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John M
hahahahaha.. OMG! That is just too funny. If the military takes over the walmarts then they will control the WORLD!!!!
I just knew it. I knew those places were evil. Now it is CONFIRMED!!!!
I do like walmart brands greek yogurt though.
OMG! I probably have spy cameras inside me now recording my every bowel movement. OMG!
John M
Ron.. they don't need walmart to do secret urban training. They have whole complexes on their own bases for that. Its just a big warehouse filled with shelfs of stuff. Do you really think that the military needs to shut a walmart, one that is doing great business, in order to train? come on… why not just shut one that is doing poorly if they really need the space. It would cost less.
Man.. you really need to stop reading these conspiracy websites.
from FoxNews:
‘Jade Helm’ military exercise causing political firestorm in Texas, western states
Published May 06, 2015FoxNews.com
A massive military exercise planned in states across the American West has touched off a political firestorm, with several top Texas officials now questioning the military’s plans – if only to calm the Internet and constituent furor surrounding it.
The seven-state war simulation exercise, known as “Jade Helm 15,” is planned for this summer. It involves training exercises on private and public land – while such exercises are hardly unique, even the military acknowledges the “size and scope” of this one sets it apart.
While the White House and Pentagon are downplaying concerns, this hasn’t stopped a barrage of blogs and tweets warning about whether the federal government is preparing for “martial law.” Even actor Chuck Norris is keeping his “eyes of a ranger” on the situation.
Western-state officials are now caught between a desire to calm their residents – and yet not appear to stoke any conspiracy theories.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott already has asked the State Guard to monitor the training exercises, after officials faced worried residents at a packed town hall meeting.
This alone triggered accusations that the Republican governor is “pandering to idiots.”
On Monday, the governor defended his actions. “There was, frankly, an overreaction to the simple fact that someone has to be in charge with gathering and disseminating information,” said Abbott, speaking to reporters. “We stepped in to play that role, which is a role to be applauded.”
On Tuesday, Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert also released a lengthy statement saying his office has been “inundated” with calls on the matter.
“This military practice has some concerned that the U.S. Army is preparing for modern-day martial law,” he said. “Certainly, I can understand these concerns.”
At the same time, Gohmert said he understands why military officials want to test whether Special Forces groups can move around a civilian population and handle various threat scenarios.
Gohmert explained that his concerns stem from the way the military is approaching the exercise. He cited a widely circulated map which details the seven states that are part of the exercise – California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Texas. The map has Utah and Texas colored red and labels them “hostile.” It labels other states as “permissive,” leaning hostile” and “leaning friendly.”
Gohmert said he was “rather appalled” that the “hostile” areas “have a Republican majority, ‘cling to their guns and religion,’ and believe in the sanctity of the United States Constitution.”
He called this an “affront” to residents there and urged the military to change its approach and tone. “The map of the exercise needs to change, the names on the map need to change, and the tone of the exercise needs to be completely revamped so the federal government is not intentionally practicing war against its own states,” he said.
And Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican presidential candidate, told Bloomberg he’s reached out to the Pentagon to “inquire about this exercise.” He said he has no reason to doubt the Pentagon’s assurances, but he understands residents’ concerns – and backs Abbott’s actions.
But the White House and Pentagon are pushing back. Last week, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said he has “no idea what [Abbott is] thinking.”
“In no way will the constitutional rights or civil liberties of any American citizen be infringed upon while this exercise is being conducted,” Earnest said.
Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren likewise said it “poses no threat” to civil liberties.
“This is a several weeks long training exercise with the purpose to refine the skills of our special operations forces,” he said, while batting back “strange Internet conspiracy theories” and “wild speculation” about the operation.
Special Operations Command said in a March press release that the exercise, from July 15 through Sept. 15, will only take place on “pre-coordinated” public and private lands – with permission from landowners and officials. Much of it would be in “remote areas,” though residents may see an uptick in “vehicle and military air traffic and its associated noise.”
