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Trad climber
Topic Author's Original Post - Nov 4, 2006 - 08:29pm PT
Norman Clyde you are an inspiration to climbers all
That’s why we decided to climb your Minaret this fall
So we packed up our gear and started to hike
The whole time wondering without a map or trail what it would have been like
At 4:20 we see a nice log and decide to stop
I won’t go into detail in case you’re a cop
So we hiked and hiked until we reached beautiful Minaret lake
Oh how good it must have felt for you to get here and take a break
The next morning we awake and it’s cold
So slowly we get up ready for the day to unfold
We begin the climb and our route finding is sloppy
To think you did it without a supertopo copy
I get to the crux start to stress and feel the blues
Then I think Norman didn’t even have sticky shoes
The climb goes great and we reach the top of the peak
Sign the register, no ones been there for 3 weeks
We begin the descent and rap into the cleft
Thank god for having some daylight left
The next day we awake and reflect on the mountainside
And think to ourselves for your vision we thank you Norman Clyde
Sport climber
Buzzard Point, TN
Norm!...nice 'ode' GoMZ
Fun-loving climber
the Gunks end of the country
Where is it?
Add to list.
Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 4, 2006 - 08:38pm PT
Eastern Sierra, Ritter Range
Pretty cool
I went there once to do it and my partner decided to bail when we got to the base. So I told him to stay there and I'll just free solo the thing. He starts crying at the base pleading for me to come down as I'm about a couple of hundred feet up.
Sheeeit, there goes the trip down the drain as I down climbed back to the base.
Oh well, glad you made it, and nice photos.
Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 4, 2006 - 08:47pm PT
Thanks Werner, You should have just gone for it:-]
F10 Climber F11 Drinker
Trad climber
Nice "Ode to Norman Clyde"
Really liked all the photos from your trip, made a good story and brought back memories (a little fuzzy) from when I did it over 25 years ago. Definitely a great climb on a beautiful peak
Peter Haan
Trad climber
San Francisco, CA
Another totally unique and open-hearted thread. Thanks. What characters! Creative and wonderful.
Social climber
Love the TR.
Great Photos and poetry too.
Are the Minarets not wicked and gothic?
Trad climber
Most excellent adventure. I've added it to my never ending to do list. Beautiful pics.
Werner...would you like to try it again?
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Super nice. But where was your anvil?
Inner City
Trad climber
East Bay
Wow, great trip report. Clyde was so awesome, what was it, "the pack that walked like a man." All of the Clyde routes I have been on, which is only three or so, have been just great. Your pics of Clyde Min. really take me back to having done that ten years ago! Descent was quite adventurous as I recall.
Trad climber
Great trip report.
Now we know who the Supertopo Poet Lariat is.
right here, right now
Plenty of pictures and a snappy little read to boot!
Well Done.
We went in early spring on skis in '80, did the direct, saw in the summit register the last folks up topped out in February: Galen Rowell & partner.
Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 7, 2006 - 11:24am PT
Thanks you guys I'm glad you liked the TR. We had so much fun on this route. Just getting into the backcountry one last time before the snow flies made it totally worth it.
Trad climber
Thanks for the TR and the pictures. Those pictures really bring back some memories!
We planned to do the climb and the hike out and the long drive back home all in the same "day." It got dark soon after we reached the talus so we spent the night hiking out and driving back. We got stuck in morning rush hour traffic on our way back into town.
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