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Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Original Post - Nov 23, 2010 - 09:22pm PT
After a five year odyssey, we have finally arrived - it's hammertime! The last major steps in the journey are assembly and sales. Theron has the assembly task well in hand and Simon King now has the sales website up and live. And while we haven't gotten every last cost finalized, we've decided to go ahead and ballpark estimate a couple of lagging costs and round a couple of others up for contingencies so we can proceed with taking orders for the hammers. Most of these costs revolve around some final materials shipping and the difficulty in anticipating final credit card charges. See the cost list below for details.
In short, the hammer manufacturing cost came in at $67, a fixed donation to the Alex Lowe Charitable Foundation (ALCF) at $15, and CC handling & shipping at $18 combined for a final shipped sales price per hammer of $100 which still brings it in as a great deal on a classic climbing hammer. After much discussion among the team on how best to address both additional contributions to the ALCF / Khumbu Climbing School and requests for specific hammer numbers without turning the sales website into a nightmare for Simon we've come up with the following approach:
Twelve hammers will be donated to the ALCF / Khumbu school directly so that its students can benefit not only from your generous donations, but also from some of the hammers themselves. The cost of these hammers is built into the manufacturing cost of all the hammers.
Hammer order form options start with a $100 hammer base price with no additional contribution above the built-in $15 one. It then also provides for additional contribution levels should you be able to further assist the ALCF. Donations amounts beyond the presented fixed levels can also be arranged by contacting Simon directly via email and he'll generate a special SKU for you to use to do so.
There will also be a place on the form during checkout for specific hammer # requests. If you want a specific hammer # you should specify that during checkout - but here's the deal - if we have more than one person request a specific number, the person donating the most, in contributes the most to ALCF will get that number. In the case of tied donations, the first order submitted will get it.
Hammer numbers 1 - 10 are in a special pool; if you want to try for one of these hammers please specify that during checkout and orders for those ten hammers will be settled based on the top ten highest donations received before midnight December 7th for that pool of number requests. Hammer numbers 11 - 277 can also be requested and duplicate requests will be settled the same way. We hope this approach works to everyone's satisfaction as it's the fairest way we can think of to address such requests in the context and limitations of the sales website and our sanity.
So, without further ado, the D5 Open Source Hammer Project is proud to announce this limited run of 256 D5 Hammers authentically recreating John Middendorf's classic big wall hammer design is now on with specific hammer serial number requests ending at midnight on Sunday, December 7th (sales will continue until all 256 are sold). The ALCF and the D5 Team look forward to your order and many thanks for your patience and perseverance in seeing the project through to completion.
-The D5 Hammer Team
Order your hammer at Simon King's e-com site: The Vershke Group. Please read the ordering instructions carefully - particularly if you are requesting a specific hammer number. We anticipate assembling the hammers on the weekend of December 4th and shipping them sometime in the following week.
Also note that Simon has lots of other great gear and gifts available for sale on his site including A5-related t-shirts and Theron's hooks and hangers!
D5 Open Source Hammer Project Costs
The cost list as of 11/23 looks like this with the estimated items annotated with an '[*]', rounded items marked with an '[+]', and as yet undetermined items marked with an '[?]':
Manufacturing / Head Tangs
304 Stainless Steel 13 gauge = 0.44
Blanking on Shear = 0.40
Drilling of Hole = 0.30
Bending of Angle = 0.30
Deburr = 0.15
---------------- Tang subtotal = 1.59 per tang (included in hammer costs below)
Manufacturing / Hammer
Forging of Hammer Head = 18.35
Milling of Hammer Face = 7.50
Drilling of Carabiner Hole = 9.00
Sharpening of pick = 6.50
Logo Punching = 1.10
Serializing = 1.60
Heat Treating = 1.93
Sandblasting = 1.00
Anti Corrosion Dip = 0.65
(2)Tangs = 3.18
Handle = 2.84
Drilling of Handle for Leash = 0.75
Leash = 2.72 [*]
(2) Tang Nails = 0.20 [*]
Tooling = N/C
Assembly = N/C
---------------- Hammer subtotal = 57.32 per hammer
Khumbu School Hammers
12 Hammers = 687.84 divided by 260 sellable hammers
---------------- Khumbu subtotal = 2.65 per hammer
**Manufacturing / Shipping**
Heads from Ajax Forge to Theron = $153.24
Heads Heat treat roundtrip = $180
Leash shipping from Fish Products to Theron = $50 [*]
Handles from Seymour Products to Theron = $90.00 [*]
---------------- 473.24 / 260
---------------- Shipping subtotal = 1.82 per hammer
Manufacturing / Combined
Hammer subtotal = 57.32
Khumbu subtotal = 2.65
Shipping subtotal = 1.82
---------------- Rounding for contingencies = 5.21 [+]
---------------- Manufacturing subtotal = 67.00
ALCF Fixed Donation
Khumbu Climbing School Donation = 15.00
---------------- Running subtotal = 82.00
Sales / Shipping
USPS Flat rate shipping in U.S. = 10.70
Rounding for materials and handling = 2.30 [+]
Khumbu Climbing School hammers shipping [?]
---------------- Running subtotal = 95.00 [?]
Sales / Credit Card
CC charges are 4% + $0.48 and can float between $3.60 to $12.00
depending on order quantity and donation
---------------- Leveling Rounding = 5.00 [+]
---------------- Running subtotal = 100.00
Final Price
Total = 100.00
[Note: There are 256 hammers available, but the serial numbers range from 1 to 277 due largely to hammer heads which didn't make it and the twelve for the Khumbu Climbing School. Overall the run turned out pretty good given we were originally shooting for 250 of them]
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Nov 23, 2010 - 09:39pm PT
Thanks, Theron, Joseph, Ed and Simon!
Joseph, what about shipping to Canada?
I take it that we can pay by credit card, without being signed up for PayPal.
Can we perhaps agree from the outset that it would not be in the spirit of this fine undertaking to "bid up" the price on certain hammer numbers, or at least not too much, just for the sake of being mischievious? Perhaps Ed should now delete his fine lists, just to prevent such silliness.
Trad climber
Nov 23, 2010 - 09:40pm PT
Going to pay right now...
Captain...or Skully
Big Wall climber
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Nov 23, 2010 - 09:40pm PT
And what about folk without credit or debit cards?
Are they just screwed?
If my hammer gets sold out from under me, I'm gonna be pissed.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 23, 2010 - 09:41pm PT
The list matters in so much as it might be good to take a look at who wants what and respect that to the degree possible though we already have some conflicts. We've struggled with this aspect of the project since it came up and have accommodated the desire to have them serialized. But we have had to draw the line at our settling conflicts over number requests without some objective means of doing so. Again, this might not work for everyone, but it seemed a way to both deal with an unanticipated aspect of the project and attempt to help the ALCF at the same time. Our apologies if that doesn't meet some folks expectations.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Nov 23, 2010 - 09:42pm PT
I wonder how high we can bid up the price for FatTrad's hammer?
Edit: It's #176. Rumour has it that it will be a 'special' hammer, worth much more than the base price.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 23, 2010 - 09:45pm PT
And what about folk without credit or debit cards?
Are they just screwed?
Send Simon an email explaining the situation and see if he can accommodate your order by snail mail or paypal. We've tried our best to deal with this sales side of the project with the least expense possible and Simon has been more than gracious and kind in providing a way for these sales to happen without the process being a logistical nightmare.
Again, our apologies if this doesn't meet everyone's expectations, but this isn't a commercial venture, and none of use are making any money at all from the effort.
I'm gonna be pissed.
That's possible, but certainly not in the spirit of what we've tried to accomplish here and specific # requests were never part of the original plan.
Captain...or Skully
Big Wall climber
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Nov 23, 2010 - 09:55pm PT
I don't give a green goddam about numbers!
I just want my hammer. Msg sent to Simon. We'll see how it goes.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 23, 2010 - 09:59pm PT
Sorry, Capt., I misinterpreted you meaning. I'm guessing Simon can come up with some way to accommodate you.
Captain...or Skully
Big Wall climber
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Nov 23, 2010 - 09:59pm PT
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 23, 2010 - 10:02pm PT
Also, note, the sooner you can order your hammer the smoother shipping will go at our end and it will also insure you're one of the 256 to claim one.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Nov 23, 2010 - 10:11pm PT
Maybe I need to RTFM.
IMPORTANT! Shipping costs for orders OUTSIDE the United States are ADDED TO THE BASE PRICE of $100. The costs for international shipping will be shown during checkout.
Big Wall climber
Nov 23, 2010 - 10:14pm PT
Yep, after 5 years the time has come. Just in time for Hanukkah.
So I guess I need 8 hammers or a hammer, t-shirt, Tomahawk, Wired bliss, Wired Bliss, Tomahawk, hat, Hammer.
I am going for the #007 and the #069.
I agree with working something out for NOT paying by CC. I would rather my $5 for that be a further donation.
Paypal has a fine line where you can pay without there being a fee on the sellers side or the buyers side. The buyer has to send money as a PERSONAL payment and the money has to come from a PP balance or checking account. But Paypal accounts that are linked to a business might not even have that as an option. Check with Simon.
Trad climber
san Jose, CA
Nov 23, 2010 - 10:16pm PT
Many thanks to Theron, Simon, and all the others involved in this massive project. I ordered mine from Simon a moment ago. Even though I have several perfectly good Chouinard hammers from the late 1960's, I wanted one of these. It was so cool to see Theron's painstaking crafstmanship at each step along the way. I only hope that he feels compensated for all the very hard work. I have high hopes of using this bad boy on El Cap next spring.
Michael Jefferson
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 23, 2010 - 10:19pm PT
Acer, we all at our end appreciate the desire to avoid the cc charges, but it will just make our lives hell if a lot of folks attempt to do so - it's why we just built it into the costs. We'd appreciate it if folks just bit the bullet and paid by cc if at all possible. Thanks.
Trad climber
The state of confusion
Nov 23, 2010 - 10:27pm PT
Thanks to all of the incredibly hard work put into this effort.
I just put my order into Simon's site for one of those gorgeous tools!!!!
oilfields of Sumatra
Nov 23, 2010 - 10:33pm PT
Bang, done. 2 hammers for JMC ordered.
This started, what, 5 years ago? cool to see you guys pull it together.
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Nov 23, 2010 - 10:37pm PT
I spoke with the leashmater himself today. Not the uberleashovermaster, but the guy giving it his all, in the trenches; all systems go!
Nov 23, 2010 - 10:38pm PT
I'm right behind you Steve. Paid for 2 and tossed a tad extra in for the Sherpas. Thanks to all!
Trad climber
the pitch above you
Nov 23, 2010 - 10:40pm PT
Wooooooo Hooooooooo!!!
Thanks guys!
Trad climber
Santa Barbara, CA
Nov 23, 2010 - 10:55pm PT
Yeehaw!!! Just put my order in!
A big thank you to all the people who made this happen!
Big Wall climber
Nov 23, 2010 - 11:02pm PT
Kick ass! Order placed for my two.
Big Wall climber
From Back to Big Wall Baby
Nov 23, 2010 - 11:13pm PT
WooHoo thanks for all those that put so much effort into this Order sent.
Trad climber
Vancouver, BC
Nov 23, 2010 - 11:17pm PT
Order in - thanks to all who helped make this happen!
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 23, 2010 - 11:33pm PT
Just ordered mine...
Social climber
Portland, Oregon
Nov 23, 2010 - 11:36pm PT
Sweet, ordered, thanks all!
Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Nov 23, 2010 - 11:42pm PT
The Gar, BC.
Nov 23, 2010 - 11:42pm PT
Order in!
Thanks much to all who helped out on this one.
5 years eh? wow....
Anders, 15$ for shipping to Northern Mexico err.....Canuckia.
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Nov 23, 2010 - 11:50pm PT
"The List" was a way of tracking "intention to buy" and to distribute information to those who so intended...
...I think there will be plenty of hammers to buy... I sent email out to everyone I had an address for...
thanks to all involved!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 23, 2010 - 11:54pm PT
Let me clear up a couple of points on the sales side.
I am a Luddite... how can I pay?
• Online I can accept credit cards and debit cards.
• Off-line I can take checks, cashier's checks, money orders and green cash.
I live on Venus... can you ship to me?
• The base hammer price includes Priority Mail shipping anywhere in the USA.
• If you live in Canada or Mexico there is an additional $15 charge per hammer. Shipping is by International Priority Mail.
• For the rest of the world (minus the Axis of Evil) there is an additional $30 per hammer. Shipping is by International Priority Mail.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to drop me a line!
Brian in SLC
Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Nov 23, 2010 - 11:55pm PT
Way to make this happen guys!
-Brian in SLC
Captain...or Skully
Big Wall climber
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Nov 23, 2010 - 11:59pm PT
Just think, you could live on Venus with the rest of us Luddites.
The Gar, BC.
Nov 23, 2010 - 11:59pm PT
Touchy subject? ;)
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 24, 2010 - 12:02am PT
Yeah, Simon!!! Like I said, really above and beyond...
the museum
Trad climber
Rapid City
Nov 24, 2010 - 12:03am PT
so it is done...
thanks fellas!
the museum
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Nov 24, 2010 - 12:04am PT
Thanks, Simon. I paid by credit card, rather than by cheque. Right after Joseph posted.
You may want to mark those packages leaving the US with something innocuous like 'gift', to give the snoops less to wonder about.
I'm not quite sure what I'll actually do with the thing, but look forward to having one. I have a 1977 vintage Chouinard hammer, too.
Ice climber
Ashland, Or
Nov 24, 2010 - 12:10am PT
So no paypal?
The Gar, BC.
Nov 24, 2010 - 12:12am PT
I fell beer first into that one....must be the cold.
I dig the Peoples Republic of How's it Going.
Trad climber
The land of Fruits & Nuts!
Nov 24, 2010 - 12:17am PT
The checks in the mail!!!
Matthew 25:40
Nov 24, 2010 - 12:38am PT
Done, can't touch this!
Trad climber
Boulder, CO
Nov 24, 2010 - 01:11am PT
In! Plus $50 for the KCS and a BAT shirt. Can't wait.
Trad climber
Mountain View
Nov 24, 2010 - 01:22am PT
Really cool guys! Thanks again!!!!!
Nov 24, 2010 - 01:35am PT
Sweet, paid in full. Thanks guys!
In front of my computer
Nov 24, 2010 - 02:51am PT
My order for 2 is in.
Joseph, Theron, Simon - you guys rule!
Trad climber
The pitch of Bagalaar above you
Nov 24, 2010 - 03:37am PT
Just made a payment!
Thanks for the vision and hard work gentlemen!
Best Regards,
Tuscon Again! India! India! Hawaii! LA?!?!
Nov 24, 2010 - 09:56am PT
i can't wait to start beating on things.
Trad climber
Nov 24, 2010 - 10:33am PT
Made a payment. Thank you guys for all the work and putting this together.
Trad climber
Nov 24, 2010 - 11:10am PT
So no paypal?
Yeah Lambone, I was a little bummed, but then I realized that I can use my paypal money for other climbing stuff....
Just so I understand this fully. This hammer was originally designed by Deuce, and is being reproduced by Theron. Is that right?
Trad climber
Mountain View
Nov 24, 2010 - 12:21pm PT
I should have added, bought and paid for. thanks!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 24, 2010 - 12:34pm PT
PROD... that is correct on the design/manufacturing question. And... I like your PP response. I have done everything I can to accept a variety of payment methods but PP reeks havoc on my bookkeeping system so I only use it at a last, last resort. If somebody absolutely must do it drop me a line and tell me the sob story. We shall see if I can be swayed.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 24, 2010 - 12:35pm PT
Here's a bit of cool news... A hammer has been sold to someone in SLOVAKIA! I think they will win the prize for Furthest Shipping Destination!
Trad climber
Nov 24, 2010 - 12:57pm PT
What would it take to get them signed by both theron and deuce?
Not sure if you need to know who we are to associate us with out avitar.
If so
Guy Kenny
aka Prod.
Hammer/ set tomahawks/ rivet hanger
Trad climber
Behind the Zion Curtain
Nov 24, 2010 - 01:09pm PT
Just ordered. thanks for all those who put hard work into the project. Theron...you are the man!
Tuscon Again! India! India! Hawaii! LA?!?!
Nov 24, 2010 - 01:33pm PT
#SUSHI is on the way to me
somewhere fairly insignificant
Nov 24, 2010 - 01:58pm PT
Great job, all. (It will almost be a shame to start smacking with it, but it's going to work the day it shows up. Projects await...)
Trad climber
Nov 24, 2010 - 02:03pm PT
Paid up, thanks for all the hardwork.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 24, 2010 - 02:13pm PT
Prod, I'm sure Theron would be happy to sign one as it leaves SLO, but it would be long round trip to Tasmania for John's.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 24, 2010 - 02:19pm PT
Joseph, please see e-mail re: Deuce.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Nov 24, 2010 - 02:59pm PT
Reliable rumour is that #176 will be a special hammer, well worth paying more for. It's all for a good cause.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 24, 2010 - 04:33pm PT
Thanks to all you early adopters!
As we more up the adoption/sales curve let me assure you there is still room to secure one of the magic #1-10! In fact, #6, #7, #8 and #9 are still open with no one requesting them!
Come on Van Halen fans... JUMP!
Ice climber
Ashland, Or
Nov 24, 2010 - 04:35pm PT
$ sent, thank you!
I'll take one of the 1st 10!
Social climber
Nov 24, 2010 - 05:39pm PT
Thanks to all involved in the process!!
Order sent.
It'll look good cracking drink ice at the bar.
Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Nov 24, 2010 - 05:49pm PT
I certainly hope every effort is made to ensure that those people that are
on "the list" have first crack at purchasing a hammer.
What is to keep someone besides those STer's from snapping up a bunch of them,
before "the list" people have all had a chance to get one?
Some people may not check in here all that often, but probably expect that
their intent to order would be honored.
I hope no one gets screwed.
Also, if I paid X number of dollars extra for serial #123 for example,
and I got "outbid", then what number would I get? Some random number?
Should I have submitted a 2nd and 3rd choice? Can I still?
I would definitely want another choice instead of another number being decided for me.
Bob D'A
Trad climber
Taos, NM
Nov 24, 2010 - 05:51pm PT
Just ordered one...thanks for all the hard work.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 24, 2010 - 07:49pm PT
1. Please feel free to drop me a line with back-up number choices.
2. I know Ed H. sent an e-mail to everyone on the HWL (Hammer Want List) so even if they don't spend every waking moment on ST hopefully they will know what is happening.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 24, 2010 - 09:36pm PT
We are moving along at a nice clip!
As we hit the 24 hour mark (since sales began) we have sold over 40% of the hammers.
The good news is that means there are still some left for those just discovering this opportunity.
Mountain climber
Nov 24, 2010 - 11:58pm PT
Please save one for Squishy I can't order till the 1st...
Melvin Mills
Trad climber
Albuquerque NM
Nov 25, 2010 - 12:42am PT
Paid last night
Thanks for all the hard work
John Mac
Trad climber
Littleton, CO
Nov 25, 2010 - 05:04pm PT
Just ordered mine from a public library in New Zealand...
Can't wait to get back to Colorado and test it!
Thanks to everyone who made this happen.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 25, 2010 - 05:42pm PT
Closing in on 50% sold!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Ice climber
Nov 25, 2010 - 10:25pm PT
Any BIG donations for certain ##s yet?
What LOW numbers are still waiting a buyer?
I might have to put in my order as "this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, if not then this #, .........."
Mountain climber
Bay Area , California
Nov 25, 2010 - 11:07pm PT
paid for two so make sure you get me the # if not then follow the instruction.
Trad climber
OAK (nee NH)
Nov 26, 2010 - 01:12am PT
Got one. Thanks all.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 26, 2010 - 01:22am PT
Mtucker... you have identified the system used by others!
One point I want to make clear... the hammers have ALREADY BEEN NUMBERED So please do not request 1,298 or π... I you REALLY have an itchin' for a special number, please pick from numbers between 001 and 277.
The hammer team will do their very best to accommodate all requests.
Big Wall climber
Long Beach, CA.
Nov 26, 2010 - 02:10am PT
Paid in full and plus some!
I've got a route calling me back with my new hammer!!!
Tuscon Again! India! India! Hawaii! LA?!?!
Nov 26, 2010 - 08:54am PT
you mean I can't get #SUSHI?
Trad climber
Jamul, CA
Nov 26, 2010 - 09:15am PT
Thank you everybody for your hard work! Placed my order from my room at the Yosemite Lodge where the family and I are celebrating Thanksgiving. Now there is one more thing to give thanks for.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 26, 2010 - 01:39pm PT
GOOD NEWS There are still some hammer numbers left with zero bids that have quite special numbers!
Here is a smattering of examples:
15: 15 is the smallest composite number n with the property that there is only one group of order n.
24: 24 is the largest number divisible by all numbers less than its square root.
35: 35 is the number of hexominoes.
92: 92 is the number of different arrangements of 8 non-attacking queens on an 8×8 chessboard.
120: 120 is the smallest number to appear 6 times in Pascal's triangle.
157: 157 is the smallest number with φ(2n+1) < φ(2n).
199: 199 is the 11th Lucas number.
245: 245 is a stella octangula number.
276 276 is n-1 where n=the largest value of any D5 hammer.
DAMN! Them be some mighty fine BRAGGIN RIGHTS to those numbers! Any one of those hammers will place bolts faster and tap blades with greater precision than that POS your stuffin' in the pig now!
Trad climber
Mountain View
Nov 26, 2010 - 02:03pm PT
ha ha Locker....I bet you would. Question then being, how much would/could you charge for the person to buy the hammer back from you! lol
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Nov 26, 2010 - 02:32pm PT
SO... I did email everyone that I had an email address for and who had expressed interest in buying a hammer... BUT THAT DIDN'T INCLUDE EVERYONE ON THE LIST
"The List" had evolved over the years and was initially an attempt to gauge interest in such a project. At one point I think it was viewed as a sort of "pre-order" list, but in the end it was an informational resource... but it never was intended to reserve hammers for people nor was it a statement of commitment on the part of the people who appeared on the list.
Now that the actual mechanisms for purchase have been created, I hope that everyone interested gets what they want... it's entirely in their own power to do so. Given the number who expressed interest, I figured there should be enough hammers to saturate the community of climbers at this time. Also, I'm hoping that the hammers have a longevity and a quality such that they will be objects of interest into the future, and that it is possible the hammers have a functioning lifetime that exceeds their owners exertions in the steep, and are passed onto others to use...
...but that is just fantasy now.
Steve L
Gym climber
Nov 26, 2010 - 02:46pm PT
Any stats on how much has been raised for the alcf so far?
Trad climber
100% Canadian
Nov 26, 2010 - 03:30pm PT
My order in and shipping address correct. I see I could have also purchased those nifty tomahawks and cam hooks on Simons site as well.
Truly privilege to acquire one of these hammers. A very big thank you to everyone involved.
Edit: Locker thanks but got it sorted out
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 26, 2010 - 03:49pm PT
Any stats on how much has been raised for the alcf so far?
Accurate numbers... At this point in time, no. Since I am running this as a side project for Theron/Joseph/ALCF/climbers and I just have my plate full of BIG stuff that is coming in Spring 2011 I have not done the accurate calculation yet. I do have a wonderful and accurate method of tracking hammer number choices including second, third, n+1 choices. when I can get my head above the pile of sliced turkey pieces in the next week/10 days I will be forwarding the first payment to Theron and the ALCF and at that time I will make an accurate announcement as to the total amount of wonderful donations that have been made. (Don't worry, I will NOT be openly announcing who donated what... that is a private matter.
As a ROUGH estimate... at this moment there are more than $2,250 in the ALCF donation pool.
EDIT: A better ROUGH estimate is north of $3,165 as of Friday 12:51 PST. Nice work boys+girls!
Trad climber
Nov 27, 2010 - 02:27am PT
what happens if there are more orders taken than hammers available before dec 7th?
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 27, 2010 - 06:39am PT
The plan is to cease taking orders once we hit 256 as we can't really sell more than we have. If demand got out of hand you might try to persuade Theron to start producing these as a product, but as it stands now this is a one-time run of hammers.
Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Nov 27, 2010 - 10:58am PT
I assume if we just bought a hammer with none of the number horsing around, that the hammer will be in the mail soon?
Cardiff by the sea
Nov 27, 2010 - 11:00am PT
I was wondering the same thing Greg.
Trad climber
Nov 27, 2010 - 12:34pm PT
Dumb question i know...I thought that may be the case, thanks for putting this all together!!
Trad climber
Vancouver, BC
Nov 27, 2010 - 12:43pm PT
Monkey/T2, I'd expect that you'll still have to wait - what if they shipped you the number I wanted, and I'd donated an extra $100 to secure my choice?
Nov 27, 2010 - 01:31pm PT
On the "Khumbu Climbing School hammers shipping [?]".
Best to find someone who is heading over and take them in their luggage. Although they are not that heavy, a group could split them up. There's even been instances of stamps being lifted off of postcards for the $ in Nepal, so it's possible that a shipment of these wouldn't make it over there to the end recipients. Conrad would be the best place to start.
Social climber
Bay Area
Nov 27, 2010 - 03:38pm PT
Put my order in on Tuesday.
Added a good bonus for Conrad and Jennie's Alex Lowe Charitable Foundation.
Not to brag but to stir others to contribute extra as well.
And great big thanks to Theron, healyje, Hartouni, Simon and all the rest for making this happen.
Five years, amazing persistence.
Fred Glover
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 27, 2010 - 05:24pm PT
I assume if we just bought a hammer with none of the number horsing around, that the hammer will be in the mail soon?
Ah, Theron is planning an assembly party next weekend and I'm looking forward to going down to SLO to finally meet him and lend a hand. Shipping to follow asap.
Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Nov 27, 2010 - 05:51pm PT
I was asking primarily because Christmas is coming fast and once that gets close, you can add a bunch of delay to the shipping time.
Thanks for the response and add my big thanks to everyone who pitched in to make this possible.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 27, 2010 - 06:24pm PT
I have an inventory management system in place so we can not sell more than we have. (Of course it is Windows-based so...)
It is correct to presume that hammers will not begin shipping prior to Dec. 7. This gives everyone a chance to select a preferred number. After that, it becomes a matter of when the hammers are fully assembled and ready to slide into a pretty Priority Mail box. Hopefully PM will help reduce the holiday delays.
Other than that... we are now 53% sold!
Sigh Moan
Ice climber
Nov 27, 2010 - 06:39pm PT
I assume if we just bought a hammer with none of the number horsing around, that the hammer will be in the mail soon?
The hammers aren't even built dude. Got to wait for the building/shipping party to happen.
