Trip Report
TEHIPITE VALLEY PART II: the biggest unclimbed wall in California
Monday August 15, 2016 11:43am
Well maybe it's not, I don't know. We've been thinking of it that way since our attempt last Summer just to build our excitement and motivation for the inevitable return.

This is a follow up to a trip report from last Summer when we bailed about 2/3 of the way up the wall.

In the last few days, while I've been waiting for my hands to start working again, Vitaliy wrote a great trip report full of pictures and detailed accounts of some of the more memorable moments.

For those of us with shorter attention spans I am going to take the "less is more" approach and try to recount this latest adventure in as few words as possible.


Before trip, very sick, lose weight, not strong. Nervous. Vitaliy and Brian strong like ox, confident.

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Credit: limpingcrab
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Heavy bags, far walk, sleep half way.

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Credit: Brian
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Credit: Vitaliy
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Credit: limpingcrab
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Credit: Vitaliy
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Beyond words. Like going back in time. Brian's first time, moving like kid in cocaine store.

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Credit: limpingcrab
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Credit: Vitaliy
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Credit: Brian
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Think wall grew bigger. Uh oh

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Credit: Vitaliy
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Credit: Brian
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Credit: limpingcrab
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Credit: limpingcrab
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Fish. Eat. Relax. Happy.

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Credit: limpingcrab
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Credit: limpingcrab
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Credit: limpingcrab
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Credit: limpingcrab
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Jumanji giant dinosaur bugs everywhere! 2 rattlesnakes.

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Credit: Vitaliy
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Credit: limpingcrab
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First day, simulclimb easy alternate start.

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Credit: limpingcrab
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Stash water. Laugh some, talk some, poop some.

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Credit: limpingcrab
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Rap rap rrrraaaappppp.

Sleep. Me anxious, want easy start. Brian and V excited, want direct start. Majority win.

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Credit: limpingcrab
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Credit: Brian
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Credit: Brian
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Credit: limpingcrab
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Sunrise. I go first, big fun!

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Credit: limpingcrab
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Credit: limpingcrab
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Next pitches scary. PTSD and stained underwear last year. Brian leads, thank you Brian.

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Credit: limpingcrab
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Credit: limpingcrab
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4 more pitch. I lead easy, they lead hard, great climbing. On big ledge quick! Stoke!

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Credit: limpingcrab
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Credit: Vitaliy
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V lead hard, Brian follow, me jug with water. Anchor sketchy, life flash before eyes.

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Credit: Vitaliy
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Credit: limpingcrab
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Me lead. Pendulum.

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Credit: limpingcrab
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Vitaliy lead hand cracks. Good stuff.

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Credit: limpingcrab
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Credit: limpingcrab
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13 pitches, former high point, hopes high!

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Credit: Vitaliy
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Brian try where I fail.
"Corner looks blank. This is f-ed up. I'm just gonna f-ing go for it, watch me!" Brian quote. Solid. Love Brian.

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Credit: Brian
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Credit: limpingcrab
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New high point, yay team!

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Credit: Brian
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I try right. Nope.

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Credit: limpingcrab
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Brian try up. Maybe.

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Credit: limpingcrab
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Credit: limpingcrab
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Morning spoon.

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Me lonely.

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Credit: limpingcrab
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Brian aid. Loose rock. Vitaliy hide.

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Credit: Brian
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Vitaliy survive, bye bye bivvy!

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Credit: Vitaliy
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Harding slot, tree edition. Sorry guys.

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Credit: limpingcrab
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Credit: limpingcrab
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Credit: limpingcrab
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Water look yummy. Vitaliy thirsty. Daniel thirsty. Brian meth?

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Credit: limpingcrab
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Climbing good!

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Credit: Vitaliy
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Credit: Vitaliy
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Credit: Vitaliy
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Credit: Vitaliy
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So close. Taste it.

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Credit: Vitaliy
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Credit: Vitaliy
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Credit: limpingcrab
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Holy crap. Bliss. Wow.
91 miles walked
9 days over two summers
21 pitches (totaling 3000+ ft of climbing)
2100 ft vertical
Thirsty, hungry, tired, emotions.... Happy

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Credit: Brian
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Credit: limpingcrab
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Credit: Brian
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Credit: limpingcrab
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Credit: limpingcrab
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Descend. Ahhhhhh, water. Nudity.


