these lines -- or gerrymandered them -- to create as many safe Republican seats as possible.
Last election, Republicans won a little more than half (54%) of the statewide vote, but the lion's share of seats -- 13 out of 18, more than two-thirds."
Trad climber
Jan 29, 2018 - 01:42pm PT
The Trump supporters here on ST are not making anywhere near as much noise as they did in Trumps earlier months...
I wonder why that is???...
LOL, they probably have lives that don't revolve around Trump, unlike you.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 29, 2018 - 02:05pm PT
Hillary owns rent in his mind
What about Hillary!!! she did that thing that time....
look over there -->
don't look at the elephant in the room for God's sake
For Your information
The Whole World is talking about Trump because he is such a f-ing disaster at every level
A new train wreck every day
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Jan 29, 2018 - 03:02pm PT
a lot more voters were removed from ballot roles than trump won buy
all in predominantly democratic districts...
A a huge number of them were removed because? Because they do not actually vote in that district. Seems like those voters are a non-factor in Trump losing the popular vote.
The Wastelands
Jan 29, 2018 - 03:18pm PT
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jan 29, 2018 - 08:25pm PT
Why a White House plan to nationalize 5G data networks has spurred widespread backlash
The intelligence community views network equipment made by Chinese companies with ties to Beijing as insecure, officials said. But the government has rarely taken a direct role in building such networks, making the proposal remarkably ambitious.
Lets see---I thought conservatives were against Gov't control of anything, and here they propose nationalizing the phone and data systems.
They won't need search warrants any more, because the gov't will be the owner of the system.
yep, I like how conservatives want to stay out of the lives of people.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jan 29, 2018 - 08:32pm PT
a lot more voters were removed from ballot roles than trump won buy
all in predominantly democratic districts...
A a huge number of them were removed because? Because they do not actually vote in that district. Seems like those voters are a non-factor in Trump losing the popular vote.
Oh, no. they were far more clever about this. What they did was compare the voter roles with the list of felons in the state. If there was a match, they were deleted, but if there was a "near match", let's say the felon was named "John Bock", then also deleted if found, would be any J. Bock, any Jon Bocker, and of course, any Jon Beck.
Trad climber
Jan 29, 2018 - 08:40pm PT
Twitterers freaking out over the non-sanctions announcement and the nunes thing. Schindler wrote:
"Step back a bit. Ask yourself what's SO important that Nunes et al are willing to publicly destroy their reputations for, while undermining the HPSCI, the FBI, the IC, and the rule of law.
Then, clarity arrives.
Like a gut-punch"
and, in response to this one:
Peter Baker
Verified account @peterbakernyt
5h5 hours ago
Schiff says House Intelligence Committee Republicans have opened an investigation into the Justice Department and FBI.
Schindler wrote:
"This is coup-type sh#t -- don't kid yourself, peeps. I do NOT say that casually, as you know"
Commentary suggesting that there is very widescale corruption in place. Also, confidence that justice will prevail, but....well, let's hope. To take a bit from Edward Abbey.... "What have you got to lose?"
Trad climber
Jan 29, 2018 - 08:51pm PT
Are the FBI and DOJ beyond reproach?
It's an investigation. No 'coup' can take place due to an investigation. Witnesses will have to be called to Congress and examined under oath if any wrongdoing is found.
Boulder climber
Jan 29, 2018 - 09:05pm PT
A properly formed Praetorian Guard will never allow witnesses to testify against their emporer. Muller will be led to the forest for execution before it gets that far- ask Comey, Yates, and many others.
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Jan 29, 2018 - 09:09pm PT
How are all those coal mining jobs working out?
Trad climber
Jan 29, 2018 - 09:21pm PT
Comey is still tweeting, although it seems in a vain attempt to preserve his legacy. If he's aware of any wrongdoing he can be called to testify.
Trad climber
Jan 29, 2018 - 09:31pm PT
ya... I'm sure your side of the fence will spit on him and his lack of respect for aristocracies divine right to rule for ages to come...
Who are you talking to?
Trad climber
Jan 29, 2018 - 09:37pm PT
I'm talking to the sadists who gets their kicks off hurting defenseless people and who finds conformity to the modern conservative movement the best avenue to access the marks he fiends for!
Trad climber
Jan 29, 2018 - 09:47pm PT
Yeah, Comey sounds so desperate.
I don't get Comey at all. He appears to be defending McCabe because that's who he appointed to succeed him, but why say anything? Why not just let everything play out without butting in?
Does McCabe have something over him? I hope everything comes out with the shitstorm, but honestly I'm afraid the partisan bickering is going to drown out the real story like this indictment which originated from an FBI informant William Campbell who was supposedly laundering money used as a bribe in the Uranium One deal:
state of being
Jan 29, 2018 - 09:48pm PT
Keep on fantasizing, Ballo. It is at least mildly entertaining.
A single tweet on the day McCabe steps down is not butting in. Sheesh.
Trad climber
Jan 29, 2018 - 10:21pm PT
A single tweet on the day McCabe steps down is not butting in. Sheesh.
Butting in? I never said he was butting in, or that he has no right to. All I'm saying is he's not being silenced.
I don't know why he's tweeting, however. It makes no sense to me.
Trad climber
Jan 29, 2018 - 10:39pm PT
the uranium deal which only affected who owned the profits of driving ore from one American facility to another?
So why would Russia care to bribe officials in the first place?
There is a federal case and indictments are going down. This much is fact. We'll see where it heads, but at least this is a solid indictment not a bunch of partisan hot air.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 30, 2018 - 08:31am PT
Trump refuses to apply Russia sanctions
Now who is more complicit with Russia?
Hillary that had nothing to do with the sale of Uranium to a Company that was not allowed to sell it outside of the US.
Or Trump who has borrowed, laundered, or taken 100s of millions of Russian Money and has Quid Pro Quo for stopping the Russian sanctions for the Russian help in the elections
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 30, 2018 - 08:33am PT
A business associate of President Trump promised in 2015 to engineer a real estate deal with the aid of the president of Russia, Vladimir V. Putin, that he said would help Mr. Trump win the presidency.
The associate, Felix Sater, wrote a series of emails to Mr. Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, in which he boasted about his ties to Mr. Putin. He predicted that building a Trump Tower in Moscow would highlight Mr. Trump’s savvy negotiating skills and be a political boon to his candidacy.
“Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Mr. Sater wrote in an email. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”
Ice climber
hartford, ct
Jan 30, 2018 - 08:49am PT
Nytimes is the flip side of infowars, both are probably produced in the same basement.
It's all lies.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 30, 2018 - 08:54am PT
All Lies!
Info Wars is all lies, the NY Times is not
Find one lie on todays NYT front page
if you can't, it's you that is the liar
and BTW, almost all the media outlets posted the same story, not just the NYT
which makes it not a lie
since it was actual e-mails that were intercepted
Because TRUMP was Under investigation by the FBI
Jan 30, 2018 - 08:59am PT
Craig, it’s pointless to explain the difference between infowars and nyt to someone.
Ice climber
hartford, ct
Jan 30, 2018 - 10:10am PT
You guys are amusing.... nonetheless...
I will go look for evil Russian boogeymen from the 80's out on my chemtrail/Jade helm research trip.
Once I get back from the ark on the moon that is...
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 30, 2018 - 10:23am PT
The only ones thinking that this Russia thing is a conspiracy are the conspiracy nut jobs
and the fake news, the lairs for Trump, the right wing propaganda machine, Alex Jones and his infowar cult, retarded folks, morons, idiots and con artists
so if you believe them, you are an idiot
every intelligence agency in the entire World say Russia intervened to help Trump win
To say they didn't means you have your own intelligence agency and you researched it completely and found no wrong doing, or you are a complete dupe for the propaganda
what is it that you FEAR, fear
Ice climber
hartford, ct
Jan 30, 2018 - 10:26am PT
You must be a riot at parties Craig......
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 30, 2018 - 10:28am PT
This is not a party, it's a campfire
I usually stay quiet unless I see injustice
and I ALWAYS call out lying when I see it
Ice climber
hartford, ct
Jan 30, 2018 - 10:40am PT
You can have opinions about things Craig without calling people idiots.
You might hurt their feelings. I'd be sad.
Or perhaps I am a Russian spy! Bwaaaahaaahaaaa!
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 30, 2018 - 10:47am PT
You should educate yourself so your opinoins are not the same as an idiot's
The Wastelands
Jan 30, 2018 - 11:05am PT
fear stated
Nytimes is the flip side of infowars, both are probably produced in the same basement.
It's all lies.
how so, fear?
list some of the "lies" the Times has told recently and then compare that to the Infowars lies
Ice climber
hartford, ct
Jan 30, 2018 - 11:31am PT
You guys are working yourselves into a lather over this Russia nonsense... The same way people worked themselves up over Benghazi or emails or whatever.
Nothing ever changes, nobody ever goes to jail. All this focus on the puppet in chief is circus and spectacle for the masses. The "Russian collusion" thing though was particularity laughable... I'm waiting for yet another Rocky movie where he can battle the evil Russian guy again.
You've got a loud mouthed orange guy who sells his brand name for $$$. Nothing wrong with that if you're into Vegas real estate or solid-gold toilet seats and embroidered crapper paper but he's hardly some deep dark figure in multi-national crime rings. He's a clown and all of these absurd claims making him out to be more than that are just silly. He's not that bright.
Trad climber
Jan 30, 2018 - 11:41am PT
Ballo Replied:
Butting in? I never said he was butting in, or that he has no right to. when someone said "one Tweet in a day is not butting in."
which was in response to Ballo's post that included:
....but why say anything? Why not just let everything play out without butting in?
Sure read like you felt he was "butting in" when I read it. But hey, the new normal is to deny what has been said or written in print, even only moments after having said or written it....
Comey posts because he is standing in solidarity with those he worked with, and for. He's chosen a side, and when history is written, wants ti be clear which one that was. If you haven't noticed, a very GOOD number of people have gone on record with statements that are what we would call "PC," but clearly indicate their feelings on what is going on.
state of being
Jan 30, 2018 - 01:04pm PT
Ballo appears to have a short term memory problem.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 30, 2018 - 01:14pm PT
You guys are working yourselves into a lather over this Russia nonsense... The same way people worked themselves up over Benghazi or emails or whatever. We are not the same people
The people that deny the Trump collusion are the same people that created a sh#t storm over Benghazi and the e-mails
Can you see the connection??
what these people scream about are conspiracies and cover ups, and on the same side as you apparently, since you agree with them on the Russia thing
It's all about demonizing the opposition and defending the team no matter how evil.
This Trump Russia thing will become huge, just let the pieces fall.
To call it now as fake News is BS.
in the land of the blind
Jan 30, 2018 - 01:18pm PT
The entire list of Trump/Russia connections is on the site linked below. Someone like Ballo or fear can go through the list cherry-picking and saying, “this and this and that don’t prove anything,” and “because Hillary,” or ”because Bill Clinton” or “they’re all the same,” or “blah blah blah fake news,” but that doesn’t change the fact that this is not normal and taken as a whole it is very clear that some pretty f*#ked up sh#t has been happening to this country.
If you refuse to see that, you are not a spy, just another one of Putin’s useful idiots.
This is just what we know. I wonder what else Mueller has uncovered.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Jan 30, 2018 - 02:02pm PT
You guys are working yourselves into a lather over this Russia nonsense... The same way people worked themselves up over Benghazi or emails or whatever.
Nothing ever changes, nobody ever goes to jail. All this focus on the puppet in chief is circus and spectacle for the masses. The "Russian collusion" thing though was particularity laughable... I'm waiting for yet another Rocky movie where he can battle the evil Russian guy again.
You've got a loud mouthed orange guy who sells his brand name for $$$. Nothing wrong with that if you're into Vegas real estate or solid-gold toilet seats and embroidered crapper paper but he's hardly some deep dark figure in multi-national crime rings. He's a clown and all of these absurd claims making him out to be more than that are just silly. He's not that bright.
Bread and circuses, brother, except they are trying to eliminate the bread nowadays, all circus.
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Jan 30, 2018 - 02:09pm PT
He is a clown. That is why the Russians pulled his strings. They went all in when they realized he was so easy to manipulate.
Ice climber
hartford, ct
Jan 30, 2018 - 02:13pm PT
Omg.... turn off your teevees... think.
The Wastelands
Jan 30, 2018 - 02:38pm PT
Nytimes is the flip side of infowars, both are probably produced in the same basement.
It's all lies
is that so, "fear"?
list some of the "lies" the Times has told recently and then compare that to the Infowars lies
Big Wall climber
Jan 30, 2018 - 02:52pm PT
Could all of Trump's saber rattling with North Korea be what sparked the reunification talks with South Korea? I realize that years of economic sanctions, coupled with the North's famine exacerbated by those very sanctions be the tipping point that has led to this moment?
Could it be that Trump has pushed the north hard knowing that they, like the USSR, could not sustain an arms race for long before it broke them economically?
Might it be that Trump has fooled us all?
Jan 30, 2018 - 03:54pm PT
^^^No, only his supporters.^^^
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 30, 2018 - 03:58pm PT
A stopped clock is right twice a day
Trump stumbles upon some things not so terrible once in a while
Ice climber
Jan 30, 2018 - 04:36pm PT
Could it be that Trump has pushed the north hard knowing that they, like the USSR, could not sustain an arms race for long before it broke them economically?
One of Trump's advisors would be the instigator here not T himself.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Jan 30, 2018 - 05:27pm PT
Once they figure out they can be rich unifying with the South then it will end.
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jan 30, 2018 - 05:30pm PT
Reagans’s words didn’t do a thing but his ramping up of the arms race bankrupted them.
Also, not many Russians who fought in The Great Patriotic War were still around in the 80’s and the newer gens were sick of working for kopeks and not having anything to buy anyway.
Then Gorby made some fatal mistakes of loosening access to info and keeping the KGB in check.
That stuff isn’t directly comparable to N Korea. Besides, the USSR wasn’t run by crazy people.
The regime won’t get rich (they’re already rich) so what is their incentive to unite?
They’ll be down the road.
Jan 30, 2018 - 06:08pm PT
I’ve never watched very many under any president.
There is no way in hell I am going to watch that autocratic, narcissistic SOB lie lie lie.
Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Jan 30, 2018 - 06:15pm PT
In one of the bars I worked for State Of The Union, we'd hang a paper toilet seat cover over the TV so the President's face was looking out through it.
4 Corners Area
Jan 30, 2018 - 06:19pm PT
Pelosi is dressed for a funeral. Looks like she's about to cry:(
state of being
Jan 30, 2018 - 06:47pm PT
Could all of Trump's saber rattling with North Korea be what sparked the reunification talks with South Korea?
More like the Olympics has a lot to do with it.
Ice climber
Jan 30, 2018 - 06:51pm PT
The stink of the union address. P.U.
Fakest of all news.
Lies and rubbish.
Trad climber
Jan 30, 2018 - 06:54pm PT
I am watching in on the NYT website.
I may detest the man, but I like to be aware of what I can.
But so far, it kind of sounds like he's more campaign-promising rather than stating the Union
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jan 30, 2018 - 06:54pm PT
Oh, yeah, Rocket Boi is gonna roll over and let his tummy get rubbed just because of the Olympics.
Trad climber
Jan 30, 2018 - 06:59pm PT
Interesting....watching the faces in the audience.
Gym climber
A dingy corner in your refrigerator
Jan 30, 2018 - 07:06pm PT
Why does everyone he brings to the big screen look utterly embarrassed? Fill in the blank for you: What a ......?
John M
Jan 30, 2018 - 07:09pm PT
Fully fund the military? Make our nuclear weapons so great that no one will attack us? Huh..
Gym climber
A dingy corner in your refrigerator
Jan 30, 2018 - 07:10pm PT
Look at their faces bright boy.....
Gym climber
A dingy corner in your refrigerator
Jan 30, 2018 - 07:17pm PT
^^^^^Easy to make you look like an .......ha ha
Gym climber
A dingy corner in your refrigerator
Jan 30, 2018 - 07:19pm PT
Ok as you say. Live in your glory. Herr Trump !
Trad climber
Jan 30, 2018 - 07:25pm PT
He's telling a story right now of a person who fled his country(NK) fled form hunger, terror, abuse.
What irony.....
Gym climber
A dingy corner in your refrigerator
Jan 30, 2018 - 07:29pm PT
Anyone with a brain sees this shill. Sappy closing, a lie again. He has no interest for anyone whom doesn't serve him. You can see it in the faces of the people he singled out. They know they were used . Behind closed doors the big brokers make a deal. I honestly think Trump is classically amoral .He can't get outside of his own box except to grab the gold ring and have someone tell him he did good great bigly
John M
Jan 30, 2018 - 07:36pm PT
I didn't hear anything about making budget cuts. Just heard him say to fully fund the military, whatever that means. It sounds like spending more to me.
Edit: He said he wants to spend 1.5 trillion on infrastructure, plus fully fund the military.
Those both sound like spending to me. So where are the cuts going to come from? Will we have a balanced budget? Will the debt be cut?
My guess is not likely.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jan 30, 2018 - 07:54pm PT
I was extremely disappointed he didn't do any gay bashing , jew baiting , or " throw her in jail " chants...He's shifting too far to the left... Not sure if i'll vote for him again...? Gonna wait for my middle class tax break to kick in before i make any irrational decisions..rj
Mountain climber
La Mancha
Jan 30, 2018 - 08:00pm PT
Wow! Kennedy just gave his speech without teleprompters or notes. Words from his heart rather than the scripted crapnado trump delivered. Didn’t he say prompters were for losers?
Gym climber
A dingy corner in your refrigerator
Jan 30, 2018 - 08:01pm PT
OK I fess up Jody I did edit a post where I called you an idiot. I thought you would appreciate it.
The pen is mightier than the sword
your move
The Wastelands
Jan 30, 2018 - 08:03pm PT
hey Jody?
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Jan 30, 2018 - 08:35pm PT
I did not think I could dislike him any more than I already did. I was wrong.
in the land of the blind
Jan 30, 2018 - 09:21pm PT
For me it is his obvious demagoguery—every time I hear him speak it makes me cringe.
I can’t tolerate more than 30 seconds of this cross between Joseph McCarthy, Benito Mussolini, Dogberry, Baghdad Bob, Pennywise the Dancing Clown and the most doosh-nozzle-ish used-car salesman imaginable.
Because there are lies, damned lies and then there is Donald J. Trump.
Jan 30, 2018 - 09:31pm PT
You st00pid people caused trump.
