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Trad climber
San Luis Obispo, CA
Topic Author's Original Post - Nov 23, 2009 - 07:46pm PT
You already know J Tree is world class. You already know it's a destination for New Years' . . . but did you know it just got more awesome?
Introducing the first annual Joshua Tree Climbers' Carnival! You already know you're going to be out there, and what are you going to do? Are you going to ring in the new year by standing around awkwardly around a stranger's fire watching a bunch of dudes get naked and sit in a tarp "sweat lodge?" (I know that's what I did last year.)
No way! Come celebrate New Years at the three-day Joshua Tree Climbers' Carnival. Mingle, enjoy live music, presentations by the sports top athletes and peruse the industries latest and greatest products.
Want to learn to climb or step up your game? Don’t miss our clinics led by some of the country's top guides. Our clinics cover a wide variety of topics offering something for everyone.
Don't miss our huge New Years Eve bash with local bands The Cactus Pricks and the Techno Hillbillies, Beer Garden hosted by the Joshua Tree Saloon, dyno comp, Slacklining, vollyball and tons more. It all takes place in the lot behind Coyote Corner at 6591 Park Boulevard in Joshua Tree, CA.
It goes on for three whole days (Dec 31-Jan 3) and admission is a measly $10 for the whole she-bang.
Check out the website at: http://www.climberscarnival.com
also, ps, fancy new format! I need to come by more often!
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Nov 25, 2009 - 02:48am PT
Sounds like fun;...hope the weather is cooperative......(This is the desert;....hot, warm, and sunny?...).........Beer, bolts, and babes.....
middle joe
Trad climber
Nov 25, 2009 - 02:51am PT
Is there gunna be a topless biker chick night involved???
Social climber
So Cal
Nov 25, 2009 - 10:04am PT
All you need for a carnival is to go climbing with Todd
He always brings some clowns along. <;-}
Nov 25, 2009 - 10:37am PT
Very subtle Todd. My thoughts as well.
Sounds like alot of fun. I hope it works out to be a regular thing.
Joshua Tree is enjoyiing a cultural bonanza as we speak, I mean type.
I'll pedal by and kick in $10. Anthing for kids to do at this shindig?
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Dec 23, 2009 - 03:41pm PT
I looked at the website, and they have recruited some more local bands for Jan. 1, and Jan. 2. For $10 for the whole weekend, sounds like a plan. There are some slide shows, food, music, etc...(Randy Leavitt is on the schedule...).......but don't miss the Cactus Pricks on Dec. 31st...New Years Eve......WITH the Pat Brennan light show;.......hell;...that is worth the $10 right there...See you all there, .....check out the link to their website, and plan to attend......support your local climbing community and local musicians....
Big Wall climber
Dec 23, 2009 - 05:18pm PT
Also dont forget to actually go IN to the park and climb.
Trad climber
Boise, ID
Dec 23, 2009 - 05:22pm PT
Consume, consume - All fun needs to be packaged. Bouldering competitions, packaged parties, where are all the sponsors?
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Dec 23, 2009 - 05:25pm PT
With 8000 climbs in the Park, there should be enough climbs for everyone......(but you never know....)......
El Portal
Dec 24, 2009 - 03:48am PT
Is there going to be any sort of camping option at this event? Or does everyone have to drive away afterward...
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Dec 24, 2009 - 10:50am PT
I bet you could camp nearby...or at least down the street at the Pit......If it's a problem for anyone, just email me or call, and you can crash at my place for the evening.....just don't sweat it or worry about not having a place to camp.........you just don't want to drink and drive;...the cops here are on it, and it's not a good idea anyways...