Hopefully they will wait to drink the beer till after the 250+ hammers are built.
If I buy three hammers to I have to pay $30+ in shipping when all the hammers will fit in the same Flat Rate box??
Captain...or Skully
Big Wall climber
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Nov 27, 2010 - 11:50pm PT
numbers, shmumbers....... I still think that number fixation is sutpid.
Captain...or Skully
Big Wall climber
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Nov 28, 2010 - 12:33am PT
Aye. Quite so, that.
Freaks must freak, otherwise they'll freak!
Trad climber
Tacoma, WA
Nov 28, 2010 - 12:54am PT
Hopefully they will wait to drink the beer till after the 250+ hammers are built.
Hmm, maybe i don't care what number I get after all - just give me one of the pre-beer hammers! :)
T Moses
Big Wall climber
Paso Robles
Nov 28, 2010 - 01:18am PT
No drinkin til AFTER the work is done. I don't drink at all so no worries there. Quality hammers are what ya'll will be gettin.
The build party is set for the 3-4 of December. Munge, Healyje, my brother and a few others will be giving a hand on assembly during that weekend. I plan on shipping a decent quantity or all of the orders as fast as possible starting on Tuesday the seventh. I seriously hope that USPS will get the hammers to where they need to go by Christmas.
Captain...or Skully
Big Wall climber
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Nov 28, 2010 - 01:39am PT
Right on, Theron.
Diggin' it all, mostly.
Trad climber
The state of confusion
Nov 28, 2010 - 12:53pm PT
Theron, thanks again for such a work of love.
Of course, to all of the helpers too!
You all ROCK!!!!
Ice climber
Ashland, Or
Nov 28, 2010 - 12:58pm PT
Yes thanks Theron! Youare filling a much needed niche!
Boulder climber
santa cruz, CA
Nov 29, 2010 - 01:59am PT
just ordered mine plus donation.
thanks so much for the hard work!
Trad climber
Alberta, Canada
Nov 29, 2010 - 11:17am PT
To Theron and all involved in the whole project:
You guys seriously rock!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 29, 2010 - 11:42am PT
Just a heads-up...
We are closing in on 60% sold... that means only 40% of the hammers are left!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 29, 2010 - 02:06pm PT
A legitimate question was raised earlier by MTucker regarding shipping costs for multiple hammer purchases. After consulting the Oracle I have arrived at the following system that works for all involved.
1 hammer: Shipping is included in purchase price.
2 hammers: We will add $5 to the price. NOT double shipping!
3 or 4 hammers: No additional cost for the third or fourth hammer beyond the extra $5 for the second hammer.
NOW... All of the above holds true if ALL hammers are going to the SAME address. Multi-hammer sales to multiple addresses do not have any savings on shipping.
If I have completely bungled this explanation, please drop me a line and I will attempt to do better. Suffice to say, if you order more than one hammer you will not be hit with double or triple shipping.
QUESTION: Kiera, I already ordered more than one. How do I get the extra shipping money back?
ANSWER: Once shipping begins in December I will refund any extra amount. More than likely this will be done direct to your credit card but if that looks like a hassle (partial refunds sometimes make VISA/etc. pooey) then I will cut checks. Either way, refunds will go out in December.
QUESTION: Kiera, so if I order multiple hammers today how do I get the shipping discount?
ANSWER: At this time (Cuz I am too damn busy looking cute) I need you to go through the normal process of ordering the hammers and then I will send out a refund on the extra amount. I am sorry, but being cute is a full-time job and I just can't find any free-time to recode the website/shopping cart.
In front of my computer
Nov 29, 2010 - 04:26pm PT
QUESTION: Kiera, I already ordered more than one. How do I get the extra shipping money back?
ANSWER: Once shipping begins in December I will refund any extra amount. More than likely this will be done direct to your credit card but if that looks like a hassle (partial refunds sometimes make VISA/etc. pooey) then I will cut checks. Either way, refunds will go out in December.
Before going through that hassle, you might want to see if some of us would rather add the balance to the ALCF donation. I'd just as soon see my refund go there.
Nov 29, 2010 - 04:30pm PT
I'm with photog, I added extra $ already hoping we can get a shitload built up for the Sherpas, and wouldn't want you going to the trouble of refunding a little bit of the extra $ on the shipping for the 2nd. Perhaps let those who do not want it to go to the Sherpas to ask for it from you. Then you might only have one or 2 to worry over instead of a whole F*ing list. Easier on you, since you are working for free already, the big point was to get hammers with the secondary one to raise some scratch for Conrads Sherpa folks.
Thanks for listening.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 29, 2010 - 04:32pm PT
Eric... That is both a WONDERFUL thought and rather more easy to accommodate.
Here is the plan redux...
My secretary (Ms. Knightley to you bunch) will send letters to those who have purchased more than one hammer. She will ask if you want a refund on excess shipping or if you prefer to make the overage a donation to the ALCF.
To be perfectly clear... This applies to multi-hammer purchases only.
H.R.H. Sigh Moan
EDIT: Thanks Bill! you got here before me!
Big Wall climber
Nov 29, 2010 - 05:10pm PT
Can I just have you use the extra shipping and beef up the donation with it? The nice round $100 price tag was exactly what I was expecting and hoping for, so I'm happy to just round up the donation portion.
Also, I know Theron isn't a big drinking man, but I still wish he had a "Buy Theron a Beer" paypal widget like Russ has (Rootbeer instead?). How about a "Buy Theron's Wife an evening out" button? Or a "Buy the Build Party a Pizza" paypal widget?
Trad climber
The state of confusion
Nov 29, 2010 - 05:23pm PT
I agree!!!!
Buy Theron a beer!!!! Or three!!!!!
Set it up, Simon!!!!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 29, 2010 - 05:59pm PT
I... will... think... about... that.
Maybe an iPhone app? Nope, Steve would never allow that. How about a website where people XXXXXX and a small XXXXXXX XXX is posted. You could then XXXXXX the profile XXXX of the XXXXXX you want to XXX for.
I should not think out loud...
I am going to do this one!
EDIT: The XXXs became a necessity once I realized I could build this page and sell it to Google for $2.5 billion.
EDIT REDUX: I know it has been done before... but not like I am imagining!
Captain...or Skully
Big Wall climber
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Nov 29, 2010 - 06:54pm PT
Who's this Kierra? A flight of Fancy, perhaps?
Yay! 1 hammer for the Luddite of Venus!!! WooHoo!!!!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 29, 2010 - 07:02pm PT
Jealous much?
Captain...or Skully
Big Wall climber
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Nov 29, 2010 - 07:05pm PT
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 30, 2010 - 02:17am PT
At this point I presume many of the ST regulars have ordered their hammer if they had planned to.
Now is the time to help your friends out who may not regularly visit ST.
If you know someone who wanted a hammer but they may not regularly visit ST or perhaps did not get Ed's e-mail (or perhaps need a hammer but had no clue about what has been going on regarding hammer development on ST) then please tell them what's up with hammer sales. We sure don't want anyone missing out on the hammer they may have waited years for simply because they prefer to climb than read about climbing!
Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Nov 30, 2010 - 03:24am PT
Well, since you haven't been keeping track of the people from "the list" that still haven't ordered,
how are we supposed to know who to contact?
How many have been sold to non STer's?
From what I can tell there is nothing to stop an unknown outsider from
buying as many as they want.
In front of my computer
Nov 30, 2010 - 12:38pm PT
how are we supposed to know who to contact?
IMO, everyone you know who might appreciate these kickass hammers.
How many have been sold to non STer's?
Just curious--why does this matter? Anyone who has stumbled across the hammers on Simon's site separately from ST is likely to be a climber in the same spirit as the STer's. Let 'em buy what they want!
Nov 30, 2010 - 04:14pm PT
ontheedge offered to carry some hammers up to SF; if he doesn't mind, he can carry mine up and you can keep the shipping as an additional donation. I'll pay him in beer.
Big Wall climber
Kalispell, Montanagonia
Nov 30, 2010 - 04:25pm PT
This is hard to ask, but can you be patient with at least one hammer, and not sell out immediately?
Times are tight, I have been an unemployed student for 2 years now, but do not want to miss my opportunity for one of these babies.
I will find a way to pony up before x-mas. Please?
Burly Bob
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 30, 2010 - 04:40pm PT
BurlyBob... You have my word. It has been set aside.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 30, 2010 - 04:52pm PT
So far we haven't posted up anywhere but ST to alert folks the hammers are available. I'm guessing the initial sales covered a good chunk of the folks who said they wanted one. But hopefully everyone here let's the more technophobic ST'ers who wanted one know this is happening so they can get one.
Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Nov 30, 2010 - 05:06pm PT
PhotogEC, don't know who you are, but you are obviously a relative newcomer to the hammer party, so (in the nicest way possible) stfu.
Here is Ed's post from February...
OK, the first and possibly only run of these hammers is for 250 heads. Given various issues with manufacture, there may be as few as 238 hammers...
right now, I have confirmed interest for 130 hammers, with a possible max interest in 206 hammers. There are people who have not previously shown interest that are now.
SO at some point we may actually run out of hammers... those who have not responded (see the list above) with their desire for some number of hammers should do so or risk someone else responding and getting in line ahead of them...
if you send email to me by whatever means always make sure to include your SuperTopo name, which is how my list is driven... while I know a lot of you, I don't know all of you.
You can also respond here, but I'd like to have your email to ease in communication. My mass emailings use a "bcc:" list so I'm the only one who can associate your email to your name to your SuperTopo avatar.
What, now that's all out the window?
Again, who is on the LIST, that has not responded?
Is this such a difficult question?
Did anyone bother to keep track?
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 30, 2010 - 05:35pm PT
Shack... Ed wrote...
I'm the only one who can associate your email to your name to your SuperTopo avatar.
That is the truth! I am processing credit cards and NONE of them seem to have crazy ST names on them. If people have INDICATED they were on a list then I have that info. So far the number of people who have INDICATED can be counted on 1.5 hands...
We still have APPROXIMATELY 100 hammers left so we are not scraping the barrel yet. I URGE all of you: If that know someone who WANTED a hammer tell them to get on ST and check this thread out ASAP. There is no reason for anyone to be left in the cold.
Read the following with a smile as I am not a mean person)
By the way... I once told a Bugatti dealer to set aside a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport for me as I really wanted one. Arsehole sold it without waiting for me to get filthy rich. Just cause I say I want something does not always mean I will carry through on what I said.
Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Nov 30, 2010 - 05:54pm PT
Maybe if you took the time to contact Ed, you wouldn't be so clueless.
I once told a Bugatti dealer to set aside a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport for me as I really wanted one. Arsehole sold it without waiting for me to get filthy rich.
That is so weak.
If fictitious Bugatti dealer is an "Arsehole", what does that make you, to people who are actually on the list and have their hammers sold?
In front of my computer
Nov 30, 2010 - 10:32pm PT
you are obviously a relative newcomer to the hammer party, so (in the nicest way possible) stfu.
Been following the endeavor for a bit over a year, so yes, I am a relative newcomer, and I appreciate you breaking it to me gently. I also have complete respect for the fact that you are trying to ensure that those people who are most interested and closest to this project get a crack at these awesome hammers first, but I'm not sure what you expect of the organizers. Let's review what could be done:
1) Manufacture a bunch of kickass hammers, document the process, and alert everyone that they're almost done, and along the way accommodate requests like adding serial numbers and coming up with an equitable process to allow requests for specific numbers. DONE - Go Theron, Joseph and Simon!
2) Post a thread letting everyone on ST know that the hammers are almost done, and you can now place your order. DONE - Go Joseph!
3) Post links to Simon's site and this thread in other D5 threads. DONE - Go Joseph!
4) Send an email to everyone on the "intent list" who was interested enough to provide Ed with a valid email address earlier this year, with links to both this thread and Simon's site. DONE - Go Ed!
5) Keep this thread on the front page so that anyone interested in getting a hammer will see the thread and go order a hammer. DONE - Go, well, everybody posting up!
Don't get me wrong, again, I get that you're trying to ensure that the ST community members who want one of these get their orders in before the "general public" starts snapping them up, but there's gotta be a line on what you reasonably expect the organizers of this project--who are not making a dime and are doing this in addition to their work that is paying their bills--to do. God knows they've already done a ton.
If someone has missed all of he above, and they don't know someone else here well enough that they'd be given a heads-up, are they that interested? Really?
Personally, I'm letting select friends I know who will truly appreciate--and use--the craftsmanship in these hammers know they're available. I'd be surprised if everyone here wasn't doing the same, and I hope that every last one of these hammers goes to people who do appreciate them without Joseph and co. having to post anywhere else.
The organizers are big boys and can speak for themselves, but that's my $0.02.
Now, I'll stfu.
Social climber
Nov 30, 2010 - 10:40pm PT
These bitch posts, no matter the source, must make all those who have given so much to make this project happen cringe and wonder WTF did they do all this for.
No good deed goes unpunished.
Cheers to the heroes of D5! I hope I can get my financial ducks in a row to get mine before they sell out. Thanks D5 guys for all you have done. Much appreciated whether I score one or not.
Nov 30, 2010 - 11:14pm PT
That is so weak.
If fictitious Bugatti dealer is an "Arsehole", what does that make you, to people who are actually on the list and have their hammers sold?
uhhh, make joke shack. Perhaps jokes not in your country? HA HA?! Make sexy time with my mother in law?! Is not joke.
Insert laugh here_*___HAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Moving on. Hammer time.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Nov 30, 2010 - 11:17pm PT
Trad climber
Nov 30, 2010 - 11:24pm PT
well, i was on the list and got an email from ed alerting me to the thread.
of course, since ed is getting so much dough from the margin on the hammers, he ought to do some serious research into st avatards to make certain that folks who used their 5th, 6th or 7th email addy to register for ST-- and who haven't been following the news --will get dibs.
frickin physicists.
suck all day on the taxpayers teat and then wallow in the sweaty money of honest working men.
if i don't get my bugatti/lanborghini/govt.surplushumvee/hammer#666 because it went so some frickin commie/nazi/jew/moslem with a real email address, i'm going to foam like a mad dog.
In front of my computer
Nov 30, 2010 - 11:24pm PT
Cheers to the heroes of D5!
Amen. Best quote of the entire thread.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
wallow in the sweaty money of honest working men Such as history professors, I take it?
Trad climber
Such as history professors, I take it?
Big Wall climber
Reno NV
but there's gotta be a line on what you reasonably expect the organizers of this project
Exactly. Is it not reasonable to expect them to stand by their original intent?
If someone has missed all of he above, and they don't know someone else here well enough that they'd be given a heads-up, are they that interested? Really?
You realize that makes no sense, right?
What does how well someone is known have anyhting to do with how much they wanted a hammer? Really?
Disaster Master
Social climber
Born in So-Cal, left my soul in far Nor-Cal.
Hi hammer-heads,
Just waiting for payday to order mine, if it's still there, otherwise any I can get...
Exactly. Is it not reasonable to expect them to stand by their original intent?
The intent was to build the hammers and toss a few extra bucks into a fund raising effort for Conrads Sherpas thing. At the end of the day Shack, Theron HAS to sell these hammer or he gets hosed. Folks don't get to yell "MINE" for 3 years with no deposit required without ponying up the money when it's time.
Perhaps if you want to take over the sale and the Mfg you could hold them until the cows come home for all the folks who thought they'd better say they wanted one....before they had the 2 kids, new house and got laid off at work. Oh sure, maybe they say that they would still want and pay for it, as soon as unemployment runs out and they go get another job.
That's the way it works in the stores, they sell stuff till they run out of it. Hopefully it works that way here. There's a hundred hammers they need to move, step up yourself and go hunt down those who you know needed one. Do your part and quit harassing folks working for free. Folks need to pony up the money. It's time.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
before they had the 2 kids, new house and got laid off at work.
Wow! A lot can happen in just a few years!
Thanks for making my point better than my Bugatti analogy. I still want a Bugatti, though...
Roger Brown
Oceano, California
I plan to buy a second one, just giving others a chance to get one.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 1, 2010 - 04:22pm PT
Fish - the dude abides!
Brian in SLC
Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Emerson...ssssssexy keepers!
Trad climber
Mountain View
Nice Fish, very nice
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Will the hammers be the first ever Fish/A5 product, so to speak?
Big Wall climber
Will the hammers be the first ever Fish/A5 product, so to speak?
Next time I see you Anders we will have a history lesson.
Trad climber
Puyallup, WA
"The List" was a way of tracking "intention to buy" and to distribute information to those who so intended...
...I think there will be plenty of hammers to buy... I sent email out to everyone I had an address for...
thanks to all involved!
Thanks Ed and all involved.... I have one on order and am excited to see all this hard work and excitement come to fruition!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Today an historic (or is it a historic... never did figure out that particular exception to the rule) event happened...
One very nice SuperTopo person bought a hammer for another SuperTopo person who could not afford it. It was purchased as gift.
That's some nice feelings right there...**
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Don't forget to honor the leash cutter!
That 'history' is kind of a full circle kind of thing?...
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
This was a crazy project that happened in a not entirely predictable way...
...when I started the list my actual intent was to get an idea of how many people might be interested, it seemed an awful lot of work to go through making, say 1000 hammers when the world demand was 100...
but I didn't want people who signed up to declare a commitment to buy a hammer. Obviously, the price was unknown and the financial status of climbers is volatile even in good economic times, this project happened over the Great Recession, even more reason to be flexible in terms of commitments.
Because the actual howto of doing a grass roots manufacture of a tool is not laid out in detail, the financing of the hammer was an interesting issue because, in the end, there had to be a wad of money to purchase the components. Just how that wad was going to come into existence was unknown. I was wracking my own brain for some sort of socialist solution, but the great American tradition of investment came to the rescue and an unknown (at least to me) partner made the wad available.
I hope the list was useful in convincing whoever it was that there was some interest in buying the things... so market research.
Finally, it was not known how the orders were going to be placed and the money collected. In the end that was solved by ihateplastic making his commercial machinery available.
At this point the list became irrelevant, from my estimate, there were enough hammers for everyone who expressed an interest to get one if they wanted. They didn't commit any money to the project before hand, and by a fairly common line of logic, there was no obligation to those who had signed up by the hammer makers, or by me... although I would have felt bad if someone was denied a hammer that had been a stalwart hammer desire-er... that doesn't seem to be the case here.
I was trying to walk a line... maybe it got a little squirrelly at the end, but this has been pretty amazing. Once it's completely done it would be interesting to put together a story on how it happened, in some detail, for those who would try again in the future.
So I apologize to those who were deceived into believing that "The List" was something more than it actually was, it was not my intention to do that, but I could see how things happened and how expectations may have grown. Perhaps, given other circumstances, "The List" would have been more important that it ended up being, its role changed greatly throughout the course of the project.
Captain...or Skully
Big Wall climber
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Less deceived than believed, I think.
Like everything else we do, it'll sorta kinda mostly not quite work out.
I dunno.....
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 1, 2010 - 10:24pm PT
No, I think everyone owes Ed a debt of gratitude for maintaining the list. We did struggle long and hard as far back as three years ago as to how to manage this side of the project and the list helped immensely in keeping the momentum going.
But what to do? Take upfront payments? Take deposits? Letters of Intent? In the end the whole affair was so tenuous on every front - design, manufacture, financing, legal, etc. - that we didn't feel we could honestly take peoples' money upfront as back then there was a good chance we'd just have to figure out how to return it if things didn't pan out. We also didn't know how long we'd have to hold any such payments and it didn't seem reasonable to accept any when we couldn't say when hammers might materialize.
I personally owe Ed and all of you an apology for not having him send out an email version of the announcement prior to posting one. That was entirely my fault and born out of a combination of being too exhausted, too sick, too excited, and too much of a cadet as it just slipped my mind altogether with the other things I've been juggling of late. Again, that mistake was wholly my own and not on Theron, Simon, Ed, or anyone else.
That said, and as Ed mentions, short of having advance payments it's pretty hard to absolutely guarantee them. And as he also states, we made enough hammers for everyone to get theirs and still have some concerns about selling them all, though I suspect if we posted up elsewhere that would tap it out.
So if you were on the list and haven't ordered, please do so asap. If you know of anyone else on the list who doesn't check-in here very often we'd appreciate it if you could give them a jingle and let them know it's happening. If you were on the list and times got tough in the meantime and you need a bit to pull the cash together, please shoot Simon an email and I'm sure he'd be willing to hold one for you (a 'bit' being, say, like the end of the year).
Overall, it's been one of the strangest things I've ever been involved with. Part research, part detective, part wannabe inganeer, part beggar, and mostly hopeful. But John, Conrad, Theron, Russ, Simon, Ed, the original suppliers, and a bunch of other folks some of whom prefer to remain anonymous have all stepped up to make this happen and we owe them all big thanks.
I got involved because I'd been swinging a hammer for a couple of years of anchor replacements up in the Columbia River Gorge, but now - after receiving one of these - seems like I'm going to be obligated to actually get on a wall.
P.S. Also wanted to say that we're sad a few different folks didn't make it to see this pan out and feel a bit of lament around that - especially Curt Johnson (Dirtineye).
Trad climber
The state of confusion
All I can say, again, is
just sayin'. . .
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
no apology necessary on my behalf, Joseph, this was a hairball operation for sure and just how it was all going to pan out wasn't known from moment to moment
like I said, it would be great to set it all down, tell the story, it would be instructive on many fronts...
Boulder climber
santa cruz, CA
what if all the handles miraculously combust and the heads are destroyed by extreme accelerated rusting?
it's not over yet!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Without getting too technical and businessy... it is against Visa/MasterCard rules, regulations, terms and conditions for a company that accepts credit card payments for a physical product to charge for the product unless it is going to be delivered to the end consumer within 30 days of payment. Now, we know some shipments take longer than that but I, for one, would not have taken a bunch of payments 12+ months ago as deposit and then have issues arise and need to refund the payments. Visa/MasterCard would have used the hammer on my delicate pieces.
Anyway, all is working out rather smoothly. Hammers are getting sold, people are (for the most part) going to get the number they desired, climbers are being reasonable and jolly and there are still hammers available.
NICE JOB!!! to the rest of the hammer crew and to the ST community!
Thanks for keeping tabs on it for 3 or so long years Ed. I think most of us recognize that this just moved along in an organic way and sort of developed along, with lots of folks speaking. Unlike a company which can dictate exactly how it's going to roll, this was more loosy-goosy. That's fine too. But as you say, there is still plenty of hammers left. Once the last one is gone, I will offer my 2nd one for $200.
But lets get these sold STAT. Roger wants a 2nd one, and there is lots more behind that which still need to sell. Like Joseph says above, touch base with your non-online buddies who signed up and then left the building and let them know that it's time to pay if they want one.
BTW, nice looking slings Fish!
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Remember, #176 is a very special hammer, probably worth a lot more than $100. All for a good cause, in fact two good causes.
And thanks again to the team for their great work on this! A complicated project, and I'm very impressed that it all worked out. Even if I need a history lesson from Russ.
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Next time I see you Anders we will have a history lesson.
Tell us a story Uncle Fish!
ION, FEM got the song all wrong... it's supposed to be 'like a D5'!!!
where is odub when you need him?
Mountain climber
Just put my order in, thanks guys, I am proud and honored to own one of these and to be able to watch such an awesome project from beginning to end...my 1st hammer and the best in so many ways...time to put it to use...
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Munge, Plastic, more like,
"Same as it ever was"
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Nyuk nyuk nyuk. Heh heh.
Just funnin' you, FatTrad.
Mountain climber
Bay Area , California
Thanks ED, Joe and everyone else but where is my # 65 and # 98 hammer ?
Disaster Master
Social climber
Born in So-Cal, left my soul in far Nor-Cal.
A Super supertopoian PMed me and Fronted me the $ for the hammer. Actually ordered it himself, for me, an is having it shipped directly to me! I'd mention them by name, but since they e-mailed me instead of posting the offer I won't.
He said pay him back when I can or when I go climbing with him. A total stranger to me, I believe....
This is the spirit that shows up here occasionaly amid the blah, blah.
My old hammer was stolen. It came to feel like my katana after a while, and I was ashamed and sad when it was gone.
A new sword! Guess I got to stick around and do something new and hard again.
Paul "Disaster Master" Humphrey
Big Wall climber
Reno NV
At this point the list became irrelevant, from my estimate, there were enough hammers for everyone who expressed an interest to get one if they wanted. They didn't commit any money to the project before hand, and by a fairly common line of logic, there was no obligation to those who had signed up by the hammer makers, or by me... although I would have felt bad if someone was denied a hammer that had been a stalwart hammer desire-er... that doesn't seem to be the case here.
Thanks Ed, for trying to bring order to chaos.
I personally owe Ed and all of you an apology for not having him send out an email version of the announcement prior to posting one. That was entirely my fault and born out of a combination of being too exhausted, too sick, too excited, and too much of a cadet as it just slipped my mind altogether with the other things I've been juggling of late. Again, that mistake was wholly my own and not on Theron, Simon, Ed, or anyone else.
OK Joseph, thanks.
Big Wall climber
Portland, OR
Bump, bump, bump. Or is that, ring, ring, ring of the hammer striking iron?
Disaster Master
Social climber
Born in So-Cal, left my soul in far Nor-Cal.
there is going to have to be a "HAMMER-FEST", 200+ mal-adjusted climbers armed with heavy weapons....
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 3, 2010 - 04:16pm PT
Flew into LA yesterday and am in Ventura having lunch on my way up to Theron's in Pasa Robles to help him with putting them together.
Captain...or Skully
Big Wall climber
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Please give him a kick in the shins for me. Don't worry, he likes it.
Have a good building party! WooHoo!!!
Hammer Fest to be held at Big Moe. Convenience bolts everywhere!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
As the hammer building begins let me add...
We are now more than 63% sold meaning there are less than 37% left. Actual numbers... There are only 96 hammers left.
If you have written to me and requested one be set aside until "xxx" then I have done that.
Cool art by Chris Lamprianidis
Gym Birdwall
Gym climber
The "Koop"
Hammer Fest to be held at Big Moe. Convenience bolts everywhere!
To be held in conjunction with Chicken-Fest & Sushi-Fest.
Ordered mine. Thanks dudes!!! Steel drivin' man!
Boulder climber
santa cruz, CA
bump for the people on here who may not have seen this yet
In front of my computer
Monday hammer bump!
Tuscon Again! India! India! Hawaii! LA?!?!
well you might as well toss in MeatFest while we are at it. Can't leave Fatty out....
but I'm fully and totally opposed to EweFest.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
So... the day has come! It is December 7, 2010 and that means the hammer number requests come to an end and we start shipping out hammers tomorrow.
If you really need a special number or two there is still a bit of time. But after Midnight tonight the pickings start to get a bit thin.