It's your own st00pid fault.
You st00pid people can't even rid of him.
Shows you're even dumber than him ........
Mountain climber
Jan 30, 2018 - 09:37pm PT
that speech was boring as hell. more bloviating, and pompous posturing for his base.
in the land of the blind
Jan 30, 2018 - 10:00pm PT
Deep state immigrants are killing us for our beautiful, clean coal.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Jan 31, 2018 - 08:00am PT
How many Republicans applauded Obama for restoring the economy, putting people back to work and the incredible stock market ride? Obama did everything a Republican could ask for.
Trad climber
Jan 31, 2018 - 08:19am PT
It's unfortunate that so many people are completely wrapped up in rationalizing their hatred of the President of The United States. Granted, he's done plenty to generate animosity. But lately, he's stepped up. For instance, his immigration proposal is a worthwhile proposal. So what, if he wants his wall... he's raising the bar on Dreamer benefits. It's a compromise!
I'm still not convinced his tax plan the right move, but I keep reading about corporations announcing capital improvement plans as a result of the new law.
IMO, he delivered the goods last night. According to CBS, 75% of SOTU watchers approved of the speech, including 43% of Democrats and 72% of independents. Yet, all over social media, liberals are complaining about last night's SOTU.
I guess some folks are gonna complain no matter what. C'est la vie.
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Jan 31, 2018 - 08:57am PT
The guy is a giant Hollywood facade. He is banging porn stars and the religious right is just eating up his holier than thou bible babble. Would be funny if it wasn't so absolutely pathetic. When is Melania going to dump the chump.
And where was Barron? Donald is a worthless parent. A father does stuff with his kid. Something, anything, gotta at least try. Anyone who has been a dad knows this instinctively. he should take parenting lessons from Obama
Locker nails it, the state of the union was just another political rally where he got to receive applause. Get real Jody, the event was pure politics, quit pretending it was something else. At least the Dems had the decency not to yell "You Lie" every time a lie spewed forth from Chump's Big Mac Hole
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 31, 2018 - 08:58am PT
America is ripe for a civil war, Putin and the Chinese would love it.
The rightwhingers: I have been reading comments (some recent, some not so) from conservatives, right-wing ideologues, alt-right internet gurus, etc
Something to the effect of...
"Those liberal don't have guns, we'll clean up, we will slaughter those liberal snowflakes in a civil war."
Ah, but you see, with some exceptions, the right nuts have peas for brains.
The liberals have a more powerful weapon than guns… they have actual working intelligent brains and logic.
I am having fun, are you? And I await some senseless meme from… probably cosmic. Don't let me down Drain, I always need a good laugh.
The Wastelands
Jan 31, 2018 - 09:00am PT
Hey Jody?
Jan 31, 2018 - 09:02am PT
Democrats should accept the wall as part of a deal. It will never get built anyway.
Ice climber
hartford, ct
Jan 31, 2018 - 09:07am PT
"And where was Barron? Donald is a worthless parent. A father does stuff with his kid"
You expect these puppets to be good Dad's? I'd wager anyone who would want that position by definition wouldn't be a good parent/spouse/human-being.
too funny.
Trad climber
Orange Murica!
Jan 31, 2018 - 09:27am PT
Jody needs a 'date' with
Stormy Daniels for
family values!!!!!!!!!!!
Trad climber
Orange Murica!
Jan 31, 2018 - 10:22am PT
why so many cryings Jody???
why a be snowflake?
Trump will still give you a pony!!!
Trad climber
Orange Murica!
Jan 31, 2018 - 10:25am PT
so as an ex po-lice, do you support the Trump/GOP's distrust of the FBI??
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Jan 31, 2018 - 10:40am PT
Trump referred to himself ("I" or "we") 29 times last night in 1:20.
In Obama's first SOU address he referred to himself over 140 times in 1:09.
And you libtards say Trump is full of himself?
Context Jody, something you learn about in college
The Wastelands
Jan 31, 2018 - 11:03am PT
Also, decision-making is NOT something you learn in college.
how would you know?
where did you go to college and in what field did you get your bachelors degree in, Jody?
by the way....
Trad climber
Jan 31, 2018 - 11:26am PT
"Yarr,. everything orange man says is evil!"
Yeah, this isn't Manichean in the least.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Here are a couple more unhinged responses, but this time form an MSNBC reporter (I'm starting to think the blue checkmark is a sign of mental retardation) and the ACLU who apparently have forgotten what the 'A' stands for.
Larry Nelson
Social climber
Jan 31, 2018 - 01:09pm PT
It's all about the optics.
Who you point to moving through the crowd...the props in the audience during the speech...politicians comically trying to decide whether to stand while applauding...or decide how long to applaud...or to even applaud at all...posing for the optics, and most speeches during our lifetimes have been similar.
I saw a clip of the vulnerable Democrat from West Virginia starting to stand after one of Trumps comments. Halfway on his feet he looked around at his colleages, then quickly sat back down and slowed his clapping.
And speaking of optics...
Did Trump's team set up the optics of the Democrat response?
A white male, from a family of famous philanderers, who inherited great wealth.
A Kennedy, in front of a 60's broken down car, in a place called Fall River.
It's America. It's all entertainment.
Jan 31, 2018 - 01:17pm PT
It's America. It's all entertainment
St00pid Americans.........
Trad climber
Jan 31, 2018 - 01:19pm PT
What's entertaining is listening to someone who bangs porn stars take the moral high ground.
Trad climber
Jan 31, 2018 - 01:35pm PT
Did Trump's team set up the optics of the Democrat response?
You may as well ask if Trump's team got the Democrats to run a corporate whore and quite possibly the most corrupt person alive to run against him.
Trad climber
Jan 31, 2018 - 01:41pm PT
Barron was at the event, next to his mother.
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Jan 31, 2018 - 01:44pm PT
A tRump supporter calling HC a "corporate whore"...
Oh the irony
Trad climber
South Pasadena, CA
Jan 31, 2018 - 01:46pm PT
Lennox, that link is interesting. I suspect loyalty and obedience would be more desirable qualities in candidates, whereas intelligence could be seen as a risk factor leading to a person who questions orders and strategies and is not a team player.
Jan 31, 2018 - 02:17pm PT
The leaked memo xCon posted is hilarious.
in the land of the blind
Jan 31, 2018 - 02:28pm PT
Most police departments want applicants that have average IQ scores. The idea being that they will be less likely to become bored and either quit early (which would be a waste of the cost of training) or become corrupt.
The problem with that is pretty obvious. Average people are less likely to respond to difficult circumstances in above average ways. And as they rise through the ranks it is less likely that they, as leaders, will be able to create innovative solutions to old and new problems. They are more likely to believe that the best way to shut up those whiny, cop hating Black Lives Matter folks is to increase the beatings (and shootings) until morale improves.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 31, 2018 - 03:20pm PT
I do not know. I try and to make sense out of things, but it can be confusing, so I have to rely on the natural judgment I was both with and my mother's good sense and advise.
Things are not right in America. Duh, it did not take a genius to figure that out. I look in and I see a very dysfunctional society. A polarized society. On one hand, being a 'diversive' society is welcomed, many minds thinking of many solutions, so to speak.
But diversive (follow on me this please) does not necessarily mean divided. Quite the opposite. Diversive minds tend to be cooperative, because they have looked at all the possible angles.
But a divided society? Trump, and I pick on him be he is POTUS and the face of America. He is not diversive, he is divisive. Counter with any false arguments if you well, but just look at his words and actions. That is not an unifying statesman.
He relies on division. He is a fool and yet his is no fool. Conundrum. He has never perfected the art of the deal, but what he has, with his handlers, has perfected the art of smoke and mirrors.
Trump supporters, the guy is pulling your tail. Yes, other politicians and ***(see below) have tried and or done it.
I have written nothing new, I may be preaching to the choir. But if I can even raise one thought of consciousness with those who think Trump is the 'biz', then maybe I have not failed.
I know you conservative people have your beliefs, dogma, ideals, etc etc etc and such. And they should be listened to, considered, that is democracy.
But blindly following an ideologue, who has not your interests or values at heart. Cannot you do better.?
***(see below)
That was going to be a reference to Trump's past as well as some other politicians (Clintons included). But I am already flogging a dead horse.
Another Edit
Trump is a showman, no substance but a lot of thrills. He will see out his term, and various disasters will follow (domestic, foreign, economic). It is the nature of things, and bring a blowhard in the equation, you bet.
Is Trump evil, are turds evil? It is all in the perspective.
Folks, the world, us homo sapiens, we will do alright regardless of Trump, Putin, the Chinese and other human element. What I fear for is biodiversity. Kill that and we commit suicide.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 31, 2018 - 03:53pm PT
This is beginning to piss me off.
I do not know the origins of the universe. A Big Bang or a Supreme Being? Do any of you really know?
I do not want bleeding Virgins statues as a claim. I want proof.
And it will not come? No, not in our lifetimes, not ever. Oh yes, Apocalypse or the rendering of humans, or RAPTURE.
What I do believe in, is to treat your fellow human decently.
Do so and you go with the grace of the… heavens.
You do so otherwise and you may reap some benefits, but what are they worth?
Jody, your posts show you to be a disgrace to the human race and any person with a soul (your so-called Christian badge). It is not about liberals and conservatives, you fool. I have no time of you beyond this. Get a soul, get a conscience, then we can talk.
Jody, darn good photographer though, stick with that.
Larry Nelson
Social climber
Jan 31, 2018 - 04:23pm PT
Patrick posted
It is not about liberals and conservatives.
I gotta disagree on that Patrick. It's a tribalism that's as old as humanity and the truth is it's enemy.
Ultra partisans cannot humanize their opponents because the emotions rule the base of each party.
Jody, Patrick, Edit: I'm not pointing fingers at either of you guys.
You would love to read this book if you haven't already.
Here's Wiki on the Author
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 31, 2018 - 04:52pm PT
I gotta disagree on that Patrick. It's a tribalism that's as old as humanity and the truth is it's enemy.
Ultra partisans cannot humanize their opponents because the emotions rule the base of each party.
Yes Larry, you have some points and I followed the links.
But are any of us the be all and end all? Are any of us the definitive answer. Can we be wrong?
This, questioning, wondering, it's what keeps the human a separate species special - homo sapiens, and if one believes in scientific methods (and not creationism), perhaps the Neanderthals also ventured forth and met the Sapiens, their brute and brawn, melding with the reason and more "logical" ( a better word help me out scientists) thought process.
If one discounts that man arose from Eve before Disney sequels, and that R2D2 was a mutant, there may be something called evolution. I cross my heart as a good ex-Catholic, as God is ever knowing (thank you for the pestilence, misery and wars).
Regardless, what we are witnessing today, is sad. the demise of America and the rise of A NEW AMERICA. Thanks Donald we needed that ,you are such the saviour. Can I kiss your balls?
This, questioning, wondering, it's what keeps the human a separate species special
No, I am so stupid to phrase it that way. Such the arrogant human. Elephants, dolphins, I wonder if some are smarter than some of us.
I am a trained zoologist (just make my living, sort to, as a writer). Every creature I have ever studied, they seek "intelligence", a better way to survive. They are smart. It is innate.
I wish the same could be said of some Supertopians. But you know, Trump will past, his horses hit will go to ground, America is too strong for such and as#@&%e.
Fire back to me and I do not care. Trump is yours not mine. Deal with the consequences, but remember he is riding on a real economic wave not of his doing.
Jan 31, 2018 - 05:10pm PT
One party is doing far more to stoke partisan tribalism.
Trad climber
Jan 31, 2018 - 06:07pm PT
Donald Trump's job approval rating has bounced back from the record low registered in last month's Monmouth University Poll , as more Americans now see the president as having achieved some legislative success. The poll finds that support for the recently passed tax reform plan has increased and Republicans have made gains in the generic House ballot test.
Pres. Trump's job rating now stands at 42% approve and 50% disapprove. While his net rating continues to dwell in negative territory, this is an improvement from his December low of 32% approve and 56% disapprove. The current results mark a return to the ratings he received in the late summer and early fall of 2017. Positive signs for Trump include an uptick in public opinion that he has been successful in moving his agenda through Congress and increasing support for the recently enacted tax reform plan.
A majority (55%) of Americans say that Trump has been at least somewhat successful at getting Congress to pass his legislative agenda, while 41% say he has not been successful. This marks a reversal from December - before the tax reform bill was approved - when only 42% said Trump had been successful with Congress and 53% said he had not been successful....
In a look ahead to 2018, Democrats currently hold a negligible edge on the generic Congress ballot. If the election for House of Representatives were held today, 47% of registered voters say they would vote for or lean toward voting for the Democratic candidate in their district compared to 45% who would support the Republican. This marks a dramatic shift from last month, when Democrats held a 15 point advantage on the generic ballot (51% to 36%).
"The generic Congressional ballot is prone to bouncing around for a bit until the campaign really gets underway later this year. But Democrats who counted on riding public hostility toward the tax bill to retake the House may have to rethink that strategy," said Murray.
Larry Nelson
Social climber
Jan 31, 2018 - 06:17pm PT
Hey Patrick,
Nobody is the be all and end all.
I get to laugh sometimes at Werner's posts. They seem so simplistic and off the wall. But think about it.
While partisan's thrash about in the deep weeds of politics, Werner's perspective is from out of the weeds.
I'm not religious myself, but I do not believe scientific methods and religious beliefs are mutually exclusive.
To me, the political divide in America is the last gasp of the 60's cultural revolution playing out.
I'm not a Trump fan, but I don't lose sleep over his twitter antics.
Sometimes I think his tweets are the laser pointer for opposition partisans to chase the red dot.
Check this graphic out for the summation of human history.
Mountain climber
Jan 31, 2018 - 06:25pm PT
Patrick Sawyer:
America is ripe for a civil war, Putin and the Chinese would love it. Patrick, the opposite is true.
Civil war in a country with so many nuclear weapons is their biggest nightmare.
It should be obvious for you if you can spend several minutes actually thinking.
Trad climber
Jan 31, 2018 - 07:07pm PT
That was 12 yr. old Preston Sharp from Redding Ca.,
Oh - I didn't realize. When I clicked to see the speech, it was already started, and his story must have been before.
Larry Nelson
Social climber
Jan 31, 2018 - 07:28pm PT
divad posted
What's entertaining is listening to someone who bangs porn stars take the moral high ground
LOL, that is true.
It also applies to most of the movie, music and sports establishments, where politics has infested what used to be an escape from it.
Besides, I don't think Trump was nominated and elected based on his morality. That horse left the barn long ago.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jan 31, 2018 - 07:35pm PT
Yeah...You don't think...Ha, ha.. Ha...
Larry Nelson
Social climber
Jan 31, 2018 - 07:37pm PT
I've spent most of my life thinking with the wrong head
Edit: and sometimes wishing I had a bevy of porn stars
Edit to Fritz
Likewise...I love your wit
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Jan 31, 2018 - 07:38pm PT
Larry Nelson! I just want to say, that I enjoy your posts. Our politics are not so different & I like your thoughts.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jan 31, 2018 - 07:39pm PT
Most every guys downfall...
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jan 31, 2018 - 11:11pm PT
I'm not religious myself, but I do not believe scientific methods and religious beliefs are mutually exclusive.
For example, the last several Popes have strongly supported the concept of evolution.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 1, 2018 - 03:17am PT
I just posted an edit, meant to do it yesterday but fell asleep, 39.3C temp, chest infection, awoke to find it (the edit not the infection) sitting on my desktop MacBook.
Another post here now though. If you want, if you disagree, print it out and burn it. Purge your soul of my thoughts.
Fritz Jan 28, 2018 - 10:03pm PT
...I wish I could believe Trump supporters will be sorry...
Frtiz, nope, no buyer’s remorse among that lot. Whatever some of us may think of Trump, he is a good salesman – for his people.
He has no class, he has no charisma, he is a buffoon who should have made more from daddy’s money. And yet the more evidence that mounts showing he is a scumbag, his supporters rally round him and grow tighter in their manic circle. As if all the accusations or wrongdoing are being thrown at them.
There is a word for that, actually more than one, but crazy comes to mind.
Does he have a personality? Yes, a pretty big one to go along with his super-sized ego. Is he a dickhead? The king.
Is he my president? Only in title, otherwise, not on your life.
EdwardT Jan 31, 2018 - 06:07pm PT
The poll you mention:
some legislative success.
One tax bill. I think Monmouth (or is that Motormouth) needs to look up the definition of ‘some’. Yes it was a significant piece of legislation, but like Shrek, peel beneath the layers and one will still find, it smells like an ogre.
Doesn’t the music from Monsters Inc soundtrack seem very similar to Charlie Parker’s Confirmation?
If we can transplant trees, why not rock? I’d think that Sugarloaf (Tahoe) would sit nicely on Ballytrent Beach. Then I could have some real rock to climb on. Okay it would be a beech to uproot it, take the A-train to Oakland, use Jerry Brown’s Bullet Boat to Ballytrent Bay, then just drop it off, on the beach. Easy peasy. I await.
Sigh, I guess Dalkey and Fairhead will do, but then I have to travel. Lundy is not that far away. As for ice, outside of the freezer, it is Scotland, though I could make Chamonix in my private jet in a couple of hours. If only I had a private jet. Then I could contribute more to the Chem Trails that are confusing Trump supporters.
I am just getting over a horrible viral chest infection, so if I seem a bit silly… that is me.
It should be obvious for you if you can spend several minutes actually thinking.
Yury good advice, I think I'll try that, to think. What about yourself? You seem a Kremlin apologist, (hence by my distorted logic, a Trump apologist) I wrote that before and I do so now. I await a photo of Putin and you clasping like brothers.
What is critical thinking? Nowadays it seems to just go to the echo chambers, agree and leave it at that. Thank you 'mam.
When I was about six, my sister Mary (about eight) came to my mom, distraught. "The boys tease me mom."
My mother said: "They tease you because they like you." (Mary was good looking, from a neutral point of view). I use the past tense, was. Mary BA/MA Berkeley, is gone breast cancer. Her son Kevin just spent four months in Campile (Wexford) with his girlfriend and her family. He flew out yesterday to report back to the Marines tomorrow in South Carolina. Then back in June to finish his BA in psychology at UCC, then back to Virginia to OCS. He is a good Marine.
