Topic Author's Original Post - Sep 11, 2012 - 12:20am PT
Sports Basement Presidio is hosting the Reel Rock Film Tour with special guest Alex Honnold. Tickets are $6 and ALL proceeds benefit the American Safe Climbing Assn. If you are already tired of reading this post, just buy your ticket right now.
But, wait, there's more! For your $6 donation to the ASCA, you get free snacks and beverages. I don't know what is on tap, but the last Sports Basement show I went to had some great beer, sodas, cheese, salami, those pretzls with peanut butter in the middle... mmmmmmm. Where was I... oh yeah, I will be there to introduce Alex who will be introducing the films, signing stuff, you know the deal. It's gunna be sweet.
For the new kids, the Reel Rock Film Tour is one of the coolest climbing film shows of the year. Heck, it is one of the coolest outdoor film tours, period. Check out the trailer below.
I just bought 2 tickets - will probably get more. Thanks for letting us know about this event. Film looks great - and I'm sure Honnold will be. Do you need tickets for the Oct 9 event at Planet Granite?
I know, hard to believe. Almost 400 tickets sold and event is a week+ away!
There will still be a few tickets at the door... but it will be a Camp 4 type situation where you have to get there hours before if you want to me sure you get a seat.
Just saw it last night at the Victoria in sf. Great show! Laughs all the way through, plus inspiration and amazing climbing.
I agree! Was there too. Alex signed a lot of posters for people. I wonder if he is attending almost every movie showing. Must be sick of that movie by now...
As I watched it I came to conclusion that it is not only incredible some people can climb 5.15, 14, or ever 13, 12, but could do it for years without big injuries setting them back. Incredible.
Here is the schedule for October 5. I think I will be sitting at a table there so come say hi!
From Sports Basement
Let's kick the weekend off right with some hair raising action from the REEL ROCK 7!
We're just days away from the screening at Sports Basement with the usual SB feel. Complimentary snacks, drinks, coupons and raffle prizes will be on hand. Here's an idea of the timeline for the night and how the check-in process works:
CHECK-IN PROCESS: (no printed paper tickets required, but you can if you must for confidence) Find your way to the check-in table in our back country area (HINT: follow the signs) Do I need a printed/physical ticket to check in? No. You can if you like, but not necessary. What do I need? An ID with the name of the purchaser to confirm it's you. We have a list and we'll check you and your friend(s) off the list when you arrive. If you bought your ticket online you'll receive a hand stamp showing you have rights to a seat. No hand stamp means standing room only.
TIMELINE OF THE FILM/MEET AND GREET WITH ALEX HONNOLD: Alex will be available for a brief Q&A after the film to answer questions about his experience as a world's best free soloist climber and his own sanity in attempting the things he does. You'll understand why you'll want to ask these types of questions after you see the film..... 5:00PM - check-in table opens 6:00PM - find your seat as well begin the fun soon 6:15PM - Welcome to the show! 6:30PM - film begins ~7:30PM - short intermission with raffle prize drawing ~8:30PM - film ends and Q&A with Alex Honnold begins 9:00PM - Alex signing posters 9:30PM - Sports Basement is closed. Thanks for coming!
EXPECTATIONS: Be ready for a 'theater-esk' experience. Remember you're in a retail store rather than a full on luxury theater with posh seating of the velvet seats kind and superior surround sound audio. Where else do you receive free 'beverages' with a $5 ticket that benefits an awesome local non-profit for your sport? Feel free to bring your chalk bag to bring the experience home for you and if you want it signed by Alex go for it! Killer raffle prizes from our local friends and sponsors will be given out during intermission.
Event: Sports Basement Movie Night: REEL ROCK 7 with special...
Date: Friday, October 5, 2012 from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM (PDT)
Sports Basement Presidio
610 Old Mason St
San Francisco, CA 94129
For more information click here:
Sports Basement Movie Night: REEL ROCK 7 with special guest Alex Honnold!