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Social climber
Joshua Tree, CA
Oct 20, 2005 - 01:43am PT
Because he can??????
Russ Walling

Social climber
Oct 20, 2005 - 02:01am PT
Ummmm... he is???? How old is he anyway? Age of consent in New Mexico is 13 if that is any help. He may only be 19. Now if Dingus was hanging with a 16 year old...... sick.
Russ Walling

Social climber
Oct 20, 2005 - 02:04am PT
Plus, I need to know about that sign thing. I need a speed bump put in outside my house. I wonder if Chris can make that happen for me?

Trad climber
San Luis Obispo, CA
Oct 20, 2005 - 02:34am PT
A better question is why is K Mac hanging out with a 16 year old? Ty? Answer please?

Desolation Basin, Calif.
Oct 20, 2005 - 10:00am PT
What did I miss, and who got in trouble?

Sport climber
St. Louis
Oct 20, 2005 - 12:24pm PT
Everyday I behave like a 14 year old....

Social climber
California Valley, California
Oct 20, 2005 - 01:34pm PT
Bob and I both acknowledge being both juvenile & juvenile delinquents.
Someone up in Strawberry told us about K Mac 'making' out with some 15 yr.old at a friends wedding. I totally ripped that person a new one. Then he told me to just ask Chris Mac. I did just that, through an email sent directly to Chris, simply because I did not believe an individual like him would be so stupid to do that. He denied, then lied to me.
I still had trouble believing it, until I went to a wedding up there and saw it with my own glazed, red eyes. Chris Mac spent the entire wedding with his arm around a 16-yr.old child. He, by the way, is 28. He tells my friends up there who ask him about it, that she is a very mature 16-yr.old.
That makes him a very retarded 28-yr,old.
Oh, and her parents, (who have 5 other little tots at home)thinks it is great. Hell, now that they got her home-schooled, she's is ready for LIFE! So, they let Chris move in with her & the family.
Nice little nuclear family for our future.
You da man, Chris!

Trad climber
All over
Oct 20, 2005 - 02:33pm PT
Why not change the title of this thread to something that states the contents so Chris will click on it? With allegations like this, why don't you use your real name? After all, you are using his...

It may be that some users know you well enough to know who you are, making you not-so-anonymous. Saying stuff like this about someone, we all should know who you are.


Oct 20, 2005 - 03:01pm PT
I see what you're doing Kate: you are bumping this tread so that if it gets enough posts C-Mac is going to see it and play "whack-a-mole" with it. (Did I just pun?)

Hey, K-Mac, maybe Ty gets you to do moves that you never knew you could before? (Double entendre only in jest.)


Trad climber
cayucos california
Oct 20, 2005 - 03:08pm PT
So your telling me Nolens that if a "mature" 16 year old blonde bombshell walked up to you, licked you in the eye, and then signaled you to follow her away from the hustle and bustle of the wedding... you would just stand there, holding to your christain manner, and jack off when you get home?

Yea I bet.

When he's 30 she'll be 18, doesn't sound too bad to me.

Cmac is the sh#t, and can do whatever he wants as far as I care.


Social climber
California Valley, California
Oct 20, 2005 - 03:12pm PT
Sure thing, Kate.

My name is Pati Nolen.

I am not shy nor am I ashamed of anything I write or do on this website.

And you are probably right, this is an ambiguous thread. And I don't give a sh#t.

You all think Chris Mac's sh#t is just pure gold. Then you get all pissed off when you find out differently, just like I did when I defended Chris.
And I am pissed off at him. He flat-out lied to me. Then he got his little girls mother to email me. She NEVER told me to stay out of their business. In fact, I met her just before I saw Chris with her little girl at the wedding. She (the mother) was my waitress at the Strawberry Lodge restaurant. She has no problem with my directness or my concern for her daughter.

I pretty much assume the mother just wants to pawn her kid off an a good-looking rich kid like Chris Mac, and that is the impression she left on me. I have always said, just because you give birth, it does not automatically make you a GOOD parent. And I am not saying she is not a good mother. I am saying her vision is a bit screwed-up.

I hold Chris Mac completely responsible for his actions.

Oh, and one more thing Kate. If you have any young daughters around, keep your eye on Chris!

And to you Bulgingpuke-I only hope you can't reproduce, you worthless troll. Some day, a good father will explain to you the ills of your thoughts. Pervert. Good to know you like little girls. And obviously not the law.

Big Wall climber
Yosemite area
Oct 20, 2005 - 03:13pm PT
Nope, Pati, you read me wrong. I do care, enough that I want to know if this is true, one step to knowing that is knowing the source.

So, because a guy writes nice topos, he can be a pedophile?

Think about it, Ty.

Is it OK if he rapes your sister, too? After all, the books are so rrrraaaad.


Trad climber
cayucos california
Oct 20, 2005 - 03:14pm PT
Yea your right kate, but its not like she's nine or anything

Trad climber
cayucos california
Oct 20, 2005 - 03:15pm PT
And Im sure she's reallly being "raped"

Trad climber
Quartz Hill, California
Oct 20, 2005 - 03:16pm PT
Jesus Christ you guys (and girls). Please find a Fing life !!!!

Big Wall climber
Yosemite area
Oct 20, 2005 - 03:16pm PT
When you are mid-30s, Ty, you'll probably start to think that a 9 yo and a 16 yo aren't that different. At your current age, (High school) they seem very different, indeed.

Ty, not saying she's being raped...just coming up with something else pretty nasty that he could do, that you wouldn't let him get away with for being so....rrrrrad.

And why do I care? Because I try to be careful with the companies my money goes to. I like to support companies that agree with my environmental thoughts, equality/civil rights, etc. If the head of a company is doing sh#t that is a PARTICULAR thing that I cannot STAND, well, I'll think twice about doing business with them.

