Trip Report
Offwidth Bouldering Overview (Montana's Boulder Batholith)
Wednesday June 10, 2009 3:03pm

Pictures and video of 16 different offwidth problems


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bottom left corner bottom right corner


  Trip Report Views: 2,504
About the Author
TKingsbury is a trad climber from MT.


Trad climber
the jeep
  Jun 10, 2009 - 03:14pm PT

need to get back on the fruwidth....

where's the wormhole? i figured out the other two....



Trad climber
Author's Reply  Jun 10, 2009 - 03:18pm PT
Thanks bro!

The Wormhole


Trad climber
Butte, America
  Jun 10, 2009 - 03:22pm PT
Good job putting those together--I need to re-visit some of those and get revenge on them for making me bleed.

Trad climber
Author's Reply  Jun 10, 2009 - 05:57pm PT
Thanks Moj! I agree...some must be returned to...

Inside Straight(proj)


I also forgot about Ringing Roof

Not sure where I'd put that one on the list...

Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
  Jun 10, 2009 - 09:14pm PT
Fantastico! You guys are nuts in a really good way. You should have given the guy laybacking the wide crack penalty slack, but I guess he would have to be on a rope for that to happen.

Trad climber
Author's Reply  Jun 10, 2009 - 09:38pm PT
haha! Thanks Jim! We we're trying to jam that one, but laying it back worked out much faster...

you still coming up for a tour?

Trad climber
Butte, America
  Jun 10, 2009 - 09:42pm PT
No penalty slack in bouldering, Jim--just spotters taking a "safety" break when you're cruxin':-)

Random Nobody
  Jun 10, 2009 - 09:55pm PT
TKing - now.. some of those pics are just plain showin' off!!!

Good, clean, wholesome family fun...

Social climber
Bay Area
  Jun 12, 2009 - 12:16pm PT
bump for wide luv

Trad climber
Author's Reply  Jun 12, 2009 - 12:42pm PT
Hey, thanks for the bump!

I forgot this one too

In the Benchlands, hands to wide...I think Pat gave this one a .9+...

Trad climber
Author's Reply  Jun 12, 2009 - 02:09pm PT
Forgot about this one too...though it might be classified as a squeeze chimney problem...

-The Breather


Social climber
Wisteria Ln.
  Jul 30, 2009 - 10:25pm PT
On my way .I'll be there Sat.morn.Might stop at Lolo.Are there cracks there?Where are the easiest cracks to find for starters?I got Toulas Rocknroad.Is that any help?
goatboy smellz

Gulf Breeze
  Jul 30, 2009 - 10:54pm PT
I'm confused...everyone knows there's no climbing in Montana.
The media have their cameras ready for you down by the Citadel in the Voo for Saturday.

Please advise.

Gisele says Hello!

Random Nobody
  Jul 30, 2009 - 11:31pm PT
It's back...

Cool.. more pics!!!!

Still say it's showing off, but man that looks really cool!


Boulder climber
Mariposa, CA
  Jul 30, 2009 - 11:53pm PT
Those are some awesome problems!!!!!

Trad climber
Butte, America
  Jul 31, 2009 - 12:00am PT
Dick, since Tom left already for the Beartooths, I feel responsible for helping you find cracks/stone. If you can e-mail me your best-guess at a time schedule, I'll set you up with some Google Earth maps and beta to help you along. Lolo has fine boulders, but not much for cracks. The locals there have found plenty of pebbles, and I could put you in contact with them if you'd like.

Again, e-mail me with some time frame you'd like to play in out here, and I'll do my best. I'm bummed to be not out climbing with you, but family first sometimes, eh?

My ST e-addy is good.

edit: we leave Sat. morning, so I'll have time get you the beta to help you along

Social climber
Wisteria Ln.
  Jul 31, 2009 - 12:17pm PT
Hi Gisele.Miss you.

Trad climber
Golden, CO
  Jul 31, 2009 - 01:03pm PT
So Dick, Are you going to make it to Vedauwoo later in August?

Trad climber
dancin on the tip of god's middle finger
  Jul 31, 2009 - 03:58pm PT
sometimes on the grimmer projects,
i'll rap in an pre-place some gear.

for the fist-to-off width cracks, a 12 oz can of pabst (end-to-end big-bro style) just after the crux.

for the tad-wider off width, i'll use a tall boy.

just after the crux too.


Trad climber
Author's Reply  Aug 5, 2009 - 11:58am PT
You still in the Boulder Batholith Dick?

There's talk of getting out there this weekend...unfortunately this working stiff is a weekend warrior...hit us up though!

Hopefully you're out exploring and pulling...and hopefully taking some pictures!

Trad climber
Butte, America
  Aug 5, 2009 - 05:34pm PT
Afternoon bump for Mr. Cilley:

Have pads, will travel...

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
  Aug 5, 2009 - 07:20pm PT
awesome, as usual, Tom

That topout of Grindhouse looks heinous too!

