Full Trip Report on my blog: http://www.csh-east.org/blog/2009/08/red-dihedral-a-stellar-alpine-weekend/
Video #1: Approach: http://www.csh-east.org/blog/2009/08/red-dihedral-video-1-the-approach/
Video #2: The Climb: http://www.csh-east.org/blog/2009/09/red-dihedral-video-2-the-climb/
A couple of pics to pique your interest in checking out the full report. We shot a bunch of video too, which I worked into a couple of videos. Check out the links above.
Me at the P1 belay

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Line of ants on the crux pitch (but wait, there's more above!)

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Looking up on P7

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Start of P9
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I have to squeeze through this? With a pack? Are you kidding?
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At least the views below are good
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