Anyway, I'm not going to say any more on this thread, other than to say I think that I am sick of my 30 something friends try to f*#k teenagers. And that I hope that the stuff is not actually going on.


Social climber
California Valley, California
Oct 20, 2005 - 03:21pm PT
Jeez-it just occurred to me.
Maybe Bulgingpuke is onto something.
I mean, where would all of the hookers & strippers get their start if it weren't for men like them!
We gotta look at the big picture.


Trad climber
cayucos california
Oct 20, 2005 - 03:25pm PT
Yea seriously it's kinda like junior college in a way.....

Yay! I get to hook up 16 year olds and still be kates ( edit:and Kmac's!!) friend! I kinda like being a young climber. It kicks ass actually.

Big Wall climber
So. Cal.
Oct 20, 2005 - 03:50pm PT
This thread is giving me the creeps.

What is a very "mature" 16 year old?
Isn't that like saying "jumbo shrimp" or "military intelligence"?

Is she mature cuz' her boobs are full grown?
Maybe she uses big words?

How most 16 year old girls talk these days....

"Oh my God! I'm like so totally mature for like my age and stuff"


Social climber
California Valley, California
Oct 20, 2005 - 04:36pm PT
Actually, many people have tried to talk to Chris about this.
Including the El Dorado Sheriffs Dept.
What seems to have transpired was this-they got her emancipated. At a mere 16, without a job behind her, or a college education ahead of her, her parents & Chris & a ?@*!? judge have decided she is an ADULT.
Way to go.
As her mom said,'she and Chris are having a blast.'
I remember what I was running around doing at 16: learning how to climb, trying to get through high school & its trials, and dealing with my parents & no car. I also was dating a 17-yr.old boy, you know, someone in my actual age group. Thank god I didn't have to worry about some older, leacherous guy and a possible pregnancy; my parents made sure that did not happen. You know, the responsible thing. What a lost concept.

Social climber
California Valley, California
Oct 20, 2005 - 05:31pm PT
Obviously you don't have kids or just don't give a sh*t about kids in general.
I don't feel that way, and obviously others do too. That is why there a child welfare laws.
And judges make mistakes. Don't make me make you a list of 'em.
Only a truly depraved person would wish luck to Chris & his little girl.
As I said to Chris, even Elvis waited. That is why he was the King!
I did not start this thread. Just added to it. Talk to the boys (Walling & Sugar).
And I agree, I would have beaten him up at the wedding, but it looks really funny when a 40-yr.old woman in a dress clocks a 28-yr.old rock jock in the head.

Big Wall climber
So. Cal.
Oct 20, 2005 - 05:50pm PT
I too have a 9 year old girl, and If I found out that some guy
almost twice her age was trying to get in her pants...
well, he'd be lucky if I only went "medieval" on his ass!

Trad climber
Denver, CO
Oct 20, 2005 - 06:00pm PT
What a crock - if you've got beef w/ the decisions that someone is making, then you take it to them... not the god damned internet.

If he says leave me alone, I'm fine w/ the decisions I've made - then LIVE YOUR OWN LIFE.


Berkeley, CA
Oct 20, 2005 - 06:14pm PT
What poop said.

Smells like troll shite, but publicly slandering Chris on his own site is pathetic. If this is for real, and you got a problem, take it to him privately.

What a bunch of crap.
Russ Walling

Social climber
Oct 20, 2005 - 08:11pm PT
I was just in the local Stater Bros picking up some vittles... the line was long at the checkout, so I perused the celebrity mags... usual fare: Tom Cruise is Impotent and the baby is a Test Tube deal, Nick and Jessica are faking it, Oprah is packing on the pounds again, Antonio Banderas has Chylimdia (sp?). and then I come home home to this thread! THANK YOU various Nolens!!! I will never need to buy another National Enquirer, Globe, Star, or World Weekly News!!!!

Trad climber
Thousand Oaks, CA
Oct 20, 2005 - 08:16pm PT
It was an alien intervention

Oct 20, 2005 - 08:38pm PT
Whew man …..I poked my head in this thread, vedy interesting.

Bulgingpuke you sound like a junior high school brat, what’s up with you.

Smokin nolens is a woman? Wow! All this time I thought you were a male. So sorry for my mistake.

Carry on ………

Trad climber
Eagle River, AK
Oct 20, 2005 - 08:46pm PT
"Someone gets pissed off about his little climbing Mecca getting "found out""

What Mecca is that?

BTW, I don't know who Chris has hooked up with now but he is nuts for not being hooked up with Sarah. That chick is a first class hottie!

P.S. I heard from a reliable sourse that Chris' girlfriend is a solid 18. So what is the problem? Sounds like a low class slander job to me.

Trad climber
cayucos california
Oct 20, 2005 - 09:05pm PT
I agree T*R but it was a fun thread, some good ol' fashion sh#t talkin. Its a great break from boring poltics.

Jesus Christ Smokey your a girl!? hehe sorry about that post.


Trad climber
Gunks end of country
Oct 20, 2005 - 09:11pm PT
Isn't T*R ambiguous now?
Toul needs an edit button. Come on guys. Who took her button?

Trad climber
Gunks end of country
Oct 20, 2005 - 09:22pm PT
Sorry. It should have been "Is 'T*R' ambiguous now"?
Russ Walling

Social climber
Oct 20, 2005 - 09:57pm PT
hahaha! Great Troll Nolens! Didn't know you had it in ya!

"crying and trying to get out of the car...." Superb! Did this all happen in the Strawberry lot? Got any IR video?