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Dec 24, 2009 - 01:02pm PT
Jeff;....profit or not, we need to support our friends and climbing community;.....If Randy Leavitt is driving here from San Diego, and has taken the time to prepare a slideshow;.....and I'm sure it will be awesome, then , as climbers, we should support him....as well as entertain, inspire, educate and learn from on of the world's greatest climbers. If the Cactus Pricks are willing to do a night time winter outside New Years Eve gig, and all the practices and beers consumed preparing for such an event....then we should support that, have a good time, and watch the old guys throw it down, .....down town.......As far as a huge money making scheme goes;.....we shall see;.......but just look at Woodstock;....no one could have predicted........Maybe parts of the event are lame, but the music, slide shows, and I'm sure other surprises MORE than make up for any lameness ...there is also a 14 year old kid working on his 7 continent highpoints who is giving a slideshow presentation that would like the support of the climbing community;...even if he can't join in with a new year's old English 20 oz.....and what are your choices here in Joshua Tree anyways.......Pat Brennan will be there with his Cactus Pricks light show;...that alone is worth the $10 admission for the whole event. (Ever see Pat when he's partying with the Wild Turkey;.....it's something not to be missed....). I am not involved with this event other than what I have read on their website, but I will be there to support the slideshow presenters, the musicians, and see what the evening and weekend has in store. As a musician and someone who sometimes gives slideshows myself....I appreciated the support from those who choose to support such events........I bet Ethan at Coyote Corner will enjoy the business too....It's time to party like it's 1999.....
Trad climber
San Luis Obispo, CA
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 24, 2009 - 02:08pm PT
Dudes, ever occur to you that "maculated" might be a chick? I love how on this forum the tools always call me gay.
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Dec 24, 2009 - 02:11pm PT
Mac, a Chick?
Trad climber
New York, NY
Dec 24, 2009 - 02:50pm PT
Have fun at the event....
Hopefully people heading in from the park will carpool or have non-drinking drivers. That's a long and winding road back home after a night of partying.
Dec 26, 2009 - 08:19pm PT
did anyone mention the "sweat Lodge" was frreeeee as well as the 100 or so quesadillas that were, oh wait, Freeeeeeeeeeee welcome the new year with non profit for the all the dirt bag climbers...c ya there again
Big Wall climber
The Bear State
Dec 26, 2009 - 08:45pm PT
I Love Quesadillas. Right on rcguy
Brian in SLC
Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Dec 26, 2009 - 10:37pm PT
Ever see Pat when he's partying with the Wild Turkey;.....it's something not to be missed.
Be afraid...be very afraid...ha ha.
K mac, you gonna be there? That'd be fun!
We'll be there tomorrow...
-Brian in SLC
Social climber
Dec 26, 2009 - 10:49pm PT
"Sounds like a commercial operation for profit! LAME!!"
I've never known a climbing event to make a dime. Trust me when I say this - its a labor of love. The people that are working this event are doing it for the community and to get their names out there. For ten bucks you are getting a rad deal. Or better yet spend 120 on a Metallica concert ticket, six hours of interesting stuff.
Its gonna be a good weekend. Of course Nomad will be representin'! Spend all yer hard earned bones in our 'big box' store ;D better yet just come in and download all the free beta you want from guys like Ryan. Please pester him. I sometimes think he deserves it.
Anyway... I work some of those days, but I think I have the third off. We should go out in the backwoods and I'll show you why I never have a problem with crowds in JT. Just gotta stay away from hemingway...
Social climber
So Cal
Dec 26, 2009 - 11:01pm PT
Ryan deserves all the pester'in he can get.
Trad climber
San Diego CA
Dec 26, 2009 - 11:08pm PT
"Commercial profit" at ten bucks a head?
Trad climber
San Diego CA
Dec 26, 2009 - 11:22pm PT
"stupid drunk people and chaos"
How can you tell an Irish funeral from an Irish wedding?
One less drunk!
