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Mighty Hiker
Social climber
Vancouver, B.C.
Topic Author's Original Post - Jun 29, 2007 - 12:51am PT
As most SuperTopians know, the Yosemite Facelift is on September 26th - 30th this year. Only three months to go. Organized by the Yosemite Climbing Association (www.yosemiteclimbing.org) and its illustrious executive director, Ken Yager aka Chicken Skinner.
Yosemite is the heart of SuperTopia. SuperTopians like to get together to eat, drink, have fun, and climb. (Sushi fest, anyone?) So I have an idea. It is that as many SuperTopians as possible attend the Facelift, camp together, help out a bit, and do the aforementioned fun stuff. It may take some holiday and travel planning, but would be an awesomely good time, and would help a most excellent cause. We could, without undue effort, give back something to a place that's special to us all.
Aha, you say, what's this nonsense about all camping together? And just how much fun could we have, anyway? Well, there's a solution. Last year Ken was able to arrange spots in Camp 4 for Facelifters. This year he's done even better - for September 25th onward, he's obtained some group sites in Yellow Pines. Near Sentinel Beach.
We can all camp together at Yellow Pines, if we want. No services except for water and tables and toilets - just like Camp 4. No Camp 4 crowds and boulders and scene, but with attractions of its own. Quieter. Unique opportunity to camp together. Probably some boulders around somewhere. Maybe not so much official presence. Only a kilometre walk from the Lodge and Camp 4, for those craving.
We can also meet other Facelifters, and rumour has it that #46, and Werner, will make cameo appearances. (Not together, of course.) And not much work is required - indeed, the motivation challenged can get away with just going climbing, as long as they agree to thoroughly clean up wherever they go.
My idea is that those who can, arrive on Tuesday (September 25th), and we have a big SuperTopo barbeque that night at Yellow Pines. Sushi fest, if Doug et al can be persuaded, and it's otherwise ok. There are dinners, speakers and such most of the other Facelift nights, but we could do other things together, e.g. breakfasts. There'd be space for those arriving later in the week, or for the weekend. And for sure we could climb together, have fun, and help Ken.
Who's interested?
Trad climber
the blighted lands of hatu
Jun 29, 2007 - 12:58am PT
i'm in...first time ever going there, be glad to help with the clean up...
Flagstaff, AZ
Jun 29, 2007 - 01:16am PT
I am considering a trip out that way to help out. A small sushifest is quite possible.
Chicken Skinner
Trad climber
Jun 29, 2007 - 01:19am PT
I can provide camping (the whole campground!) for one hundred people for that night. Afterwards you may have to camp elsewhere ( I can help with that too, ) Contact me. If this doesn't work out I will schedule another night program for the same evening. Other evening programs include, Tom Frost, Perhaps Ron Kauk, Tim O'Neill. Tommy Caldwell, (live band, participant raffle, free food, free drink on the night of the 30th within walking distance with a headlamp).
Trad climber
Hollywood, CA
Jun 29, 2007 - 01:33am PT
I wanted to come up for it last year but already had a trip to New Zealand planned on those dates. I think I'm going to try to make it this year. It is a good cause. Good for the karma too.
Social climber
The West
Jun 29, 2007 - 02:25am PT
I will probably actually be able to make this one.
Chicken Skinner
Trad climber
Jun 29, 2007 - 02:41am PT
Jaybro, It would be good to see you again V.W's rule!
Roger Brown
Jun 29, 2007 - 01:10pm PT
Last year was my 2nd year at the face-lift. Stayed at Yellow Pines both times. Brought the wife this time and she enjoyed meeting the names she had been hearing for so long. The actual work days were typical laid-back volunteer work and the nights around the campfire were some to remember. Yea, a lot of us lurkers were there, just not many posters. Maybe this is the year of the posters? Putting faces to the names would be fun and we get to help Ken out at the same time. See you there,
Roger Brown
Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Jun 29, 2007 - 02:00pm PT
i cud be down like the pound for this, if not working my city job...
haven't done a clean up since the 90s Access Fund clean ups.