Sin City
Oct 20, 2005 - 10:29pm PT
Man I think that it's time to go climb a rock, smokin and all you other clowns! F*#k man if it is legal than it is legal get over it. So instead of bitching about Chris why don't you hippie smelling, tree hugging, man hating witch find somthing else to talk about! Or better yet get your ass out and vote, maybe try to change the laws of the land, maybe try to make a diffrence, oh wait you might have some yoga or other hippie sh#t to to do like drink wheat or what ever the f*#k you do!
oh yeah

Trad climber
On that V2 problem at the Happies
Oct 20, 2005 - 10:43pm PT
Smokin nolens is a woman? Wow! All this time I thought you were a male. So sorry for my mistake.

no need to apologize Werner. most of thought she was/is a man.

Big Wall climber
Oct 20, 2005 - 11:10pm PT
Whats going on here?

Girls of 16 should not be having sex.

If someone is in Cali is that not rape?


Big Wall climber
Oct 20, 2005 - 11:18pm PT
The owner of this site is with a 16yr old. Is that what you are saying?

I don't believe it?

How old is the owner of this site?

Do I have to go back to rec.climbing?

Russ Walling

Social climber
Oct 20, 2005 - 11:21pm PT
She is very mature by her own mothers admission. She is emacipated, just like Abe Lincoln did for them poor slave fellahs... she is legal in all 50 states. She is very mature. I have zero facts to back any of this up. But she is very mature.

Big Wall climber
Oct 20, 2005 - 11:23pm PT
Her mother thinks okay for her to have sex?


Big Wall climber
Oct 20, 2005 - 11:37pm PT
This is all Bullshit right, Troll?


Big Wall climber
Oct 20, 2005 - 11:46pm PT
I think this is Bullshit Troll.

Trad climber
pitch above you
Oct 20, 2005 - 11:47pm PT
Somebody call Juan and walk him through this. He seems lost and confused.

Trad climber
pitch above you
Oct 20, 2005 - 11:48pm PT
Oops, I spoke too soon. He's looking more lively now.

Big Wall climber
Oct 20, 2005 - 11:53pm PT
So it is True?

If someone 28 is dating a 16yr old. That's sick and pathetic.


Oct 21, 2005 - 12:05am PT
Gee ,I thought the Talibans were in Afghanistan.Isnt there aBitter and Twisted dried up crag hag .com for these women?I sure am glad that older women didnt let the law stop them from abusing me when I was a child.Heres to older women. but not so old as Pati.They start to smell bad then.
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:12am PT
What we have here––is a failure to communicate...face to face.
For some reason, this husband and wife tag-team felt it necessary to air this publicly.

Pretty sad, if you ask me.

They are both acting like gossiping Internet Bitches™ as far as I'm concerned.

They should get a fuçking hobby or something for fuçk's sake!

Why not spend all that energy doing something useful like telling people to put out
their fires in the campground when they go to sleep?

Weren't they around during the big fire in the canyon a couple years ago?


Trad climber
Eagle River, AK
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:14am PT
Nolens is from the Carrizo Plain/California Valley. The only women that live out there are welfare check-cashing tweakers.

Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:15am PT
You sick f*#ks.

I am out of here for good!


the flatness
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:30am PT
What would it take to get my edit button emancipated?

Trad climber
Eagle River, AK
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:34am PT
Haven't been there since I left Cali in 2002. I imagine it still looks like this:

Looks spectacular. Looks kind of like welfare/tweaker country to me.

Trad climber
places you shouldn't talk about in polite company
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:35am PT

i quit posting on this site, but i am making a one post exception just to chime in here. as they say in the hood, "mind ya bizness, go on, ain't no one here gonna miss ya when ya leave"


Trad climber
cayucos california
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:38am PT
"5'9" 145 lb. woman with a 38DD "
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:40am PT
Matt Wrote:

i quit posting on this site


Did your wife say you weren't allowed to anymore?

Trad climber
Eagle River, AK
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:42am PT
Hey tuououolomomnene*rianbough(did I get the spelling right?) Tweakers don't have any money to spend at big box stores, therefore there won't be any built there. They spend all their money on their next fix. Bakersfield is the nearest big town. Does that explain anything?

Trad climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:43am PT

thanks for the compliment. :)

Trad climber
Eagle River, AK
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:01am PT
Thanks for not being offended TR. What politics? I just tell it like it is. Sometimes that puts me down on the side of the libs and sometimes on the side of the neocons. What can I say? I'll buy you a cup any day.

Sarah, I meant it. You are very attractive. I mean, really, how could anybody leave this?
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:15am PT
And she climbs 5.12...

Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:21am PT
Looks kind of plain to me.

Russ Walling

Social climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:23am PT
You should have seen her at 16!

(it's just a joke.... cripes.. Hi Sarah, long time no see)
Mrs. Petch

Trad climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:26am PT
First off, I think that before you slander someone you should make sure you have your facts straight. Second, maybe you should know the people, and the situation you are talking about. Almost every "fact" in this thread is incorrect. I know the family, and contrary to what this thread would lead you to believe, they are not trash or irresponsible- they are wonderful, and the mother in question has raised some of the most wonderful children I have ever met!
Now why is it neccesary to talk about this in a group of people who don't know this family or probably Chris, I don't understand. Why don't these people who are so concerned with other people's lives just go live their own, put down the mouse and go climbing?
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:27am PT
Juan –– That pic does knott do her justice at all.

She is very pretty, and has an awesome body!!

167 stinking feet above seal level : (
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:27am PT
akclimber said, "More amd more I am getting the impression that a good many climbers are just filthy, freeloading bums who thinks the world owes them and they don't want to pay for anything."

and “What's the problem with that? Dumbf*#k! You just sit there and take welfare checks from the government while your fat girlfriend eats ice cream, drinks beer, and watches soaps as the diapers from six screaming kids pile up on the kitchen floor.”

and “only women that live out there are welfare check-cashing tweakers.”