(doesn't mean anything, I just like that joke)
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Dec 29, 2009 - 12:01am PT
I talked to the guy running the event(Yishai Horowitz) to see if Bridwell could get a booth/tent/table to sell some stuff;...and he got the thumbs up. Also, he asked if Jim and I would do a slide show, and we both agreed;...so Medusa;..yeah, I do have something invested in this Carnival now, ...so I want to see you there for mine and Jim's support.....(You know I'm just giving you a hard time, Jeff;....we are unrefined desert hillbillies our here;....you know;...you are out here all the time anyways....). Jim's showing his DVD "Bridwell;..the living ledgend"...on Fri Night ( I believe) Jan 1st...(If you haven't seen it....the long aid fall Jim takes, caught on film, is worth the $10 entrance for the whole weekend...)...and a chance to meet the Father of Modern Yosemite Big Wall climbing....well;......not something you can even put a price on, is it?.......Now for the REAL excitement;....MY slideshow;....Sat. Night, Jan 2nd (I believe).....Randy Leavitt slide show and this kid Jordan who has climbed 5 of the 7 summits......lots of entertainment....plus Cactus Pricks, Techno Hillbillies, Shawn Mafia, and others.......support you local climbers and musicians.........it will be fun. See you there.....I post again to confirm dates and times for Jim and my presentations....
Ice climber
Ice Caves at the Sads
Dec 29, 2009 - 12:35am PT
where are the slide shows taking place?
Trad climber
San Luis Obispo, CA
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 29, 2009 - 01:22am PT
Todd, thanks for your support.
The entire event (slideshows and all) will be behind Coyote Corner as you go through the main entrance of the park. You cannot miss it.
I will not be going because I have these little guys to take care of:
Someone asked how Pine Mountain went. It went so well we did it again this year with no opposition from anyone, and a full invite back from the landowner and forest service both last year and this year. In fact, Patagonia, at the last minute, issued us an apology (I also understand that the original spearhead of the opposition is no longer employed there, but that could be unrelated). Access Fund came back quietly at the last minute, too. Lots of people at OR apologized to us for buying into the drama.
Ask your friends that attended how it went.
As someone said, Yishai does this because he likes doing it, and sadly, while he does well in Adventure Racing and other stuff, climbing events are not so good. Originally this event was free, but the sponsors all wanted to play "wait and see" and he was going to lose money big time on it because he doesn't believe in cutting corners on the attendee's experience, so to break even, he's charging money. He still does these because he is a climber and he wants people to have a good time. This is the same guy that runs a non-profit bouldering gym with me (and if the Spot claims to be the best, I will boastfully challenge them on our new gym)and we operated it totally for free for six years and now only get a pittance for a full time job that stops both of us from getting better paying jobs - because we believe in community building.
I wonder what the naysayers do to try to make a living. Does it make people happy? I respect the hell out of him for trying to do that - so much so that I donate a lot of my free time to helping him keep doing it. I hope one day he can actually pay the bills with events. Some of us are willing to forgo creature comforts to do things for others. It drives me up the wall that some people don't have the capacity to understand that people exist not always to steal your money willfully.
Bottom line, All Out Events ain't the man, man. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelax.
Have another puppy photo:
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Dec 29, 2009 - 02:13am PT
Mac, did the 2nd Pine Mtn event get posted on Supertopo?
ps- good luck on the Carnival, sounds great!
Pat Brennan!!! whoa! wish I could get down that way now... Seriously... that guy has done some fun stuff and is such a character. That should be fun.
Trad climber
San Luis Obispo, CA
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 29, 2009 - 02:16am PT
Munge, no. We decided the audience wasn't who was probably coming anyway, and why start more drama?
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Dec 29, 2009 - 03:24am PT
Randy Leavitt
Social climber
Newport, OR
Dec 29, 2009 - 03:43am PT
Those are some precious shots of the puppy babies!! Got to give it up and support those "Cactus Pricks" I wish I could be there...
Trad climber
Hollywood, CA
Dec 29, 2009 - 04:09am PT
"or at least down the street at the Pit"
I wouldn't count on this. The Pit has been packed all fall and I'm sure this weekend it's a zoo. It's seriously overrun. I'd think this weekend being a holiday it'll be really packed.
