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Ed Hartouni
Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Topic Author's Original Post - May 7, 2009 - 01:08am PT
This has been happening over a long time, I will probably contact this list to see if you still want one, but, there are requests for 166 hammers from 138 people:
1 1timer
1 ahhgranite
1 alasdair
1 alex chisholm
1 Andy KP
1 apinguat
1 atchafalaya
1 bearbnz
1 billygoat
1 bluering
1 BluntMan
1 Brian in SLC
2 bringmedeath
1 bulgingpuke
1 Captain…or Skully
1 caughtinside
1 Caz
1 climboard
1 CM3
1 couchmaster
1 crotch
1 Danielle Winters
1 Darryl Cramer
1 dave
1 dave 32768
1 DavisGunkie
1 deuce4
2 Dingus Milktoast
2 dirtineye
1 dmitry
1 Doogz
1 Ed Hartouni
1 Elcapinyoazz
1 fattrad
1 FeelioBabar
1 Festus
1 flipper
1 Fogarty
1 footy
1 foster
1 froodish
2 Gary Carpenter
1 Gene
2 GhouweJ
1 GLee
1 goatboy smellz
2 GoBig
1 GOclimb
1 grover
2 healyje
1 HighDesertDJ
1 HighGravity
1 HJ
1 hoipolloi
1 Irisharehere
1 jack herer
1 Jamulian
2 jbar
1 John F. Kerry
1 John Mac
1 Jordan Ramey
3 JuanDeFuca
1 kev (1-3?)
1 klk
1 Knoxville
1 Lambone
1 lazide
2 Leo Gokovski
1 locker
1 Luke Malateta
1 lunchbox
5 macgyver
1 Majid_S
1 malaka
1 Manjusri
1 mark miller
2 matty
1 maui_mark
1 Melvin Mills
1 Mighty Hiker
3 Minearls (1 each for Shack and Mike.)
1 Moof
1 Mort
1 MOsucks
1 mrtropy
1 mso4 Man
1 Mtnfreak
1 mucci
2 Mungeclimber
2 mynameismud
1 nature
1 nuts
1 OldNooBe
1 OlympicMtnBoy
1 ontheedgeandscaredtodeath
3 OW
1 Pate
1 perswig
1 phillip mike revis
1 PhotogEC
1 pindude
1 Pistol Pete
1 pyro
1 Raafie
1 Rhodo-Router
1 Rock!...oopsie.
1 Roger Brown
1 Rokjox (or 3 or 4?)
2 sbwyliedog
1 Scraptee
1 seneca
1 skinner_ab
1 Slakkey
1 slobmonster
1 sos
1 Southern Man
1 squeaks
1 squishy
1 steelmnkey
1 SteveW
1 Strider
1 Studly
1 T Moses
1 T2
2 thedus
2 tolman_paul
1 Wayno
1 wiese
1 xtrmecat
1 YetAnotherDave
2 yo
1 Zack Lee Wright
1 Zander
1 Zetedog
1 Zombi
last changed 9/27/09 1936 pdt
Big Wall climber
Long Beach, CA.
You can put me down for one. Thanks!
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
confirmed good sir
Social climber
way out there
I'll take two here.......
Big Wall climber
Seattle, WA
I want one.
Trad climber
santa cruz, ca
Add me to the list please.
QTY. 1
Hobart, Australia
I'd like a deuce5 hammer as well. One for the collection, I reckon!
Mountain climber
Bay Area
I will take one
Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Pray to your God, Theron.
And then, you might curry His favor, and get your hammer.
Theron might decide you are not worthy.
I don't know what his machinist/ecclesist mind set is, but, I'd be wanting a God on Earth sort of gig.
To get the best from Theron, I suggest you play him as your GOD.
Bow low, and worship him, for what he can do for you.
You aren't going to find what he does anywhere else.
Trad climber
I guess I'll take one. A future present for my kid.
Social climber
Hey Ed,
Could you make that two for me? These are so awesome I'll want one for a gift or maybe I'll put it in the local climbing shop for everyone here to drool over.
Trad climber
+1 for me.
I know theron said he wasn't ready for $$$ yet, but keep us posted when is.
Todd E.
Cardiff by the sea
Quite a list. We will be armed and ready to submit any rock to a good beating. HAHA!I look forwad to having one.
Thanks to everyone who put in effort to make this happen.
Deuce Thanks for allowing it to happen.
Captain...or Skully
Social climber
North of the Owyhees
Eventually, I aspire to hold one of me own.
All in good time.
rick d
tucson, az
alas, I just need a new handle. I still have mine from 1987 I was handed on the factory floor by Jim Gaun.
mso4 Man
Trad climber
Where the wind blows strange
I too would like to purchase one. Please add me to the list. Please just let me know the particulars. thanks an bunh for bringing this gem back.
goatboy smellz
dirty south
Thanks for pulling this project together, please put me down for one.
dave 32768
Trad climber
Philadelphia, PA
awesome project. Please add me to the list.
Trad climber
From a Quiet Place by the Lake
Well, I soon might be the owner of a signed original one but, would like a new one too so yes, put me on the list as well.
Trad climber
tx for doing all that work, ed.
if the funding for big science finally goes down the tubes, you obviously have mad skills for an ad-asst. gig, hehe.
nice to have a project that gets pre-orders through word of mouth.
and gets dmt on his knees! hehe.
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