WIlliamson Rock Will Re-open


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Topic Author's Original Post - Feb 4, 2009 - 08:28pm PT

All I need from everyone that reads this is a quick email.
Please send me an email stating that you want Williamson to Re-open to climbing.
You can state more if you wish, but all I need is this statement and your full name and the city you live in.
That's it!
I have been working for months to coordinate a meeting with the USFS, the USFWS and a Local Congressman and it is finally going to happen within the next two weeks.
I need to show that this closure has affected more than just a handful of people.

Let's work together to get this place re-opened to climbing.


Thanks !!!!!!!


Feb 4, 2009 - 08:59pm PT
pud- Congrats and thanks for your persistence on this. Some details about this meeting:
*What is the intended content and goal for it?
*Who exactly will be present?

As I understand the issue, there is a habitat study that has not been completed that has held up the closure for so long- is there any movement on this? Is it part of the subject for this meeting?

Social climber
wuz real!
Feb 4, 2009 - 09:00pm PT
What about the frogs?

Mountain climber
Feb 4, 2009 - 09:01pm PT
they all died off. wasn't our fault.

Santa Monica, CA
Feb 5, 2009 - 03:09pm PT

Mountain climber
Feb 5, 2009 - 03:13pm PT
Maybe a few of those millions can go to ASCA.

Feb 5, 2009 - 03:23pm PT
Not trying to pee in the punch, but I don't hear much evidence that there is any actual, current movement on this issue. The potential is there, but only IF the funds slated for the USFS in the stimulus package are retained, IF those USFS funds remain pointed towards habitat studies (the main holdup on the WR closure), IF/WHEN some USFS administrator gets the project going again...it's a lot of variables, and I wouldn't hold my breath that it will open anytime real soon.

That said, continuing to keep the issue on the USFS radar, supported by large numbers of users (climbers) is helpful. And kudos to those who have been persistent on following this issue.

Topic Author's Reply - Feb 5, 2009 - 03:53pm PT
You are right Apogee!
Time to get involved!
Check out the Access Fund website page below and help decide where this stimulus money will be spent.



Trad climber
Boss Angeles
Feb 5, 2009 - 03:59pm PT
It should be a very simple matter to do a *study*.

Either the frogs are thriving or they aren't. Walk around at night with a flashlight, you'll be able to tell. No money needed.

If the frogs are doing well, great. It worked. TIME TO OPEN WILLIAMSON.

On the other hand, maybe the frogs aren't doing so good. In that case, the closure has not worked, and it needs to be rescinded. TIME TO OPEN WILLIAMSON.

Feb 5, 2009 - 04:19pm PT
Pud, you are absolutely right- one has to get involved.

Did you see this thread yesterday?

There was a ridiculously large number of detractors who posted there, who chose to see the thread as discussion of the validity of the Stimulus Bill, and not for what it really was: the Access Fund asking for climber's opinions of high priority projects (like Williamson, for example).

Maybe there are lots of lurkers out there who have an opinion and took the survey- I hope so. But if the tone of those responses is anything close to the overall opinions and willingness of ST'ers, well, that's pretty dang sad.

Trad climber
Boss Angeles
Feb 5, 2009 - 04:22pm PT
I'm not going to accept that it's going to take An Act Of Congress / Stimulus Package for the Government to do the right thing.

That's extortion, plain and simple.

Feb 5, 2009 - 04:37pm PT
That's what I'm talkin' about, Pud. They are so frickin' fanatical that it is not possible to communicate with them.

Chaz.....aw, screw it.

Trad climber
Santa Rosa, CA
Feb 5, 2009 - 05:17pm PT
pud wrote: ""I'm going to Joshua Tree for a few days and won't be near a computer. : )""

I emailed a note on Williamson. And, will also be going to Josh for a few days... probably be out there climbing Sunday and Monday... where will you be, Wayne?

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Feb 6, 2009 - 06:59pm PT
An update on the Friends of Williamson Rock blog today:



Trad climber
So Cal Hell
Feb 6, 2009 - 08:10pm PT
Just sent you an email, long live Williamson Rock !!!!!


Trad climber
thats what she said...
Feb 9, 2009 - 12:28am PT
well you got my .02.

Trad climber
the campfire just a ways past Chris' Taco stand
Feb 9, 2009 - 12:40am PT
Added my note to you Wayne.... nice of you to take the lead. Appreciated.

And I'm not even particularly enamoured of Williamson. But I do like to climb there a few times a year and I recognize the importance of preserving the place in a way that helps frogs and climbers and all else connected to the great web we are all bound in. There is a way to make it happen.


Topic Author's Reply - Feb 9, 2009 - 08:22pm PT
The Latest:

I was asked to offer a Press Release to Climbing Magazine. This is it.

February 9th 2009

Williamson Rock is located at the 7000ft elevation in the Angeles National Forest 1 hour North of Los Angeles on Highway 2.
It is a natural outcrop with more than 300 sport routes on a group of granite formations.
The setting is pristine wilderness near a stream surrounded by pines and beautiful views.
In December 2005, the National Forest Service closed approximately 1000 acres including Williamson Rock to any public access.
This closure was due to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service designating the area as an Endangered Species Habitat of the Mountain Yellow-legged Frog (MYLF).
The 1 year "temporary" closure was granted in order for the USFWS and USFS to do an environmental assessment.
We are now in our 4th year of "temporary" closure of this public land. There have been no plans put into action to help this animal or to allow public access to this area.

Today I met with Congressman Howard "Buck" McKeon's Senior Field Representative Conor McGee.
Together with Conor's help, we are coordinating a meeting with USFS and USFWS officials, Congressman Mckeon's office and myself.
We will present a plan that will allow access to this public land while the efforts to save this endangered species (MYLF) continues.

At this meeting I will provide the list of names of people in support of the re-opening of Rock Climbing/Hiking activities at Williamson Rock.

You can help by emailing your message of support, your name and the city you live in ASAP.
This meeting will take place within the next two weeks at the office of Congressman Howard "Buck" McKeon in Valencia, Ca.

You may email letters of support to :



Not here
Feb 9, 2009 - 09:06pm PT
There you are!

Not here
Feb 10, 2009 - 03:14pm PT
One more Bump and off I go...
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