Trad climber
New York, NY
Dec 29, 2009 - 08:42am PT
I think this would be one weekend where the BLM lakebed would be a place to have a camppool...
Not that it matters to me, but will the festival have a New Years Day Hangover Brunch? I think that would be a really cool thing for some deep-pockets manufacturer to sponsor.
Steve L
Gym climber
Dec 29, 2009 - 10:29am PT
The pit is totally overrun with n00bs and people who don't give a sh-t about the place. People keep directing everyone there, but you are just ensuring that the place gets shut down. If you're going to direct people to out of the park options, send them to the lake bed. Please DO NOT direct them anywhere else - the pit or otherwise. Please don't mention other locations on a public forum either.
Yes, there are thousands of climbs in the park; however, even thousands of climbs are a finite resource. Crowds keep coming and coming - I realize its inevitable. But when you keep directing folks to the out of the way crag or climb, or the secret camping spot, you are just asking for the place to become overrun. In the past, climbing has been a fringe sport, so there was little threat of crowds ruining areas. Sorry folks, but climbing is mainstream now, as mainstream as surfing is. Have you been to a so cal break lately? Most spots are virtually unsurfable because of the crowds. There is simply not enough room in the water. Think that can't happen to a popular climbing destination like JT? You locals have seen how the crowds have exploded over the last few years. Where do you think that ends? Keep the herd corraled in HV, no need to have the out of the way spots ruined too.
This used to be a secret spot:
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Dec 29, 2009 - 11:16am PT
Certain places tend to get crowded;.....
As for the Pit.....well;...it aint' called the Pit for nothing.....Especially for a down-town event;....the dry lake bed is close....the roadside cragging is as popular as ever;...climbers on the rock like ants on a cookie...the back country stuff is quiet as ever;....and I go mostly back country and never see a soul.......ever.......and I go on the weekends when one is more likely to see others;.....
Trad climber
In the mountains... somewhere...
Dec 29, 2009 - 11:36am PT
Jesus Kristin, I can't believe you let that thing breed! It should have been put to sleep at birth and now you are propogating that nightmare to another generation? What is wrong with you?!
They are cute though.... at that age....
Hope the event works well for you guys.
Trad climber
San Luis Obispo, CA
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 29, 2009 - 01:20pm PT
Love you, too, Jan. :)
Trad climber
Hollywood, CA
Dec 29, 2009 - 01:29pm PT
Steve's right. Send people to the lake bed. The Pit is insane these days, way too many people for what it was intended for.
Last time I was there there were Marines camping on the hill in plain sight lighting campfires outside their tents (which is a no-no to camp on the hillside where town can see you), some homeless kid who used 3 parking spots to set up a tent and stove cause he heard the Pit was a campground (I politely explained otherwise in the morning), and 2 guys who had never climbed before but were out there for a class and the Nomads people directed them to the pit for free camping.
RIP the pit.
Trad climber
Hollywood, CA
Dec 29, 2009 - 01:38pm PT
fattrad - the park is INSANE this year. Why'd you alter your original post?
The campgrounds are packed and people aren't leaving. Used to be if you showed up around 8a-10a on a Saturday you'd find people packing up to leave and go home and nab their site. Worked for me 100% in the past. This season, nope. People are there to stay. The rangers are on it, they're going through and doing license plate logs again.
I've tried going out of the way. Went to Stirrup Tanks one day, have been there plenty before and never seen another person. This time the parking lot was full and people were everywhere.
The next day we went back off Boy Scout Trail to a formation where we shouldn't have seen another human being....and a CLUB showed up (well, a bunch of guys wearing insane matching shirts....a story for another time).
After that weekend I haven't been back. I think it's life's way of telling me to get back to mountaineering and the peace and solitude it brings.
looking sketchy there...
Social climber
Latitute 33
Dec 29, 2009 - 02:37pm PT
If you run into crowds, you obviously are not getting off the beaten path much. If crowds at the obvious spots bother you, go somewhere different. Someplace you haven't been before. Someplace that isn't on someone's favorite list.