So is my godson and nephew Benjamin, two tours of duty with the Corps in Afghanistan, under fire ("Dad, I am only a radioman", he told my late brother Mac, when in fact he was a point man at times on patrol. "Uncle Pat, the bullets whizzing by my head," he said. He is now a junior at UC Davis studying civil engineering (like my dad and Jennie's, civil engineer, but… what makes an engineer civil?).
And his brother Sebastian, also a Marine, trains with SEALS, something like Recon 4, I don't know about that stuff.
I am a proud American. My father's family there since 1640, (Josiah Bartlett, second signatory on the Declaration of Independence). Caseys from Cork in 1840, Roths and Fleihmanns from Bavaria in 1843. Grandfather Casey with a statue in Pittsburgh PA, Grandfather Sawyer a portrait and plaque in the State House in Olympia, WA.
For those who do not believe I cannot think (Yury, Reilly and others). I do not give a sh#t what you believe about me. I have interviewed prime ministers and presidents (of countries), spent 20 minutes plus with Maggie in Number Ten, captains of industry (Richard Branson, Denis O'Brien, and a young Bill Gates (my age, it was a brief interview), been headhunted by BBC and CNN (fact, I have the letters). But in your glorious eyes, I cannot think. Funny.
And I do not give a flying f*#k what you poseurs think.
I will be eligible for Irish citizenship this year. I will not go back to my homeland. I wish the best for all of you.
And yes, Russ or Walleye or who was it (I'd look it up but I cannot be bothered) that laughed when I said I can still lead 5.11. I can lead eleven (E36a), sketchily. I think easier grades are more fun, or its that age?
But Ama Dablam is still on my tick list. What a beautiful mountain.
One more edit
I have been on this forum since 2005, I have cried, not sure if I have lied, I have poured out my soul. I have made a fool of myself.
Some may see me as a hypocrite, railing against Trump. Why do I not come home to fight in the trenches against such authoritarianism, and it is that, if you sit back and think (But Yury claims I cannot think), America is not headed for true democracy, gerrymandering comes to mind and Trumps' defunct office of elections or some bullshot name. I could look it up. I could research a lot of things and disprove them, but I do not have the inclination at this point.
Which brings me back to fighting systems. I fought the HSE over Jennie and I lost. Sort of soul destroying. To return to the US to fight against the demise of democracy, I just do not have the strength. Perhaps someday.
Trad climber
Orange Murica!
still waiting to hear if Jody trusts the FBI these days
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 1, 2018 - 07:47am PT
I am sick and tired of this Trump "idolism". The guy is a scumbag, America you have found your Reality man. And a large minority of you lionize him. So sad. The hero worship some lavish upon him. He is scum and history will prove that. He does not pull the wool over my eyes.
I challenge anybody to refute or dispute what I have written, politically, socially, climbing wise or anything else.
I can back up my personal "exclamations" with letters. I can back up my writings with my portfolio.
As for climbing. I hung out in C4 and the Meadows? Camaraderie? Hmm, some.
Guys a climbed with and appreciate. Lew Dawson, Mike Weiss, Rich Jack (what a name, and it was his), Charlie Porter, and others.
Real nice guys in C4? Kevin Worrall. Ed Barry, David Hitchcock, Ron Kauk, Rik Rieder, damn good folks and better climbers that I was/am, I climbed with some of them.and there we many good friendly climbers in C4, but...
But C4, a cesspool. That is why I got out, I could not cut that BS, some may say I was not a "good" climber, and could not cut C4 and Yo Valley. Like the guy who recently questioned if I can still lead 5.11. Well outside of addressing it here, ask me if I care. Not,
As for the Taco meme/posts, I sort of find it flattering that some useless person would take the time and effort to eulogize me. thank yoiu.
Ice climber
hartford, ct
The real question is... when are you coming to Rainier?
Conservative columnist Bret Stephens asks: what if Hillary had done this?
Imagine that President Hillary Clinton had agreed to release a partisan Democratic intelligence memo over the objections of Republicans in Congress and her own top F.B.I. officials that disclosure could harm national security.
Would conservative pundits and politicians:
(a) Praise President Clinton for abandoning her old habits of secrecy and standing strong on the side of transparency in government?
(b) Call for her impeachment on grounds that she had compromised national security for shamelessly self-serving political reasons?
Imagine, next, that the Clinton campaign had named as a foreign policy adviser a little known figure with scanty business or academic credentials but with strongly pro-Putin views and curious links to senior Russian officials. Imagine that this same adviser later testified to Congress that the Clinton campaign had asked him to sign a nondisclosure agreement after a trip he took to Russia during the height of the campaign. Imagine also that senior Clinton campaign officials at first denied and later had their memories “refreshed” about knowing him.
Would conservative pundits and politicians:
(a) Agree with Clinton administration spokespersons that, while the campaign had named him as an adviser, he had no role in anything and that his links to Russia were purely incidental?
(b) Agree with Democrats in Congress that the F.B.I. had no business whatsoever in surveilling him because a political dossier might have served as one basis of suspicion, and that his civil liberties had been seriously traduced?
(c) Note that his presence on the campaign was of a piece with Clinton’s disastrous “reset” of relations with Russia under the Obama administration, and that it suggested a policy of appeasing the Kremlin at America’s expense?
He brutally and succinctly exposes the wretched hypocrisy that’s infected republican leadership.
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
It is kind of sad that DEM's can't seem to squash the tRump bug. tRump and the GOP are basically handing them everything they need, even dusting off the old Nixon playbook for what to do when you get your hand caught in the cookie jar (or somewhere else).
The rebuttal to tRump's SOTU speech was pretty week. It is like the GOP is handing them the hammers, and they look at them like the monkeys in 2001 Space Odyssey examining the Obelisk.
Trad climber
Yeah, the Dems can't seem to take advantage of a golden opportunity.
We have an historically unpopular Republican President...
and yet...
The RNC has $38.8 million cash on hand. The DNC will report $6.5 million cash on hand, but its debt is now $6.2 million.
RNC Net - $38.8 million
DNC Net - $300,000.00
in the land of the blind
The Republicans have a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome. Devin Nunes is the new Patty Hearst.
August West
Trad climber
Where the wind blows strange
Time for some young dogs to take a f*#king chance with their careers and toss their hats into the ring, and do some bare knuckle politiking?
Democrats and republicans have completely different views of what the world is. I would argue that R's are much further detached from reality, however.
When Trump and R's want to have politics on the level of kindergarten taunts, angry populism, and the politics of spite and resentment (if Obama did it, lets destroy it, whether it is good for the country or not because we love to make liberals mad).
If democrats try and take the somewhat high ground and try to have policy discussions based on fact, they look weak.
I rather suspect instead that Dems will eventually give up on that approach and embrace the childish/angry populism where facts are completely optional and government institutions are to serve the party in power not the country. Bernie is nowhere near as bad as Trump, but he is a sign of the Dems going down that road.
Trad climber
First off, the Democrats aren't doing "nothing" to rid this country of this plague. Their time will come, and it won't be that much longer in coming. Unless, of course, Putin & have a poison pill of some sort, which they very well may. In that case, our country is doomed; will be scraped for any and all natural resources, and forget the Right to Bear Arms; we won't have the First Amendment to whimper over the Second.
Dems are ramping on midterm elections, and you can get synopsis on candidates and even, if you desire it, donate to the MadDogPAC which is putting up billboards that are effectively getting conversations going as to the despicability of some of the repugnants. Learn more by checking out Claude Taylor's Twitter, at https://twitter.com/truefactsstated
As long as the Dem's messages are 90% negative few will change their minds.
They don’t need to change many minds, they just need to get their voters motivated. Anger is a great motivator.
Trad climber
As long as the Dem's messages are 90% negative few will change their minds.
Kidding? Trump BUILT his campaign on negative messages.
But what the hell, maybe the Dems SHOULD start lying and making promises they have no intention of keeping.
Next prez candidate fro Dems to declare, "When I am President,"
The work week will be capped at 32 hours. Those working hourly wages will have the rate adjusted to the amount that would equal what they receive with a 40-hour workweek.
Social Security Payments GUAR.AN.TEED, for all who have them due. No more fear the well will have run dry; we will put in place a fund which may not be withdrawn from, except to make the SS pay outs
Anyone running for office at the Federal level declare any and all prior arrests since the age of 21, and must submit documents for all lawsuits filed against them. This must be done in order to be registered as a candidate in the running
Every American over the age of 21 will receive their choice of A)a Pony, B)a Sexbot or C)Their choice of free Pizza, Coffee or Beer, daily and for life. We'll take back the massive tax break of 2017 to fund this project, and not only that, will require every man and woman found guilty in a court of law as a result of the Mueller Investigation to work, as part of their sentence, as janitors and dishwashers in the establishments. They will not be allowed to handle food or beverages, nor act in any capacity of customer service.
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
The worst thing the DEM's could do is climb down into the gutter with GOP for a pissing contest. But trotting out another Kennedy made them look like they are out of ideas.
And DMT is right. The Old Guard is looking tired, and they are becoming a ball and chain.
They should be crushing the GOP in the midterms after TRump's lone legislative accomplishment was a party line vote to make their corporate masters richer, while tossing table scraps to the serfs.
Trad climber
^ Just keep in mind that ponies cannot consent.
Larry Nelson
Social climber
/\ LOL Happiegrrrl2
I'll take the pizza ;-)
Trad climber
You keep saying that. Is the Tinfoiler Brigade predicting new doom?
The people I follow, whom you referred to, have said - from.the.start - that it would not be a quick process. Don't be fooled by the "haven't found anything" Whistling Past the Graveyard folks.
We (the general public) simply don’t know that trump directly colluded with Russia.
We do know that an unusually large number of high level officials in his campaign and administration were paid by Russia, assisted by Russia, talked to Russia, or sought Russian help with the campaign. Some have already plead guilty to criminal activity. Others (sessions, Jr., Kushner) have been caught lying about their contacts.
We also know that Trump has acted very suspciously and likely, criminally, with his numerous lies, firings, strong arming of employees, cover ups, and obstruction. He’s hiding something rotten. Certainly, it’s worth investigating.
Jon Beck
Trad climber
why their waiting to get started impeaching this guy is anyones guess...
Hillary is a higher priority, but don't worry, it is not political
Mountain climber
Patrick Sawyer:
America is ripe for a civil war, Putin and the Chinese would love it. Yury:
Patrick, the opposite is true.
Civil war in a country with so many nuclear weapons is their biggest nightmare. xCon:
only if the likely outcome of an American civil war was an increase in our foreign expansionism... Q: What is the most reliable way for an American president to suppress her opposition?
A: To start a war.
So the likelihood of starting an external war is higher in case of civil war or significant civil unrest.
As far as I understand main potential targets of such war are Russia, North Korea and Iran (judging by efforts spent on war preparation anti-Russia, Anti-North Korea and anti-Iran propaganda).
Trad climber
Well actually you have said several times in this very thread that those people you follow were hinting and warning of imminent.... stuff; news, discoveries, smoking guns what have you, that really never came to pass or had no impact at all.
That's not so, Dingus. There have been many events which have brought progress. You know, when police have a "person of interest" who they are pretty damned sure is going to end up charged, but they aren't "there" yet, do you consider their efforts irrelevant?
Trad climber
Pretty much every person who has been subpoenaed in the Mueller investigation is said to be "cooperating."
That's a lot of beef(if we can use the slang name for males).
Felix Sater has also been subpoenaed. This was reported in MSM on about the 23rd of January, but I do recall reading about it back in October or so, on the Twitter feeds of that Tinfoil Hat Crowd you dismiss out of hand, and can't bring yourself to check out.
Felix Sater, career criminal, and also long time FBI informant. Who Dumb Donald at one time thought would be a great business partner....
You can bet Sater "cooperated" in the investigation. He knows the rules of engagement.
Can I hand you the "proof" that you won't accept anything less than, as an indication things are actually moving along directly toward Trumpocalypse? If I could, it would be over, Ding. You know that. You have to know that.
john hansen
Today three of Rick Gates lawyers withdrew from his case.
This usually happens before a plea deal.
He was indicted the same day as Paul Manafort.
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Finally the Trumpers liven up the thread, I thought Trump lost them, guess not.
Trad climber
First off, the Democrats aren't doing "nothing" to rid this country of this plague. Their time will come, and it won't be that much longer in coming.
I've been hearing about the demise of the GOP since '06. It's the same story. The Repubs suffer a setback... all the haters trip over one another, foretelling the death of the GOP... and the Repubs come roaring back, kicking the crap out of the Dems. The '16 election was just the latest example.
Overall, I'd say the Dems have a better message. A better agenda. The problem is they suck at playing the game. Bunch a punkass bitches.
Trad climber
Overall, I'd say the Dems have a better message. A better agenda. The problem is they suck at playing the game. Bunch a punkass bitches.
Are you sure it isn't their message? Listening to the one would think sexism and racism were more fundamental laws to the universe than gravity and electromagnetism.
Not that I like the GOP's "message". Honestly, I'm not sure they have one. Trump certainly does, but the GOP establishment could only say "Obama was really bad, waaa" or "Please clap".
Most of the campaigning seems to be outsourced at this point, anyway. Think tanks, super PACs, and biased media accusing each other of fake news. Most troubling is how polarized everyone has become and there is no dialog happening between camps. Every camp is ultra paranoid and is constantly imposing purity tests to make sure there are no reasonable people—I mean infiltrators.
Nothing good will come of this.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
rah , rah kick those dems thru the goal posts...lame...!!!
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
In Trump land the elevator doesn't go to the second floor....
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
So far the only whiny poor sport has been Trump who keeps trying to obstruct the investigation by getting his spineless chimpanzees to fire whoever happens to be in charge of investigating him...The other whiny poor sports are the jackasses who can't see this obvious obstruction and salivate as the next kernel of corn falls from his ass... Trump doesn't have the balls to fire Mueller himself ...Our fearless idiot...
It’s funny how folks claiming to be independent almost never are.
Mostly st00pid nutcase brainwashed fools here who believe every horsesh1t story coming out of that nutcase mainstream media.
All those nutcases are meant for each other ......
Trad climber
Okay - This is funny. Just saw, posted on FB, a meme that had this text:
Donald Trump should build his wall out of Hillary Clinton's emails since no one can seem to get the f*#k over them.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
I totally believe , without a shadow of a doubt , that Trump , who's trying to deport Dreamers , is interested in adopting Russian orphans and bringing them over his imaginary Wall...His dumb-ass son , via email , already spilled the beans about meeting with the Commies to gather damaging info on Hillary ...
John M
I'm investigating Trumps birth certificate. I have seen a memo that says he was born in Norway of Russian parents. Norton wrote the memo, so it must be true.
I know.. I'm a birther, but I know that its true.
Trad climber
But yeah, it's the Dems who have behaved childishly, whining and promoting smack talk.....
And we're just pissed that Hillary didn't win. We're just crybabies who can't handle the truth.
Trad climber
is interested in adopting Russian orphans
Where is your source for this gem?
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
That’s the funny thing! Didn’t the DNC hire an agency to dig up dirt on Trump? But............if someone agrees to meet someone who want to disclose dirt it’s ............
The difference, which you like to paper over, is that the Trump group attempted to do opposition research by using a foreign power, which is illegal.
Campaigns at that level ALWAYS do opposition research, but it is a totally different thing to seek assistance of a foreign power---particularly if one promises not to do something in return...like follow the sanctions law that Congress passed overwhelmingly. Just ignore the law, if your Russian deal demands it.
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
jolly roger! /re one of your many posts on this thread:
Now take that statement in context of the possibility this whole russia thing is a bunch of hooey, and possible pushed by the Dems. See how funny you sound! The fact is there are no facts. Only that either someone is lieing or they all are.
I’d don’t personally care, but I do know there has been a bunch of emotion and name calling based off of unsubstantiated evidence, and I always love to see the vocal ones eat crow.
There's been a big jump in Russian posting on Twitter & other blog-sites recently.
Of course, I'd never accuse a Supertopoite like you, of being a paid Russian poster, but since you are "one of us," I'm just curious if they pay you by the word or by the post?
And if not, did you ever stop beating your dog?
Trad climber
I can't believe people still think that dossier was legit. It was debunked within minutes. Even f*#king Newsweek debunked it.
Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
I'm guessing the Republican retirements have more to do with sexual abuse than anything the FBI is working on.
The Great Shitlist Of Congressional Perverts & Payouts is yet to be made public, and I think the Republicans told their guys who are on that list they need to go sooner rather than later.
Boulder climber
The retirements and release of the memo dovetail in certain terms.
They're retiring to collect on quid-pro-quo in the form of cushy pay-off jobs (see Dick Cheney), cash payments via offshore accounts and insider stock tips...same as it ever was.
The memo, other than giving pretext to fire Rosenstein, lobs a warning shot to the FBI and the FISA courts not to target Republican politicians- why? Because ever since Citizens United, the Republicans have prostituted themselves for contributions from foreign governments (see Devin Nunes- the grand whore). These contributions have disproportionately come from Russia and China and disproportionately have gone to Republican congressman. This is the main reason they have formed a praetorian guard to protect the president.
Trad climber
Didn’t the DNC hire an agency to dig up dirt on Trump? But............if someone agrees to meet someone who want to disclose dirt it’s ............
No, they did not.
What actually happened is that the company Steele worked(s?) for was contracted from within the RNC, during primaries. He was annoying, a distraction from serious topics, and they wanted to flick the little bug off their table.
It was widely known that Donald Trump had business associates with mobsters of the Russian variety. Those guys are vicious, and make the Italian mob in the US look like a bunch of pantywaists by comparison. So it made perfect sense the choice of someone who had worked intelligence through Russians was a good choice to do research.
When Steel went to work, he came upon information that showed the election interference efforts.
Surprised that nothing happened - he then went to the FBI.
And that, friends and Trumpeters, is why Donald Trump thinks the FBI hates him.
The Steel dossier contains disinformation, along with truthful points. He knew that, and relayed that fact. People who have studied Russian history will tell you that disseminating disinformation is a key pillar in their "messaging"(since some think this is an important thing to have). It is a big weapon in their war chest.
Look - go on watching the news channels that are telling you this is all an attempt by powerful Hillary Clinton and "The Democrats" to hobble Trump's efforts. But do yourselves a favor and at least TRY to widen your scope. Then, you can make a more educated analysis of what is going on.
For FUX sake, already. Do it. Please.
I do, whether you want to believe it or not. And YES, I have seen left-leaning reports that I can see have been spun, include incorrect information, are embarrassing in their obviously having been made by some person who knows that if you build it they will come. It angers me, because people blindly repeat it, and look like fools.
