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Trad climber
San Luis Obispo, CA
Topic Author's Original Post - Nov 23, 2009 - 07:46pm PT
You already know J Tree is world class. You already know it's a destination for New Years' . . . but did you know it just got more awesome?
Introducing the first annual Joshua Tree Climbers' Carnival! You already know you're going to be out there, and what are you going to do? Are you going to ring in the new year by standing around awkwardly around a stranger's fire watching a bunch of dudes get naked and sit in a tarp "sweat lodge?" (I know that's what I did last year.)
No way! Come celebrate New Years at the three-day Joshua Tree Climbers' Carnival. Mingle, enjoy live music, presentations by the sports top athletes and peruse the industries latest and greatest products.
Want to learn to climb or step up your game? Don’t miss our clinics led by some of the country's top guides. Our clinics cover a wide variety of topics offering something for everyone.
Don't miss our huge New Years Eve bash with local bands The Cactus Pricks and the Techno Hillbillies, Beer Garden hosted by the Joshua Tree Saloon, dyno comp, Slacklining, vollyball and tons more. It all takes place in the lot behind Coyote Corner at 6591 Park Boulevard in Joshua Tree, CA.
It goes on for three whole days (Dec 31-Jan 3) and admission is a measly $10 for the whole she-bang.
Check out the website at: http://www.climberscarnival.com
also, ps, fancy new format! I need to come by more often!
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Nov 25, 2009 - 02:48am PT
Sounds like fun;...hope the weather is cooperative......(This is the desert;....hot, warm, and sunny?...).........Beer, bolts, and babes.....
middle joe
Trad climber
Nov 25, 2009 - 02:51am PT
Is there gunna be a topless biker chick night involved???
Social climber
So Cal
Nov 25, 2009 - 10:04am PT
All you need for a carnival is to go climbing with Todd
He always brings some clowns along. <;-}
Nov 25, 2009 - 10:37am PT
Very subtle Todd. My thoughts as well.
Sounds like alot of fun. I hope it works out to be a regular thing.
Joshua Tree is enjoyiing a cultural bonanza as we speak, I mean type.
I'll pedal by and kick in $10. Anthing for kids to do at this shindig?
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Dec 23, 2009 - 03:41pm PT
I looked at the website, and they have recruited some more local bands for Jan. 1, and Jan. 2. For $10 for the whole weekend, sounds like a plan. There are some slide shows, food, music, etc...(Randy Leavitt is on the schedule...).......but don't miss the Cactus Pricks on Dec. 31st...New Years Eve......WITH the Pat Brennan light show;.......hell;...that is worth the $10 right there...See you all there, .....check out the link to their website, and plan to attend......support your local climbing community and local musicians....
Big Wall climber
Dec 23, 2009 - 05:18pm PT
Also dont forget to actually go IN to the park and climb.
Trad climber
Boise, ID
Dec 23, 2009 - 05:22pm PT
Consume, consume - All fun needs to be packaged. Bouldering competitions, packaged parties, where are all the sponsors?
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Dec 23, 2009 - 05:25pm PT
With 8000 climbs in the Park, there should be enough climbs for everyone......(but you never know....)......
El Portal
Dec 24, 2009 - 03:48am PT
Is there going to be any sort of camping option at this event? Or does everyone have to drive away afterward...
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Dec 24, 2009 - 10:50am PT
I bet you could camp nearby...or at least down the street at the Pit......If it's a problem for anyone, just email me or call, and you can crash at my place for the evening.....just don't sweat it or worry about not having a place to camp.........you just don't want to drink and drive;...the cops here are on it, and it's not a good idea anyways...
Todd Gordon
Trad climber
Joshua Tree, Cal
Dec 24, 2009 - 01:02pm PT
Jeff;....profit or not, we need to support our friends and climbing community;.....If Randy Leavitt is driving here from San Diego, and has taken the time to prepare a slideshow;.....and I'm sure it will be awesome, then , as climbers, we should support him....as well as entertain, inspire, educate and learn from on of the world's greatest climbers. If the Cactus Pricks are willing to do a night time winter outside New Years Eve gig, and all the practices and beers consumed preparing for such an event....then we should support that, have a good time, and watch the old guys throw it down, .....down town.......As far as a huge money making scheme goes;.....we shall see;.......but just look at Woodstock;....no one could have predicted........Maybe parts of the event are lame, but the music, slide shows, and I'm sure other surprises MORE than make up for any lameness ...there is also a 14 year old kid working on his 7 continent highpoints who is giving a slideshow presentation that would like the support of the climbing community;...even if he can't join in with a new year's old English 20 oz.....and what are your choices here in Joshua Tree anyways.......Pat Brennan will be there with his Cactus Pricks light show;...that alone is worth the $10 admission for the whole event. (Ever see Pat when he's partying with the Wild Turkey;.....it's something not to be missed....). I am not involved with this event other than what I have read on their website, but I will be there to support the slideshow presenters, the musicians, and see what the evening and weekend has in store. As a musician and someone who sometimes gives slideshows myself....I appreciated the support from those who choose to support such events........I bet Ethan at Coyote Corner will enjoy the business too....It's time to party like it's 1999.....
Trad climber
San Luis Obispo, CA
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 24, 2009 - 02:08pm PT
Dudes, ever occur to you that "maculated" might be a chick? I love how on this forum the tools always call me gay.
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Dec 24, 2009 - 02:11pm PT
Mac, a Chick?
Trad climber
New York, NY
Dec 24, 2009 - 02:50pm PT
Have fun at the event....
Hopefully people heading in from the park will carpool or have non-drinking drivers. That's a long and winding road back home after a night of partying.
Dec 26, 2009 - 08:19pm PT
did anyone mention the "sweat Lodge" was frreeeee as well as the 100 or so quesadillas that were, oh wait, Freeeeeeeeeeee welcome the new year with non profit for the all the dirt bag climbers...c ya there again
Big Wall climber
The Bear State
Dec 26, 2009 - 08:45pm PT
I Love Quesadillas. Right on rcguy
Brian in SLC
Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Dec 26, 2009 - 10:37pm PT
Ever see Pat when he's partying with the Wild Turkey;.....it's something not to be missed.
Be afraid...be very afraid...ha ha.
K mac, you gonna be there? That'd be fun!
We'll be there tomorrow...
-Brian in SLC
Social climber
Dec 26, 2009 - 10:49pm PT
"Sounds like a commercial operation for profit! LAME!!"
I've never known a climbing event to make a dime. Trust me when I say this - its a labor of love. The people that are working this event are doing it for the community and to get their names out there. For ten bucks you are getting a rad deal. Or better yet spend 120 on a Metallica concert ticket, six hours of interesting stuff.
Its gonna be a good weekend. Of course Nomad will be representin'! Spend all yer hard earned bones in our 'big box' store ;D better yet just come in and download all the free beta you want from guys like Ryan. Please pester him. I sometimes think he deserves it.
Anyway... I work some of those days, but I think I have the third off. We should go out in the backwoods and I'll show you why I never have a problem with crowds in JT. Just gotta stay away from hemingway...
Social climber
So Cal
Dec 26, 2009 - 11:01pm PT
Ryan deserves all the pester'in he can get.
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