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Credit: limpingcrab
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Credit: limpingcrab
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Credit: limpingcrab
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Credit: Vitaliy
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Bad hot trail. Long. Satisfaction. Home.


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Credit: limpingcrab
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Red = route
Yellow = easier variations

Formation: Watsi Wall (watsi means "lost" in Mono)
Route: Infinity Pool, 5.11+ R A2, 21 pitches, VI

Special thanks to Vitaliy and Brian for being the best partners possible. They're both a rare combination of bad A mofos yet still really kind and patient when there's a weak link in the group.

Another special thanks to Norm who hiked in the day before us and carried our entire rack and a set of runners, left them at the campsite, fished and hiked back out. Norm is the man.

Thanks for reading and sorry that abbreviated text turned into caveman talk!

  Trip Report Views: 11,734
About the Author
limpingcrab is Daniel Jeffcoach, nice to meet you.


Trad climber
Fresno, CA
  Aug 15, 2016 - 11:57am PT

Trad climber
  Aug 15, 2016 - 11:59am PT
Love the caveman talk. Makes more sense to us cavemen this way. Congrats and EPIC!

Trad climber
  Aug 15, 2016 - 12:05pm PT
Kickass trip report on a kickass climb.

Trad climber
Valles Marineris
  Aug 15, 2016 - 12:36pm PT
BINGO! That's what I'm talking about. Nicely done!
looks easy from here

Santa Cruzish
  Aug 15, 2016 - 12:44pm PT
Tehipite frickin' AWESOME!
the Fet

  Aug 15, 2016 - 12:53pm PT
Me think great.

Social climber
  Aug 15, 2016 - 12:54pm PT
Way to bring home the mammoth. Nice pics too.

Trad climber
Fresno CA
  Aug 15, 2016 - 01:00pm PT
Excellent, Daniel!


Trad climber
  Aug 15, 2016 - 01:04pm PT

Trad climber
  Aug 15, 2016 - 01:04pm PT
Top notch. A really great adventure. Thanks for sharing!

Trad climber
No. Tahoe
  Aug 15, 2016 - 01:10pm PT
Great! Short is sweet.
craig morris

Trad climber
  Aug 15, 2016 - 01:13pm PT
Thanks for the great trip report. That valley is a magical place. did you find the natural house?

Trad climber
Fresno, CA
  Aug 15, 2016 - 01:18pm PT
Way to go! You guys are the real deal!

Merced, CA
  Aug 15, 2016 - 01:35pm PT
Freaking nice fishing spot.

Climb is cool too, I guess.

Killer report.

Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
  Aug 15, 2016 - 01:47pm PT
Way to Go.


Monument Manor
  Aug 15, 2016 - 02:28pm PT
Nice pics.....a little short on facts ie # of bolts,ratings of pitches and topo !

Mountain climber
San Francisco
  Aug 15, 2016 - 03:13pm PT
This TR brought a huge smile to my face. Fantastic adventure-thanks for sharing.
Stewart Johnson

Gym climber
top lake
  Aug 15, 2016 - 03:14pm PT
Way to be.

Gym climber
Minkler, CA
Author's Reply  Aug 15, 2016 - 04:19pm PT
Thanks for the great trip report. That valley is a magical place. did you find the natural house?
We didn't find the house or the pictographs. It wasn't until we got home that we noticed they were both marked on our map. Next time!

Freaking nice fishing spot.

Climb is cool too, I guess.

Killer report.
And I didn't even mention that I was trying to land a nice fish for dinner when a huge german brown ate it and broke my line! We watched the whole thing happen. That gave me a bigger rush than the climbing!

Nice pics.....a little short on facts ie # of bolts,ratings of pitches and topo !
Vitaliy's blog report has a lot more detail but I don't think any of us has drawn a topo.


Trad climber
Montuckyian Via Canada Eh!
  Aug 15, 2016 - 04:17pm PT
Well done .......Thanx for sharing...