But this whole Trump=Russia thing is not a hoax. It is not sour grapes. It is not "an agenda" on the part of powerful anti-Trumpists. It is real, and it SHOULD have you fearful for all we have ever known as the United States.
Trad climber
No, they did not.
Point of fact: they did.
After Mr. Trump secured the nomination, Fusion GPS was hired on behalf of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign and the D.N.C. by their law firm, Perkins Coie, to compile research about Mr. Trump, his businesses and associates — including possible connections with Russia. It was at that point that Fusion GPS hired Mr. Steele, who has deep sourcing in Russia, to gather information.
From that bastion of right-wing propaganda: The New York Times
Yes, the FBI, a well known and longstanding bastion of liberalism.
Trad climber
LOL, this word doesn't even exist in bureaucracies. Don't be ridiculous. This isn't about ideology.
Trad climber
I don't care if you complain all day and night. Go for it.
Now you know how it felt for us to listen to GOPers railing about Obama for eight years non-stop.
Boulder climber
Jody, that's simple regurgitation of Republican talking points provided to you by state-run news.
The elitist media plots you rail against are actually born of disseminating information and disinformation across multiple informational platforms and then codifying through a Machiavellian lense (See Mark Twain).
Gnome Ofthe Diabase
Out Of Bed
The dizzyness you all show is astounding. There was and still is a concerted and devious effort to sow discontent partisanship and disgust in all things governmental. It is what we; this U.S of C.I.(A) did to the former soviet union. This includes the incredible need to build a wall? The opiod "crisis" A liquor store on every coner and a whole new version of the infection of the social fabric by pitting us against each other.That there is so much constant vitriol is what he was put into office to achieve. The deep state is the russians who saw a weak democratic engine on Idle, that they used, by "bots" (That are still all over my youtube feeds), to infiltrate the underpinnings of the grubbyment thru compromise. Then as things turned out the patsy/puppet won and Putin did too. It is a complex but clear pattern that the diposed super power is doing around the globe. There is no more Ukrain, and I would not want to be Polish.
LOL, this word doesn't even exist in bureaucracies. Don't be ridiculous
You catch on quick...
Ice climber
hartford, ct
I'm dizzy after that... :)
Gnome Ofthe Diabase
Out Of Bed
It is a beautiful snowfall we are having, Dizzy, It was not meant as a derogatory comment just an obsevation. I have to feel for the poor and soon to be , it has been a long war. Im glad the outcome will be so black and white, pardon the pun
now where can I get some?
Vermont Mass a two schlitz? why would this con state wnt a black market?4
Can Fear write me a scrip?
The Wastelands
Hey Jody?
Gnome Ofthe Diabase
Out Of Bed
What keeps me up at night is the way it is working. the communities that I have to interact with are also divided.
It may seem like that flag picture is of the most common, a garden variety shot. I'll ask of the fine photogs here, What do think? It is a Superior flutter, shows motion, and has balance? is this the Teach me how to take great pictures thread>?/
The Wastelands
The Dems(Obama team and Clinton team) are involved in the biggest scandal this country has ever seen
The Dems suppport people and countries that support Sharia Law
Hey Jody
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
This is why we call Judy a clown, a dupe, and all the other insults
He deserves it.
The Russian thing with Trump was completely fabricated to get an excuse for the opposition to spy on him during the campaign. When Trump surprisingly won, it was a colossal "Oh shiite" moment for the Obama and Clinton teams as they knew Trump would eventually figure it out. Therefore, they set out on a massive, reverse engineering of a crime that was never committed scheme that has continued to this day. The Dems(Obama team and Clinton team) are involved in the biggest scandal this country has ever seen and Watergate will pale in comparison when the truth comes out. That is some of the stupidest stuff posted this year
Complete right wing propaganda, complete lies, complete right wing misinformation.
It makes zero sense and you have to be an idiot to believe these propagandists in this day and age\
Why not educate yourself with some facts?
Wouldn't you rather know the facts?
Carter Page was being investigated by the FBI for good reasons since 2013, way before Trump
Trad climber
Orange Murica!
how about that FBI Jody?
love em or hate em????
Wade Icey
Trad climber
Social climber
Wilds of New Mexico
So the latest theory is that republicans appointed by the Trump administration illegally conspired to get a warrant to spy on someone so that they can bring down Trump?
As they say, conspiracies are rare but stupidity is pervasive!
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Why do they deny the fact that Republicans running against Trump started the Fusion GPS Trump investigation?
Hillary had nothing to do with it, nor Obama
So Judy's "makes sense" is BS, how can you link Hillary or Obama to the Steel dossier
It only makes sense if you want the facts to be wrong, which makes you a denier of the truth and personally prefer propaganda to facts
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
The Whole Right Wing is in bed with Russia now.
They love Russia all of sudden...
I wonder why??
Maybe it's because they have the same mind set, love of authoritarians, corporate welfare, smashing heads of protesters and other undesirables
AND, Rupert Murdock may play a role, since he sets the stage for the propaganda that these right wingers digest, he's good buddies with Putin, what a coincidence!!!
Hannity is a Russian troll, getting conspiracy talking points straight from the KGB, they have made great progress on brain washing techniques to be used on the right wing dupes that just can't get enough kool aid
Trump, Carter Page, Rupert, Manafort, Rex Tillerson, Flynn
and the F-ing NRA were all in bed with Russia
Senator demands info on the NRA’s financial ties to Russia, including ‘shell companies’
In a pair of letters, Ron Wyden sets his sights on shell companies and real estate transactions.
The letters were prompted by a recent report from McClatchy noting that the FBI is investigating such links – especially as it pertains to the $30 million the NRA funneled to the Donald Trump campaign, money that came from an NRA arm that isn’t forced to disclose its donors.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
They paid Fusion GPS, not Steel
Hillary nor Obama had no effect on what Fusion GPS investigated
Why does it matter who paid for the investigation?
The facts from the investigation is all that matters, facts are either good or bad for the person being investigated
And the facts say Trump colluded with Russia
Not Hillary or Obama
Trad climber
Orange Murica!
he would have to be to still respect the FBI
Jon Beck
Trad climber
A memo based on evidence the writer did not read. Actually the writer, when asked, would not deny that the White House was involved in the creation of The Memo"
If the dems are smart they will not dignify this leak with another leak. They do not need to become like the republicans, treasonous scum
Trad climber
Why do they deny the fact that Republicans running against Trump started the Fusion GPS Trump investigation?
Which Republicans?
Jon Beck
Trad climber
It is so easy to say it is all false. got evidence of that? Will you be an admitted liar if you are wrong, or are you going to come up with some sort of Trumpish excuse, blame someone else.
So you know that Carter Page was not feeding intelligence to the Russians? Maybe we should revisit this after he starts singing like a bird and pleads guilty.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jody, the most puzzling thing about your posts, as noted by others, is your vicious attacks against Law Enforcement. It must mean that you have inside information about how Law Enforcement is not to be trusted, cannot do impartial investigations, and will lie through their teeth under oath.
As a law enforcement man yourself, how do you know these things???
Presumably from personal experience......
Jon Beck
Trad climber
In the CHP, that meant throwing officers under the bus
Craig Peyer, he really got screwed over, didn't he?
John McCain is one of the biggest aszholes in the US govt.
He's a huge treasonist and terrorist criminal.
And you brainwashed loons believe anything that nutcase says.
You are insane .....
Ice climber
hartford, ct
So I read the memo - Looks like some in the GOP initiated Fusion, then stopped, and the DNC picked up. Looks like there is a ton of intermingling, and only confirms they are all shady bastards. Everyone of them.
Basically after year we know what everyone should have already known. Politicians are corrupt. What we still haven't seen is any direct collusion evidence other than the collusion to obtain information on a supposed Russian interference. (The explanation for the loss) This is where I think it get's funny. While the left literally lost their mind over this, in the last year, they fail to see how we do exactly the same thing as a country. See Ukraine. The CIA helped undermine that country, and your boy John McCain was heavily involved. All countries play this game and it should come as no surprise. But to say the people didn't vote for Hillary because of Russian help is pure lunacy.
Sucks to realize a year of outrage was based on a bunch of hooey.
But, as some have said it's all part of their plan to keep us divided and bickering about utter nonsense. Love it. It shows who has a level head and who does not.
Good summation.
Not just Ukraine... Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Cuba, etc etc etc.
Super-tardball this weekend! The woolly masses will forget about all this by Monday.
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Watching the GOP lackeys desperately trying to defend their clown prince is worth the price of admission.
John M
But to say the people didn't vote for Hillary because of Russian help is pure lunacy.
If it plays a role in the outcomes of elections in other countries when we do it, then why wouldn't it work in America if Russians do it to us ?
the issues isn't entirely whether another country was trying to influence our election. That is an important issue. But there is another part to the issue. Whether Americans were working to help them, and whether those americans were part of one or both of the candidates parties, and how much the candidate played a role.
Its also one thing to try to dig up dirt, and an entirely different thing to spread misinformation. Digging up dirt is done by everyone, but if collusion can be shown in an effort to discredit someone with disinformation, then that would be a serious problem.
Thats why we have and need an investigation.
The bigger question is not whether the memo is horsie caca (it is), but whether trump will use it as a pretext to purge Rosenstein, install a crony, and scuttle the investigation. That would actually be a pretty dangerous outcome.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
But, as some have said it's all part of their plan to keep us divided and bickering about utter nonsense.
Spot on.
Trad climber
Trump is still our President and the case for collusion is as weak as ever.
The Wastelands
Edward, are you saying the case for collusion is weak that may involve Trump himself?
ok yes, Robert Mueller has not finished and released his findings on that, yet.
Surely you are aware of the Indictments and Guilty pleas by various people associated with Trump and his campaign, right?
Social climber
Wilds of New Mexico
It may well be that Trump didn't commit any underlying crime. But looking at nothing but what he, his son and son in law have said in their own words plus the two guilty pleas it's pretty obvious some really weird stuff went down.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Trump is probably more worried about ruining his brand name than bringing shame to the oval office...When he gets impeached his attorny fees will bankrupt him...He won't have a golden toilet to piss in..
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jody...Sounds like Jon Beck trolled you hard....LMAO
Trad climber
Norton - Yes. The story has been Trump colluded with the Russians since 11/17. The media has reported on it daily. Fifteen months later, the case against Trump is no stronger.
Trad climber
I wonder why??
Maybe it's because they have the same mind set, love of authoritarians, corporate welfare, smashing heads of protesters and other undesirables
More likely it's that they have been compromised.
Are you Mueller's butler?
That is funny.
Larry Nelson
Social climber
If the memo is nothing it's because law enforcement hypes shady informants and questionable information to get warrants all the time.
Where do you think those wrong-address no-knock raids come from?
Jon Beck
Trad climber
It’s crazy! Justice fine, but what about Hillary justice
The DNC is a PRIVATE organization, nothing that went on in the DNC was illegal and none of it betrayed our country. But keep repeating it and hope the facts change
Mountain climber
He won't have a golden toilet to piss in..
but he will have a Russian prostitute.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
No smoking gun in the memo release...What a suprise...! Trump is running out of cards to play...Maybe dunce boy can bring back his stoopid American television show , fire Mueller on national TV and put an end to the witch hunt..?
in the land of the blind
What's Trump going to do if Putin stops eeating CORN???...
But lately the Trump has been eating Devin’s supposedly high-quality red herring excrement.
But once again Nunes showed he doesn’t know his red herring from a zero calorie sucker fish.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Gud question Locker...Will Trump be allowed conjugal visits and will Putin be cavity searched...?
Jon Beck
Trad climber
The Pride of Fresno
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
The U.S. government is set to borrow nearly $1 trillion this year, nearly double last year’s amount
The Treasury Department attributed the increase to the “fiscal outlook.” The Congressional Budget Office was more blunt: Tax receipts are going to be lower because of the new tax law.
Here we get to see the results of the conservative philosophy of Borrow and Spend, and deficit planning.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Deficits only matter when the 1% have to pay for them...
in the land of the blind
Where are all the Trumpies trumpeting the shocking, end-of-Mueller-Probe/Rosenstein-Bias/Justice-Dept&FBI-as-we-know-it-Anti-Trump-Conspiracy exposing memo after the two+ weeks of hype?????
in the land of the blind
Jody, EdwardT, fear, Ballo, etc.:
What’cha got .
C’mon give it your best shot.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
The Wastelands
It’s crazy! Justice fine, but what about Hillary justice
ok, make your case that Hillary Clinton did ...what? did not get "justice"?
exercise that powerful intellect!
in the land of the blind
Fools, don’t you feel Putin’s fingers up your a*#es?
Poor little Julian, begging for scraps to maintain his relevance.
Go suck Sean Hannity’s virtual twitter dick.
Just so everyone knows...
You people ARE insane ......
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Now that Numbnuts has cleared everything up with his memo, we can go back to all that winning...
in the land of the blind
C’mon just one more post and you can regurgitate the latest Sean Hannity Bullsh#t.
But eventually others will realize that YOU were complicit in all the foul deeds that you have gone along with
“tell-me don't-make-me-think,” Illuminati, neo-fascist gobbledygook.
Gym climber
A dingy corner in your refrigerator
Was listening to a very intelligent speaker on our reinvestment in fossil fuels at the expense of renewables. Basically common knowledge (Jody et.al exceptions): just another thievery of money by the old guard. Speaker said we will pay dearly for taking the stoooopid path in the 10-20 year scenario when 'murica left behind in the dust. Backwards thinking is the new norm. Been waiting for all these turds to die off and give the world to the people.
One thought: Trump is such a dou$## , he governs ONLY for people whom agree with his ideas. That is a major problem. For instance: how can he regulate wilderness when all his fat ass has hiked is from his golf cart to his hotel room where his porn star is waiting ? Zinke was said to be fishing with his fly fishing real on backwards.....real Teddy Roosevelt guy there eH Judy ?
will post climb pics of tomorrow to offset this OT stuff
The Wastelands
It’s crazy! Justice fine, but what about Hillary justice
ok, make your case that Hillary Clinton did ...what? did not get "justice"?
exercise that powerful intellect!
The Wastelands
Jody stated:
When the Democrats were in the WH, they refused to release the reserves that each department had so the shutdown would be disruptive
the last shutdown was in 2013 when your Republicans controlled the House and thereby all government spending, your above statement makes no sense at all
prove it Jody, show your credible sources
also Jody, for the now 7th time request prove your statement that
"the Dems support and people and countries that support Sharia Law"
in the land of the blind
It’s all about how the neo-bro-fascists frame their arguments, but even more importantly, how they continually repeat lies over and over and over and over and over. . . . again.
Studies have shown that even if you don’t believe something, that if it is repeated enough, you will eventually come to espouse similar beliefs.
Especially if you have zero ability to parse a logical from non-logical argument.
in the land of the blind
C’mon right-wingers wha’dya got?!?!?
in the land of the blind
in the land of the blind
Trad climber
2h2 hours ago
Ale Retweeted YM MORENO
Please note the subtext in this video: Gowdy is listing the main points Trump will be taken down for, and indicates all the public clear evidence of Trump's crimes (that he knows about in FULL, as he's seen the classified version, too.)
This is the video clip she refers to:
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Wade Icey
Trad climber
Mountain climber
I have a strange perception that for Progressive Liberals hatred for Trump is just a proxy for hatred for (deplorable) American people.
It would be non PC to proclaim hatred for American people.
Boulder climber
Trump- HATE
Congressional sycophants- HATE
Deplorables- TBD
The Wastelands
that's it!
Democrats "hate America" now
and miraculously this hate America happened when Donald Trump became President!
just like that, Democrats now hate America......
why I just heard that a couple weeks ago on Hannity so it must be true
The Wastelands
Yury stated
I have a strange perception that for Progressive Liberals hatred for Trump is just a proxy for hatred for (deplorable) American people.
and so we have an actual adult musing to himself that "Liberals" really hate the American people
did you figure this out all by your own self? Or get it from powerful intellect Hannity?
The Wastelands
It is time for white bread cracker Jody to again claim that Democrats support Sharia Law !
oh my, maybe Yury and Jody should get a room.....
in the land of the blind
in the land of the blind
in the land of the blind
Why don’t you go back to your Putopia?
SC seagoat
Trad climber
Santa Cruz, Moab, A sailboat, or some time zone
I have a strange perception
Wow. You nailed it right there. Very strange.
Even Trey Gowdy admitted that because some of his colleagues (from both sides of the aisle) may see things differently it doesn’t mean they aren’t good Americans that don’t love their country.
How far afield things have come.
Enjoy your extra $1.50 a week.
Trad climber
Even Trey Gowdy admitted that because some of his colleagues (from both sides of the aisle) may see things differently it doesn’t mean they aren’t good Americans that don’t love their country.
This morning, on Face The Nation, he did a good job of clarifying what the memo (allegedly) showed and what it did not show.
In a nutshell, the FBI and DOJ completely screwed the pooch on the Carter Page warrants. But that doesn't disqualify the importance of seeing the Mueller investigation to its conclusion.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Yeah those non-partisan republicans love their country so much that they can over-look cutting a few harmless back-room deals with Putin... Then we have those terrible partisan Democrat FBI agents tweeting anti trump thoughts... the Nunes memo release was obviously a desperate last ditch effort to give big mouth Trump more ammo to brow beat the FBI and shame them into ending the investigation...Nunes loves politics not America...At least Gowdy has a little integrity and is retiring because he can't stomach politics...
Larry Nelson
Social climber
The country needs to get to the bottom of Trumps' collusion and obstruction of justice.
We need to know the following:
How many emails has the Trump administration deleted after they were subpeonaed?
How many subpoenaed hard drives were bit bleached after emails were deleted?
How many phone texts have they deleted after being subpeonaed?
How many Trump officials smashed campaign and administration phones with hammers?
How many subpoenaed phones did Trump turn in to investigators with no SIM cards?
If Trump or anyone in his administration has done any of those things, they should... Edit: metaphorically...hang for obstruction of justice.
Larry Nelson
Social climber
Adam Schiff memo pre-release "OMG this is a huge threat to national security",
vs. Adam Schiff memo post-release "This is the biggest nothing burger of all time".
If you can stay on a cognitive dissonance horse like that for 8 seconds, you win the rodeo.
in the land of the blind
Larry Nelson the Nunes rodeo clowns obviously couldn’t save you before your brain was trampled.
Jon Beck
Trad climber
In a nutshell, the FBI and DOJ completely screwed the pooch on the Carter Page warrants.