There is tons of rock and great routes at Josh -- and a lot of lack of imagination or adventure. 97% of climbers climb the same 3% of the routes.
Trad climber
New York, NY
Dec 29, 2009 - 03:20pm PT
Anyone who is going to Joshua Tree over New Years and intends to climb at any of the places less than 30 minutes walk from parking should really wonder just why it is they think there's any chance at all of quiet - day or night....
Someone asked me why I wasn't going there over T/Giving, and instead wait until the next week.
Well, because I KNOW that it is party hardy loudmouth drunks and Type A ascentionists who clog the washes at that time. That's why! And New years Eve is way, way, worse. It's a drinking holiday - to expect people won't be drinking, and obnoxious, is absurd.
You want quiet?(I know I do!) Then.... Stay away!
Social climber
Dec 29, 2009 - 03:49pm PT
Meanwhile, firewater chimney gets how many ascents per year?
If you are in a crowded area, you are part of the crowd. don't matter how long you've been going there or who got there first. get out into the country and have an adventure.
Not sure where to go? Stop by nomad, we can recommend some good spots that won't see a soul.
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Dec 29, 2009 - 03:59pm PT
Climbing and Joshua Tree DO have growing pains;....but the place is FAR from toast. Campground crowded on weekends; check. Pit is a pit and has no bathroom; check. Loose Lady, Walk on the Wild Side, Sail Away, Double Cross are crowded; check. Floride knows where to climb and camp where she won't see/hear/smeel/feel anyone else....almost every time I climb I don't see a soul. The weather is beautiful today, the sky is blue, the sun is out, I'm on vacation, it's Christmas time, and a cool weekend is coming up. There are ills out there;...we all know;...but there is alot of awesome, fun, wonderful, cool, amazing, interesting, wild and wooly things going on too.......just depends what you want to see, dwell on, focus on, and experience....and it can mostly be experienced without treading on others, making a mess, getting to complicated, or being irritated. My experiences here climbing are mostly quiet, peaceful, wild, wilderness experiences in beautiful desert solitude;....but I just can't seem to get away from the smell of beer........See many of you this weekend.
Trad climber
Hollywood, CA
Dec 29, 2009 - 04:46pm PT
"Floride knows where to climb and camp where she won't see/hear/smeel/feel anyone else."
Believe it or not, I did that off the BST and there were still people there. It kinda freaked me out.
I could go up to the Iron Sausage but 2 hours uphill hiking for 3 routes doesn't cut it anymore :)
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Dec 29, 2009 - 05:15pm PT
Beth has friends who live on private property in the Mojave desert where there are 400 routes and NO other climbers.......secret location;....can't tell you ;...I'm swarn to secrecy......
Here is the link to the slide shows, with Bridwell and I added to the heap.....(I'm famous....I'm a somebody;...the new phonebook is out,...the new phonebook is out...)...
Ice climber
Ice Caves at the Sads
Dec 30, 2009 - 01:07am PT
Last time I was there there were Marines camping on the hill in plain sight lighting campfires
why weren't the marines camping on base?
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Dec 30, 2009 - 01:13am PT
In a pinch, you can back country camp out of the N. Wonderland parking area.....I think you just need to hike 1/2 of a mile, and then you can pitch your tent, or just sleep out under the stars......that's roughing it, I know, ...but it's cool to wake up and not be with the cars, noise, and hubbub of Hidden Valley. The camping situation at Joshua Tree is a sticky situation....and I know that is one area where there just aren't enough campsites to go around. Living here is sort of cheating.....I get to climb here, but not hassle the crowded camping situation. Ever since that damn Gordon Ranch closed....the campgrounds have been over-crowded......go figure. There is alot of desert out there......where is the BLM land?
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Dec 30, 2009 - 01:44am PT
Jesus Kristin, I can't believe you let that thing breed! It should have been put to sleep at birth and now you are propogating that nightmare to another generation? What is wrong with you?!
