Trip Report
TR: Dantes Inferno?, Yosemite Valley, Ca.
Sunday October 4, 2009 11:27pm
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Here is a link to a trip report of some bad weather and broken dreams by Don.

  Trip Report Views: 1,635
Russ Walling
About the Author
Russ Walling is a gym climber from Poofter's Froth, Wyoming.


Social climber
  Oct 5, 2009 - 02:21am PT
hey there ol' russ, say, i found this neat link to the "don" trip...

say, i really like reading day 10...

day 11 was most a most interesting night, for sure :O
leading up to day 12 (which was kind of scary... ) :O

say, really enjoyed reading this...
neat delivery... :)