P.S. Thanks must go out to TARA who was the only one to notice I used an Alien calendar on my website to say the end date was Sunday the 7th. Nice catch Tara!
So there is no confusion, hammer number requests end at MIDNIGHT PST today!
Big Wall climber
After Tuesday Midnight Bump
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 8, 2010 - 05:32am PT
Just got home to PDX from Paso Robles via LA and Laguna Woods.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Hammer sales update
We are now past 71% sold.
That means we have sold 180 hammers! Nice work all!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
I have captured this page so we have evidence for the grand jury.
Mountain climber
Sooooo, about the D6...
Gym climber
Not a single picture of this great hammer?
Who is in charge here?
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
heh ^^^
Squishy, didn't you see Simon's earlier post. Jay-Z is handling that one. hah!
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 11, 2010 - 01:47am PT
My apologies for the delay sorting out #s - got home from SoCal to a blown motherboard in my primary server and I'm in the throes of recovery and rebuilding. Will hit it tomorrow afternoon or if I get some long installs I may still be able to get to it tonight, which is looking like a long one anyway.
Dec 11, 2010 - 01:50am PT
How do you know it's the motherboard?
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Dec 11, 2010 - 02:09am PT
Maybe it came from klimmer's mothership.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 11, 2010 - 02:24am PT
From the burns and smell...
Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Dec 11, 2010 - 02:56am PT
The smell of a smoked MB is much more pleasant than the smell of a blown
electrolytic capacitor. Man, those reek.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 12, 2010 - 01:32am PT
Where we're at so far with settling the number requests (high donors got the number or if the donations were the same the first to order got it).
[ Could the following folks please contact Simon or pm me for a different number if they'd like to request an alternate.
-Thanks.// ]
195 DEUCE4
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 12, 2010 - 01:43am PT
I was just really happy to be able to put back together the original A5 hammer I took apart a couple of years ago to see the individual parts. Mounted it back up on one of the original old handles Conrad had in the box he got from John. The handle that was on it had gone back to Lewis at the handle company and I didn't expect to see it again.
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Dec 12, 2010 - 02:02am PT
First Route established utilizing a D5?
Bob Walton using 108
rock sounds good in the vid, huh?
well, not so much...
Bob measured the hole, went to tap in the bolt and it won't go but part way of what he measured. He pries it back out, but it's a lost cause. It caved in behind the hole opening. crazy!
Trad climber
one of god's mountain temples.... ಠ_ಠ
Dec 12, 2010 - 02:38am PT
healyje - Can you give us a hint on what the top 10 hammers went for, donation wise? Curious how "valuable" the lower numbers were...
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Dec 12, 2010 - 01:25pm PT
bump for the day-walkers
Bob D'A
Trad climber
Taos, NM
Dec 12, 2010 - 01:33pm PT
Have any of the hammers shipped? Looking forward to getting mine.
Trad climber
Dec 12, 2010 - 01:42pm PT
The list of people I do not like just got 1 person bigger.....
The man who over bid me for hammer #42. Guess the extra $25 I paid was not enough for the answer to the ultimate question....
Oh well, I'll take any other available number.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Dec 12, 2010 - 02:11pm PT
Shouldn't FatTrad be on the list for #176, the special hammer?
It caved in behind the hole opening.
Possibly a cosmic message that some "rock" just wasn't meant to be climbed.
Trad climber
Dec 12, 2010 - 02:58pm PT
Can I still add a bigger donation to get #42?
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Dec 12, 2010 - 03:11pm PT
Possibly a cosmic message that some "rock" just wasn't meant to be climbed.
nah, just incontrovertible evidence that adventure is alive and well at Pinnacles.
hey just ask Karodrinker about Lava Falls. :)
Trad climber
Vancouver, BC
Dec 12, 2010 - 11:31pm PT
Sorry Prod.
Nice to know there are other Douglas Adams fans here by the virtual campfire...
Captain...or Skully
Big Wall climber
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Dec 12, 2010 - 11:35pm PT
I just wanna whack somethin' with my as yet unknown # hammer.
Maybe a Vogon?
Trad climber
Dec 12, 2010 - 11:41pm PT
No worries Dave.
Enjoy it,
Trad climber
Vancouver, BC
Dec 13, 2010 - 12:38am PT
If it makes any difference I bought it before the list that had your name on #42 was posted, so I didn't know there was another interested bidder on that number.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 13, 2010 - 11:16am PT
I have been getting a few e-mails wondering why their name is not on the above list. If you ordered a hammer but did NOT indicate a specific number choice then you are NOT on the above list. That list only shows people who had a desired number choice, not all numbers. If you ordered a hammer (but did not indicate a number choice) and received an invoice from The Vershke Group then you are set.
Also, Joseph and Theron are now sorting out the final issues prior to shipping. The reason some people have hammers already is they were involved in the build/assembly process.
Please be patient... you will all be bangin' soon!
Disaster Master
Social climber
Born in So-Cal, left my soul in far Nor-Cal.
Dec 13, 2010 - 11:21am PT
Must be fun...over a hundred mal-adjusted internet bound climbers pacing at home and firing off demented demands for promptness, delivery and numerology. Happy holidaze!
All those involved with gettting this done are amazing!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 13, 2010 - 12:12pm PT
As of this morning it looks like we are 80%+ sold! There are a few of you who told me you are planning to send a check... don't delay too much longer. I have one on hold for you but if push comes to shove...
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 13, 2010 - 09:04pm PT
Just to follow up on Simon's comments. We are double checking all aspects of the hammer head heat treatment prior to shipping to be doubly sure the hammer you receive will serve you well for a lifetime. We had a few heads exhibit small cracks after heat treating. Some we didn't notice at first because they were so small. We've now gone back through and thoroughly gone over each and every hammer. We've also engaged a couple of heat treating experts and and conducted a number of empirical and hands-on tests.
The concern has been the possibility that some or all the heads may be too brittle and chip in use which could possibly injure someone. But our hands-on tests (by Theron, Roger, and myself) on a number of hammers reveal that isn't the case, the sharp milled edge on the face does flatten / mushroom slightly in use rather than chip and all the heads hardness tested to-date further verify we are in proper hardness zone.
Still we have been concerned about the cracks we have seen. Theron will post up more details but, according to the experts, it seems to be coming down to the fact that the 4330 steel alloy we used turns out to be sensitive to sharp pre-heat treatment stamping - in our case using a stamping die to put the serial numbers in the heads. Most of the cracks we've seen emanate from the serial numbers and it would seem stamping those sharp lines in the steel opened us up to cracking. In the end it's looking like maybe the whole serial number deal was not a good idea to accomodate. Such are life's lessons.
Theron should be wrapping up his investigation with the heat treating experts tomorrow, but from what we've heard so far it sounds like what's cracked has cracked and what hasn't won't. As soon as Theron finishes verifying that is the case with both heat treat experts we'll begin shipping. And as mentioned, Theron will post up more about the details.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Dec 13, 2010 - 09:08pm PT
A question. I've been looking for a new holster - the kind made of stiff plastic, that you put on a belt. No luck. Does anyone know where a good hammer holster can be bought?
Tuscon Again! India! India! Hawaii! LA?!?!
Dec 13, 2010 - 09:13pm PT
haha! that's funny Paul.
Anders, let me look in a pile of gear I have. I might have just what you are looking for.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 13, 2010 - 09:19pm PT
Locker, that's the point of the exercise we're running at the moment - we don't want you or us to have to worry about a hammer if we ship you one.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Dec 13, 2010 - 09:32pm PT
Heaven help us if the hammers aren't all they're cracked up to be. So to speak.
I lost my old holster sometime in the last year, while working on a route restoration project at Squamish. None of the likely suspects seem to carry and sell them - I checked a bunch of stores and websites. Just your regular fairly stiff plastic holster, riveted.
oilfields of Sumatra
Dec 13, 2010 - 09:38pm PT
thread drift/clutter - Mighty Hiker, see PM about holster.
malicious edit - you damn number fags, see what hell thou hath wrought!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 13, 2010 - 09:52pm PT
A holster like the old DOLT one, correct? That can be accommodated. I will post more tonight/tomorrow...
John Mac
Trad climber
Littleton, CO
Dec 13, 2010 - 10:04pm PT
My name isn't on the list and I requested number 62 and confirmed it with my visa payment.
Any chance of that still happening since it appears available.
Trad climber
100% Canadian
Dec 13, 2010 - 11:57pm PT
perhaps not too late to change my US shipping address to an alternate US shipping address in this case ? Who should I notify ?
Bruce M.
Mountain climber
Dec 14, 2010 - 12:07am PT
figure out a different way to make the numbers next time...
Trad climber
one of god's mountain temples.... ಠ_ಠ
Dec 14, 2010 - 12:41am PT
A holster like the old DOLT one, correct? That can be accommodated. I will post more tonight/tomorrow...
You have piqued my interest...
Brian in SLC
Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Dec 14, 2010 - 12:47am PT
Still we have been concerned about the cracks we have seen. Theron will post up more details but, according to the experts, it seems to be coming down to the fact that the 4330 steel alloy we used turns out to be sensitive to sharp pre-heat treatment stamping - in our case using a stamping die to put the serial numbers in the heads. Most of the cracks we've seen emanate from the serial numbers and it would seem stamping those sharp lines in the steel opened us up to cracking. In the end it's looking like maybe the whole serial number deal was not a good idea to accomodate. Such are life's lessons.
4340 steel, I seem to recall.
The heat treat was done twice, to apparently account for a too soft condition based on hardness testing. Any idear of the hardness numbers before and after the second heat treat? The info in the other thread would indicate 45.3 to 46.5 and 46.6?
Forging, annealing, heat treat cycle and quench info might be interesting.
The only photo posted of a crack was near the "D" of the "D5" logo. Do you have any photo's of the cracks through the numbers?
Let's hope for a great outcome.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 14, 2010 - 12:58am PT
I'll let Theron post up the details and pics. I believe the heads have tested out multiple time right in the ballpark of 45, but again I'll leave that to Theron. I bought three hammers and brought them home from the assembly weekend. My testing shows none of them are in any way brittle. I would say they are dead on the money and I've now beat all three half to death in my own tests, half of which were with one hammer pick down on concrete pieces and beating that one face-to-face with another hammer for a fair duration. All three are totally solid with the steel giving some on the sharp milled face edges just as one would expect; all three show wear consistent with my original A5.
Tuscon Again! India! India! Hawaii! LA?!?!
Dec 14, 2010 - 01:06am PT
yeah, here's hoping for a great outcome.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 14, 2010 - 01:26am PT
I want to add something to calm the masses... No funds have been dispersed at this point. I am holding onto all orders and all funds until we have a complete and satisfactory answer/outcome to the issue. This will make it much easier to accommodate any refund issues if necessary.
I fully trust Theron and his advisers. Once I have the thumbs up then I will disperse funds.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 14, 2010 - 01:28am PT
Strider and Mighty... Give me until the AM and I will post what I have been planning. I had this in my back pocket for a while because I didn't think the holster market was worthy. Maybe it is or maybe it isn't... let's see!
Trad climber
one of god's mountain temples.... ಠ_ಠ
Dec 14, 2010 - 01:44am PT
Can's wait...
Trad climber
Tacoma, WA
Dec 14, 2010 - 02:06am PT
A holster like the old DOLT one, correct? That can be accommodated. I will post more tonight/tomorrow...
Add another interested party to the list - one would have thought you would have learned your lesson with the hammer project! LOL
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 14, 2010 - 02:13am PT
Just hang in there with us folks - let's hear what Theron finds out from the pros before anyone gets crazy. As it stands from what we know now from all our testing the cracked heads are cracked and the good ones are good with the serial numbers / D5 head stamp being the culprit in the bad ones. We only had a few crack so there are still hammers for all.
Captain...or Skully
Big Wall climber
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Dec 14, 2010 - 08:32am PT
My trust is in Theron. His trust is in his advisors. Good enough for me.
Hammer on, man.
Social climber
Bay Area
Dec 14, 2010 - 12:41pm PT
In Theron we trust.
'nough said
I don't even know him but others vouching is good enough for me. I ain't worried
Gonna twist Karodrinker's arm 'bout Lava Falls next time I see 'im.
Munge....looks like the hook placement to end all hook placements. What's the worry?
Good to see a D5 doing it's thing.
Now back to byte bashing
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 14, 2010 - 01:14pm PT
Many a year ago I had a DOLT nylon/plastic/Lexan® holster as seen below.
This holster was fantastic as I never had to struggle to get the hammer back in its home. Just place the handle near the holster and it seems to fall back into place. The same can not be said of a leather/web holster after some time; they just get flaccid like an elderly gigolo.
I suppose the one drawback I found was the holster did not flex in chimneys/wedgie spots. But then again, the hammer in those spots was never a bag of feathers against my hip either.
So... For a while I have planned to remake the DOLT holster that I loved so much. The only change might be to lengthen the back piece so the hammer hangs an inch below the hip rather than right on it. Dolt ended up doing the same thing. Now it seems there are enough hammers out there that it might make sense to move the project forward.
What say ye? Is this an item with a market, albeit tiny.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 14, 2010 - 01:21pm PT
The JRat holster - now that's style and looks good with lycra.
Big Wall climber
Dec 14, 2010 - 02:01pm PT
Thanks for the due diligence getting these right guys.
Brian in SLC
Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Dec 14, 2010 - 02:14pm PT
Had a couple of Troll plastic hammer holsters. Much preferred over fabric. Easy in and out. These days I just clip the hammer up close to the shoulder sling with a biner. Keeps it tucked in near me better, and, a little higher than on a harness.
Yeah, those Dolt holsters were nice.
Dec 14, 2010 - 03:26pm PT
The problem with selling any holsters today Simon is that gear loops usually work, and most harness's won't let you thread a holster onto it where you would want it to be. If I clip a few extra biners to the gear loop, my Metolius Waldo wall harness loops will work great for a hammer. Without the biners, the hammer falls out, with them, works great.
T Moses
Big Wall climber
Paso Robles
Dec 15, 2010 - 01:23am PT
Sorry for the lack of information in the last week. I have been super busy working to get this problem all figured out. I absolutely cannot ship any hammers until I have it all worked out. I have sent samples to four seperate companies for their professional opinions.
The Forge said it was heat treating. Any flaws should be on the parting line (the perimiter of the head where the dies close together)not around the stamping area on top of the head.
The independant tool and die maker said it was most likely the stampings (serial numbers). All cracking occurs in the quench procces of heat treat and no further cracking should occur. He and the independant heat treater recommended a stress test that I performed (detailed later).
The independant heat treater said that 4340 steel is sensetive to scribe lines and stamping. I wish I would have known that a month ago! I've done a small amount of heat treating myself and have a lot of heat treating done. I have dealt with 4130 (in the same family of metals) in large quantities (cam hooks, tomahawks, logan hooks, etc...). I stamp those with my logo and have yet to have one single one crack. Parts won't randomly crack a few months after treatment. If it doesn't have a crack in it yet it won't get one.
The heat treater and I were baffled at first why the cracks weren't found right after quenching in the procces. The explaination we arrived at was that the heads are black after treatment. This makes spotting small black cracks a problem on forgings that are by nature slightly rough. The parts went to sandblasting after that and I think the sand dust covered the majority of the cracks up at this time. I hand inspected them before oiling and caught four total cracked heads. After the assembly weekend we found more cracked heads prompting a detailed look at each head. He also said that if it isn't cracked yet it's not going to.
The heat treater sent the two heads I sent him off to a metalurgist for review on the seventh of December. He has not received them yet. I sent UPS overnight five heads to him today. A memeber of the forum offered his connection to a metalurgist and if he had been two hours earlier I would have taken him up on his kind offer. I should hear back tomorrow from the metalurgist.
I stress tested good heads myself by cooking them in the oven at 300 degrees for two hours and then dropping them in cold tap water. This is a HUGE shock to the part and a good indicator of any weaknesses. All the heads I tested passed with flying colors.
Munge established a route at Pinnacles hand placing four bolts.
Joseph absolutely beat all three of his heads up.
I inspected very closely all the heads last night. I used a 10x jeweler's loupe on any even questionable surface. My eyes hurt after all that work.
The indicators I'm getting right now are good to go on the non-cracked heads.
This is a complex subject and I will try to answer any questions and post more information over the next couple of days as it comes in.
Thanks for your vote of confidence Skully, Moof, et al. I appreciate it and strive to live up to it.
It is frustrating to see 110+ hammers that are almost ready to ship just sitting there. I have all of the parts for another 90+ ready to assemble. As soon as I get the good word I will be shipping out.
I'll post pics tomorrow
Trad climber
one of god's mountain temples.... ಠ_ಠ
Dec 15, 2010 - 01:32am PT
Deeply appreciate your dedication to producing a quality product for us.
Trad climber
The pitch of Bagalaar above you
Dec 15, 2010 - 01:34am PT
Thanks for the work ethic, and for keeping your customers in the loop. A rare treat not seen in today's marketplace.
Best of luck
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 15, 2010 - 02:06am PT
In the morning I will post the number of hammers still available. It is getting small...
Social climber
Portland, Oregon
Dec 15, 2010 - 02:48am PT
Thanks for the updates. I too have faith!
Trad climber
100% Canadian
Dec 15, 2010 - 02:51am PT
Thanks for your commitment and dedication to this project Theron, I am very pleased to be a purchaser of one of these hammers.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 15, 2010 - 07:00am PT
I wanted to add that the issue has been just as much about them being brittle and the edge of the hammer face chipping and injuring someone in the process. That would essentially entail them being too hard, thus 'brittle' and prone to cracking / chipping on some sort of impact. Chipping of the face edges would be a good indication of that.
I came back from Theron's and assembling with three hammers. So I tested them face-to-face as it were, putting one hammer pick-down on concrete sidewalk pieces and beating it with one of the other hammers and then inspecting the faces for chipping. Here's roughly what I was doing only on large chunks of concrete:
And as you can see in the following pics that my aim wasn't good enough to keep the two hammer faces perfectly oriented to one another during the beating and so the sharp-milled edges of the faces and the faces of themselves did in fact get beat. Here is the result - 'rolling' / 'mushrooming' of the edges with indents in the face - all without any chipping:
And in fact I was able to clean up the edge with a flat file and a brief touch on an upside-down belt sander without too much trouble as you can see below:
Bottom line from my testing is that the heads aren't too hard or brittle - we just screwed up going with the serial number idea. Who knew that had the potential to introduce problems of its own? We didn't, and apparently it isn't commonly known outside of those folks with deep expertise in more high-tech / critical heat treating applications such as aerospace.
But to be sure Theron is seeking the opinions of expert heat treaters and metallurgists, as has another person involved done in SLC, and I've also inquired with some titanium casting (finicky) aerospace folks here in PDX. The story so far is what's cracked has cracked and what's good is good. If we hear differently in the next day or two we'll let you know, but that's where we stand at the moment. If that story doesn't change we'll be shipping the moment we get that confirmation.
In front of my computer
Dec 15, 2010 - 09:36am PT
In this day and age of ubiquitous cheap Chinese made junk, it is beyond refreshing to see the lengths to which Theron and Joseph are going to ensure they're delivering a high quality product.
Thanks to both of you for all of your efforts on this project.
Trad climber
The state of confusion
Dec 15, 2010 - 10:01am PT
Theron and all--
You guys are AMAZING!!!!!
Thanks so much for your great efforts!!!!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 15, 2010 - 10:32am PT
Based on the results of my Cray® Super Computer and the latest sat photos from NORAD it now appears we have 38 hammers left for sale.
I want to repeat that so everyone has full knowledge...
38 hammers left for sale.
38 hammers left for sale.
38 hammers left for sale.
38 hammers left for sale.
38 hammers left for sale.
38 hammers left for sale.
John Mac
Trad climber
Littleton, CO
Dec 15, 2010 - 10:53am PT
Amazing dedication to quality control!
We are very fortunate to have a group of people so willing to go above and beyond what is the norm these days. No need to apologize for the lack of communication. We all know these are not simple things to sort out.
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.
I can't think of a better Christmas gift for myself than a D5 Hammer.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 15, 2010 - 11:09am PT
Fattrad... what about me??? I handled the money! Don't I get a thank you? I am so alone...
Brian in SLC
Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Dec 15, 2010 - 12:14pm PT
we just screwed up going with the serial number idea.
Well, include the "D5" stamp too, then.
Any stress riser will be bait for that residual stress seeking a weak spot. That includes the raw material.
Kinda considered mag particle inspection, but, really, those cracks seem to be obvious.
Really appreciate the extra concern and details.
Great stuff, you guys!
Dec 15, 2010 - 02:09pm PT
Maybe to be safe, you could hold back from selling the last 5 or 10 units to have a small reserve in the unlikely event that one of us discovers a crack in a delivered hammer? Would be nice to be able to exchange for a freshy if that happens.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 15, 2010 - 02:56pm PT
Crotch, that's a thought, though we are trying to vet what we have as good before shipping any.
Big Wall climber
Seattle, WA
Dec 15, 2010 - 03:28pm PT
I was scared that I wouldn't get one in time. Not any more, the Xmas bonus came through. Thanks fellers.
Ice climber
Dec 15, 2010 - 04:05pm PT
So the Yellow A5 hammers have serial numbers.
What about that round of hammers?
At what point in the process were they stamped?
Any blems or loss on that run of heads?
That would be some good info to hear from J. M.
After all the machine work, of course, you'll have to get them heat treated properly. Have you decided if you are going with 4130 or 4340? The first A5 hammer batch (red handles) was 4130, the second (yellow handles) was 4340. Both have pluses and minuses in terms of a finished product, but to be safe, the more expensive 4340 is probably better because you have more latitude for a good hard heat treatment in the end.
Trad climber
los arbor
Dec 15, 2010 - 04:24pm PT
Get em while you can. I just ordered two! This whole project turned out to be so cool.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 15, 2010 - 04:56pm PT
So the Yellow A5 hammers have serial numbers. What about that round of hammers? At what point in the process were they stamped?
Just emailed John for details on that. I recall seeing one of these at some point and I believe they weren't as large or deep as we did, but will verify that with John.
Hobart, Australia
Dec 15, 2010 - 05:21pm PT
let's see...
First batch: I started work on these while I was still living in Yosemite, in the dirt, with a postbox at the lodge, living part-time in a tent in Camp 4, and part-time (in the winter, when the rangers kindly had a blind eye to some of the rules) in my '71 VW van in the Camp 4 parking lot.
Then I moved to Flagstaff and got the first batch of heads from the forgers. Bought a mill for Steve Byrne at the Wired Bliss shop, then set about milling and grinding and sanding the heads. Then I got the handles and tangs organized (the local libraries Thomas Registers were well used back then), and assembled the hammers at the apartment I was living in at the time (I lost my damage deposit when I moved out of that apartment). At the same time I was organizing a mail order business, with what later became A5. My first "catalogs" were xeroxed affairs, and among other hard to get items, I sold a hand grinder, 1/4" bolt gear, and of course the big wall spoons.
The first batch of hammers (approx. 500, maybe 550) were made of 4130, a Chrome Moly steel I had studied extensively during my college engineering. I bought a hardness tester--a simple center punch which was used to punch the metal, then using a calibrated loupe, and tested all the climbing gear I could get a hold of, as well as hardware store forged hammers. The handles on these rigs was a reddish brown color, and they were not stamped with a serial number. They had the hole through the handle and 6mm cord for leashes. They initially sold for $68.50.
They sold briskly at first, but soon after, Chouinard (before it was Black Diamond) started selling a cast wall hammer, and sales dwindled to about 50 per year. It took a long time to sell the first batch.
Somewhere around 1995 or 1996 I started a second batch of 250. The steel was 4340 and they had the yellow handle and were serial numbered.
Hobart, Australia
Dec 15, 2010 - 05:30pm PT
Here's some old ads--
Brian in SLC
Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Dec 15, 2010 - 05:54pm PT
The steel was 4340 and they had the yellow handle and were serial numbered.
Do you recall if you numbered them before or after heat treat?
Edit to add: standard 4340 or aircraft quality? Probably not VAR.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 15, 2010 - 05:58pm PT
John, cool! Thanks for posting up. Those ads are great as is the dirtbag-to-riches story (well, ok, maybe not quite rich...)
In his email to me John said he thought he used a 3/32" lettering stamp for the yellow series, whereas Theron used a 8/32 (1/4)" stamp on the D5's. John also thought he may have stamped them after heat treat as well (definitely the way to go if so).
T Moses
Big Wall climber
Paso Robles
Dec 15, 2010 - 11:49pm PT
No report from the metalurgist today. Shipping is HELL around Christmas i guess. I will post up pics and info when I get them. Tomorrow I am really hoping.
T Moses
Big Wall climber
Paso Robles
Dec 16, 2010 - 03:07pm PT
I got a verbal OK through the heat treater that the heads are OK. The cracks happened during heat treat and they are not poping up after the fact. The crystaline structure is good meaning the metal is OK and the heat treat is correct. The stampings are to blame and he recommends not doing that again. He is typing up a written report now and I should have a faxed copy this afternoon some time. I'll let you guys know more as it comes availible.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 16, 2010 - 04:11pm PT
Alrighty then - good to know! We're back to it then after a brief QC intermission. Sorry for the delay, but we have been committed to only shipping hammers we can all depend on and which live up to the reputation John and A5 established for them. In the end we've lost a few to a hard and fast learning curve, but c'est la vie. Go team D5!
A pile of dirt.
Dec 16, 2010 - 04:54pm PT
SO I'm not sure if you guys have shipped yet or not but you might want to consider holding off on shipping until after the holidays since many of us will be traveling soon :)
Thanks, Moses, Simon, et al!
Trad climber
Dec 16, 2010 - 04:59pm PT
you might want to consider holding off on shipping until after the holidays since many of us will be traveling soon
-1 for that.
Dec 16, 2010 - 05:15pm PT
I want mine, Lost info how do I pay.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 16, 2010 - 05:21pm PT
See the first post in this thread...or email IHatePlastic if need be.
Trad climber
Behind the Zion Curtain
Dec 16, 2010 - 06:07pm PT
Yeah! Strong work everyone! Now Ship em!!!
Big Wall climber
Dec 16, 2010 - 07:22pm PT
So next time would it be better to CNC the serial numbers to avoid creating stressed spots?
Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Dec 16, 2010 - 07:29pm PT
Ship those suckers. Already had to pay the CC bill for it.
Social climber
Bay Area
Dec 16, 2010 - 07:37pm PT
So next time would it be better to CNC the serial numbers to avoid creating stressed spots? Would have to be before the heat treat processes start. Guaranteed to result in serial number gaps.
Or electro-etch. Or EDM.
There's a lot of historical class to stamping them by hand.
