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Trad climber
Not in Southern California
Apr 10, 2006 - 01:04pm PT
Okay I'll start.
The year was 1972. We still had not attended our first Dead show, had sex or led a 5.10. Most of us were freshman in high school. My friend called my parents house and said, "let's go to Joshua Tree for the weekend."
We packed up the station wagon and drove out of the smoggy have into the quiet desert. When we arrived at the Monument, only a broken wooden sign told us we were there. No entrance station or guard existed and most of the roads were dirt. It was a1 Friday afternoon and we headed out past the Hidden Valley campground to find more suitable camping for our small group of newby cragsters.
Parking on a turnout, we grabbed our gear and walked out to what ios now the Asteroid Boulders to set up camp. As the sun set, my friend noted that "the moon is totally full tonight" and handed out the purple tablets of LSD we were about to ingest.
The moon was brighter than daylight (we thought) and tripping like psychos, we were on other planets and galaxies as we bagged many desperate problems. The experience was truly otherworldly
By the time the morning came, our fingers (and adrenal grands) were worn, but we were completely hooked on climbing at Josh.
Nothing like starting ones climbing career with a few hundred micrograms of the strong stuff, a full moon, a new pair of PAs and a 15 year old body. That was then and this is now.
Social climber
Davis, CA
Apr 10, 2006 - 02:11pm PT
Hey, how bout some chasm beta?
Russ Walling
Social climber
Same place as you, man...... (WB)
Apr 10, 2006 - 02:30pm PT
What are the "Sheep Buggers"??
can't say
Social climber
Pasadena CA
Apr 10, 2006 - 03:08pm PT
"What are the "Sheep Buggers"??" Asks the head sheep buggerer himself. Maybe you can give us the definitive answer Russ.
ron gomez
Trad climber
Apr 10, 2006 - 03:23pm PT
yep I remember walking or stumbling around Josh Baa-baaa-aaaing until I heard someone baaing back then I knew I was close to some familiar company. I could only wonder what climbers in the area thought that didn't know what was up. I use to look for Andre, Bob Cretchfield, Howy King, Dave Wonderly, Prebble Marshall(Jack)and the other "fuzzy butts" out there in this manner.
Sport climber
Salt Lake City
Apr 10, 2006 - 04:53pm PT
Russ, what about the time all of you big boys formed a sex-train behind me in the yuccas? That was so very fun,
Russ Walling
Social climber
Same place as you, man...... (WB)
Apr 10, 2006 - 05:10pm PT
I remember it well. straightandnarrow = Ranger Boone
Social climber
Tendonitis City
Apr 10, 2006 - 05:25pm PT
I was in the chasm the other week and either my memory is totally gone or the top exit onto the exposed shelf is now inaccessable because some rocks have fallen into the top of the chasm. Has anyone else been in there and can confirm this? I was so looking forward to indoctrinating a newbie into the "step across' out on the ledge but we couldn't get out there.
Apr 10, 2006 - 05:40pm PT
Russ Walling
Social climber
Same place as you, man...... (WB)
Apr 10, 2006 - 07:28pm PT
Only Buggerers I knew about: That f'n Fish dude, the Manx, Sims, Mooney, Driver, E (even though he tried not to be), Ken Hamm, Boxer, Craig Fry, and the fringe guys who did not like their own gay group known as the "Joe Boys"... that would be Sewell, Buttfukelmann, Tony Monteil, Joe Hedge, Frericks, Larry Loads, Toe Tag Tom, and a few others.
I think it all started out at the weeping wall one day when the "hotties" (like maybe Craig Fry and Vogel and Largo and Powell/Hensel, Mike and Mari) heard a strange noise off in the distance.... and Largo says "Ho man... it sounds like someone is buggering some sheep..." Next thing ya know... the name stuck. Originally we used to make the noise just to piss off Mooney. For some reason we thought he looked like that goat in a Rowell book that was climbing a 5.9 crack.
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Apr 11, 2006 - 12:01am PT
Golden years, my ass.......the Golden years are still going on.........then and NOW.......(50 years form now, ....2006 will still be part of the Golden years.....I kid you not......)......Yeeehooooo!!!!!!...we are alive, participating, experiencing, and making it happen...........It aint 'over yet.......don't cash in your chips early.....(Excuse me while I change a diaper.......I'm toast......)
Trad climber
Not in Southern California
Apr 11, 2006 - 12:41am PT
Well said Todd!
Trad climber
Not in Southern California
Apr 11, 2006 - 12:46am PT
Todd, I mis-named the thread. I meant to call it "Golden Years of Josh Slander and Associated Stories, still going on..."
Trad climber
LA, Ca
Apr 11, 2006 - 01:17am PT
Dr F,
That's a great story. Would that be The Green Rosetta?
Russ Walling
Social climber
Same place as you, man...... (WB)
Apr 11, 2006 - 12:25pm PT
The Uplanders... yeah.. Keith Cunning for sure and maybe a guy called Ed??? I think Keith had that big station wagon and would drive out tons of guys in the rig. Not sure who the rest of them were.
Sport climber
Salt Lake City
Apr 12, 2006 - 01:19am PT
And then there was the time that Dr. F and I tried to find some solitude together up in the Space Cave.
We only had three condoms, the morning was fast approaching and a group of teenagers were scrambing up to the Cave for there own party.
Once the teens arrived the temperature cool significantly.
Once Russ climbed up though, things really did heat right back up....
Trad climber
Apr 12, 2006 - 08:53pm PT
Remember the Scrutinizer?
Russ Walling
Social climber
Same place as you, man...... (WB)
Apr 13, 2006 - 06:17pm PT
Brain Rennie? in front
front row l - R:
Dave Evans, Maria Cranor, Juan Largo the Magnificent, Charles Cole III, Bullwinkle, the Tall Sleek Neufi
Back l - r :
Yabo, Mari Gingery, Mike Lechlinski, lead singer from Journey?, unknown.
Trad climber
LA, Ca
Apr 13, 2006 - 06:44pm PT
".. Remember the Scrutinizer?.."
John Hayward. Surfer turned climber. I used to hang with him a lot. He would live in HVCC for extended periods eating high protien monkey chow which he purchased at the feed lot between Morongo and Yucca.
For several years in Josh he was the "witness"for a number of hard ascents. He was a better climber than he would let on to be.
I realized there was more to "The Scrut" than I had thought when one time he actually went to town with me to eat actual food, and when we were finished he pulled out an Amex Gold card and picked up the tab.
I saw him out there a couple years ago unexpectedly. He was rid of the old foil covered car and rusty recumbent bike and seemed quite well.
Trad climber
Durango, Co
Apr 13, 2006 - 06:54pm PT
that's an awesome pic. i love journey.
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