Trip Report
We'll Rest When We're Dead: Smith Rock TR w/ Pics!
Sunday October 14, 2012 6:18pm
16 hours of driving. Smith Rocks OR or bust.

The [observed] roadkill count stands at:

3 coyotes
1 jackrabbit
2 raccoons
7 deer
1 chicken
13 mystery splats
Romney/Ryan lawn placards... countless

Our psyche to get on the rock is HIGH so the senseless tragedy of wildlife squishage is quickly forgotten as the magnificence of world-class uber-choss reveals itself.

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Credit: justthemaid
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gearing up in the lot.
gearing up in the lot.
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We set up trailer-Arnie at Skull Hollow campground. We've got 6 days. The Plan: climb until we drop.

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Arnie AKA Club Meh.
Arnie AKA Club Meh.
Credit: justthemaid
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Day 1: Welcome

It's my first visit to Smith. Mr.E put up a handful of routes here BITD and it's his first re-visit in 16 years. We started the week with an obligatory trudge part-way up Misery Ridge.

It was a Sunday. Waiting lines on the classics of course so we started the trip off with Iron Curtain which, inexplicably, did not have a wait (trad 5.9R). The first piece of protection was a Z2 with a screamer...15 feet off the ground before a hard move. :) Ran a TR on P1 of Gulag Archipelago and then up a couple easy bolted climbs when they cleared up. Then moved down the hill to do a couple classic multi-star dihedrals on Moonshine Dihedral and Lion's Jaw.

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Iron Curtain
Iron Curtain
Credit: justthemaid
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Lion's Jaw
Lion's Jaw
Credit: justthemaid
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The most obvious change since E was last here is the amount of trail-work that has been done to prevent erosion. The sheer amount of rock, pressure-treated wood and dirt that has been terraced into a kind of climber's Machu-Pichu is pretty astounding. E was particularly amused by the steel staircase that was built directly to the base of 3 of his climbs. (Overkill perhaps ??). Might as well tack some red carpet on it and install a "Start Here -->" sign.

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Credit: justthemaid
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Day 2: It's all about M[E]

The morning icicles from the field-sprinklers give no indication of the 80-degree mid-day temps to come. After an uber-restful 10-hour sleep on Arnie's paraly-foam mattress and a hot breakfast at the Sun Spot and we were ready to rumble.

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Credit: justthemaid
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After a warm up on 5 Gallon Buckets I got a tour of some E-routes Snuffy Smith, Tuff it Out & No Golf Shoes until the hot sun drove us down river to seek shade at the Phoenix Buttress where we spent the remainder of the day.

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snuffy smith
snuffy smith
Credit: justthemaid
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Day 3: Pebble madness.

Somehow we ended up on xeno-faces the whole day. Starting at the top of the Dihedrals and working down we warmed up with some mediocre pebble-wrestling on Helium Woman & Captain Xenolith which E reports have lost a certain # of nubbins since he last climbed them. Moving down hill we ran up Revelations and E did an impressive no-stick-clip lead of the old-school bolted Barbeque the Pope

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Credit: justthemaid
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Barbeque the Pope
Barbeque the Pope
Credit: justthemaid
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Then we took a nice hike around the backside on the scenic-trail over to The Monkey.

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river-side grasses
river-side grasses
Credit: justthemaid
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We had planned on doing the multi-pitch Wherever I May Roam but in spite of it being mid-week, there were multiple parties on it. After 40 minutes of watching a party of 3 not all.. we decided to move on.

E clowned around imitating the Monkey and we did Cosmos and gazed longingly up Trezlar bemoaning the fact that we didn't bring trad gear with us that day.

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Credit: justthemaid
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Credit: justthemaid
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Got this nice shot of the eastside with the reflection of Shiprock coming back over Asterisk Pass.

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Credit: justthemaid
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Day 4:The "Rest Day".

E proclaims that our "rest day" will consist of only one climb... The Monkey. We started our rest day with the full-monte death slog up the entire length of Misery Ridge. I took a rest (collapsed) at the top of the hill.

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Misery Ridge trail.
Misery Ridge trail.
Credit: justthemaid
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resting here.
resting here.
Credit: justthemaid
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Dropping down to reveal the impressive pillar of welded ash that is the Monkey. The closer we got ... the scarier it looked BTW.

