Trip Report
Wednesday June 24, 2015 1:36pm

Hello fellows,
First of all i would like to apologize since English is not my primary language.... sorry for the errors.

Back in 2013 I became one of the first Costa Rican's to climb EL Capitan with my partner Gino....
I remember when we were about to start our climb this guy appeared from nowhere carrying a bunch of haul bags with a tons of water.... He introduced himself and ask us about our climb and we started a conversation at the base of Salathe Wall..... after a couple of minutes I asked him about his partner to which he replied... No, I have no partner I will solo the shield.... I was kind of shocked.... asking myself... how in the world this guy is climbing "solo" on El Cap....

By that moment of course, i didn't know to much about big wall climbing and stuff, the highest thing we have here in our country is 50 meters of sport climbing ""we have discovered recently a wall around 500 meters, but that is a subject of another report"" :) .... the guy's name is Yann Cammus from Canada, a great guy, always laughing... he showed us his "metallic partner" the silent partner and explained us a little be of how it worked and stuff. We all went to our climbs and had a blast since the beginning.

Couple of months later I contacted him by facebook and started to ask him things about soloing since I really wanted to know more about "THE DARK AND FORBIDDEN ART OF ROPE SOLOING" Andy Kirkpatrick....

I started to train seriously on the thing around April 2014, got my porta ledge, hooks and pitons I would needed and started to plan to "SOLO" Zodiac 5.13c/d - 5.7 A3.

All the things got together and the 1st of June 2015 I flew to LAX rented a car and drive to Yosemite.... the second of June I got everything ready, took my haul bags from the bridge to the base of Zodiac with the help of my friend Manuel, we both slept there and the 3rd of June at 5.30am I blasted off for the best 6 days of my live, even though I got up and downs during those days they were definitely a blast.

Going back one day in my report.... I passed by the bridge on the 2do of June to remain Tom Evans I would be on Zodiac, Mark Hudon was there and they both wished me luck.... Tom Evans told me this ""IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG JUST HAVE A BREAK AND RELAX.... DON'T COME DOWN, JUST GO UP"" I treasured those words and had them in my mine during the all climbing.

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Tom Evans, Mark Hudon...  What a great guys!!!! thank you guys...
Tom Evans, Mark Hudon... What a great guys!!!! thank you guys...
Credit: Alejo
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Belay at the base of Zodiac
Belay at the base of Zodiac
Credit: Alejo
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I baptized my silent partner :) i named it "BUMBLEBEE", He was a good friend to be with up there, didn't drink my water or eat my food, didn't snore at all, pretty nice guy.....
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having some serious talking to bumblebee on day 6
having some serious talking to bumblebee on day 6
Credit: Alejo
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day 1, I climbed 3 pitches, linked the first two, everything was good and things just flowed naturally.
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pitch 3....
pitch 3....
Credit: Alejo
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Day 2, I started climb around 7.30 after have breakfast and had planed to climb 3 pitches that day but things went kind of slow so at the end of the second day I was on pitch #5. I was enjoying the climb and had no rush since I had water and food for 6 days...
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got fixed there :/
got fixed there :/
Credit: Alejo
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Day 3, I wake up early that day, 4.30am and started to climb at 6.30, it was a great day even though I climbed just two pitches, I had a "cluster f*#k" that took me 2 hours to solve, had to set up a temporary anchor equalizing 2 pieces and rappelling down to the belay, I was on a C3 section and task was complex but I got it done....

Rain and thunderstorm came into the valley and I was getting to the "el portal" pitch #7 and scape from the rain since the overhang part of the route protected me from that moment on.
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Beaks.... Jim Bridwell style.... :)
Beaks.... Jim Bridwell style.... :)
Credit: Alejo
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Day 4, another cluster f*#k that took my mind out of the thing.... wind was heavy and some how ropes got out of the rope bags and get trapped underneath
of the pigs, rope ends were tense and was hard to solve it.... couldn't move
down or up.... finally I got things under control.... later on I dropped couple of webbing and one of my aiders (I had a spare in the pig), but from that moment I realized how thin the line between success and the failure is, I mean, just drop another aider or a grigri or an ascender could make things really hard, not that you canīt keep going but definitely harder and longer, with same water and food..... that's a ""what if I get on this position"" thing to think about.... and be prepare... soloing is just you and only you.

