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Leavenworth, WA and Talkeetna, AK
Topic Author's Original Post - Nov 5, 2009 - 02:41pm PT
I just got back from another fun-filled tower climbing adventure. This trip was a bit shorter than the last, at only 3 weeks, but I still managed to squeeze in 24 towers.
Here are the links to the last two SuperTopo trip reports I did on tower climbing:
Utah Desert Tower Tour
I love the Desert
My wife Michelle and I drove down to Moab in early October and decided to warm up with a couple towers in Arches National Park.
First off was Dark Angel, West Face (5.10+), a very prominent tower in the north of Arches, with a pleasant and scenic 3-mile approach.
The next day we met up with our friends Steph and Drew and hopped on the Three Penguins, Right Chimney (5.10c) a cool 2 pitch tower right over the road.
An enjoyable hand crack led to a fun off-width.
The next day we headed down to Valley of the Gods, a remote and desolate canyon just north of Mexican Hat.
The first day we all climbed Petard Tower, Hurley-Rearic Route (II 5.10-). It's a fun little route on a truly freestanding tower.
The next day Michelle and I climbed Putterman on the Throne, Supercalifragilisticexpialiputterman (III 5.9 C1) and Putterman in a Bathtub, It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Putterworld (II 5.9 C1), while Steph and Drew climbed Eagle Plume Tower across the way. Both routes were super-cool and had awesome summits.
Here's another shot with Eagle Plume Tower for perspective.
The next day we climbed the ultra-classic Eagle Plume Tower, South Face (III 5.10), the Castle Tower of Valley of the Gods.
While not as solid as its northerly neighbor, it offers thoughtful, sustained and varied climbing right to the summit.
No trip to this part of the desert would be complete without a run up Mexican Hat, Bandito Route (C1)
On our way back north we decided to have a look at Magic Man, Prayer Stick (III, 5.10+) on Comb Ridge, a cool propped-up tower in the middle of nowhere.
The 2nd pitch is the crux, a brutal wide crack that goes from 100' of fists and larger to a crux 10" section up high. Overall a super high-quality pitch though and a fun route overall.
Michelle had one more day to climb before flying back home from GJ, so we revisited Colorado National Monument for a quick climb of Sentinel Spire, Fast Draw (II, 5.10).
The first pitch is a splitter 100' hand crack, then two fun chimney pitches lead to the summit.
After Michelle left I took a rest day before meeting up with my best tower-climbing buddy Stoney and the infamous Tom Payne.
We warmed up with a blustery morning climb of Dolomite Spire, Kor Route (III 5.9 C2) and Lighthouse Tower, Lonely Vigil (II 5.10-).
Dolomite was a nice mix of free and aid climbing.
Lighthouse started with a nice long 5.10 pitch, followed by a steep chimney.
The summit of Lighthouse is pretty small, just big enough for the three of us. The fun part was downclimbing back down off the summit, since there are no anchors on top.
The next day we headed out to "scout" the route for the Doric Column out in the Mystery Towers. That afternoon we came back and climbed The Hindu, Maverick (II 5.9 C2), an excellent 2 pitch route on one of the best looking towers.
Later that evening we headed on over to the Fisher Towers and took a few laps on Lizard Rock, Entry Fee (5.8) and the other variation to the left.
The next day we climbed Echo Tower, Phantom Spirit (IV 5.9 C2). This was one of the best aid route's I've done in the Fishers. It's pretty much all natural gear (no bolt ladders) and goes clean easily.
That afternoon we took some laps on some of the towers beneath Ancient Art. We climbed Boxtop (5.10), The Cobra (5.11), and the two shorter towers just west of the Cobra, one of which was just a boulder problem, the other actually had some hard, loose climbing. (Edit: Anyone know the names of these two?)
A warning to all about the Cobra: the Cobra shuttered and swayed twice, while we were on it. I've never heard of or had that do that before. Fun times...
The next mission was River Tower, North Face (III 5.8 C2), a really cool tower just north of the Fishers, made of the same Cutler sandstone. The route is a good introductory to this type of climbing with no real difficulties, but a nice location and great views.
That afternoon we drove down the road and climbed Crooked Arrow Spire, Longbow Chimney (III 5.8 C1). This has got to have one of the funnest (and easiest) chimneys in the desert.
Next it was another quick visit to Arches. Both Stoney and Tom had already climbed Tower of Babel, Zenyatta Entrada (IV 5.8 C3), but agreed to let me short-fix them up it. It was a great 3 hour session of excellent straight-forward clean aid climbing.
Another rest day, then our final destination was to be Canyonlands. First order of business was Charlie Horse Needle, North Face (5.10 C1). Wingate climbing is nice too.
Next we ghost rode the whip around the White Rim to do Tiki Tower, Brave Little Toaster (III 5.9 C1). Tiki is a little known tower that sits on the western end of a ridge of forming towers behind the larger Airport Tower.
One of the main objectives of this trip for me was Islet in the Sky, Original Route (IV 5.10 C3), one of the best looking towers out there and with a real big-wall feel.