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The Monkey
The Monkey
Credit: justthemaid
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We opted for the West Face Direct Variation with the Pioneer's Route aid-finish up and out the mouth. I have aid-climbed like.. once...years ago but I was game for the follow. The intro pitches were fun. My aid climbing sucked and was slow, but I managed to muppet my way up to the mouth with a lot of shenanigans.

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1st belay
1st belay
Credit: justthemaid
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Oddly enough we were the ONLY people on The Monkey the entire day. We drew quite a crowd on the trail and bluff snapping pictures as we did the final freaky exit out the mouth and the rappel. Definitely the craziest 10 feet of 5.7 climbing on the planet. A few people promised us some pics so hopefully they will come along later.

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E heading up to the mouth.
E heading up to the mouth.
Credit: justthemaid
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Credit: justthemaid
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Credit: justthemaid
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As a side note.. we used our new double/twin 7.8mm ropes for this climb. In spite of the multiple internet posts proclaiming "yur gonna die" free-rappelling a full rope length on these... we are still alive and kicking - although tossing ourselves out into mid-air 150' off the deck on two pieces of dental floss was initially disconcerting.. turns out one extra biner = same friction as regular ropes. Erik on the rappel:

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Credit: justthemaid
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Rest day my ass.

Slackliner we saw on the hike out:

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Day 5: Basaltine crackers anyone?

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Marsupials and Lower Gorge
Marsupials and Lower Gorge
Credit: justthemaid
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Hardly Visible (Kevin R.) had pulled into town with his gal-pal and gave us a call. He proposed a day in the lower gorge to climb some basalt columns which we gladly(foolishly?) agreed to. It was the first time I'd met him in person and it was somewhat like spending the day with Kris Kristofferson's quirky climbing brother... or Moses, minus the commandments.

Hardly Visible.. we can see you...

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Hardly Visible.
Hardly Visible.
Credit: justthemaid
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Credit: justthemaid
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Basalt is something I rarely climb and never climb well, so I was looking forward to the experience of having my ass handed to me... which is how it usually goes with columnar basalt. Erik led and got bouted on Gruff to start things off. Kevin led Badfinger next which ended up being a great size for my hands and my favorite of the day. Erik had gotten his groove back at that point and sent Puck and Quasar in short order.

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Credit: justthemaid
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Credit: justthemaid
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Quasar start
Quasar start
Credit: justthemaid
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It was a beautiful day with fine company. Kevin was great on the rock in spite of being off the couch and crutching around at ground level from his plethora of injuries. 4 climbs was sufficient to beat us totally into submission. Our hands were aching and our bodies cried "uncle" so we called it a day.

Day 6: Last dance.

We were totally worked from the day before and decided some uber-easy muti-pitch was in order. In spite of an early start there were parties on Super Slab and our backup plan Moscow had climbers qued up as well. Gazing to the left we decided a "Plan C" after looking at Chounard's Crack so we did that and climbed around the other parties on Peking which ended up being crumbly but great fun and worth the go. The finish is total choss but we love that crap. The headwall covered in bright yellow lichen is gorgeous, and the view from the topout awesome.

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Credit: justthemaid
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Yellow lichen headwall.
Yellow lichen headwall.
Credit: justthemaid
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Panorama from top of Red Wall
Panorama from top of Red Wall
Credit: justthemaid
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Tired after 6 days in a row of climbing
Tired after 6 days in a row of climbing
Credit: justthemaid
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We hiked down Misery trail. Clouds were mounting and a few sprinkles of rain started to fall as Erik led the first pitch of Bay of Pigs. As I was belaying Erik... I suddenly had an acute flashback... of NOT clipping my climbing shoes to my harness after topping out Peking.... Meh. After a fruitless search of my pack.. I knew for sure... they were at the top. My bad date with Misery Ridge was not over. I let E rap off and started the re-slog up the mountain to collect my shoes. Did I mention Meh? By the time I got back down the weather was getting colder and wetter so we decided to pack it up and start heading home.

Goodby Smith Rocks. Totally exhausted from 6 straight days of climbing but happy.

GNI-KRAP ON!!!! man!!!

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Credit: justthemaid
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  Trip Report Views: 7,806
About the Author
justthemaid is a climber from Jim Henson's Basement.


  Oct 14, 2012 - 06:33pm PT
Nice TR & awesome photos. Looks like you guys made the most of your time there, way to go!

Jim Henson's Basement
Author's Reply  Oct 14, 2012 - 10:35pm PT
Just to clarify.. we didn't hit any critters with our car. Oregonians are to blame... but in their defense - two coyotes and the chicken were on the Cali-side.