They are cute though.... at that age.... You were probably cute too, Jan - when you were a puppy. :-)
Trad climber
New York, NY
Dec 30, 2009 - 12:28pm PT
x15 - where you one of the guys on a Sunday, about 4:30pm, one of which had a t-shirt on? brrrrr....
Trad climber
Hollywood, CA
Dec 30, 2009 - 12:34pm PT
"Beth has friends who live on private property in the Mojave desert where there are 400 routes and NO other climbers.......secret location;....can't tell you ;...I'm swarn to secrecy......"
Hah! If access was that easy anymore I'd be out there every weekend. Been trying to get out there for the past month. You know the deal out there these days. Ain't as easy as it used to be. I'm dying to climb out there again.
Social climber
Dec 30, 2009 - 05:56pm PT
It should be a gay affair!
Mountain climber
hanging from a crimp and crying for my mama.
Dec 30, 2009 - 06:38pm PT
Mac is good for organizing great shows.
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Dec 31, 2009 - 01:00am PT
The vacant lot So. of Coyote Corner is transforming;.....workers putting things up like busy ants;.....I'll post some pics tomorrow;....for the LA and San Diego crowd who having quite made up their mind yet;...it should be a great weekend......and the weather looks good too......I'm going climbing tomorrow. See you at the carnival.....tents, trailers....climbing wall, lights, fences, music stage;....it's growing like mushrooms in a cow pasture.....
Social climber
Dec 31, 2009 - 01:06am PT
I dunno Todd, going to the carnival means missing Everest: Beyond the Lim1t..,
Social climber
Dec 31, 2009 - 09:52pm PT
hey there say, bump for those that have not seen this... the time is at hand... :)
Trad climber
Any Parking Info?
Social climber
park behind coyote corner. stop by the climbign shop and give me coffeeeeeetomororo becauze i m gonna need it
Trad climber
San Luis Obispo, CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 1, 2010 - 04:13am PT
Doooods, if you didn't show up tonight, better do it tomorrow!
Special presentation for the Stone Nudes, and guest MC Timmy O'Neill! Thanks climbing community for rallying! :)
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
The Cactus Pricks were awesome, stuck it out, played over 2 hours NONSTOP....brought on the New Year. I saw the world's best climber there (Kevin Thaw), Tim O'Neil ( who may be guest DJ), Al Dude, and all sorts of others bringing on the New Year. The techno Hillbilly were great too;...it was an awesome evening;.....see you all tonight for Jim and Jordan Romero's presentations;....something not to be missed. Also on Sat., Dean (Bullwinkle) Fidelman is giving his Stonemasters slide presentation, Randy Leavitt, and (best of all), the Todd Gordon slide show;....so plan and be there. See you tonight.
Monument Manor
Nice report Todd - indeed Kevin is the master of Shipoopi's hardmans trifecta - that being - climb 5.14,establish A5 FA and summit 8000 meter pk! 33 degrees - Brrrrr. Many Coyote Corner locals gettin down and partially up the freshly stripped- of- holds climbing wall (V7 ?). Many thanx for the trinkets Todd and looking forward to your grand spectacle!!
Social climber
You know Al, I managed to snag the coveted first and third ascent of that rig (including first downclimb) and its my opinion that its solid B1++++
Social climber
hey there all.... well, just getting off line... after a last minute check for any needs here...
got to bump this.... :)
have FUN!!!!
AND----yep, please share here, then...
i am too far away to go.... ;)
Brian in SLC
Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Don't forget Pat's outstanding light show!
More fog!
Cheers, and, good to see you guys!
-Brian in SLC
That was a great start to what I hope will be an annual event.
Yishai Horowitz really pulled it together.
Along with all the other bands the Techno Hillbillies rocked !
Randy Levitt's slideshow was awesome as was Todd's and Jim's.
TG - "this is a shot of me ice-climbing, I was really cold, it's hard and I suck at it"
Great job guys and gals!
