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Trad climber
Hollywood, CA
Topic Author's Original Post - Oct 5, 2009 - 12:31pm PT
So I was up climbing this weekend (well, Saturday only) in Tuolumne. Sunday morning we woke up down at our bivy near June Lake to snow. Figured we'd drive up to the pass to see what was up. Of course it closed, but looked gorgeous. First pics are from Saturday, the temp sign is from when we were leaving the park after climbing on Dozier. Then a great moonrise over Lembert. And Sunday morning snow fell. The snow shots were from around noon yesterday at the Lee Vining/395 side closure.
Mountain climber
San Diego
Perfect time to skate it on a CarveBoard! ;-))
Trad climber
Hollywood, CA
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 5, 2009 - 12:47pm PT
The noggin is right again, thanks for asking. Took a month off to let it heal but have been back at it since, mainly Tuolumne and the Portal.
It was so damn cold there Saturday. We initially went to climb on Pywiak but the winds were too intense with the cold so we went over and climbed Dozier that afternoon. I needed much layers to climb cause it was upper 30's with wicked winds. Coldest early October climbing I think I've ever done in Cali.
Oh, and Russ - see I put that blue Kingsbury you made me to good use! As a neck warmer.
Trad climber
Hollywood, CA
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 5, 2009 - 01:12pm PT
The storm hit the eastside pretty well. Here's some pics. We did a late lunch in Mammoth and got dumped on. Checked out Rock Creek on the way home, snow levels started pretty low and the temp at Mosquito Flats was 20 degrees at 4:30pm. After dropping down to Bishop the snow was on the peaks all the way south of Big Pine then around Independence it stopped, no snow at all on the peaks.
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Man, I miss weather, currently 51º in Walnut Creek, a Vedauwoo summer day.....
Trad climber
Hollywood, CA
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 5, 2009 - 01:23pm PT
It's okay Jaybro. I'm back in LA with my windows open and highs in the 70's for today.
But it sure was nice to get a taste of winter. This is what the rig looked like when we woke up.
Trad climber
Dodge Sprinter Dreaming
Yuck Foo. I do not want to see snow for a while.... Ever again!
Trad climber
Hollywood, CA
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 5, 2009 - 01:36pm PT
Nah, snow is GREAT!!
As long as you can play in it all day and drive away from it to a warm place where you never have to have it rule your life. :)
Trad climber
The state of confusion
Neat shots, Flouride.
We didn't get any in Denver, but frost took the last of my late
I love winter, but I hate losing tomatoes!!!!
Ice climber
the reticient boulder at the Happies
got the Dana couloir just in time(last week)
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Oh yeah, Beth, that's the stuff!
Trad climber
Hollywood, CA
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 5, 2009 - 02:10pm PT
It was a great weekend. Here's what we woke up to Saturday morning in the A-Hills as we started the trek up north. I knew those clouds were up to no good!! Would love to see what it was like atop Whitney at that point.
Social climber
It's freezing in Joshua Tree!
Did you go up to Blitzo's Balcony (Incarceration Station, originally) on Dozier Dome?
Is Miles still at Alabama Hills?
Hope to see you soon Beth.
Nice shots ! I wonder if alpine ice season is really over for good now ..
Mountain climber
San Francisco, CA
A buddy and I did the approach to Dana Couloir on Saturday morning. The winds were about 30 mph sustained at Tioga, so we figured a summit would be out of the question, but since it was our first time out that way we decided to hike in and check it out anyway.
Well, the conditions were more challenging than I would have imagined. We made it up to Dana Glacier, and at that point the gusts were strong enough to make it difficult to stand up reliably. I took my shell gloves off to snap a few pictures, and despite keeping the liners on, my fingers were completely numb in a minute or two. The wind on the crest sounded like several airplanes were circling overhead, constantly.
The route looked great, though (about half neve and half ice).
Trad climber
Berkeley, CA
Saturday late start from Berkeley, ended up in the valley Saturday afternoon, late hike up the cathedral gulley to start on Higher Cathedral Spire at about 4:30pm. Did 2 pitches then decided it was a good time to bail. We had brought a tent and sleeping bags, etc., headed over to base of Braille Book and camped out for an early Sunday morning start.
Doh! Woke up in middle of the night to rain, then hail and slush, then snow.... Slept in late and lingered, still snowing... headed down by afternoon still snowing. Then rain, then back to mellow weather in the valley.
By the way SOMEONE has an EPIC ADVENTURE to share... we saw a party rapping off NEB Higher Cathedral Rock several hours after dawn, going straight down from the first traverse area. We called out enough to verify they were alive and had gear to burn, they seemed OK and moving well, and when we looped back by the parking lot (after a trip by the curry pizza deck), their truck was gone. Yikes, unplanned bivy on NEB HCR in the rain/hail/slush/snow? Holy toughness.
Trad climber
Nice shots Beth, I woke to the same view saturday in the AH's
El Portal
I think we skipped fall and went straight from summer to winter.
Peter Haan
Trad climber
San Francisco, CA
The Tioga Road is open now. Tuesday 8 am.
Trad climber
Hollywood, CA
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 6, 2009 - 10:30pm PT
Glad to know it's open again.
Anyone have any pics from inside the park? I'd imagine it melted off pretty fast now but the peaks probably kept the white stuff.
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