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Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Original Post - Oct 28, 2011 - 02:52pm PT
American Alpine Club, Access Fund, Friends of Inyo and Inyo National Forest bring you, once again, a Fall Highball.
Work party at Buttermilk Country on Saturday, 19 Nov. 9:00 AM to noon.
We'll start at the parking lot East of the Peabodys. We'll have coffee and treats for the volunteers.
Plenty of time after working for playing.
Saturday evening: PARTY
At Mill Creek Station. 7:00 PM
John Long will give a slide show and talk.
$5 donation for admission including beer and refreshments.
Additional contributions will be gratefully accepted.
There will be a raffle.
18 and over only please. ID will be checked for beer.
Live music by the Core Shots
Designated Drivers are encouraged
all proceeds go to the AAC Buttermilk conservation fund.
Inyo National Forest is planning a proper toilet at the Buttermilks. This summer they published a project scoping proposal. AAC, Access Fund and FOI all responded positively to the proposal.
Come on out, work hard, climb hard and party to give back to Buttermilk Country.
Additional thanks to John Long, Manor Market, Black Sheep coffee, Great Basin Bakery and Mill Creek Station.
The Pit should be open for camping.
I'll post here again if I have more or corrected information.
HELP: you too can help. If you're able to distribute posters at climbing shops/gyms etc in your area contact me and I'll get you started.
Fred Glover
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 28, 2011 - 05:27pm PT
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 31, 2011 - 01:44pm PT
I put up posters at Priest Station Cafe and Camp 4 bulletin board this weekend.
em kn0t
Trad climber
isle of wyde
bishop bump!
beautiful, crisp, and cold at the grandpa peabody at sunset today. still could barely get off the ground on the V0s, but just happy to be there. see ya on the 19th
PS Why the need to exclude under 18s from the party? They're the future, we need those young 'uns
Trad climber
Lone Pine
Sounds like a ball - I'll plan on heading up!
Big Wall climber
A Token of My Extreme
Looks great!
Designated Drivers are encouraged Make 'em mandatory.....
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 2, 2011 - 05:05pm PT
Make 'em mandatory..... Wish we could.
Em: your concern is noted. I'll see what we can do. And thanks so very much for your offer to help out. See you there for sure.
NEW, Improved, FINAL poster.
em kn0t
Trad climber
isle of wyde
hey Fred, the poster looks great, but could you maybe change the name to
Autumn Highball?
Somehow the words "Fall" and "Highball" next to each other don't seem right....
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
PS Why the need to exclude under 18s from the party? They're the future, we need those young 'uns
Completely agree, but it may be necessary for licencing, legal or insurance purposes to say no one under 18, or at least see that the advertising says it.
Way out there....
Plus the people who host the mill creek events don't like kids climbing on rocks...go figure....
We were asked to take our three children and leave last year because they were sitting on a rock watching the music. The owners were pretty lame people after they got baked or wined up or something.
I hope we can find a better place to host the event next year.
See you all at the boulders. Sierra Salve would like to donate some prizes or help out in some way.
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 3, 2011 - 04:32pm PT
Bump for NEW, Improved, FINAL poster.
Please send me a private message regarding donations.
em kn0t
Trad climber
isle of wyde
Put up posters today in Bishop:
Mill Creek Statiion
Rubber Room
Wilson's Eastside
Mountain Light Gallery
Gear Exchange
Black Sheep/Spellbinder Books
Great Basin Bakery
Bishop Library
"The Zoo"
Manor Market already had a poster (someone beat me to it -- cool!)
It was 52 degrees and calm at Buttermilks main parking at 6:30 pm; some folks were still bouldering by headlamp. Sweet!
Trad climber
e350 / Bishop
Nice work em
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 4, 2011 - 05:12pm PT
shameless BUMP and corrections to my original post
Trad climber
Claremont, CA
Things are shaping up for a great weekend.
Thanks to the Access Fund, the Friends of the Inyo, Sierra and Southwest Sections of the American Alpine Club for putting this together.
Thanks particularly to Fred, Sarah, and Andrew!
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 6, 2011 - 06:09pm PT
There'll be a raffle at the party.
Someone will take home the Metolious bouldering pad donated by Pacific Edge climbing gym in Santa Cruz.
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 8, 2011 - 02:53pm PT
And the 2 person Intro To Climbing class at Berkeley Iron Works
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 11, 2011 - 12:37pm PT
BUMP for the weekend.