Trad climber
Clovis, CA
  Aug 15, 2016 - 04:22pm PT
Very nice, I will have to get back there sometime. I hope you will report this in the AAJ.

Trad climber
  Aug 15, 2016 - 04:31pm PT
Wow! Thanks for goin' big and keeping the report short so I don't derail my work productivity :)

Trad climber
Fresno/Clovis, ca
  Aug 15, 2016 - 05:09pm PT

Me like.

You brave.

Make new route. Long walk. Trout, yum. Me very proud to call you friend.

Trad climber
east side
  Aug 15, 2016 - 07:00pm PT
Less is more! Awesome report. TFPU.
Fat Dad

Trad climber
Los Angeles, CA
  Aug 15, 2016 - 08:52pm PT
Awesome report. Thanks for reminding me that I wasted my youth.

  Aug 15, 2016 - 09:58pm PT
Oh, Yeah! I got pics o' that...Good Job!

'Pass the Pitons' Pete

Big Wall climber
like Ontario, Canada, eh?
  Aug 16, 2016 - 07:56am PT
Wow, what a great adventure. I'm gonna go make the second ascent ..... said nobody ever.

I think you've been hanging around with that Russian guy too much, you're leaving behind all your articles in your writing.

Vitaliy's watermarks are slowly shrinking. C'mon Vitaliy, smaller still, you can do it.

See you guys in Yosemite in September/October?

Cheers and congrats!

P.S. Nice rainbow trout, eh?
dirt claud

Social climber
san diego,ca
  Aug 16, 2016 - 08:21am PT
Awesome trip report Limp, thanks. Looks like a memorable adventure
with solid partners. Killing me, gotta get back out to those beautiful mountains.
Rockies Obscure

Trad climber
  Aug 16, 2016 - 09:45am PT

This is what Supertopo once was, now it's only a long daily fight between the Right and Left parties.

Trad climber
  Aug 16, 2016 - 10:08am PT

Trad climber
LA LA Land
  Aug 16, 2016 - 11:04am PT
Wow! Some real-life climbing history made. Yes, Holy Crap!

Trad climber
Fresno/Clovis, ca
  Aug 16, 2016 - 11:31am PT
By the way, you need to work on your camera tilt Brah. Here you go. Now you're gnar.


Gym climber
Minkler, CA
Author's Reply  Aug 16, 2016 - 11:38am PT
Good to know Mico. I think I get it.

Like this?

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
  Aug 16, 2016 - 12:12pm PT
That's a bold route. Nice!

Oakland, CA
  Aug 16, 2016 - 03:35pm PT
Oh my god this is killer
Ney Grant

Trad climber
Pollock Pines
  Aug 16, 2016 - 03:39pm PT
Very impressive accomplishment and great TR!

Trad climber
Northern, Ca.
  Aug 16, 2016 - 07:03pm PT
I remember catching some stellar trout on a ski pole with a spinner in Crown creek and having a great dinner out there. This crag has been on my mind for some time. Great to see someone else has the juice to go out there and bag it. The views up the canyon from the face of Tehipite remind us of how much stone is left un-turned in the Sierra.

Im interested in going on a recon trip in September and doing some fly fishing if anyone else is interested. I have been down in there a few times and have completed a couple of routes so I know my way around. PM me.

Mountain climber
  Aug 17, 2016 - 08:08am PT
There used to be lot's of rattlesnakes mentioned in past reports . Any this time ? The summit is a day-and-half hike from Wishon Reservoir ,has anyone rapped the Dome ?

Gym climber
Minkler, CA
Author's Reply  Aug 17, 2016 - 10:20am PT
Im interested in going on a recon trip in September and doing some fly fishing if anyone else is interested. I have been down in there a few times and have completed a couple of routes so I know my way around. PM me.
My brother and I tried to line up a September date for fishing but it didn't work out. We're gonna go in the third weekend of October and fish from Tehipite down to the confluence with the South Fork at Yucca Point. We'd prefer September but maybe we'll get lucky and find some fall spawning browns. (PM function hasn't worked for me the last 5 times I've tried)

There used to be lot's of rattlesnakes mentioned in past reports . Any this time ? The summit is a day-and-half hike from Wishon Reservoir ,has anyone rapped the Dome ?
Brian saw a big one, Vitaliy saw a little one and I never saw one. I've hiked to the top of the dome but never rapped it. I think about half of the people who climb Tehipite approach from above. I'm pretty sure the new(ish) route Wall Of Ages can be rapped.

