Trip Report
Climbing and Birding in the Eastern Sierra
Friday June 29, 2012 6:52pm
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East Side
East Side
Credit: Slater
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My nephew, to celebrate graduating from college (almost... two more classes to go!) joined me on a road trip to the Eastern Sierra and Toulumne and Shuteye Ridge.

He wasn't into birding yet, but now his life list (after 5 days) is up to like 68 birds or something crazy, with wild views of Barn Owls, Bald Eagles, Bullocks Orioles, Yellow-headed black birds, osprey, canyon wrens, red-breasted sapsuckers, Red-necked Phalaropes, Sage Grouse, Greater Road Runners, Phainopeplas, Hairy Woodpeckers, Clark's Nutcrackers among others.

Yes... for those of you who are not into birding I said Woodpeckers and Nutcrackers. Giggle all you want. I think birding is perhaps the best combo to go with climbing and makes for great rest day activities or road travel fun. Kinda like playing the alphabet game but way cooler.

The trip involved 970 miles of driving, temps from the 60s to 100+, 40mph winds at Alabama Hills (try leading Shark Fin Arete in THAT!), over 65 species of birds, Climbing in: Alabama Hills, Owen's River Gorge, Clark Canyon, Bachar Boulders, Toulumne Meadows, and Shuteye Ridge, More trip fun included two Bill Cosby tapes, Indian Wells brewery, a trip to Bodie Ghost Town and Mono Lake, and lunch at Bodie Mikes.

The scenery was amazing, so was the climbing, and the birding kept us busy on the road and in between climbing excursions.

Here are some photos, but the full slideshow can be viewed at:

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Hwy 166 and a Bullocks Oriole.
Hwy 166 and a Bullocks Oriole.
Credit: Slater
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Coby's favorite, Western Kingbird.
Coby's favorite, Western Kingbird.
Credit: Slater
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Barn Owl hunting.
Barn Owl hunting.
Credit: Slater
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Windsurfing raptor, Bishop, CA.
Windsurfing raptor, Bishop, CA.
Credit: Slater
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Alabama Hills, Shark Fin Arete.
Alabama Hills, Shark Fin Arete.
Credit: Slater
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Last light on Sierra.
Last light on Sierra.
Credit: Slater
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Paradise Valley campground, near Happy Boulders, Bishop, night one.
Paradise Valley campground, near Happy Boulders, Bishop, night one.
Credit: Slater
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Welcome to Owen's River Gorge.
Welcome to Owen's River Gorge.
Credit: Slater
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Heading into the gorge. Watch your step.
Heading into the gorge. Watch your step.
Credit: Slater
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Clip Jr.
Clip Jr.
Credit: Slater
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Clark Canyon 5 star 5.8
Clark Canyon 5 star 5.8
Credit: Slater
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Big Springs camping, night two.
Big Springs camping, night two.
Credit: Slater
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Green-tailed Towhee.
Green-tailed Towhee.
Credit: Slater
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Yellow-headed Blackbird at June Lake.
Yellow-headed Blackbird at June Lake.
Credit: Slater
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Red-breasted Sapsucker, Grant Lake.
Red-breasted Sapsucker, Grant Lake.
Credit: Slater
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American Avocets at Mono Lake.
American Avocets at Mono Lake.
Credit: Slater
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Road-trippin' in Bodie.
Road-trippin' in Bodie.
Credit: Slater
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Cliff swallows at Bodie.
Cliff swallows at Bodie.
Credit: Slater
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Hitching a ride during Bodie rush hour traffic jam.
Hitching a ride during Bodie rush hour traffic jam.
Credit: Slater
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June Lake Junction boulders.
June Lake Junction boulders.
Credit: Slater
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Coby in action at JLJB(aka Bachar Boulders)
Coby in action at JLJB(aka Bachar Boulders)
Credit: Slater
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June Lake camp site, night 3.
June Lake camp site, night 3.
Credit: Slater
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First timer in Toulumne.
First timer in Toulumne.
Credit: Slater
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Holdless horror, Dozier Dome.
Holdless horror, Dozier Dome.
Credit: Slater
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Coby and Uncle T
Coby and Uncle T
Credit: Slater
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Tenaya Lake.
Tenaya Lake.
Credit: Slater
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Shuteye Approach hike.
Shuteye Approach hike.
Credit: Slater
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Shuteye Ridge.
Shuteye Ridge.
Credit: Slater
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  Trip Report Views: 3,888
About the Author
Slater is a trad climber from Central Coast and co-author of "California Road Trip - Climber's Guide to Northern California" and "California Central Coast Climbs: San Luis Obispo".