I think it's ironic that the favorite forms of attack for this little trust fund b;tch ( ) are ad hominens in which he repeatedly paints anyone who criticizes a sellout (i.e. people that are unwilling to sell out) as filthy welfare cheats and freeloaders.

When someone has to work their ass off because they don't have uncle's money to freeload from, and they make a personal decision to not pimp the climbing they love, I think they have a right to criticize those that are putting her out on the street.

(edit) As to this other sh#t w/ Chris I feel uncomfortable putting him on trial like this.
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:30am PT
Mrs. Petch...LOL! Great screen name.

Very well put!!

Get a fuçking life and go climbing, people!!

(so sad I couldn't make it to the wedding)

Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:33am PT
So is this or is it not a bullshit troll thread.

I do not think it is very funny at all if you guys now it is a troll and keep on posting as if it true.

So who is the girl on the rock, is it the 16 yr old that Chris is having the affair with or what?


right near the beach, boyeee (lord have mercy)
Oct 21, 2005 - 02:20am PT
Juan, I wasn't so sure about you before, man, but now-I love you Juan. You're just too goddamn funny.

Oct 21, 2005 - 05:13am PT
On a site where the political discussions have raked the current administration over the coals for the lack of checks and balances, it’s ironic that when it comes to personal vendettas, people like s-nolens have appointed themselves judge, jury and executioner.

I don’t know Chris or the woman in question, so I can’t judge the situation.

I do know 23 year old women with kids that are far more mature than some 45 year old guys I know.

Although I personally feel 18 is a good age to establish as the border between being a minor and being an adult, it certainly does not apply to all people in every situation. 85% of the population might fall within the norm of the bell curve, but there are people on the fringe on each end that do not fit the stereotype.

I’ve taught skiing for years and come across 4 year olds more coordinated than the average 8 year old. I’ve also come across some pretty uncoordinated 12 year olds as well. Using age to determine where one is in terms of life stages is fine and dandy, but it certainly does not cover everyone all the time. Some 9 year olds should be in the sixth grade while others should be in the second grade, but 99% end up in the fourth grade.

So, 16 years old is one indicator among many to determine the maturity of someone, we can’t just make a blanket statement. I’m 30, and my wife swears that my frontal lobe is not as well developed as one of her 14 year old cousins, go figure.

And spare us the morality crap. For example, serving alcohol to people under 21 is not immoral in its absolute: in most European countries one has the right to drink at 16 or 18, and those societies are doing just fine. Ditto for age difference or even how young the person is. Look at the individual situation first, then the cultural context. Even in this particular situation, everything is legal.

In any case, for all we know, they could be each other’s soul mates, or not, but this load of laundry and your (nolens and sloogie) gripes and personal vendettas should not be aired here.

P.S. It's too bad that your self-esteem is so low that one, you feel the need to give us your dimensions as some justification of how beautiful you may be (and too bad that you feel the need to do so) and two that you slander(edit: LIBEL)/insult someone over the Internet like this.

Trad climber
Gunks end of country
Oct 21, 2005 - 06:47am PT

Oct 21, 2005 - 07:55am PT
Now, now, LEB, don't be so pedantic. When dragging someone through the mud, as SN and SLoogie have done in this thread, one can informally use "slander" without making reference to technical legal terms.

And honestly, I feel awkward using "libel" as a verb.

My sincerest apologies for inappropriately using the term. I will adjust my post accordingly.

Oct 21, 2005 - 08:19am PT

I do not remember the post where "tweaker" was used, so without context I can not help you out.

As far as a married couple, can't help you with that either. If I had to venture a WAG (wild ass guess), from recent posts I gather that sugarloogie and smokinnolens are/were married.

Good luck in your quest!!

Sin City
Oct 21, 2005 - 08:57am PT
"5'9" 145 lb. woman with a 38DD"
Well if she is using those to make herself feel better...

Sounds like a cow to me! Oh yeah what a catch, 40 years old, cubby, has to try and push her ideas of life onto others without consideration for the people she is talking about, oh yeah and stinks like a hippie!

Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 10:00am PT
Good Morning if you want to call it that. This kept me up most of the night. 16 is just to young for girls to have sex.

Maybe some girls are more mature and more like 18 yr olds so its okay.

Maybe some type of written test?

But if a 28 yr old, there is some type of mental health issue going on.

I can understand say a 22 yr old having a 16 yr old coworker, I have no problems with that.

But 28.

That is not right.

Trad climber
Thousand Oaks, CA
Oct 21, 2005 - 11:51am PT
Great. Now we've got dueling trolls...

Please stop feeding them.

Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:09pm PT
I find it kind of intersting that since it's concerning Chris Mac, this has become a HUGE deal... Interesting that when the same slanders, or possible slanders, (guess if it's written it'd be libel) are thrown around about others in the forum, there's really not any huge debate over it. Seems that it's just business as usual, accepted as truth, in general and a reason for everyone to talk sh#t. There hasn't seemed to be any real concern, until it's involved someone with a bit of a name for himself. Just an observation.

Sport climber
Venice, Ca
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:17pm PT
Lolita . . . also 16. Who can say if Nabokov was a genius or a fool.


