Russians say OK for US to bomb Iran w/ Georgian occupation.


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corniss chopper

Mountain climber
san jose, ca
Topic Author's Original Post - Aug 15, 2008 - 01:41pm PT
The aggressor in war sets the rules!
By the Russian's stated logic
for the occupation of Georgia they have given the US and Israel
their blessing for taking out the nuke bomb making sites in Iran.
Thankyou Vladimir Putin for clarifying the rules. Dude!!

The Outer Limits of my Inner Sanity
Aug 15, 2008 - 01:47pm PT
Queen to Queen's level 2...

...Your move, Jim...

Aug 15, 2008 - 01:52pm PT
"The aggressor in war sets the rules! "

Have you a reference for this?

Trad climber
wherever my mind exists
Aug 15, 2008 - 04:21pm PT
"Have you a reference for this?"

How 'bout our current invasion and occupation of Iraq.

We are condeming Russia for invading a country to topple a regime when we are guilty of the same thing.

Big Wall climber
Stoney Point
Aug 15, 2008 - 04:34pm PT
As we speak the Iran bombing plans fall into place.

You have to love this planet.


Trad climber
mountain view, ca
Aug 15, 2008 - 05:56pm PT
And who said US needs Russians or whoever OK to do whatever administration wants outside the borders? Since when? Must be fairly recent, I have missed that

Trad climber
Aug 15, 2008 - 06:08pm PT
It just makes it easier to go with the flow: boom, boom, boom.

There is an upside for the enviro nuts: a nasty war with some nukes thrown in and , sure enough, we're all back in simpler times with no need for electricity etc., etc.
corniss chopper

Mountain climber
san jose, ca
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 15, 2008 - 06:12pm PT
Yes jstan, I've got many references but lets go basic first: someone hits you with their fist the cops will not blame you for protecting yourself with your fists.
So WWII Nazi's bomb London civilians and the Allies bomb the German city of Dresdan. Fine. Fair. Understandable.

Now in Aug 2008 Russian armored troops invade Georgia on the excuse of protecting it citizens in South Ossetia.

Seems like a job for police, but Russia had armored columns staged and ready to roll down from the passes in the Caucasus Mountains! Takes weeks to do this readiness posture for 6 armor brigades dude. We guess Russian provacteurs started it all in Ossetia for the excuse to invade Georgia.

So the U.S. can easily claim that bombing Iran to protect our citizens from Iranian nukes is the same as the Georgian war.
Half of todays wars are on the public relations side remember...
So we use the Russian excuse and our enemies have a harder time
feigning outrage. Beautiful.
A perfect gift from Vladimir Putin!


Boulder climber
Salt Lake, UT
Aug 15, 2008 - 06:15pm PT
The current administration hardly needs Putin's help for this sort of thing.
They made up all kinds of crap to justify invading Iraq, who was probably even less of a threat to us than Georgia was to Russia. After all, at least Georgia and Russia share a border.

climber's near nevada...
Aug 15, 2008 - 06:22pm PT
we've always been at war with Eastasia...or was it Eurasia...i keep forgetting...

Aug 15, 2008 - 06:42pm PT
That helps me a lot.
When we invaded Iraq we gave the Russians our permission to invade Georgia.

And we are giving ourselves(or Israel) permission to bomb Iran.

And we are giving Russia and China our permission to nuke San Francisco

That's really clear. You know I now understand why France and Germany did not want to go into Iraq. But we really kicked butt on the French when we sneered about Freedom Fries didn't we. That was like, so brilliant!

I am a little puzzled about one thing though. Why is George now hassling the Russians over going into Georgia?

I've got it! He has forgotten about Iraq! He did say being president is hard. He must be working nights planning for bombing Iran before someone else does it. We did give permission to everyone right?

Or does bombing someone only give permission to yourself?

Darn. I am confused again.

But I do know one thing for sure. Obama is arrogant because that is what I keep hearing. We can't have arrogance in the White House.

Anyone who is in the White House, and is arrogant in the face of all the problems, has also to be a moron. And morons are really poor at kicking butt.

That is why we have to have McCain in the White House. When he was at Annapolis he was kicking his superior officer's butt. You have to be a genius to kick your superior officer in the butt. McCain was cadet 895 out of 899 there. To end up that close to the top while kicking your superior officer's butt, you have to be a friggin Einstein!

I must admit though. Paris is not as wrinkly. What to do? What to do?
I've got it. Paris is just as bad as McCain and I have not seen her wrinkles. They are both bad, so I won't vote!

Where the hell do you suppose her wrinkles are??????

No question about it. Clear as a bell.

We have to postpone this election till we find out where Paris's wrinkles are.
corniss chopper

Mountain climber
san jose, ca
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 15, 2008 - 08:37pm PT
I can sense your frustration jstan. Seems the Russians did not
want to jump through all the U.N. hoops we did to get a world
wide consensus on stopping Sadamm. Iraq violated the terms
of the Kuwait cease fire for 10years until we got the
paperwork in order to legally go in. Russia could have done
something like that concerning Ossetia but they're thugs at heart.

(...think how upset you'd be if the cops arrested you without a warrant?...with the secret reason of living in your home for free?)

Again, we think Russian provacaturs tricked Georgian troops into
crossing into Ossetia by leaking they intended to do sneak attacks on several Ossetian villages (inhabited by ethnic Georgians).
read here:
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California now Ireland
Aug 15, 2008 - 09:19pm PT
Corniss Chopper, don't let Vlani see that story that you linked to because he will just go ape sh*t, claiming that it is American media bias (and it very well could be), but while I do not trust editors and publishers - especially the latter - I do reserve a bit of trust for the reporter on the ground.

Mountain climber
Aug 16, 2008 - 12:11am PT
I don't have strong opinions on this tussle, but for the sake of balanced reporting here's a couple of links to look at.

As far as I am concerned all we can say is the mean guys run this world (isn't that the meaning of "real politic"). Then again, some say the Illuminati are behind it all, staging wars by manipulating both sides with the aim of reducing the world population. ha

But I will say, its starting to feel like the run up to WWI around this lonely planet. Empires facing off and building ever more intricate treaty relationships which obligate one to go to war. Lets say Georgia does join NATO, then someone (probably a false flag assassin) takes out the Georgian president. WWIII, here we go... Or Isreal hits Iran, Russia moves in (or China for that matter) to defend their access to oil.... The US has to defend Israel (WMDs and all) and off we go..

Anyway, a good war will work well to cover up the mortgage mess we're in now... ha

Trad climber
Aug 16, 2008 - 01:15am PT
OP rated 4.5 for articulation, 5 for clarity. Would post again.
Mighty Hiker

Social climber
Vancouver, B.C.
Aug 16, 2008 - 01:20am PT
Saakashvili seems to have badly misjudged, and the encouragement he was offered by McCain probably didn't help. Whether the US government has more culpability remains to be seen, but it's pretty clear that Putin's feisty new imperial Russia will no more tolerate US meddling in the Caucasus than the US would tolerate Russian meddling in Latin America.
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California now Ireland
Aug 16, 2008 - 01:26pm PT
Very good point Anders.
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