I believe that is incorrect. I listened to Trey Gowdy and I recall him saying that Page would be surveilled even in the absence of the dossier.
You know things are crazy when Gowdy is the voice of reason.
Larry - it was a nothing burger as relates to the Russia investigation, the harm to national security is the fact that the memo reveals formerly ecret processes. If the bad guys know the process, they can more easily game it.
Trad climber
MARGARET BRENNAN: Now, we should dig into this. Because you are, from my understanding, the only Republican investigator on the House Intelligence Committee who actually viewed the FISA applications. Everything that went into essentially putting together this memo. So, when you're talking about this Steele memo, you are not saying that it was the sole piece of evidence used to justify these four authorizations of the surveillance warrant. Are you?
REP. GOWDY: No. It was not the exclusive information relied upon by-- by the FISA court.
MARGARET BRENNAN: Would it have been authorized were it not for that dossier?
REP. GOWDY: No. It would not have been.
Trad climber
Orange Murica!
they are getting spanked with Forbes magazines?
Mountain climber
Enjoy your extra $1.50 a week.
doesn't dumbass Ryan know how much a latte cost at Starbucks?
The Wastelands
*Trump has won the heart of the Republican base.
He may be unpopular with the public at large, but among Republicans, nothing he and his supporters said or did during his first year in office drove his Gallup approval ratings significantly below 80 percent. Forced to choose between their support for Trump and their suspicion of Russia, conservatives went with Trump. Forced to choose between their support for Trump and their insistence that character matters, evangelicals went with Trump.
One Virginia Republican, explaining why he had just voted for Democrats in every race, told The Washington Post, “I’ve been with the Republicans my whole life, but what the party has been doing is appalling.” Trump’s base stayed loyal but was overwhelmed by other voters.
*We understand why Republicans, even moderate ones, are reluctant to cross party lines. Party, today, is identity. But in the through-the-looking-glass era of Donald Trump, the best thing Republicans can do for their party is vote against it.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 5, 2018 - 03:00pm PT
I sit afar, looking in.
I see subterfuge, I see outright lies taken as truths. I see distraction. I see a weak GOP governed by the few extremists, I see a weak Democratic party who can best bring out a young Kennedy. Sad.
A Democratic party with no agenda, no leader, no viable alternatives.
I see Donald Trump being teflon nothing to him sticks. Right or wrong. But he does not care, and there in lies part of the problem. How to satisfy a narcissist to move on?
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Can't wait to read the emperors new book " Me , Myself and Lie " ...rj
Boulder climber
When your Pres is Trump "The Situation" from DC Shore can you really be surprised by anything?
Jon Beck
Trad climber
I thought I heard him say it during an interview, I was wrong.
What he said was that there would still be a Russia investigtion and obstruction investigation without the dossier.
he speaks on it in the beginning of the video
footnote - Trey Gowdy is a right wing nut job who is no longer carrying Trumps water
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Yep, all politicians should get a free pass from the FBI.
The GOP wet dream.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 5, 2018 - 07:20pm PT
You are all stoopid and brainwashed, says the Duck.
Ducks are related to loons, and Bugs and Looney Tunes are one together.
Sorry Werner, I could not resist, I want to beat you to the punch. Sort of a pre-empt.
You stooooooopid Americans (hey, I am one of those), get a clue Trump is the best, he is the best… until he bankrupts America.
I'd like to be serious , I'd like to laugh, but the joke of Trump is no laughing matter.
Things need/needed changing, but Trump is not the answer. He is just enriching himself, at your cost. and no doubt in a minority of American eyes, he will go down as a great president. As long as he goes down, and I do not mean on a porn star.
I may live abroad, but I want the best for my country. I want consensus, I do not want an orange turd sitting in the west wing.
Cannot we find a true leader, who listens to both sides and works for all Americans? Is that too much to ask for?
The Wastelands
Maybe the FBI is finally relearning to stay the f*#k out of politics.
I am with Dingus on this one...
Remember when the FBI director virtually handed the election to Trump by continually jabbering about Hillary's emails winding up on Weiner's lap top, by then the public had had a belly full of her emails, no one cared or even understood what the truth was, but just the constant daily news onslaught, just like with Benghazi, convinced many Americans that there just had to something sinister going on
good call, Dingus, about the FBI being political
The Wastelands
yes Dingus, perhaps he really did want Trump to be President, given what he did to Clinton
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday accused Democrats of being “un-American” and “treasonous” for their lack of applause during his State of the Union address last week when he spoke of rising wages and historically low African-American unemployment.
Of couse, during President Obama's 8 State of the Union addresses, the Republicans, by order of their leaders, all "sat on their hands." I don't recall Obama doing much, but sighing about their lack of support for his agenda.
On Fox news tonight, their spin on Trump calling Democratic Congressmen treasonist was:
President Trump on Monday ripped into congressional Democrats who refused to applaud the “positive news” during his State of the Union address last week, calling their reaction “un-American” and accusing them of “bad energy” during the speech.
“They were like death and un-American,” Trump said during a speech in Ohio, as he promoted the sweeping tax reform law that Congress passed last year.
Trump added: “Somebody said ‘treasonist.’ I mean, yeah, I guess, why not? Can we call that treason? Why not?”
Trump is an incredible, bad for our country, assfukhole.
And for those who want to laugh-off Trump using the word Treason about Democrats who didn't applaud him, those convicted of Treason are sentenced to death.
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Definition of treason under Federal law is
18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
this is simple the infighting between players on the one side which is allowed to hold office and political sway
Just the two factions of the Corporate Party disagreeing over exactly how many crumbs should be swept off the table to us.
Ice climber
hartford, ct
Just the two factions of the Corporate Party disagreeing over exactly how many crumbs should be swept off the table to us.
With most of the woolly masses gathered under the right or left edges with mouths agape...
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Trump said he’d shrink the trade deficit with China. It just hit a record high.
U.S. purchases of Chinese goods and services last year were $375 billion greater than Chinese orders from the United States, the Commerce Department said Tuesday.
Mountain climber
Timbers of Fennario
Bit off topic, but I never get a flu shot, nor jesus nor vote republicunts. Strange assertion there.
Put that in your Trump pipe and light it, biotches.
Wade Icey
Trad climber
The Wastelands
I would like your opinions on the Path to Citizenship issue
First for "Dreamers", those who came across the border as children and have lived here some for many decades and want to be citizens
Secondly for the other some 10 million people who are here illegally mostly because they came across our borders as adults fleeing miserable lives elsewhere
Since both above groups of people are living here technically illegally, what to do?
1) Well if you buy the Republican Party and Trump's line you round them up, tear them away from their jobs and families, root them out of church sanctuaries, and send them back to
somewhere presumably the country they ran away from many years ago, countries that do not want them back and have no use for them
2) You offer both above groups a way to stay here and become US citizens
Maybe you set up some hoops for them to jump through
Like you have to be able to speak and understand basic English
Maybe you require them to take and pass a basic US civics class
My own opinion is door number two above, yours?
Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
You would deport someone based on whether or not they can speak English? How's that going to work?
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
You should see the test for British citizenship. It requires a lot more than just a good
command of the language.
Toker Villain
Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Good point Chaz.
My grandma spoke Russian as a child there.
Then moved to Berlin and learned German.
In 1935 she and her husband escaped to Buenos Aires where she learned Spanish.
By the time she came to the US she was half deaf. Didn't bother with English.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Like you have to be able to speak and understand basic English
My dear departed grandmother was born in Posey County Indiana in 1889. Her English wasn't that good, but she sure could crank out that low German dialect.
My father, born in Posey County Indiana in 1927 didn't speak English until he started 1st grade.
The Wastelands
I could not agree more about NOT making the English language a requirement for citizenship
however every Republican authored proposal for a pathway that I have read makes this a requirement....and since they control congress and the Presidency safe bet that some English requirement will end up in any grand Immigration bill becoming law......
Trad climber
Monrovia, California
I could not agree more about NOT making the English language a requirement for citizenship
Since that is a position I simply don't understand I'd like to see your thoughts behind it.
It seems to me that a sure road to a balkanized society is to have language barriers between different ethnicities and nationalities. Or to put it another way, I think that becoming a citizen means to become American. Part of the whole. Not to abandon your heritage, but to add being an American to your life. Part of being integrated into American culture is to speak the country's language.
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Fingers crossed that tRump is deluded enough to actually agree to be questioned directly by Mueller's team.
Social climber
Wilds of New Mexico
There already is an English test for those seeking citizenship. A civics test too, which I bet many of our supertopo politards would fail.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Everyones up in arms about the south americans sneaking across the border...Trumps fooled the libtards again with his beautiful border wall to take Americas eyes off the real threat the asian influx...Forget about the mexican invasion ...Their already here...We should be worried about the asians moving in and taking over... Their great at math and computer skills but can't drive worth a sh#t...Mexico has never put a man on the moon...China is close to pulling this off...We need to make the mexicans learn chinese , not english , cause the Chinese are going to keep the mexicans stuck at the poverty level....China is the bigger threat...Viva la DACA...
Boulder climber
Well the Mexicans should teach the Chinese how to make Carne asada burritos the Jamaicans should teach them how to play reggae music and white trash should show them how to grow bud-they'd be near perfect humans.
Boulder climber
10 million dollars so Cadet Bone Spur can get a tingling in his groin...sick bastard
in the land of the blind
“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters,"
That you support this worthless piece of sh#t and will continue to support him no matter what he does and laugh about it while he tears the country apart makes you a worthless piece of sh#t as well.
JC Marin
Trad climber
Well, much like GWB--Trump was born on 3rd base and thinks he hit a triple. He pulled himself up by his boot straps and borrowed 10 million dollars from his Dad. He is so darn good at business that he has only had to declare bankruptcy 6 times (and finally resorted to money laundering in Russia to pay the bills--I mean who wouldn't) so...yeah, he's used to winning--I mean it's hard to lose when the world hands you everything as many times as you need it right?
If people (who believe in a fairy tale that the world was created in 7 days) think he is noble and righteous (for all of the porn stars he has sexually harassed) than I guess that type of person would be willing to believe anything Trump (President and Tool) has to say--and to trust in his ability to lead us into a great economic future of extreme debt, high inflation and massive poverty for most--but hey--super low taxes on the super wealthy and much needed tax relief for those poor struggling masive corporations (which have more wealth than most small countries).
What could possibly go wrong for the average American?
Trad climber
Santa Cruz, California
I'm was wondering if Elon let Trump name the Falcon Heavy rocket? Sounds like a name Trump would come up with.
Trad climber
Who's gonna teach the Marines to goose step?
The state of quantum flux
Insert instigating or retaliatory insult, cartoon, or inflammatory political comment here VVVVVV, naw mean?
At least he’s spending his time sweating the big stuff.
The Wastelands
Jody stated:
When the Democrats were in the WH, they refused to release the reserves that each department had so the shutdown would be disruptive
the last shutdown was in 2013 when your Republicans controlled the House and thereby all government spending, your above statement makes no sense at all, prove it
prove it Jody, show your credible sources, prove you are not lying
also Jody, for the now 5th time request prove your statement that
"the Dems support and people and countries that support Sharia Law"
prove it, Jody
Wade Icey
Trad climber
You're my kind of Patriot!
Jesus and the Popular Vote Loser/Liar/Traitor are as proud of you as you are of yourself.
Out and Proud! America First! F*#k Everyone else. I got Mine!
*Membership in the Faux news Party
*Identifying as a Christian/Fascist
*Massive cognitive dissonance
*Never enrolled in college, nor Possession of a High School Diploma. Hates (intimidated by) the Educated.
*Living on a Nanny state pension while bitching about Socialism
*Massive cognitive dissonance
*Minimum cognitive function
*Supports poisoning the Environment because the old testament and Rush LimpBog says it's his to exploit.
*Spotty or non-existent ethics
*Massive cognitive dissonance
*Anti constitutional NIMBYism. Thinks 'Constitutional Scholar' is a racial slur
*Undying support of whatever the TV tells him to support.
*Rioting, Looting, or attacking when Manifest Destiny or Corporate profit questioned. (Look Away, Look away) *Massive cognitive dissonance
*Using the term "Liberal" to mean anyone Intelligent, educated, Female or brown
*Thinks Jesus was a white Christian man.
Larry Nelson
Social climber
Jody posted
Who needs a degree?
Are you saying it's not easy to imagine the intellectual with a gender studies degree crawling under your house to repair a drain problem, add a new electrical circuit, or run a crane on a high rise construction project?
YEAH who needs education and learnin’?
Buncha elitist propellorheads talking science mumbo jumbo.
Larry Nelson
Social climber
dirtbag posted
YEAH who needs education and learnin’?
That wasn't my point, but you knew that.
How do so many top students end up in college remedial classes?
Meanwhile, higher education costs have gone up faster than healthcare.
Virtually all college degrees are worth something, as it at least demonstrates achieving a goal.
Way too many non STEM college degrees are a ripoff to the student, considering the cost.
In fact with the cost so high now, how many years to recoup that investment, compared to the electrician, plumber, etc?
How many with non STEM degrees work in restaurants serving "dumb cops"?
EDIT for graph:
I recently read that A (or the equivalent) is the most common grade given in virtually all colleges.
My brother's high school kids are looking for colleges to attend, but costs are huge. Is it true that the California State college and university systems now take fewer in state students than they used to?
Out of state tuition reaps more moolah for the schools, and foreign students (whose parents are often very wealthy) even more?
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
The Atlantic: Boycott the Republican Party
Jonathan Rauch and Benjamin Wittes, in today’s issue of The Atlantic, call for a total boycott of the Republican Party. These are not bleeding-heart Liberals, or even NeverTrump Conservatives. Both Rauch and Wittes are respected for their non-partisan positions, and are fellows of the Brookings Institution.
This, then, is the article we thought we would never write: a frank statement that a certain form of partisanship is now a moral necessity. The Republican Party, as an institution, has become a danger to the rule of law and the integrity of our democracy.
Their article makes a desperate but reasoned appeal for everyone to abandon nuance and go all-out against every Republican candidate.
We’re suggesting that in today’s situation, people should vote a straight Democratic ticket even if they are not partisan, and despite their policy views. They should vote against Republicans in a spirit that is, if you will, prepartisan and prepolitical. Their attitude should be: The rule of law is a threshold value in American politics, and a party that endangers this value disqualifies itself, period. In other words, under certain peculiar and deeply regrettable circumstances, sophisticated, independent-minded voters need to act as if they were dumb-ass partisans.
The discussion that makes up the meat of the article is worth reading. To summarize:
•This is not about the Republican party’s extremism or even about policies.
•This is not about Trump being awful (though he is), but about the Republican party being unwilling to check his abuses of power
•Anti-Trump forces in Republican party have been shut out, and Trump owns the base now
Larry Nelson
Social climber
Excellent point. If colleges had to float the loans, they'd take the hit on defaults.
Is this another example of a policy with good intentions spawning perverse incentives? (ie: degrees ending in the word 'studies")
Larry Nelson
Social climber
Dayumm Locker, that was funny.
Marilyn Monroe shoulda walked those steps
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
One of the biggest issues with college costs (which help drive demand for loans) is loss of state funding, especially after the last GOP caused recession. Having an educated population used to be a priority, but some in the GOP want only the elites to have higher education, so funding public colleges and universities is a low priority. They want just a enough education to have a pool of disposable workers that can be easily manipulated. They need the serfs to feed on. If the serfs still want to get an education anyway, they can at least suck them dry with loan debt.
The Wastelands
*Why do Conservatives like Jody believe and repeat lies?
What is it in their psychological make up that makes them deny truth and insists lies are true?
Psychologists say conservatives are more moralistic and more likely to repress unconscious drives towards unconventional sexuality.
*Fairness and kindness place lower on the list of moral priorities for conservatives than for liberals. Conservatives show a stronger preference for higher status groups, are more accepting of inequality and injustice, and are less empathic (at least towards those outside their immediate family). As one Tea Party member told University of California sociologist Arlie Hochschild, “People think we are not good people if we don’t feel sorry for blacks and immigrants and Syrian refugees. But I am a good person and I don’t feel sorry for them.”
The New York Times cataloged no less than 117 clearly false statements proclaimed publicly by Trump in the first six months of his presidency, with no evident loss in his supporters’ faith in him.
*Conservatives are also less introspective, less attentive to their inner feelings, and less likely to override their “gut” reactions and engage in further reflection to find a correct answer. As a result, they may be more likely to rely on error-prone cognitive shortcuts, less aware of their own unconscious biases, and less likely to respond to factual corrections to previously held beliefs.
The Wastelands
*Despite occasional left forays into reality denial, conservatives are far more likely to accept misinformation and outright lies.
Deliberate campaigns of misinformation and conservative preferences for information that fits in with their pre-existing ideology provide only a partial explanation.
*Faulty reasoning and judgment, rooted in the interactions between modes of reasoning and judgment shared by all with the specific personality patterns found disproportionately among conservatives may also play a central role.
John M
Thanks to those who are talking about issues rather then the people on the forum.
Edit: ( not talking about jokes, )
congress is working on a budget for the next 2 years that increases spending on both social issues and the military. How are we going to pay for that? I would like to see them at least balance the budget.
Trad climber
It is the sign of a small mind, people posting how "these people are this" or "those people are that."
Really, I would be embarrassed if that was the kind of ammo I relied on to debate topics.
As for that clip of Trump - so what if he's balding and unwilling to accept it? Just shows he is insecure. Plenty of guys hold on to those wisps of hair until someone takes them aside and convinces them it isn't working.
Maybe someone should get him a baseball cap that says "I just wear this hat to keep my bald spot covered." Now, if he did that.... just once, the next time he gets on the plane, as response to this "news clip," I would give him some credit as being actually connected in some way to the rest of humanity. I can see Obama doing something like that, were it him.
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Most corrupt administration ever, more scandals in a week than Obama had in 8 years. Imagine Obama trying the crap Cadet Bone Spur is pulling.
About the parade, Trump claims it is to honor the troops? That shows how utterly disconnected he is. Troops hate doing those dog and pony shows. Give them all a 96, would be cheaper and more appreciated by the snuffys
The Wastelands
All cooked up by the media with no factual basis.
from the biggest liar and repeater of " no factual basis"
The Wastelands
After studying the Twitter feeds of 13,000 users across the political spectrum, the Project determined that Trump supporters are among the most prolific purveyors of "misleading, deceptive or incorrect information purporting to be real news about politics, economics or culture.
