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Park Rat
Social climber
Topic Author's Original Post - Jan 28, 2010 - 10:59am PT
For those of you expecting a story about the actual climb up the Lost Arrow, well this is not that story.
This is vintage Harding; he had another kind of ascent on his mind.
Harding was famous for the risqué sex filled stories he told to the guys. He always gave me an edited sweeter version of his adventures.
Warren chose his words carefully when we chatted about personal things.
This time was no exception.
It was the fall of 1971 and I was sitting with Warren in the patio of the Lodge just outside the old Mountain Room. We were chatting and enjoying the late afternoon sun. I was looking up toward Yosemite Falls when I had a thought.
There had been an X-rated story, about Warren camping out on the tip of the Lost Arrow going around the Park. I had heard the story. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it the time. The tip looked very small as seen from the ground up not to mention unsafe for an assignation.
I had never asked Warren to explain or deny any of the urban legends surrounding him.
I realized that if I was ever going to know what really happened now was the time. This was the perfect time to hear it from the horse’s mouth.
Susie to Warren
“Would you mind if I ask you about the Lost Arrow?” He knows what’s coming, and gets a little grin on his face.
I’m stammering. “Wa Warren, I understand that the Lost Arrow is a ah one-day climb?” He’s not about to help me.
“Why, yes it can be.” “Susie that do you mean.” He’s still not letting me off the hook.
“Well I understand that you climbed the Lost Arrow and spent several days and nights camped out on the tip.” He gets a gleam in his eye.
“Warren isn’t the tip a little small for camping?” Warren seems to be amused at my logic. “Did it really happen?”
“Sure it did.” says Warren softly. “O.K. Would you care to tell me about it?”
“Welllll why not.” “What would you like to know?” He‘s enjoying teasing me.
“Well Warren if it’s a one-day climb, why did it take you three or four days to do it?” He’s still acting all innocent.
“Well, that’s easy to explain.” I am waiting, holding my breath now!
“I had a lovely lady with me, plenty of food; filet mignon and champagne.” He says. He was all smiles now, but talking very seriously.
He says “I couldn’t see any good reason to come down.”
“I had everything a man could want, so why not stay up there!”
I sat there with visions of Warren Harding, the Boy Scout.
With a tent a camp fire, romantic candles, food, wine and a willing lady, all on the minuscule tip of the Lost Arrow!
All I could do was shake my head and say. “Of course you did!”
“Why would you come down?” I’m snickering and turning a little red.
I sit looking up at the tip of the Lost Arrow; it looks even smaller to me now!
I had no idea if he really did camp out on tip of the Lost Arrow, but I was not about to argue with him.
If Warren Harding said it was true, that was good enough for me.
Like a good Boy Scout Warren didn’t name the lady in question. He only said she was lovely!
So was it four days and three nights, three days and two nights, or a mere one night stand?
Was it really filet mignon and champagne or just hot dogs and cheap red wine?
Did they really camp on the rim and cross over to the tip via fixed ropes?
Was it a stunt to have “mile high” type romp on the tip to show off both his climbing and sexual skills?
Something tells me the lady in question, may not have cared much one way or the other. What kind of wine they drank, how many nights it was or the strange location.
Warren Harding did have an amazing way with ladies on or off the ground.
So next time you’re in the patio of the Yosemite Lodge,
Sit on a bench looking up at Yosemite Falls, then glance to the right at the Lost Arrow and ask yourself?
Did he or didn’t he? Was it one night or more?
At the time, I might’ve said that it didn’t really happen that way!
Well I’m older now and I have to say oh yes. Yes, he probably did have a Vertical Camp Out in the late sixties.
I still chuckle, every time I look at a picture of the Lost Arrow.
This is one of my favorite Warren stories full of fun and farcing Harding style.
The tame pared down version of the story, as told by him was still very funny and oh so like the man.
Semper Farcissimus,
Park Rat
Warren Harding’s Theme Songs
Climb Every Mountain
If I Had A Hammer
In the Mood
Lay Lady Lay
My Way
Days Of Wine & Roses
The Warren Harding I Remember
Trad climber
The beckoning silence
Jan 28, 2010 - 11:39am PT
Awesome! Thank you so much for sharing that. You really captured the sweetness within Warren.
One really can't look at the Lost Arrow the same after hearing that story, however true it may be. :-)
Roger Breedlove
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Jan 28, 2010 - 11:49am PT
Facing downhill with all of that exposure is a little extreme. Most of us would have faced the other way: but, Warren probably liked the extra tension.