An official with Special Operations Command also told Fox 13 Salt Lake City that the purpose was to replicate “potential terrain” soldiers might find themselves in overseas. As for labeling states like Utah “hostile,” the official said that was part of the design. “It is fictional and is not intended to represent any belief that the state of Utah is hostile,” the official said.
The politics have gotten tricky for western state lawmakers, however, as it puts them between concerned residents and America’s soldiers.
In Texas, Democratic Party Deputy Executive Director Manny Garcia called on Abbott to apologize to the military, accusing the governor of giving “credence to conspiracy theorists by ordering the Texas State Guard to monitor U.S. military operations.”
Meanwhile, Chuck Norris, a.k.a. “Walker, Texas Ranger,” is backing up the governor.
Writing on the conservative website WorldNetDaily, he said: “Concerned Texans and Americans are in no way calling into question our brave and courageous men and women in uniform. They are merely following orders. What’s under question are those who are pulling the strings at the top of Jade Helm 15 back in Washington. The U.S. government says, ‘It’s just a training exercise.’ But I’m not sure the term ‘just’ has any reference to reality when the government uses it.”
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Hang on. I've got to put on my tinfoil hat before I google all those things...
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
why did 6 money making walmarts mysteriously close over night due to "plumbing problems.??
All them fat people crapping would work any plumbing system.
Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
The Internet is a wonderful place for kooks of all stripes to have their paranoia validated.
Jim Clipper
from: forests to tree farms
i just wanted to say i love the supertacos. thank you for exposing the link to 9/11 too!
edit: I'm gonna die.... laughing
John M
okay Ron.. I believe you now. I found proof on google.
this is top secret video of the EM50 Urban assault vehicle.
ignore the heading on the video. thats just to fool people so they won't pay attention
[Click to View YouTube Video]
With all the fuss over the 2nd, and it's supposed purpose of armed rebellion against a tyrannical government... can you blame them?
On second thought, maybe it's in preparation to defend us on our home turf from all those Syrians who've sneaked in via Mexico?
PSP also PP
Trad climber
several of the walmarts that were shut was because they tried to unionize.
John M
well.. since you put it that way. I guess it does make perfect sense that walmart would close 6 highly profitable stores to help the american military infiltrate AMERICA. I mean.. otherwise it would be pretty hard for the military to just drive down any american street without someone going. "Hey look.. its the military" And that would definitely spoil the surprise and our military definitely needs the surprise factor when it comes to taking over America.
Now I understand why they call them black fridays. Its because of the black ops. Next november I'm not going anywhere near a walmart, no matter how big of a flat screen tv they offer for 19.99. They are probably putting in SECRET trap doors under the floor that will collect people as they walk in the door. Americans are such sheep.
How many troops do you figure they can hide in a walmart? I'm talking the superstore.. not just the regular store. Plus you got to figure in those hidden secret tunnels that interconnect with the CIA. Oh.. and with In and Out burger. I hear those black ops guys love in and out burgers. Me too.. Hey Ron.. do you think they will put in an in and out burger in Oakhurst when I show them military guys how much I support them? Man.. wouldn't that be great.
Just... going with it...
Let's say the govt. is up to something...
then what?
Good Lord. What drivel. They're coming to take me away!
Gym climber
Being In Sierra Happy Of Place
John M
And S California is labeled hostile . ??
for sure.. why not label all of mexiliberfornia hostile? right Ron? The whole place is suspect.
Let's see... build anti-nuclear tunnels, then publish the location.
Nope. Not it.
Now, labeling Texas, Utah, and S. Cal hostile... well that's kind of a given. Though I would have though you yourself would have labelled all of Komifornia hostile Ron. ;)
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Hey, Locker, I flew over yer house last week. I was banging on the window
and waving until the flight attendant tapped me on the shoulder.
"What, did I ring for you?"
A long way from where I started
So Ron, what exactly do you think is going on? Do you seriously believe that JadeHelm 15 is not the usual military exercise, but is in fact an attempt by the US Army to take over the US? As in, end democracy and install a military dictatorship?
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