After a wandering and sustained 5.10 hand/fist crack on the first pitch, the climb does a horizontal traverse left out onto the north wall of the tower, giving it a real airy feel. It then climbs a 2 pitch splitter seam, then a short free pitch to the summit.
Another huge objective for me was the Pixie Stick (III C3). My friend Dougald (who made the first ascent with Paul Gagner), turned me on to this slender little spire in a remote section of Monument Basin.
I got to lead both pitches, Tom belayed, and Stoney took the photos.
What a really cool climb - and still awaiting a free ascent...
While we were out there we found a splitter 200' hand crack on the White Rim that we each took a turn soloing...
Finally it was time for some free climbing on The Mock Turtle, Mud Wrestling (IV 5.10+). The Mock Turtle is the highest free-standing tower in Monument Basin, and is uniquely capped by five feet of the white rim sandstone.
A got sandbagged into linking the first two crux pitches together into one mega 190' mud fest. "Yeah Joe, just keep climbing, you can make it to those next anchors..."
Stoney led the next pitch, a super-squeeze chimney. He ended up having to remove every last piece of gear from his harness, helmet off, and retie his rope below his waste to fit through.
We were treated to some cool wildlife while down there.
And for a parting shot, I went around and took some photos after climbing and took a shot of Six Shooter Lake in Indian Creek:
Desert Towers rule!
Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Damn, dude, that's like a year's worth of climbing!!!
Badass indeed. Nice shots.
Toyota Tacoma
DOOOOOOOOOD! You get it done. I love the pics of these obscurities. Thanks for sharing.
Trad climber
VERY nice!
Great pics of some cool out of the way ones too...
Thanks for posting up!
Davis, CA
Man, utah is great.
Deserves some kind of climbing/photography biathlon prize.
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
thx much!!!
Pixie Stick looks amazing! WHat a prize!
Social climber
davis, ca
and i thought 7 towers in two weeks was a pretty good road trip...nice slice of humble pie....
awesome stuff
great photos
i love the desert
dee ee
Mountain climber
citizen of planet Earth
Dang, that's a lot of towers for one trip! How many days?
Social climber
Hercules, CA
That's a lot of climbing in that 3 weeks. Thanks for sharing.
Trad climber
What an adventure! Thanks for posting up!!!!!
Social climber
Beautiful pics. Love that ancient art in profile.
Trad climber
Behind the Zion Curtain
Proper! Thanks for sharing! Islet in the Sky is proud!
Social climber
San Luis Obispo, Ca.
Awsome trek!
thanks much for sharin.
Toker Villain
Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Since when is Charliehorse Needle an obscurity Hoots?
Easy to get to, reasonable.
The desert holds stuff far more obscure.
Nice job, Joe.
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Hoh man!. I'm out the door to eat, but i will be back to comment. Short story; nice work!
Oakland: what's not to love?
Islet looks phenomenal, and the pic of the traversing pitch is a wild one. Thanks so much for sharing.
Trad climber
The pitch of Bagalaar above you
Fuc*ing A man!
Lotsa good climbing there huh?
Way to get those toothpicks knocked off!
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Once again, this is my FAVORITE post on supertopo EVER......and the reason Joe AND supertopo RULE!......in 3 weeks, you climb what took me 30 years of desert climbing.....Joe; you thew it down.....a mind boggling inspiration to all climbers...and your pictures are fantastic. Job well done. (sidenote......as you are in Leavenworth;....look up Dr. Tom Michael(D.D.S) in E. Wenetchee....a climber of similar drive and motivation as you....I'm sure you guys would hit it off and get the job done...)...ONce again;..thank you for sharing your awesome trips up these wonderful towers...
Trad climber
Currently in San Diego
That is some beautiful photo work and a hell of a lot of climbing to boot! I particularly appreciate the ancient art profile...WOW. Great stuff.
Trad climber
san diego, ca
I think you just made every climber on this website jealous. Freakin' sweet man.
Big Piton
Trad climber
Talk about a trip. Oh Man. One day watching El Cap pics.
Then this great report from the towers.
Thanks for all your hard work
Big Wall climber
A Token of My Extreme
I'm SOOOO jealous.....
Thanks for pulling down and then posting up!
Trad climber
Butte, America
Holy towers, Batman--those are some mighty fine looking climbing locales to play on.
right here, right now
A gorgeous raft of incredible edible pictures.
Some super gems in there....
grass pass
Great partners make it all happen...the comaraderie is evident, really comes through in the photos and story.
Boulder climber
Portland, OR
I don't think that I climbed as many boulder problems on my last road trip as you climbed towers on yours. Holy crap!
Joe-Dang - way to get after it. Like Todd said, you got soooo many towers done in such a short period of time - after 30 years of climbing in the desert I still haven't done a bunch of those. Great job and good to meet you in the Fishers!!
Trad climber
somewhere approaching Ajna
Love it.... just the treat to start out the holidays!
Social climber
Fantastic. Several years' worth of towers in one crazy desert trip. Great photos of the Valley of the Gods.