Trad climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:18pm PT
Yes Sewellymon, we live in the plains. And your right, it is one of the last jewels in Ca. Also, thanks to Clinton, most of the valley between Hwy 58 and Hwy 166 in now National Monument. But please don't turn many people on to this place. Between all the tweekers and welfare moms, we don't have much room for rock climbing pedophiles. Actually, it wouldn't be an issue here very long, These folks have a very similar moral fiber to those wonderful people that live in Cantwell Alaska, they would literally run them out of town.
taco bill

Trad climber
boulder, co
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:20pm PT
I've seen them out at Soco
They're pounding sixteen penny nails
The truckers on the interstate
Have been known to ride the rails
The sweat is beating on the brow
Can't keep these fellas down
'Cause those damned blue-collared tweekers
Are runnin' this here town

I knew a man who hung drywall
He hung it mighty quick
A trip or two to the blue room
WOuld help him do the trick
His foreman would pat him on the back
Whenever he would come around
'Cause these dammed blue-collar tweekers
Are beloved in this here town

Now the union boys are there
To protect us from all the corporate type
While curious George's drug patrol
Is out here hunting snipe
Now they try to tell me different
But you know I ain't no clown
'Cause those damned blue-collar tweekers
Are the backbone of this town

Now the flame that burns twice as bright
Burns only half as long
My eyes are growing weary
As I finalize this song
So sit back and have a cup o' joe
And watch the wheels go round
'Cause those damned blue-collar tweekers
Have always run this town

Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:28pm PT
sugarloogie-- In the current administration, national monument status, national park status, whatever... It doesn't matter. NOTHING can protect your land if they decide there's some benefit to them. Ask the folks in Alaska, Queen Creek, etc... Queen Creek, for instance, was also supposedly specially protected by a former president (FDR?). And, of course, Alaska is (was) a national wildlife preserve. I know there is also a national park the area that Katrina hit in which Bush has allowed drilling to go forth. Can't remember the name of it.

Trad climber
cayucos california
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:45pm PT

Nolens that is where I live! Sickest town on the Coast you agree?
Im leaving for zion today but I'll be lookin around when i drive home from school.


Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
Oct 21, 2005 - 12:50pm PT
Cayucos rocks! Used to be there every 4th (of course), Thanksgiving, then throughout the year... Don't get there as often the last couple of years, but still make it out every now and then. Yeah, it's all overcast here right now. Could really use some chowder from Sea Shanty, followed by a Shanty Pie. So what happened with Lou & Shennley's?

right near the beach, boyeee (lord have mercy)
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:01pm PT
Except for the unfortunate slandering (which really is in poor taste) this thread has everything!
Lois (god bless her inquisitive mind)
Hardman Knnott puttin' the smack down -right on HK, I totally agree about the Internet Bitches™.
Juan suggesting a written test for age of legal consent lol.
AK being his typically surly self.
And then, someone posts a link where SN says on a previous thread to "get a girl before she starts growing hair"(a damn sight shy of 16) as an answer to an inane forum question of whether or not to date a hairy woman.
This thread is BadAss™. And, Badd Ass™.
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:07pm PT
Don't forget Kick ASSSSSSSS™™™™...

Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:10pm PT
I think if women were a little more free with their loving the world would be a happier place.


Oct 21, 2005 - 01:12pm PT
Sugerloogie is calling Chris Mac a pedophile?

Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:14pm PT
I think at 16 it is no longer pedofeel.

That's the whole differenc. At 16 she becomes a lolita.

Then everything changes.


Oct 21, 2005 - 01:18pm PT
What is the "real" problem here as I'm totally missing the boat with this one?

Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:25pm PT

Chris is having an affair with a lolita. He has been married a few years. Fair enough.

But the real problem is that its wrong. Its to big an age difference.

Now it may be legal because she was set free with the legal document at the court in Reno.


Oct 21, 2005 - 01:32pm PT
Is he, Chris still married now to his original wife?

Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:37pm PT
Yes, but like most of us he is probally weak. I am sure the 16yr old in question has to take a large amount of responsibily for the 6 week on going affair.


Social climber
California Valley, California
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:39pm PT
Mrs. Petch-
This is why you define class.
I know you are close to Chris, and am very glad to know he has people like you in his circle. I know for a fact you are watching out for the girl in question. I know if anything unhappy happens to her because of the relationship, you will be by her in the end.
I know you know right from wrong. I know we are on opposite side of the table on this. Yet, you haven't lowered yourself to the point of name-calling & personal slights.
Yours is the only opinion from this thread I took to heart. Why can't there be more women like you?
Off the the Smoke Shack for a great yellow-fin tuna sandwich. Now, where is that welfare check I have to cash?

Oct 21, 2005 - 01:41pm PT
Thank you Juan, now everthing is clear about this thread.

Mayadeva .........very very powerful.

Social climber
California Valley, California
Oct 21, 2005 - 01:52pm PT

Chris Mac is married. Is still married while carrying on with his new little girl?

So, he is an adulterer too?

Wow....this does just get better & better.

Oct 21, 2005 - 01:56pm PT
Take it easy smokin nolens.

Mayadeva can easily take you down the highway too if you keep it up.

Trad climber
On that V2 problem at the Happies
Oct 21, 2005 - 02:09pm PT
California Valley, aka Redneckville.

Social climber
California Valley, California
Oct 21, 2005 - 02:11pm PT
I swear I am not correcting you, but isn't it mahadeva?
I was just wondering as I tweek here in the valley.

Trad climber
cayucos california
Oct 21, 2005 - 02:15pm PT
Tell Jim Ruddel that tyler said hi

Oct 21, 2005 - 02:24pm PT
Sorry I meant maya deva

Definitely not Mahadeva

Social climber
California Valley, California
Oct 21, 2005 - 02:26pm PT
Of course I will.
Central Coast is a small state.
Jim and his 14-yr.old daughter are just the best. I love hearing his stories about her & life with a teenager.

Trad climber
San Francisco, Ca
Oct 21, 2005 - 02:35pm PT
hahaha.. I haven't read this entire thread but this reminds me of Jimmy Page as detailed in the book "Hammer of the Gods". I can't presume to judge such things, having been both on both sides of this type of story before.

edit: I hooked up with my English teacher in high school when I was 17. She was 24. Sometimes this is OK. Then when I was 21 I hooked up with a 16 yr old. This was all a phase. It passed.

Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 02:35pm PT
So where is the Love Nest?


