Trip Report
Seven Days Skiing in the Valhalla Canadian Backcountry
Thursday February 14, 2019 3:08pm
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Credit: Ney Grant
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In November of 2017 I sent an email to Fred, my cousin and the group leader on a trip to a helicopter-access-only backcountry ski lodge in BC Canada. I said I was excited and making reservations for the night before in Naksup. Fred wrote back and said, “Hey Ney – remember it was a two year waiting list? You are a year early and the trip isn’t until February 2019.” Oh damn.

A year and a few months later Betsy and I drove up a snow covered four-wheel drive road outside of Naksup BC to a small clearing marked by a 55 gallon drum of jet fuel and seven other people. Soon a yellow helicopter appeared. The trip was on. 25,000 human-powered vertical feet and about 50 miles in a week – 95% of the time spent on 25 of the miles and 5% of the time on the other 25 miles.

Some photos from a great trip:

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Approaching the landing spot with the lodge in view. Also the awesome ...
Approaching the landing spot with the lodge in view. Also the awesome terrain we would be skiing. It had snowed a foot and half the night before so the place was completely ours for the week – no down tracks and no skin tracks.
Credit: Ney Grant
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Credit: Ney Grant
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This one is best full screen. First day, staying out late for one last...
This one is best full screen. First day, staying out late for one last run at dusk. Lodge is near clearing below.
Credit: Ney Grant
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The lodge. Perfectly rustic and comfortable. We did the no-guide optio...
The lodge. Perfectly rustic and comfortable. We did the no-guide option but we did hire a cook.
Credit: Ney Grant
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Credit: Ney Grant
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With a choice of deeper powder in the woods, we instead headed up abov...
With a choice of deeper powder in the woods, we instead headed up above treeline for longer tours. Stunningly beautiful and the snow was just fine. Best skiing of my life.
Credit: Ney Grant
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Credit: Ney Grant
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We were stunned to see this view – we had no idea until we skied up to Sunrise Pass. Wow. We were told at the lodge the big rock is apparently Mt. Gimli but one of them is Mt. Asgard. Mt. Asgard? Did we ski into some twilight zone? It turns out there is an Asgard in BC and also in the Baffin Islands.

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Fred at Sunshine Pass
Fred at Sunshine Pass
Credit: Ney Grant
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Credit: Ney Grant
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Credit: Ney Grant
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From Sunrise pass we skied down the other side, ending up with just th...
From Sunrise pass we skied down the other side, ending up with just the three of us for this grand tour. So good and beautiful it was surreal.
Credit: Ney Grant
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Credit: Ney Grant
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Did I mention the best skiing of my life? It was like a reverse of the...
Did I mention the best skiing of my life? It was like a reverse of the movie Office Space, except each day was better skiing than the last, each one the best of my life so far. Anyway, it was decent skiing.
Credit: Ney Grant
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Credit: Ney Grant
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On this long tour circumnavigating Mount McKean (pretty much like circumnavigating Denali) we ended up at the bottom of the 2,700 foot drop but then got cliffed out. We skinned back up and traversed until we found a way down but the avy danger was high and this was the sketchiest of the trip.
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Credit: Ney Grant
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The “cook” Chris was actually a trained chef and we ate extremely well. Each morning started with his homemade granola, fruit and yogurt. Then it was hot breakfast at 8:00 am such as eggs benedict or a soufflé and bacon. Hearty Hors D’Ourves at 5:00 and hand-crafted dinner at 7:00. So basically two breakfasts and two dinners each day with snacks and lunch during the day. And we didn’t gain weight.
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Credit: Ney Grant
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Short version: I got up early and got this nice photo. Longer version. Even though it was about negative gazillion degrees out (F) I knew the moon wasn’t out and that the milky way was above Woden Peak so I went out just before first light and snow-shoed away from the lodge for a photo session and when I stepped outside I had to pee really bad and didn’t fully set up the tripod on the snow before I let go and the tripod fell over and hit the outdoor grill and snapped off the tripod head but peeing still came first and then I had to balance the camera on the tripod instead of screwing it in and this is a photo that is actually five portrait-mode 20 second photos stitched together so I’m amazed it worked but don’t look at the trees on the right because they are blurry.
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Credit: Ney Grant
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Me with Fred behind. Only because he wanted to be…
Me with Fred behind. Only because he wanted to be…
Credit: Ney Grant
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Credit: Ney Grant
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Betsy was anxious about keeping up with the guys on the downhills – she did great and did some steep stuff. As always she was a star at going up and within a few days I heard mumbling of “Who is that woman?” Her and Fred usually led the way and with the fresh snow they had to put in new skin tracks everywhere we went.
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Credit: Ney Grant
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Dry and happy skins and boots
Dry and happy skins and boots
Credit: Ney Grant
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Credit: Ney Grant
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Credit: Ney Grant
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There are some steep couloirs that occasionally get skied, but we are way back in the backcountry, avy danger is “considerable” and frankly why am I making excuses? I wouldn’t have done them anyway. This specific area is over a pass so we are out of radio coverage of the lodge and friends (we all carried VHF radios).
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The “Gateway”. Great steep runs either by going left or right of the r...
The “Gateway”. Great steep runs either by going left or right of the rock – and you end up at the same place WAY below. Which is nice because you can use the same skin track coming back up.
Credit: Ney Grant
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Credit: Ney Grant
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Get up, have two breakfasts and do it again.
Get up, have two breakfasts and do it again.
Credit: Ney Grant
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Credit: Ney Grant
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Credit: Ney Grant
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Look closely and you can see Dan the snowboarder shredding this hill. He was taking laps alone, broadcasting a position report each time he dropped and also when he got to the bottom. Which was how I knew to look over the valley and see him. Typically with a group you make a radio call only when you drop into something (not at the bottom). Or if you have something snarky to say.
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It snowed again late in the trip. We got some face shots, but really o...
It snowed again late in the trip. We got some face shots, but really only because the snow was so light it kind of blew up your chest into your face. Still great.
Credit: Ney Grant
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What made this? Dachshund? Weasel?
What made this? Dachshund? Weasel?
Credit: Ney Grant
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Betsy and I. One of the only times I didn't have more layers on, even ...
Betsy and I. One of the only times I didn't have more layers on, even when climbing. It ranged from -10 to 10 F. Except at night negative gazillion.
Credit: Ney Grant
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While waiting for the helicopter out.
While waiting for the helicopter out.
Credit: Ney Grant
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I think the pilot has a defroster for his window…
I think the pilot has a defroster for his window…
Credit: Ney Grant
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  Trip Report Views: 2,168
Ney Grant
About the Author
Ney is a trad climber from Pollock Pines.