Trad climber
Eagle River, Alaska
Awesome TR, Joe. Nice shots, excellent descriptions, beautiful climbing. Makes one want to venture west!!
I need to climb the Brave Little Toaster just for grins.
Nicely done.
Bend Oregon
Great pics Joe! You rock!!
Trad climber
Outrageous! You are a lucky man to be able to climb all those towers! I'm a lucky man to be able to read your TR.
Gym climber
obsessively minitracking all winter at Knob Hill
Staggering...like a one-man desert tower tour guide, and I can watch it all from my couch.
Which I must leave. Now.
Social climber
Hercules, CA
Bump for a cool TR
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
i'm a lucky man to have a friend like young Zander...
Leavenworth, WA and Talkeetna, AK
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 8, 2009 - 07:55pm PT
Hey, thanks everyone for the cool replies. Jeremy and Paul - great to meet you guys too. These guys were putting up a hard new route on Kingfisher the day we climbed Echo. If you missed it, check out their TR here: FA of Weird Science
Erik of Oakland in answer to your inquiry about photo rigs - Canon 50d for anything taken from the ground; Nikon P5100 for anything taken on a tower.
Trad climber
I wish my wife lead 5.10 offwidths dammit.
Trad climber
Hollywood, CA
BUMP for one of the BEST TR's in the history of ST.
Seriously guys/gals, you're my heroes. Brilliant, simply brilliant trip. Gorgeous photos, descriptions, I could read this TR over and over. I want to live it. Done a few of the stuff in here but not in one fell swoop. Sounds like a trip of a lifetime.
Great stuff.
jamais, jamais pays
Nov 11, 2009 - 02:09am PT
Nice job! What a trip.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Nov 24, 2009 - 02:42am PT
Bump for a seriously rockin' TR.
Social climber
mammoth lakes
Nov 24, 2009 - 10:37pm PT
Dec 18, 2009 - 05:13pm PT
Thanks for sharing! I'm an envious "Toad".
Gym climber
berkeley, ca
Dec 18, 2009 - 05:27pm PT
OMG that was so fun to see. The Pixie Stick looks like an amazing thing to climb.
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Dec 18, 2009 - 05:52pm PT
god damn this is a good set of photos.
thx for the rebump
Brian in SLC
Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Dec 18, 2009 - 06:12pm PT
-Brian in SLC
Social climber
Portland, Oregon
Aug 26, 2010 - 02:17am PT
Bump for a great TR
Trad climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Oct 11, 2010 - 12:14pm PT
Outstanding! Taking care of business! Awesome pics!! Want lots of these towers under my belt too! =)
Minneapolis, MN
Oct 11, 2010 - 12:58pm PT
What beautiful photos! Thank you.
scott baxter
Gym climber
sedona, arizona
Oct 11, 2010 - 07:23pm PT
Man oh Man. Back in my day we would have been happy with any ONE of those towers...you guys bagged a whole haul sack full! And you went for some obscure. I especially appreciate the beautiful mix of climbing and nature shots...I'm still breathless. Kor's gotta see this. Has Kor seen this?
Social climber
Oct 11, 2010 - 08:49pm PT
Kor's internet is down. I just talked to him....
Toker Villain
Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Oct 11, 2010 - 09:05pm PT
He hasn't seen it, but he knows about it now.
He wants info on any moderate routes with easy approaches at Xmas Tree.
Wade Icey
Trad climber
Oct 11, 2010 - 09:18pm PT
nice trip slackers.
Trad climber
Anchorage, AK
Oct 13, 2011 - 01:29pm PT
Waiting for the icycles to form, and dreaming of the desert.
Trad climber
Santa Monica, California
Oct 13, 2011 - 01:55pm PT
Didn't Joe die in the Himalayas about a year ago?
Edit: Tibet
Social climber
Oct 13, 2011 - 04:15pm PT
What a great thread! I'd forgotten about this.
RIP Joe. Gone far too soon.
Trad climber
4 Corners Area
Dec 28, 2012 - 06:00pm PT
The Granite State.
Dec 29, 2012 - 02:44pm PT
Wow. Joe seems like he was a brilliant shing star of energy.
Trad climber
CA Central Coast
Dec 29, 2012 - 02:51pm PT
damn! now that's a trip!
Miles of rock. some great shots.
Heeza Mainiac
Truckee, Ca
Just curious, on Tiki which way did you go on the last pitch? Seems like there's a few options...
And, I'm glad I didn't get suckered into linking those two pitches on Mud Wrestling...I had one #3 left on my rack anyway...would have put me in chocker hold for sure!
Great pics and TR!
Can't wait to get back there!
My condolences to Joe's family and friends....never met him but I would have liked to...rest in peace.
Trad climber
formerly known as hillrat
Spider Savage
Mountain climber
The shaggy fringe of Los Angeles
Great bump! Made my day.
Trad climber
Santa Monica, California
Nov 23, 2015 - 12:24pm PT
bump for an amazing few weeks by an amazing person, RIP
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