But that's all Monday Morning quarterbacking.
These guys are doing a da**ed fine job!
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 16, 2010 - 07:53pm PT
I think any significant change to a forged piece prior to heat treat comes with a measure of risk as does the geometric detailing of the forging die itself. Sharp corners are to be avoided if at all possible. Stamping, etching or milling marks like serial numbers or logos would probably be better done after heat treat even if that means it's a bit tougher job.
Trad climber
OAK (nee NH)
Dec 16, 2010 - 09:56pm PT
Paid for it... when are they getting shipped?
Mountain climber
Dec 16, 2010 - 10:29pm PT
Hey everyone, make sure to tell them to ship'm!!
Ice climber
Dec 17, 2010 - 03:25am PT
Print those shipping labels using USPS.com and drop those Flat Rate boxes off at the Post Office. No fuss and no waiting in line.
Thanks y'll.
Best climbing hammer out there and the better price too. Amazing.
If I did the numbers, I would have but the numbers on the molds.
Trad climber
Alberta, Canada
Dec 17, 2010 - 11:05am PT
Good to hear they're all good to go now!
Props to Theron, Joseph, IHP, Conrad, John, and all others involved in the build!
Now ship em! I may be in the great white frozen north and have a heavy addiction to ice climbing, but seriously.... you ever seen what bolts look like on rap routes that are under water 3 seasons of the year?
Chinooks are also prime time to get started on projects. Oh, and do I have a project for this hammer! Several.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 17, 2010 - 11:08am PT
We just got in the final shipment of the handles a couple of days ago and are still getting organized for shipping as well, hang in there!
somewhere fairly insignificant
Dec 17, 2010 - 01:09pm PT
Yeah, hurry up and ship! Time's wasting! So many projects! Grandma and Grandpa ain't gettin' any younger...
(As for my hammer, no rush---the projects aren't going anywhere in the meantime...)
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Dec 17, 2010 - 03:26pm PT
the real multi-tool that Leatherman ain't got sh#t on. hahahaha
Trad climber
CA Central Coast
Dec 17, 2010 - 03:42pm PT
Jeff_m, as your grandpa prolly already knows if you hook the funkness just right it's possible to gut the fish with a single pull. It's a slick trick.
somewhere fairly insignificant
Dec 17, 2010 - 04:10pm PT
So what you're saying is that grandma broke up wood with the D5 and grandpa smashed a fish over the head with it??????
But at least they're using their D5s...
Edit for Roxy:
Grampa started using the D5 at his job doing bone density tests. The fishing applications came naturally. (I'll tell him about using the funkness hole to gut, but he's always been more of a bashin' man...)
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 17, 2010 - 04:56pm PT
Part of the current short delay is we are also waiting for 500 steel handle wedges which we've decided to ship two of along with each hammer just as A5 did. There is just enough variability in the handle head end width vs. depth from the factory that some hammers may need the wedges over time and this way you'll have them if you do.
I can only imagine how many hammers emergency rooms see and where they've been...
Big Wall climber
Dec 17, 2010 - 08:00pm PT
Bang bang bang...
Captain...or Skully
Big Wall climber
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Dec 18, 2010 - 10:24am PT
I like when things get resolved. I'm settled in to wait my turn. For a hammer, not a hammerin'. It'll be good to replace this relic, though it's done a fine job.
Big Wall climber
Dec 18, 2010 - 05:52pm PT
alright i ordered myself a x-mas gift! can't wait to get it !
Big Wall climber
Dec 20, 2010 - 12:32pm PT
Bang Bang Bang Bump...
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 20, 2010 - 03:13pm PT
Funds have been transferred to Theron.
Shipping is occurring this week and will continue until all orders are fulfilled.
There are 31 hammers left for purchase.
So you don't need to read the whole thread, hammers can be ordered here:
I need a hammer!
Hobart, Australia
Dec 20, 2010 - 05:15pm PT
You can get those wedges at any hardware store, and people probably don't need them for a long time if you got the same handles with a tight press fit. Besides, like somebody said, there might be better things when/if the heads loosen (which they don't very easily with the tang system).
I wouldn't bother waiting for those...
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 20, 2010 - 05:34pm PT
Too late, they shipped and we will as well as soon as they arrive...
Dec 20, 2010 - 07:34pm PT
The product John is alluding to is called Chair Loc. it's nothing short of amazing, and just because your kid borrowed your hammer and left it out in the rain and sun till the handle got loose there is no need to ever trash your wood handled tools by slamming metal wedges into them ever again:-)
Chair loc
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 20, 2010 - 07:54pm PT
Good to know, thanks...
Mountain climber
Dec 21, 2010 - 09:52pm PT
So I'm just wonderin. I have an invoice marked Nov 24 and I have been eagerly stalking every parcel delivery person in the vicinity of my neighborhood for nearly a month with no results simply because A. I didn't request a specific number for my two hammers so I'm last on the list and B. I'm on hold for a metal wedge I can buy at any home depot, lowes, ace hardware, etc? I have problem being put below the number requesters. Should it not have been first come first serve? Was it not the outpouring of interested buyers that gave the project it's validation? Postal service being what it is with the Holiday and the fact that I will be climbing in NH beginning on Dec 28 when my package MAY arive. I hope the neighbors kids enjoy those expensive hubcap and auto theft entry tools they are about to aquire.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 21, 2010 - 10:10pm PT
No one is being put ahead of anyone. We didn't assemble hammers in any given order - we just grabbed heads and hammers and started putting them together. Again, no one is getting shipped hammers before anyone else. Everyone will be getting their hammers about the same time and shipping will start in a day or two. If you want us to hold off shipping until after the holidays send me an pm.
Trad climber
The state of confusion
Dec 21, 2010 - 10:44pm PT
'nother BIG THANKS to all of you folks' efforts
puttin' this show together!!!!
I'll be sooooooo happy whenever I get mine. . .
however long it takes. . .
be patient. . .
nick d
Trad climber
Dec 21, 2010 - 11:29pm PT
Thanks Joe and crew for an amazing amount of work over the last several years!
I'm so crippled up I have some doubts about my ability to actually get out and use it, but with the last 31 dangleing in my face I couldn't resist.
D-5 madness...I'm wriggling in it's clutches! And by the way, I don't care when it comes or what number it is.
Thanks again, Nick Danger
Captain...or Skully
Big Wall climber
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Dec 22, 2010 - 10:32am PT
T'will be when it t'will be. That is all.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 24, 2010 - 07:08pm PT
UPDATE: Everyone who ordered and paid for a hammer as of 12/24/2010 3:45 PM PST has had their mailing information sent by Joseph to Theron for hammer shipping.
If you changed your address through me or requested a "hold until X" ship date that information has also been sent to Theron.
AS OF THIS TIME AND DATE THERE ARE ONLY TWENTY (20) HAMMERS AVAILABLE FOR SALE. If you have been holding out or just been too busy NOW IS THE TIME!!!
Buy Your Hammer!
Big Wall climber
Long Beach, CA.
Dec 24, 2010 - 07:40pm PT
So excited!!!
Trad climber
The state of confusion
Dec 24, 2010 - 07:42pm PT
That's AWESOME that so many hammers have been sold!!!
Big Wall climber
Dec 24, 2010 - 08:26pm PT
Thanks guys! Should be a great New Years playing with hammers...
Big Wall climber
Dec 27, 2010 - 01:30am PT
Tap tap tap...
So if I also ordered a couple shirts on the same invoice, are they presumably going to ship separately?
Big Wall climber
Seattle, WA
Dec 27, 2010 - 01:35am PT
You got My Hammer, Fatty. Not some wacko evil shite, just my birthday. Wanna trade? I'll throw in a bottle of good Dago red.
Edit- Moof, I already got my shirts, with a note saying the hammer is coming soon.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 27, 2010 - 01:53am PT
Moof... shirts come separately from my business while the hammers come from Theron in California. I just handled the finances for the D5 project.
I think there are perhaps 3-4 shirts that have not shipped yet since they were a style/color/size that I was out of stock on. Those have been/are being printed and will ship this week.
For those who ordered Tomahawks etc those are also coming from my company... Just waiting for a new box to arrive from Theron with a supply of toys! The packages are addressed and postage affixed... just need the toys!
Big Wall climber
Dec 27, 2010 - 11:09am PT
Thanks Simon, just checking to make sure things didn't fall through the cracks.
somewhere fairly insignificant
Dec 27, 2010 - 11:29am PT
Will I get my hammer by Christmas???...
Yes. Didn't you read the fine print? Everyone ordering hammers agreed to convert to Eastern Orthodox Christianity which means Christmas is now January 7th.
Plenty of time...
Edit to add: This is post #333, so I'm now officially half evil. (It really is Christmas!)
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 27, 2010 - 01:52pm PT
Locker... Have you checked out my store? We have everything from tomahawks to Tees, from rivet hangers to Glen Denny posters! I am sure there must be a watch in there somewhere...
Big Wall climber
Seattle, WA
Dec 27, 2010 - 04:04pm PT
Thanks Jeff, I was only just funning, but I will take you up on your offer. I sent Simon an email. I owe you a bottle. Thanks man, your a prince.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 27, 2010 - 05:08pm PT
Wayno + Jeff... All is taken care of.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 27, 2010 - 09:45pm PT
19 hammers left.
19 hammers left.
19 hammers left.
Just For Locker!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 28, 2010 - 04:00pm PT
Sales update...
A wonderful Euro ordered a hammer today so we are down to...
18 hammers left!
Trad climber
Dec 28, 2010 - 04:12pm PT
If you were to buy some of those Moses Tomahaks, what sizes and style would you get? I'm talking about a few basic pieces to supplement my aid rack. I have no BD Peckers.
Just wondering.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 28, 2010 - 04:43pm PT
All of them, and put in an advance order for some big ones.
Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Dec 28, 2010 - 05:07pm PT
Okay, my CC has been charged, I've gotten (and paid) the bill for my hammer, and nobody's even said "Hey guys, they're going to go out next Tuesday!"
Can I get an update? And thanks.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 28, 2010 - 05:49pm PT
They are in the process of being shipped. After five years in the making, I'd like to think that patience would extend a couple of more days.
Bob D'A
Trad climber
Taos, NM
Dec 28, 2010 - 05:58pm PT
Healyje wrote: They are in the process of being shipped. After five years in the making, I'd like to think that patience would extend a couple of more days.
Cool. Looking forward to getting mine.
I really don't think it is too much to ask to have a date when the hammer are going to be shipped.
Dec 28, 2010 - 06:02pm PT
You'll have it by next February 20th
I too am looking forward to it.
Trad climber
hard sayin' not knowin'
Dec 28, 2010 - 06:05pm PT
More than one enterprise has had issues managing expectations. You guys are doing a great job with this project. Maybe you should take control of the speculation and direct the conversation with a new thread to announce the imminent shipping. It would probably look better from a business point of view. I, for one, would bump it so it stays on the front page for awhile.
Ordered and patiently waiting
Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Dec 28, 2010 - 06:06pm PT
Thanks healyje, I appreciate that info.
Saw after I asked on the other thread that Theron was packing them up. I can be very patient with just a little info applied at the right time to keep the wheels turning.
I just like to keep tabs on anything I have being shipped to me. The USPS/FedEx/UPS tend to leave whatever I get laying on my front porch and it helps if I have an idea when to look for it so someone doesn't make off with my packages (a problem in the city, especially around the holidays).
Thanks again.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 28, 2010 - 06:11pm PT
There's no way of knowing when a specific hammer is going out the door. Theron has a relatively unsorted list of the orders I sent him and keep updated and is likely kicking them out as we speak. I do have a call into him, but there is no professional shipping company, just Theron juggling his family, day job, and getting this wrapped up. I know he's committed to getting them out the door as quickly as he possibly can.
Trad climber
one of god's mountain temples.... ಠ_ಠ
Dec 28, 2010 - 06:26pm PT
Your much too nice, time to adopt the Fish Products customer service manual.
Having been on the receiving end of the Fish Products customer service manual, I can tell you, if it were adopted with this project I would demand my money back and never give another cent to anyone associated with the project.
Best to keep your customers informed and to keep a civil attitude. Which healyje and Theron have done admirably well at.
Trad climber
hard sayin' not knowin'
Dec 28, 2010 - 06:49pm PT
Group hug?
Trad climber
hard sayin' not knowin'
Dec 28, 2010 - 06:51pm PT
Don't want to get on Fattrad's bad side... hehe
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 28, 2010 - 07:13pm PT
I always get left out of these group hugs... is it my turgidity?
Remember the old days... back in C4 after a successful romp up a .10A? Now THOSE were group hugs!
Big Wall climber
Dec 28, 2010 - 10:52pm PT
Strider kicks the sleeping dog: Having been on the receiving end of the Fish Products customer service manual, I can tell you, if it were adopted with this project I would demand my money back and never give another cent to anyone associated with the project.
Wah wah wah.... Merry Christmas whiners!
See us on the web at:
Dec 29, 2010 - 10:55am PT
Please, no kicking of sleeping dawgs. The hammer customer service dept, seen here, is on it. Hammers will be sent. Theron has a real job too.
Like to thank the guys who donated hours to putting them together. Joseph fly down there on his own dime to do this.
Trad climber
Bay Area
Dec 29, 2010 - 01:17pm PT
Anyone who's been with this project long enough to even place an order should know how it's all coming together.
I'll get my hammer when I get it. And I'll be damned pleased. Both for the hammer and for the extra $$ I kicked in for Conrad's school.
I'm not really crowing about my extra contribution, just hope to stir a few more good people to kick in some extra.
Sure I'm looking forward to it. The way I see it, there'll be a BIG surprise at my gate one day soon. I'll be as excited as a 5 year old on Christmas morning.
Well done to Theron, healyje, ihateplastic, the guys who went down there to help out a couple of weeks ago, to all who're buying 'em (even the whiners), to Conrad.
And a huge hug to Theron's wife and kids.
And no, we don't need another thread
(slithering back under my rock)
Big Wall climber
Dec 29, 2010 - 01:39pm PT
So seriously, where is the "Buy Theron's Wife a night out" paypal widget?
somewhere fairly insignificant
Dec 29, 2010 - 01:42pm PT
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 29, 2010 - 02:00pm PT
Jeff... why the mask?
Trad climber
hard sayin' not knowin'
Dec 29, 2010 - 02:07pm PT
Like I said:
Ordered and patiently waiting
You guys rule. I'm so happy I could poo.
somewhere fairly insignificant
Dec 29, 2010 - 02:40pm PT
Jeff... why the mask?
Virgin, north-facing sandstone wall = dust, lichen and monumental amounts of airborne detritus --- and bugs.
Trad climber
one of god's mountain temples.... ಠ_ಠ
Dec 29, 2010 - 02:57pm PT
Strider kicks the sleeping dog:
Ha! Yeah, I usually get my dig in about once a year. This was this years. See ya next! =)
Merry Christmas to you as well.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 29, 2010 - 09:18pm PT
This Just In!!!! Much like Olivia Palermo, the D5 hammers are starting to disappear!
Only 16 hammers left!
Trad climber
Dec 29, 2010 - 09:26pm PT
I'm all stoked to get my hammer but understand that these homegrown projects take time, and so chills the word. Hope to see more cool products like this in the future. Kudos to the guys who made it happen.
I can hardly wait to go chop Joe Healys bolts at Beacon with mine.
Kidding, kidding Joe. ;)
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 29, 2010 - 09:42pm PT
Only bolts of 'mine' out there are the anchors on 'Lost Warriors' and 'Menopause'...
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Dec 29, 2010 - 11:19pm PT
Who in Hell is Olivia Palermo? That 2/3's chick?
Barf. One needs some meat to survive in the World. Just in case, eh?
Dec 30, 2010 - 01:01am PT
Only bolts of 'mine' out there are the anchors on 'Lost Warriors' and 'Menopause'...
Nevermind then...too hard to get too....
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 30, 2010 - 01:24am PT
Fifteen... can you say "fifteen?"
That be what be left.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Dec 30, 2010 - 03:15am PT
Turgidity or tumescence?
Trad climber
Bay area
Dec 30, 2010 - 04:22am PT
Out of curiousity, how many hammers were lost to the cracking?
(My avatar is a frog who gets sad when gear gets broken.)
Dec 30, 2010 - 09:48am PT
And....to add what jsb says, You guys might consider holding a few back in case there are any returns or problems...
Trad climber
Vancouver, BC
Dec 30, 2010 - 10:29am PT
>> And....to add what jsb says, You guys might consider holding a few back in case there are any returns or problems...
Holding back 5-10% of the run for a while against potential problems seems like a good idea even if there weren't problems seen in production. Not to say that I don't have faith in Theron and his crew, but better to err on the side of caution, at least until they've all seen some real-world abuse...
Trad climber
the pitch above you
Dec 30, 2010 - 10:55am PT
While I agree with the sentiment above about holding back a few "in case of returns" I'd like to point out that I don't think the crew putting this together have an actual obligation to replace a returned hammer. I may be wrong, but I don't see any mention of a warranty anywhere. When I oredered mine I kinda figured it was like the used car salesman says when asked about warranty: "Once you drive it off the lot, if it breaks in half, I guarantee you own both halves."
That said, I kinda suspect the guys running this operation are of pretty high moral fiber and will handle things in a manner that will satisfy most (we've seen already that it's laughable to try to satisfy all).
somewhere fairly insignificant
Dec 30, 2010 - 11:48am PT
Agreed. I know for a fact that I'm going to be beating the sh!t out of the thing, and if it breaks, it breaks.
---and then I'll just take it back to REI and get a refund.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 30, 2010 - 01:49pm PT
Mighty... actually, a bit of both!
Turgid: Excessively ornate or complex in style or language; grandiloquent 2. Swollen or distended, as from a fluid;
Tumescence: The quality or state of being tumescent or swollen. Tumescence usually refers to the normal engorgement with blood (vascular congestion) of the erectile tissues, marking sexual excitation and possible readiness.
Ice climber
Dec 30, 2010 - 03:42pm PT
Better hold a few back. This run has had a few issues.
Rock!...oopsie, that is ridiculous.
Talk about having no retail credibility going down your route.
I don't need any reminder NOT to buy anything from you but I have plenty of cars and beach property to sell to you.
While I agree with the sentiment above about holding back a few "in case of returns" I'd like to point out that I don't think the crew putting this together have an actual obligation to replace a returned hammer. I may be wrong, but I don't see any mention of a warranty anywhere. When I oredered mine I kinda figured it was like the used car salesman says when asked about warranty: "Once you drive it off the lot, if it breaks in half, I guarantee you own both halves."
That said, I kinda suspect the guys running this operation are of pretty high moral fiber and will handle things in a manner that will satisfy most (we've seen already that it's laughable to try to satisfy all).
Trad climber
the pitch above you
Dec 30, 2010 - 05:45pm PT
suck it. Dudes are doing a good thing and I'm in at my own risk as I see it.
Trad climber
the pitch above you
Dec 30, 2010 - 05:56pm PT
Yep fatty,
That's exactly right... except they'd never hear from me on a warranty claim. They ain't Fish (except the sling... if that f'n sling breaks you can bet I'm gonna whine like a little girl to Russ) and they sure ain't REI so that line is irrelevant. These guys took a risk out of pocket and their own time to try to do something cool for the community. I see them busting ass to fulfill our iron pounding desires, and that's all the warranty I require.
Tuscon Again! India! India! Hawaii! LA?!?!
Dec 30, 2010 - 05:58pm PT
I totally agree regarding the warranty.
the thing is for me.... I'll never know. Mines going in a safe place. Wouldn't want to scratch it....
somewhere fairly insignificant
Dec 30, 2010 - 07:44pm PT
Trad climber
hard sayin' not knowin'
Dec 30, 2010 - 08:17pm PT
Hmmm. Don't know what community you bought yours from. I bought mine from a business:
A business I happen to like a lot and have ordered from several times without problems (same with Fish) and having said that I hold any business to a certain standard. If I pay money for something, especially from REI, and it turns out to be defective I expect to come to a reasonable refund or replacement agreement.
But my card hasn't been charged yet so technically I'm not a customer yet just a website-order-placer-guy.
Mountain climber
Dec 30, 2010 - 08:24pm PT
shut up whiner...
and how did they not charge you yet, I was charged on 12/03/10, the day I placed the purchase, you may want to double check if you in fact ordered one..
Trad climber
hard sayin' not knowin'
Dec 30, 2010 - 08:31pm PT
Ordered. And... Do I know you? Do you know me? Have you read my posts? Certainly not whining. Only pointing out a fact about business. The charge wasn't on the bill I received yesterday; I'll send it to you for proof if you pay it! Thanks
Customer service is cool.
And people on this here internet can be rude!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Dec 30, 2010 - 08:40pm PT
Groundup... Just so there is no confusion, can you PM me the order number/date/real name so I can verify all was cool with the order.
Better safe than sorry.
somewhere fairly insignificant
Dec 30, 2010 - 08:40pm PT
So what your're saying is, if I don't shut up you'll crush my nuts???
Not necessarily---unless that's your thing.
I just noticed you keep saying that as soon as your hammer shows up you'll be nailin' the Nutcracker. Just wanted to post some proof that grandma already did the FA on that action...
Trad climber
hard sayin' not knowin'
Dec 30, 2010 - 08:44pm PT
It IS all cool. I've already talked to you guys a while ago. I love your hard work, you're swell guys, and you make me feel special. I'm not complaining, I just thought it funny where this thread was going. I don't want to be lumped in with the lawsuit guy on the other thread.
checked the card website, the charge missed the bill by one day. we're square.
Trad climber
Behind the Zion Curtain
Dec 30, 2010 - 09:43pm PT
man I'm gonna be stoked when my blue banger shows...till then...why fookin worry?
It's all good...thanks again to everyone's hard work..ya'll rock.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Dec 30, 2010 - 09:54pm PT
You're all trippin' way to much on this. It's a custum novelty piece. You want a f*#king warranty??? Gimme a break! It's a faith purchase. Theron, who is a skilled man, put his heart and soul into this to please the 'community', and I'm sure, himself.
He did well. Quit f*#king belly-aching about the details!!!!
Trad climber
the pitch above you
Dec 30, 2010 - 10:36pm PT
Holy sh#t, I agree with bluering. When do the other 3 horsemen arrive?
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Dec 30, 2010 - 10:41pm PT
I wanna be a horseman. I'll wield a hammer.
"Horsemen of the Snowpocalypse". Until it gets nice out. Then I'm gone.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Dec 30, 2010 - 10:43pm PT
It's okay to agree, Rock, it ain't political....you're safe, dude.
Trad climber
Mountain View
Dec 30, 2010 - 10:45pm PT
agreed, custom piece of art. Happy to be in on it and appreciate the time, energy and hard work. Its gonna be some time before I start freaking out.
Ice climber
Dec 31, 2010 - 04:43pm PT
"Use with Wild Abandon"
I would believe that John Middendorf would be appalled if his hammers were just sitting on a shelf or hidden in a box.
custom piece of art
WTF? It is a third run copy.
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Dec 31, 2010 - 04:52pm PT
I plan on using mine with wild abandon. That's my picture hanging method, too, BTW.
Know a good drywall guy? ;-)
T Moses
Big Wall climber
Paso Robles
I am sorry that the hammers are taking longer than expexted to complete! I roped some of my extended family into helping me out with a bunch of the finishing detail work last evening. I will start shipping on Monday. I have over a hundred hammers leashed and detailed. I don't want to send out half finished hammers and the detail work takes time. The first group is ready to go. I am working on proccessing the shipping through USPS right now.
I could really use some extra hands finishing these things off this coming weekend. In the spirit of the open source project I am making an open call out to anyone who thinks they can lend a hand. A crew of about 8-10 and this project could be done next weekend. Even if you don't have a whole lot of mechanical ability I could use some help doing the shipping and the finish detailing. I'll give you a couch/floor/yard space to sleep or pitch a tent on and feed you. I plan on working with whatever crew I can get from after 4pm Friday until we're tired. Get back at it at 9am and work until it's finished. Munge, Roger Brown, Joseph Healy, John Knight and my extended family have pitched in so far. I am sincerly gratful to them for their help. Any help would be awesome. I am about two and a half hours south of San Jose on the 101. If you can help be part of this awesome community project please email me through this site.
Big Wall climber
I can't come to help, but I'd love to chip in some $$$ for pizza/munchies. Is there a paypal address that would be convenient for such project support?
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Theron... Take the time you need to finish this project with the same dedication that has been there since day 1.
No one is so desperate to go nailing this very instant that they must have a new hammer. And, if they are that hardcore as to nail a new line when it is buttcheek wrinklin' cold out there then I am sure they have an old Yos Hammer they can put to use until their D5 arrives.
Come on folks... we don't want Theron to lose sleep over this. The man is an artisan and we never ask artisans to rush. Come on Michelangelo... get that dave thing done NOW!
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Word. Though, if I was in range, I'd be there like shareware. Go Growlbacks!
buttcheek wrinklin' cold Hehehe. Yeah, it's been chilly. Just a bit.
Disaster Master
Social climber
Born in So-Cal, left my soul in far Nor-Cal.
The more you give, the more some people bitch at you. I don't get it. You and your crew are fantastic and dedicated to an idea.
Ignore the whiners and steady as she goes.
(Wish I could help, but I am out of your area at the moment.)
Rock on!
Bob D'A
Trad climber
Taos, NM
Disaster wrote: The more you give, the more some people bitch at you. I don't get it. You and your crew are fantastic and dedicated to an idea.
Ignore the whiners and steady as she goes.
Really...asking for a shipping date after paying for an item is not whining.
Trad climber
People are just curious about shipping, not bitching, I don't think anyone is to worried about it. No worries, whenever you ship is fine with me Theron! Somehow Nature scammed my hammer #100 anyway, so I'm already screwed..... :( he must have needed it to tenderzie the sushi or something.....
Trad climber
sorry i can't help out this weekend. i have to be in the east bay today and head out to the east coast tomorrow.
if folks want rei or bc.com logistics, they should buy gear through a big box. theron isn't even fish-- this is a one-off as a side project subsidized by volunteer labor.
putting down money doesn't buy a solid shio-by date.
Ice climber
Gosh. It has been a month since the build party.
Joe made us all believe that the hammers were ready to go and on their way.
Oh well, guess everyone has their version of the truth.
1st Build Party (12-3-2010) – How many hammers were “built”?
