Trip Report
Running the Zion Traverse
Tuesday May 28, 2013 4:14pm
Over the past two years my wife has gotten pretty involved in running far. The Zion Traverse was her fifth Ultra-Marthaon and first 50 Mile run. I was happy to provide support for the run and take video for the section I ran with her. Despite a lack of climbing it seems that running all the way across Zion is a crazy awesome way to experience the park.
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Lizzy and her running partner Julie at the pre-dawn start.
Lizzy and her running partner Julie at the pre-dawn start.
Credit: cultureshock
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This run was also part of an annual field trip in memory of Ben Horne and Gil Weiss. Over twenty friends ran parts of all of the Zion Traverse to honor our lost friends.

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The Zoom Loco crew at the mile 28 Aid Station.
The Zoom Loco crew at the mile 28 Aid Station.
Credit: Carlyn Peterson
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Why do thousands of people return year after year to some of the hardest footraces on the planet? The reason is simple: because people like to challenge themselves. We have chosen to do so through the venue of mountain running, and that venue has provided incredible rewards to its practitioners for as long as people have been doing it. Long-distance running makes us happy, so we want to do it as much as possible. Simple as that. We can be confident that we’re doing the right thing because we love what we’re doing. I don’t believe any other reason to be so powerful.

-Dakota Jones

I think the same thing could be said of climbing.

Here is the video of our run:

[Click to View YouTube Video]

The full Zion Traverse is about 50 miles with 8,500 feet of elevation gain. It is point to point so you have to set up some type of car shuttle. There are many springs along the route so you can filter water.

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Zion Traverse Map
Zion Traverse Map
Credit: cultureshock
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More run details and thoughts from Lizzy:



  Trip Report Views: 5,720
About the Author
Luke is a trad climber and occasional runner from Sunnyvale, CA.


Boulder climber
  May 28, 2013 - 04:23pm PT
Looks like a fun run, and really runnable course. How much of that was pavement?

Trad climber
Fresno CA
  May 28, 2013 - 05:09pm PT
Super effort!


Trad climber
Sad the forum is gone =(
  May 28, 2013 - 07:56pm PT
Sweet video, watch it if you like radness

Trad climber
  May 28, 2013 - 09:11pm PT
Super fun run and a great effort! I loved it when I did it...definitely the best way to experience Zion.

Trad climber
San Diego, Ca
  May 28, 2013 - 09:40pm PT

Ben ran the Pacific Crest trail 50 miler in 2012 under the #85 in honor of his friend Tim who ran it in 2011 and passed away 3 days later. Ben came in 2nd which was awsome. After Ben's accident last year the race director retired the number for good to honor Ben and Tim. Very cool I thought. You guys were running in Zion the same weekend as the PCT. I was thinking of you guys during the race. Looks like it was a good time. Thanks for posting up.
I don't think I had ever met Ben or Gil, but they sure seemed to have had a great influence on the climbing & running community down in San Diego.

Mountain climber
Manhattan Beach, CA
  May 29, 2013 - 12:03am PT
Lizzy was my TA once at Caltech! I also used to flail on "Lizzy's warm-up" in the cave. I vaguely remember that she hated running... it's cool to see the total 180.

Big Wall climber
  May 29, 2013 - 12:12am PT
sweet! solid effort. i did this last weekend of april.

atchafalaya - paved way more than i was expecting. my old cranky knees were not happy. there were some downhill parts that i was hoping to make up serious time but just couldnt run it cause it was steep and concrete and the knees were screaming.

that being said i didnt train worth crap for it, so my own fault.

Boulder climber
  May 29, 2013 - 12:56am PT
Thanks salad, I guess it's the price to pay for such nice views. Looks like a great run, is it part of the course for Zion 100? Or is that on different trail.?thanks

Trad climber
Mountain View
Author's Reply  May 29, 2013 - 12:11pm PT
The Zion 100 is a bit different.

I think there are less than 5 miles of pavement on the whole thing. The downside is the 10+ miles of sandy trail.

Hamik, you are totally right about Lizzy's prior dislike of running. Now she has gone off the deep end in the other direction. I'm sure I'll run into you one of these days in the valley. I've been following your and V's adventures. Great NIAD TR!

Ezra Ellis

Trad climber
North wet, and Da souf
  Jun 2, 2013 - 03:49pm PT
VERY nice, way to honor Gil and Ben!

Trad climber
Mountain View
Author's Reply  Jun 4, 2013 - 07:36pm PT
Yeah we both run at Rancho.

I actually crewed/paced for Ben at Western States last year. Very cool experience.

Seems to me like WS is a pretty hard 100 Miler, I guess most are... I'm sure she will run a 100 eventually, getting in to WS is hard. Pretty crazy to run into the night, especially if you run long enough to see two sunrises.
Brian in SLC

Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
  Jun 5, 2013 - 12:32am PT
Great job!

Some more sillyness in Zion:
ß Î Ø T Ç H

Boulder climber
  Feb 14, 2015 - 12:18am PT