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 12, 2011 - 04:56pm PT
BUMP for a gaggle of raffle prizes from Mammoth Mountaineering
Haul bag
Rope bag
2- $30 gift cards
Trad climber
Starlite, California
Nov 12, 2011 - 08:20pm PT
PLEASE stay away...
I do not like seeing 20-50 cars in the place I moved to from Berkeley 30 years ago...to have all to myself.
All those parking areas - did you know they did not used to be there? Rocks to define use trails...there were no use trails.
Toilets? How about a Westin?
Stay away...go somewhere else. Heavily overused area...I'll be talking with the Forest Service about the problem soon.
You know, my daughter and I always used to think someone should renovate those old power plants in the Gorge into like a B&B...maybe to have a rave.
Hey! How about City of Rocks? The 'Milks suck...nothing but choss.
Climbing is dangerous - better to stay home. Go away; go somewhere else.
I think ye olde Black Powder Club has their annual Turkey Shoot out there the same weekend.
PS: Using a pad is the same as using a rope in the 'Milks. I do not own a pad, nor do any of my local partners. So, respect local ethics, and leave your aid in your Toyota PU. Or your yuppymobile Audi.
Here's my challenge to all.
I've found Dale's 25 foot wall of crystals, after 18 years. My own solution: The Crystal Method. I think it might be .10d or so...B1 in other words, since I don't buy into the Vermin Grading System, bunch of BS.
Find it, climb it, post a picture.
Then, maybe, we'll welcome you into our Buttermilks.
Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Nov 12, 2011 - 10:38pm PT
Smoke rolls over in his g-rave...RJ
Way out there....
Nov 12, 2011 - 11:47pm PT
You mean this, asshat?
tom woods
Gym climber
Bishop, CA
Nov 13, 2011 - 01:20am PT
Go in the summer, there's nobody there still.
Chinchen- I was up there a while ago. I found five ten anazasi that was in good shape. Did you, or a friend lose a shoe by any chance?
That spot is off the beaten path. I picked up the shoe because I figured the only people to out there would be people I know.
PS- that area is in the guide book if you look carefully.
Way out there....
Nov 13, 2011 - 02:00am PT
Not sure who the shoe belongs to, Ill ask around. Yea I saw the clue....
Trad climber
Starlite, California
Nov 13, 2011 - 02:59pm PT
Yep - that's it. Your first photo is of the Crystal Method.
I wandered for years trying to located this boulder, until a nordic ski tour out my door one late winter afternoon, and the reflected light caught all of those quartz crystals. Which, as you've noticed, are unfortunately positioned upside down as regards any crimps.
The backstory dates back to the Winter of 1982-83, when Dale Bard, and Grant Hiskes, overwintered in the 'Milks in their respective vans.
Dale discovered this wall first...but declined to disclose it whereabouts to anyone. It took me 18 years to rediscover it; it's only human to feel a bit proprietary about it.
My 16 year old daughter (at least she was 16 then)and I would make it a point to park the Jeep at some distance, and carry rakes and brooms to erase our approach tracks.
Once, we were hangin' at the base, about to don shoes...when a couple of women wandered by, looking, evidentelly, for some new terrain.
To our immense relief, they walked right by our hidden gem - which,
BTW, has yet to appear in any guidebook I'm aware of. And should remain as such!
And Hey! Let's keep it civil dude. Yeah, I'm pissed about the degradation of the 'Milks, due to overuse issues. And I'll be damned if I am going to spend the abundant free time I'm left with after the effort required to actually make a living out here, cleaning up the filth left by transient visitors, who are not really vested here.
Since you've actually satisfied my threshold for a Buttermilk Welcome - well, no reason to start a flame war.
Just as long as you do not disclose the location of one of the highest quality face climbs out there. Let our visitors discover it for themselves. If they are not willing to put forth the effort, they do not deserve the reward.
Oh - speaking of which - a more well spoken poster suggested summer afternoons to avoid the crowds. Actually, that was the plan: one or two midsummer evenings per week...the rocks would go into the shade of Mt. Tom, and the temps were perfect, alpenglow on the Whites. I'd never bother with the weekends - because I was climbing in Yosemite.
