Trip Report
The Grand Traverse
Friday July 29, 2016 6:00pm
Every summer I have the need to attempt something out of my wheelhouse. Last summer it was an attempt on the Cirque Traverse in the Wind Rivers which we were stormed off of. The summer prior it was an ascent of the Regular Northwest Face of Half Dome. This summer it is the Grand Traverse in Grand Teton National Park.

The Grand Traverse begins on Teewinot (cl. 4) (12,325') ascending it's east face (~5,700ft) moves up and over point 11,840', and the East Prong (12,040') before tagging Mt. Owen (5.4) (12,928'). After which you traverse Mt. Owens south ridge down into the Gunsight Notch (5.6) climbing out onto the Grand Stand (~12,700') gaining access to the Grand Teton (13,770') via the North Ridge (5.8). Descend the ever popular Owen Spalding route to the Lower Saddle (11,700') to gain the North Ridge of the Middle Teton (12,804') (5.5) walking off the backside via the Southwest Couloir (cl. 3) which brings you to the Middle - South Teton col (11,400'). Ascending the South Teton via the Northwest Couloir (cl. 3) brings you onto a brilliant section of ridgeline connecting the South Teton to Nez Perce. The first difficulty is the Ice Cream Cone (12,360')(5.7) then onto Gilkey Tower (cl. 4), Spalding Tower (cl. 4), Cloudveil Dome (cl. 4), and finally Nez Perce (11,901')(cl. 4).

I invited my buddy Kevin Chuba to join me on the traverse. He's a solid mountain partner for adventures off the beaten path. With ascents of big routes in the Wind Rivers, and numerous new routing escapades here in the Wasatch I new he could hang tough. Personally I doubted my fitness early in the summer so I put my training into overdrive jacking out multiple 3,000ft days of easy soloing in Big Cottonwood, and visiting our local slice of the Sierra the Lone Peak Cirque (11,253') via day trips to put up a new line and check out established routes. My biggest 24hr period I ascended 12,417ft 8 days prior to our climb.

Arriving in GTNP Sunday afternoon we head straight to the Jenny Lake Ranger station to obtain our bivy permits, and check on current conditions. The previous day was a tough day in the park. A woman fell on snow sliding into a talus field from which she was lucky to survive. Additionally a guide slipped and fell off the Grand Teton, and was killed. A solemn mood enveloped the Ranger Station inside which we gained all the beta needed for our climb. With these recent accidents in mind we racked up, and reflected.

Beginning Monday morning at 4am with a mellow start fully knowing how much terrain we had to cover we took our time up the east face of Teewinot moving from hiking terrain to steep snow, and finally to 4th class scrambling.

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Credit: Grippa
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Credit: Grippa
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Credit: Grippa
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Credit: Grippa
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Here we discovered our ability to quickly and efficiently get off route. Reaching the notch of Teewinot we quickly dumped our packs, and started up the nearest 4th class ramp which immediately turned into 5th class. Downclimbing, and working back around to the correct summit route we made it to the top about 5 hours after starting up which is way longer than we thought our timing would be.

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The classic Teewinot summit shot.
The classic Teewinot summit shot.
Credit: Grippa
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Moving swiftly after our snafu from Teewinot up and over point 11,840' onto the East Prong requires easy 3rd class, and 5 raps (3 on 11,840', and 2 on East Prong). We find the rope pulls easy, and zero rock fall on our descents. Things are clicking, and the stoke is high.

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Chuba stoking on the climbing we've covered so far. The west face of T...
Chuba stoking on the climbing we've covered so far. The west face of Teewinot, 11,840, and the East Prong behind.
Credit: Grippa
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Stoking up for the North Ridge of the Grand Teton!
Stoking up for the North Ridge of the Grand Teton!
Credit: Grippa
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We finally break out the rope for a short 120' pitch that gains access to the Mt. Owen snowfields. Putting it away quickly we traverse the snowfields with crampons and axes to the base of the Koven chimney. A subtle route finding error here costs us some time, but complete trust in your gut instinct goes a long way in the mountains. Kevin is off route, and is confused. I immediately ask him to bring me up so we can re-orient ourselves, and think with two half functioning brains instead of one leader who is bonking hard at nearly 13,000'. We find the chimney which gains us access to the summit of Mt. Owen, and spy the route over to the Grand Stand.

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North Face of the Grand Teton as seen from the south ridge of Mt. Owen...
North Face of the Grand Teton as seen from the south ridge of Mt. Owen.
Credit: Grippa
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Mt. Owen from the top of the 60m pitch out of the Grand Stand.
Mt. Owen from the top of the 60m pitch out of the Grand Stand.
Credit: Grippa
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The pitch out of the Gunsight Notch is one of the best on the route. 5.7 cracks directly off the belay lead to phenomenal 5.7 jugs in one huge 60m pitch. I wish I had pictures of that pitch, but I was to busy hauling ass to gain the bivy before nightfall. Previously at the base of the Koven route we had access to a great flowing spring. We tanked up on water, but didn't fill out larger reservoirs thinking the Grand Stand would be a descent drip we could get water from. What we found were two drops 3 ft apart from each other than took roughly 15-20min to fill a 16oz bottle. We arrived at the bivy around 8ish, but didn't get to sleep until 11pm due to this debacle.