little Z

Trad climber
un cafetal en Naranjo
  Jun 29, 2012 - 07:01pm PT
wish I was there, binos slung over one shoulder, chalk bag danglin' off the other.

Sonoma County
  Jun 29, 2012 - 08:03pm PT
nice green-tailed towhee

the climbing pics ain't that bad either ;)

Trad climber
San Luis Obispo, Ca
  Jun 29, 2012 - 08:47pm PT
Great trip!! My hands are super raw now, best feeling ever!
Ezra Ellis

Trad climber
North wet, and Da souf
  Jun 29, 2012 - 09:52pm PT
Looks like a great trip with your nephew, woot!
Beautiful country!
this just in

Justin Ross from North Fork
  Jun 29, 2012 - 09:53pm PT
Sh#t yeah cobster and Slater. That looked like a perfect climbing road trip. Thanks for the tr.

Trad climber
Seattle, WA
  Jun 30, 2012 - 02:05am PT
Thanks Slater. I liked that nicely framed photo at Bachar Bouldrers, and am with Coby about the W. King bird (did it sing for you?), oh and Shark Fin.

(ps: more of Shuteye!)

who me?
  Jun 30, 2012 - 01:53pm PT
What up stranger, looks like fun, glad you got some climbing pics in with all the birding you were doing! Perfect pic of bushwhacking shuteye, first time I went up with JR we did that all day and didn't even climb, but I'd have to say I'd rather be bushwhacking up there than here in Arizona working! Nice TR man hope I can get in on one of those when work slows down! Take it easy man, and if it's that easy take it twice!

Trad climber
CA Central Coast
  Jun 30, 2012 - 02:10pm PT
Killer shots! That moon in a few few of em, so sweet.

Coby's stoked on the things his Uncle knows.

carry on!


Social climber
Lida Junction
  Jun 30, 2012 - 02:42pm PT
looks like fun. cool bird pictures.

Trad climber
  Jun 30, 2012 - 10:27pm PT
You two are the new dynamic duo. Sweet trip. Cant beat the meadows...but that Shuteye place looks underpopulated and really great.

What is that place like? Where? Sport? Trad?
Nate D

San Francisco
  Jun 30, 2012 - 11:32pm PT
Look up Slater's many articles in the rags about Shuteye, he's a heavy promoter of the place. :)

And peruse the long ongoing "southern yosemite" thread for plenty more pics.

Nice TR as always, Tom!

Social climber
  Jul 1, 2012 - 03:30pm PT
Sweet Backcountry TR Bump
Mike Bolte

Trad climber
Planet Earth
  Jul 2, 2012 - 02:21pm PT
great trip and report slater!

Santa Cruz, CA
  Jul 2, 2012 - 08:24pm PT
Wow, there's some really nice photos in there, both of birds and of climbing! That's quite a road trip!
dee ee

Mountain climber
Of THIS World (Planet Earth)
  Jul 2, 2012 - 11:53pm PT
I haven't seen a Green Tailed Towhee.

Awesome trip!

Trad climber
  Jul 3, 2012 - 10:23am PT
wow, nice TR -- love the mix of bird and climbing pics. well done!
Tony Bird

Northridge, CA
  Jul 3, 2012 - 10:29am PT
i see the signs now prohibit posing. good thing you didn't get tooled.