Mungeclimber 12/11/2010
First Route established utilizing a D5?
healyje 12/17/2010
Part of the current short delay is we are also waiting for 500 steel handle wedges which we've decided to ship two of along with each hammer just as A5 did.
healyje 12/21/2010
No one is being put ahead of anyone. We didn't assemble hammers in any given order - we just grabbed heads and hammers and started putting them together. Again, no one is getting shipped hammers before anyone else. Everyone will be getting their hammers about the same time and shipping will start in a day or two. If you want us to hold off shipping until after the holidays send me an pm.
healyje 12/28/2010
They are in the process of being shipped. After five years in the making, I'd like to think that patience would extend a couple of more days.
Will have to start bragging how many have been shipped now that the hammers are bout sold out.
John Mac
Trad climber
Littleton, CO
It was minus 16 in Breckenridge this morning so I'm in no rush to get my hammer. Just take your time and fit it into your other responsibilities. I won't be swinging it till March at the earliest.
Thanks for all your efforts.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
I can't believe you f*#ks who are asking for shipping dates, WTF???
Do you want a hand-crafted MADE IN THE USA piece of kick-ass gear???
STFU!!! The man is working on it!!!!!! AND, he also has a family to tend to while he does this FAVOR for us.
Sorry, but you people are weak sometimes....
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 2, 2011 - 05:02pm PT
First off, I very much did give the impression hammers had begun shipping and that was entirely my mistake based on misinterpreting where we were at during a call with Theron. I thought I understood that a second assembly party had already happened and the next step was shipping. What Theron was actually telling me instead, and that I didn't get right, was rather he was just working on the second set of handles by himself.
So where exactly are we? After speaking with Theron this weekend this is the status: approximately 110 hammers have been completely assembled, processed, and are ready to be boxed and shipped. Theron has the USPS flat rate boxes and last night I extracted, formated, and imported the shipping data into a USPS 'Click N Ship' account for Theron. He will begin shipping this week on that first batch of hammers and we are organizing a second and final assembly party, hopefully for this weekend so the balance of hammers can be shipped.
It also sounds like we need to be clear about the what the D5 Open Source Hammer Project is and isn't. It's been an idea we dogged to make a reality over the past five years. What it's not is a 'business' in any sense; in fact it's basically just myself and Theron when it gets down to it, and mostly Theron. Now Simon's website may give the project the appearance of a 'business', but don't let that fool you, Simon was simply utterly gracious in extending his website / visa clearing capability to the project. He has no other involvement and we should all be grateful for his participation.
And who exactly is involved? Well, quite a few folks have been involved with the idea, tracking resources down, verifying or learning various aspects of what would be involved, and financing the production run (thanks all!). But actual humans making hammers? Well, we had a couple of great, great volunteers for the first assembly party in Roger Brown, Munge, John Knight, and Theron's brother who has pitched in a few times to help his brother out with some logistics and errands for the project. But that's it. Sum total of steady labor devoted to the project? One. Theron. Yeah, I did fly down to his place for the first assembly party and will likely head down again for the second as I have the riveting down at this point, but Theron is the one carrying the heavy load. And it should be noted Theron manages the manufacturing facility we're using to make the hammers, has four kids and a very large extended family with lots of work and holiday obligations. He is very much doing the best he can and any mistakes in communication and expectations here are entirely my fault.
Again, we're asking you to be patient for a bit longer. I/We understand you've paid and want your hammer and we're doing our level best to get them out to you as quickly as we can. As I said we'll begin shipping this week and are aiming for a second assembly party this weekend, with the balance of hammer shipping the following week so please bear with us here.
Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
I personally have no problem with Theron getting the shpping done in his own time. My request earlier was just to get an update as we hadn't heard anything in a while. No hurry, just wanted to know what was going on.
As has been said many times here, thanks for everything you've done Theron!!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Simon's website may give the appearance of a 'business', but don't let that fool you,
I know Joseph is tired so let me clarify that the site in question IS a business, a full-fledged corporation actually. While I do occasionally find myself on the red-eye, I do not operate as a fly-by-night.
It's all butta as Diana would say.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 2, 2011 - 06:25pm PT
Sorry Simon, I didn't mean it that way. You are definitely a business (and I'm definitely exhausted) - just meant the D5 Project isn't a 'business' and your gracious involvement is tangential to the fact. And that the D5 Project isn't a formal part of your business and vice-versa.
Bob D'A
Trad climber
Taos, NM
Thanks Joe...I think that most folks were under the impression that the hammers were being shipped back in early December.
Blue..go back into the hole you crawl out of.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 2, 2011 - 06:33pm PT
Again, sorry for the misunderstanding - we hadn't assembled any hammers until second weekend in December and have been sorting out getting more handles, wedges, folks for a second assembly party, and shipping ever since. My apologies for both the delay and any miscommunication.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Sheesh! It's not as though many (if any) of us are likely to be using a new hammer in the near future, even if it arrived UPS express tomorrow. Good things are worth waiting for - didn't your grannies tell you?
Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Sheesh! It's not as though many (if any) of us are likely to be using a new hammer in the near future, even if it arrived UPS express tomorrow.
All due respect MH, speak for yourself. We'll be back in the 60's in a couple of days. Climbing is year 'round in my neck of the woods. It's hammer time!! :-)
But I'm patient and I can wait no problem.
T Moses
Big Wall climber
Paso Robles
Typed in the right search (D5 Hammer) in the wrong box (youtube instead of Supertopo) and look what I found: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spcSO1BseXs
I look nothing like that BTW.
I have two solid volunteers coming to help out on Saturday. Thanks for the encouragement from those who can not attend.
I had to bribe my wife to come help me with shipping. Hurray for a D5 shipping clerk!
Moof, my email has been the same for ten years. Do you have my email address from before? If you don't have it PM me through ST. Thanks for helping fund this project!
Trad climber
The state of confusion
Theron--Don't fret over it--get 'er done when you can.
We all will love those things when they get to us!!!!!
THANK YOU!!!@!!!!!!!1
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Dude, let us bribe your wife, too. Seriously. What kinda style bribery does she prefer? ;-)
I know Joseph is tired so let me clarify that the site in question IS a business, a full-fledged corporation actually. While I do occasionally find myself on the red-eye, I do not operate as a fly-by-night.
Because I knew you offered your site, for free - out of the goodness of your heart, to help smooth and facilitate the actual purchasing/money transactions of the hammers for everyone, I didn't read that like you did. I took his quote to mean that you were not the business to direct any complains to if it doesn't work out as the hammers were not a financial reward for your business, but merely an attempt to help make this happen.
If none have openly printed out a thank you for this yet Simon, let me be the 290th to think it, and to say it here as well. We're basically ungrateful bitches. Hammers were so yesterday, what have you done for me today LOL! (I'm Kidding! Kidding!)
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
couchmaster... Thanks. I have heard lots of thanks on the thread so all is great. I knew what Joseph was saying but I am a bugger for clarity.
If you were saw the SW development I have going on now, you would understand. None of the team ever says to me, "Wait... what is it you want?"
More like, "Okay big shot... shut up already. I get it! I know what you want! Enough already! No more explanation! YEAARGH!!!!"
Okay, I'm not that bad.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
According to the absolute most recent data available from NASA and NORAD there are...
Wait for it...
Only THIRTEEN (13) hammers left for purchase!
I think there are 13 potential hammer purchasers in that pic... too busy to count right now.
Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Only 12 now ;)
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
14, Simon, unless there's one pending.
Skull edit: lookin' out 4 ya, is all. cheers!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Yep, Cap'n... I just couldn't count. Been on this bloody machine all day!
Anyway... there are now only a DOZEN left!
T Moses
Big Wall climber
Paso Robles
Hammers are leaving the shop as fast as our D5 shipping clerk can type and tape. We just got back from dropping a load off at the post office.
More tommorrow.
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
awesome job!
now if Theron just made Powers five piece bolts in his shop we could fix up bad anchors all over the US in record time!!!
thx T!
ian manger
paid, finally. cheers all. be safe out there and don't hit your fingers.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Thanks to IAN we now have less than a dozen left.
Tell your friends and neighbors!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Think about it...
T Moses
Big Wall climber
Paso Robles
Shipping again!!! More hammers leaving in the mail.
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
WE didn't even have to bribe your wife for you Theron? You know I've what I've thought of you over the last few years, but you continually exceed expectations! Bravo, sir. Bravo, indeed.
Cardiff by the sea
I recieved a shipping notification and tracking number from the USPS that my D5 hammer is on the way. Thanks everyone I am stoked!
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 5, 2011 - 05:17pm PT
Trad climber
got mine an hour ago, love it thanks
John Mac
Trad climber
Littleton, CO
No sign of my shipping notification yet, but hopefully soon!
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Woohoo, nice one, LockerMan. Theron's never looked so good. He's usually Much 'rougher' . Hehehe.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
The absolute latest accounting has us at this many remaining...
Trad climber
Puyallup, WA
This ship notification is being sent to you by the U.S. Postal Service® at the request of D5 HAMMER PROJECT. A package is scheduled to be shipped on 01/06/2011.
The time is nigh!
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 6, 2011 - 11:01am PT
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Fattrad... I always thought of you as Sixy!
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 6, 2011 - 11:32am PT
DMT: No shipping notice for me :-(
Just checked the shipping account and shipping labels have been printed for 88 hammers so far. There's about another 20 or so to be shipped from the first batch and we'll be trying assemble the rest this weekend for shipping next week. Also, hammers have been assembled in a completely random order and serial #s not specifically requested were also assigned randomly so it just depends on whether the hammer assigned to you was in the first batch or in the next batch.
Hang in there either way...!!!
Pees on beard to seek mates.
I'm so excited; I just can't hide it...
John Mac
Trad climber
Littleton, CO
Thanks for the explanation...
I paid back on November 30, so I was starting to get a little concerned with only 6 hammers left and no shipping invoice.
A pile of dirt.
I've been shipped :)
Trad climber
I also ordered some hooks and tomahawks. I am guessing that those will ship with the hammer?
To Theron, Joe, and everybody else who worked so hard to make this happen, thank you. I just received my D5 hammer and love it. It is the perfect late x-mas present to myself. Seriously, I really appreciate the design, work, craftsmanship, attention to detail, communication re: status, and effort. Thanks again D5 crew, Robert
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 6, 2011 - 02:37pm PT
Ah, an actual hammer in someone's hands - now that's wonderful! Enjoy...
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Prod... Hammers come direct from Theron. All other Moses vertical paraphernalia come from my shop.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Prod... was that today? What is the order number? I had someone order a bunch of hooks/hawks/etc. today. Was that you?
Trad climber
My credit card statement shows 11/26 for $178.85.
Trad climber
Any bonus for ordering the last D5????????
Yeah you get the last one.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Prod... replied to your message. All your toys will be arriving at almost the same time!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Fattrad... See my previous image. There's your bonus.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Just for you!
Remember... all in good fun since I don't really know you too well!
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 6, 2011 - 04:47pm PT
Officially two left: 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Who will it be?????
Simon, can you confirm that you have me for 2 hammers?
Big Wall climber
Hammer arrived yesterday (01/05/2011) and it's awesome!!
Thanks again for all the hard work and for making this happen!! Cheers.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Bill... According to this afternoon's spreadsheet you are good to go for TWO (2) hammers (#2 & #40)
Social climber
Only one.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
#174 arrived today and it is beautiful.
Thanks to all involved, and especially Theron. Kick assss!!!!
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Will you be chipping a self-portrait, or one of Cheney? Neither of you seems likely to get on Rushmore.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 6, 2011 - 07:43pm PT
Officially one left: 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...
EDIT: Went back and thoroughly vetted my lists and there is actually TWO LEFT... so it's still:
Officially two left: 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...
Trad climber
The pitch of Bagalaar above you
This thing is BITCHIN!
Thanks again gentlemen.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 6, 2011 - 11:48pm PT
Mucci: D5 IN DA HOUSE!!!
After five years you can't believe how gratifying it is to hear folks finally receiving theirs in the mail. It's been like waiting for the frickin' Little Orphan Annie decoder ring, only better.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Will update a new #2 picture later tonight.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 7, 2011 - 12:06am PT
Amazing what you can get done in 500 posts...!
somewhere fairly insignificant
EDIT: Went back and thoroughly vetted my lists and there is actually TWO LEFT... so it's still:
Officially two left: 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...
You forgot to put Majid's hammer back into the count, huh?
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
So there are officially TWO HAMMERS LEFT!!!
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
should we have heard by now if our orders have shipped?
I haven't had any communications...
Trad climber
Bay Area
Ed, you've been one of the prime movers and shakers and you're last in line?
Is the work party at Theron's still on for tonight and tomorrow? My bags are packed.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Locker... if you are not trolling then that incident sucks! But wait, we have dated online proof of the hammer number you were intended to receive so surely the cops or some of Lil' Wayne's friends can do something about the situation with that proof?
Trad climber
The Cops JUST left and said there is NOTHING they can do about it...
Social climber
wow locker.... police response in less than 8 minutes? where do you live?
Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
should we have heard by now if our orders have shipped?
I haven't had any communications...
I got that same thing going on...
John Mac
Trad climber
Littleton, CO
I'm still waiting for a confirmation shipping email as well. Paid on Nov 26.
somewhere fairly insignificant
Locker, you should be happy that they're using your hammer for a good cause...
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
While I am not on the forefront of assembly and shipping I can tell you that SOME hammers have been assembled and shipped and SOME are awaiting assembly this weekend. It is a massive project for a relatively small machine shop; especially when the assembly is being done gratis.
Hang in there... I am sure more shipping notices will go out in the next few days.
EDIT: Thanks Fattrad... you said it better than I.
Trad climber
Locker troll question.
If it isn't a troll I'd kick in to get him one of the last 2.
If it is a troll...
I say anyone who felt bad for him gets to give him a kick in the nuts the next time they see him.
Social climber
I miss the grilled cheese sandwiches I used to get in JAIL... just can't get cheese that bad on the outide
somewhere fairly insignificant
Ealry this morning I heard a LOT of BANGING...
Woke me up...
So I went over to the neighbors to see what the HELL was going on and IMMEDIATELY noticed the HAMMER the neighbor was using...
Okay, if you're in jail, this is NOT the kind of banging I want to hear about...
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
ok, standing by...
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Damn! I was so looking forward to sending Mr. Wayne over...
He can clear up the problem AND inseminate your neighbor at the same time!
Trad climber
Tacoma, WA
should we have heard by now if our orders have shipped?
I haven't had any communications...
I did not receive shipping confirmation either - but my hammer showed up today! So don't panic folks!
A friends backyard with the neighbors wifi
I'm 051
Trad climber
Behind the Zion Curtain
Got mine at lunch! SuWeet!!!
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 7, 2011 - 04:45pm PT
Jumping on a flight for Theron's in a few minutes to help with the final round of assembly. Hang in there folks, if you didn't get your hammer this week then it will be going out next week sometime out of the second (and final) batch.
Trad climber
The state of confusion
I got # 046 today!!!!!!
I'm more than BEARLY excited!!!!!
Thanks you guys--you're the GREATEST!!!!!!!
Proud recipient of #171 here.
It garnered the obligatory "Is that MORE climbing gear?" from Sara, but damn, it's a pretty thing. Well-balanced, tight head; handle's a nice fit for my hand with and without gloves.
With luck, it might see some use this winter. If not, it can be a siren of things to come.
Nice work, everybody, and thank you.
Dale Persing
Social climber
I'm usually not one to brag... BUT, #056 is clearly the best hammer of the bunch and is destined for greatness in it's own right. Now, if my hammering shoulder wasn't such a piece of rotator cuffed, multi-labrum-bicep-pulley torn crap...
Thanks for the wonderful hammer :-)
Big Wall climber
Yes, bow to the power of Blue.
Mountain climber
Enron by the Sea
Got mine yesterday, 1172!
Okay, I think it's actually supposed to be 172 but the first "1" got pounded in twice. That's like getting the postage stamp with the upside down train! I'm rich!
Thanks, guys. An epic project!
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 7, 2011 - 08:54pm PT
Just touched down in LAX, on to SBP...
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Matt... So sorry to hear about your order woes. I believe the issue is some Moses gear that I am waiting for. As I mentioned to her, the box is waiting by the door for the Moses order to arrive. As soon as it does I am putting in your stuff and off it goes. Theron informed me a couple of days ago that it is on the way to me. Needless to say, he has head and hands busy with getting the hammers out the door. That is not an excuse on my part, just a possible explanation.
If she would like to cancel the order, please have her tell me and I will do so without delay.
Sometimes people think I am a huge operation like REI but the fact of the matter is I am a tad smaller.
EDIT: I will make sure to include something to smooth over your woes!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Just dropped your girlfriend a line too and also one to the supplier I am waiting for.
We will have this sorted VERY QUICKLY!
Trad climber
Mountain View
ugh, another one. Its a passion project not an off the shelf amazon.com hammer. 'Nuff said, people just dig the end result. Thanks again for all the efforts that went into this folks. Still waiting but more than patiently!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
No, Matt is right to complain... he had an issue that was not hammer related and I was slow to respond. It looks like all is cool now.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Matt... I have a tracking number now and it is scheduled to arrive at my place on Monday so it will leave here on Monday also.
Jumping on a flight for Theron's in a few minutes to help with the final round of assembly. Hang in there folks, if you didn't get your hammer this week then it will be going out next week sometime out of the second (and final) batch. Astounding....
Another less astonishing hammer thing but still of (lesser) interest.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 8, 2011 - 01:57am PT
We managed to head up and peen thirty four hammers tonight (Theron, Fred [High Traverse] and I). We will be wrapping them up this weekend for shipping during the week...
Trad climber
The pitch of Bagalaar above you
It is a crime to think about it, but.....
How long till one of these fine pieces hits the fleabay market?
It seems that not many outside of the taco are aware of the D5.
Has the D5 Team considered selling a few for charity?
Probably bring way more than a bill.
HOI looks STOKED!!!! Beard and D5 go hand in hand.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 8, 2011 - 11:16am PT
Hi ho, hi ho...
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Matt, I've ordered goods from Simon and never had a problem. Hang tight, he WILL take of you.
My Secret Santa is still waiting for his gift, so I feel your pain.
Email from Joseph dated 1:43 last night. The subject line is "#2" (one of my numbers, yeah, it's wet out and i'm sleeping in).
Just headed it up - last of the evening... Beautiful duotone handle.
WOOT! Someone one should be getting paid double time! Hmmm, lets see, no salary, pays for his own plane ticket, twice, to go build hammers for the weary masses at no pay....uhh, scratch that double time thing.
In either case, big time thanks again from all of us slackers out here!
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 8, 2011 - 02:20pm PT
Theron's brother Ryan and his wife Katie, Theron's wife Diane, HighTraverse, Jeffm, Munge, and myself are all going to town setting heads, peening head tang rivets, trimming handle tops, drilling leash holes, finish sanding, linseed oiling, QCing, box and packaging, and labelling. Whew! Hammers ho... !
Trad climber
Tacoma, WA
Another thank you to EVERYONE who put in so much of their time & energy to this project!
Big Wall climber
Anyone down there got a paypal I can wire some pizza bucks to?
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
The hammer crew rocks. Good on ya'll.
Trad climber
hard sayin' not knowin'
Tap Tap Tap Whack! Thanks guys.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 8, 2011 - 05:15pm PT
Theron just assembled the last hammer...
Still a lot of hammers going throuh the other steps, but it was nice to see the last one start through the process
Ice climber
Sweet. Time to get Hammered.
Disaster Master
Social climber
Born in So-Cal, left my soul in far Nor-Cal.
When I learned the hammers were going to be up for sale soon, I posted to get my name on the list. I also asked for #13, for personal reasons. Yes, I was caught in the numbers craze. An un-named source e-mailed me back:
Paul, I'll see if I can get Theron to set #13 aside for
Well, when the time came to pony up the $ I was at my sickest / poorest. I wrote the builders:
> Paul Humphrey here. I post as Disaster Master. I just saw the post but am
unable to get $ to you guys till after thnksgiving holidy. I have asked for and
been promised a certain hammer, and would pay for it now, but cashflow s sloww
this week. Anyhow, wanted to say i am still interested in #13 and will pay as
much as required next week.
Well, That was that. If they could not wait, fine. Someone else wanted new #13 anyway, if I remember. I was not realy sure that the money would be around in time, if at all, to justify a $100 hammer to my girlfriend and home wage earner and provider, Ruth.
Then out of the bue I got this e- mail from MOsucks (He does not!):
This message has been sent from a fellow registered SuperTopo climbing member to
The message is:
Ya want a loan to make sure you get a hammer?
Well, duh. But who was this? I had no idea. I responded:
Uh, sure. I am dependant on a monthly check right now. It has not come yet. Whatcha got in mind?
He replied:
Well if you are willing to pay back within a year I'll buy for you and just have it shipped to you. You are probably going to want to save a bit of that check for christmas. Just don't want a fellow climber missing out because of hard times...
My jaw hit the floor. I replied:
Wow! I will take that generosity thankfully. I think they are holding #13 for me, according to theron. How woulld I pay you back?
To which he replied:
Just pay me back however works out. Maybe one day we will climb together.
That was that. I waited, as did all. Then today "my" hammer showed up...
I pulled it out, but the box was still heavy. There was another one inside. TWINS!
Uh, oh. Did they send me MOsucks hammer too? Was this a good deed gone wrong? Further inspection and deduction followed. "Where did I put his e-mail adress? What was his name?" I mean, I don't know the good samaritan. Now I might have to send him a hammer? Where does he live???
I find his e-mail and fire off thanks. Then I get to thinking...
My #013 seems cracked. Ah-hah!
I deduce that I have been sent my long awaited #013 as promised. But since it cracked, I got a bonus hammer with an un-cracked head. Cool!
Futher examinatin ofthe second hammer revieled it to be a miss / double strike # on the head. Is it #250?
Or is it #240?
Either way, its all good. Thanks everyone.
Now I just have to decide what to do... Use the #013, and hope it is OK? Or hang it up like the Liberty Bell on display.
Or do I use #240 / #250 or it it the more valuable one, like the upside down plane stamp?
So confused????.....
I am already getting ideas.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 8, 2011 - 06:55pm PT
Yes, 13 was cracked but that somehow seemed fitting and we wanted you to have it regardless. It's a perfect example of the problem the number stamping caused during heat treat - cracked right through the number '1'. But you seem a little cracked as well so you ought to have a hammer to match.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 8, 2011 - 06:56pm PT
The last hammer is in finishing / QC - yea!!!!!
Disaster Master
Social climber
Born in So-Cal, left my soul in far Nor-Cal.
Yes, 13 was cracked but that somehow seemed fitting and we wanted you to have it regardless. It's a perfect example of the problem the number stamping caused during heat treat you seem a little cracked as well so you ought to have a hammer to match.
You hit the nail on the head there!
Big Wall climber
How many heads did fall to the number/heat treat cracks??
Big Wall climber
Hang #13 up for posterity, it'll be a better talking piece in one piece.
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Check it out! Skully got a hammer, too.
I like it. Oh, yes.
Theron! You remembered! Awesome.
Muchas Gracias'.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 8, 2011 - 08:00pm PT
Aced, we lost 40 to serial number cracks out of 278. We set out to do 250, so we ended up 12 short of or target. Tough lesson to learn along with the fact that the handles go through more process steps than you'd guess so you can lose a bunch on top of them varying enough so some really just aren't useable. In the end we had to order more handles to wrap it all up. All in all, there's definitely a learning curve and lots of small process optimizations that make a big difference in getting them done in a timely manner. We now have it all pretty well down and dialed at this point if Theron were to ever do another batch some day.
Trad climber
The pitch of Bagalaar above you
Paul- That smile says it all.
D5 Delivers..
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 8, 2011 - 08:10pm PT
Last hammer done, bunch already went to the post office...
Big Wall climber
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
That's what the Duck said.
Social climber
Portland, Oregon
Just got the shipping notification for mine. Sweet!
Thanks again to all who contributed to this effort.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 8, 2011 - 10:03pm PT
The deed is done. Having dinner at Gennaro's in SLO after Jeffm dropped me off in downtow to get something to eat. Then onto the airpot for the flight home to PDX via SFO. My shoulders and arms are glad to be done peening hammers. Was once again great to work with such a great crew.
Pees on beard to seek mates.
Eagerly awaiting my shipping notification. You guys rock! The kind of grassroots, community organization and effort represented here reminds me that humanity is worth a little faith. When this project was a year or two into discussion I all but wrote it off. To see it come to this end is incredibly uplifting. Next time something like this happens, I hope I can pitch in a bit.
Pees on beard to seek mates.
And now I'm not waiting for my shipping notification! That was fast.
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
tired toes, but such a good session today. healyje would keep disappearing, and now I know where to; real time updates!! awesome! :)
such good stoke. fun project.
Paul, life is too short not to hammer on all the hammers you can. sabes? If it cracks thru, hammer with what is left, and have fun.
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
you guys rock!
thanks for realizing this notion, amazing, simply amazing.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 9, 2011 - 03:45am PT
Just touched down back in PDX...
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
sleep well? or amped up?
Brian in SLC
Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 9, 2011 - 06:08am PT
Still amp'ed up, wife recorded 2nd half of Seahawks / Saints game...
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
I hope all the recipients are as stoked as we who've gotten ours already. I bet they will be. Big thanks for the above & beyond efforts, you guys. Big cheers for the volunteers.
Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Paid Nov 23rd.
Still nothing.
Glad everyones stoked. Can't wait to see it.
Mountain climber
got my notification yesterday, I can't wait!!
Big Wall climber
From Back to Big Wall Baby
Got my notification as well. thanks for all the hard work Looking forward to seeing my new D 5
Thats a nice looking hammer you got there Skully :)
Trad climber
Alberta, Canada
Patiently awaiting delivery to Canada of 2 D5 hammers.
We still climb when it's cold up here, and should it arrive before Friday of this week it will see use in the replacement of some rather old manky belay bolts on a couple ice routes (potentially some aid if the -30°C temps in the forecast do not appear).
I have every intention of having as few days between receiving the hammer and it's use in the mountains.
John Mac
Trad climber
Littleton, CO
Should we have our email notification by now or should we expect it on Monday?
Trad climber
Bay Area
Joseph will be putting together a few pics.
There are several unsung contributors to this project.
Shipping is being done by Theron's wife Cheyenne, his brother Orion and his wife Katie.
This is only a partial of Saturday's shipping boxes with Katie.
This is the culmination of 5 years effort driven by healyje and Theron.
Talk about persistence.
In case you missed it earlier, all hammers were finished yesterday and a number were shipped. It might be a couple more days before they all get shipped. The same care is going into packing, shipping and bookkeeping as in manufacture.
Big Wall climber
Got my shipping notification last night. Can't wait! Still jealous of Paul getting #13, even though it cracked. But I'm getting my wife's birthday instead, so I still couldn't be happier.
Trad climber
Bay Area
we had a chat about cracked hammers last night. We're all curious what the real world effect will be.
