Trip Report
Wine Tasting in ElCap Meadows with Piton Pete
Tuesday October 21, 2014 12:36pm
So on our last day in the valley before heading back home we did the mandatory stop at ElCap Meadows. One last view up the captain, a few posing pictures and paying Tom Evans a final visit.

While enjoying the sun, checking out the climbers on the big stone and the usual "what's up up there talk" with Tom Piton Pete joined us!
As he walked up to us we could already see that he was carrying a bottle of nice beverage, suitable for the fine day! But it wasn't the usual can of beer!

From his wine cellar (or maybe from the trunk of his car) he had brought a fine selection of white wine. As a real gentleman he offered Silvana a glass and even prooved himself as a professinal server!

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Credit: Reinhard Brand
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Credit: Reinhard Brand
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Credit: Reinhard Brand
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Thanks Pete!

  Trip Report Views: 1,932
Reinhard Brand
About the Author
Reinhard Brand is a big wall climber from Austria.


  Oct 21, 2014 - 02:29pm PT
Am I the only one who thinks wine tastes like sh#t, and drinking it makes you look like a total pussy?
Mark Force

Trad climber
Ashland, Oregon
  Oct 21, 2014 - 03:47pm PT

Stinkeye, Here is a well known wine drinker you might have heard about.

Andrew Barnes

Ice climber
Albany, NY
  Oct 21, 2014 - 06:10pm PT
Cool. Definitely way better than Cobra (or other forms of water masquerading as beer).

Trad climber
dancin on the tip of god's middle finger
  Oct 21, 2014 - 06:28pm PT
my mind and mouth are away
from home right now,
but if they were here
they'd most likely
praise piston pete's kind sentiment
and they'd also likely
drop a light compliment
or two on the pretty gal
in the good girl skirt.