Trad climber
Gunks end of country
Oct 21, 2005 - 02:43pm PT
Notably absent in this sterling new tehrd.
Bush and Dean Fidelman.

Gym climber
San Francisco, CA
Oct 21, 2005 - 03:09pm PT
smoking nolens: .... i would guess that at some point you did (or do) consider yourself a friend of chris mac .. if that is true, all i have to say is ..

With friends like you .. who the hell needs enemies ..

    this thread is garbage.

Trad climber
San Francisco, Ca
Oct 21, 2005 - 03:12pm PT
My grandfather on my Dad's side married my grandmother when she was 15. He was 31. She lied about her age. They had a great marriage that lasted until he died.

I worked for a guy when I lived in Colorado who married at 18 to a 32 year old woman... They had been married for 15 years... and were doing fine last I heard.

Oct 21, 2005 - 03:41pm PT
Those who believe this rumor and excuse Chris for his alleged misdeeds, but gave PtPP hell for his, are hypocrites.

Trad climber
San Francisco, Ca
Oct 21, 2005 - 04:10pm PT
IMO, the 16 yr old is lucky. I mean, Chris is quite a catch, don't you think :-) Even if it leads nowhere permanent she'll always remember her big wall ace.
Clint Cummins

Trad climber
SF Bay area, CA
Oct 21, 2005 - 04:22pm PT
Since Lois (LEB) asked:

 'smokin nolens' = Pati Nolen (currently). Originally this ID was [EDIT: sometimes] used by Bob Nolen. This explains why in [EDIT: some] prior posts 'smokin nolens' *was* a guy. Hence the confusion of Werner and others.

EDIT: see the reply below by Rock!...oopsie where SUGARLOOGIE made a post implying he used the 'smoking nolens' ID, at least sometimes. Although Pati states she made most if not all of the posts for 'smokin nolens'. I have no reason to dispute that, as she appears to be quite honest.

 SUGARLOOGIE = Bob Nolen (new ID after he stopped using 'smokin nolens'). Married to Pati, apparently.

And for Pati, 'Juan de Fuca' (Jeff Batten) is mainly into trolling. Do not expect anything he says to be truthful, such as his statements about Chris Mac's marital status. Jeff just wants to see people react to his posts.

Social climber
California Valley, California
Oct 21, 2005 - 05:14pm PT
Since day one I have always been forward with who I am-

I looked through most of my trolls & threads-
and most folks know I am a chick. I would occasionally use a 'third-person' stance, like on the 'what do you do for a living' thread, but I have never claimed to be Bob, my husband of 15 years.

But Coiler, Nature, AngryT, and most reply's were addressed to me, Pati.

I tried to find one where Bob claims to be smokin_nolens, but could not. Enlighten me.

You asked about what a tweeker was...well, since I am the appearent expert, here we go. The disguishing signs are the obvious 'twitching' and muscle spasms of drug abuse. The the wonderful lack of dental hygene, the raging case of acne, and the size minus-six jeans.
Oh, and I have no 'repressed' memories about this type of thing. I have always been proactive. I have never stood around and watched something awful 'just happen'.

Trad climber
pitch above you
Oct 21, 2005 - 05:29pm PT
nolens challenges to find a thread where Bob was nolens.

Well, how 'bout just 2 days ago when Bob (as SUGARLOOG) wrote:
" In addition, the wife took over the smokin_nolens persona, this is Bob and I'm on my own, got the 24K hookup in the Carrizo Plain. Looking forward to having my own account, may give some civility to smokin_nolens. Odds are I won't."

CLEARLY implying that he has posted as nolens in the past.

This was in the thread that spawned this Rosemary's Baby of a thread:


-Bob edit (NOT nolens Bob for crying out loud!)

Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 05:37pm PT
It was summer camp!

Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 05:41pm PT
So this is a bullshit Troll?

Trad climber
pitch above you
Oct 21, 2005 - 05:59pm PT
Geez I almost forgot!

So Pati, since Bob was NEVER nolens, as a woman you should be proud to take credit for this gem:

You are now free to go punch your husband. Or, more likely, if you have some sort of Silence of the Lambs sort of identity thing going on, you are now free to punch yourself.

-Bob (still not nolens Bob)

Social climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 06:07pm PT
Pati, the fact that you were so willing to jump on Juan's troll without any fact checking is a little telling. Might want to take a look at your motives and get yourself a shrink.

Oct 21, 2005 - 06:14pm PT
Ha ha ha ha ha LoL ha ha ah ha ha ha

WTF? what am I laughing about? Troll ....

I got no buisness in here .........

Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 06:22pm PT
What, Now I am hearing she is with Child.

This is going to greatly complicate the problems for the Big Wall Stud.


Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 06:26pm PT
Just when I thought the situation could not get worse my friends.



Trad climber
Eagle River, AK
Oct 21, 2005 - 06:27pm PT
Juan, not only are you stupid, but you must be blind. Sarah is incredibly gorgeous and she definitely shows it in this picture. If this is a "bad" picture and she looks this good, holy cow! Sarah will be a first class catch for anyone lucky enough to win her affections.

Loom, how long did it take you to find all those links? Hope it wasn't valuable time.

Trad climber
Otto, NC
Oct 21, 2005 - 06:28pm PT
Um, Largo, Lolita was twelve. The expiration date on a proper nymphet is 14, according to H.H.

I'd go with genius. Certainly the guy was no fool, he mastered the language and literature of, what,three countries? Four?

If only the rest of this thread was confined to fictional characters...

Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 06:29pm PT
It really hard to see the (censored)?

Can you post more?

Its hard to get a sense of scale from the photo?


Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 06:32pm PT
How is a nymphet different from a lolita?