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
  Aug 17, 2016 - 10:22am PT
pHfft1 pHfffft.!!!!!
doble hit worthy respect!!!!
Vitaliy M.

Mountain climber
San Francisco
  Aug 17, 2016 - 01:29pm PT
Thank you for a great time and a great reminder of how mindblowing this trip was (in form of this report). Aside from funny, Daniel is very modest and although he acts like he did not do much on the climb, it is a lie. I believe it was a team effort and everyone contributed. Was an honor to be a part of this and be friends with you two, hope we find a few more of these gems and share adventures like this for years. Again, thank you!!!
Vitaliy M.

Mountain climber
San Francisco
  Aug 17, 2016 - 01:55pm PT
Natural house? Are you talking about the giant rock with a bivy cave underneath?

Would be nice to make a topo and post it on MP. Not sure anyone will ever repeat it, but honestly the climb is fairly good with challenging climbing. Wouldn't be too surprised if it is repeated, someone just did the second ascent of the route I recently did on Hitchcock and two ascents last weekrnd of one of the recent Whitney routes.
If I did not have a virus on my computer and was not busy with ongoing backcountry outings, I'd make one. But my only rest day in town (today) will be spent mostly relaxing and preparing to get back into the mountains, tomorrow! Maybe the fall or winter will be a better time to catch up on figuring out what the hell did we climb. :)

Social climber
  Aug 17, 2016 - 02:00pm PT
Yup, Amazing time, place, climb, group. General mood after we got down was disbelief it all worked out. From the blank seams to the amount of water to the mini canyoneering descent. So much unknown. Honestly guys still can't believe it. Thanks


Trad climber
Boulder, CO
  Sep 7, 2016 - 09:17pm PT
Thank you so much for the incredible TR! And for reminding us all that there's still so much adventure left in places like the Sierra, if you're creative and willing to explore. I'm thoroughly impressed and inspired. Thank you

Big Wall climber
  Sep 7, 2016 - 09:21pm PT
Way to finish up!

Mountain climber
Pleasanton, CA
  Sep 8, 2016 - 09:05am PT
Awesome report and photos. Thank you

Trad climber
South Lake Tahoe, CA
  Sep 9, 2016 - 06:52pm PT
WOW, awesome! Great work and TFPU.

Gym climber
Minkler, CA
Author's Reply  Oct 20, 2016 - 01:01pm PT
Well, I went back to Tehipite again. Apparently my memory of approaches is poor. This time the pack were a little lighter since it was strictly a fishing trip.

Anyone who's interested in that sort of thing can read the TR here:

I've learned a lot about fishing from that website so I was hoping to contribute there, and it's not a climbing trip after all, though it might have been just as tiring :)


Trad climber
Nothing creative to say
  Jun 6, 2017 - 12:33pm PT
Bump thread.

Tehipite season starts when?

Trad climber
  Jun 6, 2017 - 01:15pm PT
Just re-read Vittles' blogpost. Some gems that stand out for me:

fake excitement is better than honest hopelessness.

heaven is here, on earth. Along with hell. It is a personal choice for most individuals, although not all, which one to move forward. Concentrating on the negativity of the daily grind won't get you closer to a place like Crystal Creek, so choose your Infinity Pool wisely.

Gym climber
Minkler, CA
Author's Reply  Jun 12, 2017 - 12:42pm PT
Tehipite season starts when?
The road to Wishon opened so Tehipite season starts now! Well, the river is currently nuts so that's something to consider.

Trad climber
Nothing creative to say
  Jun 12, 2017 - 12:48pm PT
Do you have to cross the river to get to reach Tehipite? Or does it just mean we don't get to eat fresh trout?


