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Social climber
Across town from Easy Street
Topic Author's Original Post - Oct 5, 2007 - 06:33pm PT
Could one of you kind folks either link the feature or record it and post it to YouTube or Google Video or sumpin' for us non-TV watchers? Thanks,
Would help to say when it is programmed to play.
Chicken Skinner
Trad climber
Not sure whether it is 5:00 or 6:00pm This is all I know.
The Yosemite visit by ABC's network television crew from New York last Wednesday through Saturday to cover the "Yosemite Facelift" volunteer cleanup effort will yield a nice piece on the evening of Monday, October 8th on ABC World News with Charles Gibson under their "Keys to Success" segment which typically airs near the end of the program.
Social climber
The West
I will be in class then, but have my staff (mom, daughter) working on the recording. Assuming it works, I will be happy to share in a dogfather like canopy of shared karma.
Social climber
Across town from Easy Street
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 5, 2007 - 07:56pm PT
Thanks, Jay. It was great meeting you, by the way.
Well I never! Tried to find the viewing time on Google and came up empty. So I called Santa Barbara's #2 dork( Artie can even set clocks. I don't claim he is #1 as I would then get challenged.)
Anyway here locally it is at 5:30PDT on ch 3. He is switching over to satellite so he wouldn't assure me he will have his digital recorder figured out in time. Anyway he will probably get a recording.
Social climber
The West
Thanks, again, Ken, we will all set our machines to make a record of this, at least one of us luddites will be successful, and will share.
E-wolf, positive vibes, man! hitting up my immediate fambly for a copy of that book for xmas, excess...
Chicken Skinner
Trad climber
My Mom just called and apparently ABC is already advertising for Monday. Boy, Is she excited!
Mighty Hiker
Social climber
Vancouver, B.C.
Bump. In case there's any more details. I may be able to get to a TV on Monday afternoon/evening.
Would the show also be somewhere on their website? If so, can someone provide information on how to find it?
Mighty Hiker
Social climber
Vancouver, B.C.
I found a TV schedule. It shows an ABC affiliate from Seattle as being on cable here, KOMO. It usually has the feature "ABC World News" at 5:30 PM on weekdays. They have other news programs from 4:00 - 5:30 PM, "News" from 6:00 - 7:00, and again "News" from 11:00 - 11:30.
The KOMO website had no other information, even when I searched under "Yosemite Facelift".
The ABC world news website is at http://abcnews.go.com/wn, and they seem to post things shown a day or two afterward. So maybe the Facelift piece will be there in due course. Again, a search under Yosemite Facelift found nothing yet.
Luckily it is our Thanksgiving tomorrow, and I'll be visiting my parents, who are TV-empowered. So will watch when I can, and hope to catch it.
Social climber
Across town from Easy Street
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 8, 2007 - 12:46pm PT
Bump. Today!
Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
I'll see if I can grab it when it's on and get it up on one of the vid sites...
Possibly this was the promo for the nightly news. Don't know.
Very nice coverage, I thought.
Flagstaff, AZ
Very cool. Ken, you deserved that. Thank you!
Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Caught the news on DVD... ripping it now and will try to get it up on google video later tonight.
Ken, you rock buddy!!!
I'll try to get there to help next year!!!
Chicken Skinner
Trad climber
Thanks you guys!
Jstan you are a star! Grant and Ivo too.
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