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So all is not lost!
'Hope you had a good weekend T*R.
Yesterday, Lisa took 2nd place at the North American Snow shoe Championships. 'Since 2000, she has 'nabbed 1st place once and 2nd place thrice. I am so proud. Here she is again, sans snow shoes.
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All right Kids, Back to it!
Here's Mussy Tooling about at the Helm
of the Time Machine's 2nd string hitter.
So heres the skinny:
Everything the Fish layed his hands on back then, Mechanically speaking (*Exclusive of the Very High Quality Super Bomber Fish Products Inventory*), was either Makeshift, Modified, or Kick Ass Cheap. Usually all three!
Case in point; Russ worked as a machinist, say 1980. Working as a machinist, great pride in tools is expected. This so, particularly with anything you might tap a part with, like a HAMMER. So, these guys/gals would have a set of spiffy, A SET, yes, spiffy delicate, soft brass hammers. Mussy had and would not upgrade from this: THE MANGLER. Said tool was essentially a piece of twisted aluminum, bent at grotesque angles and upgraded with finger tape where it needed a soft touch.
Enter RODGE:
This Would be my Pops.
But, those ARE Mike Paul's Shorts he's wearin'.
(For a look at Mussy's pops, refer to tale end of old school Josh Shots, part 1)
Now, Rodge is a notorious shite talker (No Surprise There!)
Rodge also raced sports cars in the early sixties, so his sense of mechanicals is astute.
Fish always and ever, when picking me up at my house to go on a "Mission of any sort", DEMANDED that I be out front, to avoid the "WRATH OF RODGE".
One day, in that Honda Beater Russ is pictured in above, Rodge caught us out in front of the house. Russ slapped his hand to his head, while Rodge demanded the hood be lifted for an inspection. So Walling teaser that he is, trying to get ahead, taunts pops with a diversion: "YO, check out those lug nuts Rodge" OK, one Lug Bolt completely Missing, aft passenger wheel.
RODGE retorts: "Yep, one thing for sure Russel, WE KNOW THE DOG IS MANGY!".
HAHAHAH. Rodge busted 'im little Fishy Dude.
Other infamous Rodge quotes: Circa '81, About 7 of us climbers are out by the rope ladder in my backyard, all blazing on 'Cid. Rodge is clasping like 5 wine glasses and getting ready to pour us all a little Vino, he takes one glancelook at Mike Paul, says "You- young man, whatever you been doin', ITS AGIN' YA!"
Then as if that's not enough to floor us all, he turns to Russ, without skippin' a beat: " And you, you are a sociopath, likely a danger to society and SHOULD BE WATCHED CLOSELY"
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Thanks fer what Sewellymon-
I'll we did was drinka mess of beer and leave a bigger mess in your driveway.
The finishing touch: your wife no longer wondered whether or not your friends were deadbeats.
Also: on that great day, we mentioned Wall Climbing, which prompted the sad and infamous declaration: "No more Walls Jeff!" (We got about ten years of mileage outa that one statement from your beloved).
No, I think we owe you one buddy!
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Few realize just how photogenic Billy Russel can be...
As the "middle generation" we were prone to occasional slacking.
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This isn't Werner, it's roy Rajmit and yes, I'm running 56K
What's up buddy?
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Its my thread mine,mine,mine,mine.
Werner just continued it 'cuz I'm a n00b.
But thanks!
Have you seen the 1st bit Rajmit?
Remember the goofy VW Van?
You were, I recall the first to check it out and you thought I was a jerk.
You may have been right...
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These are scans of slides, stills, polaroids, taken in the pleistocene.
I don't Know what a thread break is: ya see rajmit, I'm just stuck in here spittin' out Jive and its so fun I can't leave.
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No doubt man, that's why I'm livin' here with all you nice folks fer a while.
Plus all my crusty old dog Cali Pals fester here daily, so its like an old folks home walker tune up party!
Dig Bra?
You seem lika nice guy, hey I gotta get back to work man; cuz this is a massive proj, lot's a doggin around and such.
Thanks for chattin' it up a bit.
Later Tater!
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Guy's have to know there place and they have to stand proud.
Now that might loook like an ordinary brassiere
on Mussy's hat...
That's all it could be in fact.
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 7, 2006 - 12:08am PT
Who are these posers .....
See the boulder that the bikes are leaning onto. Check it out very closely some time, you'll find some very intresting history on it.
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Yer good buddy's man!
Plus, Bra, these are no posers, these are the keepers of the flame, why just look at 'em go!
And you thought this thread was gonna be about some whacked out Star Trekies, remember that Werner?
'Just look how dignified these lads turned out!
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 7, 2006 - 12:19am PT
Never met these guys, must be some n00bs
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I'm preparing to scan some historical elements relating to the use of that Boulder:
Stand back a moment please man, I'm new at this...
Something could go haywire and suck you in!
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Werner you were always so generous with your tools,
Even your spiffy Le Mans, as shown here in an
Early 5.10 bolt testing sesh...
OK, maybe different Boulder Werner, but same lot.
I'm vaguely reminiscent on the significance of the other Boulder; care to share?
susan peplow
I've seen giant ASS™™
That's the handsome Charles Cole Jr. there. Nice photo!
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Werner, the coast is clear, I've got my hands off the temporal obfuscator. Promise.
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 7, 2006 - 12:44am PT
Here's one for yeah ...... Tar - Roy
That boulder right behind Middendorfs right hand is the one we tested the first "Fish Hook". Ole Russ drove back from LA after making them and hands me one beauty and we go to that boulder right there.
I place it and jump on it. Middendorf comes over and and says to me let's both jump on it at the same time and see, snap goes the hook.
We broke it in half. Poor Russ comes running over in shock, hahaha.
Hey Russ, you better tell the rest of the story.
right here, right now
Thanks most esteemed Crag Queens!
Good lead in to another whacko Fish Tale Werner!
Hey waiit a minute, t*r said "Hot" again...
I'm OK, I, I've got everything complketely under cONTROL.
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 7, 2006 - 12:50am PT
Hey Roy you took photos of that bolt testing session?
Wow? I never knew.
I loved that LeMans. It was the bomb.
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