Anyway I took the aider from the pig and kept climbing during the day, at the end of the day I was at pitch 9.
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going well....
going well....
Credit: Alejo
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fish portaledge and fly :)
fish portaledge and fly :)
Credit: Alejo
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starting the black tower pitch
starting the black tower pitch
Credit: Alejo
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Day 5.... just great day, windy, fresh, climbing was great pitches were amazing, a lot of free moves on those 5.8 before peanut ledge, took a fall but bumblebbe was ready to catch me.... Tom Evans was there to shot just the second before I fell and the second after that..... :)
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Credit: Alejo
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after :)
after :)
Credit: Alejo
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My right hand was worked, it swelled and hurt every night from the day 3 on and started to be numbed from day 4.... (today June 24 is still numb, some nerves pinched on my neck or back y guess, working on that with a therapist).

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Credit: Alejo
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hugging the pigs... so glad to have them close to me... water food clo...
hugging the pigs... so glad to have them close to me... water food clothe.... everything.
Credit: Alejo
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camhooking....  THE WAY TO GO!!!!!
camhooking.... THE WAY TO GO!!!!!
Credit: Alejo
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the nipple pitch...
the nipple pitch...
Credit: Alejo
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some jamming before peanut ledge
some jamming before peanut ledge
Credit: Alejo
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sorting gear...
sorting gear...
Credit: Alejo
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immortalizing the moment....
immortalizing the moment....
Credit: Alejo
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3 pitches left....
3 pitches left....
Credit: Alejo
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Day 6 I topped out around 3pm-4pm, hauled pigs to the top, went to the creak for some water, racked everything and spent the night there...

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5 meters from the top
5 meters from the top
Credit: Alejo
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tired but exited.
tired but exited.
Credit: Alejo
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On the day 7 I managed may way down, slow but enjoying it.... I guess most of the climbers who climb El Cap for the first time are well prepare for the climb but not know anything for the way to get down to the valley which is hard by the way. It was my second time up there and I knew the way down well.

Couple of more pictures from Tom Evans, El Cap Reporter.... great pictures...

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Credit: Alejo
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Credit: Alejo
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Cleaning the black tower pitch
Cleaning the black tower pitch
Credit: Alejo
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Credit: Alejo
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The nipple... what a great pitch....
The nipple... what a great pitch....
Credit: Alejo
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Shot of the day... El Cap Reporter 06-08-2015 by Tom Evans... <br/>
Shot of the day... El Cap Reporter 06-08-2015 by Tom Evans...
immortalizing the moment... :)
Credit: Alejo
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At the top..... 6 days latter.... YEEEEEAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
At the top..... 6 days latter.... YEEEEEAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
Credit: Alejo
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Andy Kirkpatrick, the "guru" of rope soloing. He was there climbing Zo...
Andy Kirkpatrick, the "guru" of rope soloing. He was there climbing Zodiac with a partner when I started my soloing, it was such a nice thing for me since during my all training I red 6 books of this guy including "Me Myself and I"
Credit: Alejo
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Thanks you all for Read my TR, and thanks to all the people involve on the "bigwalls" climbing world.....

Thank You Yann Cammus for everything you have taught regarding of rope soloing.

Will be climbing El Cap again in 2017 so, see you in two Years.

  Trip Report Views: 8,862
About the Author
Alejo is a trad climber from costa rica.

Russ Walling

Social climber
from Poofters Froth, Wyoming
  Jun 24, 2015 - 01:45pm PT
Way to go! Great job and nice report!

Trad climber
Nothing creative to say
  Jun 24, 2015 - 01:46pm PT
that's the stuff

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
  Jun 24, 2015 - 01:51pm PT
Eres El Vato! Bien escrito, tambien!
Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
  Jun 24, 2015 - 02:24pm PT
Well done
Welcome to the big-wall solo club.

Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
  Jun 24, 2015 - 02:26pm PT
Good on ya for gittin' 'er done!!! Nice work!!!
Todd Bauck

Trad climber
Denver, co
  Jun 24, 2015 - 03:02pm PT
Well done - Thanks for the trip report!

Mountain climber
The Ocean
  Jun 24, 2015 - 04:30pm PT

Loved the report! Grats!

some eastside hovel
  Jun 24, 2015 - 04:52pm PT
Thanks! That was a good read. Good pix to boot! :-D

Trad climber
No. Tahoe
  Jun 24, 2015 - 04:57pm PT
Nice job!

Trad climber
  Jun 24, 2015 - 04:59pm PT

very nice!

Ice climber
  Jun 24, 2015 - 04:59pm PT
Congrats. I've got to hand it to you, especially since your hand was hurting from day three on.


Trad climber
Upland, CA
  Jun 24, 2015 - 05:22pm PT
That was a great trip report to read. I'm happy for you that you made it and had a great time. Congratulations!

Big Wall climber
  Jun 24, 2015 - 05:34pm PT
Very nice!
Ezra Ellis

Trad climber
North wet, and Da souf
  Jun 24, 2015 - 06:04pm PT
Well done sir!!!
dee ee

Mountain climber
Of THIS World (Planet Earth)
  Jun 24, 2015 - 07:25pm PT
Wow. Great job bro!