Gym climber
Minkler, CA
Author's Reply  Jun 12, 2017 - 02:57pm PT
You have to cross it to reach this wall, but not to reach Tehipite Dome. You do have to cross Crown Creek if you don't take the rap route into Tehipite. Some say it can't be crossed in spring but they're just sissies :)
Vitaliy M.

Mountain climber
San Francisco
  Aug 1, 2018 - 08:53pm PT
part 2 bump

Trad climber
San Francisco
  Aug 1, 2018 - 09:39pm PT

Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
  Aug 1, 2018 - 10:00pm PT
A wonderful adventure! I'm surprised I have not seen it before, but I must have been out suffering in the wilds.

Thank you for taking the time to post all those photos & prose!
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
  Aug 2, 2018 - 11:36am PT
Very cool, you guys. Thanks for taking the time to write up these TRs too.

If you're still around to see this: (1) Where'd you see the two? rattlesnakes in your multi-day timeline? (2) How prevalent was the PO? to spot it did you have to hunt for it? or was it to be found at every third twist and turn?** (3) I imagine you had bug nets for your head, did you have to use em?

Thanks again. Stoked it was such a super adventure for you all!

**I'm pretty experienced with rattlers everywhere, the PO not so much, not for many years.

Gym climber
Minkler, CA
Author's Reply  Aug 2, 2018 - 12:05pm PT
If you're still around to see this: (1) Where'd you see the two? rattlesnakes in your multi-day timeline? (2) How prevalent was the PO? to spot it did you have to hunt for it? or was it to be found at every third twist and turn?** (3) I imagine you had bug nets for your head, did you have to use em?

(1) I think we saw one when walking further up the trail to look at other rocks and another along the river while Fishing. 3 trips out there and I still see more rattlers in Kings Canyon than Tehipite.

(2) Not much. None on the hike in, a bit towards the bottom of the decent and a bit in parts of the valley. Easily avaoidable.

(3) We’re not that smart. V and Brian slept in a tent, I slept out on the rocks in the open with bugs on me at night. We didn’t get any mosquitoes so it wasn’t a big issue, just kinda annoying sometimes. Head nets might have been nice for the tiny black flies but they were only up away from the water.

Thanks for reading!
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
  Aug 2, 2018 - 12:45pm PT
limpingcrab, thanks for the reply. And good to hear about both the PO and the bugs. One last bit: Your TRs got me wishing - first time ever, lol - that I were a fly fisherman! Maybe someday! :)
Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
  Aug 2, 2018 - 12:52pm PT
An interesting way to F up a perfectly good fishing trip.

Berg heil.

Oakland, CA
  Aug 2, 2018 - 03:25pm PT
How many hours would you say it took you to walk in?

I understand you split it into two days on this trip, I'm wondering how many hours on day 1 and how many on day 2, assuming a standard heavy-ass pack.

Gym climber
Minkler, CA
Author's Reply  Aug 2, 2018 - 09:49pm PT
Hard to remember this far out, le_bruce. It’s about 18 miles to the valley floor and another three to base camp for this rock.

Both climbing trips we hiked back to the car in one go with the horse-to-water thing going and went fast. The trips on the way in we started in the evening and walked into the night, don’t remember the times unfortunately.

Knowing that the three trips included people like Brian, Vitaliy and my brother (for fishing only) I’d assume we averaged about 3mph including breaks because they’re all animals. I’ve literally ran a trail back from a climb following V for absolutely no reason :)
Tom Patterson

Trad climber
  Aug 3, 2018 - 08:31am PT, wow, wow!!

Awesome trip report, limpincrab! And I love the "Tarzan/Jane" way of narrating. Sometimes the TRs get so wordy that you have to sort of do them in doses (first world problem, right, Vitaly?).

Anyway...what an adventure! Bold-o-rama!

  Aug 23, 2018 - 03:17pm PT
hilarious. And awesome. Thanks!

Trad climber
Golden, CO
  Aug 23, 2018 - 04:29pm PT
DAMN!! Really, this is the kind of trip report that is going to make me quit my job and retire so that I can go climbing more