Gym climber
Small Town with a Big Back Yard
  Oct 14, 2012 - 08:21pm PT
Got a couple pictures from Nathan (one of the hikers):

...and an amusing video, showing the wrong route we are pretty sure - but the guidebook notes narration is entertaining:

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Another short video on the blustery hike out:

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
  Oct 14, 2012 - 08:53pm PT
WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good ol' Smith.

Does my heart good.
Ezra Ellis

Trad climber
North wet, and Da souf
  Oct 14, 2012 - 09:00pm PT
Looks like a great Time, Thanks!!!!
Lots of road kill this time of year fo sho!

Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
  Oct 14, 2012 - 09:05pm PT
Way to hit it, you crazy kids!

And I assume that's observed road kill? You didn't personally dispatch that many, I hope!

Social climber
  Oct 14, 2012 - 10:14pm PT
hey there say, wow... wonderful trip and climbing report...

love seeing that area, but--will have to come back to see the pics,
as usual...

got to go sleep early tongiht...
so--will check it out muchhhhhh later...

*sad, as to road kill, of course...

thanks so much for sharing your wonderful trip... :)
glad you are home safe, :)

  Oct 14, 2012 - 10:23pm PT
Looks like an excellent road trip! Thanks for sharing it, sweet trip report.
Captain...or Skully

Boise, ID
  Oct 14, 2012 - 10:35pm PT
Good stuff, you two. Nice stylings.
I can dig it.
lars johansen

Trad climber
West Marin, CA
  Oct 14, 2012 - 10:41pm PT
Action packed TR, thanks.


Trad climber
Yacolt, WA
  Oct 14, 2012 - 10:43pm PT
Nice to see your trip report. I'm quite certain you were occupying Moonshine and Lion's Jaw which was our plan for that day, too!!! It is always fun to go from 22 to 80 degrees in a day.

Isn't is awesome to feel so welcome? You can find some adventure in the park if you want it - or have your formations labelled, all within the same park.


Trad climber
  Oct 14, 2012 - 11:06pm PT

Nice work.


Gym climber
Small Town with a Big Back Yard
  Oct 15, 2012 - 01:25am PT
I'm quite certain you were occupying Moonshine and Lion's Jaw which was our plan for that day, too!!!

Seamstress, it took us like an hour to do both of those climbs. It wasn't Wall street "occupying" wouldn't have to wait long for us, and we didn't have anyone "in line" while we were climbing.

Hope you got to have your fun.

A long way from where I started
  Oct 15, 2012 - 01:45am PT
I really, really loved that Basalt!

I really, really, REALLY hated that basalt.

But other than that, loved the TR.

Jim Henson's Basement
Author's Reply  Oct 15, 2012 - 10:19am PT
My only previous experience on basalt was at Paradise Forks. Hardly a gentle introduction. My first visit I spent the entire day hanging all over the easiest route like a floppy fish on a line, and my last visit ended in the "walk of shame" when I was unable to climb out. Meh.

The Lower Gorge went a little better for me. I don't hate it.. I just don't know how to climb it efficiently. Too bad there isn't any around here to practice on. Where's the closest columnar basalt in So-Cal anyhow? The closest I can think of is in the Mammoth area.
dirt claud

Social climber
san diego,ca
  Oct 15, 2012 - 10:26am PT
Awesome trip, looks like great times. TFPU.
Pics are good eye candy too.
Spider Savage

Mountain climber
The shaggy fringe of Los Angeles
  Oct 15, 2012 - 10:32am PT
Fossil Falls would be the local basalt works.

Thanks for the fantastic trip report!
Mike Bolte

Trad climber
Planet Earth
  Oct 15, 2012 - 10:53am PT
Whoa! You guys are really living it up! Great TR, great routes. Lots of classics and lots of hard climbs.

Trad climber
Hustle City
  Oct 15, 2012 - 11:15am PT

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
  Oct 15, 2012 - 11:20am PT
Oh, by the way:

Waiting lines on the classics of course so we started the trip off with Iron Curtain which, inexplicably, did not have a wait (trad 5.9R).

Inexplicably? Ummm, I can explain it. TRAD!! 5.9R!!
Any other questions? Just let me know....

It's a great feckin' place ehnit?