” (For the purposes of its research, the Oxford team compiled a "watch list" of approximately 100 websites with a history of publishing conspiracy theories or overt propaganda.)
The Wastelands
Jody stated:
When the Democrats were in the WH, they refused to release the reserves that each department had so the shutdown would be disruptive
Jon Beck
Trad climber
All fake news, right
• Ryan Zinke, Trump’s secretary of the interior, is under investigation for chartering a $12,000 flight from Las Vegas to Montana at taxpayers’ expense. Zinke also failed to disclose an investment in a Montana gun company, booked a $12,000 flight on an oil executive’s plane, spent almost $40,000 of a wildfire preparedness fund to pay for flights and paid $6,000 for a helicopter trip to visit Vice President Mike Pence.
Continue reading the main story
Continue reading the main story
• David Shulkin, the secretary of Veterans Affairs, charged taxpayers for a trip to Europe that included stopovers at Wimbledon and Westminster Abbey, plus a river cruise for him and his wife.
• Scott Pruitt, who runs the Environmental Protection Agency, regularly dines with donors and lobbyists from industries his department is regulating. He also used public money to pay for a soundproof booth in his office and chartered private and military overseas flights.
• Steve Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, tried to use a government plane to fly him to Europe for his honeymoon. He may also have availed himself of a taxpayer-funded military plane to view the solar eclipse in August, though he says the trip had a different purpose.
The Treasury Department’s inspector general concluded in October that Mnuchin broke no laws when he spent $800,000 to travel on military planes. But the inspector general also criticized Mnuchin’s insufficient explanation for why he needed to spend so much taxpayer money. “What is of concern is a disconnect between the standard of proof called for,” the inspector general wrote, “and the actual amount of proof provided by Treasury and accepted by the White House in justifying these trip requests.”
• Tom Price, the former secretary of health and human services who resigned in September, spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on private planes. Trump hired Price despite Price’s history of using his position in Congress to receive sweetheart stock deals.
• Despite Trump’s spending only eight days in Trump Tower as president so far, the government has spent $130,000 per month since April to lease space in the building for a military office that supports the White House.
•Despite counterintelligence warnings that Chinese officials might be trying to curry favor with him to advance China’s interests, Jared Kushner has reportedly used his closeness with Trump to secure foreign investment in Kushner’s family-owned business, in exchange for granting visas.
• A Chinese government office approved trademarks for a company owned by Ivanka Trump on the same day that China’s president met with President Trump.
• Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, may have used his position to curry favor with a Russian oligarch as part of a long-running money-laundering and tax-evasion scheme, according to charges brought against him by Robert Mueller, the special counsel.
• Michael Flynn lobbied on behalf of the Turkish government, but Trump selected him as national security adviser anyway (before later ousting him).
• Kellyanne Conway, a top Trump adviser, promoted Ivanka’s fashion line on television.
• As The New Yorker, ProPublica and the public radio station WNYC reported, longtime Trump lawyer Marc Kasowitz donated or solicited more than $50,000 on behalf of a Manhattan district attorney who later dropped a case against Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.
• Ivanka Trump, a White House adviser to her father, owns a stake in a Trump-branded luxury hotel in Washington valued at between $5 million and $25 million.
• K.T. McFarland, Trump’s former deputy national security adviser, may have violated federal law by using over $13,000 in campaign funds to boost her work as a media figure.
• Rebeckah Adcock, a top Department of Agriculture deregulation official, met with pesticide lobbyists from her former employer and discussed issues related to her previous lobbying.
• A charity led by Eric Trump paid over $145,000 to properties owned by his father during the election. Despite pledging not to raise money for the organization after his resignation in December 2016, Eric has continued to attend fundraisers held at Trump properties.
• Brenda Fitzgerald, Trump’s former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director, purchased shares in food, drug and tobacco companies after taking charge of an agency that aims to reduce smoking. She resigned in January.
• Despite warnings to follow ethics rules, Ben Carson, the Housing and Urban Development secretary, let his son help organize an agency event and invite individuals with whom he had potential business dealings.
• The administration has eliminated regulations that were lobbied against by a company owned by a member of the president’s infrastructure council. Other members of the council — several with longstanding personal connections to Trump — hold investments in industries that would benefit from increased infrastructure spending.
• And there are likely some scandals we don’t know about because, unlike other modern presidents and candidates, Trump has refused to release his tax returns.
some eastside hovel
Without a doubt I know who would win the popular vote for biggest knob on this site.
some eastside hovel
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Let's have a parade!!!! Ours will be way more yuuuge than NK or France!
in the land of the blind
Everybody loves a parade!
Especially a multi-million dollar military celebration of Trump that will be promoted as a Trump celebration of the military, and used as a cudgel to paint as anti-men-and-women-of-the-military, anyone who criticizes the Trump parade because such partisan theatrics are just such a great use of tax dollars.
And after the parade we get to do some “infrastructure” work on Pennsylvania Avenue after it has been destroyed by 70 ton tanks because we obviously don’t have enough infrastructure that needs work in this country.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Any parade should have little hands sitting behind a desk with a big launch button and a bucket of creamed corn...The freak show contninues....
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Mexico called.
"Hey gringo, the check for your wall is in the mail"
The Wastelands
No, it is on YOU to prove it. I don't have to. I say it, and if you deny it, YOU prove it. Otherwise you are just a denier and a hater.
na na na na
Boulder climber
I couldn't help but notice the resemblance with this new Darth Vader doll.
i’m all for the parade.
when a nation’s federal government spends almost one out of every of its five dollars on defence/homeland-security/veteran-affairs...
and the nation still doesn’t feel collectively, and in general, secure...
well... then the least the tax payers should get is a parade.
the last guy got a nobel peace prize while he bombed at least a half dozen sovereign nations without having congress declare war on them.
at least with trump the gold dipped carpet fibres more closely match the gold foil covered drapes.
and so i say let the tanks and mobile icbm launchers roll down pennsylvania ave...
with luck the post tank parade washboard will justify the increasing of infrastructure budgets so that some more pothole repair can get done.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase
Out Of Bed
Cue "Wade Icy" pixz
The pussy grabber n' thief's fake jewish support is what that rich eastcoast deplorables hang thier well greased hats on
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Any thread with Joey Heatherton in it is a good thread!
Trad climber
Any thread with Joey Heatherton in it is a good thread!
Exploiting women to sell jingoism... it's the American way.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Exploiting women to sell jingoism... it's the American way.
Joey sold mattresses, too.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
We need to do this scientific study on Judy, give him some shrooms out in the Josh Wonderland on a nice Spring day, and then see if his authoritarian/fascist tendencies vanish.
I bet they would work.
Magic Mushrooms Fight Authoritarianism
New research suggests that psilocybin use can promote an anti-authoritarian attitude.
studies have linked the use of psychedelics to a greater sense of oneness with nature, openness to new experiences and political and social liberalism, this is the first to provide experimental evidence their use can leading to lasting changes in these attitudes.
In the study, researchers gave two oral doses of psilocybin to seven participants suffering from treatment-resistant major depression while a control group of seven healthy subjects did not receive psilocybin. Researchers surveyed participants about their political views and relationship to nature before the sessions, one week after the sessions, and 7-12 months later.
Subjects who received the psilocybin treatment showed a significant decrease in authoritarian attitudes after treatment, and that reduction was sustained over time. They also reported a significant increase in a sense of relatedness to nature.
"Before I enjoyed nature, now I feel part of it. Before I was looking at it as a thing, like TV or a painting… But now I see there’s no separation or distinction—you are it,” one participant told researchers.
Subjects who had not received psilocybin did not exhibit significant changes in attitudes.
Mountain climber
More from Michael Wolff's mega-bestseller: Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.
Page 185:
The White House needed normal, sane, logical, adult professionals. To a person, these pros saw themselves bringing positive attributes—rational minds, analytic powers, significant professional experience—to a situation sorely lacking those things. They were doing their bit to make things more normal and, therefore, more stable. They were bulwarks, or saw themselves that way, against chaos, impulsiveness, and stupidity. They were less Trump supporters than an antidote to Trump.
“If it all starts going south—more south than it is already going—I have no doubt that Joe Hagin would himself take personal responsibility, and do what needed to be done,” said a senior Republican figure in Washington, in an effort at self-reassurance, about the former Bush staffer who now served as Trump’s deputy chief of staff for operations.
But this sense of duty and virtue involved a complicated calculation about your positive effect on the White House versus its negative effect on you. In April, an email originally copied to more than a dozen people went into far wider circulation when it was forwarded and reforwarded. Purporting to represent the views of Gary Cohn and quite succinctly summarizing the appalled sense in much of the White House, the email read:
It’s worse than you can imagine. An idiot surrounded by clowns. Trump won’t read anything—not one-page memos, not the brief policy papers; nothing. He gets up halfway through meetings with world leaders because he is bored. And his staff is no better. Kushner is an entitled baby who knows nothing. Bannon is an arrogant prick who thinks he’s smarter than he is. Trump is less a person than a collection of terrible traits. No one will survive the first year but his family. I hate the work, but feel I need to stay because I’m the only person there with a clue what he’s doing. The reason so few jobs have been filled is that they only accept people who pass ridiculous purity tests, even for midlevel policy-making jobs where the people will never see the light of day. I am in a constant state of shock and horror.
Still, the mess that might do serious damage to the nation, and, by association, to your own brand, might be transcended if you were seen as the person, by dint of competence and professional behavior, taking control of it.
^^^I’ll never be able to unsee that.
in the land of the blind
The emperor has no hair.
Ice climber
Meantime life outside goes on all around you
With all these changes, the annual gap between spending and revenue in 2019 is projected to eclipse $1.1 trillion, up from $439 billion in 2015….The debt binge caps off a major reversal for the Republican Party, which has been swept up by President Trump’s demands for more spending and tax cuts at a time when the public seems to care less about debt than it has in years.
Conservative lawmakers and think tanks say the Republican-led Congress is ditching its commitment to smaller government and less spending by signing off on a new, two-year spending bill that would boost spending by $300 billion, and usher in a return to $1 trillion annual budget deficits.
Republican leaders said Wednesday they support the deal as a way to ensure more defense spending, and note it would also create a bipartisan committee that will try to recommend new budgeting reforms. The deal envisions a year-long suspension of the debt ceiling, which should pass this week while Congress spends a few more weeks writing legislation to enact other parts of the spending deal.
But in the short term all conservatives see is a huge boost in spending that will break the budget caps House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., helped enact just a few years ago.
It's estimated to add $300 billion through fiscal year 2019, something the conservative House Freedom Caucus said is unacceptable.
“The House Freedom Caucus opposes the deal to raise spending caps on discretionary spending by nearly $300 billion over two years," the group said late Wednesday. "We support funding for our military, but growing the size of government by 13 percent adds to the swamp instead of draining it."
"This is not what the American people sent us here to do," the group added.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Those poor inmates can't call their families...? Where's my hanky...? Seen too many as#@&%e repeat offenders that always claim they did nothing wrong when everybody in the community knows better... If they valued seeing their family they might think twice about committing crime...There's a reason they are called Cons....
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
xcon...I work with inmates on occasion...please tell me about inmates...still trying to figure them out...I'd like to know more...
John M
Mercy Xcon..
RJ isn't a guard.
you said "most".. so hopefully you understand that not everyone inside the system is doing a poor job.
Ice climber
El Chapo worked for Bush and Obama? Did he have a security clearance?
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Re xCon's reply to RJ's thoughts:
kill yourself
I suspect that is a reason for another libtard to be off ST.
Ice climber
hartford, ct
Whiskey or Gin?.....
Sounded like Whiskey...
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
xCon....I was all for charly manson getting paroled... but he died...RJ-retrograde johnny.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
LMAO...the bars make my head look big...
Ice climber
Trump hires in his own image -- bullies, posers, and bad boys
Omarosa says she wouldn’t vote for Trump again ‘in a million years’
Did anybody here work for tRump?
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 9, 2018 - 07:05am PT
xCon, regardless of what you think of rottingjohnny, and I know him to be a good person, you are way off base about him and to say "kill yourself', you have lost my attention after that. Shame on you, IMO.
I guess I phrased that incorrectly, what I meant was that from here forth xCon has lost my attention, not that he probably cares. I would think you do not either. ;-)
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Dow sees nearly 750-point swing in one of market’s worst weeks in years
Yawn.....I'm just so tired of winning and winning....
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
This flu season has now reached pandemic levels
This flu season is turning out to be so intense that the number of people seeking care at doctors' offices and emergency rooms has surged to levels not reported since the peak of the 2009 swine flu pandemic, federal officials said.
Is this another win, by laying off all the Public Health professionals? I get so confused by all the wins!
I guess it is Trumps effort to bolster the funeral industry, so beset by all that health care that was going around under the Dark One.
Ice climber
hartford, ct
Yes, the puppet in chief has a lot to do with the spread of influenza.
That close asteroid too.
Ice climber
hartford, ct
stop!!!! It burns!
Boulder climber
Apparently the President's Daily Brief is presented orally, in a story time format complete with crayon cartoons and followed by nap time.
Are you tired of winning yet?
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
No diaper change...?
Jon Beck
Trad climber
They leaked a pair of Chumps favorite briefs, a gift from Putin
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Trump's eating Putin's briefs...Sh#t,..he must have been hungry...?
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Even his boots...?
Boulder climber
Correct, and it comes straight from Putins butthole... So Trump cleans Putin's spokes? Gross!
Feb 10, 2018 - 12:10am PT
DMT wrote: “Didn't figure you for peddling Tin Foiler News, Nut.”
you have any reason/evidence to support equating The Intercept [one of the few american outlets doing actual ground breaking nationally relevant investigative journalism] with “Tin Foiler News”?
or are you just yanking chains attempting to use an authoritative sounding statement to hide that you actually don’t know much/any more than the rest of us?
The Good Places
Feb 10, 2018 - 12:40am PT
Agreed, nahoo, Scahill is legit imo
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 10, 2018 - 03:22am PT
A poster above posted echoooooadnauseam, as if there are lot of posts here that echo. JR, no sh*t Sherlock, of course there are, even by yourself. I suppose jolly good for you to notice.
But I would never describe ST forum as an echo chamber as such.
To me, an echo chamber is where people of the same persuasion go to reify their beliefs, agree with one another and feel good about their righteousness. And dissuade any “non-believers” from posting, usually with hostility or aggression.
I have not found that, in some 13 years, on the Taco Stand to be the usual case. Sure, there is some hostility and negative posts, ad hominem attacks, etc etc and such. But generally the tone, especially on the politard threads, is fairly civil (when compared to some forums, and I admit I do not go to many forums, so I am just supposing for the most part…).
If somebody on the Taco Stand posts a link to an article or item that I believe has some substance, I will go and read it, regardless if I agree or disagree with that person’s views. It is good to know what other people are thinking, especially those with opinions that differ from mine.
So echo echo echo does not bother me on this forum, I can always choose not to read a post or thread. Nobody is twisting my arm to agree with them and calling me treasonous if I do not.
Fat Dad
Trad climber
Los Angeles, CA
Feb 10, 2018 - 08:01am PT
You want to see an echo chamber, look at the Fox News website. It's like a Donald Trump safe room: "Illegal immigrant says he will commit more crimes"; "Judge Pirro says indictments against FBI imminent."
The Good Places
Feb 10, 2018 - 08:14am PT
I heard that the whole investigation is mostly just a coverup for.....
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Feb 10, 2018 - 08:37am PT
With corn...!
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Feb 10, 2018 - 08:42am PT
VP Pence attended the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics yesterday. He made of point of staying seated when the joint Korean delegation marched into the stadium & the crowd went wild. Everyone in the stadium was standing except for the Pences.
He must have learned the tactic from those Pro-football players he & Trump so despise.
The message received in Asia was one of U.S. bad taste & total disrespect for his South Korean hosts.
Wade Icey
Trad climber
Feb 10, 2018 - 08:51am PT
How freaking long does it take?
Only in a fact free universe does an innocent man hinder an investigation into his innocence.
in your LEO experience, how much time do innocent men spend obstructing justice and dismissing constitutional law as inconvenient?
The Good Places
Feb 10, 2018 - 08:53am PT
So I'm cruisin' CornHub this mornin' and found the Chocolate Stew recipe that is MAGA'ing so hard
The Good Places
Feb 10, 2018 - 09:05am PT
you can't make this sh#t up
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Feb 10, 2018 - 10:24am PT
No tax returns and no FISA memo release for the Dems side of the story....What's Trump hiding..?
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Feb 10, 2018 - 11:08am PT
You are what you eat
in the land of the blind
Feb 10, 2018 - 02:26pm PT
Vlady Crack Corn
When I was young I was used to wait
On the master and eat what he ate,
And Pass the corn cob when he got bitter,
And brush away his yellow ass-litter.
Vlady crack corn and I don't care,
Vlady crack corn and I don't care,
Vlady crack corn and I don't care,
My master has his way.
And when he voids in the afternoon,
I follow close with a hungry “yum!”
Putin has been my fave on Twitter,
Because I eat his yellow ass-litter.
Vlady crack corn and I don't care,
Vlady crack corn and I don't care,
Vlady crack corn and I don't care,
My master has his way.
Last year Vlady caused a lot of harm,
The bots so numerous they did swarm;
Many chanc’ed to make the voter’s minds less fitter,
This orange devil loves him some yellow ass-litter.
Vlady crack corn and I don't care,
Vlady crack corn and I don't care,
Vlady crack corn and I don't care,
My master has his way.
That damn Mueller he run, he jump and pitch,
And tumble me and master in the ditch;
We fried, and all knew why;
That damn Mueller guy was not a quitter,
The verdict: death by yellow ass-litter.
Vlady crack corn and I don't care,
Vlady crack corn and I don't care,
Vlady crack corn and I don't care,
My master has his way.
They buried us beneath the Kremlin in Red Square-
Our epitaph is there for all to be aware;
"Beneath this stone Vlady and Trumpy, in locked embrace are forced to wither,
One victim of poison corn, the other explosive yellow ass-litter.”
Vlady crack corn and I don't care,
Vlady crack corn and I don't care,
Vlady crack corn and I don't care,
My master has his way.
You’ll just have to imagine Trump singing it.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Feb 10, 2018 - 04:31pm PT
Trump roast sandwich , hold the corn please...
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Feb 10, 2018 - 05:08pm PT
yosemite 5.9
santa cruz
Feb 10, 2018 - 06:14pm PT
I would rather have an outspoken Republican President than a secretive Democrat President.