I like your little campfire.
Social climber
the Wastelands
Jan 28, 2010 - 11:53am PT
wonderful story, thanks so much for telling it!
Trad climber
Jan 28, 2010 - 11:54am PT
Social climber
the Wastelands
Jan 28, 2010 - 11:54am PT
Warren on the Wall of the Early Morning Light in 1970.
ron gomez
Trad climber
Jan 28, 2010 - 12:38pm PT
Thanks for the story, Warren was a hero figure of mine growing up learning to climb and I always try to stop in an pay homeage at Derrryberry's place when I'm up the east side of the sierra's. I always enjoy your writtings and look forward when I see yer posts. Keep em coming!
Social climber
the Wastelands
Jan 28, 2010 - 12:43pm PT
Roger Derryberry told me that shortly before his death Warren asked
him to build a small "Shrine to Buffoonery" to mock those who felt
superior to others.
Roger did do that, in a corner of his studio there at Mill Creek.
At least, there was when I visited there in October of 2008.
Mountain climber
Okinawa, Japan
Jan 28, 2010 - 01:15pm PT
You didn't tell me you had a photo!
No wonder you were so sure of the story!
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Jan 28, 2010 - 01:18pm PT
Thanks - another charming story. Wish I'd met Warren.
Of course, the Lost Arrow is one of the world's larger phallic symbols, for those interested in such symbolism. But it's nice if we don't know what really happened at its tip. Some stories grow in the telling, others are never completed, and others are better if we don't know.
Social climber
the Wastelands
Jan 28, 2010 - 01:21pm PT
Parkrat, is that really a picture of Warren camping up there, or
a generic photo with unknown people and date?
Either way, it is way cool anyway!
I love the way you tell stories about you and Warren.
Please keep them coming as you can recall them!
thanks again for showing us another side of Warren.
Park Rat
Social climber
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 28, 2010 - 01:27pm PT
Thanks guys,
I remember Warren being careful with his language around me.
I’m not sure why, on one hand I was a barmaid, but I was also a schoolteacher, may be the schoolteacher won out.
There was something sweet and almost innocent about him when I knew him.
I never knew how seriously to take his stories.
I knew how much he enjoyed telling them.
I wanted to give a picture of the camp out, sort of 50’s style.
When he told me this story he sounded like the old carefree Warren.
The WEML had happened and Warren was not that light hearted,
but just then we were both trying to pretend everything was the same as before.
Trad climber
los arbor
Jan 28, 2010 - 03:37pm PT
When was this camping trip? I'm looking to host a memorial re-enactment. Also I will need a partner, any volunteers? Hopefully someone (knott a man) will step up.
Trad climber
Santa Cruz/New Zealand/South Pacific
Jan 28, 2010 - 03:38pm PT
Would be great to see some of Tarver's photos from back then! How about some shots of the first ascent of the North Buttress o f Middle in 54!
the Fet
Jan 28, 2010 - 03:52pm PT
Great story.
One of my favorite things about Warren was how he lived his life to the fullest.
Lost Arrow wouldn't be a great summit for a 'camp out'. Not much flat ground. I'd really like to 'do it' on Higher Cathedral Spire though.
Park Rat
Social climber
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 28, 2010 - 03:58pm PT
What a fun idea!!
I will bring my spotting scope.
Park Rat
Social climber
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 30, 2010 - 06:16pm PT
Hi There,
I am looking for contact information for Wayne Merry.
Can anyone help? He may be in Canada?
Park Rat
Park Rat
Social climber
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 30, 2010 - 06:59pm PT
You can say that again. Warren was very small he was only 5'6".
I like the idea of a re-creation.
Why didn't I think of that?
Trad climber
The Circuit, Tonasket WA
Jan 30, 2010 - 07:21pm PT
Park Rat:
I too enjoy your stories. I was young enough in those days for Warren to be one of my climbing "Hero-Gods." I am still in awe at what he and his partner had to endure climbing The Wall of the Early Morning Light.
By-the-way, a good friend of mind has a significant other who stays in touch with Wayne Merry. The two of them visited Wayne last summer. My friend post on Supertopo as Taorock. Email him, I'm sure he'll help with contact info.
Phil Gleason
Park Rat
Social climber
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 30, 2010 - 08:25pm PT
Thank you so much---I now have a phone number for Wayne.
That's wonderful. ST rocks.
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