Im At Bass Lake, Want to Climb? 11/06/03-05


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Topic Author's Original Post - Jun 3, 2011 - 12:36am PT
I'm on a trip from Aus with the family and we've come to stay a few days at Bass Lake. I have secured some leave time from the kids to practice dirty habits.

So if anyone needs or wants an out-of-towner parner to some of the southern Yosemite crags or in the valley for a half day tomorrow 06/03, Sat or Sun send me a PM with contact details or answer here.

All my rack is back home, but I have my harness, shoes and chalk bag.

In my current family-enhanced shape I can lead 5.9, I'll be happy to try and follow whatever. I'm no hardman but I have experience and I'll give a safe catch.

A pile of dirt.
Jun 3, 2011 - 12:38am PT
Hit up the southern yosemite thread - you'll have more luck there....Pretty wet still though...
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