Trip Report
eastern sierra road trip to YNP!
Monday May 27, 2013 8:29pm
So I called in sick friday morning and gathered the family group to go do alabama hills, owens river, and last of all: good ol YNP.
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putten on the harness for the sharks fin after a long drive
putten on the harness for the sharks fin after a long drive
Credit: whitemeat
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mom is sending!
mom is sending!
Credit: whitemeat
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Credit: whitemeat
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alabama hills gang: super fun 5.10a
alabama hills gang: super fun 5.10a
Credit: whitemeat
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dad leading a random 5.8?
dad leading a random 5.8?
Credit: whitemeat
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great chinnesse food
great chinnesse food
Credit: whitemeat
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great chinnesse food
great chinnesse food
Credit: whitemeat
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as you can see we like to get all "prettyed up" before we go eat
as you can see we like to get all "prettyed up" before we go eat
Credit: whitemeat
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cant beat that!
cant beat that!
Credit: whitemeat
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met peter croft at the gorge!
met peter croft at the gorge!
Credit: whitemeat
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peter recomended this one and it was great. called rim job and 5.11a
peter recomended this one and it was great. called rim job and 5.11a
Credit: whitemeat
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expressway: 5.11b
expressway: 5.11b
Credit: whitemeat
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start of great white book
start of great white book
Credit: whitemeat
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mom doing some but sliding o the descent.
mom doing some but sliding o the descent.
Credit: whitemeat
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now it was valley time. we split up and I met up with ben philbrick and we got to the base of central piller of frenzy and a guy named James was looking for a partner so we did it as a team of 3 and had a blast.

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top of pitch 1
top of pitch 1
Credit: whitemeat
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ben coming up pitch 2
ben coming up pitch 2
Credit: whitemeat
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James going over the roof on pitch 3
James going over the roof on pitch 3
Credit: whitemeat
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can you say stemming?
can you say stemming?
Credit: whitemeat
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at the top!
at the top!
Credit: whitemeat
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bear at the base as seen from last rapel, X-out on going first!
bear at the base as seen from last rapel, X-out on going first!
Credit: whitemeat
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  Trip Report Views: 3,233
About the Author
whitemeat is a trad climber from San Luis Obispo, CA.


  May 27, 2013 - 08:32pm PT
Good stuff, so cool u get to climb with the family.

Expressway is a fun route.

Gym climber
Minkler, CA
  May 27, 2013 - 08:39pm PT
That's rad that your parents climb! And that you climb. And climbing in general. And rocks and mountains and bears and guys named James and Peter and Yosemite. Everything is rad, thanks for sharing your pictures!
Mark Hudon

Trad climber
On the road.
  May 27, 2013 - 09:36pm PT
Vitaliy M.

Mountain climber
San Francisco
  May 27, 2013 - 10:30pm PT
Awesome report! What limpingcrab said! love it.

Trad climber
  May 27, 2013 - 11:28pm PT
Congrats on a sweet trip. Love those areas and meeting a legend. Tks for sharing.

Trad climber
  May 27, 2013 - 11:50pm PT
Wow, you covered some ground and climbed some varied rock.
Always great running into legends at the crags.
I'll bet Peter had you do Pocket Dance.... Mtn. Project
Inner City

Trad climber
Portland, OR
  May 28, 2013 - 12:51am PT
What a crazy good trip report! Holy man! Loved it. family climbing! No soccer tournaments?

Our priorities are all off...thanks!

Gym climber
  May 28, 2013 - 01:02am PT
ha ha! what a blast that was! great climbing with you, whitemeat, i hope to see you in switzerland soon as you're done with this NIAD nonsense!

Mountain climber
Manhattan Beach, CA
  May 28, 2013 - 01:25am PT
Croft looks way thrilled in the photo =)

Social climber
Lida Junction
  May 28, 2013 - 01:33am PT
Sounds like a good, and fun time

  May 28, 2013 - 05:20am PT
You seem to run into some proper wildlife on your descents! A fat-assed rattler last time, bloodthirsty bear roaming under the Pillar of Frenzy this time... well, at least Croft is (mostly) harmless....

Trad climber
Upland, CA
  May 28, 2013 - 09:24am PT
What a great idea to turn your road trip into a circuit around a bunch of great climbing areas! Thanks for the tr.

Trad climber
CA Central Coast
  May 28, 2013 - 09:30am PT
Another nice outing 'meat!!

Keep fueling the stoke!

Trad climber
Fresno/Clovis, ca
  May 28, 2013 - 11:10am PT
Yeah boy! Nice lap around the high and low country. Isn't the Sharksfin tasty?! And cool Croft sighting!


Santa Barbara, CA
  May 29, 2013 - 12:16am PT
Sometimes you have to call in sick,

sick of working!

Nice trip.