Trad climber
San Luis Obispo, CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 3, 2010 - 05:23pm PT
Thanks for supporting it! Word on the street is that the rangers liked the production so much, they're thinking about working out a way to have it *in* the park next year.
Trad climber
New York, NY
Now that ought to be interesting.....
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Combine it with a bit of garbage pick-up or other community service, and you've got a sure winner. The "Joshua Tree FaceLift".
Tan Slacks
Joshua Tree
I want to thank Yishai and all the others who gave a ton for a really fun event. A special nod to the soundboard guy and to Pat for "bringing it" always. Lights, Whiskey and fog.... heaven.
Bringing the New Year with the crowd on hand and the tunes we were rock'n was wonderful.
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Jordan Romero;....14 years old, and climbed 5 of the 7 continent summits......Cool kid, great story, and we wish him luck on Antartica and Everest up next. He's sticking it out and throwing it down.....even scored the cool Five Ten hoodie.......
Brian in SLC
Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Combine it with a bit of garbage pick-up or other community service, and you've got a sure winner. The "Joshua Tree FaceLift".
From the website:
Did you know that climbers are one of the most impacting user groups in Joshua Tree? Let’s help minimize our impact and volunteer a few hours of a day to keeping Joshua Tree beautiful. Plus you get a free day pass into the park and coffee. And to top it off you get entered into our special crag clean up raffle for a new rope from Edelrid.
Volunteers need to meet at Hidden Valley Campground at 8am on January 2 and 3. There they can sign the volunteer forms, pick up trash bags, gloves, tongs, and drink some coffee. Please reduce waste and bring a mug.
Crag clean up is done in cooperation with Joshua Tree National Park.
On Saturday night they announced that some 60 people had participated in the clean up.
So...there ya go.
Fun times. Thanks!
-Brian in SLC
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Dyno comp (I probably would have won, but I don't like to show off....especially in front of the young sensitive alpha males......so I didn't enter...)
Trad climber
Moorpark, CA.
Rolled into Ryan....Wed am, scored three campsites... went climbing on the Freeway Wall.... didn't see a soul there at all!
Went to Queen Mt. .... 2 people were hiking out... climbed all day... alone. (except for me and my 8 friends)
Spent a day climbing around HV campground.... all the climbs that can be top roped ...... were. But I was able to go get on some classics , chalk up, north overhang, bong ... with no problem.
I do find the constant top roping of hard classics, buy under prepared n00bs, is a pain in the ass, How is one supposed to do "Hot Rocks"? Some idiot had rapped down and placed the "PRO" in and effort to "Get a Red Point"...then they spent the day working..ie, getting pulled up it...on TR!
I just don't get these modern "Hard Men/Women" ....they should do some 5.10 before trying 11. :>)
All one needs to do is walk a bit and the place is wide open.
Getting the camping spots was like winning the lotto.....
Happy new year to all.
looking sketchy there...
Social climber
Latitute 33
We were there (at Josh, but not the Carnival) and had a great New Year, excellent weather and climbing. With two 9 year olds in tow, we didn't get far off the beaten path, but still didn't run into any crowds on anything we did. On Saturday we ran into some old friends which was nice.
Desolation Basin, Calif.
We drove in New Year's Day, the entrance looked like Yosemite, the backup was that long. All the pullouts wee full of cars, people everywhere.
We walked out to Gilligan's Island, saw some hikers, but that's all. Went out to the south Wonderland the next day, saw nobody.
Sunday we hiked Joshua Mt. and again, never saw a soul.
Bend, OR.
We climbed at my (not so) personal secret spot on Thursday 12/31.....and had the entire crag to ourselves. And it's less than a 1/2 mile walk in to it.
shhhhhhhhhhhh, Gdavis
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Climb with me in Josh, and there is never a crowd....
Social climber
its a big park.
its a big park.
edit - Richards secret spot is the indian head. Get out there everybody! Mob it!
Trad climber
Moorpark, CA.