Seriously: Use #13 at your own risk and be careful!
Consider just how far you want to press your luck with #13
Go ahead and hammer a few pins or drill a few bolts. Just be SURE to wear safety glasses (and take a spare hammer)!
Report to Theron and healyje, send pics of the pieces if you can find them all.
My guess is the cracks will propagate and result in sudden and catastrophic failure.
You are warned.
Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Could a crack be welded?
Anyone magna-flux one to see how far the crack goes?
Any good close-ups of the cracks?
Trad climber
Bay Area
Could a crack be welded? presumably. But why would you?
Anyone magna-flux one to see how far the crack goes? Theron has those answers.
Any good close-ups of the cracks? See Disaster Master's pics 2 pages back. There are three cracks making a perfect "T" in #13
Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Whoa... notification pending! Thanks to all.
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Thanks, Slakkey. I've been customizin' it to my liking, already, too.
Check it out.
Ice climber
Why the duct tape? So that there will always be a stick mess on the handle. Takes away from a nice hammer.
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
You haven't seen my swing. Protection. It is paramount. Some webbing just underneath. Looks are for chicks anyway.(no offense, girls, it IS appreciated).
Edit: Minerals has a good swing. Mine is a bit challenged.
Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Skully, Minerals asked me the same thing.
"Why do you have tape on the handle?"
I guess some guys don't need it.
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
it's like duct tape on a ski pole. why put on it on a ski pole?
cuz you never know when yer gunna need it.
Big Wall climber
You haven't seen my swing. Protection. It is paramount. Some webbing just underneath. Looks are for chicks anyway.(no offense, girls, it IS appreciated).
Edit: Minerals has a good swing. Mine is a bit challenged.
Good reasoning.
Disaster Master
Social climber
Born in So-Cal, left my soul in far Nor-Cal.
we had a chat about cracked hammers last night. We're all curious what the real world effect will be.
Seriously: Use #13 at your own risk and be careful!
Consider just how far you want to press your luck with #13
Yeah, I know. Still had to get it prepped, even if for limited use...
Trad climber
#13 that is cool.
Disaster Master
Social climber
Born in So-Cal, left my soul in far Nor-Cal.
I have been feeling pissed about my cancer returning. My girlfriend suggested breaking in #013 on some concrete in the yard. Worked fine. Head still holding together (at least on the hammer.)
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
CTM aka concrete test methodology
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 9, 2011 - 06:14pm PT
Just a note: If you haven't received your hammer then it wasn't in the first batch and was just made yesterday. If you didn't receive a shipping notice last night then it wasn't one of only about thirty that fit in the shipping bin available yesterday. You'll likely receive your shipping notice Monday-Wednesday and I would guess most folks will receive their hammer this week (though I can't say how long it takes to get one to Slovakia...).
Trad climber
los arbor
Can anyone who ordered multiple hammers tell me if they came in the same box? I ordered two and only had one show up so far. Thanks
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 9, 2011 - 08:53pm PT
Matty, Theron will have to check and get back to you tomorrow, but my understanding of how multiple orders was working is your order wouldn't ship until all your hammers were built, and I saw a few boxes out waiting on the rest of the order to be assembled. Did you order them in one or two orders?
[ Edit: I can't get into the USPS.com site at the moment, but checking the master ship list I see you were down for two, but that unfortunately I apparently screwed up and both of them were #76. My apologies and your second one will be going out tomorrow or Tuesday and that additional hammer will wrap up sales. I've also triple-checked all remaining orders and there are no more such duplicates. Again, my apologies for the slip up. ]
Trad climber
los arbor
I ordered them at the same time, and I sent Theron an email earlier today (through his ST profile) so he should be aware of my concern. Thanks for the input.
Disaster Master
Social climber
Born in So-Cal, left my soul in far Nor-Cal.
If there is a mix up in the end and someone is shorted a hammer, I would gladly give my "extra" to help out. (Only if I HAVE to, though. ;) )
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 9, 2011 - 09:50pm PT
See my edit above. I'm assuming the one you got was #76. You should now be receiving #260 as well. How did #76 turn out?
Trad climber
under the sea
I checked your edit, and #76 was not the one I received. I got hammer #261 and everything is fine with it although there is a double stamp. You can see 261 is stamped over a earlier number. There seems to be a 0 under the 2 (double stamp) and both an 8 and a 0 under the 6 (triple stamp).
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 9, 2011 - 10:41pm PT
Matt, rechecking the list I see I have my Matts confused relative to the posts above (easy to do since I don't have ST names to go with your real names / emails).
That is #261 in your the picture and you were supposed to get that and #262 and I believe one is for Jeff? (Is that correct?).
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
the highly elusive and coveted double or triple stamp!!
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Yeah, I was lookin' at mine & it's just a plain old single stamp. Still pretty cool, though.
Trad climber
Bay Area
healyje, Orion, Katie and Cheyenne have the tough job now.
Trad climber
under the sea
Jan 10, 2011 - 12:13am PT
Ok, I'll get 260 soon then and they are both mine, was going to have them shipped to a friend (jeff) while I was out of town. I'm back now though. Ship it to the Sierra cross address (same as previous) although I'll get it either way. Thanks!
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 10, 2011 - 12:18am PT
Matty, #260 is going to the other Matt, #262 which was assigned to you and just got assembled will be headed your way. (sorry, my iPhone keeps changing 'Matty' to 'Marty')
John Mac
Trad climber
Littleton, CO
Jan 10, 2011 - 11:32am PT
Please let us know when all of the hammers have been posted.
I'm still waiting for the shipping email and starting to get a little anxious that I may have missed out! Paid November 26. Thanks.
Jan 10, 2011 - 12:00pm PT
Simon says: NO MORE HAMMERS FOR SALE !!!!!!
Technically not true Simon, as I figure I can start the bidding now for $300 on one of mine. LOL, seriously, congrats to all for the entire start to finish process. I'd love to hear how much money was raised for Conrad and the Sherpas once the dust settles and you folks all catch your breaths.
Disaster Master
Social climber
Born in So-Cal, left my soul in far Nor-Cal.
Jan 10, 2011 - 12:13pm PT
I was asked why my new hammer is called a D5. I said duhhhhhhh....I dunno. How did I miss that? I know it is after A5, is it because of John m's nickname the Duece?
Trad climber
Bay Area
Jan 10, 2011 - 12:47pm PT
Disaster Meister
I had to ask healyje the same question.
somewhere fairly insignificant
Jan 10, 2011 - 12:56pm PT
It was easier than calling it the
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 10, 2011 - 01:18pm PT
Couchmaster... Once the dust DOES settle I will post a full accounting. Right now I still feel like things are changing by the day! One number I can post is that I sent a check to Theron for $15,000 so he could pay suppliers to the project and do the vast majority of mailing.
Anyway, once things settle down (and I have a free moment) I will let all of the wonderful people who supported this project through their hard work, purchasing of a hammer (or five), or just cheering us on here at TopoLand what the final outcomes were financially.
Until then... too much to do!
Bubba Ho-Tep
Evergreen, CO
Jan 10, 2011 - 02:02pm PT
Got mine Friday - It's a thing of beauty!
Thanks to all for your hard work on this project!
Ice climber
Jan 10, 2011 - 02:20pm PT
I hope mine isn't double stamped. Fattrad brought it up but I was wondering after market value. I bet there isn't much unless you missed out and are a ST regular.
Trad climber
san Jose, CA
Jan 10, 2011 - 03:31pm PT
I just received my hammer. It is really beautiful. I have several old Chouinard hammers (and an ice hammer!) from the dark ages, but I think the swing of this D5 is better, and I like the pick shape and hole a lot!
Many, many thanks to Theron, healyje, Simon, and all the other helpers who made this possible. It was a huge effort, but it has really brought a lot of people together, and seeing someone with one is an instant conversation starter. I will be using mine this spring.
Great job!!! Thanks again!!!
Michael Jefferson
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 10, 2011 - 03:53pm PT
Always fun to receive a new shipment of hardware for my tiny shop!
All sorts of fun from Moses!
For those wanting a grown up version of the wonderful Tomahawk... The #2s are in stock!
The hammers may be gone but lots of other fun awaits...
I Need A Tomahawk Or 10...
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 10, 2011 - 04:32pm PT
Amazing to see the D5 Project winding down after years of trying to get it launched. Of course we'll remain on it until everyone get's their hammer, the final accounting is done, and the build process documented. Still, quite a journey and clear testimony to what online communities can accomplish (along with things like Facelift, Sushifests, helping each other, and connecting old friends...).
A big high five out to everyone who participated...!
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Jan 10, 2011 - 04:54pm PT
props to you Joseph! how many hammers did you end up peening? yowza!
Social climber
The Deli
Jan 10, 2011 - 06:54pm PT
Yeah, y’all each need 10 Tomahawks to go with yer new D5 hammer! Woohoo, Simon! lol...
Trad climber
the pitch above you
Jan 10, 2011 - 07:08pm PT
#23 is in the house!!!
Thanks you guys!
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Jan 10, 2011 - 07:58pm PT
Man! There's all sorts of gear porn on this thread. Awesome!
Big Wall climber
Long Beach, CA.
Jan 10, 2011 - 08:15pm PT
#77 in my hands!!!
Thank You for all the time and hard work put into this project!!!
Trad climber
Tacoma, WA
Jan 10, 2011 - 08:48pm PT
For those of you who are concerned about not receiving an e-mail, panic not. I never received an email prior to actually getting my hammer! I am guessing your hammer will show up 'unannounced' on your doorstep soon.
Social climber
Portland, Oregon
Jan 10, 2011 - 08:52pm PT
So, I got my package today, and in it a bonus hammer!
Pretty sure I only paid for one, and I received both #80 and #52.
Joseph? Simon? Did I get someone else's hammer?
What shall I do with the extra?
Trad climber
Alberta, Canada
Jan 10, 2011 - 09:08pm PT
I thought #080 and #081 were supposed to be sent to me... according to the list posted a while back.
Still waiting on my shipment. As long as I get #081 the second hammer I'm happy. 81 is for me, the other is the x-mas present for my partner in climb who found himself unable to finance a D5 after following the project from the start. The plan is to have 2 D5 hammers on a new routing spree that we've been on for the past few years.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 10, 2011 - 09:39pm PT
I just called Joseph and asked him to weigh in on any hammer number confusion as he is the Master of the List. Expect some clarity soon.
Boulder climber
100% Canadian
Jan 10, 2011 - 09:43pm PT
#59's arrival is imminent - Thanks very much to you guys !
Trad climber
Puyallup, WA
Jan 10, 2011 - 10:09pm PT
I came pulling into the driveway this evening singin' "If I Had A Hammer", well it turns out I do! #165 with the handle signed by Theron as requested in fact, I couldn't be more pleased :-)
Thanks to Theron, Joseph, Simon, Ed and crew for all the hard work and the fabulous results.
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Jan 10, 2011 - 11:46pm PT
it came!
Big Wall climber
Jan 10, 2011 - 11:58pm PT
#104 is a good looking hammer.
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Jan 11, 2011 - 12:00am PT
Yeah, it is. And now you get to admire it for a bit, & THEN....Plot some heinous venture, well, venture, anyway.
Big Wall climber
From Back to Big Wall Baby
Jan 11, 2011 - 12:07am PT
Still waiting for mine they sure look good. Skully is right one with hammer must plot venture to use hammer.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 11, 2011 - 01:14am PT
Looking through all the versions of the list as we've compensated for #'s, delayed shipping, additional orders, cracked heads, and Excel wanting to turn multiple numbers into dates - I can see I definitely screwed up with #80 (which has had some confusion around it all along for some reason). The good news is Froodish is here in PDX with me and I can pick up #80 from him and get it off to you Brendan. You'll also be receiving #81 from Theron and my apologies for the mix up.
Simon predicted this # business would be a bit of a bother and I'm glad this is the only mis-mailed hammer so far and we'll get it sorted out. Froodish, thanks, I'll send you an email about getting together so I can pick up the other hammer.
Theron is headed in as I type this to do another round of packaging / shipping so more folks should see notices tomorrow. This will either be the last round of shipping or, if they don't get it all done tonight there will be one more to wrap up I would guess.
Trad climber
Bay area
Jan 11, 2011 - 01:51am PT
Just got hammer #005 and it's gorgeous!
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 11, 2011 - 02:01am PT
Ed, thanks for all your help on the project with the list of folks who wanted one and the numbers - all made for a good starting point and allowed us to gauge demand for financing. In the end it would have been much harder without you jumping in and keeping that list - so thanks once again.
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Jan 11, 2011 - 02:24am PT
Anyone want to buy a brand new black diamond yo hammer?
Ice climber
Jan 11, 2011 - 02:29am PT
They are going for $60 on EBAY.
Unloaded mine.
Trad climber
The pitch of Bagalaar above you
Jan 11, 2011 - 02:35am PT
Munge autographed it, instant classic.
How about $150 for one of those BI-Colors?
At least let me swing it on the next wall!
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Jan 11, 2011 - 02:43am PT
$2.50 a swing, or choice of leads. Pay now, pay later.
guess I'll hang onto the BD. seriously brand new. has the tag on it.
now that I gots me some Theron go-go hammer power, don't need the BD no more.
how about a suitcase/roller/luggage? samsonite I think. good travel bag if you wear suits.
Trad climber
Alberta, Canada
Jan 11, 2011 - 10:33am PT
Thanks for figuring the numbers/hammers/080+081 out Joseph! I was almost starting to get worried, as it turns out it's simply confirmation that the D5 Hammers have a predisposition to express the Spirit of Adventure.
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Jan 11, 2011 - 01:09pm PT
D5 Hammers have an predisposition to express the Spirit of Adventure.
awesome and well said
John Mac
Trad climber
Littleton, CO
Jan 11, 2011 - 01:42pm PT
"Anxiously awaiting my box."
You're not the only one!
Seattle, Wa
Jan 11, 2011 - 02:29pm PT
Thanks for the effort guys.
The hammers arrived and they look great.
T Moses
Big Wall climber
Paso Robles
Jan 11, 2011 - 02:37pm PT
Thanks to all those involved in helping with this project!
I have been busy shipping. The majority of the hammers have been shipped. We are working through a few bugs as Joseph mentioned. The multiple orders and international orders should be going out tonight/tomorrow. The shipping should all be done by the end of the week at the latest.
Sorry to matt who didn't get his stuff in time from Simon. It was my fault for not shipping to him in a timely manner. I've been head down in the hammer project.
I'll post more later.
Jan 11, 2011 - 02:41pm PT
Thanks for your hard work, Theron.
Social climber
The Deli
Jan 11, 2011 - 03:54pm PT
[thread drift]
Hey Skully… When did you become Peg Leg?
Got Cross Rocks? Yes, one of the three Al2SiO5 polymorphs – andalusite, or more specifically chiastolite (as opposed to sillimanite or kyanite…).
[/thread drift]
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Jan 11, 2011 - 06:23pm PT
Yeah, I still have a sack of crossrocks.
I retro'd my hammer. Already.
Jan 11, 2011 - 06:25pm PT
You seem to be at that awkward age where you still have your rubber duckie and your reading glasses. Me too.
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Jan 11, 2011 - 06:27pm PT
Well, actually I wear glasses all the time I'm not 'puterin'(right on! Apostrophes at both ends!). Nearsighted. But, yeah, I like my duck. Go, Ducks!
Edit:No way, man. We're down the sreet from the Beast now. Mmmmmmm, Roast Beast.
Social climber
The Deli
Jan 11, 2011 - 06:30pm PT
You just couldn’t leave the thread at 666, could you Skully...
Gene is EVIL!!!!!!
Pees on beard to seek mates.
Jan 11, 2011 - 07:51pm PT
Ok, I've got a question about shipping. I received my notification on Saturday. At that time the status was "Electronic Shipping Info Received." That's currently the same. So is it possible my package hasn't even been picked up by USPS yet?
T Moses
Big Wall climber
Paso Robles
Jan 11, 2011 - 07:51pm PT
I'm working on shipping out the internationals, Conrad's monster box of hammerdom and the last 10 or so hammers right now. I've got a few shipping addresses to fix because USPS didn't like them. I might be contacting you if you have not received your hammer yet.
Skully should be "Captain Peg Leg"! I got a good laugh out of that pic. Appropriate.
Regarding double stamps: There are only be a handfull of those total in the batch. Consider it a limited misprint worth more money to collecters. Now quite whining and go smack some stuff with those hammers!
Billygoat edit: The electronic stuff got done on Saturday night and the boxes were dropped off mid day Monday. It's not very far to your neck of the woods so if you don't get it by friday email me through the site so I can track it down. I hope to bump into you at Courtright again some time.
Pees on beard to seek mates.
Jan 11, 2011 - 07:52pm PT
I'm in Santa Cruz. Practically just up the road from you.
Pees on beard to seek mates.
Jan 11, 2011 - 07:56pm PT
Thanks! If they were just picked up yesterday afternoon, then tomorrow or Thursday would make more sense. Good to know. See you out there!
T Moses
Big Wall climber
Paso Robles
Jan 11, 2011 - 08:00pm PT
On a side note there are a lot of climbers named Steve. We shipped to 12 people named Steve or Stevens as a last name.
Locker edit: Thanks for the hilarious photshop pics of me. My wife got a kick out of them too! My favorite was the dirty dozen shot.
Social climber
The Chihuahua Desert
Jan 11, 2011 - 08:07pm PT
# 244 “The Big Hitter” has arrived safely to his new home.
Thanks to all who made it happen !
Trad climber
Puyallup, WA
Jan 11, 2011 - 09:34pm PT
I decided to join the customization nation
Theron signed it for me :)
Mine came with a really cool holster
Jan 11, 2011 - 11:50pm PT
ME TOO ME TOO i wana holster like that one me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 11, 2011 - 11:55pm PT
Couchmaster... the problem is, over time the larger holsters tend to get saggy from use and don't hold your tool as well. I suggest a smaller holster as they hold their shape better.
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Jan 12, 2011 - 12:15am PT
Better in the WYde, too.
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Jan 12, 2011 - 01:20am PT
i didn't get a shipping notice.. at least not one that made it into any of my "IN" boxes...
just came home and there it was...
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 12, 2011 - 01:56am PT
Dingus, multiple orders ended up being last due to waiting for all the hammers to be made and then we had a little confusion with your hammer numbers which has been straightened out - they'll be going out tomorrow or the next day I would guess.
T Moses
Big Wall climber
Paso Robles
Jan 12, 2011 - 02:48am PT
All the Canuk hammers are getting picked up by USPS in the morning. All other international will be processed Wednesday and be in the mail on Thursday. John K. in MA needs to get me a valid address to ship to. He is the last hammer to go out in the U.S.
Dingus: Your hammer is going in the mail in the next ten minutes. I am personally driving there and taking your box in.
A pile of dirt.
Jan 12, 2011 - 02:51am PT
Got mine today - thanks all, it rocks!
Pees on beard to seek mates.
Jan 12, 2011 - 04:38am PT
Hey T Moses,
I meant to ask--when did we run into each other at Courtright? Must've been several years back, because I haven't been there since 2004 or earlier. We're you the guy recovering from lyme's? Anyways, damn good memory! If that was you, hope you've made a good rebound.
John Mac
Trad climber
Littleton, CO
Jan 12, 2011 - 10:03am PT
Still waiting for my hammer!
ian manger
Jan 12, 2011 - 11:59am PT
#251 is a thing of beauty. Knowing all the hard work and love that's gone into it, I just can't think of hitting anything with it. I might just put it on the wall and y'know, look at it.
Jan 12, 2011 - 12:02pm PT
Aha, at last it is in my hands. Thanks.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 12, 2011 - 12:18pm PT
Just so everyone knows there were no favorites/favors played...
I still do not have my hammer. But that's quite cool as I have plenty to do otherwise.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Jan 12, 2011 - 01:32pm PT
I got a shipping notice this morning. Presumably it will take some days to get here.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 12, 2011 - 02:14pm PT
John Mac - thanks so much for posting up, I apparently dropped the ball in one of the sheet-to-sheet-to-USPS.com transcribing steps along the way with your hammer. I've now tracked it down and rectified it and Theron will be getting it off to you today. My sincere apologies for the snafu.
Trad climber
Alberta, Canada
Jan 12, 2011 - 02:35pm PT
Just got the Shipping notification for one of my hammers, assuming the notification is from the hammer Theron shipped. Joseph, if you could drop me a line when you've shipped 080 from PDX that would be cool
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 12, 2011 - 02:39pm PT
Brendan, I'll be picking it up and shipping it today.
John Mac
Trad climber
Littleton, CO
Jan 12, 2011 - 02:44pm PT
Many thanks for following up on my missing hammer.
Pees on beard to seek mates.
Jan 12, 2011 - 03:39pm PT
It's a bright sunshiny day in The Cruz. Perfect for exploring some secret stone and heading up a project or two I've been scoping for many years. And now I have the perfect hammer to do it with.
I don't remember requesting a specific number. Maybe I said something offhand at some point or another, or maybe ya'll are mind readers. At any rate, the number I was thinking was the number I got!
#66 ready to cause some permanent damage!!!
By the way, as the hammer most closely associated with all things bad (badass???) within the entire batch, there is of course a price on it's head. My devilish little tool recognizes this, and would like to offer itself for trade. If any of you were hoping for this keepsake, I'm happy to exchange it for whatever number you have. For a nominal fee! Bids accepted only in the form of 6's (i.e. $66, $666, etc.)...
Trad climber
Alberta, Canada
Jan 12, 2011 - 03:42pm PT
Thanks Joseph.
Can't wait too get the hammers out to the mountains! As for this weekend Ice climbing with a chance of anchor replacement... my old hammer will be standing in for the D5 this trip.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Jan 12, 2011 - 03:53pm PT
OK, I'll start the bidding at $6.66. :-)
Big Wall climber
Santa Cruz
Jan 12, 2011 - 04:03pm PT
After consulting with the Wikipedia about the number 66, I have confirmed my suspiscion that 66 has no link to 666--the number of the beast. On another note the hockey great Mario Lemieux wore 66, but then again he was plagued by injury and illness throughout his career. So 66 could be a very exciting hammer if you are superstitious.
Trad climber
Boulder, CO
Jan 12, 2011 - 04:09pm PT
WhoooHoooo! Just got mine!
Jan 12, 2011 - 04:20pm PT
Billygoat and #66. Calling all conspiracy freaks111666!!!
Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Jan 12, 2011 - 04:51pm PT
I'm very pleased with hammer #99.
somewhere fairly insignificant
Jan 12, 2011 - 05:01pm PT
I think I'm a little too pleased with my number... [hiccup]
Trad climber
State College, PA
Jan 12, 2011 - 05:29pm PT
#177 was waiting for me when I returned from the office.
Now I can get into some real trouble.
Trad climber
Jan 12, 2011 - 05:44pm PT
Just got mine!!! My boss was puzzled when i told him it's $100 hammer with serial number, what does he know. It's hammer time at work.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 12, 2011 - 05:55pm PT
Caylor... At this time, no, there are none available for purchase. We have a few in reserve which will become available once we know that everyone who ordered received their hammer. Once that is behind us we shall see...
Mountain climber
Enron by the Sea
Jan 12, 2011 - 06:20pm PT
Mine came with an instruction manual. Thanks, team!
Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Jan 12, 2011 - 06:35pm PT
Oh boy!
I'm pitching one of these!
Totem Pole, here I come!
Guys, ya done good. Thanks for everything!
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Jan 12, 2011 - 07:01pm PT
Dude, they're Everywhere! Fine lookin' batch o' hammers.
Oh, yes.
Pees on beard to seek mates.
Jan 12, 2011 - 07:17pm PT
Even though you generally shouldn't trust what you read on the internet (especially wiki sites), it's true what adamame said. The number 66 is actually considered good luck in some circles. Especially among badasses.
Fattrad, unfortunately $1,000 is not a valid bid. I can round it down to the acceptable bid of $666 or up to $6666. Whichever you prefer. Hell, for the higher one, I'll donate half to charity.
Jan 12, 2011 - 07:23pm PT
Mine came in today and they look like little works of art. Well done lads. S/N 002 and 040
As an aside, I requested 088, not the 040 I got (I'm not concerned and don't care- no worries) so if anyone is feeling like 040 should be theirs, I'm feeling no attachment to it so speak up..... as I plan on using it fairly soon so it won't be looking like this for long with any luck.
Oh yesss, myyy precioussss, I will soil her....
T Moses
Big Wall climber
Paso Robles
Jan 12, 2011 - 07:28pm PT
Hell, for $6666.66 I'll make you a custom #666!
Mighty: It left in the mail at 11am this morning. I am curious to see how long it takes to get to you. I am guessing 5 business days.
John Mac: Your hammer is sitting on my desk and is about to be packaged and shipped. Sorry for the confusion.
Billygoat: Unless I've got you pegged wrong, I met you while you were guiding a group at Courtright camped at Trapper. The next year was when Courtright was closed until July because of heavy snow. We camped at Wishon and climbed on Practice Rock. I was guiding a small group and you were guiding a larger group.
Simon's hammer was shipped on Monday with the bulk of the hammers. Numbers were assembled in a random order. Those who came to assemble took their hammers home. Poor Dingus was one of the last because of some number confusion.
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Jan 12, 2011 - 07:29pm PT
Billy G,
So you're the first ebay offer? Oh man, and only half to a good cause if it were 6k+?
I must be missing the irony here. I do have a buyer if you need to get rid of it for what you purchased it for other reasons than making a buck on it, or maybe the buyer I know might post up.
Bob D'A
Trad climber
Taos, NM
Jan 12, 2011 - 07:31pm PT
Mine is in the mail...new routes next week.
Thanks for all the work.
Pees on beard to seek mates.
Jan 12, 2011 - 07:38pm PT
I'm just playing around with the number game. I have no intention of selling my hammer for profit. I have some pretty big goals I'm fully intending to use it to accomplish. However, if someone really thinks it should be theirs, I'll certainly entertain an all 6's bid plus the hammer they received in trade for mine. Honestly, though, I'm pretty psyched on the auspiciousness of the number I got by shear chance.
That might have been me, but I wasn't guiding. I would have just been hanging out with Yo! Basecamp. Andy and Lisa are friends, so I definitely spent some time climbing w/ the camp and at their fire. Also, it might have been Adamame you met (Adam Long in real life). For some reason, we're often confused or people think we're twins or brothers or something...
Big Wall climber
Santa Cruz
Jan 12, 2011 - 07:41pm PT
Penny "The Big Wall Penguin" is very excited about her D5.
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Jan 12, 2011 - 07:41pm PT
misread on my part.
T Moses
Big Wall climber
Paso Robles
Jan 12, 2011 - 07:45pm PT
Billygoat: Had you mixed up with Andy actually. Might have met anyway.