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Kevin collecting every last drop of water we could muster.
Kevin collecting every last drop of water we could muster.
Credit: Grippa
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The bivy wasn't bad. I've had worse. It was a little breezy, but temps hovered in the mid to low 40's allowing us a fairly comfortable nights sleep.



What's going on up there bud?


We start moving again after Kevin's deligent belay set up, and the wind abated allowing us to communicate once again.

We are on the North Ridge of the Grand Teton Tuesday morning on day two of our 3 day traverse. Things are going well for us, but the altitude is taking it's toll on our speed. Sleeping on the Grand Stand bivy (12,700ft) left Kev with a hang over in the morning, and I'm feeling the effects of the 8,500ft of ascending the day before. The North Ridge with Italian Cracks variation on the Grant Teton is an amazing route with moderate climbing up one of the most imposing mountain faces in the lower 48. We pitch out the climb up to the second ledge, and escape to near the owen spalding. Ice, and snow force us into an easy 5.7 variation to gain the final 3rd class section of the OS, and the crowds greet us as they descend. The summit of the Grand is sweet indeed. We allow ourselves a solid 15 minute chill out session on top eating sausage, and sipping the last of our water before refueling at the lower saddle.

Once at the lower saddle we take a 30 minute pit stop at the spring maintained by Exum, and talk to a couple of guides chilling out at their bivy. They give us weather updates, and wish us luck on the remainder of our tour. With the Cathedral Traverse already in the bag we are beyond stoked, and continue up the North Ridge of the Middle Teton (5.5).

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Kevo walking one of the many ledges on the North Ridge of the Middle. ...
Kevo walking one of the many ledges on the North Ridge of the Middle. The Owen Spalding route, and Exum Ridge are behind on the Grand.
Credit: Grippa
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We solo most of the Middle Teton with one short belay to get us over a steep boulder problem with exposure. The Middle is an awesome mountain that is completely neglected in comparison to it's big brother next door. The southwest couloir provides an easy class 3 descent down to the Middle Teton - South Teton col bivouac.

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Sunset over Idaho from the Middle-South col bivy.
Sunset over Idaho from the Middle-South col bivy.
Credit: Grippa
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Icefloe Lake below the Middle-South bivy at sunset.
Icefloe Lake below the Middle-South bivy at sunset.
Credit: Grippa
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Looking east over Shadow Mountain towards the Wind Rivers on the morni...
Looking east over Shadow Mountain towards the Wind Rivers on the morning of July 27th 2016. Fires east of the park provide this water colored look, and subtle layering to the ranges.
Credit: Grippa
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Another lukewarm night gives us a few hours of rest, and ample time to refuel before completing the traverse. We know our climb is in the bag as long as keep moving, and no one gets hurt. We take our time ascending the last of the large peaks moving up the northwest couloir of the South Teton slowly, and with patience suffering still from the altitude. Dropping down onto the Ice Cream Cone for our final pitch of technical climbing I get the rope up there, and discover an awesome summit.

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Kev atop the Ice Cream Cone. Mt. Wister, and Buck Mountain in the dist...
Kev atop the Ice Cream Cone. Mt. Wister, and Buck Mountain in the distance over Kevin's right shoulder.
Credit: Grippa
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With the Ice Cream Cone behind us we move over onto Gilkey Tower to discover a tricky, and extremely exposed down climb. Ranger Jack McDonnell gave us the beta on the traverse after vetting us, and our intensions. He minced no words, and spoke seriously about every nook and cranny on the traverse. When finding this down climb I was reminded about his mentioning of a "serious move here" as he put his finger on the topo with audible force. He wasn't joking as this down climb was the scariest portion of the traverse for me.

I put my pack down, told Kevin to get the cordellete out, and immediately started into the moves before my fear turned debilitating. Subtle smears, and sloping holds lead to better feet and a bomber 2 finger pocket for the left hand and an incut full pad crimper for my right. I perform a reverse friction high step landing my foot on a pointed boulder. The sense of relief is felt between both of us as Kevin lowers the packs performs the moves perfectly while I spray him down. We take a much needed break soon after, and eat lunch just after Spalding Tower (cl. 4).

Cloudveil Dome provides fun 4th class terrain with a rappel on it's east ridge we used to avoid a long section of 4th class down climbing. Now it's just us, and Nez Perce.

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Kevin coming up the 35m 4th class section of Nez Perce.
Kevin coming up the 35m 4th class section of Nez Perce.
Credit: Grippa
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The route on Nez Perce is longer than it looks, and zig zags across it's more northly aspect. We are guided by cairns (aka - Karen Stone our faithful route finding lady of the mountains) onto the final 4th class step. It provides truly enjoyable 4th class terrain almost to the summit. The summit is amazing, and our energy is electric. We've done it. Now we've just got to get down without any sprained ankles, and we're good.

