The Story Of The First Wild Country Friend


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Mick Ryan

Trad climber
The Peaks
Topic Author's Original Post - Sep 11, 2011 - 11:42am PT

The Wild Country Friend has been redesigned. This is the story of the original Cam.

Read at UKC Article: The Story Of The First Wild Country Friend

Trad climber
Sep 11, 2011 - 11:50am PT
this is actually a fairly poor article. i am honestly a bit surprised to see ukc run the thing.

it's more nearly a puff piece from the manufacturer than a historical essay.

the abalakov-lowe-jardine tangle is one of the more intriguing messes of that era. the resulting battle did a fair bit to shape the emerging market for clean climbing gear. and it doesn't much matter whose perspective or side of the story you favor--- pretending it wasn't there is just not very helpful.

this piece doesn't seem as good as most of the editorial content that ukc usually runs. and since it was already published, i don't see the point of reprinting it unless it had been good enough that it really needed the circulation.

Clint Cummins

Trad climber
SF Bay area, CA
Sep 11, 2011 - 08:12pm PT
True, the article is short on the innovation history.
But the photos are better (larger) than what used to be on Ray Jardine's site.
And I hadn't see the blue slung Friend #1 before.
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