Richard...... has the "goof proof roof" been freed, yet?
Trad climber
Hollywood, CA
Agreed, Saturday was INSANE!! A line of about 20 cars waiting to get in the entrance. Every pullout had cars everywhere. Lost Horse had people double parking. We went to Boy Scout trailhead and did some stuff back there and didn't see other climbers but there were tons of hikers there.
Sunday was a different story. Lots of open routes. I guess everyone went home.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Glad it went well. Was climbing ranger Bernadette involved in the cleanup, or the carnival generally?
As for crowds - well, that's why they invented legs, and brains.
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Richard...... has the "goof proof roof" been freed, yet?
Somebody did it a couple of months ago according to the register. John Considine? or something. Didn't say they did it free or not. Saw a couple of slings at and above the roof. Also two slings on the wall left of the roof. Looks like lots going on there lately.
Joshua Tree evolves and continues to stretch the imagination and broaden horizons.
When tourists are filming your valiant ascent of some slabby 5.8 they are really having a good time.
When gymrats camp in the cold and think they are the first to run around bare-assed in HVCG blaring thier music and drinking stout, they are having a great time.
When a coyote walks up to a mini-van full of kids and begs for food, the kids love it.
When some kid scrambles to the top of some high boulders in his cowboy boots and feels like a king, he may never forget that feeling.
The rock climbing there is only a part of what makes Joshua Tree a special place, lest we forget.
It's a great place to just be.
Desolation Basin, Calif.
And that's the truth!
Trad climber
Josh, CA
"Agreed, Saturday was INSANE!! A line of about 20 cars waiting to get in the entrance. "
Oh please. I deal with this on a far more routine basis then anybody on this site.
Be patient and get over it.
Trad climber
carlsbad, Ca
A couple thing about the New Years weekend.
1. Met a super cool family. The dad was a Mad Rock rep and could not be cooler. Plus Mad rock shoes fit my feet well and stick like crazy!
2. The HUGE lines of cars were fallout from the latest 'Sunset magazine' article on Joshua tree. A very positive article with some much needed exposure for the 'Coyote corner'. (yes I do subscribe to Sunset, and no I don't get pedicures)
3. We see Todd Gordon at Coyote corner as we are leaving and he does not know us from Adam but gives us a big wave. Super cool dad.
We did not attend the carnival as were finished camping. About the crowds. Like everyone said, once you got a little bit away from the main areas it was good. And with all the foreigners there, (CO, MT, AZ, WA, ID, MN, and Cananda to which is kinda part of MN), it is fun to meet them and see what everyone is climbing.
Social climber
Newport, OR
Always loved the Carnival...
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Soulsurfer: And with all the foreigners there, (CO, MT, AZ, WA, ID, MN, and Cananda to which is kinda part of MN).. Well, maybe if you live in Carlsbad, places like Co, Id, Mt, Mn etc seem foreign, so thinking Canada is part of Maine is just par for the course. Certainly Rokjox would prefer that Idaho be a foreign country, at least as far as California goes. But that's his fetish.
Social climber
So Cal
What crowds?
Saturday, about a 15 min walk from the Key's Corner parking lot.
Second ascents of new routes and a classic Yaniro 5.9
Nobody but us, all day.
ron gomez
Trad climber
Nice shots Wendell, had a blast with you guys and it WAS a nice time out there. What was the climb on the left there we did?? Midnight something.... thanks for showing me the moves!
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Celeb sightings at the Carnival
Tucker Tech
Phil Bircheff, Ron Gomez, Jim Bridwell
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Jan 16, 2010 - 01:31am PT
Timmy O'Neil
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Jan 16, 2010 - 02:06am PT
Hobo invasion of my house
Big Wall climber
Jan 16, 2010 - 04:19am PT
Thats not Tom's wife, thats Bridwells wife....(obviously)
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Jan 16, 2010 - 11:02am PT
I like how Bridwell still has the pirate thing going on!
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