A pile of dirt.
  Aug 6, 2009 - 01:47pm PT
Man I've gotta get my butt out of cali some time and check out this stuff. Looks uber classic wide!


Social climber
Wisteria Ln.
  Aug 6, 2009 - 02:20pm PT
I'm In the Batholith and loving it.But the weather is looking bad.Might bop down to Wyo.The Woo is a very distant possibility.No time.I saw the wormhole.Is that the standard descent?This place is a real world class bouldering destination. Especialy for cracks.

Trad climber
Author's Reply  Aug 6, 2009 - 02:24pm PT
Right on! I'm glad you're enjoying the area!

I think there's a down climb/walk off on that thing...I know that the hand crack around the left corner was done, and there wasn't any problems getting down that I remember...but my memory is bad for that zone.

If you do stick around until the weekend, we're planning on'd be fun to link up!

EDIT: kev, blue et all: Y'all are always welcome out here! Come on out!

Trad climber
Butte, America
  Aug 6, 2009 - 02:28pm PT
Dick, if you want some company, give me a call--I e-mailed you my phone numbers, the cell would be the better one to use. Directions, pads, spotting can be yours; but, I realize how much fun it is to explore and just climb the cracks alone:-)

A pile of dirt.
  Aug 6, 2009 - 03:32pm PT

Right on. If you're ever out this way let me know and I'll hook you up with a SoYo tour.


Trad climber
Author's Reply  Aug 6, 2009 - 05:35pm PT

Heading here on Saturday...
Captain...or Skully

Boise, ID
  Aug 6, 2009 - 07:57pm PT
Dude, this is fabuloso.

Trad climber
Butte, America
  Aug 9, 2009 - 10:31pm PT
Mr. Cilley found me in Butte, and we made a plan to rope up the next day. A baby sitter was secured, we proceeded to Spire Rock to hit some classic cracks. Dwight Bishop would have been proud of Dick's accomplishments on the sharp-end that day.

Here's the lone photo of the day, our traveling guest smiling on top

Tongue and Groove (5.11)*** You can either climb up the unprotected face to the crack above or traverse in from the right side. FA Dwight Bishop, 1987.

This was prolly the second finest outing on this route, with only the first to compare to. I couldn't pull the bottom seam/face section, and Dick got a good cam in before completing the clean lead.

Sussing jams on the uber-project


Pat Kings seconding another Cilley OW first.

More to follow as the week progresses.
scuffy b

heading slowly NNW
  Aug 10, 2009 - 10:52am PT
KICK ASS!!!!!!

Social climber
Wisteria Ln.
  Aug 11, 2009 - 01:30pm PT
Greetings from the next big thing Butte Mon.Where you can buy a house for 7,500 dollars.Just had breakfast at the Northstar Diner.My regular crowd(Fish ,Sooze,Jbro,and a long etc.) would love it .The rest of you would come along just to rub shoulders with us.Ready now to roam the hills searching out the best cracks.Yesterday I went out with Mojede to do the probable second ascent (Pictured above)of the Dockens Roof.What a beauty.It gets OW points for pump.Don't know why this place isn't crawling with climbers.Oh well.More pie for us.

Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
  Aug 11, 2009 - 01:38pm PT
Cilley in a Beaney? Oh the horror.

How are the job prospects for Sped teachers, up there?

Trad climber
Author's Reply  Aug 11, 2009 - 01:43pm PT
Jaybro, check out this link
and here

New OW roof:

Though Cilley checked out the invert, he went the delicate way...SPICY!


Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
  Aug 11, 2009 - 01:47pm PT
Too cool!

Social climber
Wisteria Ln.
  Aug 11, 2009 - 01:56pm PT
It was spicy.More like a little crazy.
goatboy smellz

Gulf Breeze
  Aug 11, 2009 - 02:02pm PT
What kind of pie?

Trad climber
Author's Reply  Aug 11, 2009 - 02:04pm PT
Honed in moves for sure though

I must say that an endorsement from Mr. Cilley is pretty rad. Nice to hear that our backwaters playground stands up with some of the better areas in the world...It was also rad to have someone new out here to check out and try some problems!

Cilley on the Dockins Roof (Mojede photos)...though I have to say that I thought Bill said he climbed the left/outside crack rather than the center line...I could be wrong though...but a FA perhaps...

and pushing the highpoint on the corner proj, NICE!

Hutch and Cilley also found this thing...y'all going back for it?! Looks SICK!

Captain...or Skully

Boise, ID
  Aug 11, 2009 - 02:10pm PT
That's some good shizz, there.

Trad climber
Butte, America
  Aug 11, 2009 - 06:07pm PT
Some more of Cilley's exploits in the Batholith:

Balancing arete climbs

Highball handcracks

Technical knob pulling

A pile of dirt.
  Aug 11, 2009 - 06:16pm PT
mike m

Trad climber
black hills
  Oct 17, 2011 - 12:19pm PT
Great TR and posts that follow.