30 mins. from suicide USA
  Oct 15, 2012 - 12:21pm PT

Trad climber
Yacolt, WA
  Oct 15, 2012 - 12:43pm PT
My motto was - bring a trad rack, and you won't have to wait at Smith. That motto was not accurate recently. Last month many of the trad lines were busy, too. Wait an hour? Not with so many otpions and such perfect weather. Instead we used that time to wander further afield and tried some climbs at the Monument and Student Wall. Earlier last month we found some very nice routes on the backside hitting Chalk Wave and Sunset Slab before popping back over to get on Wanna Be Llamas as White Satin, Phoenix, Moonshine, Karate Crack and Lion's Jaw were busy on the way in and on the way out....We did score a day on First Kiss with no one there and a full show on the Monkey. That made up for not getting on Wherever I May Roam.

from out where the anecdotes roam
  Oct 15, 2012 - 01:43pm PT
upon reading of your impending departure, i got all queezy and light headed knowing a really good TR was in the making, even if by some calamity no county lines got crossed.

goes to show that great writing by a towering muppet such as yourself
will redeem even the most successfull string of escapades.

ps. due to limitations of human concentration, it should be noted that on a drive
of sixteen hours duration, no claim can be certified as roadkill clean
without a thorough inspection of the chassis ...

i should know, it pretty much explains how i got this rolex,
and i still get a little choked up about the cracked lens

Big Wall climber
Republic, WA
  Oct 15, 2012 - 02:10pm PT
Nice trip report. Kevin is great guy to climb and hang with. Good times.

  Oct 15, 2012 - 02:24pm PT
Nice sales pitch! I'm sold. Drive by on I-5 all the time and have never been...Time to change that.


Sonoma, CA
  Oct 15, 2012 - 02:51pm PT

Way out there....
  Oct 15, 2012 - 03:01pm PT
Did you guys make it to Schleppin' For Hollywood?
Miss the olden days!!

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
  Oct 15, 2012 - 03:25pm PT
Not a soul to be seen in 1969. Didn't see no bolts neither.
Seemed kinda chossy so we didn't stay long - headed on down to
Whitney Portal. No climbers there neither and much better rock.

Sport climber
Almost to Hollywood, Baby!
  Oct 15, 2012 - 03:34pm PT
Excellent reportage, but I got tired reading about that much walking around and climbing. I pulled a solid 2 pitches myself yesterday and I'm pooped!

Trad climber
Fresno CA
  Oct 15, 2012 - 04:13pm PT
Mr. E gave us some clues about this trip on Facebook, but this TR and pics was even better. Thank you very much. I guess I need to head to Bend with my golf clubs, then just keep going north with my climbing gear.

Thanks again for a fine TR.


Gym climber
Small Town with a Big Back Yard
  Oct 15, 2012 - 10:36pm PT
OK, to answer a few questions and make a few additional comments.

Chinchen: No, didn't get to Schleppin' for Hollywood.

Didn't redo Wortleys after all these years, too busy and too skeerd. Hell, just re-climbing BBQ the Pope scared the crap out of me.

Regarding the Lower Gorge and Paradise Forks: These areas reward you if you rely on your skeleton and friction as equally as your musculature. An odd thing that I fortunately remembered.

Thanks again to Batrock for lending us his Goal Zero set-up for evening entertainment.

The A-Liner ruled for this - we slept 10 hours a night the whole week.

I was totally baffled when I saw that there was a steel frame and 4X12 steps to my crappy routes. I found out later after talking to a few people that A: they have become quite popular in the last 15 years, and B: there are welders that wish to donate their skills.

I was (mistakenly) called a "Pioneer" by some new climber when I mentioned my routes on the last day there. Flattering, but wrong.
I guess I haven't fully killed the ego, since I got some satisfaction from that.

We didn't climb hard, but we climbed A LOT. That is way better. It was so much more satisfying to give a tour of a familiar place to the woman I love, my life partner, than the crazy single unloved place I was at; smoking bad Mexican and being a punk-ass kid. ;)

Hardly Visible chopped one of my routes BITD (now a THREE star top-rope), and it was great to hang out with him and let bygones be bygones. He knows I respect him for what he did, but I got some additional information this trip that gave me a laugh. Great to see you and meet Katherine, Kevin.

So many new routes! It is crazy! I still saw the two I looked at years ago that aren't bolted, however...nice to know I can still see some stuff that no-one else does, even after all these years.