Trad climber
  Feb 14, 2019 - 03:33pm PT
Sounds like fun. Having a good time in BC means more than Squamish.
A friend of mine does a 1 week trip every winter back country skiing out of a lodge. If he doesn't know the area he hires a guide, not cause he needs one, but just to make sure he maximizes the good skiing.

Castlegar BC
  Feb 14, 2019 - 03:57pm PT
Sweeet trip, thanks for the awesome report!

Yep, Mt.Gimli is the big massif the person is pointing at. Midgard is the next peak to the left (above their right shoulder) and Asgard is the next peak to the left. The right skyline of Asgard is a sweet 5.6 ridge on stellar Gneiss......
norm larson

wilson, wyoming
  Feb 19, 2019 - 06:08pm PT
Ney, thanks for the stoke. I’m flying out of Nakusp next week to a hut just over the ridge from where you were.
Can’t tell the size from your photo, but those are either pine marten or ermine tracks. Most likely pine marten.
And, Gimli has a great 10a super classic route on the right edge of the view in your photo.
What’s the best place to eat in Nakusp if you don’t mind me asking?

Big Wall climber
  Feb 14, 2019 - 03:59pm PT
You had me at Valhalla!
You can't say skii without smiling!

Gym climber
Minkler, CA
  Feb 14, 2019 - 04:07pm PT



I showed this to my wife and she may finally get into splitboarding with me.

Those couloirs in the black and white photo look amazing! But, you're right, why would you scare yourself when you can have so much fun on other runs?

Thanks for sharing! No thanks for making me so jealous :)
Ney Grant

Trad climber
Pollock Pines
Author's Reply  Feb 14, 2019 - 04:22pm PT
The Lodge at Arrow Lake at Naksup is the place to eat. It is where CMH operates out of so a little more upscale than the rest of town. The Leland Hotel is where we stayed and I liked it - old and rustic. But the whole town fills up with hockey tournaments so beware.
Ezra Ellis

Trad climber
North wet, and Da souf
  Feb 14, 2019 - 04:30pm PT
Awesomeness squared,
Just gorgeous

Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
  Feb 14, 2019 - 04:37pm PT
Beautiful photos. Glad you had a great trip & best skiing ever.
Ney Grant

Trad climber
Pollock Pines
Author's Reply  Feb 14, 2019 - 06:14pm PT
Thanks - fixed it.
tom woods

Gym climber
Bishop, CA
  Feb 14, 2019 - 08:18pm PT
Awesome. Skiing like that is one of those things. If you get the opportunity, you pretty much have to do it.