Trad climber
Douglas Flat, CA
Jun 29, 2007 - 02:43pm PT
When I first saw this topic, it was directly below the one titled "The Myth of 'Anchor Babies,'" and I thought it was laugh-out-loud funny.
Standing Strong
Trad climber
don't u worry 'bout a thang, baby
Jun 29, 2007 - 02:47pm PT
me me me i will go. what are those dates again? i'll request them off today.
ron gomez
Trad climber
Jun 29, 2007 - 02:49pm PT
the 26th is my birthday, last of the 40's decade, so I'll be in partying mode, Ken hope to meet you there, but really hope to meet you before then....got anymore great stuff to post up, miss browsing when you post up.
Trad climber
Douglas Flat, CA
Jun 29, 2007 - 03:02pm PT
The BoKu family is in! We figure to arrive Friday afternoon or so.
Here's a picture from last year's facelift:
That's on this Web page.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Jun 29, 2007 - 03:02pm PT
Pretty damn good idea. I'll try to make it.
Mighty Hiker
Social climber
Vancouver, B.C.
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 29, 2007 - 04:52pm PT
Thanks for all the interest! I'm sure Ken will be pleased.
T*R: The Facelift is September 26th - 30th, inclusive. (Wednesday - Sunday.) Daytime volunteer stuff, evening entertainment, every day. But we plan to have a SuperTopo get together on the evening of Tuesday September 25th at Yellow Pines, for all who can make it.
There's a combination of objectives:
Camp together at Yellow Pines on the 25th/26th, and hopefully for longer, though I'm sure it's a big campsite juggling act for Ken.
Have a big ST BBQ on the evening of the 25th.
To the extent possible and wanted, camp and hang out and volunteer and climb together right through the Facelift.
Assuming that the largest number of SuperTopians will be there for the weekend, perhaps have a breakfast on Sunday (30th).
As one of the main objectives of the Facelift is environmental stewardship, hopefully we can emphasize that too. Carpooling or using transit. (Last year someone came on transit from Santa Barbara!) Recycling. And of course helping.
Flagstaff, AZ
Jun 29, 2007 - 06:07pm PT
OK, I'm marking my calendar for this. Tuesday the 25th - is that what we've decided?
I'd be honored to try to do the sushifest thing it can be part of the BBQ. As it's a national park and all I'm not sure how to accept the donations required for fish for something like this.
Also, I'll be heading home by Friday at the latest. That's the Edit:labor day weekend and I need to be here at the Farmers Market swinging sushi (it's one of the biggest days of the season).
So... ideas on how to do sushi?
Oh, but I might head out early so I can maybe do a wall quickly.
Mighty Hiker
Social climber
Vancouver, B.C.
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 29, 2007 - 06:25pm PT
I suggest we see what interest there is in sushi, as opposed to a BBQ or such. Also check on the logistics and and bureaucratic things. A BBQ would be a simple fall back, if preferred or needed.
Who knows, perhaps Russ and the S*** Talkers will attend and play a little poker?
Flagstaff, AZ
Jun 29, 2007 - 06:29pm PT
I'm thinking that there might be a fair amount of people there so having a BBQ and sushi combo might work better for me.
you're probably right stzzo - pitching in for food and having someone prep it shouldn't break any rules.
Social climber
The West
Jun 29, 2007 - 06:36pm PT
Okay, assuming my contract is renewed, I WILL be there. If it's not, and I'm off in another state, I'll still prolly be there.
Ken, though Vdubs still truly rock, I've moved on, diagonally, to old Saabs; less clearence, so you gotta go faster to clear those cement pseudo-logs.
me'n TR R gonna clean that shyd up!
scuffy b
Bates Creek
Jun 29, 2007 - 06:36pm PT
check those dates again. Memorial Day in late September?
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