Trad climber
San Jose, CA
Nov 13, 2011 - 06:21pm PT
Kabala, you sound like a crusty old territorial turd. Go wander around the high sierras for a while and be lonesome, pretty sure no one wants your company anyways.
tom woods
Gym climber
Bishop, CA
Nov 13, 2011 - 10:33pm PT
I see where Kabala is coming from, but I can't begrudge a person for trying to have fun up there. I'm starting to wrap my brain around the fact that the buttermilk country is Bishop's Central Park. Everybody is up there having fun, climbers, hunters, hikers, birders, guys in rhinos and on bikes. It's busy, like a park in a city.
Solitude can be found, both by season and by location, but you are never far from civilization.
When my boulder area above Deep Springs pans out, I'll let you know. No one will ever go out there.
Ever been to that porcelain like boulder up behind Dale's Camp? It's also in the guidebook, totally cool, and way off the beaten path.
Unlike the area above, you can't see it from the main area.
If you aren't breaking flakes, you are not the first one there.
Trad climber
Starlite, California
Nov 14, 2011 - 12:01am PT
Wow! What a raft of replies!
Actually, I was just enjoying some self indulgent fun, while reminiscing about"the good old days." If you've only been climbing for the last 20 years or so, then the scene has morphed so gradually as to go practically unnoticed.
For me, the change seemed to have begun some years back. The half dozen or so regs would greet the visitor warmly, and show him or her around, usually leading to spirited bouldering duels. BTW, in the meantime, route and approach beta from Eastside Sports was not forthcoming- it was up to you to find it for yourself.
But one day I' strolling downhill.
Encountering an unknown, I give a winning smile and introduced myself.
Then notice he's blasting on a Walkman, carrying a crash pad, and is otherwise oblivious not to only to me, but to the Crest beyond.
This was the first of a rapidly changing social change in the bouldering demographic. I guess it's not the growing crowd that gets me so much as an emergient attitude about their sense of place.
Anyway, I was just funnin' But I can think of a couple of you who might want to wash out their mouths with soap.
BTW, any photos of anyone actually topping out on the Crystal Method?
They are definitely endurance problems, with cruxy moves above the midheight.
No, I didn't mean to infer that I seek solitude in the Buttermilks. Point well taken, I'll go up into the Sierra Crest for that. In midwinter; just me and Willie.
Way out there....
Nov 14, 2011 - 01:10am PT
Speaking of asshats....
Social climber
Nov 14, 2011 - 02:06am PT
IN! I'll be up Friday morning!
Way out there....
Nov 14, 2011 - 10:45am PT
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 15, 2011 - 03:10pm PT
BUMP for this weekend
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 15, 2011 - 08:01pm PT
Patagonia Palo Alto has donated goodies that any boulderer, trad climber or back country skier can use.
Nano Puff sweater, beanies, socks.
Read this whole thread to see all the goodies.
Weather forecast is poor for Friday, fair for Saturday and Sunday. Come out on Saturday at 8:30 AM at the parking area just before the Peabody's for the work party. Will be directed by Inyo National Forest. Last time, we put a lot of work into erasing unnecessary trails and clearly marking trails with rocks.
Party at Mill Creek Station at 7:00 Sat evening.
Talk/slide show by John Long.
Music by CoreShots
$5 donation for admission includes a raffle ticket. More tickets for sale.
Beer, soda and even a few munchies to go with the music.
18 and over only, please.
ID will be checked for beer.
Give back to the Buttermilk.
Meet new friends
Climb/boulder on Saturday PM and Sunday. Maybe even make some first of the season ski tracks.
Brought to you by the American Alpine Club, Access Fund and Friends of Inyo.
work party REMAINS on Saturday at 8:30 AM.
sheeesh....what a screw up.
Thanks for catching it guys.
Way out there....
Nov 15, 2011 - 09:29pm PT
So the work party has been moved to Friday?
Can I bring the kids or should I leave them at home in their kennels?
Trad climber
Lone Pine
Nov 16, 2011 - 10:05am PT
Come out on Friday at 8:30 AM at the parking area just before the Peabody's for the work party.
Has it moved to friday morning instead?
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 16, 2011 - 12:28pm PT
Workparty SATURDAY. Arrive 8:30 for coffee, donuts and social. Work starts at 0900.
Apologies for mucking up my earlier post, which I've now corrected.
Weather forecast for Saturday remains for good but cool weather.
From NOAA right now
Saturday: Mostly cloudy, with a high near 44.
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 17, 2011 - 01:00pm PT
Current forecast for Buttermilk area
Saturday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 45. North northwest wind between 6 and 8 mph.
Saturday Night: Mostly cloudy, with a low around 19.