Back to work for me!
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 12, 2011 - 08:14pm PT
Brenden, #80 is on it's way...!
Auto-X Fil
Mountain climber
Jan 12, 2011 - 08:55pm PT
155 now hanging next to some pins and Moses cam hooks, waiting for the ice tools to take their place in the closet so they can go aid up PA choss piles this summer.
Eh, maybe I'll take it out and try some harder mixed :-)
Mountain climber
Jan 12, 2011 - 09:03pm PT
wow, great work guys, just received #209, what a beautiful tool!! Half the handle is a nice rose color...mines a two tone!!
Jan 12, 2011 - 09:03pm PT
I've been thinking the same. No hammer on the Nomics + pin = PITA.
T Moses
Big Wall climber
Paso Robles
Jan 12, 2011 - 09:20pm PT
John Mac and the Internationals are going to wait until tomorrow. I just got off the phone with USPS and their servers are having problems with an upgrade "quote unquote". They said it will be 24 hours tops.
Jan 12, 2011 - 10:32pm PT
That Shakespeare guy could sure iambic pentameter. Ya know what I mean?
Revelation 7:12
Jan 12, 2011 - 11:04pm PT
Here it is!
Cheers, Thx Guys!
Ice climber
Purgatory, CO
Jan 12, 2011 - 11:07pm PT
Number sixty nine baby! Got it yesterday. And what a fine tool it is. Can't wait to scratch and bash it up. Thanks again to everyone involved in making these really happen.
Trad climber
Alberta, Canada
Jan 13, 2011 - 01:16am PT
Brenden, #80 is on it's way...!
Thanks man. You Rock!
Trad climber
Jan 13, 2011 - 01:23am PT
Got my hammer. Its a beaut. Thank you kindly gentlemen!
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Jan 13, 2011 - 02:03am PT
HOH! Squishy you got the real crisp two tone one? There were a couple pretty good two tones that I saw, but there was one that was a nice crisp line on each side of the shoulder of the shaft on down.
Then there was the dark toned wood. Really classy look. Nice stuff.
Oh, and the light colored ones. Really sweet crisp look. Made them look lighter than they are. That way when you're standing on garbage hooks you know that hammer won't weigh you down.
more hammer pics!!!
Big Wall climber
Seattle, WA
Jan 13, 2011 - 03:27am PT
This is classic. I wait with baited breath for my hammer. I know it will be here tomorrow because I checked the tracking. Why? I have no immediate use for a hammer. I may not use it till summer if at all. Because it's #222 and it's mine. It's going in the safe with the guns. Thanks to all involved in this endeavor. We are making history in our own twisted way. Daryl would be proud(among others I'm sure).
In front of my computer
Jan 13, 2011 - 09:37am PT
Mine are currently in their box, locked in my company's mail room, 5 floors beneath me. It's killing me knowing they're so close--and yet so far....
Cardiff by the sea
Jan 13, 2011 - 10:13am PT
Got home from a fun week at JT and Wha La...... my D5 is sitting on my desk. It is a beautiful tool gentleman. Thanks to all who put into this project. I appreciate all the effort from everyone and look forward to using it.
I did order and pay for some cam hooks when I paid for the hammer that i did not get ihateplastic. I will send a email to the Vershke group as well.
You should be proud D5 crew, proud in deed!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 13, 2011 - 11:57am PT
T2... You will find a personal response to your letter in your in-box.
I had to wait to ship some of the Moses hooks, Tomahawks, etc. as Theron was deep in hammer-building phase.
I recently received my Moses shipment and immediately mailed out everyone's hook/etc. orders If you haven't seen yours yet... it is in the mail!
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Jan 13, 2011 - 12:07pm PT
We are making history in our own twisted way. Daryl would be proud(among others I'm sure).
Too true, Wayno. That is what makes the hammer so much more special. Seeing the process and tooling, the care by those involved, and the limited supply, all make this a really special tool.
F*#king made in the U.S.A.!!! Made by talented craftsmen!!!
Thanks Theron.
Big Wall climber
Jan 13, 2011 - 12:26pm PT
Your item was processed through and left our PORTLAND, OR 97208 facility on January 12, 2011. The item is currently in transit to the destination. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later.
Still in transit. Ugh.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 13, 2011 - 12:35pm PT
OOH! OOH! Mine is within a few blocks of me! I can smell it!
Brian in SLC
Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Jan 13, 2011 - 02:05pm PT
Whoo hoo! Got mine.
Curious: who got number 011?
Great seeing this project come to fruition!
Luke Malatesta
Big Wall climber
Moab UT
Jan 13, 2011 - 02:38pm PT
Hammers arrived!...Thanks to everyone for all the hard work. They look Great!
The Family Circle.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 13, 2011 - 03:30pm PT
More later as I am running out the door but I am sure this will be a long and sexy relationship...
In front of my computer
Jan 13, 2011 - 03:55pm PT
Big Wall climber
Jan 13, 2011 - 04:12pm PT
Mine came in, and just awesome. Fine job fellows!
I have one sitting atop the work computer as my new "debugger". Can't wait till wall season.
Mountain climber
Jan 13, 2011 - 04:14pm PT
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Jan 13, 2011 - 06:18pm PT
Awesome pile of Hammer porn. Gotta dig it!
Oh, yeah.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 13, 2011 - 06:23pm PT
Very gratifying to finally see all these hammers reaching their intended hands and homes...
Trad climber
The pitch of Bagalaar above you
Jan 13, 2011 - 06:35pm PT
Awesome pile of Hammer porn
Thanks for puttin words to my thoughts Skullbro!!!
My drill is terrified right now.
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Jan 13, 2011 - 09:14pm PT
And it should be, too.;-)
Disaster Master
Social climber
Born in So-Cal, left my soul in far Nor-Cal.
Jan 13, 2011 - 09:48pm PT
The included instructions said to wrap the upper handle with tape to protect it. A method I had already used since being taught this stuff. But then the D5 logo is covered! You really should have thought of that. Luckily, I cut out the tape for my own solution.
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Jan 13, 2011 - 10:14pm PT
harder to burnish the logo on the more rounded surface of the handle shaft rather than shoulder. Many options were tried.
like your solution!
Jan 13, 2011 - 11:19pm PT
We don't need no thought control.....
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 14, 2011 - 12:02am PT
You really should have thought of that.
We did, at length, but as Munge states, producing the brand on the 3D curved surface lower on the handle while possible, couldn't be done even vaguely reliably in numbers. We would have had a 60% bad rate had we kept trying that. We went with a flat surface we could design a jig around for the branding. As it is I think of mine is the only one with a handle brand and I barely pulled the one off.
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Jan 14, 2011 - 12:05am PT
Logos, Shmogos. You know what hammer it is. To me, that's all that matters.
I guess I'm not very fashionable. So be it.
the museum
Trad climber
Rapid City
Jan 14, 2011 - 12:53am PT
191 prime (this one is mine, mrs museum)
192 divisible by 1 2 4 8 12 16 32 48 and 96 (this one is mine, the museum)
thanks everyone for a perfect match!
the museum
Disaster Master
Social climber
Born in So-Cal, left my soul in far Nor-Cal.
Jan 14, 2011 - 12:58am PT
You really should have thought of that.
It was just a joke, guys!
T Moses
Big Wall climber
Paso Robles
Jan 14, 2011 - 02:16am PT
"You really should have thought of that."
I think that should be my motto for this project. ;)
Internationals will get picked up in the am.
Big Wall climber
From Back to Big Wall Baby
Jan 14, 2011 - 11:05am PT
# 145 came yesterday really cool.
Big Wall climber
Kalispell, Montanagonia
Jan 14, 2011 - 12:08pm PT
#248 arrived yesterday afternoon. Mighty fine piece of craftsmanship gentlemen. I studied it for a while when unboxed, and was truly amazed at the amount of thought that went into the design. Fantastic!
And a huge thank you to the anonymous gifter who purchase mine and blamed my birthday as the occasion. Pay it forward is a way of life in our household, so you gift will live on for many, many moons, and lots of people will benefit from your generosity.
I might add that our little group of climbers has discovered a new crag here, and putting up routes in five different locations, so bolting will be the break in for this baby, not to say I haven't already used it on a head, just to see how she handles. I think the trad line I am ready to put up in the spring may have to come to be named something like "The D5" as I intend to hand drill her on lead. Wow, what a nice piece of equipment. Thank you.
Burly Bob
John Mac
Trad climber
Littleton, CO
Jan 14, 2011 - 07:30pm PT
Got my shipping notification today. Wahoo!
Big Wall climber
Jan 14, 2011 - 07:33pm PT
My wife was tickled one she realized that the two serial numbers were our birthdays (month and day only of course). Her number has the prettier two tone handle, which I thought was appropriate.
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Jan 14, 2011 - 08:10pm PT
maybe 103?
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 14, 2011 - 08:28pm PT
It's 103. BTW, I thought #102 was particularly nice aura about it while I was peening it...
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 14, 2011 - 08:41pm PT
Thanks, and yes, I'm bummed Brutus, Curt, John, and others passed during the course of the project. Please do enjoy your new hammer (everyone!).
Gary Carpenter
SF Bay Area
Jan 14, 2011 - 09:08pm PT
#074 and #256 arrived today. Many thanks to all who made this happen!
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Jan 14, 2011 - 09:13pm PT
Ding, if you want the 108, I'll trade ya. It's a good whammer.
It's already broken in.
Bob W. before the weird hole collapse problem...
The Gar, BC.
Jan 16, 2011 - 01:55am PT
Though I'm kinda disappointed you didn't
dress it up like a But-plug. ;(
oh ya......
Climbing bump!
Social climber
Ely, Nv
Jan 16, 2011 - 03:18am PT
One more. I like yer hammers.
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Jan 16, 2011 - 03:19am PT
I think there are two 108s. I like that.
Social climber
The Deli
Jan 16, 2011 - 05:45pm PT
Armor Up!
Did a little customizing last night...
Maybe this will give you all a few ideas.
A fresh D5 hammer and proper preparations to tape the piss out of the handle
After wrapping the handle with a bunch of duct tape, I had the idea to try to add mass to the head of the hammer. My first thought was to hammer a couple of .45 ACP slugs flat and then tape them to the top of the handle, but I didn’t want to go over to storage to raid my stash of spent projectiles. I also figured that trying to separate live rounds without the proper tools was a bad idea. Heh. So I ended up going with three flat washers that I found in my bolting supply kit and taped ‘em on, with two on the top and one below. This only added a slight amount of mass to the hammer, but it also adds significant protection to the upper end of the wood handle. This hammer is going to be a backup/loaner and it might take some abuse...
D5 hammer, with the three washers and several layers of duct tape on the handle to fatten it up. The original A5/D5 handle is way too skinny.
Duct tape was then followed by several layers of cloth tape, to further fatten up the handle and to improve grip. Hopefully the multiple layers of tape will help to dampen the harsh vibration inherent with hammers with a tang-style head attachment (A5/D5, Chouinard/BD, etc.). This harsh “feel” is most noticeable when drilling.
D5 #138 and #141/525
Do the math!!! lol...
Also note that the hammer face is equipped with a tactical milling reticle, for precision strikes. :)
Thanks Theron and Deucey!!!
Trad climber
Jan 16, 2011 - 05:56pm PT
It is amazing what you can do with a roll of tape and a beer. Nice job.
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Jan 16, 2011 - 08:19pm PT
hey Jeff, ya you fattrad,
I know you like to be controversial, contrarian and the like, so proposing to do things that you know will cause angst, and internet mayhem, trolling us and all, is not out of character.
But in this particular instance I take great offense at your continuing statement to go up and hammer on Nutcracker. I don't know why, but it makes me very tired and sad that you feel the need to grab attention and play the bad boy using this particular symbolic climb, which was Robbins' example to the community at a time when using passive protection was not accepted at all. In one way, Robbins was playing the "bad boy" by putting a route up in a visionary style. Seems that Royal always challenged us that way, perhaps his greatest legacy to us.
Now I have no doubt that any fool could go up and hammer pitons into that climb, it's already happened, but I doubt anyone remembers the names of those fools, and no one will remember the names of fools in the future who follow.
What is sad is the pointlessness of the act, which really does defile something important, maybe even sacred, to the Yosemite Climbing community.
Far be it from me to suggest that your personal liberties be abridged, but a bit of self control, and a recognition that there may be something in this world that is a bit bigger than, and perhaps a bit more important than your own self would be refreshing to hear, instead of the same loutish boasts we've become so accustomed to listening to. It is ironic you'd post to this thread, which is a hallmark of cooperation in our community.
Maybe just go out and enjoy some climbing and not worry about the spray, eh? and maybe reflect on the consequences of your imagined act of individual rights you put so high a priority on over our collective efforts. There would be no Nutcracker without other climbers, certainly you would never have put up such a climb, or had such a vision.
Roger Brown
Oceano, California
Jan 16, 2011 - 08:50pm PT
Maybe you should think about what Ed has to say before you respond. Or maybe just say nothing. I seldom say anything, and that works for me. No offence intended,
Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Jan 16, 2011 - 10:05pm PT
I guess some people can't take a joke.
Ice climber
Jan 16, 2011 - 10:27pm PT
We live in America and post on supertopo.
It is in the blood/DNA/culture to take the stance "Don't tell me what to do!! I am free to do what ever I want" with a big F.O. and the middle finger.
Not going to get anything else out of this crowd. If they say anything but it would be a lie and cheep try to appease.
Trad climber
Jan 17, 2011 - 01:44pm PT
or maybe Ed has a very good point Fatty.
That said, there was a fixed pin on it last time I climbed it, so...not good. Not funny.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 17, 2011 - 02:10pm PT
A HAMMER on NUTCRACKER!!!! That's like taking CAMS on the DAWN WALL!!!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 17, 2011 - 02:51pm PT
Fattrad... they are ALWAYS with me!
Jan 17, 2011 - 03:58pm PT
Bad Jeff - NO biscuit for you!
Moving on....
Nice work Minerals, I can't even guess which side you taped that beer bottle onto, but I'm sure it's in there someplace in all that tape. This would be the hammer that the Mummy chose if he needed a hammer....or some more tape.
Locker version of that:
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Jan 17, 2011 - 06:46pm PT
not a single time, but repeated over time, and it offended me everytime...
that's just me, but it was offensive to me.
John Mac
Trad climber
Littleton, CO
Jan 17, 2011 - 06:59pm PT
Still waiting for my hammer but hopefully tomorrow is the day!
scuffy b
Three feet higher
Jan 17, 2011 - 07:00pm PT
It sure looks like the grain is going the wrong way on Minerals' hammer...
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Jan 17, 2011 - 07:18pm PT
Jeff's "joke" was rather pointless, in that there are innumerable pin scars on Nutcracker already, although none (hopefully) from later than about 1975. Also, climber traffic ensures that the 'streak' of the climb is visible from kilometres away. Not that the Valley is a wilderness or anything, just that none of us are or ever can be innocent when it comes to environmental impacts.
Trad climber
Alberta, Canada
Jan 18, 2011 - 04:26pm PT
Well 081 is sitting in customs. I await it's arrival.
I'm assuming 080 is also in customs, as I believe Joseph shipped it the same day. On the right side of the border, So close but just out of reach.
Trad climber
San Francisco, Ca
Jan 18, 2011 - 05:41pm PT
has arrived. Thanks to everyone who made this happen.
John Mac
Trad climber
Littleton, CO
Jan 18, 2011 - 06:14pm PT
Hammer arrived. Many thanks.
I requested number 62, which the last time I looked no one had signed up for it but I ended up with number 271! Still its a great looking hammer and I'm pleased to have it.
Thanks to everyone involved in the production.
Jan 18, 2011 - 06:14pm PT
Jeff said: I thought it was a little funny. Well, we all though so too the first 30-40 times you said it:-)
Trad climber
Alberta, Canada
Jan 19, 2011 - 11:28am PT
2011/01/19 00:32 Item processed at postal facility
081 is getting closer.
Jan 19, 2011 - 11:37am PT
D5 ready to rumble! She's a beauty.
Jan 19, 2011 - 09:33pm PT
#197 has arrived! Thanks to all involved.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Jan 19, 2011 - 10:35pm PT
#014 survived its trip across the border, and is now ready for action. Thank you!
From the amount of tape used, Bryan has much bigger paws than mine. But then I knew that already. I might put one wrap around the handle, but that should be enough.
Jan 19, 2011 - 11:11pm PT
+1 for what Ed H. said above about the incessant attempts to incite arguments by fattrad.
Perhaps instead of tossing incendiary comments so often Jeff, you might save up for a few months and post some mindful writings.
Insight good.
Incite less so.
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Jan 19, 2011 - 11:18pm PT
It's on mine......Mmmmm, could be.
Big Wall climber
From Back to Big Wall Baby
Jan 19, 2011 - 11:19pm PT
Mine has it too Locker
T Moses
Big Wall climber
Paso Robles
Jan 20, 2011 - 12:09am PT
I am proud to announce that the last hammer has left the building. John Middendorf's hammer is on it's way to Tasmania.
Locker, hilarious as always.
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Jan 20, 2011 - 12:12am PT
Dude, that's better than Elvis.
Well, thinner, anyway.
"Thank you very much". Rock on, Theron. You're my machinist. ;-)
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 20, 2011 - 12:14am PT
Whew(wipes brow)! Way to go Theron!
T Moses
Big Wall climber
Paso Robles
Jan 20, 2011 - 12:17am PT
"Machinist to the Rock Stars" said the Fish.
Joseph, I couldn't agree more!
Trad climber
Alberta, Canada
Jan 20, 2011 - 04:08pm PT
081 is in Calgary! Now I jsut have to wait for Mr. Postman to deliver.
080 in theory should also be in Calgary as Joseph shipped it the same day.
Perhaps tomorrow is the day, or today.
Trad climber
Bay Area
Jan 20, 2011 - 04:52pm PT
Don't forget to thank your wife, your bro and his wife from ALL of us!
Helluva long job for you all and a job VERY well done.
Thanks again!
Trad climber
san Jose, CA
Jan 20, 2011 - 05:03pm PT
Thanks again Theron!!!! And thanks to all those who helped!!!
The Gar, BC.
Jan 20, 2011 - 05:14pm PT
#188 made it!
Thanks again to all who made this happen.
Impressive work, to say the least!
I swear I can see an image of Hey-zues in
the handle!??? ;)
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 20, 2011 - 05:25pm PT
Remember boys & girls... be safe with those hammers.
Trad climber
Boston, MA
Jan 20, 2011 - 05:55pm PT
Good grief, there are 800 posts on this thread. Do I have to read through all of them to find out how to get my hammer?
I'm kind of thinking I must have missed out, since I clicked on the link at the OP, and it shows no hammers.
I've been on board with this since the very beginning, I've replied to every thread, replied to every email, but I don't check supertopo every fricken day. Now do I take it that I don't get a hammer just 'cause I'm not keeping track of every thread?
That's a real bummer.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 20, 2011 - 06:00pm PT
I believe Ed H. contacted everyone by e-mail that was on the list. You might try dropping Joseph H. a message to see if any are sitting around the warehouse.
Pees on beard to seek mates.
Jan 20, 2011 - 06:02pm PT
It's been well over a month since we were able to start ordering our hammers. They didn't sell out until less than two weeks ago. If you originally requested one, you received an email when the ordering site launched. You had plenty of opportunity to order a hammer, so tough luck if you missed out. And really? You were so jazzed about this project, but never clicked on this thread? Never saw the email?
These folks put every effort into insuring that everybody who wanted a hammer got one. You'd practically have to try to avoid their efforts to escape getting one. They are deserving of praise, not criticism, of their efforts. Sorry to hear you didn't get one, but next time PAY ATTENTION.
Anyways, there are several folks with multiple hammers. Maybe one of them will sell you one.
Trad climber
Boston, MA
Jan 20, 2011 - 06:12pm PT
Billygoat, screw you, buddy!
No, I didn't try to avoid it, idiot. I happen to have a life, and it doesn't revolve around Supertopo. Seems like I got an email about every six months or so with updates, and I figured the last was another of the same.
Besides, I never thought it would be first-come-first served, with a month to pull the trigger or be sh#t-out-of-luck. If so, what was the point of responding to all those emails over the years? I've been willing to put $$ down for the last five years, and it was never possible.
Oh well, my loss I guess. Big bummer, I've been looking forward to it since the beginning.
Trad climber
Boston, MA
Jan 20, 2011 - 06:25pm PT
Oh, and congrats to the team for getting it done.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 20, 2011 - 06:40pm PT
GOClimb we still have a number or two unaccounted for, it's possible they will turn up available, but we can't say at this time. If one does turn up and is available I'll contact you and let you know.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 20, 2011 - 07:14pm PT
As a past ISO9001 auditor I have taken to looking into Shia self-flogging rituals to atone for my numerical sins on the project.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Jan 20, 2011 - 07:15pm PT
Memo to self:
1. Take D5 hammer to FaceLift.
2. Conk FatTrad on the noggin with same.
3. Report here, with photos.
Big Wall climber
From Back to Big Wall Baby
Jan 20, 2011 - 07:18pm PT
thanks again guys I really like mine just cant wait to put it to some use soon. Might have to go find a old building with some cracks in it in the meantime and do a little Aid Buildering
Trad climber
Bay Area
Jan 20, 2011 - 07:19pm PT
We'll be holding you to that in 2011
Jan 20, 2011 - 07:20pm PT
Would you please do that at the base of the Nutcracker?
Big Wall climber
From Back to Big Wall Baby
Jan 20, 2011 - 07:22pm PT
Hammerfest 2011
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Jan 20, 2011 - 07:24pm PT
Hammerfest is a port town in northern Norway. I volunteer to interpret.
Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Jan 20, 2011 - 11:23pm PT
Wow GOclimb, that sucks.
That is exactly the kind of thing I and a few others tried to warn
Joseph and Ihateplastic about on this very thread.
For some reason they decided to throw out "the list",
make it a free for all, first come first serve, and sell all the hammers as fast as possible.
Some suggested keeping a reserve in the case of any issues, whether cases like yours,
maybe some possible defect?, or any other unforeseen circumstance.
This was apparently not done.
The mere suggestion at the time, elicited the same selfish type of "too bad" responses we have seen,
and will no doubt, see more of.
Hopefully those guys can find one for you.
but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Jan 21, 2011 - 01:31am PT
That is exactly the kind of thing I and a few others tried to warn
Joseph and Ihateplastic about on this very thread.
For some reason they decided to throw out "the list",
make it a free for all, first come first serve, and sell all the hammers as fast as possible.
Some suggested keeping a reserve in the case of any issues, whether cases like yours,
maybe some possible defect?, or any other unforeseen circumstance.
This was apparently not done.
The mere suggestion at the time, elicited the same selfish type of "too bad" responses we have seen,
and will no doubt, see more of.
Hopefully those guys can find one for you.
but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Yes, we should have let Shack run this project. Of course, he showed up and helped out...right? Or put down the money for the project...right? Shack, why didn't you check in with GO and tell him to pay up? I'm with Billy goat, I feel bad for you GO, but don't show up after the fact bitching. What are folks suppose to do? If you were on the list them you got an email. Don't want to check your email, and don't want to check in with this thread, then you are relegated to the used market. As far as your idea of prepaying years ago goes, there's been at least one, maybe 2 dudes on the original list who have passed away. What would shack , had he been The Grand Pobah, have done then? Regardless, everyone who paid immediately started hounding and complaining where their hammers were within about a week, and the hammer worker bees were all over sending tracking numbers and did a fantastic job. Uhhh sorry, not the way it can be done. MTucker had 3 and was joking about selling them, he may have one he will sell you.
Trad climber
Boston, MA
Jan 21, 2011 - 12:13pm PT
Uhhh sorry, not the way it can be done.
Because you let some people pre-pay, and they were anxious for updates? So what? It really wouldn't have been hard to start accepting payments a few months before ship-date. Pretty much any and everyone with a new product does that. But you did what you thought was best (free-for-all ). So be it. I took time off from Supertopo right at the wrong time, dealing with family stuff, and that's entirely my responsibility.
MTucker had 3 and was joking about selling them, he may have one he will sell you.
Not paying $600 for a hammer. No way no how. Sorry.
I'll take the $100 I've been saving and put it towards Rich's accident fund.
Over and out. Moving on.
Social climber
The Deli
Jan 21, 2011 - 12:31pm PT
I couldn’t agree more with GOclimb and Shack. On November 29th, I sent Joseph an 11-paragraph email, to explain this very problem (in addition to other problems) and to express my great frustrations with the way that the project was being “handled.”
These hammers should have cost us all $80.95, and no more, based on Joseph’s numbers.
Couchmaster, it’s obvious from your post that you don’t even know what you are talking about.
From day one, this hammer project has been filled with more bullshit than a Texas cattle ranch, thanks to Joseph!!!
Trad climber
Jan 21, 2011 - 12:36pm PT
Its been kind of a crazy project. But the guys making it happen poured their money and hard efforts into the whole thing for the benefit of all. I have a hard time knocking folks who were just trying to do this and recup their funds. That said, I got a hammer, and if GO would like one he can have it for what I paid for it, as I have 3 other (different)hammers, so don't need them all.
Trad climber
San Francisco, Ca
Jan 21, 2011 - 12:38pm PT
A lot of volunteer work went into this and no one had to buy a hammer at any price. Those complaining about lack of extras should have bought extra hammers themselves if they were worried about it.
I'm sorry GO did not get one.
Brian in SLC
Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Jan 21, 2011 - 12:41pm PT
I think any time you have that much transparancy, you'll have folks that will pick it apart. Unfair.
100 bucks out-the-door was a fair price.
To come in after the fact and chip away at it seems petty.
Anyhoo...huge thanks to the gang for pulling this off!
Trad climber
Alberta, Canada
Jan 21, 2011 - 12:54pm PT
I guess it really is true, No good deed goes unpunished.
As for the original list and number of hammers. My partner and I would have had 5 hammers ordered, Hard times changed that and I ordered 2 for us... that left 3 other hammers up for grabs, 3 more chances for others to order. Good odds for stragglers if you ask me.
Big Wall climber
Jan 21, 2011 - 01:28pm PT
I thought the email attempts to all list members, and a fairly long window after that was just fine, and done in good faith by the D5 crew. It truly sucks for GoClimb, as the hammers are awesome, but given that folks on the list disappeared (death, tired of LEB, banned, etc), I'm not sure there was much they could do but keep bumping the thread up, which was on the front page for most of a month before they sold out.
So, sorry to hear you didn't get one, but they did email, and simply checking weekly would have been plenty.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 21, 2011 - 01:30pm PT
These are still available but you need to add shipping costs and that will push it well past $100. And don't forget Black Diamond is a corporation that does not give 15% to non-profit.