Social climber
California Valley, California
Oct 21, 2005 - 06:38pm PT
First off, I (Pati) wrote the damn thing.
I added the hidden meaning so you would finally get what I meant.

Take a tip from the master- (This would be Chris Mac.)
Date 'em before they can even grow hair! (This would be the little girl)
No Problem.(Because everyone thinks it is great he can bag a 16 yr.old)

And, as many other happily married have pointed out on this very site, not a married couples speak the same language all of the time. There are those moments, like the one Bob had the other night after trolling Russ (after 4 Foster oil cans), where one can miss a beat.
And only one troll?
You couldn't find any others? I mean the one you highlighted is obviously Bob. No hidden agenda there. But that's it?

As I said, I have never mislead anyone intentionally. Bob went on his own at work, hence the email address.

Trad climber
pitch above you
Oct 21, 2005 - 06:43pm PT
Evil Genius! Or not.

So how about the one from 2 days ago...

-Bob (still, still not nolens Bob)


Trad climber
pitch above you
Oct 21, 2005 - 06:51pm PT
Gutless edit. Mark 'em or f-off.

I'm goin' climbing. Enjoy the circle jerk folks.


Trad climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 07:00pm PT
Let me set the record straight, I've only used the smokin_nolens login once, many, many months ago. I started a posting asking if anyone had any info on Sespi Hot Springs. And as far as the hairy woman thing, that was my wife. I became desensitized to the hairy women while stationed in Germany, as a teenager.
So here's a link to check out. A 39 year old man assaulting a 10 year old. So which one of you sick freaks are going to tell me that this isn't wrong.


Gym climber
San Francisco, CA
Oct 21, 2005 - 07:04pm PT
somkin_nolens ..

.. i'm sure at 16 she has plenty of hair ..

have you ever heard the term "If there is grass of the playing field, PLAY BALL!"..

:-) ..

Russ Walling

Social climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 07:12pm PT
Some part of the Nolens wrote: There are those moments, like the one Bob had the other night after trolling Russ

Before you treat yourself to a buying spree at the Bakersfield WalMart......Bzzzttt. Sorry, reverse troll. You'ze all got trolled. There are more trolls in here than under any bridge in any mythical land.

Trad climber
San Francisco, Ca
Oct 21, 2005 - 07:12pm PT
Instead view this one...

This one was my demise at 21...

Trad climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 07:13pm PT
Give me
Your dirty love
Like you might surrender
To some dragon in your dreams

Give me
Your dirty love
Like a pink donation
To the dragon in your dreams

I don’t need your sweet devotion
I don’t want your cheap emotion
Just whip me up some dragon lotion
For your dirty love

Give me
Your dirty love
Like some tacky little pamphlet
In your daddy’s bottom drawer

Give me
Your dirty love
I don’t believe you have ever seen
That book before

I don’t need no consolation
I don’t want your reservation
I only got one destination
An’ that’s your dirty love

Give me
Your dirty love
Just like your mama
Make her fuzzy poodle do

Give me
Your dirty love
The way your mama
Make that nasty poodle chew

I’ll ignore your cheap aroma
And your little-bo-peep diploma
I’ll just put you in a coma
With some dirty love

The poodle bites!
(come on, frenchie)
The poodle chews it!
(snap it!)
The poodle bites!
(come on, frenchie)
The poodle chews it!

Social climber
California Valley, California
Oct 21, 2005 - 07:13pm PT
And which one was that....? (The one from 2 days ago, that is.)

I just know you'll be a darling and help me out with my old lady tweeker memory.

And Russ-
Honey, the Taft KMart is way closer than the Bakersfield WalMart. And they cash welfare checks! Baby, I am there! Enjoy Mt. Tom in the sunset, you lucky sh#t you.


Desolation Basin, Calif.
Oct 21, 2005 - 07:20pm PT
You are the same people that find political threads disgusting?

Well, as a party chief I used to work for said: "Old enough to pee, old enough for me."

Russ Walling

Social climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 07:20pm PT
I love little girls they make me feel so good
I love little girls they make me feel so bad
When they’re around they make me feel
Like I’m the only guy in town
I love little girls they make me feel so good
They don’t care if I’m a one way mirror
They’re not frightened by my cold exterior
They don’t ask me questions
They don’t want to scold me
They don’t look for answers
They just want to hold me
Isn’t this fun
Isn’t this what life’s all about
Isn’t this a dream come true
Isn’t this a nightmare too
(repeat first verse)
They don’t care about my inclinations
They’re not frightened by my revelations
Uh oh take a second take
Uh oh it’s a mistake
Uh oh I’m in trouble
Uh oh the little girl was just to little
Too little, too little, too little
Isn’t this what life’s all about
Isn’t this a dream come true
Isn’t this a nightmare too . . .
And I don’t care what people say
And I don’t care what people think
And I don’t care how we look walking down the street
(repeat chorus)
(repeat first verse)

Trad climber
On that V2 problem at the Happies
Oct 21, 2005 - 07:21pm PT
why would anyone CHOOSE to live in the California Valley?

38DD, I don't date people who have wide feet

Social climber
California Valley, California
Oct 21, 2005 - 07:28pm PT
At least I am woman enough to state where I live. Not like I am trolling from Chino State Prison or anything. (Are you?) I live out on the ol Carrizo Plain simply because people like you don't.


Trad climber
Eagle River, AK
Oct 21, 2005 - 07:32pm PT

or Claire:

Well, in my opinion, Sarah takes the prize.


right near the beach, boyeee (lord have mercy)
Oct 21, 2005 - 07:41pm PT
On the same note, "if they're old enough to crawl, they're in the right position"

Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 07:47pm PT
Again your photo's really do not give me a sense of the girls.

Do you have some measurements, cup size?

Or a full frontal shot, and side.