Great advice from Tom! and the essence of success. "Have a break and relax. Don't come down, just go up."

Mountain climber
  Jun 24, 2015 - 11:17pm PT
Great report, with so many good photos.
Admirable climbing.
Thanks for posting!

Trad climber
Can't get here from there
  Jun 24, 2015 - 09:20pm PT
Your english is good enough to convey your stoke. Great job sticking to it.
Thanks for the TR and pics.

Trad climber
Seattle, WA
  Jun 24, 2015 - 10:44pm PT

Bien hecho Tico!!!!!! y gracias.

Hey even though they didn't get far, I loved the way las Ticas played in the women's WC. Cool and intense manager, too.

Really good TR

Trad climber
  Jun 25, 2015 - 05:24am PT
Bad Ass!!!

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
  Jun 25, 2015 - 05:38am PT

Trad climber
Punter, Little Rock
  Jun 25, 2015 - 07:20am PT
Wonderful TR. Nice photos and captures the experience well. TFPU!

Social climber
  Jun 25, 2015 - 09:03am PT
Good stuff!!! Solo is the full on commitment. Way to get it together and go for it!

Trad climber
  Jun 25, 2015 - 09:30am PT
Heck Yeah, a helmetless ascent!

Trad climber
Fresno/Clovis, ca
  Jun 25, 2015 - 10:34am PT
Selfie-stick to the Trip Report rescue! Fantastic report man. Your English is better than half of the Americans on this site. Congrats on a proud send and some great photos to keep us all excited for the summer!


Trad climber
East Coast
  Jun 25, 2015 - 10:55am PT
Great climb, Alejo. Congratulations! It seems you had good luck or good strategy to deal with bears at the start as a solo climber.

Trad climber
  Jun 25, 2015 - 11:44am PT
Great report! Great read! :)

Sport climber
  Jun 25, 2015 - 12:22pm PT

A pretty nice ascent by Alejo and BUMBLEBEE...
Ed H

Trad climber
Santa Rosa, CA
  Jun 25, 2015 - 12:58pm PT
Big Wall stoke - thanks! Congrats on the send!

Trad climber
  Jun 25, 2015 - 01:29pm PT
Great work

  Jun 27, 2015 - 07:33pm PT
Nice TR Alejo! It is full of good vibes, I like it :-)

Trad climber
  Jun 27, 2015 - 07:43pm PT
Super motivated from your great report! Thanks for sharing

  Jun 27, 2015 - 08:56pm PT
Well done! Congratulations.

Good luck with the therapy for your hand.

Trad climber
Northern Italy
  Aug 6, 2015 - 02:51am PT
thanks for sharing, very inspiring.

I am practicing my solo aid climbing at a crag and I keep messing with all the gear. Especially daisies strangling the rope around the silent partner, not nice.

I hope the book "me myself and I" could help me but I cannot find it in sale, crap :D

Sport climber
Atlanta, GA
  Aug 6, 2015 - 05:34am PT
This is GREAT! Congrats!

Trad climber
Punter, Little Rock
  Aug 6, 2015 - 08:11am PT
Another El Cap climbing TR. Where is this site headed?

Trad climber
East Coast
  Dec 7, 2015 - 09:47am PT

Social climber
An Oil Field
  Dec 7, 2015 - 09:56am PT
Great pics! Well done!
'Pass the Pitons' Pete

Big Wall climber
like Ontario, Canada, eh?
  Dec 8, 2015 - 05:33pm PT
Nice send!

Man, that is one W - Y - D - E A - S - S camera lens!

Trad climber
SeKi, California
  Dec 9, 2015 - 08:16am PT
Very Nice Ascent! Bravo! Nice inspiration to read, Thanks!

Trad climber
  Feb 23, 2016 - 04:37pm PT
brian benedon

Trad climber
  Feb 24, 2016 - 02:44pm PT
right on bro

You need a cervical traction device for the numbness, it took me about 4months to get over it.
Killer K

Boulder climber
Sacramento, CA
  Feb 26, 2016 - 01:50pm PT

I don't think his cervix has anything to do with the numbness....;)

  Feb 28, 2016 - 04:29am PT
Very nice report...
the top out is a moment that you want to repeat many time... isn't it?



Trad climber
Douglas, WY
  Feb 28, 2016 - 09:12pm PT
Way to go! Excellent Trip Report!
philip leng

Trad climber
Solihull, UK
  May 13, 2016 - 01:38am PT
Great report, thanks. Helping to build my psyche.