Sunday: Partly sunny, with a high near 47.
Sunday Night: Mostly cloudy, with a low around 24.
Looks as if the storm is going North of Bishop
Trad climber
Starlite, California
Nov 17, 2011 - 07:48pm PT
Hmm...I feel pretty ridiculous.
And I apologize.
Actually, events such as this...the development of The Gorge - they do a very great deal to sustain our economy!
It was just gallows humor, as such, really. As in: "this place sucks; they ought to quarry it."
Most if not all of the near-site degradation is due in large part to our local redneck constituancy, running over hill and dale with their ORVs, dirtbikes. Those ruts leading up and left of Sunshine, for example. Some jerk decided to blaze his own road; others followed. Overuse and abuse at the more obvious of what still remains (& let's try and keep it this way!) at large camp sites is not due to the "leave no trace" climbing community, but others of the large user groups who are not well grounded in front country/back country land management ethics.
Every time I road trip out to Moab, I find that the BLM has taken yet another wash or cyn Shangri La away from camping and motorized access. It's not aggressively policed yet, and I see folks, including climbers, ignoring the closure signs to drive right in. Yeah, I guess I'm getting kind of old and crusty...but, at least for now, I'll walk in - tire tracks on the other side of the sign is only going to mean less at large camping out there.
In my attempt to ameliorate my faux pas, let me make some mention of some cool rides for gear heads looking for some xtraining.
Using the corral, a few miles in, as a benchmark:
1. Ascend to the Fence Boulders, make a right and circumnavigate the entire S. Mt. Kielforth massif. 2 miles uphill; about 5 or 6 downhill. Cross McGee Ck on the 2x12, and return to the corral by a choice or routes. Before you pick up too much speed, be mindful of the gate by the 1st fork (RH goes up to the Addams Family)- it might be closed.
2. About 1/2 mi uphill from the corral, take a left, and pass the most popular and obvious campsite. A very slow climb brings one to a McGee Ck ford, best portaged on your left, where it narrows to an easy hop skip and a jump. After a short stretch, leading past some of the better campsites, amoung the pinons, comes a hillclimb test - know your gears, set your seat on the high side. About 150 vertical feet at a steep grade. Catch your breath on the very sandy road leading to Dale's Camp, then make a left and either portage (or ride, if the soil's frozen) a very steep jeep use trail - 150 feet. The 5 mile downhill is worth it, and brings you directly to the corral. Now that it's common knowledge, you'll be cruising by The Crystal Method.
3. Single Track - ah shucks, I'll describe those another time.
Lurking Fear
Boulder climber
Bishop, California
Nov 17, 2011 - 08:00pm PT
I appreciate your responses; they show your love for the place. I share the love. I might be one of the few people who doesn't mind the crowds. I've met some very cool people that I keep seeing every year. I do disagree with your view on pads however. I can't afford to fall sans pad on some of the boulders. Thanks, Andrew
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Nov 17, 2011 - 08:03pm PT
Hey, KA, you could still attend on Saturday and add some colour and history, maybe grumble a bit about the good old days. The mob of younger climbers often really appreciate the perspective.
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 17, 2011 - 08:07pm PT
In my attempt to ameliorate my faux pas C'mon out on Saturday at 9:00 AM and ameliorate with some heavy lifting. Inyo National Forest will be conducting the work party. If I tell you what they have in mind, I'll have to shoot you.
Hope to see you there.
We'll have some coffee, maybe some pastries, and certainly work to be done.
so you're coming too?
nawwwww.....I don't think so. Not all the way from Vancouver
Gym climber
its nice here in the spring
Nov 18, 2011 - 09:12am PT
I don't agree with Andrew on the crowds but I do love pads. Although I never bouldered as well as Andrew I probably neared his level of skill in falling. Now that i'm 50 + pads allow me to try problems that I might have been willing to fall off of sans pads at 20, but that would probably cripple me now. The young people certainly haven't turned soft due to the use of pads, and they allow the old people to continue falling off of stuff other than low traverses. Kevin V0- Ludwig
tom woods
Gym climber
Bishop, CA
Nov 18, 2011 - 09:54am PT
The crowds come and go.
After an empty summer up there, I sort of like to see people.
After a crowded winter, I like it when everyone leaves.
For the clean-up- are you guys going to have that motorized rock tractor thingy?
If so, I'll bring my three year old.