A long way from where I started
  Feb 14, 2019 - 08:46pm PT
Hah. Clearly you have no idea about skiing, or about Supertopo.

If you want to post here, you have to understand that there is nothing worth climbing or skiing outside of California.

Canada? Are you kidding? Nothing up there but wheatfields. Oh, sure, they have some ice climbs sprayed with waterhoses onto the sides of barns and grain silos, but skiing? Get real. Mammoth is where it's at.

Social climber
  Feb 14, 2019 - 10:05pm PT
hey there, say, ney... wow, i really enjoyed this...

thanks for sharing...

loved the cozy warm cabin...
and-- food sounded like good fellowship time...


nice pics, all around!

Mountain climber
Basel, Switzerland
  Feb 14, 2019 - 10:52pm PT
WOWWWWW!!! You call this decent skiing? Sounds a bit understated to me, looks more like skiing the universe. Great TR, thanks for sharing and making us envious. And you had good food, you really had it all: snow sun food friends, good for you! Hope you get more of this.

Trad climber
  Feb 15, 2019 - 06:33am PT
Spectacular photos and stoke!
Brian in SLC

Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
  Feb 15, 2019 - 06:49am PT

Trad climber
  Feb 15, 2019 - 06:51am PT
Awesome trip (and report)

Trip of a lifetime.

Color me jealous.


Monterey, Ca
  Feb 15, 2019 - 07:15am PT
Such a blessing and priveledge to enjou such a trip.

You are a talented photographer, to boot.

May I ask how much this sort of trip costs? To an urchin like me, such a trip is a vague, abstract concept, far out of my means to even fantasize.
Tom Patterson

Trad climber
  Feb 15, 2019 - 07:17am PT
What a trip! Thanks for bringing us along!

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
  Feb 15, 2019 - 08:15am PT

I am curious as to the cost of such a great looking trip.

Cheers wilbeer
Spider Savage

Mountain climber
The shaggy fringe of Los Angeles
  Feb 15, 2019 - 08:37am PT
Dream vacation. Thank you for sharing.
Ney Grant

Trad climber
Pollock Pines
Author's Reply  Feb 15, 2019 - 09:28am PT
The trip was around $1,700 and about $525 of that was food and the chef. Well worth it in my opinion as its nice to come back exhausted and late. I know the trip behind us did not have a chef and were bringing in their own food. This cost did include the helicopter ride in and out. A custodian (in our case the co-owner) stays with you to tell you how to run the wood-fired sauna, heat water, etc. You fly in on Saturday and fly out the next Saturday. The helicopter is expensive to fly so guests climb in the helicopter right after other guests jump out. They also do a sling load in and out. You get 45 lbs not including skis. That's enough but not a lot. You basically just bring extra underwear, T shirts and socks and a few luxury items like some beer or a tripod. We had 10 people but one dropped out, so I think all of us threw in more beer and wine.

Monterey, Ca
  Feb 15, 2019 - 10:30am PT
Hey Nay,

WWOW thats surprisingly reasonable for such an extravogent experience... i would have ballparked it closer to 5g!!!


Social climber
Ridgway, CO
  Feb 15, 2019 - 10:34am PT
Way! Ney!

Thanks for sharing the goods.

Social climber
  Feb 18, 2019 - 11:39am PT
so happy for you guys! also very jealous.

and wait a minute... sauna?

Mountain climber
Colorado & Nepal
  Feb 15, 2019 - 10:09pm PT
Wonderful trip report. I've heard back country skiing in B.C. is great but seeing is believing. So reasonable too. I too am envious.

Mountain climber
Manhattan Beach, CA
  Feb 16, 2019 - 12:02am PT
Incredible pictures and trip!
Charlie D.

Trad climber
Western Slope, Tahoe Sierra
  Feb 18, 2019 - 05:58am PT
Ha, sure puts those days of snow camping in perspective!!! A Canadian hut trip is the good life, great you got after it Ney & Betsy. Hope to ski with you and your beasts in March as I’m on my way to BC.
Ney Grant

Trad climber
Pollock Pines
Author's Reply  Feb 18, 2019 - 11:58am PT
Hi Charlie,

I'd love to do the big tour we did a few years back. That backside bowl is so big and beautiful, if not a little scary. Maybe we can get Ron onboard?
John M

  Feb 18, 2019 - 01:11pm PT
holy moly.. some people know how to live.

Looks Fantastic. Thanks for sharing!

  Feb 18, 2019 - 03:33pm PT
Fu king awesome.
$1700 seems extremely reasonable for that access and those conditions.