On the same note: although there is zero bolt control at Smith, the climbers are amazingly effective at policing themselves. For example: When I was working at EntrePrise for Alan BITD and putting up routes, I was also working Crossfire on Karate Wall. I asked Alan for permission to add a bolt to the out-of-line hole above Karate Crack that needed a 3.5" piece of gear (and some rope-drag for the push to the top), and he gave me permission to add a bolt. That bolt was chopped seemingly quickly. I don't mind, but the policing is there - just selective. Skip also noticed that some retro-bolts on Moonshine Dihedral had been chopped.

Great trip, and a great write-up by the wife. Thanks for all your comments...and


Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
  Oct 15, 2012 - 09:31pm PT
So sorry you missed the best route of all.....

You guys are AWESOME!!!

Trad climber
Punter, Little Rock
  Oct 15, 2012 - 09:46pm PT
We need photos!

oh, wait....


mike m

Trad climber
black hills
  Oct 15, 2012 - 09:56pm PT
Great TR. Someday I have to get out there. Really good to see the basalt columns. My brothers have been there a fair bit and raved about the crack climbing, but it seems you rarely see pictures of the cracks.

Random Nobody
  Oct 15, 2012 - 10:32pm PT
JTM and M.E. - Awesome TR.

Thank you for the full description and plenty of photos…

Big boost for your visit with Kevin… Great to know he's out there getting the pitches done..

Cheers to all!!!

P.S. What is/are "13 mystery splats"?

Jim Henson's Basement
Author's Reply  Oct 16, 2012 - 12:36am PT
P.S. What is/are "13 mystery splats"?

Er.. they were furry and flat and dead. That's all I got.

PS: Survival.. what route is that. We'll get it next time... along with the other 100 routes I want to do.

Edit to add:


Hardly Visible

Social climber
Llatikcuf WA
  Oct 16, 2012 - 03:21pm PT
Moses chippin in from the mount, prolly not very often you climb with someone who can hardly walk eh? I'm still gimping around but better now.

Sure had fun with you two and hope todo it again some time.

Mister E on Gruff...

Just the Maid starting Puck...


Nor Cal
  Oct 16, 2012 - 03:36pm PT
bump for quality and getting it done.
J. Werlin

Social climber
Cedaredge, CO
  Jan 25, 2013 - 01:07pm PT
Love the Muppet TR's! Great write up-I can understand how special this trip was to Mr.E, taking his lady and all.

I haven't been to Smith in maybe 25 years. (1987?) Back then we hit it in late June/early July and the place was cooking but EMPTY. Climbed with a siesta schedule, chased shade.

Any locals or Mr. E: is it still quiet in the summer?
Peace, -JW


Trad climber
  Jan 27, 2013 - 02:38pm PT
my hit and miss visits lately,say its never quiet,but the zoo is for birds of the feather,,,Survials routes approach makes misery ridge a cake walk,,crowds ??no problemo,,gota admit the choice of black stone is a good thing,,,glad you had a good time,,,

Social climber
1187 Hunterwasser
  Jan 28, 2013 - 02:25pm PT
Awesome reading for the winter! Did you have the beiber cams by then?

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
  Jan 28, 2013 - 03:27pm PT
PS: Survival.. what route is that. We'll get it next time... along with the other 100 routes I want to do.

It's a closely guarded secret!

PM me and I'll fill you in on the gory details.

Gym climber
Small Town with a Big Back Yard
  Jan 28, 2013 - 04:40pm PT
European Vacation?

Trad climber
Montuckyian Via Canada Eh!
  Jan 28, 2013 - 07:55pm PT
Nice Tr. Smith has a lot to offer for all types of climbers even though it can be a bit of a scene at times. Thanx for sharing.

Good pics too...


Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
  Jan 28, 2013 - 09:46pm PT
Great stuff!!! Missed it the first time around.

Trad climber
going big air to fakie
  Jan 28, 2013 - 09:51pm PT
ya know, I read this 1st time around, and meant to comment on it-looks like you two have some fantastic times out there-good stuff!
Johnny K.

  Jul 16, 2013 - 07:18pm PT

Mountain climber
Fresno, CA
  Oct 29, 2014 - 08:48pm PT
This sounds like a life-long memory type of trip! Thanks for sharing it with us. It gives me inspiration to pack more in next time we are in Smith!

All the best,

The Good Places
  Oct 30, 2014 - 08:50pm PT
This TR is exactly why I worked to find a compatible woman, climbing and otherwise. I like your style Mr. E and Ms. Muppet. Keep it up, you guys rock!