Trad climber
Starlite, California
Nov 18, 2011 - 12:09pm PT
High Traverse,
Sorry, but heavy lifting is no longer in my future, due a multi-level lumbar compressive fracture gone bad. Snapped my spirited bouldering career to an untimely end, too, since every time you fall, you hit the ground.
This trauma resulted from a 3 foot fall from a sit down start; a hold broke, I couldn't get my feet beneath me, and landed with force=mass*acceleration squarely on my tailbone.
I've typed up a post, for a future deployment, as soon as I decide whether I'll do more harm than good with some pretty candid disclosures. I do, however, think it's important to get the word out regarding the popular sit downs, because I would not wish what I've been through on anyone.
And since I haven't been able to enjoy bouldering in more years than I'd care to admit, any stories about back in day will have absolutely no credibility, since I'm no longer in a position to suit actions to words.
But here's 2 short ones:
One upon a time, Scott Burk and I were goofing around, and found ourselfs atop the Terror Boulder at twilight. The descent off of this highballish involves some 5.9, and everytime I downclimbed a few feet, I'd get the shakes, and have to return to the summit to collect my nerves. Must have been contagious, because the same thing was happening to Burk - probably because it was getting pretty dark by then. Fortunately, he had a rope stashed in his van, and his g/f tossed us an end of it, or we'd still be up there!
Most of the bolted leads out there were established in the spring of '83 - that winter was so heavy that Tioga didn't open until July 4, stranding the Valley regulars on the Eastside, where they'd normally overwinter as Ski Patrol. Such circumstances led to the discovery, and most of the route development, of Whitney Portal, and the Benton Crags.
When new crags were discovered, they were referred to in code - "Area 51" for example - until we were satisfied that we'd accounted for all the low hanging fruit. (the results of that season led to the publication of Erret Allens' Eastside Guidebook)
Anyway, before I was interrupted by one of my multiple personalities, one Saturday, a group of us loaded up my PU for the day's sport - destination Benton. Stopping at the Shell station on the road out of Mammoth, Tommy Klienfelter and co. sauntered up to us, and inquired as to our plans. Our response was non committal at best.
So we drive the 30 miles or so out to the Crags, and break into teams to establish some more FAs. I'm about half way up one route, when I look west to the dirt approach road and notice a dust plume headed our way fast.
Soon, Tommy and his friends were at the base...and the cat was out of the bag. They had followed us all the way in from Mammoth, taking care to stay just out of visual range!
Errett and I named out route Locals Only...and this puts my old school territorial instincts into something resembling context. Speaking of old school, Sport Climbing had not come into Easstside acceptance yet, and so the leads of this epoch are pretty sporty.
Yes, I love the 'Milks - so much so that that's where we chose to build our house. But it's true that this is also Bishop's Central Park. Probably the worst off road offenders are in fact Starlite teenagers.
Way out there....
Nov 18, 2011 - 02:49pm PT
My biggest peeve is people camping around the Birthday turnaround. I usually ask them to move. Some signage at the beginning of the spur would be cool.
Trad climber
Lone Pine
Nov 18, 2011 - 03:13pm PT
My biggest peeve is people camping around the Birthday turnaround. I usually ask them to move. Some signage at the beginning of the spur would be cool.
Hopefully people won't start camping next to the new toilets...
Trad climber
Lone Pine
Nov 18, 2011 - 05:09pm PT
Buttermilk bump!
Trad climber
e350 / Bishop
Nov 18, 2011 - 06:17pm PT
395 is currently closed between Independence and Big Pine
Check with Cal Trans for updates
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 19, 2011 - 12:12am PT
Beautiful starry cool NOT cold night here at the PIT. Coffee at Peabody's parking at 08:30 tomorrow. Work party 9 to Noon. Party at Mill creek station at 7:00. John Long slide show. Core Shots band. Beer ID WILL be checked. $5 donation. Raffle with some big prizes. CU there. 395 is all clear
Boulder climber
Bishop, CA
Nov 19, 2011 - 08:25pm PT
@KabalaArch: In reference to your story about some clandestine activity in the 80's involving the Benton Crags -- I've never even been to this area, much less recall any of the events described (though it sounds like something I might be inclined to pursue). I believe you might have me confused with another Tommy.
Anyway, cheers to all that helped at the 'Milks.