Here on campus in California I see a 10 walking by every 20 min. No lie. Its real hard to work at a place like this.

So I have very high standards.

The photo's you post at at least 8's.

But for more points I need more revealing photo's.

Do you not agree.

Russ Walling

Social climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 07:57pm PT
Hey Juan,
Head on over to your bottom drawer and pull out your well worn Stone Nudes calendars for the last few years.

No cats getting out of this bag, but 4 women who have/do post/ed here are mixed in those calendars.

And AK..... you better go get a towel and a drool cup.

Oct 21, 2005 - 07:58pm PT
Just once, I'd like to see Yo-Yo Ma in a dark alley so I can say, "Hey, Yo-Yo Ma! Yo mama, Yo-Yo Ma!"

Big Wall climber
Fresno, CA
Oct 21, 2005 - 08:08pm PT
I really don't see many men turning away either of those women, regardless of their age... They're both mighty attractive. Although not having seen any other pics of Claire, I HAVE seen plenty of pics of Sarah and she's very hot, indeed!

Desolation Basin, Calif.
Oct 21, 2005 - 08:43pm PT
My party chief used to say: "Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed."

Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 09:01pm PT
Not that I mind small breasts!


Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 09:06pm PT
A simple question, which one is the 16yr old girl?


Desolation Basin, Calif.
Oct 21, 2005 - 09:07pm PT
Juanito, I believe it was Mother Goose who said, "Anything over a mouthful is wasted."

Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 09:11pm PT
My God, I am hearing now that the mother of the 16yr old girl was giving her fertility pills.

This could be a big trap to get some money!


Big Wall climber
Yosemite area
Oct 21, 2005 - 10:52pm PT
Hey K. Donny A.:

Is that a Prana top your girlfriend is wearing, or is that a new item in The North Face's "Summit Series" or perhaps "Flight Series?" line?

Is it microfiber?


Big Wall climber
Oct 21, 2005 - 10:58pm PT
So is this a bullshit thread or not?

Davis, CA
Oct 21, 2005 - 11:07pm PT
200th post! Yes!
Dave Buchanan

Gym climber
Marin Hot Tub Country
Oct 21, 2005 - 11:46pm PT
Lets end this thread.

First, get a fuçking life, and MYOB.

Then we'll talk about ending this "thred"...


Gym climber
San Francisco, CA
Oct 22, 2005 - 12:10am PT
i thin k the nolens are full of it
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
Oct 22, 2005 - 12:18am PT
Probably seriously in the midst of midlife crises––and fuçking bored out of their minds...
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
Oct 22, 2005 - 12:27am PT
––learn to spell Tuolumne, and then we'll talk about deleting...

Trad climber
Eagle River, AK
Oct 22, 2005 - 12:29am PT
Hey FRUCTOSESNOT, you and your sidekick are idiots. I don't believe I voiced an opinion about this relationship at all. I have only been pointing out what a wonderfully beautiful woman Sarah is and how lucky someone will be to win her heart. Trying to protect the girl? So you start a thread about her on the internet? Oh, but you are so noble, you don't mention her name. What an absolute imbecile. You are a lot dumber than I thought you were.

"akclimber, you are one hell of a guy. I wouldn't really call you a man. But I know a few 'real' men up in Cantwell, who would more than happy to give you some learnin'. Nice thing about Alaska; every year, at LEAST 50 people go missing. Never seen alive again."

Proving what an absolute jerkoff you are. Threatening me like that. The only kind of learning they ever taught anybody is when they had their way with you, learnin' you how to survive in the joint. I am not into that, but feel free to continue getting your thrills with the 'real' men in Cantwell. By the way, what exactly did I do to piss you off? You are psycho dude. If you only knew. You come at me with those manly men friends of yours and I will show you what a huge mistake you'd be making.
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
Oct 22, 2005 - 12:35am PT
OK, so where are you from then?

Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
Oct 22, 2005 - 12:38am PT

Please, End This Thread Now

Dream on...

You two made utter fools out of yourselves, and now you have to pay the price.


Trad climber
Eagle River, AK
Oct 22, 2005 - 01:09am PT
"So now, all these freaks are downloading this girls picture and whacking off to it. Even 40+ year olds. Lots of sick freaks."

Houston, we have a problem! We have a guy here fantasizing about wacking off to a little girl's picture. To cover his guilt, he accuses everyone else of having the same problem. He is very obsessed with this for some reason, and the reason is his infatuation and jealousy of teenage girls. Houston, can we get this man some help? Out.

Trad climber
Eagle River, AK
Oct 22, 2005 - 01:17am PT
I think the neighbors on Avenida Trinidad Pl in San Miguel(not CA Valley) need to be warned.


Oct 22, 2005 - 01:30am PT
I think the SugarLoogie lost his fu-cking mind. Most likely he never had one that was worth the sh-it, otherwise this sorry ass excuse for a friday night at the internet would never have happened.

Idle minds in a strange workshop .........

Sin City
Oct 22, 2005 - 02:29am PT
please give your address you f*#king loser. You want to f*#king give these threats, back uo your words you f*#king piece of sh#t. You and your god damn wife can go f*#k yourselves. So please give us an address so WE (I am sure there are a lot of people thinking the same) can show you what minding your on f*#king bussiness is about. I'm going to be kicked off for sure, but I have had enough. Sorry to all the people that have to read this but this is to the two that just have nothing better to do but try undermine Chris. IT IS LEGAL!! GET OVER IT!!! I can't wait unit I get to run into you and we can show you what a Vegas ass kicking feels like as you cement boots are dropping yopu deeper and deeper into Lake Mead.

Social climber
Joshua Tree, CA
Oct 22, 2005 - 03:09am PT
Whoa, this got pretty Sh*tty! Whew! Can we we get back to the "Ouch" Politics? They were more fun...
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