The Wastelands
Feb 10, 2018 - 06:25pm PT
I would rather have an outspoken Republican President than a secretive Democrat President.
no candidate in modern American history has benefitted more from the proliferation of "fake news" on social media than the former host of "The Apprentice.
*the Project determined that Trump supporters are among the most prolific purveyors of "misleading, deceptive or incorrect information purporting to be real news about politics, economics or culture.”
in the land of the blind
Feb 10, 2018 - 06:31pm PT
Sounds like poor yosemite 5.9 is at the end of the line and all he gets is corn syrup from Fox et al.
Feb 10, 2018 - 07:18pm PT
DMT wrote: “Post up your proof of the charges or quit pissing on my shoe.”
you’re the one who dismissed The Intercept and their piece as tinfoil news with zero “proof” and now even a willingness to explain where your argumentation is coming from...
as far as i’m concerned, if you don’t like your shoes being pissed on then be willing to back up your dismissive shade regarding some of the few hard working investigative journalists and editors that the u.s. has left...
anyway, if that’s all you’ve got in response then thanks for playing and more importantly thanks for the article NutAgain...
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Feb 10, 2018 - 07:36pm PT
Locker! Nice reply!
"I would rather have an outspoken Republican President than a secretive Democrat President."...
How about a draft dodger, misogynist, liar, bigot, narcissist , Putin butthole licker???...
Would you rather have that???...
Because THAT is what you have...
Oh well...
Just so long as he's "Outspoken"...
Even if you neglected to add: Trump's sexual abuse & being a billionaire.
Yeh, I hate billionaires too.
Who here wants to give them hundreds of millions of dollars of our money for the purported Republicans "middle class tax cuts, that are instead a tax cut for the rich & corporations."
What a fuk job the Republicans just did to the American people in favor of their political campaign donors, the very rich & corporate America.
The nasty, greedy, fuking, fukers.
Ice climber
Feb 10, 2018 - 07:50pm PT
I would rather have an outspoken Republican President than a secretive Democrat President.
Nobody cares what you want, but why not tell it anyway? Are you talking about Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman (the last True republican)?
Truman: If you can't convince them, confuse them.
FDR: When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Feb 10, 2018 - 07:56pm PT
While were on the subject of pissing on shoes and golden corn showers , I want to see what Trump has to say when Mueller asks him about the russian prostitutes pissing on Obama's bed...Let's see how outspoken blow-hard is then...
The Wastelands
Feb 10, 2018 - 08:05pm PT
Oh boy, the Donald has been taking some flack lately
his voters "Adore" him, just gush about about how "unconventional" he is.....
where did they go anyway?
hey Jody?
"you lie and you know it, you got nothing"
The Wastelands
Feb 10, 2018 - 08:07pm PT
*Trump Supporters Are the Single Biggest Purveyors of 'Fake News Study
New research confirms the president's base is exactly who we thought it was.
Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.
Bush: Whatever you want.
Trump: Grab ’em by the pu**y. You can do anything.
in the land of the blind
Feb 10, 2018 - 08:16pm PT
I just can’t imagine how anyone could read through this whole timeline and not acknowledge that there is a whole lot of there there.
Unless you are like Trump who only reads headlines and very short tweets, or maybe a diehard Corn-fed Trumpie that can’t digest anything else.
p.s. Bill Moyers is neither fake news nor tin-foil.
It’s funny but at first a lot of commentators and pundits said the “salacious” parts of the Steele dossier (of Trump having prostitutes pissing on the bed in the Russian hotel room where Obama stayed, etc.) were so outrageous that they made the more serious elements, that seemed to indicate possible collusion, seem less likely.
But the more we know about Trump and pussy-grabbing and other forms of sexual assault, child molester defending, Stormy porn star f*#king while his wife is pregnant, and wife beater defending—those “salacious” elements now seem to actually strengthen the other claims.
Ice climber
Feb 10, 2018 - 08:32pm PT
With the right support structure the big lie can live for a long time, to wit: Lance Armstrong.
However, once that first thread is pulled things can unravel very fast.
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Feb 10, 2018 - 08:47pm PT
Get back in the cage Cosmic...
in the land of the blind
Feb 10, 2018 - 08:49pm PT
Ah the usual 'oh my my source is special!'
And blow me, while you're down there.
Trad climber
AKA Dwain, from Apple Valley, Ca. and Vegas!
Feb 10, 2018 - 08:45pm PT
Libtards are a bunch of MasturdDebators
More corn?
That’s all you got?
away from the ground
Feb 10, 2018 - 08:54pm PT
Dingus Milktoast
Trad climber
Minister of Moderation, Fatcrackistan
Feb 10, 2018 - 07:14am PT
or are you just yanking chains attempting to use an authoritative sounding statement to hide that you actually don’t know much/any more than the rest of us?
Post up your proof of the charges or quit pissing on my shoe.
Looks like the piss on your shoe is your own, Dinkus.
Maybe put a little more OOMPH in your stream...?
I know it’s tough with an old man prostate.
Trad climber
Feb 11, 2018 - 06:09am PT
While were on the subject of pissing on shoes and golden corn showers , I want to see what Trump has to say when Mueller asks him about the russian prostitutes pissing on Obama's bed...Let's see how outspoken blow-hard is then...
Purportedly, there is something a whole lot more important for Mueller to ask him about, and that would be his *accidentally* murdering a 13 year old enslaved sex worker child while raping her.
You all can repeat Donald Trump's claims of "year long investigation with no proof shown, no collusion, no Russia" all you want. I'll keep repeating what people who work/have worked in the intelligence agencies are saying. We could call it even, but......
.....it's so not even that a person would have to be despicable to claim that it is.
Wade Icey
Trad climber
Feb 11, 2018 - 06:17am PT
The only good president...
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Feb 11, 2018 - 09:06am PT
not all Republicans are Nazis, but all Nazis are Republican voters
not all Republicans are racists, but all racists are Republican voters
not all Republicans are White supremacists, but all white supremacists are Republican voters
not all Republicans are fake Christians, but all Fake Christians are Republican voters
not all Republicans are Russian bots, but all Russian bots are Republican voters
not all Republicans are in cahoots Russian mobsters, but all those in cahoots with Russian mobsters are Republicans
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Feb 11, 2018 - 09:46am PT
in the land of the blind
Feb 11, 2018 - 12:54pm PT
Like Donald Trump saying there were “good people on both sides” at Charlottesville.
Another stupid false equivalency.
Ice climber
Feb 11, 2018 - 06:13pm PT
Although I'm mediocre, I consider myself the greatest cornholio"
-d. Trump
So whither my followers?
Ice climber
hartford, ct
Feb 12, 2018 - 12:01pm PT
It would be cool if Patrick deleted this thread...
Ice climber
Feb 12, 2018 - 12:16pm PT
[Trump wannabee or vice versa] Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte has said women who choose to fight in the New People's Army rather than raise children should be shot in the genitals.
If ya can't grab some pussy you can at least shoot it.
Feb 12, 2018 - 12:17pm PT
It would be cool if Patrick deleted this thread...
For sure. We definitely wouldn't want to talk about real 'things' that affect the lives of Americans, in America. Censor or stop it eh?! Kinda sounds similar to at least one of his daily tweets.
Trad climber
Feb 12, 2018 - 12:21pm PT
Ice climber
hartford, ct
Feb 12, 2018 - 12:29pm PT
For sure. We definitely wouldn't want to talk about real 'things' that affect the lives of Americans, in America.
If that were true, but it's not... it's just a circular never-ending whine-fest with occasional nasty personal attacks.
Trad climber
Feb 12, 2018 - 01:21pm PT
EdwardT, in who's mind did that happen?
Feb 12, 2018 - 01:25pm PT
it's just a circular never-ending whine-fest with occasional nasty personal attacks.
Yup as can be a lot of convos that aren't love/ball cupping fests/events. Not much substance to those IMO(of course it is IMHO but why the H, shouldn't it be implied?? I added a little whining to the thread) just agreement across the board whether true or not. I agree about personal attacks and find them lame and unproductive but we are human. Anyway, I don't post much on these threads but do peruse them and then try to find the substance on the nets. I am not any kind of political/government scholar and probably know the least, so I appreciate the arguments brought forward to try and learn myself something. There is no 'I' learn myself and that helps me to remove bias, where there is an 'I'...
Grey Matter
Feb 12, 2018 - 01:34pm PT
"EdwardTroll, in who's mind did that happen? "
In the minds of the insane, faux, gerrymandered brain, alt conspiracy, findyourownfacts, deliberately ignorant, malignant narcissist, unelectoral minority, toxic moronation.
sorry I went skiing to Canada and somehow survived missing this window into the soul of political truthiness.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Feb 12, 2018 - 02:35pm PT
Trump has proposed to increase defense spending by $100 billion. Guess we'll need another tax cut to pay for it.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 12, 2018 - 02:55pm PT
At what point does a patriot become a traitor, and at what point does a traitor become a patriot?
I ask this on several levels.
Another point, it has been bugging me for several days. If I do not agree with a person, for example a president, and I do not clap at his speeches (State of the Union comes to mind) and then the president says, or implies, I am a traitor for not clapping at his SOTU speech, what does that say? What does that tell?
The temerity. And he gets away with it. Some on this forum say Americans are stooppppiddd. Perhaps.
It is shameful. That such a person can accuse others for not rallying behind his very partisan and obfuscating speech and imply they are treasonous.
BULLSHOIT. Total BS. That is in not the American way, that is not what democracy is about, to be subservient to the master. that is not what I signed up for, nor my ancestors.
It sickens me, what Trump has done, is doing. And yet he has his supporters. Demagogue. I see the articles, the videos (BBC has been one source, very objective, VERY OBJECTIVE, in its coverage, a number of videos of interviews with Trump supporters and no negative or judgmental commentary, just videos to watch and see and hear why Trump supporters like the guy. Check it out. No bias, just straightforward interviews without a contrary POV in most cases.)
You know, it is sort of funny, ironic I suppose. As much as I detest Trump, in a way I was hoping he may make a difference, in some perverse way. Hoping he may make a good president (though in my gut, intuitions, I knew otherwise), but still, for the sake of the nation, I hoped.
A forlorn hope.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 12, 2018 - 03:04pm PT
Are you sure Dingus?
So I ask you, since you have indicated to me that you do not want to talk politics in emails between us, so this is the forum for me to ask, on the particular point, did Trump have the, hmmm…
Did he have the "right" to accuse, or at least imply, that people who did not clap at his SOTU address were treasonous?
How did or does that strike you?
To me it just shows more divisiveness, more division to wedge a 'sour' point, to divide a nation. he cries for partisanship and yet most of his action defy this. That is how I see it.
Dingus, I know you do not support the guy (do you? not?). But at times you seem to want to support him by denigrating his detractors. Maybe I am wrong.
And I just to add on another note, totally different than Trump, you sure do not like the Browns, father and son. Interesting.
Feb 12, 2018 - 03:11pm PT
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Feb 12, 2018 - 02:35pm PT
Trump has proposed to increase defense spending by $100 billion. Guess we'll need another tax cut to pay for i
Yes, we will need another tax cut.
Not my taxes, or your taxes, but someone’s taxes. I wonder who?
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 12, 2018 - 03:21pm PT
And Jody, so you are retired now. Besides being a darn good photographer, you are photogenic. Your avatar 'note' says Occupied Territoiry or something like that. Why not run for office if you want to change the politics of California. Despite what some may think, I think you are intelligent, just misguided and misinformed in my opinion. AND CAN BE A DOLT AT TIMES.
And headstrong. Nothing wrong with that, but not being open to other ideas is not a plus.
If you want to change California, as some of your ilk are moving out, why not run for office and see how far you can get. I mean, if Nunes can get elected, you have a chance.
Go for it.
EDIT, I have had two glasses of wine (I get paid on Mondays, a bottle of wine is one of my few luxuries every week), and in vino veritas, Jody, voters that would support you would love to have an ex-cop, pseudo-Christian, bigot, selfish candidate like you, I mean, they elected Trump. Except, he was a draft dodger, and I suspect you are not.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 12, 2018 - 03:35pm PT
Gotcha Dingus, my mistake, as I do respect you. It will not happen again, as I appreciate your personal correspondence big time. Apologies. Sincerely, Patrick
Trad climber
Feb 12, 2018 - 03:53pm PT
Trump's treason comment was sarcasm. He was being flippant. Do I think it's appropriate? Not at all. But given the amount of crap shovelled his way every day, it's par for the discourse.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 12, 2018 - 03:59pm PT
My fellow Californians
But you are from Tennessee, hah hah. I am a born Californian, I just live elsewhere.
Yeah, Pat Brown, old school politician, like Mayor Daly or LaGuardia. Tammany Hall and the like. Joe Kennedy comes to mind.
Jerry Brown, I like him and I loathe him. I think the LSD bullet trained on his brain. He is different, just think if he made POTUS. Yikes, what a wild ride.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 12, 2018 - 04:06pm PT
So Dingus and Edward, you really think that Trump's treasonous remarks were just playing to the base? Or, perhaps he really did feel slighted, considering his yuge ego, that the Dems did not fawn over his words. Look at his past history and how he feels butt hurt when people do not agree with him.
Do not kid me, he was not being facetious or a troll, he was playing to his audience because his pinky hurt. Jaysus, you both are smart, and you fell for it? That he was trolling? Head, toilet, coffee pot comes to mind.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 12, 2018 - 04:17pm PT
One thing I have learned over the past 18 or so months. Trump is an idiot, but he is not stupid. There is a conundrum there. Go figure.
But he is an A1 as#@&%e, no conundrum there. He is the worst president one could imagine, yet, his base loves him, so he must be doing something to appease them.
And economies, look at history. Unless there is a radical change in an economy, they are their own beasts. Trump is trading on Obama's policies.
Kids, I am a journalist with a track record, a writer, a zoologist (but nobody is hiring). I have been wrong about some things in life. But I am not wrong about Donald 'Trump.
History and time will bear me out. And I can live with that, but I fear for social justice, the environment, the social structure, for those who are not the 1%.
Time for bed and sweet dreams or nightmares.
Trad climber
Feb 12, 2018 - 04:44pm PT
But given the amount of crap shovelled his way every day, it's par for the discourse.
The crap being shoveled is done by the White House staff who, like in the circus, have to pick up after the elephant.
The Good Places
Feb 12, 2018 - 05:05pm PT
my great-grandaddy, sheriff in deepest TX, slung the odd noose in his day, with, I suspect, more brown men swinging than white. Sessions is right, but he ain't right.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 12, 2018 - 05:27pm PT
Trump's treason comment was sarcasm. He was being flippant.
Was he?
Hah hah, yeah right, Edward, by your posts it is obvious you are Trump apologist. Okay, just spell it out better. That said, you seem one of the more saner Trumpites on this forum, and you also seem more open minded, but you still drink the Trump Kool-Aid, it seems.
Little I can do about that. Let us see what the Donald's legacy will be about in say, five years, ten years, 50 years.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 12, 2018 - 05:33pm PT
Trump would not know sarcasm, or indeed irony, if it hit him in that barn-sized arse of his. Trump only knows what appeases him, true or false, and Edward you are just one of many who what to appease him. Well, to each their own.
I am no prophet or oracle, but mark my words, Trump is bad news, and it is not fake. He is the screwing up, have you ever seen such as dysfunctional administration? Drain the swamp? Yeah, and I have the winning lottery numbers (now that I can get behind).
I am having fun, I should be in bed, but…
Today, I watched a BBC video of three Michigan women, Trump supporters, on why they like Trump. It was objective, and I watched as they said why they liked Trump. No rebuttal, no opposite views, just a look into some people's "minds" why they like Trump.
Some good points they made, but were they real points? Reality belies what they were saying, but … there was no rebuttal, so they probably felt smug and positive about Trump.
The ways matters are going, Trump is winning, not fairly but what is fair in love and war? He will see out his term and run for re-election, and perhaps win, because in the words of the Mighty Duck, Americans are stoooopid.
Sad, but the nation is stronger than the man. It will even out over the course of time.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 12, 2018 - 06:06pm PT
And for you so-called Christians out there. Having been raised in Catholic school, I have read the Old and New Testaments. The interpretation I can not attest to, but can only guess what was going though the mind of the chroniclers of the time.
Fire and brimstone, the Old Testament seems to be the bible of the right, the righteousness, the people who know. Strike down those who do not follow your path. Damnation.
Empathy and understanding seems to be the message in the New Testament, which is more or less drawn on Christ's teachings, so we are "told". Salvation as opposed to damnation.
And we see the righteousness of the pseudo-Christians on this forum.
As for me, I was an agnostic, then atheist, now agnostic, now… I do not give a sh#t if there is a God or not, I care about my fellow humans and nature, God has nothing to do with it. A god who allows children to suffer, who puts a twit in the White House, who allows pestilence and disease. An ever-knowing god, to some it may be Donald Trump.
To me it is a load of crap. If I die on a mountain, it is not god's doing, it is nature's way.
So go ahead and support Trump and his ilk. It makes a small difference in the outcome, yet his policies will affect many people, that is knot a small difference. Contradictory? Isn't life?
Trad climber
Feb 12, 2018 - 06:07pm PT
Take a couple of xanax. Maybe a few stiff drinks, as well. If you're still worked up, I hear ambien works well.
Trump's treason comment is a big old Nothingburger.
Seriously, it not a big deal.
I don't like Trump. Hope he's a one term pres. But one thing that sets us apart is I don't obsess over every petty thing he does. It's pointless.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 12, 2018 - 06:13pm PT
Edward, I am just pontificating and having fun, so go take your own Xanax. I will not be losing any sleep over the Donald tonight or even you. But it is interesting that you want to dismiss what I have to say with the need to take Xanax.
I am listening to some good jazz as I write this, so what ever is getting your sphincter in a knot, cool down, and Trump was not spoofing, look at his history, he was not trolling, he seems to feel that if you do not worship him, you are a traitor. Look at his past Edward and then seriously tell me that he was joking.
You do not fool me Edward. And I really do not care, I am having fun jousting with gobshites.
Trump is a showman, he plays to the audience, he is stupid but not so. However, do not underestimate him.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 12, 2018 - 06:16pm PT
"Go take a Xanax".
Is that the best you can do?
Locker, LOL, you hit the nail on the head.