Trad climber
e350 / Bishop
Nov 20, 2011 - 12:20am PT
Fred, aka High Traverse I heard your story tonight at Mill Creek regarding your accident, glad you are ok
I am sure everyone else would like to hear it, better for you to tell it. But like Largo said,
"one must not fall"
ß Î Ø T Ç H
Boulder climber
Nov 20, 2011 - 01:10am PT
KabalaArch - Any Mammoth bouldering stories? Sorry about your back.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Nov 20, 2011 - 01:12am PT
Work party 9 to Noon.
Even at the FaceLift, we put in a minimum of 14 hours. Plus walk uphill to and from Camp 4, in waist deep garbage. :-)
Photos, please?
Trad climber
San Jose, CA
Nov 20, 2011 - 07:22pm PT
Fred, what accident?
Trad climber
e350 / Bishop
Nov 21, 2011 - 12:05am PT
Borrowed photos from a friend
Sat. morning people starting to show up
Listening to a Largo story after the work party
Outside Millcreek that night
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Nov 21, 2011 - 12:13am PT
Were there wheelbarrow races?
em kn0t
Trad climber
isle of wyde
Nov 21, 2011 - 03:00am PT
Can anyone ID more of the people?
Social climber
Vancouver, BC
Nov 21, 2011 - 09:43am PT
Good jobs on the cleanup. Can't wait to be there in March!
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 21, 2011 - 03:52pm PT
Since karodrinker asked, I'll give a quick update on the fun.
Workparty had about 70 volunteers. Fine weather. I can't give much of a report since I had to go to Mammoth Brewing (in Mammoth) for the beer. Marty Hornick of Inyo National Forest did another great organization job.
Dropped the beer off at Mill Creek Station, did a little arranging with Roger and Mary Lou and then Jim Pinter-Lucke and I went back to Buttermilk to do some bouldering. Two Olde Geezers working on V- to V1's. On a short (12 feet max maybe) steep problem, I broke a hold as I dyno'd for the top. Whacked my noggin a glancing blow on my way down. Thanks to some prompt 1st Aid help from Jim and a couple of other guys, I walked back down to my car, drove to the ER in Bishop. 10 stitches on my left brow and forehead. Got back to Mill Creek Station just as the first guests were arriving.
We had about 120 people. John Long recited his poetry and showed slides from his new book (not out yet). The book is illustrated with Dave Diegelman photos. Among all his other talents, John is a great poet! It will be a beautiful book.
Wonderful raffle with a lot of great prizes.
The Core Shots band were really good, Roger and Mary Lou were very gracious hosts. We ran out of beer at just the right time, Core Shots played a few more songs and we closed down for the night.
Major snowstorm yesterday, Sunday, so our timing was PERFECT.
Thanks a GREAT DEAL to all the participants on Saturday, and thank you so much for the generous donations. All the proceeds go to the American Alpine Club Buttermilk conservation fund.
And I enjoyed meeting F10 and Chinchen.
Trad climber
San Jose, CA
Nov 21, 2011 - 05:10pm PT
whew! glad you are ok Fred! sounds like a great time was had, and scars to remember them by!
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Nov 21, 2011 - 05:52pm PT
Em, maybe bigger pictures?
em kn0t
Trad climber
isle of wyde
Nov 21, 2011 - 09:11pm PT
LOL Jaybro...I wanted to post a series of pix, so I downsized them to save on screen space. Here's a bigger one just for you... See if you can spot Granny and Grandpa.
PS Help! if anyone knows the names of others in the photo, post'm up. I think it's Sandra in the blue shirt and blue beanie in foreground.
Way out there....
Nov 21, 2011 - 09:54pm PT
Ian from Friends of the Inyo on the right with the brown hat. Good dude. Ian come by and get your waffle maker.
Trad climber
Lone Pine
Nov 22, 2011 - 10:14am PT
The Fall Highball was rad! Good turnout - I think a lot of great work was done by all. The slideshow/reading was most excellent! I can't wait until that book comes out... And the beer was great... Wow, let's do this stuff more often!
Fred - how's your head?
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 22, 2011 - 11:58am PT
My head's just fine. Sort of. Just took this pic.
My bouldering pride....hurts more.
I had a great time. Thanks to everyone who helped out and donated time, goodies and money.
Net proceeds were about $800 which will go into the AAC Buttermilk Conservation fund.
Maybe even more important was the cleanup work at Buttermilk, the consciousness raising and the comradeship.
The interviewee in Skandar's video is Andrew Schurr from Friends of Inyo. One helluva guy.
Fred Glover
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