Social climber
The Deli
Jan 21, 2011 - 01:41pm PT
I never got an email.
No, 20 bucks isn’t a big deal. But the $5,000 (minimum) that was collected as a MANDATORY SOCIALIST TAX is no chump change. Fattrad, it seems that if anyone would bitch about a forced tax, it would be you. They can’t use your $19.05 to go to McDeath’s because that money has gone to the charity of THEIR choice.
Joseph, why did you get your lawyers involved?
This is NOT an “open source” project and this is NOT a “non-profit” project.
Trad climber
Tacoma, WA
Jan 21, 2011 - 02:17pm PT
What a bunch of whiners!
No good deed goes unpunished indeed!
Let's see - a small group of folks work for YEARS, and put their own money UP FRONT to make these hammers. For this they make a measly $19.05 'profit' on each hammer, which they donate to charity!
folks, if you know anything about retail sales you would realize that $100 is a great deal based on the manufacturing cost quoted. In reality, based on an $80 manufacturing cost, the hammer should sell for a minimum of 135-180! with shipping on top of that!
To everyone who worked on this - thanks for a great job done on a difficult project.
Trad climber
Mountain View
Jan 21, 2011 - 02:28pm PT
wow, looked away for a few days and came back to this. Bummer GO missed the hammer and hope it works out. FWIW I love the hammer and again, much appreciate the efforts that went into it.
Disaster Master
Social climber
Born in So-Cal, left my soul in far Nor-Cal.
Jan 21, 2011 - 02:37pm PT
Earlier today I noticed what looks to be a D5 stamped on the head, underside...
Is it on ALL of them???...
How long have you had your hammer? I have 2. One is a litte longer than the other. One has a hole started in the bottom. One is cracked.
This Photo says it all...
Bob D'A
Trad climber
Taos, NM
Jan 21, 2011 - 02:41pm PT
I gladly paid the hundred bucks...great item and they are more than likely in the negative than positive.
Trad climber
Alberta, Canada
Jan 21, 2011 - 02:56pm PT
080 must be so close... Joseph do you have a tracking number from that one?
Social climber
Jan 21, 2011 - 03:00pm PT
can someone please help Minerals find his meds?
Tuscon Again! India! India! Hawaii! LA?!?!
Jan 21, 2011 - 03:08pm PT
^^^^ no kidding
Social climber
Jan 21, 2011 - 03:11pm PT
go to your happy place...
somewhere fairly insignificant
Jan 21, 2011 - 03:44pm PT
Profit?! You think Theron & Co. made a profit?! That's fu¢king hilarious!
(Hey, but maybe that's why he's not posting---he's too busy adjusting to his new life among the Forbes 100...)
Trad climber
Alberta, Canada
Jan 21, 2011 - 03:45pm PT
Cheers to all involved through the whole process!
And for the record, my D5 was in my possession for less than 5 mins and I had already driven a pin into a crack in the basement foundation.
Trad climber
Bay Area
Jan 21, 2011 - 04:22pm PT
And for the record, my D5 was in my possession for less than 5 mins and I had already driven a pin into a crack in the basement foundation.
That's gotta be a record. So where are the pics?
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 21, 2011 - 04:28pm PT
When it was said and done from the first post until the last hammer shipped, my three hammers ended up costing me about $425 a piece so you'll have to excuse me if my time in the complaint booth is brief. But I do have a replacement.
Trad climber
Alberta, Canada
Jan 21, 2011 - 04:43pm PT
That's gotta be a record. So where are the pics?
And that 5 mins included the signing for the parcel and the mailman meeting the dog:
Stock photo of my dog, and yes he does weigh more than most sport climbers.
Jan 21, 2011 - 04:53pm PT
When it was said and done from the first post until the last hammer shipped, my three hammers ended up costing me about $425 a piece so you'll have to excuse me if my time in the complaint booth is brief. But I do have a replacement.
That $1275 bucks you note ($425 x 3 hammers) is airfare and living expenses while you helped pound these parts together working for for an hourly wage of zero$. You are forgetting the A5 hammer you purchased *cough* forwaytoomuch* cough* off ebay in a bidding war for the sole purpose of tearing it apart to learn the details over 3*5 some odd whatever years ago? Or your billable time you forgo'd so as to work for free on this project.
So it really is true as noted above, no good deed does go unpunished.
Hey Minerals, $100 is too much for a hammer that was 50% higher than the nearest competitor back in the day to be reborn? Really? Don't buy one, or if you did and regret it, then sell it to GO who's hurting here. Lets see you do 1 good deed. ONE! How much time and effort (I'm not including time bitching) did you commit to this endeavor? For myself, not a moment. But I'm appreciative and thankful, unlike you. Take the exit or turn left and sell it to GO.
As far as the "Tax" and socialism goes, you think that these guys owned the die? They didn't, Conrad does. So as far as donating some scratch to his charity so that, you can get hammer for about the cost you'd pay to get a competitors hammer, while you are living a life these folks can only dream of to complain and bitch so that some of the poorest people in the world can get a little extra help....it's stunning.
The lack of respect shown to those who committed so much, and at every step of the way showed more transparency than any real business is amazing to me. They told you what it was cost and where that was going to go, and if they missed it by a few bucks cause they had to buy a different mill or take time to mill a new jig, it is just astoundingly gauche to me.
Jan 21, 2011 - 04:55pm PT
BrendenR, heads up buddy, your wife thinks the basement goes clean:-)
Trad climber
Tacoma, WA
Jan 21, 2011 - 05:59pm PT
Profit?! You think Theron & Co. made a profit?! That's fu¢king hilarious!
If you are referring to my post Jeff - there is a reason the word profit was in quotes!
Trad climber
Tacoma, WA
Jan 21, 2011 - 06:11pm PT
Just to put the price into perspective:
I think I paid $80.00 including shipping for my A5 hammer, purchased in the early to mid 80s - The D5 cost me $100 with shipping. A 20 dollar difference. About 80 cents a year inflation, not bad!
Gym climber
Jan 21, 2011 - 06:25pm PT
This might be a stupid question, but are the hammers gone?
Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Jan 21, 2011 - 06:27pm PT
Ya know... maybe it's time to take a deep breath on this and not turn a good thing into yet another horrendous net battle where everyone ends up pissed off and slinging nasty shots at each other. This should be a celebration for the achievement by Theron & Co. taking an idea and actually following through on it instead of just talking about it. They get massive points for that in my book. Hopefully, a spare hammer will show up for GO and it will be a happy ending for him/her as well.
Just sayin'...
Big Wall climber
From Back to Big Wall Baby
Jan 21, 2011 - 06:31pm PT
Right On Steelmnkey
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 21, 2011 - 07:00pm PT
That's one SMART MONKEY!
somewhere fairly insignificant
Jan 21, 2011 - 07:33pm PT
No JBC, I was referring to the inanity of these assertions:
These hammers should have cost us all $80.95, and no more, based on Joseph’s numbers.
No, 20 bucks isn’t a big deal. But the $5,000 (minimum) that was collected as a MANDATORY SOCIALIST TAX is no chump change. Fattrad, it seems that if anyone would bitch about a forced tax, it would be you. They can’t use your $19.05 to go to McDeath’s because that money has gone to the charity of THEIR choice.
Joseph, why did you get your lawyers involved?
This is NOT an “open source” project and this is NOT a “non-profit” project.
When the last round of crap was going down ("Where's my hammer?" "What do you mean you didn't produce all of them at one time?" "How dare you not ship my hammer in time for Christmas!" Blah, fu¢king, blah) Theron put out a call for help on the last build weekend. So, instead of sitting here with my thumb in my a*#, I gassed up the truck and drove a few hours to his shop to help, because I thought it was a really great project---and I understood how much sweat, blood and tears he and his brother, their wives, Joseph, Rob, Fred and everyone else were pouring into it. (Anyone want a refresher on the work? Go read the whole production thread and look at each step of the process. These are HAND-MADE hammers, meaning "one at a time" probably an hour each, for those not familiar with the concept.)
All this whiny and holier-than-thou "I told you so" is so fu¢king kindergarten it really shows how little understanding and how little respect some of you morons have for this enormous amount of commitment and a very remarkable achievement.
Yes, it's unfortunate that Gabe didn't get a hammer, but it's not Theron's fault that he chose not to read his email notification. His assumption that it was just a random update and choice to ignore it shows that perhaps getting a hammer wasn't a high priority.
I got off easy. Not counting the 12+ hours of my time, my one hammer cost roughly $175 (I donated a little extra to the charity "NOT OF MY CHOOSING.") I also delivered a couple of hammers, thus cheating the owner of his shipping cost and lining Theron's pockets even more----now I'm sure he'll be able to get that new Ferrari FF he had his eye on.
Big Wall climber
Jan 21, 2011 - 08:03pm PT
Socialist Tax?!? Funny. The project is rather socialist to start with, donated labor, done for the common good of the climbing community, etc.
Three cheers for a great project, socialism and all!
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Jan 21, 2011 - 09:11pm PT
I feel bad that GO may not get the hammer he had signed up for. Considering how this whole thing played out I'd say that it is an amazing accomplishment that only GO seems to have been left out.
I sent email notification "BCC:" to preserve your privacy, to 121 email addresses that I had gathered from you all... not everyone had responded to my request to send me an email confirming what you posted on SuperTopoForum, so that I would have an email to notify them, in my spread sheet I see that I did not have an email for Minerals... I did send GO an email notification on November 23, 2010 7:01:00 PM PST, when roughly one half of the list got sent... the other half got sent November 23, 2010 7:02:22 PM PST
There were 164 people who had expressed interest in having a hammer, so about 3/4 (75%) of all the those got an email notification. The 164 people expressed interest in a total of 198 hammers.
Since all this was rather voluntary I'm sort of amazed that it went off as well as it did. I had almost immediate response to my email from many of you who went to the vershke.com website and ordered...
...I totally understand not checking this particular email, or not following SuperTopoForum every second, and perhaps assuming that the sign up might have provided some priority over non-signed up orders. But in the end, since nothing was ventured by the sign up crew, nothing was gained, either. GO, among many others, had expressed a willingness to make a deposit for the hammer he wanted, but no deposit was requested, wisely so I think.
So my apologies to GO, I really am sorry that you didn't get a hammer.
I am still happy that this happened at all, my thanks to those that made it so...
Trad climber
the pitch above you
Jan 21, 2011 - 09:18pm PT
Apparently for Minerals "socialism" = rolling one good deed (donation to a good cause) into another good deed (pulling together one of the best internet community inspired projects I've seen go down).
If that's socialism, count me in!
Nobody made anybody buy anything. Bitching about the terms of buying this hammer is as warped as any LEB logic deathspiral. Pull out of the dive before you hit the dirt Minerals.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Jan 21, 2011 - 09:48pm PT
Apparently FatTrad failed to notice the hammer.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 21, 2011 - 10:02pm PT
The Hammer and Sickle design is iconic. It is as classic and recognizable as the Nike Swoosh or the Coke logo.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 21, 2011 - 11:07pm PT
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Jan 21, 2011 - 11:27pm PT
Good one, Joseph!!
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 22, 2011 - 12:05am PT
Trad climber
Elk Creek, Idaho
Jan 22, 2011 - 12:11am PT
Ugh...which implement did they silence poor Trotsky with?
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 22, 2011 - 12:18am PT
An ice axe, not a hammer.
Trad climber
Elk Creek, Idaho
Jan 22, 2011 - 12:22am PT
So the Bolsheviks DID have mercy!
Trad climber
Elk Creek, Idaho
Jan 22, 2011 - 12:31am PT
Sometimes fraternal struggles are the most nasty.
Anyway, Joseph's flag is prettier than Josef's.
Big Wall climber
Reno NV
Jan 22, 2011 - 01:56am PT
I feel bad that GO may not get the hammer he had signed up for. Considering how this whole thing played out I'd say that it is an amazing accomplishment that only GO seems to have been left out.
Agreed, Ed. Amazing. You tried to do the right thing but for some reason they chose to change it at the last minute.
GO, this is exactly the kind of response I expected from this crowd.
It's the standard "shoot the messenger" group psychology around here. A real compassionate bunch.
I knew this would happen and tried to make suggestions so as to avoid anyone getting left out. So I'm wrong for doing that?
Get real.
GO, I knew, someone that was on "the list", that actually had a life other than Supertopo, would get missed.
Because I take my own advice and saw this comming a mile away,
I bought a second hammer for just this situation.
If these jokers can't find you a hammer, let me know,
I will sell you one of mine. I only wanted one anyways.
BTW: Any of you that are under the illusion that "nobody made a dime" on this project,
need to actually look at the numbers Joseph posted.
I could make a list, but you guys are smart enough to figure it out.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 22, 2011 - 02:24am PT
The post office made money.
The credit card company made money.
The foundry made money.
The handle company made money.
The airlines made money.
The car rental companies made money.
The pizza shop made money.
The electricity company made money.
The ISPs made money.
Supertopo probably made money since someone on the thread might have clicked on an ad link.
Hell, looks like everyone made money.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 22, 2011 - 02:54am PT
Look, dude, that's about enough.
NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE, is making a dime off of this. The only possible way to arrive at such a conclusion is to decide a one-time charitable shot in the arm for a struggling Sherpa climbing school is a matter of 'profit'. If that's the case, so be it. But Theron and I are way in the hole on the deal at this point, me to tune of $1275 bucks (plus the two $160 A5's Bill reminded me of [one taken apart for the project, the other donated to the Tarfest auction at Todd's to help Tarbuster and raise awareness of the project] so call it $1595), and Theron and his family put in endless hours into making this happen along with being in the hole I don't know how much quite yet. And f*#k the numbers, seriously, they weren't worth the hassle by a long shot just as Simon predicted.
Bottom line here - you got a frigging hammer - be happy.
And hey, there are no guarantees in life, and while Ed was nice enough to maintain a list, no one had to put up a dime over the course of that time. And we couldn't have asked them to anyway. Plus, that list was still about a hundred people short of what we were into so we had to make sure we moved the rest regardless in some manner. We didn't have a crystal ball to know what the result would be, and still didn't even when we started assembling. People on the list were asked by Ed multiple times to provide him with an email. Anyone who didn't, or who didn't respond with an order after receiving one (or even asking Simon to hold one until they could come up with the cash which we did), well, in the end that's a total bummer, but they had a reasonable shot.
We're still trying to sort out a mystery # or two one which may be at the metallurgist so a couple of folks who missed out MAY still get lucky, but overall this project has been a grand success and I've only heard one voice bitching about this entirely voluntary affair. Terms were known upfront by all before anyone paid a dime. Didn't like the terms? Bummer, then you shouldn't have ordered one. Still don't like the way it turned out? C'est la vie, dude, c'est la vie, and after I hit return it'll be the last time I even think about it.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 22, 2011 - 03:03am PT
One note regarding pre-payment...
The credit card companies dictate that any money processed through their system must result in goods/services delivered within 30 days of processing the credit card. I made this very clear to Joseph and Theron before I stepped on-board to offer my services.
I am nothing, if not compassionate about helping out on efforts like this but my compassion ends when my own credit rating and business profile might be put on the line.
Disaster Master
Social climber
Born in So-Cal, left my soul in far Nor-Cal.
Jan 22, 2011 - 10:54am PT
Bottom line here - you got a frigging hammer - be happy.
Big Wall climber
Jan 22, 2011 - 01:34pm PT
Ecstatic about my hammers!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 22, 2011 - 03:42pm PT
Hopefully these last few pleasant and supportive posts will...
Hobart, Australia
Jan 22, 2011 - 04:34pm PT
where's my hammer?
probably some junk design anyhow...
just kidding.
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Jan 22, 2011 - 04:54pm PT
Trad climber
Elk Creek, Idaho
Jan 22, 2011 - 10:31pm PT
As time goes by and more members come and go...there will be hints for another batch of hammers. I'm not a wagering person but it might be a safe bet that individuals who accomplished the manufacture and distribution of this quantity...will sigh, take a deep breath...and just say, "No, it's not worth it".
Community is a hallmark or perhaps a peculiarity of ST forum. Some forums have more climbing content and many internet forums have less acrimony...I don't fully understand why members, here, are so disposed to contributing, supporting and collaborating with one another...and doing so in an unselfish manner...
Nature and his sushi-fests...Callie, Brassnuts, Fattrad and others with feasts and parties...the members who take time and travel distances to clean Yosemite and add support and presence to memorial services. That's just the beginning of the list.
When friends expend time and effort, make sacrifices and/or take risks for the benefit of the group...sincere gratitude is in order.
Community is a fragile commodity. Niggling and spurius suspicion can strangle it in a powerful way. The D5 hammer project wasn't a mercenary enterprise although cash was certainly necessary. Without the generosity of a few...in time, effort and preliminary funding...it wouldn't have happened.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Jan 22, 2011 - 10:49pm PT
A voice of reason!
Big Wall climber
Jan 22, 2011 - 11:00pm PT
Could NOT, of been said...any better!!!
Ice climber
Jan 22, 2011 - 11:03pm PT
Jennie is intelligent, biker, climber, and snowboarder. I am in love.
somewhere fairly insignificant
Jan 22, 2011 - 11:16pm PT
Let's put this one to bed with that sincere, intuitive, thankful and understanding note.
Trad climber
Alberta, Canada
Jan 22, 2011 - 11:32pm PT
Unfortunately I have to wait till Monday morning for the post office to open so I can pick it up. But it's here! (almost)
Tuscon Again! India! India! Hawaii! LA?!?!
Jan 23, 2011 - 12:42am PT
well awe shucks.... thanks jennie...
I do have to point out... that I'm *still* waiting on my hammer. Or course it's my fault.... I flew to Hawaii the day it got delivered. THREE WEEKS I HAVE TO WAIT!
Trad climber
Vancouver, BC
Jan 23, 2011 - 06:29pm PT
Mine just arrived, and I can't wait to go bash something with it.
As soon as my partner gives it back...
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 23, 2011 - 06:38pm PT
"You'll shoot your eye out..."
Big Wall climber
Jan 23, 2011 - 07:11pm PT
Mixed feelings...
Spring trip is now planned for Zodiac. I both want to go nail stuff, but am looking forward to a clean or near clean ascent. So conflicted... Partner also got one, so we may be fighting over the potential nailing pitches.
Boulder climber
Jan 23, 2011 - 07:38pm PT
I have not checked this thread since I got my hammer. Sounds like Shack and minerals need some crybaby soup.
Thanks again Theron, Ed, Healy, IHP.
Trad climber
The state of confusion
Jan 23, 2011 - 09:38pm PT
Okay, Jennie--when are you gonna
drop down and visit one of our HH's -- just think,
we could make you an Eldo prancer too!!!!
hee hee hee. . .
Big Wall climber
Jan 23, 2011 - 10:04pm PT
My d5 is f*#k'n an a5 pecker! :)
i modified the leash.
Trad climber
Bay Area
Jan 23, 2011 - 10:47pm PT
Guido's gotta sail his boat up to San Luis Obispo, ride a horse to Paso Robles, ride back and catch the trade winds to Hobart. Won't take him more than 12 months!
(all in jest of course)
Thanks for contributing all you did. Wouldn't have happened without your assistance as well.
T Moses
Big Wall climber
Paso Robles
Jan 24, 2011 - 05:23pm PT
BIG thanks to all involved in the project!
Pyro, how did you modify it? I have been thinking of trying that out but haven't gotten around to it.
Trad climber
Jan 24, 2011 - 05:40pm PT
Jennie is intelligent, biker, climber, and snowboarder. I am in love.
that is so funny, for so many reasons and on so many levels.
bookmarked so i can remember this moment.
Trad climber
Elk Creek, Idaho
Jan 24, 2011 - 09:43pm PT
Sadly true, Jeff !
Perhaps a current video...with close ups of your release moves… and highlighting your double somersault dismounts on the high barbi…would be inspiring fare for aspiring west coast tyros.
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Jan 24, 2011 - 10:20pm PT
I've got my FlipVideo ready and waiting to record Jeff sticking the landing!
When and where Jeff?!
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Jan 24, 2011 - 11:41pm PT
It's a thread hijack, unless you bring your hammer.
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Jan 24, 2011 - 11:50pm PT
You may be right{;-)} did HE get a hammer?
I'm shoppin' for more hammer porn. WooHoo!!!!!
Jan 25, 2011 - 07:38am PT
I got a tracking update this morning that it was at the delivery centre so I couldn't leave for work this afternoon until the postman turned up.
The delays actually worked out ok theres a good chance it would have been destroyed in the floods had it been a week earlier, the package sorting centre went totally under.
I'm pretty impressed this thing is built to do some serious work.
What is the blue stuff on the handle made from?
I was on the list for #22 but got #257 not sure if that head was cracked or if there is an unaccounted for hammer out there.
I also ordered some other things from the Vershke store at the same time, I didn't really consider that things might be getting shipped out from different locations I will have to look up my credit card login details to check my statement and see if I was charged for everything.
Any tips for care of this beauty, oil for the handle every few months or so?
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 25, 2011 - 09:38am PT
Glad it arrived and didn't get drowned in the floods. Hope your place was alright as well.
Simon ships the hardware out of Portland, the hammers shipped out of Theron's in California.
Yeah, #22 was one of the cracked ones.
The handle is dipped in paint and covered with Hickory (wood) chips. Best way to care for it is beat the sh#t out of it in use, but you can check out some of the protective wraps people here have been doing.
You won't run into many of those down there - only two others on the continent and one of those is in TAS. Enjoy!
Trad climber
Alberta, Canada
Jan 25, 2011 - 11:03am PT
Well, I picked up #080 yesterday and delivered it to a very appreciative climbing partner. Thanks for sending it from PDX Joseph!
One of his comments was to the extent that it's almost to shame such a piece of art work is going to get beat up as much as it will cleaning and establishing new routes.
Trad climber
the bay-sierra complex
Jan 25, 2011 - 11:09am PT
Got number 008 last night. Beautiful piece of work gentlemen. Thank you. pictures to follow later.
Mountain climber
Bay Area , California
Jan 25, 2011 - 01:33pm PT
I got my hammers and dropped the lawsuit against everyone involved.
Who's doing the D5 drill now ?
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Jan 25, 2011 - 03:10pm PT
Maybe we should not erect climbing walls in the temples of the money changers? Maybe we should just make the money changers climb a treadwall, a truly Sisyphean endeavour?
somewhere fairly insignificant
Jan 25, 2011 - 03:14pm PT
Might need a little Promethean lipo as well...
Captain...or Skully
leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Jan 29, 2011 - 10:26pm PT
I'm diggin' my hammer. Bump it up.
Big Wall climber
From Back to Big Wall Baby
Jan 29, 2011 - 10:30pm PT
Yeah Skully me to. I think I found a couple of cracks in the side of the house I can nail a couple of tomahawks into :)
Trad climber
Alberta, Canada
Jan 31, 2011 - 06:11pm PT
After a few runs though some old patio stones (Arctic front, too cold to work on projects in the mountains) it appears I am able to drill 30%-35% faster with the D5 compared to mt Camp Brenta.
It is now clear that I will not have to haul, and complain about the weight of Kevin's hilti near as much... though I will have to do more of the drilling, which is fine because now I don't have to carry the hilti and 2 batteries into the "secret" and "new" crags.
Trad climber
Jan 31, 2011 - 06:23pm PT
Here's a photo from a couple days ago, a glimpse of the elusive Joe Healy, one of the masterminds of this hammer project. He was boldly rope soloing in the slick conditions, but no hammer in sight.
Big Wall climber
Just curious if the last stragglers were still hurting for hammers?
I bought 2, and would be willing to part with one at cost if GoClimb was was still needing one (or someone else in a similar predicament). I got SN's with my birthday and my wife's birthday, but only my wife's SN# feels like MY hammer.
Big Wall climber
Feb 15, 2011 - 12:36am PT
Surprised that with all the bitchin' that no one was jumping on this offer. Maybe they did it by PM.
Big Wall climber
Feb 15, 2011 - 02:21am PT
Mountain climber
Bay Area , California
May 17, 2011 - 02:43pm PT
I got two D5 hammers
one is number 65 which stands for 1965 and the other one is # 98
if anyone could figure what number 98 means or stands for , he or she will get a 12 pack of beer
You guys have till June 10 to figure this out
Mountain climber
Bay Area , California
May 17, 2011 - 02:58pm PT
I was on top closing the mist trail so werner could do his things down below but do not worry, I'll get it next time.
Dos XX
Trad climber
Los Angeles, CA
Feb 22, 2012 - 11:35am PT
Bob D'A donated this D5 for Pam Roberts' benefit (widow of climber Jack Roberts) and I was the fortunate bidder.
Many thanks to Bob for his generous donation to the best possible cause. I'm hoping that this hammer will be imbued with some of Jack's goodness and spirit of adventure. I'm certainly planning on putting it to good use!
Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Feb 15, 2013 - 04:10am PT
bump this thread...
John Butler
Social climber
SLC, Utah
Feb 15, 2013 - 08:15am PT
these are very nice hammers... thanks to all those who made them possible
Social climber
I'm Lolli.
One of these made it across to Europe. To Ultima Thule
Trad climber
under the sea
Plan on using mine this weekend=)
Aug 27, 2015 - 12:00pm PT
I think a D5 made a cameo appearance in Jimmy Chin's Meru film.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 20, 2015 - 11:05am PT
Crotch, missed your comment back when you made it, but did just manage to see 'Meru'. and, indeed, that is a D5 Jimmy is swinging. Pretty exciting to see and gratifying to know we were able to make even a small contribution to that dream coming true for those guys.
Big Wall climber
Jun 28, 2018 - 03:30am PT
I know this is an old thread.... but looking for one of these. Anyone willing to part with one, or know someone that is, please let me know.
Boulder climber
Jun 28, 2018 - 05:05am PT
Photo of hammer?
Big Wall climber
Ashland, Or
Jun 28, 2018 - 08:06am PT
Mines been up 8 or 9 or so El Cap Routes. Still love it!
The Unknown Climber
Trad climber
Ridgway, CO
I have two hammers and need to sell one. Unfortunately, neither hammer has seen any use. The numbers are 123 and 124. Please send me a message if you're interested.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 4, 2018 - 03:25am PT
A trip down memory lane - that was a fun project. Thanks again to everyone who participated in any capacity.
David Knopp
Trad climber
Hey Unknown climber how can i reach you, since the stopo messaging function is so wonky.
You could contact me at black market caterer at the google email thing. It'd be all one word, too. We want to put some new routes up...
Big Wall climber
Ridgway CO
I’m interested in the hammer, and I live just north of ridgway.
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