Trad climber
Feb 12, 2018 - 06:20pm PT
Patrick - you claim indifference, but then you post these tediously long, blathering narcissisms.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 12, 2018 - 06:34pm PT
Heck, Xanax or Ambien, on my budget I am lucky to afford one bottle of wine a week, usually a Chilean or cheap Australian red. This week I bought a Californian cab, Dark Horse, reduced half off. Not bad.
But Winemaker and others, my late brother Mac was recognized as one of the best in the world, by peer recognition. Robert Parker (god himself, so he thinks) always rated Mac's wines in the high 90s, he was one of best in the world, by peer recognition. His Cab 1985 Groth, 10/10, America's First Perfect. UC Davis, ENSAM Montpelier, and a winemaker since 1966.
But I digress, so two glasses of wine tonight makes some think I need Xanax. I await that dickhead from Apple Valley to post some stupid photoshopped meme about me. I am having fun after a hard week.
I love this forum.
After working in Chateau Montaud, I went to work in Hugel et Fils, Riquewhir. The late Johnny (Jean) Hugel, one of France's great modern winemakers, his advice: "Patrick, a wine is in (the nose) he pointed, in the taste, and what you like. And what you like is the most important."
Russ Walling
Social climber
from Poofters Froth, Wyoming
Feb 12, 2018 - 06:40pm PT
"and as quickly as the second bottle... the third vessel of my demise had met it's match, and it too was drained..."
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 12, 2018 - 06:44pm PT
Love it Russ, touché.
And it is 3am, way past my bedtime, but I got a lot accomplished yesterday, for myself, for Wexford County Council, and for my very limited (hah hah) Supertopo contribution.
"It is only a paper moon, sailing over a cardboard sea… It's a Barnum and Bailey world, just as phony as it can be…" (Harburg/Rose/Arlen)
Ice climber
Feb 12, 2018 - 06:50pm PT
1261 posts in and around tRump and only roughly 20,000 on what is Mind?
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Feb 12, 2018 - 07:33pm PT
Paddy, was in Riquewihr last year - one of my favorite places. Those dry rieselings are to
die for, eh? A pity they’re almost impossible to find here.
Did ya go to the Albert Schweitzer Museum in Kaysersberg? La Femme’s dad knew him.
Trad climber
Feb 13, 2018 - 06:15am PT
Social climber
Feb 12, 2018 - 05:03pm PT
out racists attorney general was up to it again today...
How so?
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Feb 13, 2018 - 06:59am PT
^^^^ sessions was alluding to that right wing tripe about sheriffs yesterday. The Bundys were also beleivers
The Wastelands
Feb 13, 2018 - 07:10am PT
Sessions notably said that justice ought to be carried out in the US in an "Anglo American" manner
don't get it? justice ought to be white
start by google searching Anglo
a white, English-speaking American as distinct from a Hispanic American.
Wade Icey
Trad climber
Feb 13, 2018 - 07:27am PT
set me free why don't ya babe
get out my life why don't ya babe
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Feb 13, 2018 - 07:36am PT
Larry Nelson
Social climber
Feb 13, 2018 - 07:55am PT
To use the logic above, here's a racist quote.
The world is watching what we do today in America. They will know what we do here today, and they will treat all of us accordingly in the future—our soldiers, our diplomats, our journalists, anybody who travels beyond these borders. I hope we remember this as we go forward. I sincerely hope we can protect what has been called the “great writ”—a writ that has been in place in the Anglo-American legal system for over 700 years.
Barak Obama, 2006
One politician complaining comes from Hawaii.
Check out Hawaii's flag...looks kinda Anglo, no?
Trad climber
Feb 13, 2018 - 08:02am PT
The Wastelands
Feb 13, 2018 - 07:10am PT
Sessions notably said that justice ought to be carried out in the US in an "Anglo American" manner
don't get it? justice ought to be white
start by google searching Anglo
a white, English-speaking American as distinct from a Hispanic American.
Another example of anti-trumpettes getting worked up over nothing.
"As most law students learn in the first week of their first year, Anglo-American law – also known as the common law – is a shared legal heritage between England and America,” spokesman Ian Prior said in a statement. "The sheriff is unique to that shared legal heritage. Before reporters sloppily imply nefarious meaning behind the term, we would suggest that they read any number of the Supreme Court opinions that use the term. Or they could simply put 'Anglo-American law' into Google."
Ice climber
Feb 13, 2018 - 08:19am PT
There is a "heritage" of Anglo-Saxon (i.e. Common) Law in U.S. and Britain, but I doubt that Sessions knows it and I think he was more intending the white hood type of "law" he is so fond of.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 13, 2018 - 09:28am PT
Yeah well, to my OP, Trump is winning. He is an idiot but he his not stupid, go figure that one,
He is the worse thing America needs, yet I watch the videos, mostly from BBC, and more objective viewing that Fox News, of Trump supporters, and they are convinced he is Alladin with his magical lamp.
Trump is winning because he has a weak-arse Republican base, social media, perhaps Russian collusion (do you know how much Trumpco is in debt to Russian financiers?
Jody and fellow believers this is no joke. Trump is compromised. Follow the money.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 13, 2018 - 09:53am PT
On another note, Betty just jumped out my office window. How many cats have the freedom she has, some cooped up in houses.
And Aggie, she has the run of the beach everyday. People (and dogs) love her.
They are my girls.
As far as Trump is concerned, he is like the passing of the wind out of my arse. But he has done his damage.
I sort of feel sorry for Trumpites, he did not drain the swamp, he just changed it to his liking, he has not made you more prosperous, and has sure enriched himself, and at the end of the day, history will show he was just a pile of manure.
Happy now?
Grey Matter
Feb 13, 2018 - 11:07am PT
As usual Tom Tomorrow finds the center of the shovel of crap.
"But given the amount of crap shovelled his way every day,"
trump was elected based on millions of shovel loads of crap. Every day he issued gratuitous insults and lies. His entire style and substance is a giant shovel of crap. When you look up "shovel of crap" in the dictionary, it shows his picture. He lives in crap, revels in crap, and worships crap.
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 13, 2018 - 12:28pm PT
Hey Drain/Cosmic, you have used that one many times, shall I send you some other photos for you to mutilate?
I love this forum. I can cry here, I can bitch, and moan, I can be pathetic and be brave, all at the same time, or maybe not. And you people do not care, you just take me for who I am.
There is eff all climbing in Wexford, there are suppose to be some "cliffs" in Waterford, Dalkey is a good climbing gig, Fairhead some distance, perhaps easier to get the the ferry out of Rosslare Europort (minutes from the house) to climb in Wales.
My beloved California, my home ground, so much rock, but for reasons I am here in Wexford. wish there was some decent rock.
Dwain, some photos of the only outcrops around, do your best, my ass seems as big as The Donald's.
Photos would not attach, give me a second or two, I knew my arse was big, but too big for the Taco Stand?
Okay, for some unknown reason, the photos will not attach, and my iMac died three months ago with loads of photos (I did backup but then the Mac Time Capsule died, I will retrieve the info and data someday - photos, manuscripts, unfinished novels and screenplays, it pisses me off, I paid good money for my Apple gear.
So Dwain here is a photo of me sailing on the Irish Sea, do your worse.
And Aggie on one of my bouldering outcrops. And Drain, somewhere on this forum are photos of me bouldering with my fat arse on the Ballytrent Boulders (outcrops) as I call them, with the sea rushing in. You can dig them up if you are really bored.
And for good measure, my gals, Aggie and Betty
It took me ages to get that shot, it is not photoshopped, I have witnesses. Many people have said they cannot see a cat on the beach, but Betty follows us all the time, she loves her big sister Aggie, and vice versa.
Feb 13, 2018 - 12:43pm PT
It’s curious how most of the folks who yelled “Lock her up” over Clinton’s potential exposure of classified information stored on an email server to foreign adversaries, are silent about the fact that several sketchy folks such as Kushner and Porter are routinely granted access to classified info, even though they lack security clearances.
Craig Fry
Trad climber
So Cal.
Feb 13, 2018 - 02:01pm PT
Trump would fail a FBI Security Clearance background check
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 13, 2018 - 02:38pm PT
I love it Dwain, if I was as "handsome" as Aggie is in your photo manip, I am going to keep that, what do I owe you?
Wait a minute, I did not see that you added "I voted for Trump? on the life jacket.
Aggie is too young to vote and she is Irish, anyway she would have voted for Roy Keane.
The Wastelands
Feb 13, 2018 - 03:38pm PT
*Obama was created in a petri dish in Kenya, raised in Nigeria, educated indonesia,trained in a terrorist camp in Syria, tele-transported to Hawaii, all in order to become President and destroy the United States
^^^^ per the official Republican Party Platform 2008-2016
The Wastelands
Feb 13, 2018 - 07:00pm PT
While married to Melania who had given birth to his son, Barron......
*"I Can Describe His Junk Perfectly"
Stormy Daniels
Now, today The President of the United States's personal lawyer said he paid Stormy $130,000 to be quiet about her sex affair with Donald
The Wastelands
Feb 13, 2018 - 07:03pm PT
At least 22 women have accused President Donald Trump of sexual misconduct
*Trump continues to deny all of the accusations, calling the women "liars."
"Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign," the Republican nominee said during a 2016 rally. "Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over."
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Feb 13, 2018 - 07:35pm PT
No doubt Trump's lawyers are working round the clock suing those lying bitches...I hope they end up in jail with that crooked Hillary in a hot lesbian bondage sequence...
Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Feb 13, 2018 - 08:13pm PT
I just crapped my diaper...
Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Feb 13, 2018 - 09:26pm PT
T Hocking! Re your post:
Hey all,
Just noticed Crankster has been MIA for over a month,
He bail? New Avatar? Politard Rehab?
Hope yer well dude. :)
Carry on...
Another ST voice of reason gone.
So it goes & ST life goes on.
Feb 14, 2018 - 01:01pm PT
I'm NOT a Trump supporter.
But I know for sure you Trump bashing loons here are more st00pid than Trump is.
You clowns are brainwashed nutcases ......
Feb 14, 2018 - 01:20pm PT
I don't want to be in your gang
Man, true that and F the noise of the political team playa; I have always agreed with your critique de la partidista!
Hella helps with critical thinking, especially if you have a hard time with humility.
Ice climber
Feb 14, 2018 - 01:20pm PT
Who cares? Stormy is the only true supporter, she can "describe his junk perfectly", but be that as it may.
You might want to fast forward to :35 if you don't support music.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Trad climber
Feb 14, 2018 - 01:22pm PT
What's more stOOpid than not being a trump supporter and not speaking up against him?
Sport climber
Feb 14, 2018 - 01:24pm PT
The NRA will soon again report that guns are protecting children at an american school... will americans ever learn...
The Wastelands
Feb 14, 2018 - 05:07pm PT
Another days where the media and important people say their "thoughts and prayers" go out to the families and survivors of tragedy.
A Republican congress will of course not pass even a minor expansion of background checks.
An 18 year old gets mad and uses a military grade assault weapon for mass murder.
Keep those thoughts and prayers going out. end of rant
Trad climber
Feb 14, 2018 - 05:10pm PT
can't think of when thoughts and prayers have done squat in these incidents...but I think Norton realizes this.
The Wastelands
Feb 14, 2018 - 05:28pm PT
don't know yet how the 18 year old managed to get an AR 15, new, or bought through the newspaper classified with no background check required
maybe it was his father's, we don't know yet
"he liked guns", so says a fellow student who knew him
Eight school shootings so far since January 1st
why not a mass murder every day? Twice a day? We have the sickos and they can all get any gun they want.
Everybody knows there is only one way to stop it, like Norway, Engand and Australia did
Trad climber
Feb 14, 2018 - 05:48pm PT
What's more stOOpid than not being a trump supporter and not speaking up against him?
Oh look, another Manichaen. Just like Bush except "Trump" is the new terrorist.
The NRA will soon again report that guns are protecting children at an american school... will americans ever learn...
Guns protect your money at the bank BTW. Somehow, that's more important than children.
in the land of the blind
Feb 14, 2018 - 06:39pm PT
What's more stOOpid than not (sic) being a trump supporter and not speaking up against him?
Oh look, another Manichaen (sic). Just like Bush except "Trump" is the new terrorist.
What you quoted is not Manichaean. There may not be anything stupider than a Trump supporter or someone who doesn’t speak up against him.
But the statement doesn’t preclude that there may be people of varying gradations of less stupidity (if there can be more, there can be less); which would be very non-manichaean shades of gray.
Trad climber
Feb 14, 2018 - 08:04pm PT
But the statement doesn’t preclude that there may be people of varying gradations of less stupidity (if there can be more, there can be less); which would be very non-manichaean shades of gray.
Given your pedantry, I'm sure you'll appreciate that I didn't misspell it: Minachean
You also missed the point completely. You could just as well have said Bush's statement didn't preclude there being different levels of terrorism. The point is that Bush divided the people between those who supported his crusade and those who did not, and those who did not were the enemy. It doesn't matter what degrees of stupid-Trump-apologism you may have—if you don't denounce him you're the 'other'.
Wade Icey
Trad climber
Feb 14, 2018 - 08:07pm PT
in the land of the blind
Feb 14, 2018 - 08:27pm PT
Given your pedantry, I'm sure you'll appreciate that I didn't misspell it: Minachean
You also missed the point completely. You could just as well have said Bush's statement didn't preclude there being different levels of terrorism. The point is that Bush divided the people between those who supported his crusade and those who did not, and those who did not were the enemy. It doesn't matter what degrees of stupid-Trump-apologism you may have—if you don't denounce him you're the 'other'.
Despite your weaselishness, it is manichaean or manichean, not manichaen or minachean.
And an either/or statement is not the same as asking if a particular group of people demonstrate more of a particular quality no matter how much you wish it otherwise.
Trad climber
Feb 14, 2018 - 08:33pm PT
Manichean does not refer to the absolutism of all things. That's ludicrous. That's like saying everything is either a dog or a cat. It refers to how people are categorized as good or evil (which is a mischaracterization of the original dualist philosophy, but we're obviously talking about how the term is used colloquially). It identifies someone enthralled with a good vs evil mentality.
Just search the internet for "Manichean Bush" and you'll hopefully get the point.
in the land of the blind
Feb 14, 2018 - 08:43pm PT
Colloquially speaking, manichaean is often used to refer to black and white thinking; e.g. “you are either good or evil” not “you may be better or worse.”
Trump supporters by and large seem to me to demonstrate a low level of critical thinking ability which often leads them to appear stupider than your average SuperTopian.
Ice climber
Feb 14, 2018 - 08:54pm PT
When Patty Hearst applied for a presidential pardon in 2000, the US attorney in San Francisco objected in outraged terms.
"I strongly oppose the pardon application filed by Patricia Hearst," the US attorney wrote, "The attitude of Hearst has always been that she is a person above the law and that, based on her wealth and social position, she is not accountable for her conduct, despite the jury's verdict"
Who was he!
You guessed right if you said Robert Mueller
Oh and by the way his entire staff has permanent security clearances
The Good Places
Feb 14, 2018 - 09:22pm PT
Trump Administration Commissions an unique vehicle from Hummer Corp.
Braving an expected onslaught of innuendo and insult from "other-sexuals from hell," Jeff Sessions and Rick Perry, both wearing buckskin vests, cowboy boots and hats ("Pure YMCA"), attended the rollout of the suggestive vehicle. The attractive venue was the pink flamingo pond of Mar-a-Lago.
Employing a clearly choreographed macho strut to the mike, two of Trump's best and brightest sang the President's praises, then threw wieners to the crowd of two gardeners and a stringer from Penny Ads of Shreveport.
As alligators languidly approached, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, sporting scuffed combat boots, stained overalls and a runny nose, staunchly defended the beleaguered cabinet members by insisting "Sometimes a hotdog is just a hotdog, kee-rist!"
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Feb 15, 2018 - 01:52am PT
Got a makeover today.
Feb 15, 2018 - 05:53am PT
“In our thoughts and prayers” = “Hey, sh#t happens, folks.”
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Feb 15, 2018 - 11:23am PT
I refuse to participate in the 'you will know them by their hat' declarations. I don't need to declare I am for or against anyone, ever. I don't need any of yalls' approval and I don't want to be in your gang. I am a voter and I am independent. My opinions are mine and my votes are my business and my business only. I know by definition that makes me politically incorrect. Good! It's a cross I am willing to bear.
Something to think about: What party supports your position? Certainly not the current administration, where the boss can call in subordinates, and order then to reveal how they voted. If you are a gov't employee, that is what you are now subject to.
I suppose the next iteration will be a voting machine that gives you a receipt that tells you how you voted----and your employer will determine if you continue to work there, based upon that, after he has let you know how to vote before you go.
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Feb 15, 2018 - 11:30am PT
Guns protect your money at the bank BTW. Somehow, that's more important than children.
Actually, no. At my bank, Wells Fargo, there is no one with a gun.
I know you gush at the thought of armed officers of the State on every corner, with their automatic weapons and grenades.
After all, that's what we citizens need guns to fight!
The Good Places
Feb 15, 2018 - 11:52am PT
somebody in a mask has been using a gun around my town to remove money from banks...
Wade Icey
Trad climber
Feb 16, 2018 - 07:41am PT
Mountain climber
Feb 16, 2018 - 07:44am PT
According to a report from the Anti-Defamation League, white supremacists and other far-right groups made up the bulk of extremism-related deaths in 2017. Meanwhile, Muslim extremists were only responsible for 26 percent of these deaths.
But even as this kind of dangerous white supremacist bigotry persists in the United States, President Donald Trump's administration has slashed funding meant to combat white supremacist extremism. xCon, what is your time horizon?
Are you concerned about next 5 months or next 50 years?
If you care only about immediate future your main concern should be "white supremacists and other far-right groups".
If you are concerned about a country that your children will inherit, you should be more concerned about "Muslim extremists" and other threats from people with different culture/values.
It looks like this is also one of the main differences between Trump and progressive liberals.
Trump is looking further into the future than shortsighted progressives.
Trad climber
Feb 16, 2018 - 07:57am PT
According to a report from the Anti-Defamation League, white supremacists and other far-right groups made up the bulk of extremism-related deaths in 2017.
White supremacists were directly responsible for 18 of the total 34 extremist-related murders in 2017, according to the new ADL report
There were a total of 17,250 reported murder and non-negligent manslaughter cases in the U.S. in 2016.
Assuming 2017 is similar to 2016, extremism related deaths account for 0.2 percent of the total number of murders and manslaughters. White supremacists were directly responsible for 0.1 percent of the total.
Moving on...
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