Trad climber
State of Confusion
  Nov 4, 2014 - 09:35pm PT
Chopin' & Chippin' at Smith? Good thing that the Bosch Battery Drill is standard issue for all the Smith Rock saints to replace 'dem chopped bolts at will! I speak "Smith" fluently...


Trad climber
  Nov 5, 2014 - 12:41am PT
You guys rock. Nice TR and photos. TFPU, had to say it.

Trad climber
Lee, NH
  Nov 5, 2014 - 06:58am PT
Delightful TR, I'll bookmark this for reference when I eventually manage to visit that place. It looked more enticing than usual in these photos.

Jim Henson's Basement
Author's Reply  Nov 5, 2014 - 07:20am PT
Thanks for the bump. Hope to get back some day. Might take a while since we are sort of distracted by a million square miles of unexplored Eastside climbing at the moment.


Jim Henson's Basement
Author's Reply  Sep 19, 2018 - 12:03pm PT
We're back! Took the new choss-mobile AKA: "the June Bug" up for some Smith Rock fun.

We were lazy with the camera this trip. spent the first 2 days on non-stop re-visitation of the front side favorites.

Day three we spent most of the day replacing bad anchors and spinners on MrE's routes. A second trip next Spring (with a much larger box of ASCA hardware) is planned for 2019.

We did wake up crack-o-dawn to finally climb "Wherever I may Roam". Totally frigid in the morning shade (and totally over-hyped was our final consensus). I was so frozen after the first three pitches (and had three parties climbing up our asses) ...we bailed for warmer pastures.

We had a funny incident that night- I sliced my index finger open with a paring knife. We ran to the market for Crazy Glue (and margarita mix). A couple drinks in, we go to glue the flapper. MrE - trying to be "helpful" goes to wipe the excess glue off using the glue package- immediately gluing the entire package to the tip of my finger directly on top of the cut.

Hilarity ensued of course- as two drunks were panicking trying to get crazy glue to release from an already painful situation.

There was a rest day down to Crater Lake. The Pinnacles were cool- wish we'd brought our ice-climbing gear ;) We also went to see "The Predator" in IMAX - a real screen being a treat since Bishop has the most ghetto movie theater on the planet.


An Alpine Club event was going on - adding more bodies to already crowded park. We did run into Erik's old partner Alan Watts and Scott Peterson (Plaidman) and did some catching up.

With Alan

The place was packed- even mid-week so it was good we brought the trad gear to climb around the sporties. Most days it was easy to get on trad routes.

Saturday was hopeless - we had a major fail on Red Wall with all routes having parties stacked up. Mr E, not being the most patient type -took off on a plumb line up the center of the wall right of "Super Slab" since it was free of bodies. The copious amounts of moss, fat pillowy lichen, creaking flakes and R-rating were an effective measure against competition.

Turns out you need two ropes to get off the top- we only had one and our target was the top of Misery Ridge anyhow- so we did the old traverse out the backside across the crumbly ledge.


The west-side climbs we had planned were also occupied so we got shut down again, but it still ended up being one of our funnest climbing days.

The drive home incurred some damage to the new car. A piece of debris flew off an RV puncturing a hole through June Bug's bumper. Not 20 minutes later we had a near collision with a huge turkey vulture. It launched itself from the roadside (a-la Spruce Goose), barely getting off the ground directly in our path. Mr E's fast reaction saved us from an awkward insurance claim.

Good times- cant wait to get back again!

Special thanks to LuckyPink for house-sitting for us! (She's the only person our bratty cat likes).

GNIKRAP ON, Everyone!!

okay, whatever

  Sep 19, 2018 - 12:30pm PT
Nice! I lived in Portland from 1992-2003, and climbed at Smith a couple of times each year. I was just a 5.9-5.10 climber, really... not a true hard man, but still managed to get up a lot of things there. I did the Pioneer Route on Monkeyface, but wasn't about to try the much harder 5.11-5.13 routes on the other sides of that striking pinnacle. Both the "Panic Point" pitch at the top of Monkeyface, and the rappel to the ground out of the Mouth Cave, give full value, exposure-wise, even though Monkeyface is not all that big compared to Yosemite walls, say!

Mountain climber
Somewhere Fun
  Sep 19, 2018 - 01:38pm PT
Wow! didn't realize you two were in town. Well, actually I was working the front gate at The Classic...and I noticed a car driving away with an "I Love Choss" license plate and thought; is Mister E and The Maid here with a new car?

Well, glad you both had fun. See you next time!