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Tip of the hat to you buddy. We did it.
Tip of the hat to you buddy. We did it.
Credit: Grippa
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The descent of Nez Perce takes two 30m raps which luckily get you across much of the zig zagging it takes to summit. We are back to our packs in less than 10 minutes after leaving the summit. Looking down Garnet Canyon the trailhead looks really really far away. We take our time picking our way down the talus field onto the Middle Teton bivy site, and run into congratulatory guides, and clients. We find it hard to tell people what we've done so we say we did Nez Perce. When asked where we started we say Middle Teton - South Teton col. When asked how long it took us to get there we look down at our feet, and say a day or so from the Grand Stand. Why so bashful? We didn't do it to brag, and both of us aren't very over the top loud (unless we're drinking) so we just mosey on down the trail almost embarrassed of our success. We just completed one of the top alpine traverses in the lower 48, but we'd never call ourselves alpinists. We're just rock climbers who can walk really far.

Rack used
1-8 metolius
9 slings
4 lockers
8.5mm 70m beal opera

Bivy Kit
40deg bag as ground cloth
15deg bag as blanket
Rab siltarp
smallest jet boil they make

Total Time
3 days and 2 nights
~62 hours

  Trip Report Views: 5,951
About the Author
Grippa is a wannabe living in Salt Lake City, UT.


Grizzlyville, WY
  Jul 29, 2016 - 06:11pm PT

Trad climber
Salt Lake City, UT
  Jul 29, 2016 - 06:31pm PT
Excellent walk in the hills! Nice work!

Social climber
  Jul 29, 2016 - 06:36pm PT
Super cool. Way to go and thanks for the write-up, Grippa.

Mountain climber
Anchorage, AK
  Jul 29, 2016 - 06:48pm PT

Mountain climber
Doylestown, OH
  Aug 3, 2016 - 09:35am PT
Greg, you are so caught up in the climbing, you forgot to mention the moose and black bear minutes before returning to the truck. Great write up bud, I’m lucky to have you as a climbing partner and friend. Your knowledge and composure out there was invaluable. I have been reflecting on the traverse for a week now, piecing it together and then coming down again. 95% sure I used all of my ability on this gem of gneiss and granite. Thank you for doing the homework and choosing me to join the project.
Remember how scared I was off the first belay of the Grand? 13,000 feet below the boots in the morning apparently is kind of tough. Nez Perce, is a feather in ones cap.
I still owe you a sling and biner for leaving yours in the gunsight notch anchor. A lot of first for me on this trip and have much respect for those who have traveled before me.


Social climber
  Aug 3, 2016 - 10:05am PT
Sweeeet stuff!
Brian in SLC

Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
  Aug 3, 2016 - 10:17am PT
Nice shot of the summit of the Ice Cream Cone! (only peak I've not topped out on...dang it).

Great TR and nice send!

Ice climber
hartford, ct
  Aug 3, 2016 - 10:31am PT
Gorgeous weather. I bet you wished for a little T-storm spice during one of those bivies...

Nice work

Trad climber
Fresno CA
  Aug 3, 2016 - 11:15am PT
Nice work, and excellent TR. It does what the best TR's do -- makes me want to emulate you.

Thanks much.


Oakland, CA
  Aug 3, 2016 - 11:23am PT
Oh god damnit yes

Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
  Aug 3, 2016 - 11:44am PT
Greg! An excellent adventure & a wonderful trip report.

I'm proud of you lad!
this just in

Justin Ross from North Fork
  Aug 3, 2016 - 01:54pm PT
F*#k yeah, good sh#t.

Trad climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Author's Reply  Aug 3, 2016 - 02:34pm PT
Ahhhh yes Kevin how could I forget the black bear and moose?! Maybe I'd glossed over that as my thirst for a beer was all encompassing? An adventure not soon forgotten for the lessons of the alpine mirror, and influence lifes nuances. Patience here, and patience there.
Ezra Ellis

Trad climber
North wet, and Da souf
  Aug 3, 2016 - 03:01pm PT
Really nice job, y'all are fit!!!
Thank you!

Trad climber
No. Tahoe
  Aug 3, 2016 - 07:05pm PT
Outstanding! Classic alpinism. Well done.

Social climber
Wilds of New Mexico
  Aug 3, 2016 - 10:31pm PT
Nice job!

Sonoma County
  Aug 4, 2016 - 10:45am PT
a kick ass trip report. thanks for posting.

Trad climber
Bay Area
  Aug 4, 2016 - 11:43am PT
Tetons envy here.

Trad climber
Punter, Little Rock
  Aug 4, 2016 - 12:55pm PT
Sweet TR.

4 Corners Area
  Aug 4, 2016 - 08:03pm PT
F*cking A right!
Way to do it dudes!
Nice to hear some good news from the Tetons